A History Teacher Reacts | "The American Civil War (Part 1)" by Oversimplified

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[Music] hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video mr. Terry as I continue my search for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright I'm a simple man I see a new oversimplified video i watch the new over simplified video and it looks like they just released the American Civil War so what more needs to be Savannah said about a oversimplified there one of my favorite easily one of my favorite history channels on the Internet's everything they put out is but good and I think they're getting better as they've gone on they're getting funnier they work detailed great information it's just they just keep getting better so this is a no brainer right all right looks like they did two parts on this and they released them basically back-to-back so we're gonna be watching part one today look out for part two in the near future now if unless you're crazy you probably are sub to oversimplify it but if you are not go down below into my description here and click on the link that'll take you to the original video whether your sub to them or not be sure to LIKE the video if you liked it sub to them again if you haven't and give them credit for the awesome work that they do and if you haven't sub to my channel love to have you around our community so hit that sub button naval notifications especially if you'd like to be part of live premieres and live streams that I do so you can know when those happen alright let's go ahead and get started the American Civil War part 1 video is made possible by Nord VPN click the link down below to get 70% off an annual subscription plus an additional month free so stun your friends turn heads Oh get compliments buy yourself some simplified merch today along with a very little stick figure different link in the description I'd like down below ok mrs. Lincoln this is it one last push and we're done nine months and four days ago my father brought forth upon my mother himself and gave to her a child conceived in a shack in Kentucky and dedicated to the proposition that I will drink num-nums from a Bob Doolittle pupus in my Pence's for three years no what is it babies do again true story oh yeah man greater joy I feel like these guys are getting funny or two it's time cuts off so the the moral here I guess is you know Abraham Lincoln's gonna be crying is that what he what the Civil War essentially was this is crying for now having his way or something of the the country splitting apart all right let's let's see I am not touching that Abraham Lincoln grew up with his relatively poor family in Kentucky eventually moving to Indiana and finally Illinois he read a lot of books worked a lot of jobs wrote some wait wait wait wait and finally Illinois you read a lot of books worked a lot of so said hunting vampires wait what's going on back and there's so much going on Oh Kentucky Kentucky Fried Chicken all right Railsplitter Nicolas Cage impersonator lots of jobs wrote some questionable poetry and Abraham Lincoln is my name and with my pen I wrote it the same I write in both I stand speed and left it here for fools to read actual poem give that man the Pulitzer finally entered the law profession despite being self-taught he turned out to be a pretty clever and astute lawyer in one case a guy claimed he witnessed a murder at night and Lincoln was like how could you have seen anything in the dark there was a bright full moon but what a bright full moon can you say that again please there was a bright full moon at dim Half Moon no a bright full moon that's funny because according to this Almanac there was a dim half moon that night ooh pulling in the science we also all just kind of not recognize that behind the judge is his Batman man brilliant tactic there which makes you a liar well well I got a break full moon for y'all right here Michael a rebuttal Lincoln and his cheekbones weren't only interested in law however he all said that funny story Abraham Lincoln Lincoln it was said I'm not saying it but it was said to not be a very handsome person and that reminds me of a famous quote by him and and it was I forgot who it was if it was like Steven a Douglas or hi no I actually don't think it was even him I just think of people that he's debated before but somebody accused him of being two-faced and he said if I was really two-faced you think this is the one I would wear it's good doubling down on this idea that he's making fun of himself pop being attractive or something but his cheekbones weren't only interested in law however he also dabbled in the world of politics serving as a legislator in both local and national assemblies and what a time it was not even a hundred years after the founding fathers wrote all men are created equal politicians were already asking but what exactly it means all men yeah but but mean exactly and not just that states rights versus the federal government what are the executive powers of the president gives cereal a soup the family our muffins a cake is a hot dog a sandwich and in Polly's left some of these questions perhaps a little too open to interpretation and the biggest Commission of them all was slavery an ugly mark on what should have been a revolutionary new nation based on liberty and democracy now the the the I me that's coming out of the Declaration there yeah we're talking about the Declaration of Independence the slave question was not really address that much I mean in the real original Constitution and now by the way I'm talking about Constitution America Constitution try to make a sort of compromise in a way that slavery would be able to continue for a couple more decades but then the slave trade would end but slavery could continue right and but I mean by the time that had happened in the 1800 mid 1800s there are so many slaves to so I mean that's going to be a different thing obviously you're going to get to the to the fact and they also get like the three-fifths compromise which was a big deal is kind of what ends up coming out which was the one of the big debates was the southern states when they talk about representation for for for voting right in Congress or not started voting for how many representatives you get in Congress because the idea was in House of Representatives of course you you your state the amount of congressmen that they get is dependent on population one of the big things that was being kind of proposed especially by the South was that or I guess by both sides but the idea of should slaves count as somebody that is represented right counts as somebody for how many people you would get get congressmen for the southern states would obviously like that because it mean they would get more delegates right northern states said no because they don't have voting rights anyways or that sort of thing so you get the three-fifths compromise which is a slave represents three-fifths of a person when it comes to representation so that's a little bit about the background that the Constitution had done that it had done when it was addressing slavery Thomas Jefferson had written a condemnation of slavery in the Declaration of Independence but out of fear of losing southern states support it was removed hey guys do you think leaving this a little vague will create any unforeseen problems in the future ironic Thomas Jefferson in his head whole life had owned about 200 slaves which is an enormous number because not most most people don't own slaves in America by far and those that do don't own very many because slaver expensive but 200 is a huge amount for anybody one of the highest I would assume and those are foreseen problems were now beginning to rear their ugly heads as the nation developed the north and the south developed along two very different lines and two very different cultural identities emerged northern cities began rapidly industrialized while the southern climate allowed for large plantations of labor-intensive crops as a result one half of the country didn't rely on slaves while the other half had become economically dependent on the paper in 1793 Eli Whitney's cotton gin caused the slave trade in the South to explode while in the north my growing abolitionist movement was taking root as general mistrust to go back to Eli Whitney's the cotton gin I'm for what I've understood is that slavery was actually somewhat of the decline in the South before the cotton gin wasn't seeing as productive and once the cotton gin came in which really exploded the use of cotton as a as a manufacturing because of what I believe cotton Oh does is separate seeds I believe from from the the cotton itself making cotton far more of a profitable type of product which increased the the use of slavery so yeah I've heard that that cotton gin it definitely increased the value of slaves to develop between the north and the south as northerners felt the South were hell-bent on expanding slavery and fear spread throughout the south that the North wanted to take their slaves away in 1819 there were eleven free states and eleven slave states a perfect balance sure a happy medium a harmonious relationship is the meat you and I would like to become the 23rd state hey buddy welcome to the nation we'll be happy to accept you as a free state it seems like this was inevitable after the Louisiana Purchase really when it came when it came to that which under Jefferson they they bought pretty much the middle third of continent the continental United States they're from the French and Napoleon and you know are gonna organize the territory which eventually leads to exploring a lot of it first with like Lewis and Clark and that kind of thing but that eventually yeah I mean they're there get these are gonna want to be organized into States and things like that and which I think you could have predicted right from the onset of the again of the the Louisiana Purchase before this that it's gonna be an issue if it's gonna be a debatable topic about slavery that you add these new states and if there's a balance and this could upset the balance I mean it's gonna be bad so the expansionism and that brings an interesting thing to think about which is say the Louisiana Purchase never actually happened and there was a a balance there continued to stay a balance of states or whatever with free states and slave states would the Civil War have happened would it have happened when it did if again that balance was there because that's that's gonna start a domino effect the interesting alternative history to think about oh no you don't you're trying to get one over on us Missouri's gonna be a slave state okay listen why don't we just ask mystery what it wants to be and we say state so the host AI was the thing to call that a popular sovereignty right or whatever so let the state decide but of course people only like that if the thing that they want to be voted on gets voted on well then allow me to introduce to you the newest freshest state on the scene named hey you can't do that and you can't have any more slaves thinks about this line what the issue of slavery is so long it will never come up again except look at all these other things that need to happen up here look at all this other territory plus they don't know yet because as it happen yet but there's gonna be war with Mexico that is going to include Texas so all they're doing right is delaying the inevitable delaying the inevitable which I mean is understandable for they do want to try to avoid the conflict and as long as you have an easy even balance then you know why I fight about it right but that's all it's happening is delaying the inevitable the slave question is gonna have to be addressed especially by the 1800s where slavery was being abolished all over the place I mean the British a ball had abolished slavery way early a lot of the European states had in America was was still holding on to it as he saw in the southern states was huge part of that not just the southern economy of course the American economy in general it came up again you see as America expanded westward each new state our territory that was added threatened up and the delicate balance between the slave and free states if one faction managed to outnumber the other it could gain an easy majority and force its own ideals on the opposing side leaving a cinch portion of the population feeling spiteful and oppressed so it's all hypothetical they're just assuming that if there's a balance up set in balance that that will somehow disrupt the political scene which I mean you know for sure if that was happening it happened but you could see how fearful they were of that they really thought that would make a difference that there was up in balance I'm in slave states just I guess I'm voting and Congress and things like that for a while compromises kicked the can down the road and kept the volatile balance in check as new free and slave states were roughly added in pairs when one lad mistake just had to barge in and ruin everything as usual not the Texans they're not loud the Texas saw the United States enter into a war with Mexico which they want gaining a huge amount of land out west and creating even more problems hey guys nice to meet you I'm California and I would like to become the 31st state hey buddy welcome to the nation remember when California has become very relevant by 1850 because of the gold rush it's gonna start there in 48 49 and 50 so California also became became very relevant very early on when it was acquired after the mexican-american war so they had to figure out a way to organize it quickly because there's again get to be so important right right from the get-go we'll be happy to accept you as a southern slave state oh no you don't you're trying to get one over on us California's gonna be a free state okay listen why don't we just ask California what it wants to be and we can free state sovereignty well then allow me to introduce to you the territories of New Mexico and Utah able to freely vote for slavery themselves hey you can't do that and we can enter Northern Territory any time we want to recapture escaped slaves what the issue of slavery is sold yeah if you just lay back idea that if a slave leaves somehow escapes whatever gets leaves a slave state and goes to a free state that that slave is not technically free just by entering a free state that that slave has to legally be returned to its to their origin there then it will never come up again a few years later it came up again in 1854 a democratic senator from Illinois wanted to build a really cool tree tree trade here and proposed railroads Kansas and Nebraska changing everything up into slavery even though they were clearly above the Missouri Compromise line obviously the northern states were like hell no but the southern democrats who controlled congress at the time were like well if you love liberty and democracy so much then you should let them vote on whether slavery should be legal or not see this makes it it makes this makes you sound bad if you're like it should be chosen for them like what you don't believe in democracy this is America but then you're always fearful that what if they vote that way you don't want to so put you in a Epicurious position so it was huge numbers of Pro and anti-slavery settlers yeah - Kansas - sweet little mini war I was enrolled there they began to beat the crap out of each other yeah one of those settlers was a man named Don Brown a former businessman who filled a job everything he tried abolition arguably insane he was a radical abolitionist and dedicated much of his life to the Underground Railroad and freeing slaves one night in revenge for an earlier rate by pro-slavery forces he and his sons killed a number of pro-slavery settlers in the territory helping to kick-start years of violence known as Bleeding Kansas Kansas and Nebraska both eventually voted in favor of outlawing slavery but from here the tension began to grow at a rapid pace in 1852 Joe Browns an interesting character definitely check him out in the history of the abolitionist movement a dude that was like violently anti-slavery and you saw with the Bleeding Kansas incident of how seriously you know this this debate was for people and how how far they were willing to take it author Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin the best-selling novel that era bows the terrible cruelty of slavery to the world oh how awful how morally corrupt a nation must be to allow such things to happen your majesty what should we do about all the starving children working in the coal mines nothing the irony of it Uncle Tom's Cabin yeah it became a best-seller now most people globally okay even in his slave years were not very exposed to what slave life was like even though slavery had gone up but I'm going on for centuries had not yeah did not really know what the the horrors of slavery were and books like this like like a hunk of tom's cabin they exposed a lot of people for the first time to what that was like and and made the abolition movement grow a lot faster than I already had been so you can see yeah how literature you know is gonna have a big impact on history which it does really for changing minds right but the for the Republican Party was formed and Abraham Lincoln emerged as a leading figure Southern Democrats viewed the new Republican Party with mistrust believing it to be radical and abolitionist in a politician named Charles Sumner gave a speech in Congress calling out slave-owning Democrats with fiery language if slavery was a woman she'd be an ugly one and the senator from South Carolina would like to boink her representative Brooks do you have a rebuttal oh I have a rebuttal all right yeah here's a rebuttal for you oh come on surely this isn't allowed I don't know I'll have to consult the rulebook how about a duel find anything about caning a political opponent but it says here I'm not allowed to wear women's underwear news of the violence on the Senate floor took the nation by storm southern slave owners sent representative Brooks new canes to replaces now broken one and on the floors of Congress politicians carried weapons in self-defense which is never a good sign in 87 the Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott case that all people of African descent slave or free could not be citizens and therefore could not sue for their own freedom under any circumstances undoing years of progress with the strike of a gavel yeah that's a huge blow right there the Dred Scott decision and that's gonna set things back quite a bit now within all this bitter debate over slavery there were many nuances North versus South Republican versus Democrat states versus the federal government but let's strip all of that away for four million individuals living in America this wasn't about political intrigue or party alignment it was about the basic human right to be free men women and children were stolen from their homelands and brought to the American continent where for generations they were considered to be property forced to live in poverty and work from sunrise to sunset plantation overseers did whatever they felt was necessary to get the most out of their slaves punishments were often barbaric families were regularly separated and parents could often only watch as their children were auctioned off never to be seen again yeah I mean it seems like especially in the modern sense how dehumanized the slavery issue had become right when you look at the deep down actual things that are happening here of people bring about to new continent and being you know sold and bought from Africa and then and then brought over to to the Americas and you know yeah families again potentially being ripped apart and just I mean that could the conditions themselves and we forget actually how not long ago really this was and we were talking 150 years or it's not a long time ago where this was a social norm in America thousands of slaves took the treacherous risk of running away and abolitionists in the North helped many escaped by the Underground Railroad as bounty hunters entered the north to Tubman now leading figures within the abolitionist movement included many significant free black men and women Frederick Douglass yeah he was very influential because he he was a former slave but then becomes highly educated and wrote about it and exposed a lot of people to those ideas and then Harry Tomer Harriet Tubman is a facilitator of the Underground Railroad get her by there there was a talk and had been talked about putting Harriet Tubman on money actually replacing Hydra Jackson which as time has gone on people have turned a little bit against some of those figures like Andrew Jackson and that's that's kind of another story but and they're replacing with these other more civil rights figures into putting on American currency but it's important to note that for many of the anti-slavery white individuals in the north opposition to slavery was often an economic issue not a moral law as many where large plantations would take their lands and livelihoods away Abraham Lincoln knew that slavery was a moral evil and he regularly spoke out against it in powerful speeches that helped him rise through the ranks of the new Republican Party he lamented at the hypocrisy of a great American nation meant to stand as a shining beacon of freedom while also enslaving 4 million men women and children I do wonder if they're gonna bring in some of the other stuff that people criticize about him how you know maybe saying slavery should be ended but not necessarily that whites and blacks are equal because yet and some speeches talked about that he didn't wasn't advocating for necessarily the Equality of it but morality maybe of slavery but not necessarily like the Equality of races he most famously declared in 1858 that a house divided against itself sure not stamp that one day slavery in America would end however even Lincoln was cautious in his opposition he didn't want to outlaw it entirely but simply prevent its expansion it says I've given enough time he believed it would naturally die out thankfully history would force his hand no there's no there's no way he'd get support probably from enough people if he just wanted to ban it outright right and now I'll let them obviously get to when he gets elected and stuff like that but more about him protecting I guess the idea of its location slavery can exist where it does but it's not going to be allowed to spread like having that compromise for whatever it was and trying to be more strategical politician to make sure at least can get some support right not being too seemingly radical to be able to get into office and and and those sort of things that actually get support from people on the middle ground areas one abolitionists decided he tried a single handedly take down slavery by force who would be crazy enough to even attempt such a thing it's our good friend John Brown yeah yes from an armory in the town of Harpers Ferry free the slaves there and continued South inciting a major slave uprising along the way violin noble cause a bad plan and a terrible execution Brown's men took the armory and some hostages but were quickly surrounded by one Robert elite and his US Marines Brown was captured and a couple of months later he was executed for treason northerners sympathized with brown but southerners were like you see this they're coming for us soon there'll be a million John Brown's good point good point to make they're obviously John Brown does not represent most people in the north I mean the dude was violently radical when it come to anti-slavery but you could see how the South could definitely use this as a political motivation about yeah what the future could be no doubt I mean so it's somewhat justifiable there for what they're gonna say but you know not not complete not not logical though and John Brown's earth are you thinking about that John Brown farm yeah me too to make matters worse new northern free states meant now the southern states really were I mean they were beginning to feel bitterly spiteful and oppressed further fear began to spread in the sound blank we goin broke that a relatively unknown figure had just secured the right floor for President Abraham Lincoln mostly well-liked among anti-slavery northerners had made some of the most powerfully worded speeches against slavery of any politician at the time and now there was a chance that he and his cheekbones could become president for the South that would be too much remember the Republican Party is actually very new at this time spoiler alert Lincoln's gonna get elected he'll be the first Republican president in the 1860 election Lincoln's name didn't even appear on the ballot in 10 southern states but much to their horror that is obviously an issue the dude that is a huge candidate not even put on the ballot you can already tell from this that this election is going to be nuts plus you had four legitimate candidates there like to hear Breckenridge yeah Douglas and John Bell like Steve a day like that this is this is also by the way a huge moment for the changing of the Democratic Party because the Democratic Party had members from all over the country some that were it at very very differing opinions on the slave questions some supportive of its I'm against it this is the issue that really separated that's why you see over here like southern Democrat and northern Democrat where yeah it became very divided and that's when a lot of people are going to leave parties and not some probably if you were more on the anti-slavery or more neutral on slavery might might even join they might join the Republican Party and then ones that aren't stick with kind of a southern Democratic Party so this this election was huge for changing the the landscape of American political parties with really kind of creating in a way the Republican Party and sending the end more defining the Democratic Party at that time results came in Lincoln had won by an electoral college landslide now this is a big deal because in a way because let's say you are let's say it was two candidates right like today in America it's two legitimate candidates every year right but but let's say the other three brave Breckinridge Douglas and Bell if those people had unified into maybe one candidate not to say that it would be exactly like this but you wonder if more people would have possibly drawn their vote away from blinken at the very least what you might had is the the Bell Breckinridge Douglas people voting together so you could add up those those votes in a way but possibly taken away from Lincoln which brings in the question if the what if the Democratic Party and the other parties weren't so divided would could they have defeated Lincoln that way and that's not necessarily the case because again if you just add this up you matt72 twelve and thirty nine you're not you're not gonna get there but would people have possibly taken from you know the Lincoln vote for another candidate yeah probably not but it's um to think about Lincoln himself tried to calm their fear how many times do I have to tell you I'm not gonna take away your slaves Yeah right Honest Abe we've had enough of you northerners we're gonna go form our own country you can't do that why not well if if you had won the election would it be okay for us to leave of course not well why not because that's not how victim mentality works many states I didn't heard sources about that necessarily of did Lincoln actually approach them and give them that impression that like okay would you wouldn't like it if we left or something like that if it the election had gone the other way right I hadn't heard that that kind of rebuttal but I guess that would be an interesting one but it's it's it's interesting that again with Lincoln repeatedly saying I'm not going to end slavery it's just not going to expand any further you don't have to worry if you're a southern state that's simply the fact of him getting elected which they obviously about because states started seceding from the Union immediately after his election even before he was inaugurated and actually officially in office States had had left simply on the fact that they just did not trust him even before he saw Rizzo that office helped that when they joined the union they always withheld the right to leave it whenever they pleased many people living in nineteenth-century America often felt more loyalty to their state than to the nation and now with the South feeling like it had lost its voice in the federal government they were out of here South Carolina was the first to go and over a period of six months one by one eleven slave states officially seceded from the Union with just four contested border states opting to remain the seceding states issued a number of official documents justifying their secession South Carolina proclaimed that it was northern states hostility to slavery that rendered the federal government illegitimate okay all this increasing hostility on the part of the non slave holding States to the institution of slavery has led to a disregard of their obligations and the laws of the general government has ceased to affect the objects of the Constitution so I mean that they're outright saying this is about slavery you and I know the common thing is about slash states rights and stuff like that but I guess it states rights to determine their own slave holding right rights Mississippi declared that their position was thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery and in a speech the Confederate Vice President stated that the new Confederate government rested upon what he called the great truth of racial inequality revered American generals such as robert e lee opted to side with their states over the Union and with all the chaos one New York lawyer wrote that rather than a bold Eagle America's national bird should be an affiliated chicken and hey oh I heard they're thinking of doing the like a North American turkey too but interesting especially for Thanksgiving if Thanksgiving we slaughtered our national bird men watching the crisis unfold knew it would be his job to solve it Lincoln was just about to hop on and become the President of the United States of America Haman you're hella ugly grew a beard face hmm good idea mmm Grace Bedell still with assassination plots already underway Lincoln had to travel in Washington DC under heavy disguise and protection all along the way you received stacks of threatening letters may the hand of the devil strike you down you are destroying this country damn you every breath you take love from Grandma hot dog Eurasian speech Lincoln once again reiterated that no I do not want to take away anyone's slaves but for Lincoln he did want to preserve the Union he declared secession to be nothing but an illegitimate rebellion in your hands and not in mine he said is the momentous issue of Civil War you can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors we are not enemies but friends it was clear Lincoln was ready so you can see his big concern makes you wonder if you know a lot of hearts in it realities here what if the South was just allowed to leave and you have a different country like legitimately happen you know what what would that country look like were the two countries be the Confederate States America and then I guess the United States America what would that actually look like interesting how being willing to get freaky and open up a can of scatman John if he had to whether he had the support of the people however was in question in the end it was the Confederates that fired the first shot right as they seceded the Confederates since it's a complicated story at Fort Sumter here which is assuming what they're gonna get to using federal US property throughout the south off the coast of Charleston South Carolina was one such federal property Fort Sumter held by a measly undersupplied US force the Confederate yeah so that the debate was okay the the southern states have seceded so like military holdings who government holdings are those justify should those justifiably be remained in or remain in the united states control right even though they're in southern states that have defected and are supposed to be part of a an autonomous country that way right because they're declaring it but the other side obviously is not relinquishing that power so obviously that's gonna be an issue they're demanded the port surrender a request which was quickly denied and any remaining hope for a peaceful solution to the secession crisis probably then died when the Confederates did this the Battle of Fort Sumter is considered to be the beginning of the American Civil War many of the Confederates there at least leaves from the fighting perspective yeah also considered it to be the end of the American Civil War they hoped all day was just sigh and say okay you win unfortunately for them Lincoln actually said you're about to get a roundhouse to the face Lincoln sent out the coal for $75,000 call the Gondor earned up in droves hopeful for some adventure and good old-fashioned f:u and in the new Confederate capital of Richmond Virginia Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his cheekbones had also sent out the call for a hunt Arab cheekbones or a good thousand men as ever both sides hope for a quick end to the war is it over yet no Jimmy it's been one week is it over now no how about now if you ask that one more time I swear I will turn this army around and you'll all have to go back home to your wives and ha ha ha ha but in particular the south neither conflict would pose a bit of a challenge how can we expect to win with a population of only 5 million against 22 million in the north if you count us 4 million slaves you'd have 9 million the man idea hen these rifles have told the moon were made a minute you almost had me there directly linked exactly it was that many of his top generals were getting old and were being a bit too cautious the commanding general was a man named Winfield Scott a veteran of the mexican-american war and by now he was too fat to even mount a horse ok chaps I need to come up with a plan hit me we could wait for the Confederates to come and apologize no we should all sit in a circle and discuss our feeling ok Crossing the Delaware into New Jersey worked for me those are all terrible ideas George you're dead wrong video in the history of this nation yeah we'll see about that dingus eventually Lincoln's generals came up with a multi-pronged strategy first a blockade would cut off insulin to Richmond supplies by sea secondly taking control of the Great Mississippi River would sever the South's economic artery while splitting it in two and finally Maine Union force in the East would moose out and take the Confederate capital ending the war on to Richmond became like this model you take the capital and it goes but I mean seems like a pretty sound strategy the the Mississippi River obviously is the it's the heart of the American economy as it moves all the resources and but yeah then then blockade because the the south definitely requires exports right they export a lot of products around the world so blockade that and it's pretty sound economic and I guess military plan but on paper I mean yeah but what's the strata mean that's the goal and I guess part of the strategy but the execution that's gonna be a lot harder at badda-boom badda-bing skirmishes began to break out across the nation and the Union Army in the East began to move south towards Richmond everything seemed to be going well until they reached Manassas well they came upon a large Confederate force it's almost like they were waiting for us how did they know as it turned out spies in DC had sent a coded message to the Confederates warning of the invasion do you use Nord VPN segue I'm so glad you asked do you use the Internet me too do you like Internet safety me too Hey we should hang out sometime so I can tell you about Nord BPM Nord VPN has over 5,000 secure and super fast servers in 60 countries that allow you to surf the net safely with that personal data logging not only does it help you stay secure but with just a click of a button you can take a quick trip to Sweden and enjoy some Nordic crime dramas is there some amazing content on YouTube that's lasted your final potato country not to hear nor DTM is he Northy PM gives you access to all of these amazing features and it has a 30-day money-back guarantee so click the link in the describtion china or VPN comm slash 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but they're but like the civilians are out picnicking I'd heard about this before and early on they're just like this probably won't be a big deal rights or you know whatever and then I'm sure once the battle breaks out it becomes horrifying and okay not what we thought was going on Michael Bay eat your heart out okay nobody seemed to quite understand how destructive this war was going to be the Union forces pulled a flanking maneuver to hit the Confederates on their left and the two sides fired on each other in rows farm families living in the area were forced to flee the fighting including a man named Wilmer McClane hurry up Martha there's a war out here the more you tell me to hurry up the slower I will go the Union Nassau initial success pushing the Confederates back to Henry Hill but one as of yet fairly unknown General Thomas Jackson had arrived and he took a defensive position standing firm like a stone wall holding the Union Army yards sending them running back to Washington DC with heavy casualties let's look so first major battle I'm more on the American side killed killed but more wounded 1200 missing that I guess was that would that mean more just like defected I guess the sobering reality of war hit both sides hard and the North having just lost the first major battle had to face this serious prospect that they may not actually win this war President Lincoln General Jackson whipped us so hard the Confederates are calling him Stonewall Jackson wait that's why they're calling him that not because he looks like he ran face-first into a stone wall apparently not worse yet the North had also lost the first so that's that was a humbling experience yeah for the North cuz they're like oh we can out manufacture them we got all this and that but like yeah not the case you have to rethink it not just gonna roll this over at your battle out west giving away control of southwest Missouri all of this was terrible news for Abraham Lincoln especially since many of his generals in cabinet already didn't have much respect for him they felt he was incapable of running a war because he seen a fit like your friendly old grandpa he famously loved a long-winded story and a good pun I've been so busy my wife is missing me but her aim is starting to improve but deep down do you realized he could also be incredibly shrewd ad joke oh you're so funny funny how funny like I'm a clown no no funny how like I'm here to amuse you during the war Lincoln committed acts that were viewed by some as impeachable his administration suppress the free media from printing articles sympathetic towards the south some southern sympathizers were even arrested without a trial Lincoln's criticizing yeah a suspension of habeas corpus they talk about that being a really unconstitutional you know what's gonna end up happening here is definitely a precedent will be sent it'll be sorry will be set that during wartime executive powers are increased right here in Syria and other Wars and President Lincoln did he set a precedent that with suspending a lot of these rights again like due process and at fair trial and yeah suppressing speech and stuff that's like during wartime it can it can be justified for the national security of the nation and that president will be followed people say that a lot about American history is during major Wars you will see something like this happened in most all major Wars accusing him of being a tyrant but to quote the man himself hey it's war baby what are you gonna do by the end of 1861 with things already looking bad for the north abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass couldn't believe that the Union Army weren't enlisting black men he continued to put pressure and leave the war about emancipation true I mean maybe they just thought they they wouldn't work well alongside the white soldiers or white soldiers wouldn't want to do it that sort of thing well just to add not not necessarily relate to this point but for wondering at this time you know like like at what point would would would Lincoln try to push forward freeing the slaves right he's actually kind of kind of cautious that because when you go back to like these the the battle lines there were states the border states specifically good three or so of them that's were slave states but had not seceded from the Union right that were still technically part of the Union and one of the things that that Lincoln was afraid of was that if he did that right that it would kind of do I guess a couple things one it would upset those states right he wouldn't he doesn't want to lose the states that even if they do have slavery wouldn't want to lose them from the Union of course but also it would have declared in a way that this war was indeed maybe about slavery which is something you were trying to back off to try to play the the kind of card that no this is about protecting the Union it's not necessarily about slaves right so even though everybody I mean those what it's gonna be it's about but yeah like like don't say it's about that though okay cuz that could I'd commit fence sitters to you know one side or the other and especially you don't want them on the other side of your fence right mr. president it's time to make the war about emancipation there we go hmm I don't want to ruffle any feathers the feathers they're getting that ruffled but Lincoln hanging on to hope for a quick end to the conflict continued to fight only for the preservation of the Union it was decided however that escaped slaves from the Confederacy could be held as enemy contraband and many of these men were put to work bolstering the union's infrastructure and supply lines hoping to get things moving Lincoln made young General George McClellan the new commanding general and McClellan began to train up his men he thought a lot of himself however and believed he was going to be the nation's great savior and like many others he didn't approve of the president's handling of the war a one occasion Lincoln went to McClellan's house to meet with him but McClellan was late returning home he kept the president waiting and when he finally got there he just straight up went to bed now that's what I call disrespectful McClellan talked to talk Wow nice Lincoln goes through a bunch of generals he was one that was like you do what I say right and and directly or I'm going to remove you and he goes through a bunch of people he really does you walk the walk no like Lincoln's other generals McClellan was maddeningly cautious hey man could you move south and attack the enemy what are you crazy what if they have a big scary army down there they probably do what oh my gosh McClellan worried that he did not have the numbers he needed to fight effectively what if they have like 10,000 men okay no problem we'll get you 20,000 men well what if they have 30,000 men I'll need 40 okay you can have 40 well what if they have 50 I'll need 60 Lincoln tried but it was all in vain McClellan would not make a move for the rest of the year the North's one saving grace for now was a general out west fighting in Kentucky and Tennessee General Ulysses S grant cool collected methodical and a big fan of whiskey his chief of staff took it upon himself to keep grant sober one officer said that Grant had Julie warned expression as though he were determined to drive his head through a brick wall I was about to do it and that determination led him to score a number of key victories when others around him were failing at the Battle of Fort Donelson grant was like why does Stonewall Jackson get a cool nickname and I don't I want a cool nickname sir the Confederates say they're ready to surrender and want to know your terms no terms just unconditional surrender Hey unconditional surrender grant that's true that's a pretty cool nickname right guys right later in April 1862 the Confederates launched a sudden attack on grants army at Shiloh but the determined unconditional surrender grant through his lines at the rebels so sang and sang here I guess that the war could have been over under certain conditions at this time interesting to think about once again right and sent them running the battle resulted in the heaviest casualties in US history so far and let's look at those I'm running the battle resulted in the heaviest scheduling all right once again you're seeing more killed when it comes to the the northern side there now that's Guinea AG gonna be a big deal or interesting again cuz yeah the northern army is larger but you can see how well the Confederate Army fights with with with with that when you're seeing these different casualty casualty rates they're G's in US history so far and despite his victory grant found himself under fire you have to get rid of grant why didn't he win yes but he just threw his men at the enemy isn't that the point also he's a loony drunk well what does he like to drink I believe whiskey sir then send him more Oh Lincoln watched as his cabinet did nothing but bicker and his did nothing but then worst of all personal tragedy struck Lincoln's young son Willie very much loved by the president died of typhoid fever at the age of eleven Lincoln was a sensitive man and was heavily affected by the loss his wife was inconsolable Wow so you wonder if that's gonna change his tune on stuff like get him refocused on different things in life or change his view on life and stuff like that that could that can happen he's having a history before right reminds me it's a very different story but of how loss of someone can change someone's future decisions like the Mongol Empire right the Mongol Empire was tacking trying to tack deep into Europe and murder the khan's family dies and the the Kahn goes back to kind of Mongolia or from from from Europe and comes back or after I guess you know as a result of the funeral whatever lost a lot of it seemed like his his motivation to continue to conquer into Europe which just gonna change European history if the mongols had continued to conquer but kind of lost some motivation to push even deeper into Europe well one of Lincoln's greatest traits what made him such a great leader was in the darkest of times with composure and determination he kept moving forward he knew it was his responsibility to hold himself and his family together and by doing so he hoped to hold the nation together and he had had it with McClellan's inaction Lincoln decided he was gonna take control in March 1862 Lincoln firmly ordered McClellan to once again move south towards Richmond McClellan insisted instead they'd move by sea to the Virginia Peninsula an attack Richmond from the southeast yes said Lincoln okay anything Lincoln held on to some of McClellan's meant to defend DC from a nearby Stonewall Jackson wreaking havoc in the Shenandoah Valley and you sent McClellan south McClellan landed on the peninsula and he began to move inland he came up against a small Confederate Army that had dug in at Yorktown McClellan vastly outnumbered them hey also worthy or where the American Revolution ended this doesn't seem like a good strategy I mean look at the geography here you're funneling into a defended area this doesn't sound right this just doesn't look very good desert force but it said that Confederate General McGruder deceived McClellan by cleverly maneuvering his smaller force and making McClellan believe he faced a huge army no you have way more men than them move forward no McClellan settled in for a month-long siege giving time for Johnston to move south from Manassas and Magruder time to retreat when he finally entered the city and found it deserted he declared it a victory calling his success brilliant then after meeting some resistance at Williamsburg McClellan moved to within just 20 miles of Richmond he's able to huge o-ring in the enemy capital you still outnumber them go give him he'll know McClellan once again held back moving slowly and defensively and with his army split in two the Confederates saw an opportunity to strike back McClellan's advance was halted and now the Confederates pulled an ace out of their sleeve generally Europe do you think we should have a queue at Richmond no mr. president no need General Robert E laughs one of the most brilliant military commanders of the time was now in charge one of his biggest dream I mean yeah his is his legacy goes back even back to as a student military academy of like ranking extremely high as a young officer and passing tests like how very high and is like graduating class I'd seen there's statistics that show that drinks was his ability to read the mind of his enemy and he knew McClellan was cautious and weak after moving Stonewall Jackson's South to join him and even though he had a smaller army Lee hit McClellan in a series of fast-paced close combat battles that had McClellan spooked McClellan retreated the Union Army back again and again and again escaping the peninsula and returning to DC Lee had defeated McClellan and the campaign had failed well that was a major success by McClellan tell me exactly what was successful about that well we successfully retreated you lost I didn't lose I merely failed to win things just kept looking worse for the north at least her Navy had seen some success capturing a number of key port cities notably when they steamrolled passed Confederate forts to take New Orleans New Orleans is the it's the the most important city really of the American West I guess this time Midwest because that's where all the economic activity out of the Mississippi comes through so you get the industrial areas and things coming across a railroad I live from places like like Chicago and then coming through the Midwest you know like like Chicago's like a hub you know for for train for trains from east and west that's gonna hook up to you know sub hook up with some of the travel good again going an economic trade up going on the Mississippi and all comes out through New Orleans that's that's a huge economic advantage do you have because if you control New Orleans I mean you almost control the whole Western economy speaking of the Navy both sites have begun using ironclads so that's pretty cool but in the East they stain Juris though they were lumber rats do McClellan's disastrous campaign Lincoln briefly sent that one General John Polk to attack Northern Virginia amen just checking in how's it going well the Confederates kicked my butt at Cedar Mountain then they raided my camp and ran off with my money to place also I appear to have been wedgied we defeated Pope had yet another battle at Bull Run in which man look how close they're getting to DC who have been wedgied leadeth check that out feed it Pope Eddie get another bet doesn't look good for the Union does it I mean you're losing and not only that but getting pushback at Bull Run in which nearby farm families once again got caught up in the fighting hurry up Martha there's another war out here I'm waiting for my hair to dry Wilmer McLean sick of war moved his family south where he knew the war would definitely absolutely never touch him again but Lincoln courthouse that's where the war ends all right in particular the UK we're looking increasingly like they may intervene diplomatically on the side of the Confederates they were missing their print yeah they depend on a lot of products coming out of the south for sure so you to see that also the South being more that well I mean it's a long time but it's it's the American Revolution but the South being more leaning towards the the British and American Revolution where most of the Patriot activity especially happened in the north you'd have that so interesting the British you know if they were going to say somebody it probably would be the souch for that aspect and not because I mean that you know where they wouldn't even though Britain had abolished slavery that was not something he even cared about that the South I'm sure was continuing that right they were gonna join the North to end slavery in America they don't they don't care about that precious supply of southern cotton because of the Union blockade and they wanted to see a swift conclusion to the war the tension between America and Great Britain had been increasing especially after Confederate diplomats were discovered on a British ship now after McClellan's failure to take Richmond the UK declared it impossible for the north to win lincoln needs something to prevent Europe from getting involved and after more petitioning from abolitionists he decided maybe the time was finally right to make the war about ending the institution he hated slavery if the North had a noble cause to fight for Europe would be less likely to intervene but Lincoln and his cabinet knew before they could declare on trying to try to digest this the Wars about slavery then Europe would be to say more or less likely to get involved there's something as ready would be less likely to intervene okay thinking that his cabinet so it ought to touch that you know like oh we don't want to touch that issue okay if that's what it's about it's about slavery knew thank you right interesting tactic to see if that would actually work but here's here's the thought I mean obviously going to get to the Emancipation Proclamation you you couldn't expect if if he's just like alright we're gonna free the slaves because obviously the south is gonna be like first off Lincoln you don't have any authority down here we are not part of the United States you may think we are but we're not and second of all just because you're gonna put it on paper doesn't mean that like the slave owners are just gonna look at and go all I guess the slaves are free now and they're gone and our economy's ruined it's like not like that's gonna happen right before they but if he does truly think that just the Declaration of that emancipation just from a what he saw as a legal perspective just might change the I guess moral view of this war which is hoping eats hoping that will positive we effects the north so I mean pretty bold strategy you think this could actually make an impact on the war declare something as radical as emancipation they needed a victory especially now that the components who are about to go on the attack a word that he had a limited number of men and supplies Lee now hoped that if he could just threaten Washington DC militarily he would gain Europe's recognition and crush northern morale in time for the midterm elections forcing the North to negotiate with confidence at an all-time high for the first time robert e lee invaded the north but on september 13th the north finally had some luck oh boy it's my lucky day a cigar in a field hey what's this wrapped around it oh my ghoul oh the North had discovered General Lee's battle plans wrapped around some cigars and in them they saw that Lee had split up his forces McClellan headed out from DC and the two sides met in the Battle of Antietam a crucial battle that would decide the course of the war it saw the most brutal battle yeah and still remains the single bloodiest day in American history but for once the North came out victorious and Lee was forced to retreat he's on the run chase him down and finish him off no you know you're done you're fired yeah I know Antietam was a big one because as far as impact the war you already saw McClellan was pretty standoffish at times very very cautious I guess in general and with how bloody Antietam was I know that that definitely influenced McClellan to be even more like hey because I if I if I remember right they're gonna like win at Antietam whatever and Lincoln wanted him to deny McClellan to pursue basically the retreating Confederates and McClellan was I believe on the mind that it was like hey enough people have died today that that's that's enough right but Lincoln is thinking of more from a strategic point of view and that was like the final straw that you could have really could have gained some kind of advantage here and in this war and you you booked on it so yeah that's that's it so understandable honestly in a way if you think about it from perspectives brutal that was and didn't want to sacrifice any more victims but at the same time like it could have been a very big big thing to counter the tide of this war which as we've seen for the most part up and you know what this has not really gone that well for the north victory Lincoln breathed a huge sigh of relief and with that win he was prepared to take a huge step on September 22nd the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in January all slaves held in the Confederate States would be as far as the US government was concerned officially free throughout the North free black men and women rejoiced knowing that if the North were to win their brothers and sisters would no longer be held in bondage I mean that would be the effect but again it's again like I was saying just a couple minutes ago it's not like you're gonna issue this and then southern plantation orders I'm like oh I guess oh there's free I guess they're just free now and it's gone like no you're gonna have to still fight a war so I've been America declares independence from Britain it's like okay it's not gonna do anything you're still gonna have to somehow force the other side to agree to that to become independent you know what I mean so you can say it but yeah I mean it just said a yeah I guess the set it up that yeah if the war is over I mean the slaves are gonna be gonna be freed so the proclamation also had the intended effect on Europe who were not willing to oppose a pledge to end slavery and outraged Confederacy knew that Lincoln had given the war a new meaning it was no longer just about the preservation of the Union and remember what big reason Lincoln probably had didn't do this earlier is because there were states that had not joined the Confederate her not seceded and not joined the Confederacy that were slave states and I was a big fear that they would then jump to the other side right a big fearful thing there now it was about creating a new Union washed clean of its original sin a union without slavery Wow we're into it huh yikes half an hour time goes by fast right I mean that's to half an hour of the vid of this video I've been talking you know longer than that but amazing what they're they're able to do with with seemingly a lot of time but packing so much into you can see why these guys they only post videos every you know what six seven months or something like that it did mean it took take a long time of how much he's able to put in and pack in there but great great stuff so it's cool they did a part two right away sometimes they take a long time looks like they really wanted to just kind of just get those out which would be great so definitely look out for a part two reaction I'm glad to be able to come back to American history I don't teach American history I did earlier in my teaching career but I haven't for four years now and it's good to like get this like refresher about a lot of these events when I used to teach this and come back oh yeah this this and that and you know that sort of thing and even in college I had really focused on world history topics and not specifically on American topics always just kind of been my but more interested to spread out my knowledge outside of that but always you know got got standard American history education but good to to get that back to more again more as a world historian which which I tend to focus on but to just see more of this that you know history of my of my nation that as well wonderful elements of teaching American history that I do miss but this kind of it scratches that it's just a little bit that I can constantly come back to American history there well once again oversimplified awesome channel great stuff hard to add again a lot of humor sometimes to some of these things because it's like it's a virgin you know that being you know getting these funny stuff but then it's also very serious topic you know especially from an American perspective is this the bloodiest war that Americans will be involved in and huge part of our history then the whole moral dilemma of slavery and trying to put that in there so they you know strike a good balance of course with that so but overall impressions great to learn this stuff hopefully you're learning a lot of these things I was able to definitely learn a little bit more the motives and especially with like the emancipation proclamation of the the strategic thing especially from the foreign perspective because I hadn't thought of that as much as I probably should should have in the past to see that effect because that always brought an interesting debate when I would when I did years ago teach teach us history about why did he do this why why emancipate the slaves right just for the one of the last topics there but anyway hopefully ever get somewhat of a perspective from mine or if you're interested in my opinion I'm assuming that's why your wire in here but anyway all right awesome so before we go the link down below in the description we'll take you to this original video please again if you like this give them a like and subscribe show your support there we need to do our part as fans of history okay where's your fan or professional in the history field that we are constantly supporting historical content creators we it's really important to support history education so make sure you do that if you like your channel buy their stuff they got awesome cool stuff there and that's awesome if you liked what I'm doing here especially if you're new to the channel I'd love to have you as a subscriber and be a familiar face in our history community hit that sub button enable notifications because I do lots of live premieres and I do live streams I'm another way to really 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Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 862,828
Rating: 4.8959537 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, civil war, united states
Id: zpklrZMpGCM
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Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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