So This Is How We Got FREE?..The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 1)

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[Music] don't trust our opinion don't trust our fan podcast it's your boys back in the building it's your boy oj here we are once again uh shout out to everybody that's [ __ ] with your boys you already know how we get down um all right so right now we got the american civil war over simplified part one and we're gonna be doing part one also imparts because this is a long-ass video yeah it's 29 minutes johnny tell us when y'all left them in the comments yeah for real so you know we're about to get started so here we go okay mrs lincoln this is it one last push and we're done nine months and four days ago my father brought forth upon my mother himself and gave to her a child conceived in a shack in kentucky and dedicated to the proposition that i will drink num nums from a bottle and do little poo poos in my pantses for the next two to three years now what is it babies do again oh yeah [Music] i am not touching it abraham lincoln grew up with his relatively poor family in kentucky eventually moving to indiana he read a lot of books worked a lot of jobs wrote some questionable poetry and finally entered the law profession despite being self-taught he turned out to be a pretty clever and astute lawyer in one case a guy claimed he witnessed a murder at night and lincoln was like how could you have seen anything in the dark there was a bright cool moon a what a bright full moon can you say that again please there was a bright full moon a dim half moon no a bright full moon that's funny because according to this almanac there was a dim half moon that night which makes you a liar well well i got a bright full moon for you all right here that's what i call a rebuttable lincoln and his chickens aren't interested in law however he also dabbled in the world of politics serving as a legislator in both local and national assemblies and what a time it was not even a hundred years after the founding fathers wrote all men are created equal politicians were already asking yeah but what does that mean exactly it means all men yeah but what does that mean exactly and not just that states rights versus the federal government what are the executive powers of the president is cereal a suit the founding fathers left some of these questions perhaps a little too open to interpretation and the biggest question of them all was slavery an ugly mark on what should have been a revolutionary new nation based on liberty and democracy thomas jefferson had written a condemnation of slavery in the declaration of independence but out of fear of losing southern state support it was removed hey guys do you think leaving this a little vague will create any unforeseen problems in the future [Music] and those unforeseen problems were now beginning to rear their ugly heads as the nation developed the north and the south developed along two very different lines and two very different cultural identities emerged northern cities began rapidly industrializing while the southern climate allowed for large plantations of labor-intensive crops as a result one half of the country didn't rely on slaves while the other half had become economically dependent on them in 1793 eli whitney's cotton gym caused the slave trade in the south to explode while in the north a growing abolitionist movement was taking root a general mistrust began to develop between the north and the south as northerners felt the south were hell-bent on expanding slavery and fear spread throughout the south that the north wanted to take their slaves away in 1819 there were 11 free states and 11 slave states a perfect balance a happy medium a harmonious relationship hey guys nice to meet you i'm missouri and i would like to become the 23rd state hey buddy welcome to the nation we'll be happy to accept you as a free state oh no you don't you're trying to get one over on us missouri's going to be a slave state okay listen why don't we just ask missouri what it wants to be and we placed it well then uh allow me to introduce to you the newest freshest state on the sea maine okay you can't do that and you can't have any more slaves above this line what the issue of slavery is sold and it will never come up again a few years later it came up again you see as america expanded westward each new state or territory that was added threatened to upend the delicate balance between the slave and free states if one faction managed to outnumber the other it could gain an easy majority and force its own ideals on the opposing side leaving a huge portion of the population feeling spiteful and oppressed for a while compromises kick the can down the road and kept the volatile balance in the check as new free enslaved states were roughly added in pairs but then one lab mass state just had to barge in and ruin everything as usual the addition of texas saw the united states enter into a war with mexico which they want gaining a huge amount of land out west and creating even more problems hey guys nice to meet you i'm california and i would like to become the 31st state hey buddy welcome to the nation we'll be happy to accept you as a southern slave state oh no you don't you're trying to get one over on us california is going to be a free state okay listen why don't we just ask california what it wants to be and we can free state well then allow me to introduce to you the territories of new mexico and utah able to freely vote for slavery themselves hey you can't do that and we can enter northern territory anytime we want to recapture escaped slaves what the issue of slavery is sold and it will never come up again a few years later it came up again in 1854 a democratic senator from illinois wanted to build a really cool choo-choo train here and propose that the territories of kansas and nebraska be created open to slavery even though they were clearly above the missouri compromise line obviously the northern states were like hell no but the southern democrats who controlled congress at the time were like well if you love liberty and democracy so much then you should let them vote on whether slavery should be legal or not and so it was huge numbers of pro and anti-slavery settlers rushed to kansas to sway the vote in their favor and while they were all there they began to beat the crap out of each other one of those settlers was a man named john brown a former businessman who failed at just about everything he tried and went arguably insane he was a radical abolitionist and dedicated much of his life to the underground railroad and freeing slaves one night in revenge for an earthquake like shout out to john brown man yeah it's just going around saying i might name my kid john brown i'm not going nah i ain't gonna do that i ain't gonna do that but um yeah there's a lot of information going on right now man yeah you know i can't wait uh but um knock this there's some things that i think i was i was aware of you know i mean uh but i know john brown was just going around free and celebrities i didn't i didn't know that and here comes the [ __ ] guy in the comments that say oh you guys didn't know john brown's freedom slaves no i don't remember these things i know there's a few white people that was helping so yeah but i didn't know their names yeah yeah shout out to steve jobs [Laughter] what would happen they resettlers in the territory helping to kick-start years of violence known as bleeding kansas kansas and nebraska both eventually voted in favor of outlawing slavery but from here the tension began to grow at a rapid pace in 1852 author harry peterstown penned uncle tom's cabin a best-selling novel that exposed the terrible cruelty of slavery to the world oh how awful how morally corrupt a nation must be to allow such things to happen your majesty what should we do about all the starving children working in the coal mines nothing in 1854 the republican party was formed and abraham lincoln emerged as a leading figure southern democrats viewed the new republican party with mistrust believing it to be radical and abolitionist in 1856 a politician named charles sumner gave a speech in congress calling out slave-hunting democrats with fiery language if slavery was a woman she'd be an ugly one and the senator from south carolina would like to boink her representative brooks do you have a rebuttal oh i have a rebuttal all right yeah here's a rebuttal for you oh come on this isn't allowed i i can't find anything about hating a political opponent but it says here i'm not allowed to wear a woman's underwear news of the violence on the senate floor by storm southern slave owners sent representative brooks new kings to replace his now broken one and on the floors of congress is this from racism carried weapons in self-defense which is never a good sign in 1857 the supreme court ruled in the dred scott case that all people of african descent slave or free could not be citizens and therefore could not sue for their own freedom under any circumstances undoing years of progress with the strike of a gavel now within all this bitter debate over slavery there were many nuances north versus south republican versus democrat states versus the federal government but let's strip all of that away for four million individuals living in america this wasn't about political intrigue or party alignment it was about the basic human right to be free men crazy women through all of that do all of that we just they fighting with us like we some damn hoes crazy man crazy like we property yes that's the sick part like that was like politically they was arguing over our freedom yeah we didn't have a choice it's crazy man that's crazy it's so sad like uh yeah man like um it's bad man but um days man i'm too ignorant oh yeah but i mean when you think about it um because you're being yeah it's gonna be different you got a different mindset exactly being programmed a certain way because that's like like i suppose somebody that lived in like um 2100 right and like that person probably like yo these [ __ ] but i always thought you think it was listening to the government [ __ ] in slavery it had to be because this level of ignorance don't just come from out of nowhere you ever seen the boondocks parody catch a female he's like and they had a slave he's like he's like oh you you've been in the house like why don't you be on the field with real [ __ ] you know like it was a cool crap yeah i do i do believe that [ __ ] too talking [ __ ] wow i've seen um i've seen a video called um um uncle tom i think i'm not sure what don't quote me on this but it's a movie from the 1970s and um it was made by a frenchman and he depicts um slavery like as authentically as he can like it's like you would you would think that you there with this like it's real you know and when he was depicting this [ __ ] um what you were saying was is kind of true like there would be like um you know slaves that would you know suck their kiss ass and all that good stuff and um you know they'll get to a higher position and they don't have to do certain things that the other slaves will have to do and then um uh uh like uh like if he wasn't doing his job correctly like you know the the um the master with like you know they do some [ __ ] slap them in the head or something like that and then all the other slaves that was in the um you know it was like ah look at this [ __ ] they used to be hype as [ __ ] man if you try to run away honestly just a modern version of like like what you see in the hood it's like it's a modern version of like i think of that [ __ ] you think it's worth getting forward [Laughter] let me hit that look at this that's why that didn't children were stolen from their homelands and brought to the american continent where for generations they were considered to be property forced to live in poverty and work from sunrise to sunset plantation overseers did whatever they felt was necessary to get the most out of their slaves punishments were often barbaric families were regularly separated and parents could often only watch as their children were auctioned off never to be seen again thousands of slaves took the treacherous risk of running away an abolitionist escaped by the underground railroad as bounty hunters entered the north to chase them down leading figures within the abolitionist movement included many significant free black men and women but it's important to note that for many of the anti-slavery white individuals in the north opposition to slavery was often an economic issue not a moral one as many worried large plantations would take their lands and likelihoods away abraham lincoln knew that slavery was a moral evil and he regularly said powerful that helped him rise through the rights he lamented at the hypocrisy of a great american nation meant to stand as a sham i ain't gonna lie that [ __ ] lincoln needed his [ __ ] he wanted them yeah you know like james harden without the best yeah he needed [ __ ] if he wouldn't have had a bit i don't think we would have been free i he most famously declared in 1858 that a house divided against itself cannot stand that one day slavery in america would end however even lincoln was cautious in his opposition he didn't want to outlaw entirely but simply prevent its expansion so that given enough time he believed it would naturally die out thankfully history would force his hand in october 1859 one abolitionist decided he tried to single-handedly take down slavery by force who would be crazy enough to even attempt john brown it's our good friend john brown yes sir from an army in the town of harper's ferry free the slaves there and continue south inciting a major slave uprising along the way which are a noble cause a bad plan and a terrorist one more time man yo we we need more john brown's in this world man yeah where's his movie why we learned so much about john brown back then you probably did probably probably probably forgot that yeah but um john brown needs to be more because think about it right as much as black people try right we it has there has to be um some intervention from um our white yeah yeah because it's just simple it's simple maths man when you're the minority you're not going to really have that much chance it gets the majority right like what's the oreo without the cream and what's the cream without the cookie come on man we got to make one oreo and make america's greatest cookie it's simple as that and if you don't if you don't get it yeah if you don't get that then he wasn't reading shakespeare he wasn't really shakespeare the armory and some hostages but were quickly surrounded by one robert e lee and his us marines brown was captured and a couple of months later he was executed for treason northerners sympathy what a guideline something was like they're coming for us soon there'll be a million john browns a million john browns what on earth are you thinking about [ __ ] on brown farm yeah me too to make matters worse new northern free states meant now the southern states really were outnumbered and they were beginning to feel bitterly spiteful and oppressed further fear began to spread in the south when news broke that a relatively unknown figure had just secured the republican party nomination for president abraham lincoln mostly well-liked among anti-slavery northerners had made some of the most powerfully worded speeches against slavery of any politician at the time and now there was a chance that he and his cheekbones could become president for the south that would be too much in the 1860 election lincoln's name didn't even appear on the ballot in 10 southern states but much to their horror when the final results came in lincoln had won by an electoral college landslide lincoln himself tried to calm their fear how many times do i have to tell you i'm not going to take away your slaves yeah right honest abe we've had enough of you northerners we're going to go form our own country why not well if if you had won the election would it be okay for us to leave of course not well why not because that's not how victim mentality works many states felt that when they joined the union they always withheld the right to leave it whenever they pleased many people living in 19th century america often felt more loyalty to their state than to the nation and now with the south feeling like it had lost its voice in the federal government that's a good point we're out of here south carolina was the first to go and over a period of six months one by one 11 slave states officially seceded from the union with just four contested border states opting to remain the seceding states issued a number of official documents justifying their secession south carolina proclaimed that it was northern states hostility to slavery that rendered the federal government illegitimate mississippi declared that their position was thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery and in a speech the confederate vice president stated that the new confederate government rested upon what he called the confederacy of racial inequality revered american generals such as robert e lee opted to side with their states over the union and with all the chaos one new york lawyer wrote that rather than a bold eagle america's national bird should be a debilitated chicken and hey i kind of like that one man watching the crisis unfold knew it would be his job to solve it lincoln was just about to hop on a train and become the president of the united states of america hey man you're hella ugly draw a beard or something to with assassination plots already underway lincoln had to travel to washington dc under heavy disguise and protection all along the way you received stacks of threats may the hand of the devil strike you down you are destroying this country damn you every breath you take love from grandma at his inauguration speech lincoln once again reiterated that no i do not want to take away anyone's slaves but for lincoln he did want to preserve the union he declared secession to be nothing but an illegitimate rebellion in your hands and not in mine he said is the momentous issue of civil war you can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors we are not enemies but friends it was clear lincoln was ready and willing to get freaky and open up a can of scat man john if he had to whether he had the support of the people however was in question in the end it was the confederates that fired the first shot as they seceded the confederate states began seizing federal u.s property throughout the south off the coast of charleston south carolina was one such federal property fort sumter held by a measly under-supplied u.s force the confederate militia there demanded the fort surrender a request which was quickly denied any remaining hope for a peaceful solution to the secession crisis probably then died when the confederates did this where the battle of fort sumter is considered to be the beginning of the american civil war many of the confederates there also considered it to be the end of the american civil war they hoped old ape would just sign and say okay you win unfortunately for them lincoln actually said you're about to get a roundhouse to the face lincoln sent out the call for 75 000 volunteers and men signed up in droves hopeful for some adventure and good old-fashioned f f-u-n in the new confederate capital of richmond virginia confederate president jefferson davis and his cheekbones had also something they look like as ever both sides hope for a quick end to the war is it over yet no jimmy it's been one week is it over now no how about now if you ask that one more time i swear i will turn this army around and you'll all have to go back home to your wives and children but in particular the south knew the conflict would pose a bit of a challenge how can we expect to win with a population of only five million against twenty years if you count us four million slaves great idea handy's represented uh it's funny like um back in those days the republicans were the ones that were trying to uh free the slaves and the democrats were the one that's trying to keep the slaves and um it's funny like now you have more of the minority um that are democrats now and uh you know it's it's kind of um ironic um and i know what some people are gonna say some people are gonna say well because the this and that the third we all get political here just saying what we saw and um yeah man um this is a dope video i learned i learned a lot from him like you know it's cool but it's only part one and um you know give a like and uh comment if you're a john brown man if you're a john brown how that's your boys
Channel: Don't Trust Our Opinion
Views: 159,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CIVIL war reaction, oversimplified civil war reaction, oversimplified civil war, oversimplified reaction, oversimplified, the American civil war, oversimplified ww2, oversimplified cold war, oversimplified ww1, oversimplified American Revolution, oversimplified French Revolution, oversimplified Vietnam war, oversimplified emu war, oversimplified scp, oversimplified prohibition, dont trust our opinion
Id: LeiRlPcD6LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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