A man got leniency for being a pastor

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're in for something special today I'm throwing a rager and you guys are all invited and by rager do I mean a fun frat bro II unfortunately kind of party no this type of rager is one where we collectively sit down and rage at the reality that we are in rage in what whatever fashion you want to usually I see like I've become very quiet when I'm in deep rage but who knows maybe here I'll just straight-up start screaming are you ready because we're in for it guys we are I'm truly so angry that I have goosebumps Tennessee man who raped adopted daughter receives only 12 years now just from that title alone you can understand why I am angry but it gets so much worse because you're like yeah 12 years is a significant amount of time but wait a former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence the Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars the judge cited David Richards long time ministry and the support he still receives as mitigating factors more than 30 people showed up to support Richards at the sentencing last week listen listen I don't care what religion you are I'm not here to bash any religion but the sole concept that him being a pastor and his ministry is a factor is insane to me it would be like if the judge is so let's say the judge is a really big fan of pizza and this pedophile rapist has a pizza shop and they count that as a mitigating factor like to me it's equivalently ridiculous I cannot understand why it even matters what you do as a job like seriously you can praise Jesus a million time's but if you're a child [ __ ] which this guy is who cares like who cares you know if I were the judge in this case I would say okay there's evidence that he raped his adopted teenage daughter electric chair that's it or life in prison that's it I don't need to know more I do not need to know that you own a hundred Bibles that makes no difference whatsoever I just and the fact that he's supported like you think a rapist being supported is a great mitigating factor I let's just keep going the victim was 16 when she reported the abuse saying it began two years earlier she told authorities where they could find DNA evidence at her home and said Richards had texted her about taking their relationship to quote-unquote the next level authorities said they found her mattress stripped bare and his phone factory reset but they were able to recover his DNA she was 16 when she reported this but it had been going on for two years so she was a 14 year old girl when this man who is supposedly her father figure clearly failed that started abusing her 14 but the fact that he's a pastor and has 30 other [ __ ] idiots backing him that's that's all we need to know that's all the judge really cared about not like the fact that he was abusing a fourteen-year-old and that he's a pedophile and that there's DNA proof him texting her taking their relationship to the next level that's not how it works with fathers and daughters that's how it works in actually romantic relationships you can talk about the next level with your adoptive daughter there's no next level you're just always gonna be in her father so like even that just so creepy and the fact that his phone was factory reset I don't think that's a coincidence just saying so in another article that continues to cover this case it says that David Richards continued to maintain his innocence as he had throughout his trial while asking for leniency from Knox County Criminal Court Judge Steve the Knoxville News Sentinel typically does not identify victims sexual abuse cases but amber Richards chose to speak publicly after the February verdicts she sat on the opposite side of the courtroom the Thursday joined by half a dozen others including her biological parents who she has reconnected with in recent years I wanted to throw my body away amber Richards said as she delivered her victim impact statement Thursday not a day goes by that I don't in some way think of what he did to me I firmly believe if given the opportunity he would victimize another young girl David Richards Atuk the stand in his own defense painting his accuser as a defiant teenager who first made her allegations of sexual abuse amid his attempts to impose strict rules for his children forensic testing however uncovered the presence of seminal fluid with a DNA profile matching that of David Richards on the girls bed frame to claim that she came up with this story because you were starting to impose strict rules on the household is to me laughable now of course there are always people who come up with fake rape allegations those people exist certainly there's no reason that his seminal fluid should be anywhere in her room can we all agree to that so for him to just paint it as like oh yeah she's like a teenager who was pissed off so she just like said that I raped her so like you know how I said at the beginning that 12 years was infuriating well a Knox County jury found Richards guilty on nine felony counts including rape incest and sexual battery by an authority figure following three days of testimony in February sort of the judge had wide a latitude in his sentencing decision most of the charges Richard was convicted of including rape are punishable by probation alone under state law only the charge of sexual battery by an authority figure requires a minimum of three years mandatory incarceration I stand before you convicted of crimes I did not commit set of Richard's 41 I simply believed the system just aired in this case I'm not sure why I'm here but I assume it's for his purpose prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars the judge acknowledged Richard's longtime minister he began a Bible study among his fellow inmates well jailed at the Knox County Detention Facility and the support he still receives as mitigating factors we already knew that out of 72 years which is what the prosecutors wanted this dude got 12 and on top of that had the audacity to say that it's because there's like his purpose like God put him there for a reason no no no no no God is not involved I'm pretty sure God is looking at you being like you're a [ __ ] pedophile and you're disgusting but anyway the fact that he's turning this into a narrative of there's a reason for this there's a reason I'm here like a higher power type reason no no no the reason you're here is entirely fully just you being a pedophile rapist that's the only reason you have no purpose I mean like your only purpose is being a piece of garbage so I guess if you want to keep that purpose go ahead but do not try do not dare to turn this into one of those narratives of I've been given this trial and tribulation and I will get through it and you know learn from it I keep having to pause because I get so mad at I start tripping over my words but the fact that he's trying to paint this as a narrative where he is the victim of some kind of injustice and that he doesn't understand why he's here and like the law has failed him ridiculous absolutely ridiculous however it does bring me a very great joy to tell you that people are super [ __ ] pissed at Judge Steven sword and there's even a change.org petition going on right now to have him removed as of right now it has twenty three thousand nine hundred and eighty four signatures and the goal is to get to twenty five thousand I'm gonna sign this in a second if you want to as well I'll link it in the description down below but I definitely feel like this judge I don't know anyone who's too forgiving of a pedophile is shady in my books so if you feel like this judge should maybe be removed I'd say check out that link and the other thing is whoever those thirty people are the ones who are defending him and supporting him I am disgusted I'm absolutely disgusted by that I know some people will just discount the evidence but the fact that this guy had 30 people rooting for him instead of rooting for a teenage girl who had been abused for two years there's something wrong with all of them to just say anyway these guys let me know you think of the comments down below feel free to just like scream in the comments down below that's probably what I would do thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music]
Views: 146,358
Rating: 4.983655 out of 5
Keywords: david lynn richards, david richards, david lynn richards pastor, judge steven sword, steven sword
Id: UrG8xi_lkKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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