Ranking ALL 6 Sentry Stratagems!!! Which is Best? / Sentry Tier List! | Helldivers 2

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these are centuries patiently waiting for the enemies of humanity to enter their sight I tested all six of these strategems to not only give you a detailed breakdown on what the upgrades actually do for you the stats for each Century as well as which is most practical but more importantly which is the coolest sentry guns or automatic turrets currently have no common place in Modern Warfare as they would be impractical extremely expensive and dangerous but that makes them perfect for super Earth's need as long as bugs and Bots perish it's a job well done of course before we dive in we need to go over how we can upgrade each one via the ship management terminals on your ship where you'll find six upgrades under the engineering Bay and Robotics Workshop tamps these like most of the stat sheets in the game don't tell you the full story so I've compiled the raw data so we can really break down what the upgrades offer starting off with synthetic supplementation which says it integrates moderate doses of an fetamines and androgenic steroids into the diet of looing crew leading to an increased Pace focus and stamina among other effects I hope the crew were made aware of these dietary additions though they probably signed away all of their rights as a human when they of course made the best decision in their life to serve on a super Earth Command Ship now that the crew are roided up we can enjoy a 10% cool down in all centuries which takes all of them from 180 seconds to 160 too next up we have Advanced Construction which mentions it reinforces centries with state-ofthe-art cyan Oly adhesives I hope I said that correctly greatly improving their durability Under Fire we know the ministry of science wants you to believe that there are some great technology really reinforcing the centuries here but what many of you may not realize is that cyano acolyte is simply superglue yeah it's just super glue it's probably a criminal offense that I've just exposed them like this so please don't inform the chain of command anyway this upgrade increases the HP of all the sentries by 50% there is Noh that gives you the actual values so using the standard pistol I can give you close estimates to what they are without the upgrade all sentries can take seven shots from this pistol that deals 60 damage per shot meaning they have roughly 420 HP with the upgrade that bumps them to 11 shots or 660 HP in total this will be enough to survive a few more hits from the enemy which is Handy moving on to the robotics Workshop we have Dynamic tracing which says repurposed surveillance technology allows the Sentry deployment Cannon to closely track the user at all times no matter where they go or what they do ready to fire at any second I don't know about you but that sounds like a threat to keep all hell divers in line we know how they like to drop 380 m shells on top of traitors right this reduces deployment time for all centuries but doesn't actually tell you by how much so I reviewed the clips pre and post upgrade frame by frame to get you the result starting from the frame the notification says inbound I measured the time until it changed to impact without the upgrade all sentries have a deployment time of approximately 7.75 seconds which is then reduced to 4.75 seconds once upgraded which is about a 40% % reduction information which would have been nice to know moving on to shock absorption gel which lines Sentry pods with shock absorbing hydrogel allowing extra ammunition to be packed in the space previously occupied by shock absorbing Springs I'm not sure gel will absorb as much as Springs in this use case but more ammunition more democracy this upgrade will increase ammo by 50% for all centuries the differences of which you can see on this chart here this is a huge increase to their damage potential as they're getting a flat increase well to the amount of damage they can dish out so this is one of the more important upgrades for you to pick up penultimately we have highquality lubricant which applies the frictionless lubricants known as super jelly to Sentry ring mounts facilitating extremely smooth mechanical operation so this lovely slippery substance allows our sentries to rotate towards the new targets quicker and you know it I calculated the differences it took each one to do a 360° spin before and after the upgrade my testing methodology for this one was to observe the idle animations of each Century frame by frame as they make 90° turns when idle making it easy to calculate a 360 spin the rockets and autoc Cannon sentries shared the same speed as did the Gatling and machine guns the mortors don't move when idle so I decided not to calculate the times for those here's a small chart for the differences I measured the Gatling and machine gun sentries are already quick before the upgrade taking 1.25 seconds for a 90° turn and 5 Seconds for a free 60 but becomes blindingly quick after upgrading as it takes half a second quicker for a 90° turn at 75 seconds and only 3 seconds for a full 360° spin the rockets and autoc Cannon are much slower in comparison taking 3.75 seconds for a pre-upgrade 90° turn or 15 seconds for a 360 that becomes 2.5 seconds for a 90 or 10 seconds for a 360 which is a 33% or 1/3 reduction across the board and there's a noticeable difference indeed especially when you want it to take down a big Target and you're sweating because they won't turn fast enough and finally we have the most expensive and useless upgrade I've ever seen blast absorption honestly subscribe to ease the pain that was wasting my samples on this when there are so many others that are so much better but anyway it goes on to say it reinforces Centuries with expanded polystyrene pie pieces the peanut-shaped variety which absorb thermal and blast energy and claims to let the sentes take 50% less damage from explosions whilst the idea of them using poyene is quite funny it must be LW accurate because it's just as useless as polished diene would be at giving them blast protection I tested this with the g12 high explosive grenade the Eruptor shot and the grenade pistol both before and after the upgrade and lo and behold they all died in one blast in both tests this also still can't even stop them from perishing to a single automaton rocket either so this has zero hope in protecting against enemy blasts such as Devastator Rockets especially considering they fire about 70 of them and it's not very often that explosions happen to detonate nearby the centes I think a better upgrade would have been to give the sentes a personal self-recharging Shield like the support Shield backpack this would allow them to absorb one heavy attack at least before leaving them vulnerable to attack as normal and it would make it feel much more rewarding to defend them from threats as they wouldn't die so quickly and it would give you a window to better react to threats and then they'd get that defense back again after an encounter which would just feel so much better for now ignore this upgrade unless you want to be scammed out of 150 common and rare samples and 20 super samples well that was a lot to get through the sentries have the most upgrade potential out of all the strategems so get Gathering those samples as you'll need a lot to cash all of them in though again save you time on that final one right now we move on to the strategems themselves like with my eagle and orbital videos I'll be going through each one giving tested statistics tips and tricks that you may not know ranking them for their Aesthetics or how cool they are as we go and I'll be giving And discussing my practicality teer list at the end there's six to get through so without further Ado let's jump into them starting off with the machine gun centry this is a medium armor penetrating machine gun and if I peer revie a fellow creator ryen for te's findings by measuring from the moment the Sentry shoots for 1 second I can confirm that it does indeed fire 11 shots a second links to description for riken's videos check him out as long as your target isn't a drop ship Hulk tank charger or bile Titan this Sentry will make sure work of whatever it targets they can get a great companion on the battlefield especially if you utilize its max range of 75 M to your advantage by throwing it outside of the heat of battle it's worth quickly noting that this range deviates from Ron's findings by a couple of meters I think this may be due to pings measuring differently when the camera is in third person which is how I measured it as you can see in his demonstration it's 73 M until he switches back to third person where it becomes 75 utilizing this range will keep the turret safer so it can actually expend its entire ammunition pool rather than dying beforehand a good thing to note as well is that due to its lower fire rate in comparison to its older sibling the Gatling it's less likely to Friendly Fire a butcher you or your teammates when it turns to engage a new Target before moving on to the Gatling I think I'll rate the machine gun a decent 6.5 for athetics I should mention in my previous video on the orbitals many people noted the sound of the rail gun boosting their enjoyment for it so I will be taking into consideration the sound design for my personal coolness ratings as well for future reference I use the same frame by frame testing methodology to calculate statistics for the rest of the centuries as well right on to the Gatling Century just like like the machine gun Sentry this is also a medium armor penetrating weapon however from what I measured it fires at 27 rounds a second which varies from ryen 14's findings of 26 round per second by 1 making the mean between our results 26.5 all I'm doing now is spatting very basic Mach terms but I think a plusus .5 between the mean considering all the variables in the game makes our findings as close to Accurate as they can be it has the same range as the machine gun Sentry at 75 M and Deals the the same damage making it destroy units from scavengers to brood commanders from half a second to a few seconds this also means that the Gatling for all intents and purposes in my opinion makes the mg Sentry completely Obsolete and not worth taking into battle it does prompt the question does there need to be some form of change to the machine gun Sentry to differentiate it from the Gatling what do you think drop your thoughts down below as for Aesthetics the Gatling wind up firing and wind down effects and sound effects are awesome in comparison to the the machine gun so I'm going to go for a solid 7.5 here a point over its younger sibling moving on to the bigger guns now we have the autoc cannon Sentry up next this Sentry is an absolute Beast with you guessed it an automated autoc Cannon this deals the same damage for shot as our autoc Canon support strategy which means it's a monster at picking off or weakening heavily armored targets such as hulks drop ships Chargers or bile Titans this Sentry fires three shots in a salvo with each shots half a second upon and once it's locked onto an enemy the pause between salvos is only 1 second though you may notice a longer pause of 1.5 seconds between shots when it's targeting a new enemy this means it blasts Thrice as good as the shoulder held weapon with no need for reloading combined with its match range of approximately 85 M it's truly amazing at providing long range assistance against those heavy targets when your team needs it especially once you get the extra ammunition upgrade which boost its total shots to 30 six or 12 salvos of free shots for information on its key targets I recorded it killing a Hulk in 10 shots and a charger in seven both from the front meaning it will get faster times to kill from behind than this and the bile Titan is hard to gauge as it moves around too much and it can't be stunned but it deals very good damage against them the most annoying part about it though is that sometimes it doesn't seem to prioritize larger targets which is incredibly frustrating as it'll sometimes just waste its shots on the small stuff around the big stuff the feedback you get from the visuals and the sound when you're nearby this thing while it fires is absolutely amazing though and the impact is suitably good as well so it's going to be a nine for me personally for Aesthetics next up the rocket Sentry which fires two rockets in a salvo with the time between each Salvo being 2.7 seconds and it doesn't take longer to Target another unit unlike the autoc cannon it like the autoc cannon though struggles to prioritize larger targets sometimes but the Rockets deal good damage to heavily armored targets however the problem is it fires quite slowly and the missiles have a slow travel speed which is noticeable when it targets units at a long range the max of which is 75 M it kills hulks in nine shots and charges in 10 both from the front which is close to the auto Cannon but the problem is it delivers that damage so much slower but it does of course take out smaller units quite quickly while the damage is decent against the box I wouldn't say something to pick up as it's likely to die way before being able to deliver its full damage potential of 48 Rockets due to the extra ranged threats it would take about a minute and a half of continuous fire to fully deplete its ammunition and it's definitely going to perish before then against the books it can be fine though as long as you use it at a good range due to the lack of ranged attacks I've always had a sweet spot for smoke Trails behind rockets in games so the projectile looks awesome to me the sound isn't quite as meaty as the autoc cannon so overall for me I think I'm going to give it an eight for Aesthetics and now we come to the more commonly used centuries the mortar centuries these have a much longer range of 125 M but we'll go through the standard variant first this shoots 13 and a half salvos of four shots as seen from the ammunition upgrade charts and it's funny that the maths gave this a half Salvo it's 54 shots in total which is a lot of damage potential the time between each Salvo is 5 Seconds and this can do a lot of damage to its targets the issue is it may struggle if the target is moving as it does not lead its shots it goes for wherever the target was at the point of firing but if they aren't moving absolute bombardment and shoes this can wreck any unit in the game if you're able to keep them in the same spot EMS or stuns can help a lot generally though the biggest thing players can do to boost their damage potential with them is to actually leverage their range too often do I see mortars placed directly in the middle of the fight where they're just going to perish way before they can get even a fifth of their shots Out start to consider Vantage points or areas you can throw them outside of the heat of battle so they can then fire into it rather than out of it this will increase their life expectancy tenfold and actually allow them to help you for more than a few seconds in the fight and when it comes to Aesthetics mortars do look amazing and their firing pattern sounds so good hearing and seeing the bombardment blast in the air area is epic as well so I'm going to give it an 8.5 personally for Aesthetics the philosophy of using the range to the advantage so you can get the most out of the mortars is even more important to the EMS mortar as said best by reiken you'll also notice that the EMS Sentry has a really long Max sustained fire duration of 133 seconds which when buffed with the 10% cooldown reduction drops its downtime to a mere 29 seconds again shout out riken links in the description or in the top right this uptime total is incredible and something you need to leverage this is done by keeping the morter safe in a good location where it can bombard the area with its Max 23 shots without being pested if kept safe for the full duration you'll only have to wait the 29 seconds Ron mentioned for another one to be ready and available to use for some statistics on the blast itself the shell takes half a second to detonate once it's on the floor which can be problematic if the target's moving somewhere but it does stun enemies for a total of 9 seconds which is half of the orbital Em's 18c total stun duration this mortar can absolutely turn the tide of any fight against any faction the power of stunning Mass targets is just not to be scoffed at it just gives you so much time on the battlefield it's absolutely insane don't sleep on this one hell divers aesthetically the Blue Trail around the shell in the air the big electric stun field explosion H it just just looks so good so for me it has to match the standard mortar at another 8.5 for Aesthetics with that all said and finally done there's just one extra good to know is that you can't have more than one of the same type of Sentry on the battlefield at the same time that is of course unless you're this guy proving that game guard was really worth it after all anyway here's my tail list for the centuries not considering anything else in the game the auto Cannon and EMS mottor are in s tier with the normal mottor in a the Gatling takes B and the rocket Sentry and machine gun takes the bottom in C the autoc cannon absolutely blasts everything so well the projectiles have practically no travel time and it can take down heavy targets the EMS mortar provides absolutely incredible space and time during combat allowing you to deal with almost any situation 5,000 times easier considering this can keep bombarding an area for such a long time at such a great range it had to be S tier for me I placed the standard mottar in a due to its amazing damage potential and range making get a beast for group killing on higher difficulties the Gatling is only good for smaller targets though it does do a great job at taking them out it can have its moments where it completely waste ammunition on targets it can't penetrate though and it's also the Sentry that kills the teammates most the rocket Sentry is even lower in C because it fires too slowly to reliably kill heavy targets for it to take a higher spot and I think it really ought to do more damage for how slowly it fires its Rockets and the Machine Gun Sentry is just a worst Gatling so enough set there and here is my Aesthetics leaderboard everything is quite close together in this one I enjoy the autoc cannon Sentry so much it it just has such good feedback from the visuals and sounds it had to take the top spot for me I imagine the mortars may take the top spot for many of you so please do let me know what your favorite is aesthetically down below unfortunately the Gatling and machine gun are taking the two bottom slots as they are awesome but in comparison to the others they're not quite as good in my opinion do you agree with the tier list please let me know and it only makes sense that my next ranking video covers the support strategems there is a lot to look forward to and I'm having a lot of fun drop a like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next video oh
Channel: The Wile Spice
Views: 500,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FPS, Gaming, Gaming video, helldivers 2, helldivers, Arrowhead
Id: lLyc47EbPYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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