A satanic panic...again?

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about a case that is just has a lot of question marks for me and if you've been on my channel for a while you'll know that there are particular types of crimes or particular types of niche interests that i find very interesting like cannibalism things to do with exorcisms or like the satanic panic even though like we know a lot of things in that time were mislabeled as satanic when they weren't but i find that interesting how people tend to project that either way we're going to talk about the case that involves things akin to that but first i did want to thank today's sponsor which is beam as some of you know i deal with anxiety sleeping issues and generally don't know how to relax veem is a company whose mission is to empower everyone to improve themselves in their own way beam creates cbd products that help you feel your best all their products are made with high quality natural ingredients and are guaranteed to be thc free i tried cbd for the main reason that i want to improve my sleep and it's something that i've been struggling with for years and after taking the dream powder for weeks now i've been sleeping more soundly than before veeam also uses nano cbd in their products which improves absorption by breaking down the particles so they're absorbed faster and at a higher rate making the products more effective all the products in the sample pack include the best of beams products which are the dream capsules and powder for better sleep the revive capsules for recovery and the focus capsules for better performance if you need support with higher quality sleep increased recovery reduced inflammation less stress and improved focus veeam is for you to top it all off all the sample pack products are organically produced gluten-free cruelty-free and vegan click on the link below to receive free shipping on bean sample pack man armed with machete arrested after writing satanic messages in blood on sorority house police say patrick cantor allegedly scrawled messages in his own blood that appear to say hail satan and there is no god according to witnesses at eastern carolina university one thing i'm going to say off the bat is that when people say that something's satanic i am almost immediately skeptical because of what happened during the satanic panic which if you didn't know a very basic version of what occurred was that the police and the authorities were saying that certain things were satanic when they actually really weren't so then they ended up scaring people into thinking that all these people were satanic and were just out to you know sacrificed virgins or whatever other stereotype there is but most of the time it actually was in fact incorrect and didn't have to do anything with satan so when i see headlines like this i'm like is it really though okay so one quick note that i wanted to make about satanism as well is like what i was saying before is that there's a very particular stereotype and a very mainstream kind of understanding of what satanism is now i'm by no means a professional but i have read the satanic bible exactly to figure out how much of the stereotype was true what even satanism really entails i'm going to put two screenshots quickly just in case you haven't heard of i guess the other side of the coin the less stereotypical understanding of it i'll also link two articles down below one's from a historical website and then one's an interview with a satanic reverend just to get that perspective if you're interested but i do want to underline that here when i talk about satanism i'm talking about the mainstream satanism like the type in the satanic panic where they'll just label everything as demonic or to do with the devil when in reality sanism isn't necessarily that and aside from that hail to satan and there is no god this doesn't sound like someone who's satanic in my opinion simply because i think they'd write something a little more esoteric than hail satan which is something that pretty much the masses know i don't know it's almost like when you see religious crimes a lot of the time they're pretty esoteric in the sense of someone will read into something in a certain section of the bible or whatever other book and they'll quote that but they won't typically quote the most popular quotes from said text just because i don't know most the time it just makes it seem less genuine kind of like if you're writing a paper you're not going to write a paper about the most famous quote someone said you might talk about a lesser known quote so then you can have a fresh new discussion does that make sense hopefully that parallel makes sense to someone else a man wielding machete has been accused of writing satanic messages in blood on a north carolina sorority house and nearby car east carolina university police department captain chris sutton told oxygen.com that patrick cantor 25 was taken into custody sunday night after a few people flagged down an ecu officer around 9pm after seeing a man with blood on his arms and hands canter who authorities believe is homeless had been carrying a machete within about five minutes they were able to locate mr cantor the shift supervisor was the initial contact officer and he was able to safely disarm him of a machete sudden said sutton said authorities believe cantor used the machete to cut his own hands and arms and then used his blood to write the satanic messages on a building and nearby car i'm not sure what is going on here if i had to perhaps guess i would say that perhaps there might be mental illness issues included here or there might be drug issues especially if this person is homeless and might not be able to access the help they need or the medication they need rehab programs whatever whatever resources they need to me this doesn't really sound like it's necessarily actually satanic though it could be but i'm just saying it also it seems a little too convenient like this could very well be someone who is hallucinating or is hearing things you know i have no idea but it sounds like it could be but i do think it is concerning that this person has effectively self-harmed themselves in order to get the blood to write that that to me inevitably says that something's wrong and aside from that i do think that if i lived in the area i would be deeply alarmed to even leave my own house because it really does seem like this person's grasp on reality may not be where it should be the new york post identified the building as the alpha delta pi sorority house the whole incident is troubling and i'm certain it's very concerning for the residents of the home as well as their parents sutton told the outlet but we're pleased our officers were able to locate mr cantor so quickly and disarm him safely without higher levels of force obviously he was in some form of distress student grant miller told witn that the blood scrolled messages looked like a couple of upside down crosses it said hail satan like written in blood which is strange images posed to social media after the bizarre incident also appeared to show the words there is no god and [ __ ] god so again these messages seem like the typical stereotype of what people might consider satanic but it's very hard for me to believe that any of this is is rooted in some kind of spiritual religious belief none of these messages hit me as particularly satanic as much as they seem a little bit i don't mean to say edgy in like a main way but they do seem like something that you know you might say when you're a teenager to get a certain reaction out of people or to cause a little bit of distress in those around you but it really doesn't seem like there actually is a deeper thought behind it saying oh i am advocating for satanism because a b and c this just seems very just very basic like i really think this is most likely related to mental illness or drug abuse or both sutton told oxygen.com that cantor did not provide a motive for the writings when he was apprehended but he allegedly did make comments that were satanic and sadistic in nature he was transported to receive medical care at a local hospital after he was released on monday sutton said he was charged with injury to real property our investigation is still ongoing he said adding that additional charges could be possible in that case sutton said authorities believe the troubling encounter was an isolated incident and was unusual for the normally quiet college community police are working now to make sure residents in the area feel safe we were fortunate that three citizens that identified him and pointed him out did so and gave really good descriptions so our officers could respond frankly i think the most important thing here like aside obviously from no one actually being hurt is to see what to do next because this person clearly was in some type of distress like i said we don't really know what but i would hope that since they apprehended him they could put him in some kind of program or at least get him checked by a doctor to see where the problem may stem from because as much as it could be an isolated incident it's also like if you do go to that extreme where you do hurt yourself in order to use your own blood to write on property it's hard for me to believe that that happens once and then you're fine again you know like to me there must be some underlying factor that could cause that to happen again and aside from that it just seems like you'd need some type of assistance regardless so i do hope that that was checked in on because you never know how someone might escalate whether they're gonna hurt themselves further or actually hurt other people especially like i said if there's something wrong mentally you guys can let me know if you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 136,502
Rating: 4.9470053 out of 5
Id: p3M227mKK-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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