Film Theory: One Punch Man Must Be STOPPED!

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if a hundred push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run every day allows you to destroy the moon in a single punch I wonder what like 10 a day would do I mean I don't want to push myself too hard you know [Music] [Music] taking myself [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Internet welcome to film Theory the show that can knock out any franchise with just a single episode okay today we're hopping back into the wonderful world of anime to revisit one punch man for those of you who don't remember three years ago we actually pitted his Unstoppable punch against Captain America's unbreakable vibranium Shield to see who could win but I never quite felt like we gave the show itself it's due from armored gorillas to seaweed people this show is full of absurd powers and awesome moments that we could look at but of course nothing compares to the Incredible strength coming from everyone's favorite c-ranked hero saitama I mean let's be honest who wouldn't want to walk around with the power to level planets at the end of your arm well that power can now be yours in your phone thanks to our sponsor for today's episode one punch man the strongest a new turn-based RPG available now for IOS and Android the game's officially licensed and supervised by the people who know one punch man the best recreating all the key events from the first season of the anime and not just recreating mixing in actual scenes from the show it's a really cool visual style that feels unique to the game blending the Video Game World with the anime World along the way you'll have the chance to recruit on over 60 fan favorite heroes and villains ranging from Carnage Kabuto to this Lost Child and of course there's saitama himself whose Unstoppable punch is entirely in your control no sit-ups required well maybe some sit-ups required considering you'll have to complete his strict exercise regimen in a Mini-Game mode Called saitama's Quest you have to keep doing it no matter how difficult it gets one punch man the strongest is available now and it's currently in the middle of its launch event which means that if you go play now you're gonna get yourself a bunch of goodies if you want to find out more and be a hero for fun you can download one punch man the strongest by scanning the QR code that you see on screen or clicking the link in the description and don't forget to use the promo code TFT OPM for four super vouchers 30 stamina 10 000 coins and 10xp soda twos but hold on let me stop Shilling here for a moment well in theory having the power of saitama in my hand seems awesome in reality it'd probably be more like a curse and not just because he's able to defeat anyone without breaking a sweat as I played through the events of one punch man the strongest and remembered all these bits from season 1 of the anime I realized that saitama's heroics actually cause a lot of damage and I do mean a lot I know the show plays some of these moments for laughs but when you actually stop and do the calculations one punch man has actually killed millions of people in fact it's likely that he's destroyed the planet multiple times over in his carelessness in trying to save civilization he's wound up destroying it multiple times don't believe me we'll hop off that bike of yours for a second movement Rider cause today we're talking about all the time saitama's quote unquote hell actually killed more people than it saved and both one punch man the anime and the strongest mobile game one of the first villains we're introduced to is Beefcake a buff dude bro who's mutated into a giant mass of muscle in an effort to be obviously though he's wrong he's defeated by saitama in a single punch who then gives him this dose of reality having overwhelming strength is pretty boring actually but I'm not interested in the philosophy of it all I'm interested in the resulting Devastation when saitama punches Beefcake he knocks him back onto the city crushing even more buildings and killing more people and all he has to say about it is whoops it's a perfect Showcase of how he doesn't take the consequences of his actions seriously at all considering that he likely just killed thousands of people but to know for sure let's do some math shall we first of all to figure out how many people Beefcake crushed as he fell we're gonna need to find out how tall and wide Beefcake is there's lots of ways to do this the simplest is to take this profile shot from the game and do some quick measurements we see here that Beefcake is standing next to this group buildings doing some rough comparisons we can tell that Beefcake is around six times the height of the surrounding buildings but something about that didn't seem big enough so I decided to go back to the original anime now in the series the animators play with size and scale a lot so I decided to go go with the biggest scale that I could find evidence for and it's right here when we see a footprint left behind by Beefcake imprinted into a huge portion of the city believe it or not we can use this to determine his height a person's height in proportion to the length of their foot is typically 6.1 inch for height for every inch of foot now due to the stylized nature of the cityscape's art it's a bit difficult to count the exact number of city blocks here so to be safe we're gonna base our count only on the very large streets that we see cutting through the buildings using that a reasonable count will land us between five to nine blocks so I'm just gonna split the difference and say that it's seven city blocks long an average city block in a large metropolitan area tends to be about 1066 feet or 325 meters long meaning that beefcake's foot here would be an insane 7464 feet or 2275 meters long that is the length of six cruise ships or a long Airport runway and again I recognize how ridiculous that number is but that's what the show is telling us so using our 6.1 inch to 1 inch proportion here that means that Beefcake is an absolute unit standing at 45 560 feet or 13 877 meters tall for contacts the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa is only 2717 feet or 828 meters tall this puts beefcake's head firmly in the stratosphere he is taller than the altitude at which most planes fly thankfully now that we have this number figuring out how wide Beefcake is is super simple thanks to our old trusty friend pixel measurements we get ourselves a good shot of beefcake's entire body here using some basic math we can determine that beefcake's body has a width of roughly 16 345 feet or 4982 meters this is a very very rough estimate but that would mean the beefcake's entire body has an area of roughly 26.7 square miles or 69.1 square kilometers now before I move on to just how destructive saitama's punch would be here I want to challenge you to head on down below this video and punch that subscribe button go on I'll just wait here and play through a chapter of one punch man the strongest real quick I'm at the chapter with Beefcake should be one punch super easy so how many people died when saitama knocked Beefcake over well it would depend on a ton of factors of course did Beefcake fall in a commercial or residential area what time of day is it how many people were able to evacuate it's a lot of factors that we don't really have a way to account for so we're just gonna use a city-wide average to keep the numbers as clean as possible all of the cities in one punch man are original creations with no great one-to-one real world comparison but since one punch man is a Japanese series these cities have Japanese inspired architecture and are shown to be densely populated we're gonna use the stats for Tokyo in our calculations Tokyo has a population density of 6158 people per square kilometer which means that about 425 518 people would have been crushed to death just because saitama punched Beefcake and knocked him back into the city well done thousands it's a perished you're right they did and you certainly were responsible but some tells me it wasn't in the way that you anticipated so that is a lot of damage done to the city and its inhabitants because of saitama's recklessness but believe it or not that's the least destructive thing that we're talking about here today because a few episodes later saitama does another heroic Thing by punching a meteor that's about to crash land into a different city now he might be thinking that saitama saved the city here he destroyed the meteor before was able to strike the planet that's a net win right nope I'm here to tell you that what saitama did might have actually been worse than letting the meteor hit see this meteor is described in the show as a nine on the Torino scale elevating from six to nine on the Torino scale this is a real system of measurement that looks at an asteroid's diameter and How likely it is to hit Earth obviously a nine on that scale is gonna be really bad just for a frame of reference here a 10 is like the impact that killed the dinosaurs now in that previous theory that I mentioned before we found that saitama's meteor was closest to the real world asteroid 101 955 bennu which has itself a diameter of 100600 108 feet or 490 meters and an approximate mass of 171 billion pounds or 78 billion kilograms this thing is heavier than the entirety of the Great Wall of China considering meteors enter Earth's atmosphere at a speed between 20 and 72 kilometers a second we calculated that the meteor had 202 quintillion joules of energy obviously that is going to be devastating if it touches down but here's the thing saitama's punch doesn't gently stop the meteor fling it back into outer space it makes the whole thing explode see when the meteor is suddenly stopped all that energy has to go somewhere all saitama did was make it explode up in the air even if we assume he's somehow able to dissipate or absorb like half the meteor's energy with his punch that still leaves us with an explosion equivalent to 24 million kilotons of TNT I tried to get myself an idea of how large a nuclear explosion that would be just so we could visualize it but when inputting that number into our good old friend nuke map they politely apologize that they didn't calculate nuclear weapons that powerful in fact the maximum that they allow in this calculator is a a hundred thousand kiloton bomb which would be over 240 times weaker than the explosion from that meteor just get a sense this is what would happen to Tokyo if a hundred thousand kiloton bomb exploded 5 000 feet into the air now imagine something that's 240 times worse here's the Good News by punching the meteor and causing the explosion up in the air theoretically saitama would have caused less damage to the impact area this is a concept called air burst a term used in Military Arms to describe explosives that detonate in the air it means that the peak energy of the explosion wouldn't be on the ground in the middle of the city so the absolute worst of that explosion wouldn't be at the heart of downtown the bad news while Air Bursts are used in military weaponry to cause damage over a wider area so a greater percentage of the city and its surrounding area are destroyed and mid-air explosions of meteorites yeah they're no joke they've actually happened on Earth before in June of 1908 a 60 meter meteor exploded in the air above Siberia causing a Shockwave that flattened 80 million trees over an area half the size of Rhode Island and that was a meteor that basically was a tenth the size of the one that saitama punches here so rather than focusing the catastrophic destruction in a single area saitama managed to spread a slightly less destructive force to a much wider area while creating a devastating shock wave in the process additionally when a meteor explodes in atmosphere pieces of it are still gonna rain down and hit Earth and sadly unlike one punch man the strongest where the pieces from the meteor explosion transform into new characters that you can recruit it's not nearly as fun when it happens in the real world side note yes this is a real thing that happens in the game the meteorite is like a giant Interstellar Easter egg with treats inside real talk I love that they Incorporated that part of the show into the game just a really fun way to handle the character recruitment mechanic to the anime's credit this is actually a problem that they've thought of if I do happen to take it out what then the meteor may break apart and still cause a disaster I guess that takes care of that I think the real world destruction here would be far far worse than what we see in the show obviously it's difficult to math out how many pieces this meteor would break into or how big they'd be so I'm choosing a number here arbitrarily assuming that half the meteor was vaporized by his punch that still leaves 85 billion pounds of meteor left if that broke up into pieces that were roughly the size of a refrigerator that would leave over 2 million rocks raining down onto the Earth doing some back of the napkin math here each would weigh nearly 18 000 kilograms and possess a kinetic energy output equivalent to 11 kilotons of TNT the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima it had a yield of 15 kilotons of TNT so at least the Rocks wouldn't be as bad as that particular atomic bomb but you know now there's two million of them all hitting the area at the same time kinda makes you wish that all the meteor fragments really were just characters like bang and boros like they are in one punch man the strongest huh and yet somehow somehow that still isn't the worst thing that saitama's ever done no that honor comes at the very end of the season see during the final battle of season 1 the alien Invader boros knocks saitama to the Moon of course saitama is completely unfazed and jumps back to Earth with the power of His jump creating a massive shock wave on the lunar surface why is that a big deal well this single action just doomed all life on Earth let me explain since we just talked about meteor impacts I thought it might be fun to use the crater saitama left behind on the moon to calculate his energy see this thing is huge big enough that it can be seen from Earth we actually get a great look at how massive it is in this piece of artwork from the one punch Man manga which allows us to measure its exact width the diameter of the Moon is 2159 miles or 3475 kilometers and using pixel measurements we can determine that the crater is a gargantuan 1 344 miles or 2163 kilometers wide that is just under the distance from Los Angeles California to Dallas Texas in other words that single crater is about half the width of the United States so with all that information in hand we can now use this meteor impact calculator to determine the energy of saitama's jump and the answer is this 3.89 times 10 to the 26 joules of energy yeah it's a kind of hard to tell what that means I mean that's 26 zeros so you know it's probably going to be really powerful stuff nearly 400 septillion joules of energy which sounds impressive but it's also like you know it's it's confusing like what does that actually translate to well first it's certainly bigger than the impact that killed the dinosaurs so we certainly have that going for it my next thought was that maybe it'd be enough to outright destroy the moon but nope not quite to do that you need to add three more zeros 1.2 times 10 to the 29th joules but I suspect saitama's leap back to Earth had enough power in it to do something equally bad deorbit the entire thing knock the moon out of its gravitational relationship with Earth swiping left on us as it pieces out into the rest of the solar system moving a Celestial body as big as the moon would obviously be a super complicated math problem thankfully theoretical physicist Jack Fraser goval already did the math for us navigating those messy equations to find that it would take approximately 2.5 octillion joules to completely deorbit the moon just slightly more than what saitama's jump produces but not so fast that's talking about the whole moon when saitama jumped he also atomized a huge chunk of what he was standing on it's difficult to gauge just how much debris was thrown from the lunar Surface by saitama's jump but I suspect it was enough to lower the moon's mass and set it free from its marriage to the Earth but even if it wasn't completely deorbited the enormous amount of energy from saitama's jump would still push the moon a significant distance further away from the planet so what why would that be a problem well loyal theorists there would be a lot of changes to the way that our planet functions for example the days we get slightly longer because the moon's gravity partially affects the speed of the Earth's spin the tilt of the Earth would also change as it's the pull of the moon that helps keep the planet tilted at 23.5 degrees losing this tilt would change the seasons making a more unpredictable and more extreme with the big one the huge change that affects everything Tides losing the moon or even pushing it further away from the Earth would absolutely devastate title systems all around the world see the tides that you see in the ocean are directed by the gravitational pool that the moon has on Earth it's literally pulling the water to follow it as it orbits the planet the further the moon gets the weaker the pool and the lower the tides if they weaken enough or disappear entirely that means that there would be no tides to churn up material in the oceans which allows for Coastal ecosystems to thrive animals like crabs mussels starfish and snails would be decimated by this as would any creature that relies on them for their source of food and of course anything that relies on those animals would then suffer as well but making water go up and down isn't the only thing that the tides control they also control worldwide currents of water that span entire oceans this helps to stabilize earth's climate Distributing warmer Waters around the globe without the warm water driven by the tides European cities would suffer much colder climates than we see today the same could be said for Eastern Asian countries like Japan and China who rely on the Kuroshio current to bring warm equatorial Waters North without the moon these tidal currents would disappear devastating entire your continents when combined with the more extreme Seasons from the change in Earth's Tilt kiss Humanity goodbye in short civilization as we know it would come to an end turns out that the hero Association was always focused on the wrong problem saitama is the real force of Destruction they should have been focused on stopping so considering that maybe it's best that we do keep saitama's powerful punch limited to a mobile device which hey thanks again to one punch man the strongest for sponsoring today's video what better way to revisit saitama destroying the lives of millions throughout season one remember if you want to check out this new turn-based RPG you can download it on IOS and Android right now plus you can support the channel by either scanning the QR code on screen or using my download link in the description below and don't forget to use my promo code TFT OPM so you can fight alongside saitama and be a hero for fun for real if you have any interest in trying out this game you don't want to miss out all the free goodies that you get during this launch event anyway if you'll excuse me I have to go get my 100 squats in in the meantime remember it's all just a theory a film film Theory and cut
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 1,095,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, one punch man theme, one punch man the strongest, saitama, saitama ok, saitama meme, one punch, one punch theme, one punch man meme, one punch man theory, one punch man full episodes, one punch full episodes, one punch man explained, one punch man the strongest gameplay, one punch man trailer, one punch man the strongest trailer, one punch man opening, one punch man ending, anime, anime theme, anime theory, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory anime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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