LEGENDARY Texas BBQ! BEST Beef Brisket | Franklins vs. Terry Black’s in Austin Texas | 5 HOUR WAIT!

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[Music] [Music] hey guys I'm here in Austin Texas and there's so many amazing barbecue spots right here in Austin I'm only here for like a day and a half I can't get through them all but I sure am gonna try in the first place I'm going to right here Terry Black's barbecue supposed to be one of the greatest barbecue joints in Texas and that is to smokehouse this is where the magic happens look at all the smokers they have going on back here they use Post Oak to smoke everything guys where it gets that really intense smoky flavor I mean just yeah there's enough wood to get you through winter for sure oh my goodness oh it's all briskets 150 briskets a day smoking these babies I mean it's a real hero here this is Texas okay this is not like Alaska he's standing here like hunter the great heat right now already oh you smell that meat you smelt the smoke you smell the spices what's left well thank God they have briskets definitely going from briskets maybe some choppy I really want one of everything but let's see let's see what we can do so you walk in it's kind of like a cafeteria city that's where all the meat is being distributed so so I really want to be hanging out there's the size how do you do it step one wait in line step two is like the size choose the meat smile and be happy because you're in Six's eating why did you does exactly what I wanted to do smile and be happy and be munching on a juicy brisket know we got mac and cheese green beans paying for Mexican rice all the usuals punana putting on definitely gonna try that got my sides yeah now this is a Texas tray that's good oh oh is that a newbie friend oh my god this brisket Texas is known for brisket and this thing that's a southern belle oh my gosh this is so pretty it's borderline wrong and this is the fatty part of the brisket in this is the leaner part and look at the Bellini just just breaking apart from the slight pressure of the four they recommended this the jalapeno sausage it looks like jalapeno with cheese in the middle beautifully smoked links and then the big cabal ski the whole massive beef rib if this doesn't get you emotional right now you might just be a robot who doesn't need to eat a plastic fork I'm just trotting it slightly and you can see all that she's ready to burst to the surface like a beefy geyser in that that's just renders perfectly you know when this touches your tongue you know that thing's gonna magically dissolve right and that's where the magic lie that's my favorite part I mean seriously every single place my fork touches Steve is just breaking apart from the slightest pressure I mean it is a sensitive sensitive beef do not hurt its feelings cuz this thing's a little too sensitive and this is my favorite part right here on the back side with all that char and spices reside that and this look at all that nice char and spices just hovering one entire side of this delicious beef rabbit and just look at that smoke wing now that's a ring all the guys should be jealous out I came all the way to Texas for some of this I mean while I'm in Austin this will be the only thing I'm gonna eat this is one of the most gorgeous smelling ribs all that fat mixed in with a meat smoked to perfection tender to that touch whole thing covered in pepper spices hello Texas come here Oh I've heard the legend of Texas barbecue of legends and myths are an insult to the real deal did you seed that I didn't need to bite let me show you again all you got to do is give that a meaty kiss show some love it's gonna love you to head back tenfold I've had plenty of beef ribs in my life the flavor is so beyond anything I've had before oh my god the fatty part this thing needs to be put on a throw and be worship because I swear this this was made by the divine like it should be in a museum in case you know I get security guards everywhere this meat like when you break through this this little layer of spice perfectly crusty slightly charred outer shell and you gets it this part right here I'm gonna go ahead and call this the tender zone when you're in the tender zone you no longer need to do anything besides just kiss it and this thing falls apart you see all that fat when you take a bite this will just start melting on your tongue creating this magical silky smooth rich sauna like experience for your taste buds and then we already think you're in the most blissful of meat heavens you start tasting the smoke the tenderness of the feet the huge beefy flavor and then you realize this thing handed it's Texas in Texas is where meat heaven resides best part right here guys right here that right beside the bone you know how you know we would have them when every dish you ever you start flashing before your eyes that's a good sign and oh my god that is every time you think about it and really when you want to take the bone off the meat a plastic fork is all you need twist and slide that baby out clean like it just took a bath don't forgot I took every last remaining more so off the bone otherwise we just not show him this beat forever enough respect I definitely want a nice fatty piece look at that ring of smoke now I know why so many people when they retired to move to Texas you don't need to eat that stuff really don't when I'm older and I can't chew anymore I'm gonna come here at the beef flavor of the brisket every bite it's the perfect combo of fat and meat and smoke and B this spices and charges like somebody just took a bunch of ingredients and masterpiece right here it's so tender I think that Elvis song should actually be called love me beef brisket everything about this the huge beefy flavor smoked up fact that I really just got to push the me to the roof of my melting my tongue the whole thing just falls apart I need vegetables I have to dress have you ever experienced me overload which normally I don't have that problem it is almost like too powerful this is a British name I was told to dip it in some sweet barbecue sauce oh these sausages I feel like they should have a ring of other sausages just warming a posse around it because that that's a star I mean I thought those was just like a throwaway item you're in the presence of a giant beef rib in a Christian how good could you be how wrong I was the cheese just explodes when you take a bite you get that great spicy flavor of the jalapeno sweet barbecue sauce like they recommend it that there's a pearl chip I'm so cheesy Oh ma'am every time I take a bite of this I feel like I'm watching entire Twilight series all over again I think you stream honestly I love the beef rib the best light the sausage I'm in Texas so it might be sacrilegious for me to say I might like that better than the brisket that sausage is it's really really on a whole other level I needs time for me to have some fruit hello fluffy cloud Oh ma'am magnolias in New York has nothing on this bread pudding yeah real bananas for sure all that flavor is great it's really like eating a banana sweet cloud I am absolutely convinced this would have been in a cloud which is like everything here so good so good I can't even like I'm beside myself right now how good everything is what a legendary barbecue place I know how I can get better than this I'm gonna try a place out tomorrow that's supposed to be better it's supposed to be the best in Texas maybe the best in the country maybe the best barbecue in the world Morrow getting ready for a four-hour wait on a Franklin barbecue already the expectation is it's it's up there it's up there see the Mach 5 I gotta go line up apparently the best barbecue in the known universe Franklin's chair though I don't have a jacket but good thing this is Texas is already like 100 degrees outside when six o'clock in the morning I booked the hotel about 15 20 minute walk from Franklin's and this this is how I'm gonna get there I got kind of lost at roll past Franklin across the street only knows because I start smelling amazing barbecuing outside man must be near here there it is Franklin barbecue oh this is the line right now just a few of us here there's chairs for you down there that people leave huh I bought mine cuz I was like I didn't know this can be chairs with that but I bought mine well they do let you use the bathroom they'll give you water and stuff if you get hurt early you get to stand beneath the awning so that you don't get Sun or rain pelted oh yeah this is where I'll be for the next five hours yeah you just showed up doing lying Franklin I'm gonna be nice to hold on dude this is our famous wrong rock donut with famous donut yeah Robert don't leave I'm not one of these for you look how big he's doing sorry look look at his face is it a donut whoa my god do it this thing weighs like 20 pounds to get a good workout lifting this there's another one here Oh what is this is the original good Lord man thank you so much I'll use this for the next four days that's crazy yeah there's not just big in size big on flavor well good luck all right so here is some more information about this place that you will try to find really helpful once you get into the line about eight o'clock they come by and take your water and then you're gonna dig gonna I guess take your order again when it wants to get in also you really don't have to wait in line you know this if you order over three pounds of food which I already did for myself you can get it to go and you could go on their website pre water and you can't I couldn't do it for today I tried but you could do it for like a week from now so you don't have to wait in line to get the barbecue and I didn't know this but the beef rib is only on weekends I feel like I've missed out a lot today so I was just do a pre water on a weekend come in grab all your stuff take it you did somewhere else that would be what I would do next time anyway line has grown all the way to the end of the building over there I still don't think it's that bad of a line right now it's almost times almost 11 o'clock almost five-hour wait what's the artists finally after five hours of waiting let's play the barbecue is all mine I think you this thing is so juicy it's forming a beefy greasy pool in the bottom I tread let me show you what I got I got some ribs sausage link pulled pork smoked turkey everything they have on the menu today the only thing I'm missing is the beef rib which they only serve on weekends so sad about that by the way smoked turkey salt and pepper beautiful lean meats I'm thinking just by touching it right now this could be a little dry I hope not but it could be old pork juicy falling apart as I'm poking it with my fork sausage link looks spicy a lot of chilies herbs in here but this this is what I'm really here for look at these pork ribs perfectly smoked covered in salt and pepper a little bit of sauce and this thing it's a juicy look at that what I'm really here for and most people are here for in Texas is the brisket ribs as much as I love ya gotta step aside for the star Beyonce as a arrives that's not for amateurs and as soon as I touch the meat just slightly prodding it with my fork you sell the chooses come to the surface trying to gush out perfectly rush down the outside the most tender looking and this is a mix of fatty and bean brisket this is one of the most perfectly smoked brisket I have ever seen this place it definitely has a love affair with brisket and that's why they're able to put such a nice ring on it in the part in the middle that's the part I love that's the river of fat this this is where it's gonna really melt so nicely in your mouth and look at this this is the lean part right here look at that gorgeous ring of smoke Johnny Cash you write a song about this holds apart like a tender beefy accordion but this this is where I'm after this is the fatty part we want to put so much up pressure on this because you'll damage it Oh see just slight a little pressure and it just falls apart that's how tender this brisket is all - if I squeeze this even slightly I would have to pay for it because already damaged it I've been thinking about this barbecue place since hour since I heard about it about five six years ago I've been dreaming about coming here I'm gonna start from what I think is probably the least tasty to the most tasty you start with a turkey breast I mean I'm pretty sure turkeys can't fly but this this bird is soaring high the smoky flavor on this chicken breast this is next-level smoke do you ingredient to the most a dish including the brisket it's just salt and pepper and smoked and to make something like that it works so well this is why I believe the barbecue God does exist and heat where she resides in Texas I mean to take something that otherwise I'd be like that this is to try but to have the flavor compass a so much for the trainers I honestly can't stop eating that I don't think I've ever utter the words but Ricky's gonna drag give me another beat until today moving on to the pork ribs I'm picking up this piece at the and salt and pepper barbecue sauce and smoked transformed this disgust red they're just something that if this was my last meal on the planet I'd be pretty happy look at all that beautiful color salt pepper a little bit of sauce in this thing how easily it falls apart it might look try on camera but trust me it's anything but this is a juicy rip and it comes off the ball just like that I came for the brisket I'm falling in love with these ribs every bite I take my mouth is filled with tender melty juicy delicious and ready that's just engulfed in smoke and as you chew the smoky flavor it gets more and more intense until the meat goes down and you're thrilled in thing you're just gonna be begging to start that process all over again it's just it's too good I mean I knew Texas barbecue was gonna be good but this is barbecue dependency in the pulled pork that's no different all right favorite still ribs hands-down amazing red sausage it's not very spicy I thought it's gonna be really especially it's not again peppery supremely smoking I really like the fatty flavor on this this sausage is not as good as the cheddar sausages at a tarry black that one of the best times I've ever had this very solid sausage now the reason we drove all the way to Texas with the brisket trust me you ain't comin it's X to the e ribs I might love those ribs ain't the reason I'm visiting at Franklin guy math should be the gotta barbeque mutation with different parts not the brisket you're getting different texture different flavors some parts a little fatty some part a little more chewy and all parts equally melt in your mouth I can't believe the only ingredient is just salt and pepper oh there's smoke that's it almost sounds like magic something they will cook up in a hogwarts like here there's a little bit of salt and pepper in it and a big massive chunk of beef now make it taste like the most melt in your mouth delicious smoky who would item known to man and mission accomplished these are the smokiest was tender brisket I've ever put in my mouth I love the fatty part of our favorite items 100% pork ribs brisket again did not get a tried the deeper I'm sure I'm sure that's a magical experience because already just taking bite of the ribs and the brisket like I feel like it's loading right now and no I'm eating barbecue and I'm eating something that's heavy weighing me down better I feel lighter and let me just try this urban banana it's heart oh has a crumbly tart get the Bourbon bananatar this thing crumply sweet creamy banana flavor this tarp is like the beef brisket of the desert world ha this is so good gosh I have not been disappointed since I came to Texas well my first bite of barbecue - this right here not a single disappointing bite and finally to be able to tried the legends well a couple local legends Terry black and then frankly it just made me realize one thing God the barbecue back in New York sucked this is really not up to par doesn't Texas you have it good I mean for sure the barbecue guys are with you all right that was a fun little dessert interloop but up I didn't get back to the meat of the meal I got a long drive ahead of me and trust me I'm not leaving any of this behind behind we bonded I mean I read other reviews before coming here that people say waiting for hours is worth it honestly what do you learn was pretty funny gonna touch your neighbors you all have a similar passion for barbecue that's why you're all sitting there you have a nice conversation come here have some of the most amazing brisket and ribs known to man all of the only grab we can have a 5 a.m. to not regret coming here at Shake starter sitting there I mean you're sitting understand me they got chairs here and you covered up you're not standing in a Sun you're not standing in a ring just waiting for delicious barbecue and that's the old y saying goes good brisket comes to those who wait was it good things come to those who appreciates brisket as always guys all the place I went to is listed for you in my description box below and don't forget to check out new t-shirts at the merch store especially if you're a hot pot head check it out really cute ok I still have all this to get back to so thank you all so much for watching until we get again
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Views: 4,170,966
Rating: 4.8643894 out of 5
Keywords: texas bbq, texas bbq brisket, texas bbq brisket franklin, best texas bbq brisket, best texas bbq, best texas bbq ribs, texas bbq austin, austin texas bbq tour, austin bbq franklin, black's bbq austin texas, black's bbq austin, texas beef ribs, beef, ribs, smoked beef ribs, smoked beef brisket, texas, austin, sausage, sausage smoked
Id: vEn-tZa1vAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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