Helldivers 2: I Unlocked & Tested EVERYTHING In the New Warbond ❄️

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hey guys I woke up at 5: in the fraking morning to unlock and test everything in the new polar Patriots war bond in Hell divers 2 I'm not going to lie to you the majority of it is quite underwhelming with the exception of maybe one option anyway without further Ado let's get to it first up the ar61 tenderizer assault rifle and real quick if you're wondering why the design of the gun in the game looks different than the promo image good ey a senior artist on the game mentioned on Reddit that a quote texture mistake happened and a cooler Black Version will be in the game soon but anyway yeah pains me to admit that the gun is extremely mid before you even bring it into a mission compare it with the ar23 Liberator aka the base starting weapon for level one players and you see that it's worse basically it's we have the Liberator at home you've got a lower ammo capacity and lower rate of fire it does have better recoil which is nice I guess but the damage seems to be the same as the Liberator despite the text on the new weapon quote but with more stopping power using the tenderizer in game was about what I expected it felt like a slower shooting Liberator with a tinier mag it really lacks punching power and beef your enemies are going to feel fairly imposing as you reload a lot while running away doesn't matter if it's bugs or Bots the weapon overall wasn't very impressive to me right away at the very least I got to imagine that this would be an immediate High Contender for a buff in the next balance patch next up we have the new motivational shocks booster also available on page one the description reads allows all hell divers to recover faster after being slowed by an attack such as acid does not mitigate area effects such as EMS strikes as you can probably imagine this isn't going to help you out very frequently but when it does it's definitely a nice to have type feeling being physically slowed down by terminate attacks up close is no joke one of the most annoying things in the game so having the ability to recover from that more rapidly is certainly worth consideration against automatons though I can't really imagine motivational shocks being a common pick robots are more likely to Rocket knock you around the map if you remember by the way not too long ago I did a video reviewing every booster in the game and in the grand scale of things I'd say shocks definitely is viable but again only on bug missions granted it does have a lot of tough competition in the booster Department though hell pod vitality and stamina are still my favorite three boosters in the game with the fourth and final Flex pick going to either muscle enhancement or Lo localization confusion on an extremely small map featuring Bugs though like an eradicate mission for example I wouldn't complain if my random teammate brought motivational shocks next on page two finally some good [ __ ] content the SMG 72 pummeler my hands down favorite option currently in the new war bond comparing it to the SMG 37 Defender you might wonder why anyone would take the new SMG slightly lower damage and rate of fire which admittedly bit of a bummer but the pummeler is in the business business of Staggering and stunning enemies and let me tell you boys business is good when shooting almost any enemy capable of taking damage from the pumer it will straight up get Frozen in place I'm talking completely unable to move or attack at all you're basically hardcore shutting them down while dealing damage to them and it makes the pummeler very effective on low to even mid-level terminate I mean hell even a goddamn charger will be frozen if you start shooting it in the butt granted that's not really an effective way of solo killing a charger but you definitely could freeze it in place while a teammate Blows Its head off with a quazar or an eat unfortunately it can't stun bile Titans even I think that would be a little bit broken however the pummeler best utility by a mile is being able to completely shut down stalkers who with the latest update are a big big nuisance the pumer literally holds them in place as you damage them and turns them into a total non-threat when either me or my buddy was shooting a stalker with a pummeler it was immediately apparent that this gun was probably created with that sole purpose in mind tldr absolutely viable and fun for highle termined Content you can use the pummeler on Bots too it is fun against those chainsaw hand bastards who like to rush you down they get Frozen in place too for the most part though I much prefer it on bugs you have to get very close to automatons to make the pummeler work and I prefer fighting them at range but you do you next on page to we got another fun option but real quick timeout y'all I've said it before and I'll say it again and and I have been ordering factor for years they deliver fresh never Frozen dietician approved meals right to your doorstep don't get me wrong I love to cook but I'm a busy guy I'm out here trying to carry people in Pantheon and God knows what else and sometimes I'm just short on time Factor makes it easy though just heat up the oven slide that baby in and boom a healthy dinner in minutes with minimal cleanup I know I've been ranting about my longtime favorite turkey chili and zucchini but we have a new contender in s tier that would be the cheesy bacon shredded chicken you can totally eat it as is but no joke I've been eating it with crackers it's basically a god tier dip for dinner I love it do yourself a favor and check them out head over to factor75.com or click the link down in the pinned comment and use code Fallout 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box and 20% off your next month of orders again that is code Fallout 50 at factor 75.com to get 50% off your first box and 20% off your next month of orders thank you Factor all right we back next up on page two is the G13 incendiary impact grenade as you can probably guess this combines all the fun of the incendiary grenade with the quick detonation of the impact grenade I assumed that because the impact incendiary detonated way faster it would probably be weaker than the original incendiary but uh no apparently they have the exact same stats except the impact incendiary has immediate detonation time leading me to wonder why the [ __ ] would anyone use the G10 in incendiary now that the incendiary impact is a thing definitely some food for thought but yeah anyway great on terminats throw it down for Instant Fire over a small area good to create a little breathing room if they summon the horde or if you're being chased by a gang of bugs also here's a fun combo throw an impact incendiary down then keep them in the fire by stunning them with the pummeler SMG if you were wondering the grenade can also shut down both bug holes and Fabricators as well I think at the end of the day the original impact grenade will remain my favorite for the sheer damage output Factor but yeah incendiary impact is surprisingly good and worth checking out moving right along on page three we have the plaz 101 purifier not going to lie I had high hopes for this gun and I'm not completely heartbroken but I ain't exactly smiling either don't get me wrong the gun can be fun it's basically a charge up explosive energy rifle think if the plaz one scorcher had a baby with the rail gun it hits pretty damn hard for an energy weapon and can stagger enemies on a hit as well which is nice in certain situations though where you're getting fairly overwhelmed at close range the slow charge up time on the purifier is really going to hurt I think if you have a teammate nearby with a shotgun or other close-range weapon it'll make the purifier more fun but it definitely did leave me wanting more it does have the ability to damage medium armor enemies though I'd be much happier about using it if you could one-hot Strider automatons but you can only do that if you hit the bot directly if you hit the big shield in front it takes two charge up shots which is not terrific overall kind of fun but there are better options out there IMO next up we have the p113 verdict which has a really great visual design or at least I think it does unfortunately there's nothing really wild or unique about the verdict other than how it looks it's just a regular pistol it does have good damage per shot compared to other options but even basic math kind of just shows you that it's not super hot fire or anything like that check it out the Redeemer does 60 damage per shot with a 31 mag meaning if you hit every shot in the mag that would be 186 damage total the verdict does 125 on a shot with a 10 capacity mag meaning if you hit every shot in the mag that would be 1,250 damage the Redeemer also has a better rate of fire between the two so yeah if the verdict could penetrate medium armor it would be a way different story but it can't so who cares go ahead and use it if you want I think it looks pretty cool but I'll be using either the Redeemer or the senator finally let's cover the armor sets of which there are three first up we have the CW 36 winter warrior armor on page one winter warrior is heavy armor with the servo assisted trait not necessarily a unique combo the fs 61 dreadnots heavy armor with that trait but I do think if you dig the vibe visually of the winter warrior armor you should go ahead and pick it up on page two we have the cw22 Kodiak armor also heavy armor but with the Fortified trait again not a unique or brand new combo but I really dig the visual Vibe of Kodiak and of course if you don't have heavy armor with fortified it makes you really beefy against aut amatons if you don't have that combo I'd recommend getting it finally we come to the cw4 Arctic Ranger on page three light armor with the Scout trait virtually identical to the very popular Trailblazer Scout armor I think if you enjoy that armor set and want a new look or if you don't have Trailblazer this would definitely be worth a pickup be warned you will be paper thin armor wise but you have really good mobility and enemies are less likely to notice you one of my favorite armor traits in the game also I think the armor looks neat so why not let me know down in the comments section what you think about the new war bond what do you like what do you hate I'd say to stay tuned for a definite buff to the tenderizer I would be shocked if that got untouched and enjoy the hell out of the pummeler SMG thank you very much for watching see you next time [Music] go
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 88,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Warbond Review, Helldivers 2 New Warbond, Helldivers 2 New Warbond Review, Helldivers 2 New Warbond Weapons Test, Helldivers 2 Polar Patriots, Helldivers 2 Polar Patriots review, Helldivers 2 Tenderizer, Helldivers 2 New SMG, Helldivers 2 Pummeler, Helldivers 2 SMG Pummeler, Helldivers 2 Motivational Shocks, Helldivers 2 New Booster, helldivers 2 new armor, New Warbond Review, Polar Patriots Review, Polar Patriots Helldivers 2, New Booster Testing
Id: rCJEdsD7OiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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