I Ordered a Brisket in the Mail from Franklin Barbecue and it Was...

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue i'm jeremy yoder and today we've got something extra special something i'm really excited about this is a brisket but it's not just any brisket this brisket came from franklin barbecue so barbecue jesus himself has decided to send briskets across the country and so i thought i have to take advantage of that i ordered one of these wasn't cheap it was 249 bucks but we're gonna find out if it's worth it now for any of you out there who don't know who aaron franklin is aaron franklin is a barbecue chef and he is by far the most famous of all the barbecue chefs i'm aware of barbecue in america is kind of the only really uniquely american cooking style and because of that aaron franklin takes a very important place in america and an american bbq in particular because he's doing stuff that's so darn good my wife and i went to see his restaurant to see if the hype was real a few years ago and we waited in line for six hours we got there five in the morning and wanted to see is this really going to live up to expectations let me tell you it did it was worth the six hours you got to chat in line with people see where they're from what kind of barbecue they enjoy and then you get to go inside and have probably the best barbecue meal you will ever eat in your life because the brisket was absolutely technically perfect there's perfect level of smoke perfect tenderness perfect moisture so my goal in doing this video is to see if somebody can get that same incredible experience at home with a brisket that they can have sent to their door all right so let's open up this package and see what we've got inside here oh wrapped in butcher paper it feels pretty big yeah i was like there's no way this brisket is this fat and it's because it's got ice packs to keep it cold so let me cut these open and let's actually see what we can see from the brisket itself in the butcher paper all right so here we have this brisket here it feels kind of solid kind of you might think that it's frozen but if you ever cook briskets and allow them to cool in the refrigerator you'll notice that they get you know stiff as a board so never frozen but we're going to have to unwrap this thing to see what it actually looks like because we're not going to tell much by feel at this point we're not really going to know until we get this thing in the oven get it out and taste it what this thing's going to be like but first impressions it's rock hard now let's see what else comes in the box so first thing there's a gold belly sticker which i don't need there's a franklin sticker which is cool but i'm not really a sticker guy there's a gold belly ad which i'm not super interested in but what i am really interested in is this right here these are the reheating instructions and so they give three different methods to reheat there's a oven method there's a stovetop method and there's an immersion circulator method now i don't have a sous vide i know maybe shame on me for not possessing one of the key tools in cooking but just kind of on principle i've decided that barbecue is redneck souveed and i don't need a real sous-vide so i'm just going to keep doing things the way that i have been for a while maybe i'll break down and get a sous vide but it doesn't matter now we're going to do the oven reheating method and so we're going to remove the brisket i'm going to put it on a tray going to put it in the oven at 225 for about 75 minutes and one thing that's important here they list one thing that's optional but that optional piece of information is very important and illustrates something that i've been teaching videos for a long time so optionally you can put pads of butter on top of the brisket when you're reheating it so you might ask why are you using butter instead of some other water soluble compound well the reason is we're using butter and not brisket injection or beef broth or anything like that because what you perceive as moisture when you're eating barbecue is rendered fat and what is butter predominantly fat so melting that butter all over the exterior of the brisket will provide some of the fat that gives you that mouth feel of oh this is moist this is exactly what i'm looking for in barbecue with all that being said let's get this guy unwrapped cut open put on the tray and ready to go in the oven remove brisket from sealed plastic and place on a sheet tray or large baking dish do not slice the brisket until reheating is complete place a few pads of butter on top of the brisket optional place the brisket on the middle rack of the oven reheat for about 75 minutes at 225 or until desired internal temperature is reached now my thinking is i want to wrap this thing in butcher paper after i put the butter on there because i'm always finishing briskets by wrapping them in butcher paper and then bringing them to the desired temperature here's the reason i think that i'm not going to wrap it in butcher paper first this has been wrapped up in butcher paper sealed in a vacuum seal where it's kind of maintaining all of that moisture and liquid on the inside and so it's probably had a long time to soften up the bark on the exterior so we want to leave it unwrapped so we can kind of crisp up the bark a little bit more and get more texture on the outside of the brisket the other reason is they send so much butcher paper in this package that if they wanted you to wrap this thing up again in butcher paper they would have easily been able to say take the butcher paper we sent you and wrap it up again so all those things make me think we're just going to take this naked put it on the pan and chop up some pieces of butter put it on top and let it reheat i'm using unsalted butter because i'm assuming that aaron franklin's crew has seasoned this exactly the right way they don't need any more salt so i'm going to chop up some unsalted butter and use that but then we're ready to get started so it's been a little bit over an hour at this point and now i'm going to start checking temperature because you can't just rely on the time you actually have to examine the temperature of what you're reheating to make sure you don't get it too hot and then everything gets mushy and to make sure that it's hot enough that all the fat renders in that meat so you have an ideal result so to check that temperature i have a thermapen now i have wasted a lot of money on cheaper digital instant read thermometers that all broke they either started to rust or they just stopped working or they got wet in the electronics ride or for some reason they no longer did the job that they needed to do now all the thermal pens i've ever bought still work today i've never had a problem with them and so for that reason i always recommend the thermapen you're going to be glad you get one of these things and i'll put a link in the description if you're interested but this one's actually a little bit different and i'm pretty proud of it this is an infrared thermopin so you have the regular probe where you get virtually instant readings but then also if you push this button it'll give you an infrared reading that gives you the surface temperature of whatever you're looking at so apparently my hand is 86 degrees and you can use that to make sure that you're getting the outside of the meat hot enough if you're trying to render fat you can also make sure that you're not getting the outside of the meat too hot so that it might risk burning it's just a very useful tool that you can include in your arsenal when doing barbecue because you spend so much time doing this you want to make sure it turns out right now for this brisket i want the internal temperature to reach 145. now the guideline says make sure you heat it up all the way to 165 because that is the usda recommendation to make sure that your food is going to be safe but just like when you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and then it has that little disclaimer on the menu that says foods that are undercooked and blah blah blah blah and it's a warning but people still order rare steaks or medium rare steaks or medium steaks steaks that aren't fully cooked all the way through and guess what people are usually fine for this purpose i want to make sure that i don't overcook this brisket and turn it mushy because i want to make sure i do everything i can to try to recreate that experience i had at the restaurant i'm going to heat it up to 145 because i think that's going to be the ideal serving and slicing temperature for this brisket on this cutting board and we're going to be able to make a great brisket that we ordered in the mail also i know these briskets have been heated to 200 degrees so any bacterium that may have been present on the surface has already been completely obliterated and then they take it they vacuum seal it and they send it to you to me i'm not concerned about reaching 165 though i think it's probably a wise choice to reach 165 because that's the safe thing to do getting really close our brisket has reached 145 internal so we're going to pull it out put it on the cutting board let it just rest for a minute just to let everything equilibrate and then we're going to slice it up and see what we got me right this thing is sliced up and ready to go and my mouth is watering thinking about this right now this thing looks kind of like a meteorite but it's not going to taste anything like one we have great color on the outside great moisture on the point and the flat i mean you get little flecks of pepper that come off it looks incredibly appetizing and the smell is intoxicating so i'm going to start with one of my two favorite cuts it's the end cut so it's going to be the lean side but what you see on this is beautifully rendered yellow fat on the top and then just bark bark bark on the outside so i'm going to cut a piece of this and cut off and give it a taste and let you know what i think here all right that is unbelievably good it's about as close to perfect as you could hope for the outside isn't hard or crusty which i was afraid of reheating in the oven but it's still soft but still pliable and packed with smoke flavor the fat is rendered so beautifully that when you take a bite of it it all kind of joins together and kind of moistens the whole bite and makes it a wonderful experience now for my favorite part of the brisket we're going to move over to the point and see what that's like this side cut from the point is my favorite i think it has the most delicious bites of meat on the entire brisket and so i'm going to tear off a chunk here as you can see it's very tough and we'll see how this goes it's perfect absolutely i have nothing bad i can say about this brisket um you know maybe it could have a little stronger smoke flavor maybe it could be a little lighter maybe tiny differences but all in all this is incredible and the difference between going to franklin and ordering this from franklin is you don't have to hope you get good portions of the brisket that they're slicing because you're going to be ordering by the pound here you can choose whatever parts you want and eat those parts and then give the rest of your family and they're still going to worship you as a barbecue god thinking that you've delivered to them the greatest piece of meat that has ever existed in human history overall i am blown away by the quality of this brisket how well it holds up even though it's shipped across the country shows up at my door and i have to reheat it this is probably 99 as good as the brisket that i had actually in person at the restaurant which is mind blowingly good so i guess aaron franklin really does have a superpower or maybe it's just a psychological operation where he's working with the cia and bringing the brisket from another dimension and the clockwork elves are actually making these briskets but i think in all actuality he's just a master of the craft and has figured out a way to preserve it by vacuum sealing sending it and maybe they cook it a little bit differently than when they do to serve it at the restaurant but i wouldn't know because this is so darn good regardless it was a great experience and even though it was fifty dollars a pound to get this thing set to my door i don't regret spending the money this is super cool and incredibly good thank you guys for watching that scientist barbecue if you enjoyed the video please hit the like button down below subscribe to the channel and turn the notification bell on so you get notified whenever i put out new videos you can also follow me on twitter and instagram mad scientist barbecue i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 1,014,093
Rating: 4.8048615 out of 5
Id: AA2wkiDI8bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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