Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D

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hey hi [Music] i need to take a bathroom break just stay here for a minute uh-huh what did you ask what that panel's for no oh yeah don't worry about that panel just stay here i'll be right back and don't touch anything [Music] hi my name is markiplier and welcome to please don't touch anything this is a game where i'm going to touch everything everything possible i last played this game a while ago lexi and play a clip of me playing that game wherever the hell you are just stay here i'll be right back and don't touch anything you know i always love it when people say the name of the game in the dialogue that they're talking oh boink oh damn it i missed the button right off the bat now this is the 3d version of it it doesn't need to be played in vr but i have vr and i like vr okay so i have hands i don't know if this is exactly meant to be used with this grab your screwdriver grab your hammer work blah blah blah one one one two one one two one one hey okay i'm back great thanks you really helped me sorry it took so long what's the matter worried something might happen really like what the apocalypse you've got to have an education to run this machine [Music] ah let's go go where hang on i was introducing everything i need to master my equations and whatever the hell that is [Music] feels like baldi's basic's in here all right can i no three seven zero zero whatever that equation is joshua three one one three nine nine two three six four well it's one of those puzzly games and i'm decent puzzles so this game actually came out a little bit ago but i didn't play it when it first came out for one reason or another i really enjoyed the first one i don't know why it took me so long to play this one but play i shall what does this button do bump does it do nothing i don't know maybe i resent it oh what did i do oh well this appeared out of nowhere there oh i don't know what i did what did i did [Music] oh oh no oh no oh no uh whoa i'm probably not good how do i un undo that [Music] three two one three two one what i forgot that that was the whole thing about the first game is that i accidentally blew up everything by touching things oh okay well that's probably not great um i love oh my get it i got the first ending by being doing nothing i see okay boink so what do i do [Music] okay so that definitely did the whole apocalypse thing okay so that ah i see so that did the same thing there right that was the whole crux of this game wait a minute where's the screwdriver i wonder if i get a reward for this damn it hey thanks for picking up all that trash the station director would fire me on the spot if she saw what a mess this place was okay i'll be back in a minute thank you do i get something for that i get something for that right oh yeah oh yeah i'm the best okay so there are things that i can do around in the area i'm just not 100 sure what they might be if i could look in that hole hello hello no okay i'm a little closer than i'd like to be [Music] boink okay so don't touch that thing wait what's this to the right oh oh oh i gotta caress it [Music] come on there you are okay okay there you are interesting what is this oh it's one of these oh it's one of these um damn it oop [Music] bam got it i'm the best what did i do um oh why is there oh why is there so much power in this one facility why would anyone give anyone this much power why why should anyone have this amount of power this seems egregious all right hey oh i played this game solar smash hey oh i cracked the whole planet in half oh well that seems oddly excessive what else fiddle diddly what else what other fiddly diddly things do we have what other fiddle-dee diddle-dee what other fiddle-dee-doo oh there we go [Music] oh two two three two one two oh wait wait wait three one two two three one two two one one okay star that ah three one two two one three three one two two one three three one two two one three oh don't do it don't do what am i doing oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one no huh oh what is this is any of this real um wow way out what is tps report i don't know whoa whoa fibonacci whoa three touch everything three one two one oh my god oh my god wow this is a lot of secrets and puzzles okay um kind of unsure about all this blood and whatnot and yep wish i could wish i had photogenic photo photogenic memories what are you oh no did i just sorry sorry all right so i accidentally um cr [Music] correct correct click correct correct correct three one oh morse oh morse morse oh morse right yeah here we go at least i don't have to remember it okay dni you got it [Music] what did i do oh oh huh well sorry everybody's water world now would that have flooded me if i'd have waited all right well that was fun okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool can i just keep pressing it whoa hammer hammer i got a screwdriver oh 911 uh i'm dying i'm i'm i'm dying hello i'm dying okay um okay uh how about three one one no go away three one one three nine nine three nine nine two three six four two three six four hello joshua ow ow hello well that's a dial-up tone [Music] what [Music] hello okay was that helpful hello okay city boom i don't know where that goes crash crash bam boom bang boom how about the screwy driver okay well that's a thing now okay well i'm getting a lot of things but i'm not getting a lot of answers but there's a code there red red blue red blue blue red red blue red oh invalid oh it's a four code red green red green blue [Music] i could just brute force this several brute force attempts later oh oh oh i did it what are you wings what are you what are you what is that what is that what is that what is that what am i looking at what are you what are you what are you supposed to be what what are you what are you supposed to be what are you supposed to be let me try open up three one two two one three okay so that's open is this dugan that opens that okay so now i've got a number sequence here numpad april 3rd 2021 april 3rd 2021. 0403 0403 2021. 0403. or two oh it's just wait oh i remember three one two one damn it what what a one two one one one two one one three seven oh oh numbers numbers numbers kind of strange maybe because i tried to brute force it it decided to lock me out of it what if i do what about these yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh oh hey oh hi can you push that button for me can you push that button hey could you push that button for me right there that one right there can you push that button yeah you want me to show you how can you push the button what what happened what happened but i just what what did what did i do huh [Music] what dummy dummy dummy you're a dummy ah that's when the extra buttons began to appear what the frick what what what and then more buttons what stanley parable and then more buttons wow you know i'm not opposed to this this is pretty cool i like it i'm not opposed to it until at last there were so many buttons to press that stanley wasn't sure he could press them all stanley stanley i pressed them all and then he did and then i did [Music] yeah oh man it's been forever since i played stanley parable oh hell yeah oh oh god what a game what a strange game what a bizarre strange game that was god i'm not i'm nowhere close to beating this it's going very slowly i don't even know what prompted that probably just one of those random things where time just causes it to happen let me go this way again so i got that open let me go ahead and get this color panel open can i please can i thank you no no no there we go no no no no no no no there we go okay so i got colors i got that there's got to be something about the unless that actually was the pattern that was the pattern but why did that close up so that was the pattern but i just accidentally got it oh eight two six seven apparently [Music] oh three one two one [Music] stop trying to grab scale oh my god there we go what happened oh [Music] okay so there's some kind of a musical sequence going on here where was our music [Music] there wait wait wait wait [Music] ho ho oh my god [Music] oh i'm a god i'm a god amongst mere mortals don't even think about challenging me i'm unstoppable in every way i know things that was awesome very happy about that which way did i go for that yeah this way come here are you where were you eight two six seven eight two six seven okay then this opened up oh my god there's no way oh there is no way oh no wait what was the thing about the thing and the thing in the thing wasn't there something there with this thing you [Music] right can i have this no okay so if i look at that that way bottom left top left top left bottom left oh holy uh you're welcome everybody well good for me what is this supposed to be what is that supposed to be that doesn't look like no saucer i ever seen okay cool god damn this is so many endings there's no way that i'm gonna be able to get this all in one video but i am enjoying the hell out of this it is supremely interesting to me this is fascinating to me grab your screwdriver grab your hammer grip your hammer there's two step fours one two four four [Music] oh ooh ooh oh whoa oh okay well that's normal yeah it's very normal um nothing i should be worried about definitely uh yeah all right i'll just get out of here okay black hole cool man i whoa hey what what what what is with you what is with you what do i do about that what do i do about that there's got to be something to do about that it wants my papers so get papers please huh the stamp the stick the stick the stint the stamp the stamp high oh my god hi uh uh denied sorry dude oh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh lord god thank goodness i played that game finally holy crap okay let's go right this time i still got that bender bender rodriguez [Music] four four four four four oh what what is that what is that what is that is that a keyhole can i pick it no but that's a key hole okay there's a keyhole now good god how many puzzles are there how many goddamn puzzles are there this is insane okay so there's got to be a key here somewhere there's also got to be a place to put that in there's also got to be something else to go with here that number is still there so there's got to be something else for that three one two two one one was not a thing right two two one one that's not one but maybe there's others there was like five five oh headset power's low ah look i'm busy uh oh one one no that wouldn't be it that's just fibonacci study i know i know i know i know i know eight 02 802080208020. that is definitely a thing eight zero two there a zero two zero right wait what is that is zero two zero eight zero two zero that's definitely a thing eight zero two zero where could i put that in phone [Music] nah there was numbers somewhere but i don't think i can get them anymore let's take a close look at everything there might be something here that i don't know about i've ever said touch everything yeah i'm working on it touch everything i want to touch you touch everything i'm gonna touch everything oh i can erase oh god that's cool interesting very interesting let me look at this [Music] that's pretty cool and a boop well i'm very happy about that touching touching touching touching touching everything my headset's going to run out of power touching touching touching screws screws no i've tried those before they didn't work touch everything touch everything what about over here touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch everything touch everything [Music] hey and i'm way away from where i should be hey how's it going gang hey all right so my headset's about to die but this game is very fun okay i love a good puzzle and this is just like really satisfying to be able to solve unfortunately it seems like i can't solve it all in one video i'm not gonna look any spoilers don't tell me anything in the comments below i'm gonna figure this out and i'm gonna do another video about this and i'm gonna get them all i'm gonna get them all by myself don't tell me a goddamn thing okay cool wait a minute is there something over there who the puppy is the puppy and the puppy yuppy step who the bubble up a cup who's a bubble of [Music] no
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,495,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: please don't touch anything, markiplier, vr, oculus rift, oculus quest, vr games, funny games, markiplier vr, reactions, big red button, don't press the button
Id: yp-rQpzd8to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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