Introducing a NEW Castform for Every Type! | Kaskade Region | Gnoggin

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this is professor furs research log number 42069 oh arceus of course well i've finally done it oh i am so pleased with these results and with this project finally at its end i will use this log entry to summarize the entire thing here it goes hello i am professor fur one of two main pokemon professors in the cascade region my specific field of study is learning more about this region's unique weather system which is caused by the four roaming legendary pokemon constantly rotating the seasons these constant shifts have made some of the pokemon here able to use moves and abilities that they are incapable of in other regions mainly moves that affect their immediate environment essentially battlefield sized weather anomalies i've dubbed this simply weather energy or weatherjee because i'm uncreative that's not my job as a professor but one thing i noticed while out doing my research is that my partner pokemon cast form apparently has more forms here than anywhere else in the world as pointed out to me by cast form's original creator apparently in other regions there is only a sunny snowy and rainy form but out here i was regularly encountering several more so i made it a mission of mine to discover a form of cast form for every type which is clearly easier said than done several of the types were of no issue it was only a matter of putting it into a battlefield with some of our unique weather g i'll explain these findings now the first new variant i encountered was its grass type form pollinated i encounter histamine swarms nearly every day that i gather field data in a spring part of the region so we were constantly surrounded by a swirl of their pollen my poor little cast form though he seems strained in this form and is having a bit of a difficult time not sneezing but in this form notably its weatherball attack is so packed with pollen that it becomes a ranged physical grass-type attack now if instead of pollen the air is filled with poisonous gas cast form enters a smog form rendering itself and its allies immune to the poisonous air while also further poisoning the enemy team a bit more so than what the air is already doing another variant common in the cascade region is the rock type variant which is caused by being in a sandstorm here it's weatherball turns physical as well and it seems like it's able to protect its teammates from the effect of the sandstorm which when i brought this up to his creators they mentioned not knowing of such an ability at all the same with the poison form i guess here in cascade on top of its form changing with the weather it gains a sort of secondary ability in certain forms as well the flying type variant is a fairly easy form for it to enter as well any frequent amount of high wind with no other effects will cause its body to stretch and twirl around itself making it almost like a sentient little hurricane it's very cute interestingly enough when a cast form is in this form it is significantly more difficult for other enemy pokemon to change the weather it's as if this form of cast form is blowing any of their new effects away but it only works once as it then reverts back to its original form after doing so visually it is similar to its ground type variant where cast form becomes a sort of mini tornado or a dust devil picking up sand and dirt beneath it its weather ball in this form can hit enemies even while underground by first exposing them and if it does so it will then cause a sandstorm which funnily enough changes cast form to its rock type form a curious behavior indeed another easy form for it to get into is its electric type form simply being in a thunderstorm with a charged battlefield will activate it and its effect here is interesting it acts a bit like a lightning rod it will absorb any electric attack that it or its allies are dealt though it still takes some damage from doing this but in return its next weatherball attack is not only electric type but also more powerful thanks to the added electricity more research is needed to determine how much power this little body of it can hold now even the ghost type pokemon in the cascade region have this extra weather energy which has led to a new sort of weather effect which we've dubbed cursed winds essentially the wind blows with an eerie howl and bone-chilling sensation that cools those exposed to it without actually lowering the temperature silk scope scans indicate sort of ghost tears in the vicinity of these winds perhaps a ghostly realm sort of leaking into our own more research will need to be done here but the ghost type cast form renders it immune to normal and fighting type attacks while also warding off the spirits of the cursed winds from its side of the battlefield which of course causes them to move more over to its enemy's side increasing the effects of the cursed winds to the point of paralysis even due to the fear and the grip of the cursed ones i'm not sure i'm brave enough to continue researching this particular form experts will be needed uh mediums and the last of the easier forms to achieve is the psychic type form psychic type pokemon in the cascade region also have their own sort of weather though a weather barrier or filter of sorts would be a better description they put a weird sort of psychic field around the battle arena i've read in other regions that some psychic pokemon are able to create psychic terrain and this is essentially that the filter seems to amplify the effects of the stars above boosting their psychic power even more and it's quite beautiful i must admit but when in this effect cast form becomes sort of clairvoyant and begins meditation when meditating it uh well it doesn't seem to attack it can still use status moves though but if it has an ally on the battlefield it will amplify all of their attacks with added psychic energy seemingly pushing its ally further with the aid of telekinesis and i should note that this effect seems to last for a short while so switching the cast form out with another pokemon in weight we'll see the effect continue to last for that pokemon for a brief moment i'm sure some expert trainers can see value in this but now the few remaining forms of cast form were much more difficult to achieve but i found out eventually that by giving it a weather gem to focus more weather energy into it can unlock some more potential within itself and gain access to more forms so now with enough infinity energy in the air it will become its dragon type form every turn its attack and defense stats grow but it also just takes ever increasing damage to itself similar to the effects of the move toxic it seems that its body isn't meant for this kind of arcane power now when a pokemon causes overcast and a blood moon cast form not only changes its form but its personality as well when in this dark type form all of its stats raise a bit but it won't listen to a word that i say it thinks it's being sly or mischievous or something of the sort an unfortunate effect but an easy one to break at least simply a change of the weather will cause it to change its form and snap out of the attitude but it keeps the stat boosts which is quite nice now similar to pollinated air many fairy type pokemon in the cascade region have learned that they can fill the air with a pleasant scent on the breeze by filling it with a sort of fairy dust which lowers evasiveness and heals everyone around besides dragons and ghosts of course and fellow fairies and grass types heal even more so but now thanks to this weather gem cast form can change into their fairy form which will actually double the healing of it and its allies and its weatherball attack heals whomever it hits even further which can include itself now and also similar to pollinated air bugs will sometimes fill the air with pheromones they tend not to smell very good at all but they and poison type pokemon seem to like it as it increases their speed and accuracy instead of lowering it for everyone else and now thanks to the weather gem cast form sort of integrates the pheromones into its own body forting a cloud of pheromones around itself which protects it and its allies from the negative effects and causes the weatherball to sort of infest whomever it hits i've been meaning to look into how infestation works for a while now perhaps now that i've found all the cast form forms i will look into it now the fighting type cast form that one took me a while i had to further refine the weather gem to get it to work some cascadian fighting type pokemon can radiate their fighting spirit into the air around them like a lucario's or a ball but always and the entire battlefield and now when this happens cast form can pick up on that and transform into its fighting type form the speed boost that it gets from this is remarkable it's now among the fastest pokemon i've ever seen and it can't seem to sit still darting back and forth rapidly and now ramming into its foes for every attack and then and then the steel type and this is this is where i truly struggled it took me months to figure this one out some steel type cascadian pokemon have a minor effect on the weather and their weather energy but it's never much a tweak to the local magnetosphere it only ever speeds them up slightly and makes them more accurate but it also makes all electric attacks against them perfectly accurate i tried so many things to get this to work with cast form but nothing seems to work i and i hate to resort to the same tactics as tom bezel my old frat mate and now ceo of amazon richest corporation in cascade and the world soon you see he's been messing with pokemon biology for a while now all for corporate gain there's a modified steel type drift blim that delivers packages a steel type sudowoodo to act as a living cell tower and i swear that new golbat evolution vibat was made by amazon too they're listening to us for sure and the botniac are they even pokemon but no matter i can twist my morals a bit for science this is the last step of this project so after tinkering around in my lab a bit eventually i did find out how to achieve a steel type cast form and it involves a whole other item to give it a steel whirly gig not unlike the one in downtown port alky so what's great about this held item is that it makes the steel form cast form become the default form so it's in this form right out of the pokeball and when it comes out the magnetosphere burst clears any weather effects that are already in the battlefield and sets up the steel type weather effect on top of that but as a bonus it boosts its allies accuracy too and also acts similarly to the electric form of cast form but but even better it acts like a lightning rod and pretty much renders its side of the battlefield immune to electric type attacks there are a few negatives involved with this though the cast form inside doesn't seem to enjoy being in this form i feel sort of bad putting it through this also it cannot transform into any of its other forms until the whirly gig breaks off which seems to happen after it's taken a few hits and it still doesn't seem too happy for a while afterwards too oh what have i done i knew i shouldn't have steeped to these levels this has been professor fur log 42069 uh professor furs research log number 42070 i don't know how they caught wind of it uh probably those dang vibe ats but amazon corp approached me yesterday they want to buy the manufacturing rights off of me for the steel whirly gigs i'm not sure what use they have for them and i'm not sure i want to put any other cast form through what mine endured but but the money what they offered and that would fund my lab for over 10 years i wouldn't have to worry about any more grants for a decade oh what am i going to do you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 752,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castform, castform explained, kaskade region, fakemon, new castform, castform of every type, castform for every type, fakemon castform, castform evolution, castform forms, castform form, castform guide, castform weather, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, blazingbloom, frigidfall, kaskadian, hoenn, pokemon weather institute, pokemon weather, professor fir, pokemon professor, amaze-all, mandjtv, shiny castform, how to get castform, where to find castform, where is castform
Id: Tn2dxtCwkQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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