How to Make Beef Tallow from Brisket Trimmings

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welcome back to another episode of barbecue bottles and today we're going to be turning these leftover brisket trimmings into beef tallow this beef tallow some people call it texas butter it's a beautiful substitute for butter if you're searing steaks or for canola oil if you're doing deep fried really it's a great fat substitute in any recipe if you're looking for a bit richer and beefier flavor profile recipe so if you're into that kind of thing stick with us so our first steps a simple one we're just gonna get the brisket trimmings out here on a cutting board and cut them into smaller pieces now we're just chopping this up using a knife but if you've got a grinder you can put this through your meat grinder as well i think that'll have a tendency to get a little bit more beef tallow out of it but we found this method to be just fine so we're cutting our pieces up into a size about that big so now that we've got our trimmings chopped up here we're just going to add a little bit of water [Music] now we've added about a cup of water and this is just going to prevent any scorching as we're rendering down these trimmings now as you can see in here we do have a decent amount of actual muscle in addition to the fat and don't worry about that it's going to turn into these beautiful cracklings and we'll show you how that happens and how the fat just separates over the course of this this cook now the next step let's get the side burner on the bbq fired up and get this guy simmering away now we'll get our side burner turned on now we're going to set this to medium low because we want this to just be a controlled simmer we don't want to be burning anything just really nice and slow over the course of probably 45 minutes now the best part about doing this outside on the barbecue is not only do you keep the heat out of your house in the summer but there's some smells that will come off of this as we're rendering down animal fat and it's just nice to keep that outside as well you don't have the smell of rendering beef tallow going out throughout your house now we're just going to let this simmer away here for about 45 minutes and we'll be stirring periodically you don't want any of this to burn the pieces around the outside of the pot are actually going to render a little bit quicker than the interior so you want to be stirring that periodically the other thing that you can do while you're waiting is just dream up what you're going to use this for so what we're going to use it for in the next video on this channel is going to be a nashville hot chicken recipe but we're going to be doing wings and sliders so we're going to be using a mix of sand the cooking guy and joshua wiseman's recipes to come up with a really incredible nashville hot chicken chicken wing and slider recipe that's going to be perfect for game day so you can see we've got this bubbling away here it's simmering nicely you can already start to see some of the fat pieces going a little bit more translucent as they start to render off their fat so we're just going to let this continue to go here again we don't want this bubbling too quickly or vigorously but i think we've got it at the right temperature here on medium low so as you can see as we come along here the water's all evaporated off as this has been simmering for a little while and you'll start to get a brown oil and this is just the liquid gold that we're trying to get out of the brisket trimmings here so just continue to stir periodically you'll see some of the trimmings they'll start to brown up like this that's totally fine that's just starting to release all those fats and the tallow out of this brisket so this is perfect you can really see the trimming starting to brown up like this really really nice we're starting to develop that crispiness so it's almost like we're going to have beef crackling left over at the end of this process so just continue to stir like this and as it gets browner you're going to want to stir more frequently just to make sure that you're getting all of that remaining tallow rendered out so you can see here we've got pretty much all of the fat rendered off of these brisket trimmings so we're just gonna remove them put them on a paper towel and then we'll be left with the tallow still in the pot now if you want you can just sprinkle a little bit of salt over these while they're still hot and it's the beef equivalent of pork crackling really tasty this is just another good example of how you don't have to let any of this go to waste so we've allowed the oil to cool down for about an hour and a half to two hours now that's not an essential step but it's a good one from a safety perspective because pouring hot oil is really dangerous so we're gonna pour this into a mason jar we just have a coffee cone with a coffee filter into it and that's gonna separate out all the particles from the pure tallow so we're just going to pour this in here it's helpful to have somebody just assist you with this so just fill it up you'll see that it will start to drip out the bottom as you'll see here this process is going to take a little while we put in a bunch of tallow we'll let that drain out and then we'll fill it up with some more kalo and we're just trying to get the sediment out of the bottom of this talos we're left with pure goodness in our mason jar now for a mason jar you're going to want to use one that's been sanitized here so we just boiled some water dip this in it and once we're finished you should be able to keep this in your fridge for up to six months based on the research that we've done here online so this right here is why you want to do it once the oil has cooled down as we were pouring in more oil we ended up losing grip on the funnel here so we've lost probably about half of our tallow but that's all right so it's the next day we're doing another two briskets so we're gonna fill up the rest of this jar here so we've already made the tallow it's cooled down now we're just gonna filter it so again we've waited until the tallow is nice and cool before doing this and you can see when the tallow is refrigerated it then solidifies and turns white like this so we're just gonna add to that so the top part here will still be liquid and we'll pop that back in the fridge save it for tomorrow when we make our nashville hot chicken so there you go we finished this up really nice and easy as long as you don't spill it but anyway you're really going to enjoy this again a great substitute for butter or oils if you're deep frying and it's a great way to keep with the nose-to-tail eating philosophy that's really important to us here on the channel so if you like this video give it a like below consider subscribing to the channel and we'll see you on the next one thanks for tuning in
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 68,255
Rating: 4.9455647 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, Beef Tallow, Tallow, How to make Beef Tallow, How to make Tallow, How to make tallow from beef fat, how to make tallow from brisket fat, how to make beet tallow from brisket fat, brisket fat, brisket trimmings recipe, brisket trimmings what to do, leftover brisket trimmings, brisket trimmings uses, rendering tallow, render beef tallow, how to render beef fat, how to render beef fat for cooking, render tallow, rendering fat, how to make tallow
Id: hu4kpG15EtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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