A History Teacher Reacts | "The American Civil War (Part 2)' by Oversimplified

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[Music] hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video of mr. Terry's I continued my search for historical knowledge here on YouTube alright today we are watching part 2 of oversimplified z-- the Civil War I'm loving this so far oversimplified one of my favorite history channels out there and I could tell it is with you guys too because you are constantly talking about it and recommending it and I don't blame you it's an amazing channel so I'm excited to check out part 2 part 1 was great obviously part 1 or at least my reaction video I'll put a link down below but make sure that you go to the original video though in the down in the description there'll be a link to it so make sure give them a like give them the view and of course sub unless you've lived under a rock I'm assuming your sub to oversimplify but if you're not definitely be doing that alright okay and then just last thing if you haven't sub to my channel I'd love to have you be part of our community also hit that sub button enable notifications so you know in live premieres and live streams our live lessons live game streams all that kind of stuff that I do alright with that let's go ahead and get started this video was made possible by honey stick around to learn how you can save money when you shop online as the unions struggled to take control in the east continued elsewhere the war raged on the Confederates attempted an invasion of Kentucky hoping the state as a whole would join them but they were pushed back the Indian Territory Sun Native American tribes ally with one side or the other in the hopes of securing rights after the war along the Mississippi sounds like the Revolutionary War and the revolution different native groups allied with with different groups one of the things like in the American Civil or sorry American Revolution although it's not as relevant to this was a lot of them joining up the British because they said that if you help fight with the British that they'll protect your lands or same thing with African Americans or for slaves in the American Revolution the British said hey fight with us and we'll will free you right and that was a motivating factor for some of that but yeah natives we're definitely probably aside with which side they think will protect their interests now unfortunately it's not going to end well in the end no matter who they fought for because Native American lands will be pushed out even further the general ulysses s grant remained one of the few Union generals scoring major victories with his best pal General Sherman by his side grep now remember Lincoln had fired general McClellan who was repeatedly not being aggressive enough in the eyes of of Lincoln and finally fired him and put grant there who's definitely going to be more aggressive then usually General Sherman this guy was very aggressive so I'm assuming they're going to talk a lot about him but what they did how destructive he was in the south it's it's big Brent led his armies down the Mississippi to the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg both sites knew that at Vicksburg fell the Confederacy would be split in two and the Confederates prepared for an intense defense of the city but back in the east Lincoln still wanted somebody to march south and take Richmond that was always such an interesting thing because did he back in the east Lincoln still wanted somebody to much because one of the major major strategies was take Richmond that's that's like you know de-facto capital of the Confederate States of America and it's not very far obviously from the lines between the North and the South that wasn't very far but it was very difficult they tried to do early on in the war it didn't work it's like such a key little piece is just right there it's so close and if that fell that would be a major blow but they're never able to do it and it's just it's so close right there look how close it is the DC March south and take Richmond having given general McClellan the boot he needed a new man in charge all right mr. president option one is general hooker bit of a nutcase but a good general option to his qualifications are his name is Burnside and he's freaking dope-ass sideburns side Burnside shipment called sideburn side man the thing where it's like you connect your name for that like the helmet strapped like a I don't remember epoch say no more so general Burnside put in charge of the Army of the Potomac and sent south Lincoln he finally had a general who could succeed Burnside met General Lee at the city of Fredericksburg where he intended to rapidly cross the river and take the city but the Union War Department was tousle and delivering the pontoon merges and the two sides were forced to camp across from each other close enough to speak hey Yankee ready to get your butt kicked Yeah right rebel God is on our side no way God's on our side oh you think so well why don't we ask him hey God whose side are you on dude I'm cool 100,000 men the Union Army finally launched their massive attack on the 11th of December but by now the Confederates had amassed their forces during the battle wave after wave of brave Union men marched headlong into a brutal Confederate onslaught even the Confederates couldn't believe what they were seeing they're like rifling technologies improved up to the Civil War this is when you start getting it's called the minie ball which is more of the the cone-shaped bullet that you see more today like and their American Revolution was the round ones problem with those is they weren't aerodynamic they would shoot and then they could spin off all kinds of place are very inaccurate so now you get a combination of more of a cone-shaped bullet they called the minie ball and yeah so it's more cone-shaped which also and then eventually you're gonna get extra spiraling technology which I think comes a little bit more later but still the idea of more accurate stuff which means longer distance so some of those older tactics because the reason you would do in these lines and be very close in older times with with older muskets was because you had to be so close to be able to to be accurate and it was very very rare to actually get accurate shots with like a musket with a round ball so you had to be close but it's like it looks like the Union here is using these old tactics of getting very close and lined up when they don't need to be or they shouldn't be actually because they can just shoot him down at that distance and in one moment of camaraderie a Confederate sergeant unable to take it reportedly came out into the field to tend to the Union wounded seeing this the Union troops held their fire still burns sight and his forces were soundly defeated at Fredericksburg and forced to retreat Lincoln's popularity and northern morale continued to plummet especially as the winter heading into 1863 was bad the winter counts were rife with winters are always such a big morale hit think about like George Washington have to go through Valley Forge and we got famous was because he led them through a harsh winter and bad times and amazingly what the elements do for a warm disease the food was less than appealing on both sides men began to leave hey what do you think you're going I'm deserting what don't you love your country yes I do and I'm trying to get back to it as quick as I can yeah Lincoln ever the kind and caring man he was spent much of his time pardoning deserters death sentences oh my here's a 17 year old boy sentenced to be hanged well I'd better suspend his sentence or he'll be suspended tomorrow Oh what to try to keep the numbers up both sides had introduced conscription to try to keep the conscription constipation having conscription yeah I mean by this time in the war I mean you'd we're running out of troops it was so bloody at hundreds of thousands dying you had two conscripted conscription is draft right where you'd basically make people join the military the numbers up both sides had introduced conscription there is controversy in the north however since Richmond could simply pay to have someone else fight on their behalf riots broke out this yeah this is a big thing this has been a big that's been a big critique since Richmond could simply pay to have as long as prescriptions have been around is about them in the case where you could get out of it of your service in certain times actually in American history again like pay off sometimes we could just pay it like pay it and you all right you're off look you can there's like a fee you could do it get somebody to yeah go for you which you basically pay them off say hey go do this and then I don't pay you off or when you get back I'll give you something later on in American history to could get like college deferments or something like that which again is is more likely to side with people that have money so that's always been the thing that the the only real people that can often get out of the military duty in wars in American history is you had to have money money was behind it in one way or the other which it has been a sub that's been criticized heavily in American history have someone else fight on their behalf riots broke out in New York City with enraged mobs furious at the idea top hats even even top her boots what does it even mean he's Tony's pizza pocket watches okay good after didn't you distract you that many of them simply did not support however after so much pressure the union had finally begun allowing black men to enlist and these men knowing what they were fighting for signed up but make sense right I did surprising they wouldn't allow them to do that sooner right because maybe these people might have motivation especially and later in the war when it was very much declared that this was much more about slavery hey one thing I just got reminded of that I I can't believe I I didn't bring up in the last video that's just reminding me with the Emancipation Proclamation is how it isn't exactly what people often think because Matt's a patient Proclamation the whole idea was it freed the slaves but the hold up hold up it was definitely political move right and like we said though it's not like the the proclamation went out and I was 11 southern slave owners were respecting Lincoln's executive order here that's not the case because they don't feel that Lincoln has any authority over them but also a very controversial thing was it freed slaves this is the big thing you want to know it the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the states that were openly in rebellion against the United States now here's why I say that if you remember back to the first video not all slave states join the Confederacy right there was still some of those border states that didn't people found that very ironic that they didn't yeah they didn't free the slave states in the parts that were still with the Union now why would Lincoln do that most likely to not upset fence sitters that were still I guess technically pro-slavery but we're still part of the Union they're afraid that those if they did that freed those slave states even in Union states it would possibly get them to switch to the Confederacy officially right so there is a lot higher knee in it in the the Emancipation Proclamation if you didn't know that the war nearly 200,000 troops 10% of the Union Army would be black the valor and bravery they showed throughout silencing critics okay well that last guy was useless let's try this hooker fella General Joseph Hooker was put in charge of the Army of the Potomac and once again Lincoln ordered him to move south and take Richmond Hooker met Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville where hooker head over twice the men leaving Lee was forced to defy old military unit six deep and split his smaller force into two Lee had absolutely no chance of winning and Lee won it was his maths dude that's crazy I mean Lea's various is so famous for being such a good general and just used one he just won after you know when after when I know a lot of times a tough odds on people like to say you know regardless of the sides or whatever and leave fighting Confederacy that he truly was a brilliant general and it's it was the best one of all of them in the American Civil War although his side's gonna lose very much out of his control which I probably see later on but from what had happened so incredibly successful just just you know from a general perspective the perspective as a General Lee had absolutely no chance of winning and Lee won it was his masterpiece Lee did suffer one significant loss during the battle though as his right-hand man Stonewall Jackson was writing back to the Confederate lines at night the nervous Confederate troops unable to recognize him open fire I should have know those you boys done goofed up Jackson died killed by his own I did actually didn't know that I know by the story I don't know about his death that he was killed by technically I guess friendly fire Wow glad I learned that that's interesting eight days later as for Lincoln he couldn't believe it it was yet another loss and northern support continued to waver while the Union kept on struggling in the east out west unconditional surrender grant was making moves as always in an attempt to take Vicksburg on the Mississippi he made a series of risky and bold movements he sent the cavalry rape and feigned Sherman North to confuse the enemy then aided by a fleet of iron clads on the river he raced his army south to cross the Mississippi aware that the terrain to the north was restrictive instead he strategically moved northeast hitting Vicksburg supply line and defending his rear from Confederate armies in Jackson once he reached Vicksburg the Confederate defense became hardened and grant was forced to settle in for a month-long siege railroads were such a huge part of this war as one of the first wars that really used them this also brings in one of the big advantages of uni had which was more railroads more manufacturing in general the early industrialization that's happening here in America was definitely more geared towards the north in the South the south is an agrarian farming culture when the north is a trading manufacturing culture so naturally railroads were big part and the northern or the Union was able to move stuff quicker make stuff make stuff quicker which was a big advantage in the war as you're gonna see slowly over time during which time but you could see how important it was to take what railroads there are out there and be in control of them rather bored despite not taking the city Lincoln loved it and encouraged Grant to hold firm it would only be a matter of time before the Mississippi was in the Union hence around this time that's huge I mean that is the superhighway of the Midwest I mean the the Mississippi is like everything if you're not on the coast you're relying on the Mississippi it's how you travel it's how stuff is traded I mean once you lose that you lose your biggest connection piece the people in the West of Virginia who had remained loyal to the Union throughout finally broke away to form their own state they could have named it anything in the world way let's look kanawa Vandalia big mountain mama state Florido canada to mrs. smith Mississip mitt mississippi high school the high school musical the musical the series the state left virginia which one which one should they have gone with everybody but the creative minds at the time came up with the ingenious West Virginia back in Washington Lincoln once again wanted a new general to take I feel like if you're West Virginia you somehow if you want to be West Virginia to somehow convince the other side to be East Virginia West Virginia West Virginia right oh no commend oh my goodness why do all these 19th century generals look so bust look we got sleepy ice Joe here that's Princess Leia with a mustache et phoned the doctor why don't we give snapping turtle McGee here a shot so general snapping turtle McGee was put in charge of the Army of the Potomac and it was a crucial time for the Union because once again the Confederates decided to go on the attack so far they had done exceedingly well militarily but as the war kept going the Confederate economy was crumbling riots broke out in the streets of Richmond as the price of bread skyrocketed supplies were dwindling Jefferson Davis wanted to send men west to rescue Vicksburg but General Lee knew the longer the war lasted the worse their chances got and he still hoped if he could just threaten DC the already demoralized north with surrender so in June 1863 with the momentum behind him General Lee once again entered the north fighting his way through Maryland and into Pennsylvania they tried this earlier but didn't work but yeah this is the deepest north that they'll ever get here heading to Gettysburg general means set out to meet him for what would be the most significant battle of the entire war biggest the Confederates 1dc could fall if the Union won it would be a turning point as the Confederates would run out of steam yeah this this is a big thing because for the most part the goal for the south has just been preserved right defend and preserve they're not looking to take over the north unlike how the north is trying to basically take over South they're just trying to preserve it so it's like they're going in to like take over the north and control it but deal a blow that would make the the Union the north think that this war is not going to be successful so maybe they should seek an end to this and let the South seceded something like that so you can see kind of what the point is though but this is yeah this is huge and this small town that to get caught up in the crossfire of the largest battle in American history was Gettysburg Pennsylvania on June 1st units from each army encountered one another and skirmished through the town itself the townspeople were forced to take refuge except for one man who reportedly ran outside for a strange reason Joseph what are you doing I'm not gonna let them take my beat how many times do I have to tell you they're not here by the second day awesome here for his beans over a hundred thousand men stretched for miles across the battlefield Lee took the initiative deciding to hit the enemy's flanks and he came very close to breaking through the union's disorganized left but Union Colonel Joshua Chamberlain ordered a desperate bayonet charge smashing into the Confederates and fours come back the Union forces held across the line on the final day Lee believed the Union Army had fortified its flanks so he decided to finish them off with one massive central assault the confederates rushed at the Union lines during general Pickett's Charge and this time it was the union's turn to unleash helm Meade had correctly guessed Lee's strategy and the Confederates were decimated forced to turn and flee it devastated General Lee cold out to his fleeing and wounded men telling them it was his fault and after holding for a counter-attack that never came he ordered a retreat back into Virginia the North head right away you're showing yeah he's remorseful showing him that right away they like you guys fought bravely wasn't your fault though so he try to keep your head up high even though again emotionally you're feeling about this with the the largest battle in American history just managed to score a massive victory and won they desperately needed and if that wasn't enough in the West after a month-long siege Vicksburg finally fell the North now held the Mississippi and better yet it was the 4th of July with control of the Mississippi universe is moved into Arkansas and Tennessee Tennessee in particular saw heavy fighting with Union general Rosecrans masterfully pushing Braxton Bragg's army of the Tennessee of Tennessee he suffered a major setback however at the bloody Battle of Chickamauga and then did under Confederate siege at Chattanooga at one point during the siege a temporary truce was declared so that wounded men could be recovered and often in the Civil War during these small truces men from both sides would meet in the middle to trade things like tobacco coffee and maybe even honey do you like wear me too bees are great and you know what rhymes with honey money did you know honey can help you save the money let me explain honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds you the best coupon codes when you buy stuff online for free for example here I am purchasing a hundred pepperoni pizzas because what the heck I do what I want with just the click of a button I've saved two hundred and ten dollars nice honey works with over 30,000 websites including eBay Target and Expedia and it's already found over simplified subscribers over 46,000 dollars in savings it takes just two clicks to install flare emitter yet it's absolutely with the garnet of Lima does 100% free get honey now and start saving money by clicking on the link in the description below join honey calm slash oversimplified that's join honey calm slash oversimplified and as always you'll be supporting my channel so thank you now where was I oh yeah Vicksburg fourth of July and the siege of Chattanooga thankfully General Grant now in charge of all Western Union armies showed up and karate kick dragged right back into Georgia like this yeah hahaha Sherman and hooker grant took on Confederate positions in the mountains around the city including the famous battle above the clouds and mission ridge grant continued to be Lincoln's number one guy with these victories Lincoln hoped the war was finally turning back in Gettysburg the entire town had been turned into a hospital to care for the scores of wounded men throughout the war on both sides woman such as Clara Barton rose to the occasion doing crucial work on the homefront and volunteering as nurses for those who had given their lives a new National Cemetery was to be established at Gettysburg and Abraham Lincoln traveled out to attend the opening ceremony yeah well later on yeah later you're gonna get the Gettysburg Address so four score and seven years ago kind of thing which especially after the war is gonna become such a big piece of American history at the event the main speaker spoke for two hours then Abraham Lincoln was called forward to give some brief appropriate remarks in just two minutes he masterfully and yeah well no it was a very short thing it's why you can you can memorize it I mean a lot of people do I know a lot of like classes do that they'll you know have you do it and yeah it's it's pretty memorable you can despite everyone knows like the beginning part a little for scored seven years ago but it's really again not that long feared of that kind of thing of like memorizing you kind of like that challenge of its students that like to do that for whatever reason I'm trying pointedly iterated America's national purpose and the need to continue the fight the Gettysburg Address would become one of the most famous speeches in American history while they were now making progress the north still couldn't find a decisive victory in the east and that was bad news for Lincoln because his presidency was now in its fourth year yeah the the end of this furthest term for him right it's huge a lot of politically motivated decisions they're gonna go into how to conduct the war like for example try to end the war before the election or at the very least make sure it's going well otherwise he's not gonna get reelected and he wants to be it really does seem like that so going aggressive here in this final year before the 64 election in 1864 there was an election coming the Confederates knew this too and with little hope left of being able to threaten the North militarily they believed their last shot at victory maybe in the election since Lincoln emancipation and the war itself weren't exactly popular people in the North were sick of war and wanted to put it behind them robert e lee hoped that if he could just hold out and don't continue to inflict more defeats the people of the north would vote Lincoln out and replace him with a southern sympathizer who may be willing to negotiate Lincoln knew now he desperately needed a victory now I know what you're thinking but oversimplified if Lincoln General Grant so much then why doesn't he put him in charge of the campaign in the east well guess what loyal subscriber you've hit the nail on the head you're bold friend I'll grant you that I'm promoting you to General in chief and I ain't taking you for granted now I want you to go to feebly me my wish please stop so grant was put in charge and he came up with a new plan he wanted to press the Confederates on all fronts with general banks to capture Mobile Alabama General Sherman moving south to Atlanta and grant joining the Army of the Potomac as they advanced through Virginia in May 1864 that plan went into action Sherman steadily advanced on Atlanta facing off against a smaller Confederate Army under General Joseph Johnston in addition a cruel yet highly skilled cavalry general and man like a goatee General Joseph Johnston in addition i cruel goes out thick was let the hair yet highly skilled cavalry general and winner of the funniest Confederate statue oh let's create his office what Bedford Forrest was also nearby doing his best to threaten Sherman's advance but in a series of battles Sherman dominated and pushed Johnson back to the city but he was held just outside of Atlanta itself and was forced to lay siege meanwhile the main show was happening to the east in Virginia the union's top General was finally about to face off against the Confederacy's Lincoln hooked grant would bring something new to the eastern theater and bring something new he did as grant began moving south Lee still regularly outmaneuvered him and inflicted heavy casualties hoping to demoralize the north as much as he could but here's what set Grant apart from others knew Lee was running out of men and that the north by comparison had plenty Brandt would throw his forces at Lee and even when Lee repelled them grant rather than pulling back would give the order to keep moving forward and frankly again and again in under six weeks 80,000 men would be killed wounded or missing in DC Grant was criticized for being a butcher at the Battle of the wilderness but I mean again that a lot of this is again politically motivated for Lincoln and Grant definitely followed orders Lincoln wants this thing to be going much better he needs a tank as if he's if it's not going well he's not gonna get reelected he's gonna lose his job as well teas were so heavy that Grant reportedly began but still grant could replace his losses Lee couldn't and he was being pushed all the way back to Richmond Lee knew once he got there he'd be under siege then it would only be a matter of time close to Richmond grant again suffered horrific casualties in a miscalculated assault at Cold Harbor then trying to be a tricks t trickster instead of moving on Richmond directly grant move towards Petersburg to fight the Confederate capital and cut its supply line but just like grant was halted outside of the city and he too was forced to settle in for a siege two identical sieges would not be good enough for Lincoln's re-election the people of the north saw the casualties Grant had been taking and they weren't happy to make matters worse Lee had sent Jubal Early north to threaten DC with the hope of forcing Grant to withdraw troops from Richmond early was repelled on the outskirts of the city with President Lincoln even attending as an observer but the North had been given a fright so with the war currently in a stalemate who was to be Lincoln's opponent in the critical 1864 election sponsor Uncle Joe's snake oil Emporium yeah I mean man this is such a big election isn't it because this is going to this is gonna decide the war again now you just watch a good state that if if the people are happy with the war they're not gonna bring Lincoln back and they're gonna bring somebody that very likely very likely will be somebody a little bit more sympathetic possibly to the south just because the northern citizens might want to see just an end to this war let the South go whatever that is it probably pretty much more rare case to get somebody that would be even more aggressive than Lincoln was so I get for the South it's like just survive survive right now okay and if you can if you can make it look like you're winning I mean that's that's about all you're gonna need to do possibly you just got a way to wait out the storm who's with the Democrats choose guess what baby I'm back that's right General George B McClellan would run for president against Abraham Lincoln so Oh fascinating right Lincoln fired this guy so you'd have to think what demographic of people are gonna be ones that are gonna support McClellan right because he wasn't as aggressive as Lincoln would have want so would that make people that would like to see the war be less violent or possibly and possibly side with him you know maybe that would be that demographic but yeah you gotta wonder if this is really the best pick to put up against Lincoln at this time somebody who might reek of failure in a way but might also appeal to a more radical group though I mean you could see that but our moderates going to respect McClellan my fellow countrymen if you elect me I the great General George McClellan will fearlessly and valiantly win the war unlike this douchebag many Democrats however including McClellan's running mate wanted to end the war so it's possible McClellan may have ended up fearless Lee and valiantly making peace with the Confederates which is exactly what they were hoping for with the war in a stalemate and Lincoln still not popular it looked like McClellan would win and the Confederacy may have a chance at surviving after all Lincoln himself said that without some kind of major victory it seemed exceedingly probable that this administration will not be reelected will fret not Abe because if it's a major victory you want it's a major victory you'll get Sherman Madeline yes man Sherman goes just ham pretty much on the south and it's it's like the most vile and most destructive part of the war I mean basically that's what link its gonna tell him is go in and create as much devastation as possible in the south just rip through places like Georgia burn it to the ground pretty much it's nasty and it had been under siege by General Sherman for just over a month after a number of battles around the city Sherman Center for South to sever the city supply line and Confederate general hood was forced to abandon it Atlanta one of the Confederacy's most important cities had fallen into Union hands for many it was clear that the conspiracies defeat was now inevitable and the war would soon be over when the final results came in Lincoln had won with an electoral college landslide with the troops in particular voting overwhelmingly for Lincoln which must have been touching for their commander in chief now remember if especially you're not American if you don't know how American presidential voting works they have what's called an electoral college it's not a popular vote you don't win by popular vote in America meaning your state votes and whatever your state votes in the highest percentage that represents your whole state and your state has votes that go into this electoral college system basically the bigger your state is the more votes your state gets right so if your state votes in favor of a higher percentage on an issue or a candidate in this case all of your state's votes go towards that towards the the the decision right I know people people outside of America criticize it and like why do you do this why do you don't just do a popular vote and it goes back to an older time of trying to compromise large states versus small states and it's still a huge debatable thing it has to do with yeah mixing the states and all that stuff so technically speaking and this has happened in America before where you can win the popular vote you can get more people across the country to actually vote for you and still lose now it happened in the last election with president rubs first first time as well and also president president george w bush when Al Gore actually won it back in 2000 so it can't technically happen it's fairly rare but has happened multiple times in American history actually hey man looks like you lost no hard feelings I didn't lose a merely failed to win in January Lincoln involved himself heavily in ensuring the third amendment ball slavery amendment made it through Congress in a narrow and historic vote the amendment passed slavery would now be constitutionally banished throughout the nation black men and women watching the vote from the galleries knew the work had only just begun a couple months later Wars not over either though I mean they're passing over the Wars not over at his second inauguration with victory right around the corner he didn't celebrate they didn't gloat instead he emphasized the need for reunification and binding up wounds to him Americans north or south were to again be compatriots however listening to Lincoln's speak that day was a man whose interest reunification John Wilkes Booth an actor living in DC was also at Deep southern sympathizer and as the war turned against the Confederacy depressed and full of hate he was already plotting his revenge on the men he held responsible he was fairly popular from what I understand you know theater was such the big form of entertainment and like that was not he's not an unknown person he'd be like a semi celebrity date celebrity today doing what he's about to do if you don't know I'll well we'll let it run but you know what I mean with further Confederate losses it was pretty clear at this point who would win but still Jefferson Davis showed no sign of giving in the north remember Jefferson Davis is the president of the Confederacy we're frustrated to see the conflict being dragged down why waste more lives in Atlanta General Sherman believed he had the key to forcing the Confederacy's hem he had an unusually modern concept that an army could only survive with the support of the people to strike at the people and the army collapses Turner decided to do something unprecedented he would remove his 62,000 men from their supply line and marched through the heartland of the Confederacy where they would live off the land there they would wreak havoc as they marched they tore up railroads burned farms and destroyed communication lines they also liberated thousands of slaves the damage done was estimated at 1.4 billion dollars the tactics work was a lot yeah remember that just go just go be devastating ruin the morale from the public cruel but to Sherman it was better than losing yet more men in battle in December he reached Savannah Georgia but he wasn't done yet next he turned north to inflict his punishment on the first state to secede South Carolina all started right first state to secede and also the first battle the Civil War with the battle at Fort Sumter so it's like the most secessionist of all the secession states listen to General Lee's army still holding out at Petersburg enemy backs at Petersburg had lasted for 292 days 60,000 the police to measure deserted numerous Union attempts to through had failed but when the breakthrough finally came it came quick on April 2nd a union assault finally pushed the Confederates from the defense's hey man there's no need to evacuate right you'll rescue us like last time right sorry can't hear you lean narrowly escaped this Esau hoping he'd be able to meet up with general Johnson and continue the fight Brent chased him down Richmond was evacuated and Jefferson Davis went on the run as they left the Confederates set fire to military buildings but the flames burned out of control and as the Union troops arrived ok became firefighters gosh destroying their own city and if it's like yeah almost like a scorched earth policy it's like hey destroy all our stuff while we're out of here but it looks like any went much further than that a couple of days later Abraham Lincoln visited the war-torn city grant caught up to Lee at Appomattox Courthouse where he trapped his force Z it was here on Aeternus 1865 that Lee saw no point in continuing sir listen bub I drink a bit too much last night and now I'm hanging like a fruit bat on a hot day so whatever you have to say I don't want to hear it General Lee says he wants to surrender but Diggity Dog Brandon Lee met in the home of a nearby farm family owned by a man who had tried his best to escape the Civil War man imagine being the the one that hosted this is a big moment in history it's your you know your farm house so I went right in the middle of a dialogue we go back five seconds in the home of a nearby farm family owned by a man who had tried his best to escape the Civil War years earlier Wilmer McLean all right can we all just hurry up and get this over with Martha not perfect yet I'm cleaning do you want us to get rats Branton Lee after years of war now spoke respectfully to one another when Lee left his face filled with emotion grants men began to cheer but grant ordered them to stop he knew that now was the time for reconciliation yeah not time to rub it in it's time to move on yeah you can celebrate but act like you won before right just over two weeks later general Johnson would surrender to Sherman ending the war for eighty nine thousand Confederate soldiers in the largest surrender of the war not every Confederate state had surrendered but the war was as good as over across the north church bells rang out and celebrations erupted in Washington looking give a speech from the White House to a jubilant crowd in which among various things he expressed his support for black voting rights Lincoln had seen the nation through its deepest crisis the presidency had visibly aged him he had lost over 20 pounds he said sometimes I think I'm the tiredest man on earth I'm not sure tiredest is a word but Jesus the man's exhausted cut him some slack on a carriage ride with Mary Lincoln clearly was looking forward to being a president in a time of peace he was apparently very cheerful surprising his wife and he told her that between the war and the loss of their son that both been very miserable now it was time to be happy on the evening of April 14th Lincoln attended a play with his wife and some friends at Ford's Theater it was a comedy and the president appeared to be enjoying it very much in a nearby bar John Wilkes Booth swallowed two glasses of brandy he slipped quietly into the president's booth and awaited for the audience's laughter to rise the the president was shot in the back of the head booth fled the city soldiers carried Lincoln actually jumped out jumped off go back there so he jumped jumped off the balcony here fell down a lot of people he got hurt he jumped off and possibly broke his leg now there was this unconfirmed thing that he jumped onto the stage here again get hurting himself as it's like Sic Semper Tyrannis or like death to tyrants which was the I think I think that the mythology heard ever something behind when Julius Caesar was assassinated that like that was supposed to be said it was Latin you know but I don't know if that's been corroborated correct me if I'm wrong that he actually said that but yeah he leaves in the chaos and goes into hiding and a massive well let him get to it but a massive manhunt goes on for Wilkes Booth who just get assassinated the president right in public eyes the president was shot in the back of the head booth fled the city soldiers carried Lincoln to a boarding house across the street there doctors declared there was nothing they could do surrounded by his heartbroken wife son and members of cabinet at 7:22 the next morning President Lincoln passed away never before had a president been murdered a shocked nation Mort as a 12-day funeral procession carried Lincoln back to his home in Springfield Illinois on April 26th Union cavalry found John Wilkes Booth in a barn in Virginia where he was shot yeah it was a big shootout at that barn a shootout there so I forget how long it had been at least like three days I want to say I forgot maybe I just glossed over it wasn't paying attention to that but yeah big shootout where he dies in the shootout so they never got to like apprehend under questioning him or anything not long after Confederate President Jefferson Davis was also tracked down and arrested imprisoned for two years he was eventually released the North didn't want to put him on trial for fear the jury may rule that southern secession had in fact been legal I mean what's the point right they lost what's what's the point for for Davis I mean he's out of power now I mean with with war is about to be over here fish I mean fish aliy it's gonna be over here yeah there's no point really plus you could anger a lot of people in the south that's not what you want to do right now to ensure reconciliation other Confederate generals and politicians were allowed to re-enter life in the now restored Union scattered fighting continued into May when the last Confederate forces in Texas disintegrated the southern states came under northern military occupation to prevent any further rebellion and a very difficult era of reconstruction began over 3 million Americans had fought brother against brother ok let's look at it 750,000 dead three quarters of a million 2/3 from disease yeah still an era of or if you get a wound you can get infected and still don't quite have the antibiotics and stuff like that I mean that's this is the era when a lot of that is starting to be treated better but still an era where wait you know a lot more people die of disease especially from wounds inflicted in war than then happens now but okay so we got 290 thousand so I mean you look casualties are not the the sign of who won I mean you see the Union because they were the attackers after they died you know it higher numbers and fifty thousand civilians killed eighty thousand slaves killed the Civil War remains the bloodiest conflict in US history but the Union had been preserved you could say the real winners were those who were to never again be slaves further amendments passed by Congress gave black individuals the right to citizenship and to vote yeah so it's happened so you get the they come that like the slavery related amendments 13 14 15 so 13 freed the slaves 14th makes made them citizens and then 15 allows them to vote all within kind of a succession with each other but significant progress had been made however entering into the 20th century it was clear the fight for equality would continue yeah what you're gonna get is a lot especially in the southern states to make it as hard as possible to exercise these rights when they're going to enter other things that were definitely designed to hurt some of these new African former Africa African Americans that are now it's now free but economic rights and political rights and pageants really trying to kind of drag the feet for a long time it's more of a topic for another time into the era of reconstruction so basically for the next hundred years you're gonna get this civil rights movement slowly with the peaking hundred years after the Civil War the American civil rights movement which really culminates in the 1960s through 50s and 60s peaking modern America the man who fought to preserve the nation and never gave up in the darkest of times stands as a symbol of honesty empathy humility perseverance and courage a continuous reminder of what has forged America and what it should ever strive to be okay back to the last image okay all right videos over that is the last of the second part the last part of this two-part series on the Civil War so once again the oversimplified channel does do an amazing work they add the humor a lot of details grad I'm so glad to have watched that I don't teach American history so it's great for you know I teach it in the context I teach right now world history type classes and when we talk about American history it's far more general and especially in the scope of world history events like the American Revolution right and so it's good for me to rehash a lot of this stuff that I'd learn of course when I was younger or even in college and stuff like that in the American history classes I did take to get a little bit more of that and come back so I'm glad to have have done that and kind of rekindle a lot of those things as an American that I am and part of the history of my nation so this is fantastic again love the oversimplified Channel I have watched all of their videos actually done reaction videos on all of them if you want to see my take on some of the other ones again they go in so much more detail that I feel like with a lot of these these deep more detailed videos I'm not able to now say add that much more than just my little comments and stuff like that because they go into so much detail but I just I just I like watching them so much and apparently people like to see it too because you guys seem to like the reactions to this coming from a history teacher so I don't know if a being yeah yeah that's specifically an American history historian matters as much to you but it's good that can kind of go through there you know I feel like I know you know all these basics with American history of course but anyway thank you so much for being here I want to plug again over simplified challenge one more time down below you will see a link to this original video make sure you give it a like give a subscribe even just the view type of comments with your appreciation for what he does over there does such a amazing work and and it's just important for us to appreciate this stuff to make sure YouTube is a place that really accepts and embraces history education it is such a powerful tool for history education probably the biggest educate we have in the existence right now so it's important for us to support channels and things like that that attempt to share history no matter what it is so it was cool I saw that on the first episode it went trending the the first part it was trending it like number four when I checked on oh if it ever end up getting higher but that's that's such a cool thing to have for a History Channel all the stuff that's on YouTube all the other entertainment forms to see history education up there it's just it makes me so proud to be part of the YouTube community that does have a much bigger chunk out there than people think of people that do appreciate history and finding these ways to make it relevant make it entertaining for people for people that are deep into history and the casual viewer itself you oversimplified is great at that so yeah make sure you support them for sure thanks again for watching if you haven't said my channel love have you around if you'd like to get involved in our community a little bit deeper the definitely join our discord community we have a few thousand right now that our members down below you will see a link to the in the description to our our server and you can get in and discussing that with all kinds of different people there also if you'd like to support the channel some other ways there's a patreon account patrons are able to vote on videos that get promoted onto this channel so membership start at dollar month if you feel like you know possibly supporting that way I appreciate that thanks everybody that's done that thanks to people that have joined through channel memberships which we just got in the last few weeks or so so you can click that join button if you want to be you there I'm really beneficial too if you really like to be a part of our live streams because that's where a lot of the benefits come from and those that are given super chat donations in our live events really appreciate that to just for not just part of me but history education in general I really appreciate that alright with that we'll go ahead and end you here and we'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 662,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, american civil war
Id: fJDAaLgjsvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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