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the time has come we did meowtz we did yamasks and coffee greek gus's coffee guy anyway it's time for a reggie of every type we already have a third of the types taken care of with the existing regis being rock ice steel normal dragon and electric on the last two of every type videos i got so many comments asking about types that already exist like where's steel type meowth what about ghost type yamask so if you see a comment like this down below or in future installments please help guide these lost souls to the obvious so each reggie so far sans reggie giggis has represented some kind of historical time period or age reggie rock the stone age regis the ice age reggie steel the bronze age reddy drago the middle ages and reggie alecky the modern age so in order to make a reggie of each type we're going to kind of have to abandon that concept just because not every type is going to fit a period of history like what age is grass gonna represent leaf age anyway make sure to hit that like button subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on future of every type videos let's get started with a few from malmostex first the flying type kind of an odd one to imagine but i think reggie skye handles it perfectly it evokes that feeling of looking up to the summit of a mountain and feeling like it almost touches the skies ridge's guy may look like solid rock but it is actually an intangible being made of pure air you could say reggie gigas pulled reggie sky out of thin air next up on the opposite end of the spectrum is ground type rock and ground type as elements are often hard to distinguish from one another especially when it comes to reggie's which are essentially elemental golems of that type but reggie terra manages to make that distinction well making a reggie that looks like layers of soil clay and sediment is a great way to separate it from the jagged rocks of regirock it honestly looks like reggie giggits just cut out a square chunk of earth and said here you're reggie now lastly from maumess is the bug type reggie comb which was actually my idea obviously it is based on honeycomb given both in the design and the name which i think is pretty clever it also has four legs and two arms to reference how insects typically have six legs also it's legs or bee stingers anyhow let's talk lore the tale of ridgy comb goes like this once upon a time reggie gigus was feeling weak and starving it sequestered itself to a forest in an unknown region in this forest there were many teddy ursa combi and cutie fly who saw ridgy gigas and decided to help by gathering up as much honey as possible and feeding it to reggie kikis having its strength replenished reggie giggis used some of the honey to create a guardian for these pokemon as thanks and so reggie comb was born in my meowth of every type video check that out if you missed it a lot of you expressed disappointment in the fighting type not being represented by subjectively's mazian meowth well this time around i reached out to jack from subjectively and he gave me the go-ahead to feature the regis from the maza region so first off is the grass type reggie wood there is so much i enjoy about this design i love how it has such a different shape from the other regis being super tall cylindrical and kind of lanky its design inspiration of wood carvings and primitive machinery merges so well with the already existing regis i can vividly imagine seeing this regi in a pokemon movie maybe in the jungle and some ancient ruins kind of like in the first movie with the discovery of mew i also love its lore and origin story but we will get to that in a bit next up is the fighting type reggie brute i love the idea of this being a homunculus aka a golem of flesh i think the design definitely manages to capture the feeling of other humanoid fighting type pokemon while maintaining its reginess though all i can think of when i see this design is my body is reggie also its eyes are shaped like a person flexing which is hilarious and incredible at the same time last from subjectively is the fairy type reg eternal honestly this might be my favorite design of the whole video i absolutely adore the use of biblically accurate angels as a design basis for a fairy type i love it when fairy types are not these cutesy pink and girly mons like how the grimsnarle line and the gen8 box legends changed what a fairy type could be so this is a huge win in my book also the name is just perfection the lore behind them is something created reg eternal jack left it open-ended for the viewer so i like to think it was a combination of reggie giggis and arceus due to its angelic design basis maybe reggie giggs took some of arceus power when creating red eternal maybe to combat reggie drago or something anyway in turn reggie turnell created reggie brute and reggie brute created reggie wood these represent the creation of humanity humanity and humanity's creation which is just an incredible bit of lore to replace the lack of the ages concept in these three i also saw a comment saying reggie brute created reggie wood as a training dummy which is just hilarious and absolutely now my head cannon make sure to check out subjectively's video on these reggies for more information next up is the psychic type for this we have reggie psyche from vroomfish yes it is a brain its arms and hands are also eye stalks and eyes i just found this concept to be super clever while looking like a brain it isn't overly grotesque it's quite sleek and smooth oh god it's a smooth brain isn't it well this design pleases my smooth brain so whatever this regi was born from the mind of an ancient man who tried to fuse himself with a pokemon and is a well of pure psychic power so much so it releases this power through lasers shooting out of its hand eyes superman cyclops and icarus are all quaking right now for the dark type we have reggie dark by devil d man and my god is it dark dark rye eat your heart out reggie dark looks like it came straight out of dark souls or bloodborne in the best way how many more times am i gonna say dark from its demonic wings to the protruding pelvic bone to the upside down cross formation of its eyes it screams evil incarnate a complete antithesis to reg eternal which i love i mean this thing is so edgy i could probably cut myself if i get too close but it would probably stab me with those lanky dagger arms first in my head canon this was actually created by giratina as an emissary of darkness also from devil d-man we have the poison type reggie toxic man this thing looks more toxic than the pokemon community if there isn't a national dex i love this interpretation of poison typing just so many poisonous spikes everywhere and it almost looks strangely aquatic in nature it gives me huge toxipex vibes continuing in the kind of grim theme we have going on here for the ghost type we have reggie ghost by trevon art according to legend reggie ghost was created by reggie giggis using the wandering souls of pokemon that couldn't pass on to the afterlife it absorbs the souls of those who have lost their way although it's said that reggie ghost also releases the souls through the nail on its head to another dimension to help give them a new opportunity it is believed that the talisman on its face keeps it in harmony and harmless to others honestly this thing is just the perfect ghost type pokemon it references the stereotypical sheet ghosts the move curse and jiangxi also known as chinese hopping zombies yes that is a thing look it up last up are the final two elemental types water and fire both are by wally fakemon for the water type we have reggie hydro this reggie is said to be responsible for all life on the planet which makes sense given water is needed for life to be sustained on any planet at least that we know of currently reggie hydro can create torrential rains rivers and seas and the plants on its body provide enormous amounts of oxygen for the fire type we have red jig neo this reggie once upon a time reigned as an active volcano that could turn an island into a pool of magma in an instant it was recently rediscovered buried beneath a vast desert its temperature is immeasurable as it melts even the most advanced machinery that gets near it it's only slightly less heated than the pokemon community when there isn't a national wait i made this joke already didn't i due to their typing and hidden abilities primordial sea and desolate land these two are believed to have been created millennia ago as a result of the great wars between groudon and kyogre but there you go a reggie for each type let me know which one was your favorite in the comments below make sure to check out the wonderful artists who made this video possible in the description below also if you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button subscribe and hit that notification bell and with that i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: PragMagik
Views: 815,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokémon, gen 9, Regi, Regional Forms, Fakemon, fakémon, fakepokemon, Regional Variants, Fake Pokemon, Fan Region, Fan game, Pokemon Gen 9, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon gen 9
Id: GrOSwcHbCiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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