Aaron Franklin's Brisket Secret | Pt. 9 of 11 Tallow Texas Boat Crutch | Harry Soo

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everybody it's harry from sleepy daddy barbecue the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love you know ongoing series on the tallow grab method proposed by jeremy yoder i've spoken to jeremy and we continue to do more experiments to see we can gather more data points in this experiment i'm doing a viewer request about the texas boat and the texas crutch so i'm gonna cook four briskets and show you guys the differences between the tallow wrap the texas boat naked the texas boat with tattle wrap and the last one is a tallow wrap with the texas crutch so join me in this episode to see which method of wrapping reign supreme against the tallow rep [Music] [Music] method [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go ahead and season our brisket i'm going to use some consomme prep here just a like a beef concentrated beef broth and we're going to supercharge the flavors that's how you get some special extra oomph on your meats before you start cooking i'm going to use the beef consumers smear you can use mustard also if you like which just shares fine but using a product like this from soupbase.com they have my co-packer based in cleveland ohio and they sell these products called a different bases and you can use it or do prep base which is a beef base you can use beef concentrate but this console made works really really well so you know you run a restaurant you just mix it with hot water and you have console may stock that you can use in your restaurant but this is a great tip if you guys want to follow this to supercharge the flavor in your brisket gives it a super extra beefy flavor it also acts as a nice smear it's kind of pasty you can get your rub to really stick onto the meat before you cook it all right let's get some on my first place usa mola beef wrap this one helped me win first place brisket cup kcbs beat about 5 000 teams in first place uh it has a lot of uh special ingredients which i'm going to tell you don't tell anybody so things like the shiitake mushroom or umami contains the guanalis in the shiitake naturally occurring i was at worcestershire powder also a little bit of citric acid celery seed that's why you can see all the fantastic smoke ring on my brisket that's because of this product here it's a pretty decent wrap a lot of you have tried it you guys like it you know so you guys know that uh a lot of the help that you guys give me in terms of sponsorship like my products a lot of this goes towards charity we i use barbecue for philanthropy because i already have a job so i have a day job i can do data centers for living so i do barbecue kind of on the weekends and nights to pass some barbecue love in the world also to help a few charities along the way so thank you so much for your help especially the ones from my patreons who kind of cross sponsor my channel the other reason why i can go and spend 300 and do a video like this because the meat's really expensive but a lot of it goes to first responders at the end so it's all good off a good cause because uh i obviously cannot eat all this meat even mr beans no matter how hard he tries he's not gonna be able to eat a lot of this [Music] when we do a boat we put some liquid in it fill the boat [Music] our four briskets are ready the first one is our control the tallow wrap this one is the texas boat with a little bit of a beef broth at the bottom then we have the combination of the tallow wrap together with the texas boat and the last one we did the tallow wrap with the texas crutch which is aka distracted foil so this is the double layer so here's four briskets we're gonna put it in to get some btu at this point you can put it back in the pit at 275 or if you want to save money like i do and more for convenience just go ahead and put it in the oven because we always say btu is btu is btu so save some fuel just leave it in the oven after about two to two and a half hours of etu we're done with the tallow the boat the texas wrap and boat as well as the texas crutch let's cut it up and give it a taste test [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys can see the difference in color this one is the tallow wrap second one is the texas boat third one is a tallow wrap with the texas boat and then the fourth one is the tallow wrap with the texas crutch so looking at the appearance what i can notice is that these two are darker in terms of the color of the bark and these two are lighter in terms of the bark and um the color of the smoke ring is about the same i think it's about pretty good and uh the uh what he called the bark has retained the darkness on the wrap and on the boat the naked boat i'm sorry and then this one the wrapped boat yellow wrap with the boat not so much on the bark you can see the color here let me see you can see the two two colors a little bit darker to be lighter this one is also pretty light so the uh tallow wrap and the texas boat have the same kind of a bark color and this one is the double wrap with the tallow wrap as well as the texas crutch so texas crutch texas boat both also wrapped this one is just the one sitting in just the naked boat uh there's a sting texas naked boat and that's the tallow wrap so uh you can see the color uh it's important i know you guys are obsessed over such details and in terms of appearance smoking about the same bark a little bit darker on the tallow wrap as well as the texas boat so for the score for appearance i think that if you compare side by side obviously the darker ones looks a little bit better in my opinion so let's now move on to see if we can taste it to see what it tastes like just wait beans okay you'll get your turn a little bit now the tough job somebody's got to do it i'm going to eat my way through all these different pieces here let you guys know the result right here so this one is the normal yellow wrap artillery beautiful brisket yellow yellow wrap nice drape perfectly tender oh that's really good eat the white muscle the fatty and the lean so i'm gonna eat the fatty now amazing amazing brisket this one is the one that is the uh naked texas boat so no wrap just sitting in a boat with about 10 ounces of beef broth also looks pretty good right not as tender as the other one so let me pull this one yep pretty good eating my way to the point in the flight muscle the bone ends you making a cube very good so this one is the uh one from the uh taylor wrap with the texas boat so combining the boat with the wrapped potato wrap nice and tender looks very good super delish also so the last one is both we use the texas crutch which is just wrapping it in foil and then before we did in texas crutch we wrapped it in the tallow paper right all right i'm gonna go back in the second round okay i've got eaten my way through about three times to see what the differences are in these uh four methods of wrapping your brisket you got paper you got the boat you got the boat and wrapped and then both the foil and the texas the texas crush together with the paper so for those of you who don't want to listen to me talk i just give you the conclusion the winner today is going to be the drum roll number one the tallow wrap so among the four samples i ate in terms of the smoke ring about the same the bark is best on the tallow wrap and the texas boat naked not the texas boat wrap i didn't like the kind of the bark some sort of taste they kind of taste the same but in terms of texture i think that for today's sample again please this is only one of each so this is not scientific nor mathematically rigorous because the sample n equals four not a statistically very example in today's experiment i'm leaning towards the regular tallow paper wrap we did a little bit of a mop and wrap this seems to be a very good technique so number one will be the tallow wrap number two right interesting enough is going to be the naked texas boat that was i think the best and then these two are kind of a tie the one for the paper wrap in the boat as well as the paper wrap in the texas crutch which is the foil is kind of sort of a tie in terms of the relative ranking i know you guys will ask me so in terms of the best if this was the number 10 the taylor rep was the number 10 the texas boat naked i would rank a very close same number nine and then these two will be like eight so 10 nine and eight is the score that i'm reaching if you guys want to try this at home i will be interested to hear your results because this is just a very tiny little test there's so many variable factors including your pit your wood your meats this is four different briskets so somebody's gonna out they're gonna say harry it's a wrong test because you use four different briskets from four different cows yes i know so this is just a anecdotal test so please don't send me all the hate mail saying the test is wrong in today's particular example the tallow paper each edged out all the other options for wrapping when you guys wrap let me know how you guys guys like to wrap and then let me know what is your favorite method i know that everything in barbecue is a three hour argument and jerry springer of this fight so i know you guys out there will say you swear by one particular rep you're a boat guy you know both gal you're gonna say all the other methods are trash my meth is the best and the boat is the best so there are a lot of diversities in cooking barbecue a lot of diversity cooking wraps what i want to impart upon you more importantly in my series of episodes is it's really not kind of how you cook it and what you cook but the process that you use to reach brisket perfection i have no special talent i want a lot of contests and i want it to share brute force i experiment experiment experiment i'm not afraid to go out and cook brisket a thousand times to see whatever results i can get to get that little bit of an edge so today i learned something in terms of these four different wrap methods i hope you did too enough of me now so let me see with beans wants to try some of these briskets you know you guys have been accusing beans of favoring left to right eating so i'm gonna put it in a circle today i'm actually gonna give him two samples of each so this little puppy here is number one two three four one two three four right so we'll see what mr beans goes for in terms of his choices here all right beans i have samples one through four i gave you two samples of each so i want you to taste it carefully and then let me know which one you like the best okay so take your time all right he's going oh he went pick number one number four number three number two number three number four number four and number three all right so there you have it that's beans he went for number one which is what i went for too so amazingly he did not go for the one on the left he went for the one in the center so for those of you with your hypothesis that he eats from left to right i hope this little exercise a little modification helps in randomizing mr bean's judging thanks for stopping by watching my episode and again a huge shout out to my patrons who are sponsoring my channel to provide the funding needed to go buy all these briskets i've actually spent over a thousand dollars buying meat already but i know that in a quest for knowledge there is no shortcut you just have to cook it before you know it don't believe me don't believe people cook it yourself so you can know leave me comments below let me know your questions and let me know what kind of rap style you like and we'll continue these tests until we reach brisket perfection together [Music] uh
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 12,621
Rating: 4.950089 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, cooking, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, butcher paper, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, jeremy yoder, mad scientist bbq, mad scientist, mad scientist bbq ribs
Id: KljhXkbTToQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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