A Time of Intercession

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this broadcast we want you to dial that number we are believing god for your deliverance your healing if you just want someone to touch and agree with you for a miracle call that number again it's 708 503 11 40. we have intercessors standing by waiting to hear from you we love you so much pastor kim loves you and we want you to know that there are people standing in the gap for you we know that jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father making an intercession for us but the lord left a wrecked word for us on the earth to pray for one another and so we're here to pray just for you i want to make a quick announcement just want you to know that we are praising god for our sweet shepherd our leader pastor kimberly ray we love her so much and i have had the honor of growing up with her and i want you all to know that what you see is really what you get she's been such a precious gem in the body of christ for so many years and we love her so much and this is a month that we are blessing and giving all the glory to god that kim will be a pastor at church on the rock for 15 years on this year in july and we thank the lord for that as well as it's her 55th birthday i know she doesn't mind me telling you all that and we know that you know pastor kim she doesn't act so much and i had the opportunity to say pastor kim this year what would you like for us to do for you and again she said i just want cards jd i love to read the words and so i want to say to each of you that we want to receive a card for pastor kim from all over the world whatever state city town that you're in would you write post office box 1104 matson illinois 6443 again that's matson illinois 60443 and send her words of encouragement you can just send you know this is not a time for the necessarily the prayer request but we want to hear testimonies we want to know so many times we wait until someone has passed on and you know gone on to be with the lord and then everybody wants to talk about how sweet that person was how anointed they were but i want us to bombard and to fulfill the hearts desire of pastor kim by sending her cards if you know people in other areas just so we can say you got a card from every state from every nation we're looking forward to that and again we're asking that you would go on and put them in the mail her birth date actually is july uh the ninth and we're asking uh each of you to send your cards and your letters and your notes in by that time so we can just give them to her and i promise you she really does read each and every one she told me the other day we were talking about even some of the testimonies and cards that she received in the mail and she said you know jd sometimes you know i know i mock her a little bit because she's just a sweetheart and she said you know sometimes i'm just at home and i'll pull out my box and just begin to read the cards all over again and so we just left it well praise the lord that is so sweet and so again i want you all to take time out and tell the neighbor tell your friends those that have been blessed by angie ray ministries and pastor kimberly ray to write her a card and if you'd like to give her a gift you can do that too we thank god for you so that's what i wanted to say also for those of you that are going through in your finances and those of you that are going through in your body tonight is a night of breakthrough again dial that number i want you to stop right now and dial that number 708 503 1140 and let someone pray for you praise the name of jesus i want to talk about a scripture that is a very well known scripture and we often times we we read this scripture and we we you know just kind of push past it because we've heard it since we were children which is john 8 and 32 and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free not set you free but make you free sometimes the truth in your life is not necessarily something that you want to deal with something that you want to talk about but it is imperative that in your life you deal with the spirit of truth for the truth will make you free and you can't go to heaven as a liar so many times people say well i don't lie bastard denise but if you're living a lie it's still a lie if you are you know the little lies the big lies all lies the bible said that all liars in revelations 21 and 8 will have their part in the lake of fire we want you to know as christians and as saints of god we're coming against a lying spirit on tonight some of you may say well i don't lie you need to check yourself right now because sometimes in the moment of a conversation or when you're trying not to hurt someone's feelings or you're trying to make things run smooth you'll find yourself being dishonest about your true feelings and your true emotions we are renouncing and denouncing lies someone may hold their baby up in front of you and the first thing you say oh any baby cute and you know that baby may not be cute so but all babies are precious and we can say listen that baby is so precious praise the lord but not just that but many of you have lied to yourself even about your salvation and about your deliverance you're walking around and you know that you're sinning against god but you'll be so bold to say that you're a christian know that you are a liar because in order for you to be a christian there are certain things that god requires of you and there are certain things according to the word of god that you must do or not do and so in this day and hour where anything goes where you know in this day and hour where everybody think that they're going to heaven the most the ultimate rejection that the enemy is trying to cause is for you to stand before the lord and say i cast out demons in your name and i laid hands on the sick and they recovered but the lord is going to say get behind me ye work of iniquity for i never knew you if it's something that you can live your life for a very long time in the in the church world and thinking that you're going to actually go to heaven and find yourself in a burning hell i know people don't want to talk about hell anymore but hell is real that's the other lie that's the deception of the enemy to make you feel like hell is not real and hell is real and it is enlarging itself according to the word of god how many lies do you tell in a day what kind of lies do you tell in a day we have to get to a point where you can find yourself really really surrendering to the lord you have to get to a point where you find yourself really giving in to god and say to the lord to really really really say god i need your help i need you to help me you're excuse me my microphone acting up a little bit praise the lord god you have to get to a point where you can really say to the lord god deliver me from deception self-deception be deceiving others when you have a spirit of manipulation you have a lying spirit when most people that are full of fear and draw back battle with a lying spirit those that deal with the spirit of lust and rebellion most of the time there's a lying spirit somewhere in there because you cannot operate and function as a child of god or just as a christian or a person on the earth without lying when you are cheating and when you're fornicating these are things that you have to prepare yourself for those that are in adultery you're a liar those of you that are standing in the pulpit and you're to well not now you're not necessarily standing in the church for a pig but you're preaching and calling yourself uh prophets and you're saying the lord said this and the lord said that you're lying on god a lot of times because sometimes it's not the lord speaking to you it's just that familiar spirit or sometimes it's the familiarity of what you know about that person some people have even a gift to you know when you just talk to a person you can kind of see if a person is walking around looking sad all the time and then you come up with a prophecy the lord says going to deliver you from depression god said you were depressed stop lying on god you know that person is depressed by their manifestation you know a person is full of pride by their manifestation demons love to manifest and be seen they like to be heard they don't like to be hidden are you all hearing me today the devil wants all the attention brought to himself so when you find yourselves lying in the area of prophetic voices and you know saying the this is not something that's a surprise for the bible let us know that in the last days that there would be false prophets but you shouldn't be a false prophet bless the name of jesus christ the son of the living god what else are you lying about are you lying to your family and lying to people that you have forgiven them and you know that you're bitter and you're resentful and you have a spirit of retaliation that you don't like them to be in the same room let me tell you all something on today how the spirit of jealousy and envy works when you really say that you're delivered and you forgiven people when they come into a room you don't feel irritated when they come into a room you're not angry when they come into a room you don't feel all messed up in your spirit and want them to leave and then all of a sudden anything that's connected to them you have a problem with also have you noticed when a person is bitter or resentful they want everybody else to join in with them to have those same feelings and those same emotions and they find themselves lying you don't know what they did to me you don't know what they said to me and the next thing you know your feelings toward that person become very ill and very frustrated and that person has not even done anything to you a person that has the spirit of jealousy and envy you'll find yourself looking at that person as uh as if they are nothing and comparing them with other people and comparing them with yourself the devil is a liar these things are not be named among those that are sanctified and so when you find yourself back and forth in your emotions and being dishonest and not walking in forgiveness not walking in the word of god i want you to dial that number right now and say listen i want to be delivered from a lying spirit i want to be delivered from the foundation that causes so many other things to be built upon it a lying spirit will cause you to give in to so many different kinds of deception and when you think about uh in the word of god when you think about people that have been lied and that did evil in the eyes of the lord there are punishments for that that is done in the evil we think that we are scot-3 that's a lie from the devil you the enemy will make you feel like you're not going to have to pay a consequence for the things that you do and the bible told you to love your neighbor as yourself and to get the beam out of your own eye before you try to take it out of your neighbors listen think about this for a minute when you have a lying spirit you lie about one thing then you have to use and find another lie to cover that lie and then because you don't want to look bad many times because pride goes along with lying spirits this is what the devil is he is the father of all lies hear me when i say the devil is the father of every lie that's ever been told and god is a god of truth and amen but satan builds his kingdom on lies the enemy talks to your mind constantly speaking lies into your into your uh psyche and into your thought life you're looking on the different um social medias and you're looking at lies all day long you forgot that they have the little things where they can make their waist look smaller and they can make their jaws look a little more firm and the the the uh all of the apps that they have out to change the very contour of your face and of your body and then when you meet that person in person you're going that that ain't that ain't the person i met on the online or whatever because of deception and lies people ride on the coats of all those that are anointed for example when you enter into a service or you're listening to a pastor or a leader and you feel the anointing of god this is something that i've always been concerned about a lot of times with musicians and with singers and with people in the house of the lord and those that serve in the house of the lord that after a while everybody's saying the lord called them to preach well the lord told us all to go into the highways and it took the byways and to compel dying men and women to come to him but what we find ourselves doing is being deceived thinking that if we have a stage in the front of people that it's going to make us great it's going to make us grand it is something else how we know that even from the poor pit to the back door that we have dealt with we have seen people dealing with a lying spirit but we are coming against it tonight will you be honest once and for all and say lord deliver me from every lie that i tell every lie that i live i don't want to go to hell because of a lying spirit you know the lord didn't call you to preach you just didn't want to go to work you got tired of a job and then you thought it was going to be easier to become a preacher some of you don't need you men that are sitting at home talking about you can't find a job no you can't find a job because you're on those video games all day on the uh watching stuff you know that pornography and different things you know you're not supposed to be looking at and then you want to say god is not a deliverer the devil is a liar our god is a mighty mighty deliverer and he can do anything but fail that's why i love him so much and i want you all to know tonight that there is nothing too hard for god to do but the first step to deliverance is a that you have to be honest with what you need deliverance from can pastor denise just tell you all tonight that you cannot walk around with unforgiveness and think that you can speak in all the tongues you want to speak in you can walk around and you know do everything and religiously but if you don't forgive then the father is not going to forgive you do not be deceived for god is not mocked for whatsoever man soweth that shall he also reap for those of you liars that you are mindling you like lying i bind that lying spirit over the people of god everywhere tonight in the name of jesus some of you have gotten so used to wearing you know the weeds and the wigs and the extra eyelashes and the you know the extra bosoms in the mud i found out that the men have muscle girdles now and that you can put on a fake fake muscles and wear them you all have forgotten who you are you forgot what you look like some of you won't even go to bed unless you made up the devil is a liar see the enemy wants you not to be satisfied and content i didn't say that you can't look beautiful i didn't say that you can't fix yourself up but it should not be to a point where you're deceiving yourself and other people they think they're getting with somebody light-skinned and it's because of the makeup that you have on and you made yourself over to look light and you know you almost black as a boot the devil is a liar be the color that you are and thank god for it in jesus name and if you if you if you the lord made you light thank god for it if you made your dark i thank god for my chocolate colored skin i praise the lord some people like it some people don't but that's all right because it's not about flesh it's not about all of that it's about the spirit of the living god some of you got on contacts and those of you just hate your own self and you're walking around deceived hallelujah god delivered tonight i want you to know that you're beautiful and wonderfully made by the lord in the name of jesus i bind the spirit of deception over the men of god ever the women of god are perversion you know you don't want no woman and you know you don't want no man but you still playing that game and hurting people and causing people to fall i bind this blind devil tonight don't you know that pastor denise there are times that i've been in men's meetings and men's fellowships what i i've had to minister to them and a confession that they make is that when it's time for me to get married when it's time for me to find a woman i'm going to the church and so i asked him i got insulted by it and i said why would you go to the church with your raggedy life with your line life with your perverse life what are you going to the church for i won't be one of them church girls the devil is a liar if you're a stay on out there and keep doing what you're doing if you're not gonna get saved if you don't want a real woman if you don't want a real man stop playing games with the souls of god's people you are going to reap glory to god what you sow i say to you tonight in the name of jesus if you know that you're bound god is a god that can set you free but the first step to your freedom is being honest so if you're a liar you ought to come on and say god i'm a liar but i don't want to be one if you know that you're a bad biter if you know you're full of jealousy and envy if you know you got hatred in your heart but towards people if you know that you're full of lust and you know you're full of doubt and unbelief you're scared of your own shadow scared of the dark don't want to ever be by yourself if you got those demonic i don't mind helping yes you do you don't really want to help you just don't like being by yourself the devil is a liar and we bind this lying spirit over the people of god in jesus mighty name the blood in your mind the blood in your will the blood and your emotions i bind this spirit from over you you women of god talking about you want a husband no you don't because you don't want to clean up you don't want to cook you don't want to wash you don't want to take care of nobody else so you might as well just be honest and say oh pasty i just want me some sex and i want to have sex without guilt and without condemnation i want it to be lawful so i just want to get married because marriage is more than a romp in a bedroom marriage is a responsibility marriage is more than that you have to have communicative skills and the blood be applied some of you want to tear your husband down you tear your wives down because you know that you're not doing what you're supposed to do oh man of god when you're going through in your body when you're going through on your job and you know that you can't function and operate like you should don't tear that woman up don't cause her to be frustrated don't cause her to be hurt and wounded because you can't do what you're supposed to do be honest with yourself and then be honest with god and he'll deliver and set your soul free listen here all we want to do is get to glory anyhow we want to see jesus i feel the lord here tonight we want to see jesus and we want to see him in peace there's no weapon formed against you that's going to prosper and even the tongue that rides against you in judgment god said he would condemn he said you don't even need to fight in this battle for the battle is the lord so you don't have to lie and make up stuff listen shut your mouth and let god fight for you you'll win every time somebody put in your comments god will win every time i tell you i love them tonight those of you that are lying about your status quo and you got all of the the name brand items and everything else but you know you have bills that i do i bind the spirit of pride and vanity from over you tonight that spirit is man pleasing spirit the blood the blood of jesus the blood in your mind i bind that devil to make you think because people accept you for what you got that they're accepting you they're not accepting you they're accepting what you have they're accepting the lie but eventually that lie is going to be exposed and when the lie is exposed they're going to hate you they're going to despise you stop spending your money and trying to buy love from people because i don't care how much you spend you can't make nobody love you you gotta walk in the love of god for yourself and receive his love on the inside i bless the name of jesus today and let me say to you sisters they're snatching it up girding it up and you putting on two and three girdles and you're about to kill yourself trying to snatch yourself up for somebody else the blood of jesus you don't have to hang all loose i believe every woman need a good foundation but i'm talking about those of you that use it as a deception if your backside is flat listen wear your flat backside in the name of the lord if it's big it's just big lose some weight if you want to but don't be deceived and don't deceive nobody else because when that man gets you home and you take all of it off he gonna see what you really made of anyhow oh brother brother brother brother man of god i've not forgotten you either you might as well loosen up them bridges and take everything out of that that ain't supposed to be in there either in the name of jesus because it's going to be revealed the blood the blood the blood i bind the spirit of deception in the land over your lives i bind the spirit of deception over the people of god the blood of jesus many of you have heard messages you listen to other people preach you listen to other people's sermons but you won't read the bible yourself and you try to come out as a great or oracle you just know so much but you better study that word for yourself and stop stealing other folks messages and in the person it's a sad shame that the first lady can't wear a blue dress on a sunday before the whole church is wearing a blue dress by next sunday have your own identity walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of your flesh those you that lying about fasting you know you somewhere grubbing in the corner when the lord has told you to turn your plate down the blood of jesus christ listen church we just want to get right so we can go home to be with the lord i know i know a lot of people may not talk about these things but it's the simplicity of the gospel that will win many to the kingdom stop lying tell your neighbor whoever your neighbor is wherever you are if you by yourself talk to yourself and just say stop lying stop being dishonest be honest with yourself if you're not happy yes the joy of the lord is your strength but if you're going through and you know that you're sad you need a breakthrough in your spirit come on and ask somebody listen i've been just shouting over what i really feel but i'm broken my heart is broken into many pieces i remember a church mother pastor by the name of jesse warnell and i love her so much and she was a mother in our church and we were in having service and i'm telling you all that well i was just at the altar sin lord i give you my whole heart lord i give you my whole heart and she tapped me she said baby you can't give god your whole heart because it's broken into too many pieces so come on let's say lord mend my heart and she began to pray for me that the lord would mend my heart and that every fragmented peace would would be brought together and before the night was over pastors and he's got a major breakthrough so i want to say to you tonight if you need your heart fixed if you need it mending if you need to be delivered from a lying spirit if you've been hurting and you've just not told anybody if you're not making the money that you lied about if you found yourself in any kind of situation because of lies and deception i want you to call that number tonight area code 708 503 11 40 40. amen 503 11 40 and let us pray for you i decree and declare over your life tonight victory and freedom and father i thank you for every listener every watcher got everyone that will scroll through this broadcast even later on bring deliverance into their life according to your word and will and we thank you if this broadcast has been a blessing to you on tonight i want you to remember to write and send us a word of testimony but most of all call that number so that you can be set free if you want to put someone on a prayer list that has a lying spirit and you're touching and agreeing put it in those comments don't put nobody's first and last name just put the initials we know put the initials and we're going to believe god that whoever you put in the initial your the initial on the comments that we will pray for them stand firm on the word walk in truth and reality in jesus name we love you with the love of the lord we'll see you again on next week hugs and blessings thank you for your desire to bless and be a financial support to angie ray ministries go to givlify cash at angieraidministries.com or write us at a-r-m-p-o box 1104 mathison illinois 604-43 on behalf of pastor kimberly thank you for your gracious generosity and kindness and sowing [Music] blessings to all of our facebook blessing our facebook family and youtube family we love you all so much i want you all to be encouraged on tonight to speak truth no matter what i thank you all for joining in watching on the word network but i appreciate you all sticking in here and hanging here with the race sisters we love you guys and we appreciate our facebook family our youtube family and i want to pray for you those of you that were found in the word of god on tonight and you know that you have been dealing with the lying spirit you know that you've been dealing with deception in any way father in the name of jesus i pray that you would touch my sisters and my brothers lord look on the one that they begin to lie as a child because they did not want to be hurt or they didn't want to get in trouble but yet still dealing with those same things on today lord look on that one that's full of rejection and fear rejection attention-getting spirits and lord that one that has a by love spirit and want to be seen and want to be heard lord the one that feels awkward and out of place and the only way that they find a position is if they lie and make up stories and lord we ask in the name of jesus that you would convict down in the souls of your people to let them know that it is wrong and god that you hate a liar lord i'm asking that you would baptize your people with a love for the truth in jesus name lord look on them one by one in name by name delivered from all of the spirits of the world and the lies and deception that lie therein lord don't let us be deceived lord don't let us be deceived by the end times but you said if it were possible that satan would deceive the very elect of god lord so we ask that you and help us help us to walk in truth help us to know the truth help us to speak the truth at all times lord take away every lie in the name of jesus and lord we glorify you tonight you are the awesome deliverer you are the abba father and lord we we appreciate you for giving us opportunity and giving us chance after chance to be delivered and to be set free lord we thank you for saving us delivering us and bringing us out lord we lose truth in the end with most parts of the beings of your people on tonight help them to study to be quiet help them to be slow to speak and quick to hear help them to think about what they say before they say it lord help your people not to lie on one another not to repeat things that they know nothing about god in the name of jesus deliver us for your glory and for your honor and we give you all the glory and we give you all the praise amen and amen if you believe god and if you agree say i believe god on tonight those of you that are watching again we appreciate you and we love you so much and i i just want you guys to know and i i mean this from the depths of my heart sometimes when we're speaking the word and you we're talking to you all it may seem a little rough and i don't take back anything that the lord gave me to say tonight but i want you to know that he loves you enough to bring truth in your face someone asked me one day pastor denise how is it that you can really tell the people the things that you tell them and i always say this i tell them because i love them and i don't want to see anybody go to hell so it's my job it's my responsibility as a woman of god to speak truth and love and to let god's people know that you gotta be holy you gotta be righteous for the glory of god listen we are all striving for for perfection we're striving to get to glory so as we move forward the things that the lord expose the thing that god reveals to us that's not like him hey repent and let it go according to the word of god listen be free in the name of jesus speak the word instant in season and out of season i lose a soul when an anointing when you tell your testimony don't lie in your testimony don't add to it and don't take from it but it's the anointing on the truth that will draw souls to the kingdom well i love you all tonight keep praying for us over here at the church on the rock and we look forward to see you on wednesday night bible class at 7 30 again sundays at me saturdays at 12 noon on the prayer call and 2 p.m on sundays for our outdoor service listen i hope that you all are praying for me for we're truly praying for you hey don't forget to send pastor kim send her a birthday card in the mail and we're going to give them all to her at the same time want you to send them and send them as soon as you can from every city every state would you be one to just encourage her and send her a card even if you don't have anything to put in it or if you'd like to put something in it but she loves to hear from god's wonderful people so write her today p.o box 1104 matching illinois 604-43 i love you all hugs and blessings everyone you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 2,969
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Id: IGnZ9PCf0D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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