Helldivers 2 - how to spread your jump pack wings and fly

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hello everyone welcome on board to the wings of science apply named because today we are going to be doing a deep dive into hell divers 2 lift 850 jump pack the jump pack is a backpack type strategy and is the only strategy currently out there that can enhance your hell diers movement and as a self- diagnosed movement junkie You'll Always Find me with light armor using the stamina regen booster and running the jump pack and after many many missions of using it and hours of hours of laving the jump pack I've compiled a list of some basic Kno hows case situations as well as some general tips and gamepl that I'd like to share with you all first let's get into some real basic stuff about the jump pack which is before you can use the jump pack it needs to have it charge and the charge is indicated by a yellow bar on the back of the jump pack as well as yellow line on the side once you have a charge you can hold whatever key or button you use to volt uh for me I'm on PC and that will be the space bar when using it you will be sent towards the air and when you return back towards the ground the jump pack will slightly activate again to prevent fall damage the second activation is automatically triggered and cannot be manually triggered and for you to use the jump pack again it will need to have another charge before you can activate it a quick note about charges here when you call in the jump pack it will always drop in fully charged and will take about 20 seconds to recharge the jump pack will begin recharging at the time that it is used meaning as you get off the ground so it doesn't just start when you land it's the moment you start propelling in the air as the jump pack charges it will play a quiet woring sound and the bar on the back of the pack Now red to show that it's not ready will slowly raise indicating that is booting up another charge if you try to use it prior to a full charge it will make a some sort of I'm not ready yet sound and once it is fully charged the Red Bar will now become yellow and there will be an audible queue to let you know that it is ready to be used now let's talk about the real meat of the jump pack which is how do you maximize your jumps in other words what affects your jump pack distance and height so let's start with distance two things will determine your distance with a jump pack your initial speed and your stamina while I was testing the jump pack using it while sprinting and using it while walking both return different distances if you are moving while crouching and use the jump pack while you're crouching you will move you will fly a shorter distance than if you were walking if you were to prone while using the jump pack you will stand up and be in a walking State before the jump pack activates so treat it the same as if you're walking meaning the only real differences would be if you were either running walking or crouching so to sum up a couple hours of testing the faster you are when you use the jump pack the farther you will go now as to what affects your speed stamina is a big factor here surprisingly when you activate the jump pack it will also require stamina to use if you were to use a jump pack while you have stamina you were able to travel the full distance Allowed by your speed if you were to jump pack without stamina you will lose several meters of distance running and using it without stamina will still get you farther than walking without stamina so if you still want to get as far as you can you just so run also when you activate the jump pack it doesn't need all of the stamina that it normally takes it just wants to know if you have any stamina present meaning even if you had a sliver of stamina or even one point of stamina you will still go the full distance so since stamina and running affects your speed the other part of that is now your armor because if you have heavy armor you move slower and because you move slower you don't go as far when you activate your jump pack and in terms of distances you only go a slightly less distance if you're having heavy armor I found that full Sprint light armor running the jetpack takes you maybe 23 24 M and using heavy armor will maybe be about 21 20 or so I would say it's marginally small I wouldn't say it's nothing notable it's just something that exists side from sprinting of course there will also be differences when you're walking and when you're crouching and if you have stamina or not but yeah just a quick recap on distance the two main things you want to remember is do I have stamina and how fast am I going cuz those two will affect how far that you go and height is a little bit different and in terms of the Arc of of what you travel when using the jump pack I found it to be the same height whether you're running or sprinting as for how high you go I believe stamina is the main factor here and maybe whether or not you are crouching or standing there are significant height distances whether you activate your jump with the stamina or without I believe the height is the same whether or not you're standing or crouching it looks like you are lower while crouching because your head's kind of tucked into your chest but I think the actual height the jump pack gives you the same if you were to use your jump pack with stamina I'd say it can go as far as five to maybe five and a half meters in the air meaning if you were to jump at something four meters in the air you can easily clear it if you were to jump at something that's maybe five to a little below six meters I think you can reach it because you still can vault at the ledge if you're not sure whether or not you can make your jump I highly recommend using your ping if you're not sure how far something is from you you can use your ping because the Ping has some sort of distance feature will lets you know how far something is so you can use that to gauge out whether or not you can make that jump now let's explore some of the different interactions with your weapons utility and your strategy if you're aiming in first person and use the jump pack you'll be taking out and into third person but can resom aiming as you land while in the air though you can still fire your weapon but you can only fire from the hip so you're restricted there also while jumping you're are able to reload your weapon which is a good thing to do as a tactic as you're filling enemies and if you also have no or little ammo so you can turn around as you land and quickly you know just resume fighting as for your grenades in utility kind of follows the same Trend you will be able to aim it precisely as you're in the air but you can still throw it the same goes for strategy um you can jump pack and have your input UI out enter the input and then throw it you cannot aim it precisely but can still throw it in the direction that you want it to go however there is a video online by someone um named Standard Ace and they kind of showed a cool trick where if you were to hold both your aim and fire Button as you jump pack you can aim precisely with either your grenade or strategy to get a lot more Precision throws as far as I know there hasn't been any other similar trick for aiming with weapons but the grenades and the strategem tip is really cool by itself as for strategy who's a bit to go through here with the machine gun and heavy machine gun these are weapons that when you reload you're kind of forced to sit there Crouch and do the animation but if you do it while you're jump packing you can still reload as you're traveling through the air when you do reload with these weapons in the air your height gets somewhat adjusted and you don't go as far as you would as if you were to not do this trick when it comes to weapons that require charging such as the quazar cannon or Arc thrower it's it's a good tactic to jump pack and then charge the weapon so that when you land it is now fully ready to go so this is good for if you're repositioning or trying to get away from the enemy but still be preparing to fight them also not a big thing here but you can also board your Patriot the exo suit mid jump so that's as Clos as to Titanfall as we're going to get here lastly when you're hit firing your weapon midair the direction in which you shoot is kind of depending on the weights being held meaning if you were to use over theh shoulder type weapons such as the eat or the quar cannon it will be kind of down towards the left if you were to shoot guns that you hold at your hip think of like most of your primaries and the Machine Guns you will be shooting sort of to the left and towards the air so if you're hoping for some anti- material rifle midair 360s you're going to have to get pretty creative with this one now as for gam playay I find that depending on the faction the gameplay uses differs quite a bit for the automatons I think the jumpack excels a stalik approaches cuz you're able to just ignore those tall walls and get straight to the terminal it makes it for a very objective Focus strategem for combat scenarios you're going to use it to either create some distance away from you know Berserkers or hulks or get into certain Vantage points to to shoot at Devastators I like to take the anti material rifle or the Eruptor to be able to have significant impact from afar on B planets in in bug worlds it depends on who you're fighting I personally found it hard to find on planets where there were bile Speers as your spit significantly shows slows you and impacts your jump packs Effectiveness and since your jump pack Effectiveness is based on your speed being slowed will not help you at all if I was fighting the B type bugs I will take that automaton approach and get you know far away as I can and just take po shots at them it those just a standard set of warrior bugs and Chargers I would take a lot more in your face approach I would like to take Close Quarters weapons such as a shotgun or a flamethrower and justum jump in jump out additionally if this was like a blitz type Mission I would also like to take the grenade launcher and just kind of run around as fast as I can with light armor just closing up holes and trying to finish as fast as I can and lastly both bugs and the Bots can hit you midair and you don't want to be caught by them if any of course but especially not by those like baby bow bugs because every hit slows you and that one just really sucks also since the jump pack is really good in terms of adding a new way of repositioning yourself when you're you know trying to escape enemies but still focus on the objective you can take them down a lower path or a lower level of terrain and then jump P to a higher one cuz it takes some time for them to move up I found it to be very useful if you're trying to get them away from a terminal and you just want to quickly complete the objective and then go so that covers gamep playay now here's some tips about the jump pack um you cannot stem yourself while using the jump pack you can stem before and then jump but if you stem and then jump too quickly from each other your jump pack will cancel your stem animation and you don't want to learn that the hard way you cannot melee midair either so I'm sorry to anyone who's expecting the dog fight the hunter or the bot with the with the jetpack of their own while midair you can also drop things which which I didn't find any uses out of it at this moment I just I guess you can maybe Hot drop your samples over the extraction point and just keep on moving without you know wasting any time you can also pick things up while with air and I didn't find this to be very useful except for one Niche Condition it's useful for objectives such as the CAF artillery while holding the shells you can't use your jetpack however if you were to line it up run and then jetpack and then pick it up you can still take it the full distance as if you were to not hold it but still you know carry it the the whole way also the environment can also negatively affect your jump pack Effectiveness planetary conditions such as the Tremors or whether you're on Ice planet or a bug planet that has those you know plants or spores on the ground that if you touch it slows you down just be mindful of those as again your Effectiveness with the jump pack depends on the speed at which you're going lastly I want to say is to use your ping because pinging gives you how far something is from you and again rule of thumb is if if it's 4 M or uh around 4 M you can easily clear that jump if it's about 5 m to 5 and 1/2 you can probably volt it you don't really know just by eyeballing it you kind of have a feeling but to be more specific to be more certain just ping in you can easily see and if it's maybe 6 M uh meaning that a jump pack could clear it just look around for maybe a little rock that you can stand on and then do it I feel like the jump pack is very useful this way because Beyond just what it provides it also makes you be more aware of the geography of the map and the Topography of where everything is cuz there Reon certain Vantage points you you may need to take a certain approach and I think that experimentation that created in this makes this game a lot more enjoyable for me also I don't feel like I mentioned it I feel like I mentioned earlier but just to be sure while you're in the air with your jump pack and you throw your grenades and your Strat jumps you can use that extra height to launch them even further just a quick tip I found it useful if you want to maybe take a fight from further away you don't want to draw ago but still want to throw your orbitals or Eagle strikes at the enemy you know clear the base and then move in overall I found a jump pack as a wonderful strategy to use it can bail you out are so many sticky situations that can get you to a vantage point where you can also easily explore the map and assess the situation I would love to see more movement related strategies in the game and I feel that maneuverability in a third person game like this is a large component of how enjoyable the experience is so yeah uh thanks for watching I'm curious to see what you all think about the jump pack and if there are any tips or tricks you have so please comment and share them as I'm eager to learn all there is about this thing if you like what you see like what you heard be sure to like And subscribe I enjoy making hell divers 2 content and have more ideas is currently in the work so stay tuned for those um again thanks for checking out my video and have a nice day democracy prevails once more
Channel: Wallbouncing
Views: 134,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Jump Pack, Helldivers 2 Backpack Strategem, Helldivers 2 Review
Id: T1uP-CstADc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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