Weber SmokeFire v Kettle v WSM v Summit | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

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hey everybody it's harry from slept with daddy bbq the youtube channel that teaches you how to master barbecue so you can spread barbecue love for those of you who've been watching my channel i have almost 300 videos now across 35 playlists you've seen me cook a lot of my food on the weber equipment and i have actually a few different types of weber smokers i'm particularly fond of the weber smokey mountain because i've won a hundred plus first places around the usa and the world cooking on it however you know weber makes some pretty good smokers in this entire kind of charcoal smoking line including its pellet cooker you guys have seen me uh cook a lot on the weber smoke fire ex6 which is a new telecooker from weber introduced in early 2020 and i love that little puppy because it cooks so well so in today's episode i'm going to answer a viewer request a lot of you have asked me terry which of these four weber smokers do you like best you like the kettle which is the startup are they at 150 it's a great starting pit for anyone wanting to get into grilling and smoking do you like the however smoky mountain there's actually three models a 14 inch 18 inch and a 22 inch do you do those work better than the kettle or if you have some moolah to spend there is the weber charcoal summit the big kahuna itself for over a thousand dollars and there is the latest addition to the weber smoker family which is their first telecooker the smoke fire ex-6 so if you are curious to see which one of the four i like the best cooking brisket tune into this episode because we're gonna cook a brisket we're gonna cook actually four half briskets in four of weber's top smokers and share with you guys the results of which one is harry sue's favorite [Music] let's fabricate the four half briskets you need a sharp knife i like to use the dell strong quantum series boning knife before we start i always like to sharpen my knives this is a rapid steel knife sharpener super duper fast it not only holds the knife but also sharpens it just run it a few times a few strokes down in the middle here and it's ready to go so i'm gonna fabricate four briskets here out of two briskets so we're gonna do half briskets so you are probably asking well harry four biscuits from two different animals can that be a conclusive test the answer obviously is no but i just want to make sure that i can cook four briskets the same way using the same fuel in the charcoal smoker and using my regular pellets that i've been using in the pellet cooker and see if the results are comparable across the four or just one particular weber smoker produce superior results as i told you many times this is the purge it's very toxic so please disperse of it in the trash don't try to wash your meat in the sink since this is a test of smokers and not the cooking technique i'm just gonna make do something very simple i'm just gonna do my shmear with some beef concentrate and use my uh moolah first place usa beef wrap i have 40 videos on how to cook brisket so i'm not going to go over all the details of how it's done i'm just going to do a quick one here because this episode is really about the pit if you guys want to learn how to trim brisket how to cook it backyard how to get hot and fast low and slow ultra fast ultra low and slow and uh everything else in between just go ahead and watch my 35 40 videos on how to cook brisket this one is just for me to apply some smear and get the rub on so that we can cook it and test the smokers themselves so that we don't have to uh kind of worry about how much how this meat is going to cook because this is a smoker test it's not a meat test or not a cooking lesson at all you guys have seen many of my videos go ahead and check it out in my playlist for the brisket if you want to see all the different ways you can cook brisket including some of my first place usa award-winning black belt tricks that you can find i'm gonna apply some of my beef wrap on this nice even coat so and it's on pretty thick because this is a big cut of meat so some people ask why do i have such large holes and one centimeter holes on the cap of my rub that's because i'm an ocd person when i was designing my wrap to achieve championship results i want you guys also to be able to pour the raw properly if you buy a normal conventional bottle a lot of times they have the seven holes which are too small to dispense properly so i went to great lengths to get a lot of money to get three one centimeter holes which are non-standard but this is the level detail that you get and you buy my product a lot of teams have taken my bottle or taken the cap off and then use it over their old rubs because they pour so much better with three one centimeter holes another nice thick layer on the other side so i'm probably gonna use uh on this much these four pieces i'm probably gonna use almost all the whole bottle okay 12 ounce rub here i sell them in 26 ounce 12 pounds i also sell them in five pound bags eight pound bags and you know if you own a restaurant we sell it to restaurants in a 35 pound pail so if you're interested to get this rub for like large or what you call events or you want to cook a lot on it we do offer a discount on the bulk purchase if you're running a restaurant this one is the jealous devil partnership so the folks at jealous devil who are my charcoal sponsors have decided to partner with me to introduce this rob into your kind of your local ace hardware true value home depot walmart and so on i won't be able to reach those kinds of markets because i primarily sell online but uh hopefully with the partnership of jealous devil will get the love wrapped into a store near you if you live in los angeles i think uh some of the local hardware stores are starting to carry it i know the diy home center carries my product now so if you guys like this product let your local store owner know i carry some of the slap your daddy jealous devil rubs that you can buy from the store instead of having to kind of buy online pay a lot for shipping just get it nice and even all over so get it on the sides also don't right sides always all right so i use the entire bottle so 12 ounces goes into about four brisket pieces while we let this rest in the refrigerator we're gonna go set up a pit get the pit temperatures to be stable i like to let this sit for about at least an hour uh sometimes the best is about kind of four hours to let the rub sit that's the best results that i find [Music] so [Music] on the outside appearance it looks all look pretty good uh this one seems a little bit dark and this is going to be dark so the wsm and the summit seems dark this one is sort of a medium color and then this one is just slightly light in color all are pretty acceptable and all look pretty good the appearance is something that is off very subjective some people like dark some people like light it doesn't really matter at the end of the day it's how tender and how tasty it is that truly matters from the outside appearance we move to the inside appearance as you can tell they all look absolutely fabulous looks like really good tasty brisket so from my left to right is the smoke fire this is the smoke fire result pretty good deep smoke ring the weber smoky mountain also has even a deeper smoke ring than the weber smoke fire and uh here's the kettle kettle also very respectable and the last one is the charcoal summit also very very respectable and uh if i had to pick sort of uh which ones i kind of like i think the uh all look pretty good depends on the kind of thickness to it let me see the top top view top bark also very good um i think that uh my favorite on terms of appearance would be i think the weber smoky mountain i try not to be biased i've 100 spaces on it so it's done really well beats uh many many pits costing fifty thousand dollars or more the charcoal summit also very nice uh kettle is surprisingly good for 150 that's the kind of smoking you get and then this is the one from the smoke file also pretty good a little bit lighter than the other three of course this is a pellet cooker and using pellets these three are using jealous devil charcoal with wood so what is my conclusion on appearance appearance is at the end of the day all are good good technique putting the wood underneath the coals is very key due to the food signs of the pyrolysis of the lignin and resulting in the carbonyls and the phenols carbon monoxide and the gases that are needed to create the wonderful signs of barbecue creating on the bark now what is my conclusion from the appearance you know at the end of the day i think that is still the pit master you only have four data points on the appearance here and they all look pretty good every one single one is a passable competition style smoke ring so i would say that the appearance is sort of dependent upon the meat depending on the skill of the pit master and the technique you use and then the wood that you use all are very acceptable i i like them all you know i think in particular i think this one has a beautiful graduation of the ring this is really nice on the weber smoky mountain kettle very good also right and then the shaku summit also very good i think that the idea is that the wood and the charcoal seems to give a nicer overall ring than say a pelican which is pretty normal i didn't cook it that long but if you cook it longer on the pellet cooker i've gotten some terrific smoking on the ex6 but there was a much longer cook that i did than the regular four hours so here's the smoke ring appearance view now let's jump into tasting and checking the texture of the briskets so now's the tough part but somebody's gotta do it i'm gonna eat my way from left to right [Music] overall just just excellent excellent brisket so i'm gonna go eat a second round and go a little bit deeper in terms of the flavor texture-wise no no comment here the texture is more of a skill of the pitmaster cooking the meat not so much the actual pit itself so i'm going to say that the texture is a tie or the tenderness slash texture it's a tie let's go for now the nuance of the smoke flavor all right go second round try for the smoked right now but you know which one has more or less more pronounced smoke flavor in case you're wondering what i'm doing i'm eating a piece of the muscle from the flat and then a piece from the point so it's kind of like the flat is called the lean in texas and the point is called the fatty so if you go up to the bbq store in texas this is what they will serve you so i see whether you want to lean or fatty try the kettle now second time going back for the third time because uh the the smoke flavor difference is very subtle very very subtle and i'm going to tell you kind of how it is in terms of the level of smokiness or smoke flavor because smoke flavor is really more of a preference than anything else some people like it more smoky some people like it less smoky i'm a competition cook so you may not be aware that competition meat is not very smoky because we want the meat to shine through some people like that kind of dose of heavy smoke we use the same wood on the charcoal pits we use a pecan primarily the small fire was done on the gmg gold blend and i've used the gold blend with great easier for over over 10 years so i'm going to kind of distinguish the kind of smoke flavors for you we can go back either third time taking a long time but this is a very careful careful deliberate process so here's my overall conclusion on the smoke so in terms of a scale one two five five being the smokiest if the charcoal summit was calibrated at a five i would calibrate the smoke fire which is the least smoky at like a four so we got a five and then a four at the end and these two will be spread between a the kettle will be a 4.25 the wsm will be like a 4.5 4.75 so that is just a very relative ranking using just four data points so please don't try to draw too many conclusions on to this uh test at the end of the day the level of smokiness is still depend upon your own personal taste buds and preference this is good eating on a charcoal summit but for competition purposes this would be to me too strong on the strong side the smoke fire the wsm and the kettle today uh came out in my opinion more in terms of the range of a calm brisket which does not need to be too smoky on the weber charcoal summit it was smokier primarily because i think that when i first started my temps went a little high i was kind of pushing into the 350 400 range before i was able to kind of bring it under control because i put too much lit coals in there so i'm not sure that this is exactly a most accurate way of calibrating or cooking a weber charcoal summit my conclusion will be that there is a lot of variability in the final result the variability of the end result is going to be dependent on the pit master and not necessarily the pit i've shown you that all four different smokers the smoke fire wherever smoky mountain the weber kettle and the weber charcoal summit can all produce a championship result this is really not such a conclusive test besides proving that in the hands of a skilled pit master you can generate a great result from a kettle which cost 150 dollars all the way to a 400 wsm all the way to a 1200 dollar charcoal summit or a 1200 dollar smoke fire ex-6 so the conclusion i reach is that at the end of the day it's not about the equipment it is really about your skill a lot of you have been sending me a lot of questions over the past months talking about gear i've proven to you do not get gas gas is a problem that a lot of pit masters have because rather than focus on cooking they have the syndrome called gas gas is called gear acquisition syndrome and you know that i'm talking to you out there because you guys ask me questions and you obsess over the equipment every single my new detail of the equipment what's happening to the equipment how the equipment will be calibrated and so on just go out and cook i've shown you and i've proven to you that for 150 dollar kettle you can get as good a result as a 1200 pin now what does that mean should you go out and throw away your 200 dollar pit no you want to cook using the equipment that you like i like to cook on my smoke fire in fact i bought two because of the convenience factor i know that on a smoke fire i can tease and tweak and tune it to get the same result that i can get on a kettle i can get on the charcoal summit and i can get on weber smoky mountain so i love to play my toys on any given day i'm happiest when all my pits are being turned on and i can get to cooking on every single pit that i like because at the end of the day it's about cooking and spreading happiness and being having fun with your equipment and not so much obsessing over the gas gear acquisition syndrome you can cook on a any cooker you want you can cook on a drum you can cook on your rotisserie you can clean your offset you cook your kamado you cook on your green eggs it doesn't really matter it's all good so long as you're having fun so much for talking now beans is waiting for his food he's working his tail so let me see let me give him a piece of brisket from all four smokers and see which one he decides he wants to try first here are my four samples from left to right i have the smoke fire wsm kettle and then the summit here one two three four so beans i have uh four pieces of brisket for you to try here and we'll see which one you go for first okay okay go okay so he's eating from one side to the next not even sniffing it so he actually started with the uh charcoal summit moving his way to the last entry which is the smoke fire and he wolf down the brisket lickety split all right good job beans all right excellent thumbs up mr biscuit dog thanks for stopping by to watch my mega youtube weber throwdown with four of my favorite weber smokers until the next video please like subscribe and share i want to do a shout out to all my patrons for keeping the lights on on my channel and helping fun my video projects until the next video we will see ya [Music]
Channel: Harry Soo
Views: 36,730
Rating: 4.9497485 out of 5
Keywords: How-to, how to cook, recipes, food, recipe, meat, smoking, smoked, smoker, tasty, charcoal, smoke, harry soo, slap yo daddy bbq, brisket, texas, post oak, brisket burnt ends, bbq brisket, texas brisket, competition brisket, beef brisket, how to smoke a brisket, easy recipes, hot and fast brisket, competition brisket recipe, smoked beef brisket, smoked brisket, weber, smokefire, wsm, weber smokey mountain, weber charcoal smoker, weber summit charcoal grill, weber summit, weber throwdown, bbq
Id: tntxAMcQXP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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