A Time of Intercession

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ye shall have power yes after that the holy ghost have come upon you and you shall be my witnesses and when i think about i think about how you know many times what we're seeing is that people are so called up in times seasons when you think about you go through a season of trouble right season of affliction a time where you just you know so many things are happening in your life and it's a trick of the enemy to get you to lose focus that's right he said don't worry about these things yes sir because these are all in the hand of the father but he said all you need to do now is receive the power of the holy ghost because it's the power of the holy ghost that's going to redirect your focus make you be able to focus on what it is i want you to do and what is that to be a witness and it is time i feel as though the church of god with all that we're seeing the afghanis the war in afghanistan the the coronavirus the floods the storms the fires all of these things are trying to take the the focus of the saints and then don't you gotta add to it your own problems the stuff that you're facing every day the stuff you're going through and it's like all of these things are just coming to try to to to really just distract you from your focus but i want to encourage people to stick with god yes you know receive the power of god and let the holy ghost lead you that you can be what god wanted you to be and then after he did that he filled them yeah he filled the field he filled them up and they were you know where they were so busy and you never see in the scripture anymore where they're even asking those kind of questions because after they got the holy ghost god began to direct them to purpose that's right and no longer did they worry about their trouble no longer did they worry about their problems no one they weren't worried about being restored they were just worried about doing the work of the will of god will of god and when you get to that place you become an impact to the world all of the people that was in that upper room all of those people and then he set them apart yes i really i was just thinking about that right before i came and i was like he literally he put him in the upper room yes he set him apart which you know we call it today sanctification he sanctified it he took that he took them and put them in a room where they couldn't be distracted any longer when you study i was looking at it um years ago and they talked about how that chamber it was a upper room yes that was closed off yes there was nowhere they could look out no windows anything and so he was able to set them apart so he can actually deal with them yes so that he can fill them up and the saints of god we got to learn how to really get our focus on god and stop letting all of these other things distract us and realize we've been set apart amen and then they did that for themselves yes they sanctified themselves they set themselves apart they went up in that upper room and stayed committed to it yes until the power of god came and when the power of god came everything changed i believe god god gonna send him revival yes pastor i have a question for you you know the scripture says that the joy of the lord is our strength and i know that when we get filled with the holy ghost that a part of that is the spirit of joy and i just want you to just share with our audience what does joy do to a saint of god how how can they praise god through their battles and circumstances the bible says think it's not strange the fiery trials will try to come upon you it's though some strange thing happens that's right you should rejoice yes that's right and so what joy does you know and with the life of the believer first of all by you being in tune with god it's an automatic response to the trial when you look at what that is it's an automatic response to trials to tribulations to whatever it is you're going through because of who god is in you he puts that joy in your soul and it's not something amen that is like uh temporary joy is everlasting it's not you can be you'll be happy because people can make it happen right right but the joy is what god deposited and on the inside of the believer so when you're going through you shouldn't focus on any other thing except the fact that i'm connected to god all right and it's that it's that connection to god because he don't change and when you start looking at god and realize that he don't change he can't that can't help but bring you joy because the fact that he don't he's the same god i tell them i tell people when i'm uh at home and everywhere i go i say one of these days yes you know we talk about how god used uh moses he stretched forth his hands right right yeah took the people across you know and walked through that sea i think about that you know you think about how he used uh uh um elijah yeah right now it's the same thing yeah i said well the same way he did it for them mm-hmm he can do it for me and we was out there late today i could have stretched forth my hand and those just like that's the joy of the belief that's right when you start looking at what god can do and know that he's the same if he did it for them he could do it glory to god that's that bubbling joy because but the devil don't want you he wants you to only look at your child that's right that's right well i want to i want you to to kind of elaborate on the dancing in the spirit pastor jewel talk to our audience about what it's like to rejoice in the lord until the power of god hit you in the dance well some of y'all danced like smoke coming up on your shoe [Laughter] you know when we was growing up i will say this yes when we was growing up i'd never forget how and i'm you know i hope i do this right yes yes yes but i'll never forget how we understood first of all it wasn't for everybody to think right okay amen it was for everybody because if you won't say sanctified yeah they didn't let you just go to the dance you just couldn't just they met you clowned and killed and the thing is is because of the fact that what i found out over here and i don't i i'm not like you know i don't dance as fast as something i thought yeah i can't do it like y'all some of y'all were just y'all just sanctified and twisted it up and got saved and y'all was in the club all night now got to save you now now [Laughter] but still got to give you he'll give you a jump a leap or something and the thing is is that it's i look at it different now because what dancing is it's an automatic response automatically it's an automatic response yes amen to your to what god is doing so what you can't say out of your mouth yeah you say out of your feet hallelujah it's like okay i can't say it and it's the joy that we talked about that's right that comes and bubbles up and it comes from instead of you hollering out you dance it out so we have a few minutes left on the telecast and i'm just going to give each sister an opportunity to ask their question now so we're going to go first to cheryl then to tanya and then to assistant pastor j.d well yes i am i am just so excited that you're here yeah it is it is an honor and and the joy that that is just being exuberated is just joyful in the church right now you know but what would you say to the men of god how would you encourage the men tonight you know we're all girls you know and sometimes they just they need to hear a male voice yes they hear our voices but sometimes how would you encourage the men of god and then just the man that's watching tonight amen one of the things i would really like to say is that as a man um in this hour it's time to be men yes it's the men that lead the church yes yes um it's the men that should lead when i say leave the church and worship yes and and their responsibility and how and what we do and a lot of times people become discouraged yes they become discouraged because of what their what's going on again yes and um i was teaching the class not just the other week because at our men's class at our church the light church clayton yes north carolina i was teaching and the bible said that paul encouraged timothy okay and he encouraged timothy he said listen he said be an example of the believer he said in word he said in charity yes you know and so my encouragement is again right now what we have got to do is we can't pat on the back anymore okay all right you know as far as just you know thank god for those that are there we are supposed to help bad uh the affirmatives of those yeah that are weak yes yes but my encouragement the men is to grow up yeah all right amen that's my my encouragement because men are different see you men want to be dealt with men yes and they want to be dealt like a man yeah see if you treat a man like something else yeah you don't get the same response but a man needs to be talked to like a man yes he don't you know we don't we don't cry we don't get in cry cause somebody hurt our feelings that's right a man wants to be told what's true that's right they want to be hit hard you know a real man they don't want you you know my encouragement is as men now you know as men especially in the body of christ yes in the body of christ it's for us to be strong in god's strong to be like men that's what they said in the scriptures be real men yes and know that you know look i i could go it's time for us to be men yes and stand strong the bible says lifting up holy hands you know we're leading the church and worship we're leading the church and being an example yeah we're showing people how to love yeah you know how to how to stand strong how to be able to speak what you whatever you say yes you got to carry it out we supposed to be that kind of example light of the world that's my encouragement encouragement is to be strong be a man i want to ask pastor lee um again we want to share with with our viewers tonight and pastor lee is from the light church yes in class north carolina and for those of you that are in the north carolina area go and visit the light church yes and if you don't have a church go to the light church and it is a blessing yes the holy ghost the man of god preaching on fire the word of god with such power and the demonstration of the power of god amen is moving in the like church and i just want to encourage those that are in the area to join and visit our big brother amen he has a beautiful wife [Music] to share this that um oftentimes on facebook and on your social media yes we see pastor lee praying yes and leading prayer which is such an awesome blessing because you don't often see men praying yes openly as you do women or because god has called us to intercession right but it's always so awesome to see this man of god leading praise and so i just want to talk about men praying yes and then i want to encourage the men of god to join us this coming saturday september 4th for the international intercessory prayer revival amen it's going to be at the house of hope led by pastor kim and angie ray ministries yeah and so i just want you to talk about how how the lord gave you that great spirit of prayer well i came out of the tabernacle friend yeah hallelujah for all people yes i had one of the greatest pastors in the world apostle lawrence boshian yes um his pastor was apostle johnny washington amen we grew up in church where every service started with an hour prayer prayer it was an hour prayer and in those in the hour prayer as a young man it taught me how to gain a relationship with god that's beautiful and so as i began to pray as you talk about me and leading prayer yeah because my pastor prayed yes my pastor was the one that led the prayer pastor wasn't the one you know a lot of times until later in the end when he was older he didn't all he wasn't always out but pastor would pray okay and so that's what i know that's what i saw wonderful and i understood it because of what i heard him say it taught me to know what to do taught me how to intercede how to pray because i heard him pray right and so many times you know um what you'll find out is that it's the man or the pastor yes you don't have to be the pastor of the church that is leading that prayer and people hear that all right and that's what causes them to be grounded because now they know how to pray yes they know what to pray for wonderful and you it's one thing again to speak it but it's another thing that you actually exemplify and so the you know every real revival starts with every move of god starts through prayer first that's right you can't just jump up just like you know with the prayer revival now y'all the prayer revival listen y'all the prayer revival in the season we end yes it's more than what people or even probably know right because of the time yes sir i believe that there is a revival coming the bible says that the end of the thing shall be greater than that of the beginning yes the glory of the latter house should be greater than that of the former yeah so i believe that every revival is led through i mean every move of god is first led by prayer that's right and um so as a church me me being a man in my church it is my desire to make sure that i reproduce other men that would do just what i'm doing because that is the foundation of the church that's what causes the church to grow yeah that's what causes you know people look at our church and we've grown tremendously yes and the reason why is simply because everything we did was soaked in prayer it was bathing fruit sometimes we would come in and we would just pray you know had that freedom to where he wasn't um held back and that prayer would go longer we didn't just pray for our we we have consecrations we've been praying for like two hours so my thing is is men is leading that prayer yes um i understood how important it was for me as the leader of the church the man in the church if i was going to have men that was going to come they need to know how to pray amen i don't want just people around me that can't reach god that's right that's right that's amazing well praise the lord i'm just enjoying everything that you're saying amen i wanted to know you know if you can speak to our viewers on tonight against the spirit of fear that is troubling the hearts of so many of god's people what would you say to those that are just fearful because of the time right now where we are how would you encourage them to be delivered and what would you say to them well again the bible tells us everything yes it does it teaches us that god has not given us that spirit he's not giving us the spirit of fear but of love joy uh peace inside of the sound and so it teaches us that it is not for the believer to be fearful yes uh and we if we're gonna have faith then you can't have faith and fear amen faith and fear do not work together and so you know in the time all of the all of what the enemy is doing we're seeing this rise amen of the spirit of the enemy simply because he's trying to distract us and i would encourage the saints of god to pull on god in prayer to pull on god because i found look you can't be the president pray you cannot you can't be the you can because life comes yes corona has come yes you know different things they come yes but in order to defeat it it is not defeated in a carnal manner that's right the weapons of our warfare are not eternal yes but they're mighty through to the pool down strong we have got to pray yes and when you pray prayer will remove fear get out of your life but as long as you continue to just settle in it yes you just said oh i can't go nowhere you go everywhere else i'm down in chicago now harold's cheeks [Laughter] but we want them to come to the prayer meeting that's right pastor you know i was thinking about the principles and the teachers and the students that are going back to school now in the season and we want to cover even the principles and the teachers in prayer and the young men and the young women and we want to say a special prayer even for young males that's right that god would position some strong men in their path that will point them to jesus i tell you there's so much that they need guidance and instruction and direction and we want to pray that god will really move in the lives of the individuals watching so before we go we just have a few minutes left on the air we must let the pastor pray so in our final two minutes of prayer just before we turn it over to pastor to intercede remember that we do have prayer counselors available seven 708 prayer intercessors 708 503 1140 you can call even at this very moment we just want to set ourselves in agreement with you that god will answer your heart's desire and so again we only have just a few moments but we're going to allow the man of god to stand in the gap and to pray amen and i believe cheryl has just one final moment just before we go to the prayer well i will say we're going to keep rolling after we go off the word network we will be on uh facebook and youtube yes stay tuned because we're getting ready to pray just for you amen we want you to remember this saturday the just as i am international intercessory prayer revival it will be at the house of hope 752 east 114th street yes in chicago at 12 o'clock noon we're going to be blessed to see the doors will be open early come on in to get a secure seat yes and we're going up at 12 noon amen amen in jesus name we have one minute let us pray father in jesus name lord we thank you and we praise you thank you lord you said in your word thank you that whatsoever things we ask in prayer believing we shall receive them lord we come to you now and we ask you cover your children cover this school system yes lord cover those today god that are going back to school and those that work in the school system father and look on the men of god in the name of jesus look on these young men today father that wants to gain a closer walk with you i pray now that you will fulfill your word in their life you said hallelujah you said that as we draw nigh unto you that you will draw nigh unto us fulfill your word in the name of jesus and we thank you for that we praise you for that and we believe that it is done right now in jesus name jesus amen amen amen amen god bless we love you in jesus name amen with our special guest pastor jewell lee of the light church of clayton north carolina a mighty man of god and you know i could feel the anointing while he was praying and we're going to ask him to pray again in the name of jesus but we want to make sure that you're aware this saturday at 12 noon at the house of hope we are coming together to pray and call on the name of the lord the rey girls each of us will be standing in times of intercession cheryl is going to be praying the prayers of petition special requests as she's led further also sister tanya will be interceding for god's precious people our beloved assistant pastor will be ministering in warfare and as she is led praise the lord and i'll be praying prayers of supplication and prayers of thanksgiving amen all of us can pray prayers of thanksgiving because god has been so good to us so we just want to take a few moments while we're here live and we want to give our special guest time brother amen our brother pastor julie an opportunity to just share with the saints of god for a moment and then we want you to pray one more time please share the address to the light church yes the light church is located in the city of clayton north carolina amen and the address is 400 wall street yes um two and a half what you got to be wondering 400 wall street clinton north carolina 275 to oh yeah and we will be happy for you at any moment anytime yes come see us amen and just in case you watch it and you don't have a church yes yes you're looking for one you can join the light yeah yeah we tell everybody the theme of our church is be the light being the life of a blessing awesome awesome praise god again we thank god for those of you that are watching if you're standing in the need of prayer tonight maybe you are in a place where you just need a touch from the lord we want to stand together tonight for all of you that's watching we want to remember those families we want to remember especially people that are in the hospital you know in the last couple of days i've received so many requests where people are asking us to pray for people that are on ventilators and respirators asking for prayer for for those that have been affected by the covet and some have the delta variant some have been so sick sick unto death but we're standing and believing god to heal your body in the name of jesus yes we've gotten lots of prayer requests but we've also had some praise reports amen that god has raised a few people from that bad experience and we're still believing god is a miracle and he can do just what he said so listen if you're standing in need of deliverance or prayer we want you to just get near amen your social media sites and prepare to receive prayer from the man of god and just before we go into prayer sister tanya has a word to share so i just want to share a testimony on someone put on your facebook it says i want the world to know that god used the woman of god pastor kimberly ray gavin to pray me back to life the intercession and warfare ministry is out of this world i almost lost my life to covet 19. thank you but the spirit of god moved through this vessel of god i'm so grateful she has had she she have such a compassionate heart for her brother in christ our god is awesome none like jesus thank you the blood still works and thank you woman of god so we know that god is still answering prayer he hears us we give god the glory all of it and the honor amen we trust god that when we call on him yes he'll answer he said if we knock the door will be open if we ask it shall be given yes if we speak we shall find amen so we're trusting god we're not just praying and calling words right but we're talking to our heavenly father amen in the name of jesus knowing that he's going to move on our behalf and we love him he loves us yeah he said come on to me and i will answer the assumption great and mighty things that you know and i tell you i want to encourage those of you that have prayer requests to write us at k-ray at angie ray ministries you can email us and we're going to be praying over those requests on saturday at the prayer service and we just believe god oh you have his ways it's going to be powerful the anointing will be present and i just trust god that's going to save to heal to deliver to set free to encourage to enlighten yes to give us a word just directly from him amen we believe god yesterday uh pastor lee spoke here at the church on the rock so i want to encourage the believer to come to the prayer meeting so that they can be rejuvenated and encouraged and let their focus be turned back toward god and get back into that place of holiness and sanctification and prayer and living according to the word of god amen so that's our hearts desire we're coming together so that the people of god may be strengthened in jesus name pastor niecy and i just wanted to say to the saints as well especially the men of god i want to invite you out on saturday september the 4th at 12 noon as the man of god has spoken to you there are many brothers out there and you know you need a breakthrough you're saying i need prayer we want you to come and join us in prayer bring your families be that lead be that person that will say i'm going to lead my family into prayer and whatever you need from the lord we are believing god for a major breakthrough for you i tell you i feel the presence of the lord even now and i know that even pastor kim is saying that we will be in warfare we want to want you to come that yolks will be broken from over your life over your generation the generation of your children and your children's children we are believing god for his power to be made manifest you are here pastors that need to say often i believe in miracles signs and wonders we serve the same god today yesterday and forevermore we are the seed of abraham we have a god that cannot fail and i'm looking for my god we're talking about the god of of of abraham isaac and jacob the god of angie ray my mom is and johnny ross as children we're talking about the god that we have a relationship with you when you have a relationship with him you know that he will move he said if you're calling me out and i'm looking for us to come together september the 4th so god can answer and for those of you that need something right now yeah for those who need something tonight i want you to just tune on in and join in don't just sit by and watch the prayer join in the prayer as the man of god take us before the throne of grace i believe god for each one of you and encourage yourself tonight to say that god is on my side and he will answer prayer just for me i love you all with the love of jesus christ we want to also say we thank god for your pastor we want to say to those of you that say i really want to go to that prayer meeting yeah but i feel like i i don't know if i need to be around people i want to call you out of isolation tonight call you out of fear tonight amen in the name of jesus christ we want to call you to a meeting so that you can receive your liberation join us on saturday at 12 noon 7 52 east 114th street at the prayer service at the house of hope man listen come out of your close places amen come out of fear come out of it in the name of jesus and join a fellowship saints that's ready to call on god until we hear him answer come on fasterly next time right that's why i pray um yes the thing is i was while you were speaking and why pastor was speaking yes it is the atmosphere that is set by the believer that destroys yokes that heals bodies yes and that's what the enemy is trying to do yes to keep us from gathering together that we might experience that atmosphere now you can feel it in your home yes you can that's why these this is so wonderful people can feel it but when the saints come together you know and y'all haven't having that the conference the prayer time that's it during this season yes ma'am right people can come and god can literally raise them up they forgot about all the stories about a.a allen and how the planes would fly in yes with people on the plane yeah that was nearly sick unto death they were still in their bed and they would the plane would hit the ground of miracle valley and people would get up get out of here completely healed he the same god yes he is and he's doing the same thing and even in the midst of covet 19. yes even in this era right now with people going through it they need to still believe god in faith without works so as we get ready to go we want to pray and believe god for each and father in the name of jesus god we thank you right now thank you father we praise you one more time thank you very much lord for blessing us to come together father we thank you for the atmosphere that's created by the believers lord we are thanking you o god for joining us together you father at this point thank you father this season yes father at this time and all of those that are watching now lord i pray that as they reach out yes father as they hold that phone as they look at that tablet in their hand father let those serve as a point of contact in the name of jesus and lord we're praying right now touch them father touch that body father that's sick right now look on that lady look on that man the father that's right now daddy knows going through covet 19. father we are praying in the name of jesus god that you would deliver them father that you would heal them in the name of jesus god for some they say it'll take a while it takes a couple of weeks but god we speak healing now we speak deliverance now in the name of jesus and we give you praise for healing them father we give you glory for healing and oh god we thank you for giving them a testimony father of your healing in the name of jesus that we define the enemy right now you said blessed are the things we bought on earth that you would bind it in heaven once that will be loose on earth that you would loose it in heaven and we thank you right now lord father as you lose deliverance in the life of the holy in jesus name in jesus name [Music] i pray in the name of jesus amen amen amen the one father in jesus name you said that healing was the children's brethren we thank you for the healing virtue going across these either ways tonight yes in the name of jesus father that man that is in the high school and needs a miracle tonight lord tonight in jesus name over the systems of these bodies let's go into the icu's the ccu's going to walk up and down the hospital walkways today in the name of jesus father someone is standing between life and death not before it's eternally [Music] and we give you glory in the name of jesus [Music] yes move on bless you again to our guest yes pastor julie yes amen and we honor the lord for this time and again you can stay in touch with us by writing to arm and that's in p.o box 1104 matson illinois 60443. stay in touch with us you can email us at k-ray at angierainministries.com again we are just saying good night and we thank you so much for your time and we loose upon every one of you that's viewing this time tonight the pure agape love of jesus christ be encouraged and be blessed in jesus name amen just as i am join angie ray ministries along with tanya cheryl pastor jade denise and pastor kimberly for the justice i am international intercessory prayer revival saturday september 4th 12 noon at the house of hope experience the authentic power of breakthrough the angie ray ministries just as i am prayer revival will be in person at the house of hope 752 east 114th street in chicago or on the angie ray ministries youtube channel they'll see you at noon on september 4th whosoever will may come it's an open invitation to prayer just as i am you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 3,371
Rating: 4.9135137 out of 5
Id: V9C3BYGT98s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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