A Time of Intercession - August 3rd, 2020

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glad i was to know the lord in the pardon of my sins but one of the happiest times of my life pastor patterson and thank you so much for being here with us on tonight amen i want to thank god let me just stop and say thank god for sister angie courtney sister rebecca and sister michelle tonight i want to thank god so very much for them but um i was um thinking about a very special time in my life when we would go to church and sometimes we would go um on tuesday night it was prayer bible band and then on friday night it was that terrorist service yes and uh when we would walk in the service you know sometimes these days when you walk in church you know you got to ask the people to bring in their wandering minds or whatever but there used to be such a reverence for the sanctuary and it was a place where we would meet god and i remember walking in church one night and the church mothers were around praying and uh they were saying thank you jesus thank you jesus and you could hear oh god we bless your name and father we're in the name of jesus have your way tonight i remember um a church mother and she would say i need thee oh [Music] i i need thee every [Music] hey i need thee and then you would hear it say oh blessed me now myself i and then you know then they would go into prayer and they would lord in the name of jesus have your way tonight move by your power move by your spirit touch somebody tonight you know it was just it was a beautiful opening to something that god would just it's like he would open you up and you could just pour out to him and another song that i remember and i just i loved it they would say shine on me me [Music] shine on me and i i would just get i would just get super happy you know and i would ask the lord lord look down on me i want you to clean me up and prepare me to be a sanctuary holy and meat for the master's use and i just want y'all to just share you know i want some of the saints to just remember some of the songs that just touched your heart tonight and i just want y'all to let's just have a little church out this is an unscripted 30 minutes they didn't they should have told me you know i this is just gonna be like it is tonight i just want and touch the people of god's hearts tonight is that all right but you know when we ended our song and it shined on me it was yeah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you for being good to us thank you jesus thank you lord glory to god old days hallelujah and i want to say to that mother that is praying for her daughter right now to that mother to that father that's praying for that son don't worry just ask god to put a yes down on the inside of them i just believe god's gonna heal families even as you be as we minister in song on tonight give god an eternal yes tonight god is looking for an eternal yes oh my god i love it with it that yes we'll take you out there oh my god sister angie if you could just encourage the people of god tonight what would you say what would you sing tonight i know the lord will make a way i know the lord will make a way he will make way for you he will lead [Music] and sister angie i know that you have been battling an illness amen and i know that the lord has made a way for you so what would you tell that mother that is in the hospital right now what would you say to somebody who is in need of healing what would you pray at this moment i would say father god in the name of jesus you sent your word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions whosoever shall call on the name on the name of the lord shall be delivered whosoever shall call on the hey the name of the lord shall be saved he's able to touch he's able to heal he's able to deliver reach up and grab your healing hallelujah in jesus name jesus name oh glory to god sister rebecca how you doing over there i'm i'm well tonight i praise god amen and what would you say to the people of god on tonight i would say to the people of god as in the more in the immortal words of the late dr angie ray as a young woman when i came into this ministry she told me to fall in love with god and to fall in love with the truth and the song that's on my heart is just this i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again it gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by oh what a love between my lord and i i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again hallelujah oh praise god we just lose the love of god in the atmosphere tonight we lose the love of god in your homes those of you that are feeling alone you've been you know in this pandemic pastor there's so much going on around the country and so i just want you to feel the agape love of the lord jesus christ tonight and we loose that love upon you now in jesus mighty name pastor i want you to just tell us what's on your heart and sing a little while would you you know this season has been such a trying season and i want to speak to the pastors and the evangelists the men and women that lead the flock of god that during this season and this time this pandemic has caused many people to kind of weaken during this season getting kind of afraid but the scripture says that god has not given us a spirit of fear and so we're coming against the spirit of fear today to every leader every pastor uh there were some great songs that came up in the church and we were talking about it before the telecast and unapologetically we thank god for the old school and uh and so i just want to just share this with the pastors go back and get some of that old stuff evangelist cheryl uh said earlier that you can go back and get some of that old stuff and get you a breakthrough so in the season that we're in this little song says bless that wonderful name of jesus bless that wonderful name of jesus i'm gonna bless that wonderful name name of jesus [Music] [Music] well i love that wonderful name jesus well i love that wonderful name of jesus [Music] thank god for the songs of zion but there was another song that pastor shirl pastor shirl evangelist shirl was singing a little while ago it says may divine to the lord and i won't take it back wait [Music] [Music] well [Music] to the to get the strength of god on the inside have the audacity to keep on preaching preach through the pandemic put on strength take off the garment of heaviness and put on the garment of praise and make a mouth to the lord [Music] want to have old-fashioned testimonies with a tambourine glory to god oh i thank the lord isn't this nice it's just so nice to reminisce pastor i was thinking that sometimes we just need to go back not to get stuck in the past absolutely but to go back and remember where you got your strength remember where you got that breakthrough remember when you got that blessing you know oh my god sister michelle how are you over there i am wonderfully blessed praise god and what would you tell the people of god tonight i would just really encourage all of the people of god that is listening out there and tv land just to know that the lord will fix it for you no matter what you're going through whether it's through this covet 19 but there's this song that i grew up on didn't quite understand it all as a child but as i got older it meant something to me as i began to go through every trial and every test and that song is jesus he will fix it for you before he knows just what to [Music] [Music] i know jesus he will fix that for you trouble in my way i have to cry [Music] [Music] jesus will fix [Music] jesus will fix he will [Music] i believe he'll fix it right now won't he do it oh that was a good one hallelujah oh i hope that you're enjoying the songs of zion on tonight and if you are in need of prayer you can call we have intercessors standing by even right now you can call 708 503 11 40. they're going to touch and agree with you on tonight and listen if you need a breakthrough call those dump that number tonight and let us pray and touch and agree with you in prayer amen pastor deandre you know um there are so many men that are dealing with different issues going through the pandemic and um i would like for you if you would to just encourage the brothers on tonight i i was right before i left i saw a young man 17 years old who lost his mom and his dad to covet and there are young people who have loved ones in the hospital they are not able to see them and then you've got the men of god that need to take care of their families and different things what would you do to encourage them or say to encourage them on tonight i would say to the young men uh this is not a season again for us to fear uh god has given us power power over sickness power over disease he's given you power over fear he's given you power love and the bible says the perfect love castes out all fear and a sound mind a calm mind i know that this season has caused great grief it's caused great worry you know the scriptures teaches us not to be anxious for anything but in everything by prayer and supplication let our requests be made known unto god and the results of that in the midst of this coveted pandemic the results of you let your request be made known unto god is the god of peace will keep your heart and your mind you know there's an antidote for peace there is there is an answer to every circumstance every anxiety every worry let your request be made known unto god we're to cast our cares on the lord because he cares for us so young man i just pray that god's peace would be yours great peace have they that loved thy law and nothing shall by any means offend them parents may have gone your grandparents may have gone siblings may have gone and just right here even in chicago we've had uh unprecedented deaths with all of our young people uh children are are dying just the other day a nine-year-old was shot several times in our city and you should see the children the friends that are crying uh uh because of the death and so i share with you today that god has not given you fear he's given you power over it you might not be able to get to the hospitals can i tell you people are dying from not being touched and so but one person that can touch us when we can't touch our family is the touch from the lord he touched me he touched me and oh what joy that floods my soul to that father to that son to their mother to their daughter something can happen i can testify and now i know he touched me yes lord and he can make you [Music] you hold i speak holiness to you i speak peace to you i speak calm to you that you ain't going out like this and i heard bishop evan walker say tonight that if i'm going down i'm going down and i'm going down fighting and if you go down go down swinging because at the end of it we're more than a conqueror through him that loved us brother put on strength in the name of the lord jesus amen thank you so much pastor i appreciate that you you got to see you know you should have just went on to sing but i was just sitting here thinking um i would was thinking of a song that says real real jesus is real to me oh yes he gives me the victory so many people doubt him i can't live without him in the morning [Music] that is why i love him so he's so real to me that's what you add on you get ready go on in oh glory to god i just i'm really really happy that we are able to spend some time in song with the people of god i wish we could just look on the the social media to see what songs you're saying but if you send us some songs in maybe in a week or so we'll try this again and we'll you know take us on in a little further but sister angie there's a song i you know i was just thinking um about six o'clock today i was getting ready to go home and one of my other friends was walking up the sidewalk and she began to sing an old song and i tell you tears just came to my eyes i began to weep and the power of god hit me in my belly and i i just i was so overwhelmed at the moment i love jesus you know and i just want the people to love him you know i don't want you to love him like i do i want you to have your own love for him but i really really love god you know and i just want you all to share before we go off of the air if there's a scripture or another song that you'd like to sing for the people tonight and then we'll give it to pastor and he can just close us out we might get up and shout a little bit tonight amen sometimes in a praise you know the enemy during this season too wants to muzzle the saints he wants to quiet us and you know i heard somebody say even when you do have church don't sing don't you know don't praise if you just be quiet or whatever but i tell you that i want to lift up jesus i really i just love him with all my heart all my soul and i just love him tonight praise god sister angie what did you want to say to the people of god again that god has given him a name that's above every name and at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord he's lord over covet 19 he's lord over poverty he's lord over job loss he's lord over every situation that we're dealing with in our world today so let's exalt the name of jesus the name that's above every name there's power in his name there's healing in his name there's deliverance in that name the name of jesus amen sister rebecca you're serving as one of our praise leaders here in the church and we thank god for you so very much but what in your closing remark tonight what would you say to the people of god or tonight i would say to the people of god to know that even during the times that you're going that we're that we're facing today that if you would offer unto god a praise give him the praise the purest praise out of your heart offer unto him unto him the sacrifices of your lips a true praise and that will begin to break yokes break the shackles off of your life and the situations you're going through going through those things will become strangely dim and the presence of god will overtake you and flood your soul and give you peace through this pandemic and peace in what you're going through amen and sister michelle do you have a scripture you'd like to share with them in our closing moments there's just a brief song that says i love him i love him because [Music] just my [Music] oh [Music] glory to god hallelujah god we love him tonight hallelujah and pastor we've got a couple of minutes left would you just close us out with to talk to the people of god thank you this is the season of the time where i feel in my heart that we need to be perfectly led by the spirit of god and not to operate in our own flesh operating our own ideas proverbs 3 5 and 6 says to trust in the lord with all of our heart and lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledge god and he will navigate you through and so whatever the circumstances may be there's an old song that says lead me guide me along the way come on sinkers [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to god and as we close this telecast out tonight we want to thank god and i speak to you tonight to ask the lord to lead you and to guide you and as we close this i want to just shift the song there's a song that i want to share it just simply says anointing fall on me let the power under the shunder let the power of the holy ghost fall on us let that be your prayer for the next 24 hours ask the holy ghost ask god to let his spirit fall upon you as you go to work as you go to school as you go in and out of the stores and the different places ask god to let his precious anointing fall on you walk in his love walk in his power call for prayer area code 708 503 11 40. i pray that a song has been saying that has touched your heart i pray tonight father that you would move across america let your power let your spirit let your anointing begin to break yolks someone is sitting in front of the television and they need a touch from you god do it for your glory tonight or if we give your name praise we give your name honor if you're filled with the holy ghost speak in your heavenly language right there in your living room in your bedroom lift those hands and give god glory and receive a fresh anointing receive a fresh anointing you're gonna need god in the days to come share his love while you have a chance love on your relatives love on your loved ones in the name of jesus glory to god we love you we'll see you next week and a time of intercession god bless you hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god follow me jesus [Music] [Music] let the power let the power [Music] you lord thank you jesus we'd like to say to all of our social media outlets on tonight god bless you you can call now to also for prayer at 708.50 11 40. pastor deandre patterson thank you so very much girls thank you so much and let the power of the holy spirit rest upon you tonight in the name of jesus just lift those hands where you are and ask god to let his spirit just receive it it doesn't take a whole lot it doesn't take up all night one touch from the master will make everything all right we love you all so very much god bless [Music] we on social media now y'all can let it roll come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] praise the name of the lord god bless you youtube facebook this is after a time of intercession we love you i was producing helping in the background i'm gonna get you a later hallelujah god it's good we love you so much with the pure love of jesus i'm gonna ask while we're still live on facebook pastor deandre yes just sing whatever's in your spirit right lord have mercy hallelujah praise the lord you heard me singing earlier yeah let's sing something together oh okay praise the lord oh jesus you didn't call me off guard he's that kind of friend see shah [Music] this is impromptu facebook praise the lord we love you with the love of jesus we love to lift up jesus receive pastor d'andre patterson we doing this together if you ever need a friend that sticks closer than any brother i recommend jesus jesus [Music] because he's that [Music] he will never he will never [Music] even though he knows everything there is to know [Music] about you i recommend i recommend jesus yes jesus jesus [Music] oh right in front of you to always protect you he is faithful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you'll be right there [Music] do you know how you're taking me be [Applause] [Music] there to always [Music] do you know keep with me [Music] me [Music] that kind of prank [Music] [Music] god bless you good night [Music] you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 11,026
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Id: iFrrF5GBq5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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