Franklin BBQ Pit - My First Look | Mad Scientist BBQ

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ooh kind of feel like howard carter when he discovered king tut's tomb hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue i'm jeremy yoder and today i'm going to do something that i've been waiting months to do i'm going to unbox this smoker from franklin barbecue pits now if you don't know aaron franklin who has a very famous barbecue restaurant is now making smokers are made in austin texas and mine says number 132 so i think that means there are only 131 other smokers like this out there right now and i'm really excited to try it out and hopefully give you guys some information and help you make the decision as to whether or not you want to spend your hard-earned money on one of these pits now to unbox this thing you need two things first the uncrating instructions and a cordless drill each one of these panels is labeled with a number that tells you the order in which you should take them off so you can read the instructions and these are actually pretty good if you've ever tried to put anything together from a place like ikea you know that they have a bunch of pictures that can sometimes be confusing these are really good really straightforward so i like that panel number one and the first one that i'm going to take off is located on the top so after i pop that off we're going to get our first look at the franklin barbecue pit and i am pumped [Music] and now the time is coming [Music] this is awesome smells kind of like a wood shop too which is nice but let's see what we got all right this looks maybe a shade smaller than i had in my head and wow somebody's a good welder i'm impressed as a bad welder i know enough about welding to know when somebody's pretty decent [Music] these wall turn is good [Music] the last side to go down has now turned into a handy dandy ramp to get this thing off of here but first i have to take these blocks that are blocking the wheels from rolling right now i have to take those off and then i got to cut these guys now these two screws that were started right here i drove in because i want this ramp to be connected to the base so that when we try to pull this thing off it doesn't push this off and the whole thing falls so there's a great idea and i appreciate that they took the time to think through how people are going to unbox this thing [Music] it's a test [Music] all right let's see what's inside i'm guessing there should be a stack a water pan a thermometer and a few other things let's see what it is [Applause] 132. and that's it so this is what we've got got a handle for the firebox door i've got a thermometer also says 132. everything is numbered okay then i have a wrench right here to put the stack on and a grease bucket a little water pan here and finally operation and maintenance owner's manual looks very retro like something that would give you in the 1960s when you bought something i like that but i'm really excited to check this out hey it's signed by aaron franklin number 132. nice first thing i'm going to do is put the stack on so i'm going to take these bolts out put the stack on top put the bolts back through and tighten it down with this wrench that was included [Music] [Music] almost done water pan going in and finally grease bucket all right smoker go to your home are you too good for your home so a couple things i noticed about this thing are number one this door is really light so the brazos that i have which i think has maybe slightly less overall cooking space the door seems two or three times as heavy maybe it's because this door isn't very tall i'm not exactly sure i like that there's a water pan included and a shelf to put it on that seems nice but overall the big thing i noticed is that this thing is built solidly i mean it weighs i think 600 pounds and you can tell when you're moving it around even though the casters are nice and they work well but this thing is a chunk and it's made out of really thick metal which i really like and it comes with a telp true thermometer which is more than i can say for most pits and telltrue that's what i use on my 500 i've just had the best luck with those so the instructions say that you don't have to season this thing but i think this rust tells me that i'll probably wash it cover the whole thing in oil inside and out and then re-season it the outside is sticky so it actually probably already does have quite a bit of oil on it or if you actually look at it and scrapes them off here it's a solid at room temperature now i don't know of a vegetable oil that would be solid at room temperature so i'm thinking this could perhaps be beef towel but who knows maybe i'll test the melting point and see if it's compatible with beef tallow but this stuff is all over this thing so it's kind of a messy process to put together even though overall it's pretty easy so to give you my final first impressions i think this looks really really promising high quality thick metal tall stack great thermometer you know it's built rock solid so i'm really excited to get cooking on this thing but before i can cook on it i need to season it and i'll show you that in a separate video thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed the video hit the like button down below and subscribe to the channel if you want to get updates on this smoker and other barbecue content you can also follow me on instagram and twitter at mad scientist barbecue i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 250,338
Rating: 4.9571815 out of 5
Keywords: bbq, smoker, franklin bbq, franklin bbq pits, offset smoker, bbq smoker, texas bbq, aaron franklin, barbecue, texas brisket, firebox
Id: JvZu-QpTPd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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