Dr. Angie Ray - Strength

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[Music] welcome to angie ray ministries church on the rock youtube channel we'd like to invite you to stay tuned to share in the word of god open your heart and hear what the lord has given our pastor i believe it'll bless your heart stay tuned god loves you he really loves you and he's ready to meet you right where you are and there are many of you you know that you've had a born-again experience you've been born of the spirit but yet you're being fought on every hand inside many of us were living all we knew for god but we did not know amen the experience of spiritual warfare we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places but thanks be unto god who that giveth us glory to god he gives us the victory the moment you said yes to the lord the moment you said lord i'm a sinner come into my life i want to be a part of you i want to live for you you see the lord said they that come to me must first believe that i am and that i'm a rewarder of them that diligently seek after me some of you've lost your fire your enthusiasm because of tests and trials and sufferings but the lord said think it's not strange concerning the fiery test to try you though some strange thing is happening these things they come to make you strong so when you are born again you become an arch enemy of satan the devil he is the accuser of the brethren he is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but when jesus came in your life he gave you something he gave you the power to resist the devil amen you got to rise up and tell the devil that he is a liar and that he will not do he will not do what he has come to do glory to god and i want to share with you in days ahead and today strategies of how to war in the spirit and win amen i want you to know today that there is real strength in praising god amen but god he's concerned about little old you amen put your hand on your own heart and say god is concerned about me and i've already got the victory i've got the victory right [Music] listen let me now you this i you know i don't care how people view you in a negative way you know they look at your past they won't let you get over it and everything but the bible said that if any man be in christ jesus he is a new creature and all things are passed away and behold all things become new so when you give your life to jesus when he comes into your life you are a new individual amen your life is on another page you are born to win you're on the winning side you're on the winning side amen i tell you i get so excited when i think about the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me there's a song that say my soul cries hallelujah and how many of you all know today that hallelujah is the highest praise that is known uncommand it's the highest phrase amen so when you are going through amen the dark you know pits of the enemy because you will go through you're going to go through some you know needs and what have you but god will meet them because he said i will supply your every need according to my riches that are in glory by christ jesus what you need today is in the praises the lord gave me a word for this first telecast and the word is strength amen stress praise god the lord is sending strength to his people come on he said be strong come on make a muscle you ever got to make a muscle come on somebody he said be strong the lord say that in the lord and in the power of his might now look at the neighbors say you may feel weak but what did he tell the week to say let the week say that i'm strong even as you're speaking it right now i feel the strength of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god over in exodus the 15th chapter and the second birth the word of the lord says the lord is my strength and song and he has become my salvation he is my god and i will prepare him a habitation my father's and i will exalt him amen he said he'll prepare him a habitation well i want you today to prepare a habitation for the lord to come in to really strengthen and bless you today how are you going to build our house you're going to build it through the praises the word of god says that the lord dwells in the praises of his people he lives in your praises so when you begin to praise him with all of your heart all of your might all of your strength you can be assured that the spirit of the lord is coming in it's not by might not by powers not by your might a power but he said it's by my spirit save the lord and the lord said whatever we bind on earth that he would bind it in heaven and whatever release on earth god said that he would loose it in heaven so you are here today joining in a mighty army of god who know the lord who know the joyful sound glory to god [Music] [Applause] and we are coming out of our close places with you praise god and we're going to praise and magnify the lord together amen david said i will bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name what is your soul your mind your will your emotions amen your feelings this is what the soul of man is david said o my soul why are thou disquieted within me hope in the lord what is god saying through david david why are you emotionally bankrupt why is your mind in trouble i told you to put on the mind of christ i told you that i was going to bless you i told you that i am the way the truth and the light what are you worried about i'm god i'm problem glory to god i'm jehovah amen i tell you when jehoshaphat that great ruler and and praise worshiper because that's what jehoshaphat was and his enemies were closing in on him and jehoshaphat did not know what to do the bible said that he feared amen but how many of you know today that god has not given us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for visiting angie ray ministries church on the rock youtube channel if you enjoyed the message that went forth today please take time to like the video share with your friends and family and remember to subscribe to the channel for more content coming soon
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 10,807
Rating: 4.9904532 out of 5
Id: gRoFHySE88k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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