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rotom a little plasma ghost pokemon with  the power to possess household appliances   and other electronics with each thing roton  possessing giving it a new secondary type   so let's see what a rotom of  every type might look like hey everyone brandon here so as i said  before rotom has the ability to possess   electronics sometimes it is used to pull  pranks on people such as its initial forms   other times it's used to assist them in daily  life like in all the forms introduced after gen 7.   with 6 out of the 18 types being occupied by  these rotom forms there's room left to wonder   what appliances or electronics roton would have to  possess to get the other 12 types so to find this   out i asked you guys for help by participating in  a contest i hosted in march to celebrate reaching   50 000 subscribers on the channel we are now at  what you guys are absolutely wild with the support   on this channel thank you truly from the bottom  of my heart it really means the world to me anyway   the community went so hard for this contest and i  got so many more submissions than i was expecting   i was initially just gonna have one winner for  each type but you guys surprised me with so many   fun and amazing concepts that i couldn't help but  feature a bunch of different forms for each type   so if you're excited to see a bunch of fun rotom  forms make sure to hit that like button subscribe   and hit that notification bell and if you like the  concept of different pokemon of every type there's   a playlist of past of every type videos you can  check out through this card or through the link in   the description anyway let's get into some rotom  forums take it away cartoon me starting us off is   the psychic type for this one most of you seem  to have the same idea rotom possessing a tv to   reference subliminal messaging and media as well  as us being hypnotized by our televisions being   stuck watching them like some kind of hypnotized  zombie these three entries illustrate this concept   perfectly with this one by i'm soul art actually  using its powers to soothe children and adults   alike one other concept i found really fun is  this form of rotom that has possessed a calculator   getting across the whole idea of the psychic  typing being associated with intelligence   for the normal type there were a couple concepts  that caught my eye particularly these two which   are based on two different kinds of speakers one  a cd player and the other a bluetooth speaker both   playing into the normal types affinity for sound  based pokemon and moves another concept that i   really enjoyed is this rotom that has possessed  a copy machine which refers to the normal type   having pokemon that can copy others such as ditto  or smeargle for the rock type we have these forms   of rotom that have possessed a jackhammer i love  this idea i can imagine these forms just wreaking   havoc on the sidewalks of cities another concept  for the rock type that i really enjoyed was this   form of rotom that has possessed a rock salt lamp  i find this hilarious because i've always had one   of these in my home and i feel like there's at  least one in every home nowadays so you could   even call this a household appliance also i wanted  to give a quick shout out to this form a rotom   electric guitar that is electric rock type great  pun though i don't usually do this for of every   type videos i decided to include the pure electric  typing for a rotom form because in this situation   i feel like there would be a rotom form for it and  these two concepts are exactly what i thought of   these rotom have possessed generators i really  like the idea of these rotom coming to the rescue   during a power outage i could even see an episode  of the anime where this form of rotom comes to   the rescue when ironically an electric type gym's  power goes out for the ground type there are these   two forms in which a rotom has possessed a shop  vacuum or shopvac for short with the ground typing   coming from shop vacs picking up huge amounts of  dirt and dust off the floor i imagine these rotom   would take all the stuff they've sucked up and  use it for a sand attack or sand tomb for the dark   type there were a couple very different concepts  that i liked one was this one by double cheesebuga   in which rotom has possessed an old rotary phone  so it can make prank calls without having to worry   about caller id the other is a roadshow that  has possessed an old pc by splat the crystal   it has become a glitch in this pc and corrupted it  you can even see it has a missing note for a hand   which could be a pokemon whose data was  corrupted because of this rotom form   spooky for the steel type it seems the general  consensus was on rotom possessing some form of saw   here are some forms in which a rosham has  possessed a chainsaw and another that is possessed   a table saw i especially love how the table saw  one has its hand as a guide for the saw blade   there were also two other concepts for steel type  i really enjoyed there's this one by cedonia arts   that has roton possessing an iron which is just  a hilarious pun i couldn't resist featuring   the other is this toaster form by sketchy  sketchbook this rotom can shoot toast-shaped   flash cannons which is also super hilarious for  the poison type we have these two roads on forums   that are possessed blenders the blender being  used for the poison type made a lot of sense to me   i just imagine rotom being like one of those  challenge videos where they're just grabbing   a bunch of random ingredients throwing them into  a blender and making the world's worst smoothie   babe are you okay you've hardly touched your  strawberry horseradish soy sauce mustard smoothie   these last few types were all over the place  when it came to what rotom would possess   so let's begin with the type that was  the most scattered as far as forms   the fairy type for these next few i'm just gonna  list a bunch of forms that i found fun and why   first up we have this form which is a rotom  that has possessed an electric toothbrush   i love the play on the tooth fairy being why it  has the fairy typing i also picture it having   bubble gum toothpaste on the bristles next we  have this camera rotom it can use dazzling gleam   and i imagine it probably uses flash 2 which  i love after that we have this form of rotom   that has possessed fairy lights i love the  pun of using the name to explain the typing   on top of that fairy is ostensibly the light type  so the typing works as a double pun for both parts   of the name fairy lights speaking of lights we  have this rotom that has possessed a night light   once again playing into the fairy typing acting  as the light type after that we have this form of   rotom that is possessed a tamagotchi i just really  love the pun of rotomagachi for this one for yet   another form we have this roton possessing an  artificial christmas tree which exudes the fairy   typing by giving off some holiday cheer lastly for  the fairy type we have these three forms based on   oil diffusers and a smoke machine i really like  the idea of rotom having the fairy typing for   the same reason as aromatise giving off a pleasant  and calming scent that could even put you to sleep   the bug type like in most of every type videos is  a really hard one to pin down design elements for   there were a few that i liked in particular  such as this form in which a rotom has possessed   a sewing machine i love how this plays on the  idea of spider's silk to justify the bug typing   another one is this rotom that has possessed  a buzz saw which is just a great pun there's   also these two forms which are more great puns  they made rotom possess a beetle i found this   utterly hilarious in the best way for the fighting  type we have a few options a couple that i really   thought fit were roton possessing some form  of video game technology like these two forms   another one i found very clever design wise was  this form by splatt the crystal in which rotom   has possessed an electric car jack and look the  car jack looks like rotom is flexing its muscles   adorable another concept was this one by  sketchy sketchbook that is a treadmill rotom   i love the idea of exercise being associated  with the fighting type so this one was especially   appealing to me last but not least is the dragon  type though what rotom possessed was varied there   was a common theme amongst most of the dragon  type entries rotom possessing something big like a   satellite or a helicopter or train or plane oh my  i really love the idea of the dragon typing being   attributed to a large intimidating presence like  these forms for some smaller forms we have this   rotom leaf blower by sergeant mako and a mouse  rotund by kko draws i find the way they both use   rotom's arms as wings really cool and i love how  the mouse is the opposite idea of the other rotom   forms in that sometimes the biggest strengths come  in the smallest packages and that is all the rotom   forms for this video let me know which one was  your favorite and a huge thank you to everyone   who participated in this contest if you enjoyed  the contest make sure to let me know if you'd   like to see more in the future also don't forget  to hit that like button subscribe and hit that  
Channel: PragMagik
Views: 874,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rotom, Pokémon, Regional Forms, Fakemon, pokemon, Fan Region, Fan games pokemon, Pokemon Gen 9, fakemon pokedex, fakemon region, fakemon dex, legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, regional variants pokémon, new regional forms, pokémon legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, rotom dex, rotom forms, every rotom form, Pokemon go
Id: sMtiR8_MZVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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