A History Teacher Reacts | History of the Entire World...I Guess

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hey you too mr. Terry back here once again with another history teacher reacts video today I will be watching my easily most requested video that I get in the comment section that is history of the entire world I guess by Bill words now the reason I have waited a long time to do this is because I have seen this video I've seen this video a bunch of times and I wasn't sure if you know I should do reactions or commentary videos I've seen before and why not right I mean I'm telling you right right away that you know I have seen this but this is a video that I you know every time I watch there's always a little something you pick up and things like that but it is the most dense video on the history of the world that I've can conceive of and if you've seen this you know exactly what I'm talking about now I did do a reaction video to Bill where it's a earlier history video this this style the history of Japan and again that was when I had watched before but you know I got a lot of people that wanted to see it and it's it's fantastic it's totally in a fast-paced style with a lot of humor and things like that and it's great with the younger younger audiences the you know teenage young adult audiences and this is something I show in my classes just because it's a lot of fun it's super pass for fast pace in fact what I actually like to do I like to play this on basically day one of my world history class and I just tell the tell the tell the students alright I'm gonna go ahead and play you a twenty minute video that's basically gonna cover everything that we're going to do this year plus some and you're probably it's probably over your head now but it's a great introduction that I showed on the last day of the year and I just try to encourage them be like alright so we watch this in the first day right and we've now spent months right months months studying history as we watch this let's look at it again and say alright how much of this do you actually remember now much of it is familiar to you and you can't expect them you know students to know all of these things that are in this because again there's so much but it is fun to see them make those connections at the end of the year and it's it's it's a lot of fun to do so we'll go ahead and get this playing now this is one of the very few videos that I have if I don't think anything other than the other bill warts video that does have some profanity in it so just keep that in mind if you are watching in a place that might be inappropriate for that but I wanted to put that out there too now of course I'm going to put a link to the original video down below bill where it's a pretty low-key guy he doesn't come out of talk about things in public or really try to capitalize on this that much even though he could because it's it's a total viral video but if you do enjoy this video make sure you go support him by even just just giving him a view like subscribe because it's definitely deserving so I don't know how much I want to like stop in this because I mean it's a 20-minute video and if I'm stopping on each point I mean it will never get through with it so I'll just try to keep an honest reaction to some things of my thoughts but I think for the most part of this will play a lot about a lot more so it's really not set up to be the video where I can really add a lot to it especially a lot of teaching moments so either way so this is a little bit different but let's go ahead and get started with history of the entire world I guess hi you're on a rock floating in space pretty cool huh some of its water [ __ ] it actually most of its water I can't even get from here to there without buying a boat it's sad I'm sad I miss you a long time ago actually never a pimple so now nothing is nowhere when never makes sense right like I said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's why it's been everywhere it's been so everywhere you don't need a where you don't even need a win that's how every it gets so every time I show this this first few seconds you know where it almost to somebody it might sound like gibberish I don't think it is because when you're talking about the history of the entire world I mean he's talking about the history of origin of everything you start talking about beginning of time and place and space and all these things and even just the concepts even behind that which you're really getting to a almost philosophical realm with that and anyway that that's a part that usually goes right over people's head but if you understand a little bit more it's kind of interesting and there's a little bit more of that here too or it gets very deep into our concepts of just reality and time and things like that because even those those things are very very mysterious to us very few pauses you get right forget this I want to be something go somewhere do something I want things to change I want to invent time and space and I know it's possible because everything is here and it probably already happened I just don't know when to start and that's exactly where it started I paused it I think there's a universe now what's it made of Gork system wow that's a thing in a place don't like it try a new place at a different time try to stick together because the world is going to get bigger and emptier but it's not empty yet it's still very full and about a jillion degrees great news the quarks are now happily married in groups of three called a proton or a neutron there's something else flying around too but wants to join in but can't because it's still two atomic structures here right great news the protons are now happily married to each other some of them even doubled up news congratulations the world is now a bunch of gas in space mhm but it's getting closer together and it's getting closer together and it's getting closer together I mean gravity gravity is everything right it is it is the driving force basically of all processes right can't skip over that [ __ ] just got made some stars burn out and dying like burn elements I have a passion that makes some brand new crazier [ __ ] which allows newer more interesting stars to be made and then die an explosion so now stars have cool stuff around them like rocks ice and funny clouds which can make some very interesting things like this ball of flaming rocks for example where we are another ball of rocks and it kind of made a mess which is chrétien disc right gravity reading rocks readings base weather update those rocks might have had water but now there's hot steam raise the sky weather update cooler temperatures today and the floor is no longer lava weather update it's raining severe flooding where table my world is now an ocean lots of time we can cool like a plant or an animal no a microscopic speck it lives at the bottom of the ocean and you know when we we talk about interstellar travel and and trying to find life in other places you know I think a lot of people expect to see things like what they would consider impressive you know is is human-like forms right when really it comes down to it finding something like this a microscopic you know speck is something that should be worth you know being proud of if that of course is ever fine I mean that would be groundbreaking because we don't find these things elsewhere so it's gonna be hard to find something so small in places that we have no idea if it's possible or not for this kind of life to even happen because still very mysterious of course about how life can originate what are the elements that can create this because it's still there's still a lot of work to do on that for sure and eats chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh made from gnarly space ingredients leftover from when it was raining rocks or whatever oh yeah and it can do that that is the key right multiplication replication I should say here that is what you know life has got to be so those elements to be able to do that are really the most important thing in this history of the world in a way at least as relevant to us as life is when duplication was possible but again so so much mystery behind it about what what the what the environment was like at this time and what were those what were those processes that were available and can it actually be a common thing or or not Shen's written inside itself telling it how to build another one of itself so that's pretty nifty I would say tired of living at the bottom of the ocean using a revolutionary technique you can convert sunlight into food now there's oxygen everywhere in the skies blue then the earth might have been a snowball for a while maybe even a couple of times it's a sponge it's a plant it's a worm and some other types of weird strange water books a strange fish it's animals and stuff and you all know if you know about geological time when you're talking about the Cambrian explosion it's not some overnight thing you're still talking about lengths of time that are even hard to comprehend but in the geologic time scale it does kind of seem like an explosion we had to look through it at it from a totally different perspective though we're still in the ocean hey can we go on lad know why the Sun is it that laser okay come on it's go on land no can't walk it and there's no food yet so I don't care okay will you learn to walk if there's plants up here maybe set some bugs and fish first life or land creatures okay so part with my girl I am to go back in the water to learn to use a stronger egg put water in it have a baby on land in an egg water is in the egg huge party in the order in the egg works for me and births and now everything's huge including boats and you want to see a map of the land sure prevail [ __ ] now everything's dead just getting here the survivors keep your eye on distinction because it's about to become the dinosaurs here's another map of the land yeah broke apart don't worry about it does that all the time here comes a meteor getting these extinction events Hamill time here come the mammals look at those breasts now they're going to dominate the world and one of them just learned how to grab stuff and walk no walk like that and grab stuff at the same time obvious way to grow survive and set things on fire yeah and make crazy sounds with their voice which can mean dings amazing and now they're everywhere changers almost walk over here cool well I guess we're stuck here now that's real every there's people on the planet and they're chasing their food [ __ ] it time to plant some grass look at this I control the food now now everyone will want to be my friend and live near me let's all build houses except mine is bigger because I own the food this is probably the most important thing that's ever happened to our species the ability to stay in one place right because that changes everything it changes social interactions it allows for completely different lifestyles and when you look at human development you know when you look at especially technological dominant population you know if you're to make a graph right you have very slow development right and then of course when especially specific with agriculture domestication of plants and animals that is what allowed the growth of technology and population and you have a seemingly almost infinite stagnant seemingly infinite but very very stagnant for so much geologic time and specifically with with with humans and their ancestors and then what's that sedentary lifestyle it just boom takes off right and we still live in that and are still in the effects of that today it's great I wonder if anyone else is doing this tired of using rot all over everything use metal it's Underground obvious swimming was just invented with that sweet dank Valley right in between these two rivers and the animals are helping yes more food and more people who came to buy the food now you need people to help make the food and keep track of the sales and now your thoughts or people who live in and people to make the houses and now there's more people whole day traders which makes things better and more people come and there's more farming and more people to make more things for more people and now there's business money writing laws power sis coming soon to a dank River Valley near you this is new Tallulah know where the horse is probably being tamed why is all my metal so lame and lumpy tired of using lame sad metal introducing bronze me with special ingredient in from the far letters of tacit game I don't know my dealer won't tell me where he gets it all so guess what in the middle of nowhere they figured out how to put wheels on a horse now we're getting somewhere also choke a it's important to also understand why these valleys let's get to just there a little thing there okay so the four major early civilizations here and they guess and that term civilization of courses can go to endless debates about what what constitutes that look into that the you know a lot of historians agree upon certain features of civilization but that's topic for another time but I think it is very important to understand the similarities among these societies right there are the four major ones here just going from west to east you can see them kind of colored here if you can see my mouse pointer you got Egypt right Mesopotamia got the Indus Valley Civilisation and then up here you've got in China and so you have these four early civilizations now why they're when not in other places geography geography is the key to all of this okay all four of them survive are developed in river valleys now why river valleys because they provide everything that you need fresh water irrigation travel potentially protection and when you're talking about how important it it or the important elements of developing civilization especially with the limited technology and knowledge of these of these times this is the seems to be the most beneficial geography there and you see that pop it up now there's another thing that is that you will find in common with these civilizations they have a very similar line of latitude okay as you're going around the world and why well this latitude okay where's about 20 degrees north between about 20 and 40 which is a real good zone you get seasons which are very important to crop cycles okay and also it's not at such an extreme this this line of latitude we're not going to get the extreme colds and the extreme heat and that is really important again for crop development now one other thing is is when you have something at a similar climate similar latitude that makes trade better because what that means especially with agriculture that crops can grow in specific climates so if you have these other civilizations right out here where you're gonna get like Mesopotamia most of the good plants and animals and things like that domesticated animals came out of that region those were easily spread east and west because of similar lines of latitude between similar climates right something that might be able to grow in Mesopotamia Pratt can probably easily grow in a place like the Nile or the Indus River or going all the way to China so you can see them grow because they are in that awesome habitable zone now they're gonna throw in here in a second nor to Chico and one of the great questions is since there are people over the Americas why didn't they develop as quickly and especially with the domesticated animals and the crops that they have over here in Eurasia well it's they didn't have them right there's also on this really great line of latitude not a lot of physical land in the Americas I mean when you look at Eurasia here and you can see on the map it's very much spread out east to west with again a lot of territory and that very favorable favorable latitude where as an American you don't have that because America is very thin when you talked geographically from north to south there's not a lot of that plus the fact that a lot of the good and good animals did not originate there and basically none did you get you know after basically probably millennia of development maybe you know corn or something like that but among the earliest ones no it doesn't happen much plus basically no domesticated animals not of the large ones that have multi-purpose use with both being able to eat them and milk them and work them they don't have any of those I mean the best work animal of any decent size in the Western Hemisphere was a llama and they don't come close to the efficiency of sheep horses Pig goats cows and things like that so geographically blessed here so it's not totally by luck and happenstance that these civilizations developed first okay now there is of course human element and human decision-making and things like that that go behind this but I don't think anything's more important than than the geographic I don't call it luck but definitely the geographic kind of scenario that these people were blessed to have all right talking too much the Middle East is getting more complicated maybe because it's in the middle of the East not not middle east is people with the horses great geographically but now horses a beta version of the Greek let's check in with the Indus River Valley Civilization they're gone guess who's not going maybe the first peoples talking about yeah these the you know indo-european people that move in definitely are gonna help be kind of a lot of the founders of sort of the modern India that you know was they're gonna come in and intermingle and those sort of things and find out that you know they come over here and they're nomadic coming to northern India here and this looks like a place that is nice to settle and that's what they figured out okay these these lands like we're saying these four specific regions are so good that it can make nomads want to give up that lifestyle and you see that happen a bunch of times especially here in ancient history you could make a religion out of this so can we switch to a meadow that's a little easier to find thanks look who came back to Israel it's the 12 tribes of Israel just one no he's got like a 10-step program here's some huge heads must be the Olmecs the Phoenicians make some colonies the Greeks copy their idea and make some colonies the Phoenicians made a colony so big it makes colonies here come to the Assyrian Empire never mind it's the Babylonian media it's the Middle East the most the area that has probably changed hands the most of anywhere if you heard me count on my breath I know it's it's so fast moving the the Middle East here Mesopotamia is a wonderful place of for like ecology okay especially at this time you don't think of a lot about that now because of the climate now is so arid but a lot of it has to do with there's there's changes in climate but also over cultivation in just the fact that this has been yet lived on for so long and but back to the point the one issue is although this is great for land and animals and climate and all that stuff it has no natural protection right the middle east here this region Mesopotamia is right in the middle of the crossroads of Europe Africa and Asia and don't have as many of the great defensive like barriers that some of these other have I mean over in Egypt you've got deserts on both sides to help protect you there you go over to India you've got the Hindu Mountains and China is completely isolated with the Himalayas this area just has a big target on its back and that's why it changes hands so often back then it's hard to keep up wow that's big ah the Buddha was just enlightened who's the Buddha this guy who sat under a tree for so long and he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make religion out of this oops China it was breaking Confucius was figuring out how to have good morals the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff and right over here Alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire Persian Empire it's a great idea he was great and now he's dead hopefully the rest of the gang will be able to share the Empire even lay between them Gupta says get the hell out of here will you get the hell out of here if I give you 500 elephants okay thanks bye times and conquer it's sort of the first real Indian what about this part that's the Tamil kings no one conquers the Tamil kings nobody gets all of India coming on swiftly buying and selling it to the rest of the world hey trying to put itself back together again with good morals as their main philosophy actually they have three main philosophies out here the horse nomads run wild and free of great discussions ask your City legalism in the classes let's check the Greek vacation levels of the Greek a fight kingdoms break a vacation overload by said the Parthian spice and the Jews high said the Parthian taking over the entire place hey is that the Romans eating the entire Mediterranean for breakfast thanks for invading our homeland said the Jews who were starting to get tired of people invading their homeland hi everything's great Jews have always been the kind of outsider in a way especially once they convert to monotheism because that was such a rare thing right Oh such a rare thing and living in this region here obviously puts them really at the mercy of a lot of bigger empires and they're always changing hands right you get them with the Persians where things actually did pretty well things were actually pretty well for them as they were personally pretty tolerant of letting them have their beliefs and those things and then the Romans of course come in and try to they have a lot more issues because they they believe you need to you know worship worship the God so that put them on definitely bad turns with the Romans here but let's go ahead and continue thanks for invading our homeland said the Jews who were starting to get tired of people invading their homeland hi everything's great said some guy who seems to be getting very popular and is then arrested and killed for being too popular which only makes it more popular you can make a religion out of this one silk now you can buy from China they just made up new trade routes said India accidentally spreading their religion to the entire South yes that's a good place for training we we hit hard and in classes and they should about trade and you know yeah a lot of times with younger people you're like you talking about trade and they're like oh that's boring it's just money and trading all that and that's not what you should we should be focusing on we talk about trade it's not people making money and it's not even necessarily the the transfer of the goods themselves oh cool silk is coming over from China and the Roman elites they love it and that sort of thing I mean one thing that's more important is moving of crops and stuff like that but it's the exchange of people and ideas this is how religions spread back then it's how technology spread how a technology of benefits one part of the world affects another and then it changes the development of everything and we have this is how religion spread it's how technology spreads people spread languages spread it really is what creates our or changes our society their trade in warfare really being these these two factors that yeah cause cause changes where for the better for the worse depends on the the case of course Kingdom there goes Buddhism traveling up the Silk Road who disobey each other before great examples of remember the Persian Empire just the person is making his bread Aksum is eating so powerful they would like to build a long stick as anyone populated Madagascar yet let's do it together [Music] still keep always a Sahara Desert try camels huge a moment here the Sahara Desert was basically an impenetrable thing for the for the ancients right in this time I mean you're talking about a desert that is so brutal and it's the size of the United States in the United States of America which meant that connection between Europe or northern Africa really the Middle East - like West Africa or even Central and South Africa was nearly impossible especially not profitable and and but there's so much there obviously and and that can that can change things and something as simple as like the domestication of camels and sudden even more than that the camel saddle is honestly one of the most important inventions of the ancient world the ability to be able to ride these camels long distances comfortably and be able to get Goods out of there specifically from down here the two big profit of ones that came out of this part of Africa were gold of course and salt which were two huge commodities that entered Africa into sort of the global trade network and into relevance with the other empires of the world this is at the empire selling lots of gold and say hi I live in the Roman Empire and I was wondering no actually okay sure so changes seem very late over here to be closer to don't worry about Rome it won't fall it's [Music] you get on the cutting edge later not Chandra Matic just goop during first names Chandra the first this is always this is always a fun one in our classes because you got the Mauryan Empire with Chandra Gupta and then you then long gone and then you have another Emperor centuries later Chandra Gupta two words not related different empires guess who's in Rome school two dynasty non Romans said the Romans being invaded by non Romans all rights over for the West actually just half that the other half is just porn remember only Western so and here's a huge city population everyone Macomb Turks have taken over the entire Eurasian steppe great job cope Turks house India broken house China back to again those trading kingdoms Korea has three kingdoms Japan has a kingdom it's the sunrise kingdom real God whispers in Muhammad's here so he goes down to the cuber everyone or subscribes and he tells them their gods are all fake and everyone got so mad at me had to leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe conquer the world as well the Roman Empire is long gone but somehow the Pope is still the Pope plus there's I wonder if there's room for mores here's all the wisdom in a house as bad as the Baghdad House of Wisdom just in time for the Islamic Golden Age the Islamic Golden Age is very important because during a lot of the Middle Ages when a lot of the Greek and Roman classics kind of got swept under the rug blood people say it's actually these Muslim scholars are the one that preserved those things the works of the great Greek philosophers and that were preserved by them when they had kind of lost a lot of their relevance and popularity during the European Middle Ages it's the yeah Islamic scholars that kept that stuff alive and allowed it to be rediscovered later in the Renaissance I'm for in Europe let's bring stuff to the coast and sell it and become the Swahili on this will heal eCos said this way he Lian the Swahili coast remember this time these days you have to go through to get from here to there someone very important see that little strait of water one of the most important geographic areas in human history because it's just geographically speaking right in Asia whether it's China Southeast Asia or just Indonesia here with the Spice Islands that little straight of watercolor Strait of Malacca bends all the time has been one of the most highly sought after places throughout much of human history if you controlled that little tiny strait of water you unlock sort of the riches of Asia the spices the fabrics I mean everything that that can come out of there for those sea routes you gotta gotta have that so if you're in charge of that little place you're doing pretty well but easier said than done it owns that now want to get enlightened in the middle of nowhere the Franks have the biggest Kingdom in Europe and the Pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas surprise you're the new Roman Emperor said the Pope pretending to still be part of the Roman Empire then the Franks broke their kingdom into what will later Rome's not an empire the northerners are just norse if you don't have much time our exploring they go north from the north to the northern north and they find some land two types of land and they named them accordingly they also invade some other places and get called many names such as Vikings there's the ruse the Kevin Roose are the Vikings I don't think so said the Kevin ruse okay fair enough the Pope is ready to make some more emperors of the Roman Empire the Holy Roman Empire it's actually Germany but don't worry about new kingdoms mine's better mine's better crack time to conquer England said William it's a bird it's a plane it's the Seljuk Turks said the Byzantine Empire who's getting so small and almost doesn't exist anymore we need help they need help so they call the Pope hey Pope let's get rid the Seljuks maybe take back the Holy Land on the way come on I know you want to take back the Holy Land yes I do actually want to do that lets do a crusade they did many Crusades some of which almost didn't fail but at least the Italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye Mayans goodbye Toltecs things that we stop and talk to his mounds there's the pueblos I always wondered how to build a town and a cliff guess who's here come here we're here and pecan is there Vietnam unconquered itself Korea just became itself in Japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over the government China just invented bombs and piping and the Mongols just invaded most of the universe nice goin Genghis I bet that will last a long time some of the Islamic Turks were unaffected by the Mongol invasions because they were busy invading India is it Tonga time I think it's dong a time I just found out where this was Haley gets all their gold look at this Chad means like there's an empire there right in the middle of it the king of Mali is so rich he's going on tour to let it lots of moves so definitely look into this guy montsum Musa basically controlled the gold trade coming out of West Africa some estimates put him as the richest man that has ever lived I mean that right there is enough to pique your attention so you don't know a lot about Monson Musa check him out because he's surrounded by a lot of intrigue mystery and and things like that but left a pretty interesting legacy by those that seem to have come in contact with him so look into that for sure everyone knows wow that guy's rich everyone said the Christians are doing a great job rhe conquering Iberia which will soon be called Spain and not Spain please remain Christian we will check in later to see if you're still Christian when you least expect woops half of Europe just died behind his back yay hey queer time to share new kingdoms here and there oh look who controls all the islands it's the Maha Maha Maha Maha Paget ha ha it's time for them to care a lot about art in the ancient classics it's kind of like a rebirth here's a printer let's make books so you think you can conquer the Byzantine Empire yep said the Ottoman Turks nice job Ottoman Turks whoops you missed a spot don't forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade what that's [ __ ] aside Portugal spice loose this is so so so important the fall of Constantinople right 1453 is one of the most important events that's ever happened when you talk about events that change history right Constantinople had been ruled by the Romans Byzantine Empire for millennia right and it's what canet and and taking control of this region right here and at its height you know more into close to Mesopotamian obviously it's it's shrunk a lot by them but especially the Constantinople right here has been the Gateway to Asia for Europe and all the trade everything that's where it came through right you did not Europeans know Europeans say to Asia Noah European had ever even sailed around Africa nobody no European even knew my big Africa was and because they never needed to write so when Constantinople falls and the Ottomans take this over that has blocked the sort of Christian West from their access to the east now money prevails usually and the potential for money especially because the the the profits you can make on the things coming through Asia there are just astounding when it comes down to it but of course with the fall of Constantinople that means that trade route is now blocked you got to find a new way to Asia and that is very difficult because it would take doing something no one has ever done and that is possibly having to establish a sea route but they don't even know if that is possible but when there's the will there's a will there's a way again money can fuel all when it comes to these historical processes without the fall of Constantinople there may not be a Columbus and a Vasco de Gama because they would not have been necessary characters you would not need those those routes and of course the domino effect that comes from those people from de Gama and from Columbus is going to completely change the history of the world from this point out and a lot of studies of history when you if you're a younger person you're gonna be taken college history classes they usually you're offered to world history classes and where and there's really not by time period and where they usually break that off is they usually say about fifteen hundred and why because of this moment right here the fall of Constantinople is almost literally a divider of human history of human time periods because everyone is going to be affected by this and everywhere in the planet so this is we have one of the most important things that has happened in the course of human history and it surprisingly gets overlooked a lot as the you know Julie surprising and shouldn't be so you missed a spot don't forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade what bullshit's at portugal spice letís first the wait said Christopher Columbus probably smoking crack if the world is round let's go this way to India now don't worry we already got this at Portugal so Chris goes to Spain hey Spain want to hire me to find India by going around back in the world no please no please no please okay so he sails into the ocean and discovers more ocean and then discovers the Indies and Japan let's draw a line the designer gets which half of the world the Aztec and Inca empires are off to a great start I wonder if they know that Europe just discovered their continent the Hapsburgs are marrying into so many royal families they might have to start marrying each other move over Lithuania here comes Moscow Ivan wants to make Russia great again move over Timur it's maybe go invade India or something purchase made Persian Persian again let's make it the other kind of Islam the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy eight Christians do you sin now you can buy your way out of hell that's [ __ ] this whole thing isn't baloney lifts scam [ __ ] the church here's ninety five reasons why said Martin Luther in his new book which might have accidentally started the Protestant Reformation off of Christians from Catholicism which has had a monopoly on Christianity and not just Christianity but religion in Europe for millennia as well ever since the Romans adopted it is the kind of official religion and with a lot of those Germanic tribes especially the the Franks converting to Christianity and so yeah now you get that breakup and of course the domino effect that's gonna come from there and religious persecution which also is a motivating factor for of course the the pilgrims that eventually are going to come out and want to start bringing European colonization out west and that sort of thing so another early Domino information you know what will be magnificent said Suleiman wearing an onion hat what if the Ottoman Empire was really big which it is now what if Russia was big said Ivan trying not to be terrible Portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire Indian Ocean including the spice trade and then that dream was real and Spain realized that this is not India but they pillaged it anyway still profits alone in France we got to start pillaging some stuff then the Dutch Revolt and all the hipsters moved to answer transit Amsterdam follow suit we got to start pillaging some stuff question one can you get to India frame them in Dutch at least there's the question to steal the spice trade that's not a question that was the other thing you know so they obviously with Columbus they find out okay there's not an obvious direct route that we you know of at the point but that didn't Sara Lee necessarily mean that there's not couldn't be one right so what you get with the British the French and the Dutch which is finding try to confirm is there a way to sail west to get to Asia and you see these different chances the British try to go up north can't do that because Canada is in the way and then the idea of is there a passageway through sort of the Americas and you see the French especially do that when they go what's an explorer what's going to be the st. Lawrence River get over here by the Great Lakes all that find out you can't and then later on Magellan and his crew going south of America of South America to go west but that's a completely inefficient way to do that so they it took a lot of trial and error to eventually figure out it's just not it's not efficient it's not real feasible does it make a lot of sense dude actually try to trade with Asia by sailing west but they tried about every possible way north south through everything and just kept failing that's not possible being through North America no but at least there's beaver question to steal Costa Mesa Panama question but the Dutch did it anyway to do list is to get bigger Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world more specifically Ohio every minute escalates into a seven-year discussion giving pressure a chance to show Austria who's boss but what about Britain and France I've done a video for for the Seven Years War make sure you look into that that's another huge event that is going to have a lot of Domino effects with it too as the Spanish and the British are sorry the Spanish and the Portuguese by the 1700s were not at the peak right this is Britain and France is sort of Imperial Golden Age and they are now looking to assert themselves as imperial powers in both hemispheres in Asia and the Americas so they're gonna kind of assume the new kind of roles that biggest most powerful Imperial forces that are coming out of Europe instead they figure out who's boss yes they did it's Britain guess who's broke also Britain so they start taxing the hell out of America [ __ ] you says America declaring their independence and fighting for it and France helps them win now Francis brother the dominoes haven't send their prisoners to a different continent wait if Francis broke why did the king and queen still wear such fancy dresses let's overthrow the palace and cut other heads on straight roads pierre cutting everybody's head off until something good video in French Revolutions oh you can make it no don't ad is starting to like give me of a revolution especially the slaves and free themselves by killing their masters why didn't we think of this before one of the only real successful slave revolts in history the Haitian Revolution with a group that as slaves actually won fought and successfully won their independence the Haitian Revolution should definitely be studied more wait who's in charge of France now what's up Olli I'm trying to take over Europe luckily they banished him to an island but him to another Island there goes Latin America becoming independent in the Latin American Wars of Independence [Music] makes of abdominals fallen faster then they invent some trains and conquer India and maybe put some trains there hey China said Britain buy stuff from us dude we already got everything says China so Britain tried to get them at the important point people always ask people ask why why weren't China why isn't China the one that did industrialization and a whole bunch of overseas foreign imperialism it's pretty simple they don't need to Europe as compared to China lacks in population and resources to be able to compete with large regions that have a lot of resources like China and and and and resources and and population like China and India right if places like Britain for example want to compete economically with a powerhouse like China India they have to find ways to overcome their lack of geography and their lack of population which necessitates the Industrial Revolution so let me talk about like India and China why didn't they do that they don't need to they have all the resources they need they don't depend on imports at all and they have a population that is so large that in fact if you industrialize you would put people out of work that's why for most of history India had been the largest producer of things like cotton and things like that because you had such a huge population and a workforce and of course we have that larger workforce you can keep wages very low so it was very productive the way they do that in fact yeah like I was saying industrializing would potentially hurt those societies and wait because you'd be putting people out of work so has nothing to do with a lack of ingenuity or anything like that because you cannot make that case it's it's all about supply demand and need but what you're starting to see here is Industrial Revolution is taking Britain further than probably there are places like Britain that do this further than anyone would have thought and eventually comes to the point where their small size doesn't matter anymore in fact they've overcome that so much that they can out produce and and and technologically be more advanced and militarily be more advanced that there's while size no longer matters in fact they can dominate over these large nations when you could not have up until this point in history dicta to opium which worked actually but then China made it illegal and dumped it all into the sea so Britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities in just one island Britain and Russia are playing a game where they try to stop each other from conquering Afghanistan also the Sultan of Oman that's just where he lives India just had a revolution and they would like to govern themselves now Knope said burn governing the vales harder than before it took away boasts of their dependence the United States finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad it's bad they decided and then they continued manifesting their destiny which is to kill the rest of the native Tyrael America maybe kick out the Mexicans too I know let's rape Africa said Europe scrambling to see you could rape at the fastest there's your evidence - of technological advancement the Scramble for Africa here showed where what industrialization and European imperialism has now come to virtually the entire continent of Africa was able to be conquered by a foreign force that has smaller population but has more economic power and military power and virtually the entire continent besides Ethiopia which you'll see over here and then Liberia in the West but basically the whole place got carved up like a big piece of pizza for get seven or so European nations involved in here and starts this Imperial era which doesn't end for a long time so after the world wars really Britain and France are still hungry the United States ran out of destiny to manifest so they're looking for more wait Spain controls Cuba I'll blame something on them and go to war what should we blame on Spain let's blame the Maine on snow so they blame the Maine on Spain now we're in business to celebrate the kick Panama out of Panama and make a canal connecting the two oceans you can just found oil in the Middle East oil China is so tired of being bossed around if they delete their old government and make a new stronger government which is accidentally weaker uncontrolled by a guy from the previous government you're a peasant had a war since the last war so they start rules on to get those guns it's gonna be a great war so great we won't need to sell water I know war it's over they blame Germany Russia went on strike and the workers overthrew the government now everyone's paycheck is the same kind of you know in the Soviet Union the Arabs revolt and Britain helps and now the Ottoman Empire is gone so we can give the Jewish people place to live hopefully the Arabs won't mind let's cut the cake Sykes in poco carving up the remains of the not-so ottoman anymore Empire except and the Saudis conquer Arabia it just seemed like the right thing to do hello yes it's the 1920s colleague let's get in the car and drive to a party and listen to jazz on the radio and go to the movies the economy is great great forever just short live low because you're the angry mustache model and he's mad at the Jews for existing Japan is finally conquering the East and they're so excited they raped Nanking way too hard they should probably just deny him Hitler's out of control so the international community tackles him and tries to explain why killing all the Jews is a bad idea but he kills himself before they could explain it to him that's the most severe shoulder to the United States versus Japan lightly finish it let's unite all the nations and have some peace seems legit hi I'm Gandhi and if Britain doesn't get the hell out of India I'm going to start myself Republic wow that worked bonus now there's Pakistan actually help us dance one of them can be Bangladesh later the Jews and the Arabs might have meat they both said at the same time let's divide up the land so everyone's happy look out China there's a new China in China what's on the menu communism no thanks said the other China escaping to an island I wonder which one is the real China there's the Korean War Korea vs. Korea nobody wins then it's unpause forever let's meet the sponsors oh it's the to global support doesn't seem they're having rebate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of Satan and they both have atom bombs fight wait no that will be the end of the world let's just keep it go and spy on each other instead and make sure we have enough atom bombs I'll race you to space now let's make some more countries fight themselves Europe is tired of pillaging other continents and the continents they were pillaging you're tired of being pillaged so here's a new map with new countries now you can't tell who they're being pillaged by drones a little sexy finally decided whether racism is good or bad they decided it's bad social degrees in South Africa I might need another minute to think about it let's check the rope only whoa okay yep that's a technology is better - that might keep happening on Soviet Union decides to relax a little and accidentally falls apart Europe makes a union so now they can all use the same money except Britain because they don't feel like it let's the male surprise it's on the computer whoops someone just attacked America I bet they'll remember that phone call surprise it's a young girl so you want to learn everything surprise it's on the computer now your phone's a computer which is in your pocket whoops the economy just crashed don't worry the big banks won't fail because they're not supposed to surprise flying robots with bombs want to print a brain some people have no friends some people have no food the globe is warming let's save the planet said everybody not knowing how let's invent a thing inventor send the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor that's pretty cool by the way where the hell are we alright yeah so much to say right so many things to stop but you would have an infinite amount of stops there a great video usually at the end of this video you know the students that have still have like the mental stamina to go through that are like afterwards like oh my brain is you know melting at this points I could almost like a physical workout your brain cuz you come out of that like holy cow and it's you know and you're like okay 20 minutes past you know what I mean cuz it's just non-stop feeding and a lot of fun now these videos they're great they're not like a lot of people I see a lot of reaction videos there's a ton of reaction videos on these from people and they're always like I wish I had that in school and that sort of thing and you know and I've thought about that but think about it this way could you use that much of a teaching tool like could you could you assess could you like do an assessment based off of this I don't really think you could I think it's pretty good not as not as an introductory thing but it could be useful I think at the end of learning like I was saying like at the end of the year you just oh yeah you know I have my students over I go yeah I remember that now I remember this now but you're not gonna learn long term a lot of new things from it but it is entertaining so I do see that a lot from reactors about that's how we should be teaching but I don't think you could assess in this format it's far more again more entertaining and just fun to touch back down but that's kind of my thoughts on that I think the use of this specifically some like over or oversimplified a little more detailed in slower-paced could be more as used as a lesson or again I don't think this could but regardless how this video I could watch it every day it's just it's great it's it's funny and great information all over the place so be sure to give Bill Wirtz your your your thanks you know give him the the like and view subscribe and all that kind of stuff I'll leave the original videos link down below as well again thanks to everybody that recommended this even though I'd seen it before you know had to do a video on it and I'm fine with doing that and if you'd like to see more videos of course leave your own comments and if you have anything you want to add to this video anything is there anything in there that you thought bill got wrong add that to the comment section let's let's look at it let's talk about it let's make this channel that you're on right now a place so we can also dialogue respectfully with each other and I think that's great we all we all kind of win in that scenario so alright well with that I think we'll go ahead and call it a video here thanks for watching once again and we'll see you soon
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 1,598,221
Rating: 4.9018011 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, bill wurtz
Id: CyiNqBz_Ldc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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