Asmongold So PROUD of NA NEW Transmog Competition - BEST One Yet!?

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we've had some of the best transmogs that i've seen in here in a long [ __ ] time uh n a is greater than you yeah actually this is a really this is probably one of the best n a transmog comps that we've ever had i'll be honest last in a transmog competition i thought to myself maybe i should never go back to na but today we've shown some transmogs and we've shown that people here also don't have jobs and they can stay at home all day and learn how to transmog even better and today we do the first horde in a transmog competition of shadow ants gentlemen i'm expecting a lot out of you i'm expecting the best of the best many of you guys have come in here and you've put together incredibly good sets hoard historically have performed better than alliance have i'll be honest and today we're here to test if that continues let's go we'll start with this guy right here we'll start with ricky bobby oh ricky bobby he's got a nice ass looking [ __ ] set dude that looks really really good so obviously the shoulders of the testament are off those gloves right there come from throne of thunder that's the dk set the chest piece there i think comes from cataclysm the belt is from the warfront set and so are the boots and the legs as well and then the sword is the primal gladiators great sword that came from the first season of warlords of draenor this is an incredibly good set this is exactly what i would like to see a maghar orc look like this is a big dick set i think that the off pieces that he has besides tuscamanoroth match really well and i've never seen somebody use this sword before ricky bobby great set amazing set you did a good job i'm proud of you i like it a lot good work fmjx from the guild golf with your friends now you know what this is this is a pvp this is 100 a pvp here i guarantee you look at that 500 games in 2v2 1600 rating your batting average in arena is just about as good as your batting average for transmog your chess piece looks like you just got kicked out of your guild and your guild tavern went blank your shoulders from antorus look average at best and the weapons don't really make a whole lot of sense what weapons are those those are the axes that come from hellfire citadel they're decent items i think they're okay but overall i'm not really that impressed i'm not that impressed at all i think this is an okay set it's decent it's not really that great what is this weird [ __ ] who's this annoying idiot that's trying to get attention get the [ __ ] back in your circle fmjx i forgot to actually say ricky bobby you have a mount do you have a mount ricky bobby do you got a mount to ride there it is the heritage armor there it is i like it i think that it looks good it's exactly what i would have expected him to use it's the maghar direwolf like i mean it's clearly that kind of a set everybody knows it everybody likes it i think that it looks [ __ ] amazing great job ricky bobby it's so boring it's boring because you got a little dick if you played a plate wearing class you'd know it was good this is a great ass set i like it a lot good job ricky bobby let's go to the next one fmjx from the old golf with your friends do you have a mount that actually does look pretty good i like that mound that's decent that's the bastion mount i think that's the uh yeah shut up chat now man [ __ ] them dude don't worry about them they get mad all the time it is what it is i like it this mount actually does make your set better now is it enough to make your set good enough to win it's hard to say i'm probably going to lean on the uh on the situation of no but overall i do like it i think it looks good so good job fm with the mount not the set k-d-o using those shoulders right there from i believe bastion of twilight i'm not a hundred percent sure not bad battle of bizarre war he's using also thunder fury with the sinful enchant which is the 2400 enchant and also king's fall which is the sword that used to drop from kel'thuzad back in vanilla next rama so guys it was added back into the game in 10 man as well in knacks at level 80 and overall i think these pieces do look pretty good i really like the way the sword looks i think it looks badass although it might be a little bit too uh it might be a little bit too much overall but i do like it i think that it looks decent he's a classic andy oh it is night face shoulders you're right i was wrong i'm not used to looking at them i like it good job kdl now why a sword and a dagger though because that that looks cool do you have a mount do you have a mount to ride the spectral wolf from barodan's warden's reputation back in cataclysm this guy spent a lot of time in tobarad here's the problem toll barrage just about as good as your mount choice they both suck dick this is a terrible mount i don't know what you were thinking whenever you decided to get on this mount i don't understand it and the fact is that it's one of the worst choices that you could possibly make i'm disappointed in you kdo but i will say that your transmog does look pretty good you should have stuck with the transmog you shouldn't have gotten on the mount listen there are a couple of ways that you can tell if somebody's a pvper number one if they're playing a female character number two if they're wearing engineering goggles number three if they have a stupid name number four if they have a guild name with all undercase letters number five if they have a guild name with all capital letters it's one or the other okay pvpers they have to seem as aloof as possible so they can't actually because they don't want to give off the impression that they care about the game okay that that's the goal that pvpers have wow this is really nice holy [ __ ] that's the helmet right there from kul tiras the shoulders and the chest piece there from relentless gladiator and the gloves in the legs as well the belt right there from questing and shadow and and then the boots there from i think legion questing i'm not even 100 sure about that one and this may this is incredible i love this oh my god what's this mace i don't even know what this is dread aspirants gave never seen anybody use that holy [ __ ] this is amazing this is really really good the shield is a little bit off okay i do think the shield is a little bit off but overall this is great it's a completely different vibe than what i've seen you guys don't like it dude i think it looks great in terms of all right so colors all right let's talk about this in a number of different ways i think the colors for this set are a little bit off you know the boots and the legs are a little bit weird uh the shield is a little bit off a little bit but i do think that the idea behind this set is great and that's why i want to support it and i want to say that it looks good i appreciate you trying to do something different and something new and i know some people in chat want to drag you down like crabs in a bucket but you are one of the crabs that's towards the top of the bucket lilo you are not at the bottom of the bucket with the firelands andes now let's see your mount i think it's good i i do i i actually i think it's good i genuinely think that it's good i know some people like it's so weird for me to see the reactions here because some of you guys absolutely hate this mount and you absolutely hate the set and the other half of you guys think that it's incredible it's really funny to see how much of a difference there is i am on the side that i think that's good i think that it's inventive it's new and i like that it's refreshing yes it is refreshing good job lilo [Music] netherward galbadortix from the guild somebody be res adam let's see is this another pvp what the [ __ ] what do you do i got duelist yeah no never no he's only he is he's 2400. i told you i told you the son of a [ __ ] like listen if i see if i see it he's 2400 right there i knew it i [ __ ] knew it man uh i can spot a pvp here just by reading their [ __ ] name man yeah he's already 2.4k so he's using the archimonde set these are all three of the pieces the shoulders actually yeah every wait you're not wearing a full set you're wearing a full set from one boss that's the edict of argus that comes from mythic archimonde the shoulders the helmet and the belt that are all from the archimonde set what the [ __ ] did you think was gonna happen did you think people are just gonna pog out and go crazy because you farmed the same boss for [ __ ] two months are you kidding me this is dog [ __ ] galba torix get on your mount i did yeah we know you did watch he's gonna get on the fel steel annihilator oh he didn't now i know what yeah now i know why he got all the other pieces he's been farming for the failed steel annihilator what a joke this is no i don't listen i think that visually this does look cool but it's not original this is in my opinion on the same level as coming into the raid with a full set it's just that many people don't know about these items and how they fit together so they mis they they misinterpret this as understanding of transmog but we uh the patrician members of the community understand that you just basically killed the same boss over and over and you got all the pieces that were designed to go together okay this is not it's not not no no no no no no no no no piece of [ __ ] i love you i wish you loved your transmog as much as you loved me or maybe you do when you don't actually love me what is this mad but busy carrying people to glad hey it is what it is dude mad django by the way what do you want we want okay that's good very clever very very [ __ ] clever all right matt django the bloodthirsty on on the blanchy thing i feel like the i think that i think this mounts too much like i'm never gonna give somebody with that i'm never gonna give them a win because of just how much different the mount makes you look and it's just not really fair so let's look at the bow okay obviously i really like this bow i think this one comes from isn't this from icc and uh oh it's a raffle okay so it's a little bit different wait is this the elite raffle gladiators bow is this the is that the elite one holy sh it is you almost never see this i have probably never seen this sword before that there's this bow before that is so [ __ ] badass this guy has one of the elite items from wrath of the lich king i don't have any of those honestly like i think i bought like one of them and i [ __ ] vendored it and like back season eight i don't think i even had the rating for it can you read my other mods let me just look at this one first okay so he also is using the elite ruthless gladiator shoulders and helmet as well and you guys can tell that by the coloration on the model the belt right there from nilotha we all know about that this is really cool i'm gonna be honest guys like i'm impressed it's always really cool whenever i see somebody using completely original gear that nobody has the option to use and it's totally new and we've never seen somebody use this [ __ ] before and the pet what's the pet going on yeah very funny all right let's see your other sets actually let's see the mount first i guess you're probably an old blanchy right so we kind of know what that's going to be if so just go ahead and get on the other sets and we'll go ahead and we'll knock these out real quick he spent all his time in pvping i actually so is this an unironic male muncher um this is an unironic male muncher i actually don't think this is that bad i i genuinely do not think it's that bad i think that it's decent like it's not amazing right it's not amazing but it's okay it's definitely okay what do you guys think i like it i think that it matches relatively well i think that it looks decent the helmet matches yeah i think the helmet matches as well i like it a lot all right matt django let's see your other set make it quick make it quick let's get it out of the way yo what oh my god this is so [ __ ] cool wow oh oh my god that is so [ __ ] amazing man i love this [Music] okay okay okay okay [Applause] oh my god this guy's a legend well i i love the samurai one i think that it's [ __ ] amazing this is so good yeah he's flexing he is flexing but he's so so good at it we're gonna let it happen i think this is just an amazing set man i like it a lot this is yeah this is an eu spy i wouldn't be surprised this is incredible you know submit suit that's what i was thinking of too even this is really good with thor dial the shoulders there from the trans the the pre-order oh my god yeah i i really am i'm very impressed by this guy this guy is [ __ ] amazing great job matt django like this is extremely impressive i think i like the samurai set more than i like the first set i think that first set is definitely more of a flex set though it's important to keep that in mind as well yeah that's really really [ __ ] good breezy of the four winds from the guild nice try breezy let me tell you something nice try i'm gonna be honest with you man i'm gonna be honest with you man the fact is that you're using something that i've seen a hundred times before all right move this real quick i i had to move that around i want to uh i want to turn on my ac it's getting kind of hot in my room i had to make sure i moved it away before i turned it on twig wait man i don't have skinny legs look there's my legs that's my leg right there what do you guys think i bet i bet i could outrun you in a race i mean anybody talks that [ __ ] i could outrun you show feet get the [ __ ] out of here all right so breezy let's go ahead and look what he's got going on there oh [ __ ] he's got the wrathful gladiator mount oh my god damn what a legend oh my god that looks really good so listen breezy let's go ahead and take a look at what we got around here so those chests uh the chess piece there is from two of sargeras that's the dk set the gloves in the belt and the legs right there are from the mythic set from uh emerald nightmare for dks and the shoulders and the boots there are from i believe one of the uh the shadowhand sets it's the p it's the plates that the castle nathria or the uh uh the pvp said i'm not sure which one and he's using the artifact weapon uh as is as his weapon do you have a mount breezy do you had a mount to maybe no i'm gonna be honest with you breezy i'm gonna i'm gonna be real with you i'm gonna be real with you listen to this this is the most generic set that i've ever seen in my entire life you look like a warhammer figurine that hasn't been painted yet it sucks let's go to the next one jordan the seeker well asthma is my first time here so sorry if it's bad it's not bad i actually think this is one of the most original pirate transmogs that i've ever seen i think that it's incredible honestly i was about to say i was about to talk [ __ ] but actually it's good like this is great like this is a completely unique pirate said i've never seen somebody use this before and i really like it a lot you've got obviously the rev draft uh the riven draft weapons the boots right there and i think also the legs i'm not sure if it's both of them from uh 8.2 it's a nash guitar benthic armor i believe i really like this man this is great i like how it's not overdone but it's like clearly a pirate buccaneer it's not delivery it's digiorno okay all right let's what do you guys think i really like this set a lot okay giorno i know there are some people in the chat okay i want you to understand this all right some people in the chat literally don't even play wow they're just here because they have nothing better to do and they just show up because they want to hear me react to paternity court or something like that they have no idea what's even going on right now so don't worry about people in chat you have to worry about what i think and i think it's really good i think it's [ __ ] amazing i really really really like this set i think that it's a completely unique pirate set and i love to see unique [ __ ] this is the first time i've seen somebody use this before and i'm impressed by it now digiorno do you have a mount mount i got the parrot working on the parrot however i got this yesterday crab oh oh we got the slime serpent okay all right you know what obviously it doesn't fit okay he's clearly not he he doesn't have a mount that fits and it is what it is because the parrot would have worked a lot better but overall i mean it's all right he's just getting on email you do you by the way guys if you don't want to get on a mount you don't have to okay i like it people get on the mount i think it's better my pet yeah your pet's a parrot i know that i kind of would have expected that um so yeah it's decent amount is not necessary however it does really help a lot if you have a good one okay it's like extra bonus points that you can't get but you don't need to get the bonus points in order to uh you know pass the test okay think of it like that it's like bonus extra credit just a fox from the guild treachery shoulders right there for the tier 14 set for miss pandaria that helmet right there is from the hero except for tier 11 for mages that pole arm right there is one of the i think ruthless gladiators pole arms that belt there comes from i think that's the hellfire citadel mage belt that came from warwick's draenor and the chesapeake air comes from antorus and that's the priest set this looks good i really like this i'm going to be honest this is a firelands andy but it's not like i like seeing fireland dandies that aren't fireland dandies this is impressive yes the fox i like it now do you have a mount i think the reason why some people are saying that it's boring is because they uh oh the flame ward hippogriff from patch 4.2 content the the molten front oh my god that's pretty nice i like it this is really nice yeah it's great and yeah there are no pieces here from firelands although the helmet came from one tier before firelands this looks really really good and the reason why i like this a lot is that he could have gotten on a number of other mounts as well but this is a small compact [Music] tasteable tasteful mount i like it a lot just a fox it's impressive i think that it does fit i like it a lot i i think this is a good looking mount and it fits them quite well now are there other mounts that could have maybe even better of course but i think this is definitely uh it's acceptable it's overall an improvement but i do like to settle on the weapon is a little bit odd but i respect it exposition oh thank god holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is even going on here those are the leggings and the gloves right there from i think the war front the belt right there what the [ __ ] is this belt that belt right there is from ashara's eternal palace for the rogues is that the i think this is for pvp isn't it yeah this is the elite dominant gladiator's belt right there i think it could be another color i'm not 100 sure on that and then the mesas right there are from 8.3 nilotha the shoulders there come from what even is this is this the new set i think it is this is the new set from tomb of sargeras violent zealot shoulder pads and then the helmet there also comes from nilotha the chess piece comes from tomb of sargeras as well this looks really good an eldritch horror in rogue form that's even worse talon andreas talon andreas do you have a mount to go with this set [Music] that's really good the new midnight that is that is pretty good that is a pretty good one boys i like it a lot it's red and black those are two of my favorite i like i like white and black like the the like a dark like bass i like anything almost with black like red and black white and black gold and black a lot of those colors that's what i'm about man and so i see something like this and i get impressed i like it a lot this is edgy as a [ __ ] and i like to see that this is really really nice good job the pet what's the pet mall girls okay good it's good enough look at his face okay very very good job talent andreas i'm proud of you and i appreciate your participation you've done quite well bash cutter to the camel hoarder it was too late before i noticed my maine's mog on alliance only so let me get back to the old times with some lich king sex slave i mean janitor now bash cutter has come into this transmog competition about 50 times and every single time he's come in with the exact same transmog competition and hey hey pvpers got 80d what else is new settle down billy you get your turn bash code obviously we know where all these pieces are from all the pieces minus the helmet and the shoulders are all from the paladin tier 11 normal mode set the shoulders are from the dk set for tier 11 as well and then the helmet there comes from mythic cargath bladefist in highmaul which is the dk offset helmet that you get from the first tier in warwick's draenor and then the weapon there what weapon is this uh what weapon is this oh shadow mourn okay yeah sure and then the belt right there comes from uh that belt is the that is the paladin healing belt that you're able to get from rapido lich king five-man dungeons so look trash cutter listen bash cutter i gotta be honest with you okay i'm modded bash cutter for him to do a prediction i'm not gonna do this to you because i'm a nice guy but there's part of me that wants to have you do a prediction on if you're gonna win i'm not going to do it to you though uh i'm not i'm not going to do it to you sure nope no no it's okay i'm not going to do it because we might do it for something else i'll 100 yeah of course alahari lord of the reigns from the gill the king of downhill uh i like this this is like some sort of um it's like a blood elf like an updated blood elf npc almost like high astromancer solarian or something like that i think this is pretty cool i like it a lot oh what do you guys think hi boys man shut up you're probably like you're probably like 24 years old and you're hairy as [ __ ] you're sitting there with your shirt off with your headphones in between your [ __ ] man tits sitting there watching my stream shut the [ __ ] up you're not even a real girl look this is a really nice looking set i like it a lot it looks great okay i think the shoulders are really good the shoulders are from tuma sargeras i think actually could be the pvp offset version and uh belt right there for my thing is mr pandaria the chess piece i'm a little bit unsure about where the chess piece is from it could become marv thunder i don't know i'm not sure where exactly it's from by the way so my [ __ ] through my mount in the mall it is what it is tier five mage the tris fall set your tears fall set yeah it is okay you guys are right i didn't know that overall i think this does look really really nice the cloak looks really good everything about this looks great i i really really like this set a lot good job elhari now ohari i understand that you've actually come together with a very very nice looking rp set for uh a very very nice looking rp set for this this occasion but do you have a mount that matches it that can show off on the same level i do think the belt is a bit of a problem why are you riding bobby koden bobby needs a new boat well i'm glad that you're able to chip in and pitch in and help that happen good job i'm really proud of you that's great i just wanted to say that i love your streams man well i love you too this is a good looking sun i actually kind of like this i really really really like the shoulders those shoulders are the maldraxa's shoulders and i've never seen somebody use those before um anyway why is his dick moving uh he's excited you know he's excited to be in front of the screen so obviously he's got the weapon right there and that comes from uh what's that battle of bizarre lore and a lot of the other pieces are the maldraxa set and overall the chess piece is a little bit weird like what is the chess piece here i don't know guys how do you feel about the chess piece i didn't say i loved you for no reason okay dude okay dude yeah real [ __ ] funny let's see the mount ah a little bit i don't know like how do you guys feel about this one it's a very maldraxis-esque transmog obviously a lot of the pieces come from maldraxxus and you know we'll see um like is it good or not what do you guys think it fits i think it looks alright it definitely does look good but is it too many pieces from all draxas honestly not my best work well i think this is decent i'm not saying that it's bad it's just a question and uh let's see if it fits like yeah it's just not a fan of trolls i think some troll sets are really really good man like remember that other one right over there that one was [ __ ] insane matt jangos that was incredible so it's not like i don't like trolls but i think this is look this is really nice yeah too much maltraxis i think it's okay the set is in general decent i would say it's a decent set and the colors are really good the theme is good everything like that is great i'm just curious to see if it's maybe too much of the same set but overall i think the chat's okay with it so we'll just let it pass foco great job i like it a lot let's go to the next one the file of the horde from the guild professional gankers appropriately playing a rogue not really too much of a surprise there helmet right there is the tier 5 helmet that's the death stalker helmet the tabard there is the what tabard is that that's the shadow moon dowie tabard that you're able to get in burning crusade the swords or daggers excuse me are the shards of azeroth that drop from illidan and all the rest of the pieces are just random assorted uh uh just you know epic items like random offset pieces nothing too special so what do you guys think about this there's a part of me that likes how subtle it is and there's another part of me that isn't like super excited about it what do you guys think is it good or not where are we at it feels slightly sylvanas-ish yeah i'd say so i can see why you say that for sure helmet doesn't match he's used this twice it's not bad nothing amazing shoulder pads are meh i think it's okay uh definitely yeah decent enough job good daggers are awesome though i think the daggers do look really cool i'm a big fan of those daggers and i hope they make updated versions of them i think they look really badass let's go to the next one can you guys spread out a bit simpy the love fool from the guild intervene holy [ __ ] i forgot to ask the guy for his mount i don't know why i forgot to ask the guy for the mount hazmat love your streams i love you too but not yet i don't know i mean like i've seen so many people use this mount with like any of the forsaken transmogs i feel like this is like the default mount for like any forsaken trans mug is it really that original or special or anything ah it's hard to say but overall i think that it's decent enough okay uh for now it's sure the next yeah i'd say so actually fits can you back up yeah i'll back up a little bit so that way you guys get a better look at it i think it looks decent it's not terrible why are you writing okay um yeah it looks decent man it looks decent but it's not like super original or super special it's just another one of forsaken trans bugs i don't really think is that impressive or anything like that let's go to the next one simpy the love fool using them all draxus belt the maldraxis leggings the castle natharia shoulders i think those are actually the pvp version uh the i spend all my time simping less time farming that's great i'm really proud of you and uh the shoulders and the boots right there are of course the pvp set and then the weapon there is the prot warrior artifact appearance i like this i think that it's interesting but one of the reasons why i like it i think is because of the face painting like i'm a big one i i i simp for like the orc face painting i think it's [ __ ] cool so if i see an orc character with like really badass face paint i'm going to like it just instinctively it's not like anything that has to do with the set or anything like that so i'm going to ask you guys what do you think about the set because i'm not even really sure it's definitely pretty badass i'll say that for sure simply go ahead and get on a mount let's see let's see your mount if you've got a mount prepared hmm the plague rock okay okay you know what this actually kind of works i think this is a slight improvement it's not like oh my god this saves the set and it makes it so much better or anything like that but i think that it's a really really nice looking set i think it looks good and overall i'm a fan of it i think that it's nice so we'll have to see what happens but overall i do like it yeah i do like it and uh it's really busy i can see that i can see why some people say that but i am uh you know what i'm actually just a fan of this i just like the set that's really all i have to say i like the set and i think that it looks really good yeah this is good uh not amazing but it is good fun gall fun gal smearish from the guild squadron hmm i'm trying to think about like what even is this what is this chess piece wait holy [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] oh my all right this is really really good yeah i am super impressed by this right now yeah i'm actually really [ __ ] impressed now the boots are a little bit weird but other than that all of these pieces are from completely separate places in the game that gun right there comes from throne of thunder i really really really like this set everything about it fits incredibly well and i like it a lot this is an incredibly well designed set and it was so much of a good set that for a second there i had to actually check the items myself to make sure that it wasn't a full set i am really really impressed by this good job smearish now now now let's see the mount no mount i prefer to walk alright that sounds fine to me this is really really the [ __ ] where's chico uh this is really really really good like i am so impressed by this and the fact that it's not a full set and it's not even a combination of two sets it's three separate item sets that fit flawlessly and seamlessly together that right there isn't that right there is impressive i like it a lot good job smearish great job superman veteran of the horde from the guild good vibes so obviously using the staff right there from the naaru quest i think this is from somewhere in shadow moon valley with the sin fall enchant from 2100 the helmet there it comes from a tier 9 horde set for casters and then those shoulders there i think are from uh bfa or legion i forgot which one specifically and then all the rest of the pieces are just random assorted green gear and i request rewards actually i kind of like this i'm gonna be honest i kind of like this i think that it looks good i'm a big fan of the face mask okay i really really really like this face mask so whenever i see somebody using it i i am a little bit biased i'm gonna be honest but other than that i think that this looks really good what do you guys think purple equals win i mean i don't know about that but i think this set definitely equals win i think that it's really nice yeah it's really really [ __ ] good man purple equals win classic oh my god guys chill out okay i i've there are plenty of other transmog sets that win and it's totally [ __ ] fine okay i i don't need to see any more of that it's so easy to get the items the the difficulty of getting the items is not what determines whether you win or not overall i think this looks really good superman and i like it a lot do you have a mount this right here is the horse that you're able to get for horde only if you're able to buy the horse and the argent tournament grounds it serves zelik's horse from the four horsemen it's the only way you can get it i really like the mount but i'm gonna be honest i don't think that it matches at all with your set i don't i think that it doesn't match at all it doesn't make any sense it's super low res and it looks like [ __ ] that's the way i feel about it i'm sorry to say but that's the truth let's go to the next one quiet ride quiet ride are you really just the purple sailor oh okay the tavr to the fire festival all right i i kind of like that that looks decent enough all right um let's see so the shoulders right there the tier 14 shoulders for hunters that was first season of mr pandaria or raiden misapandaria uh the gloves right there i think come from somewhere in bfa i'm not 100 sure about that though uh belt is uh isn't that from 10n jungle holy [ __ ] i don't remember that and then the weapon of course is the uh you know everybody uses the cloud songwave from getting gold modes and challenge modes back in war words of draenor it's a glad tabard oh is it is that the glad tabard really let me go ahead and see it sinful gladiators tabard god damn okay this is another pvp you want to see it with 500 games played holy [ __ ] wow okay that that is definitely a lot all right cue right this does look really good you know i think it's interesting it's unique we haven't seen a lot of sets like this before and overall i'm impressed by it i like it 500's low 500's a lot man i don't know to me i think it's a lot of games uh was it it's 2.8k rpg i mean maybe i didn't even see like did he have a high rbg rating too let me see if 2700 in rbgs holy [ __ ] okay yeah he does all right do you have a mount ruined absolutely positively undeniably unreconcilably [ __ ] ruined this is you took your chances and you put them in the garbage can because now they're garbage because you because you're not gonna win okay it sucks like this actually sucks it's a terrible set i don't know what the hell you were thinking getting on this mount that was absolutely crazy that was complete horse [ __ ] it's not good i'm sorry cue right you did your best you tried your hardest but sometimes it's just not good enough stick to arena and rb juice you need to collect some more mounts what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god this is really badass so he's got the shoulders the gloves and the boots right there from trial of our the leggings from i think that's the castle nathria set for uh for hunters or male users and then the bow right here this is i believe a pvp or bow i'm not 100 sure about that though uh p terror longbow i don't remember even where the [ __ ] this is from i'm assuming probably battle of desira war this is really really [ __ ] nice man this is a dragon stalker transmog a hundred percent like this guy literally [ __ ] hunts dragons i think this is bad ass shout out kippy well hey dude listen your transmog is good enough i'm not even gonna get pissed off about that glock this is really really [ __ ] good this is a bad ass set and then the belt uh where is that belt from i'm not even sure i think that's a pvp belt yeah it's a pvp belt i haven't seen too many of them so i'm not used to looking at it but yeah it's a pvp belt and legs i do want to say is this original enough for us to be considerate so the chess piece is not even a hell the chess piece is not showing and he's just using the bandages instead which is a shirt and then the shoulders the gloves and the boots right there are all one set and then the belt and the legs are another set so it's effectively just two different sets put together is this enough for us to consider it seriously for a transmog set i think that it's on the edge i think that symbol i think glock you need to get on a mount that really takes us to the next level if you want to be considered you have to take this to the next level with this mount if you're man enough to do get off get get off the knob get off the map go go go why'd you get on him listen that busted nasty ass koufon looking [ __ ] doesn't make any goddamn sense he's got no colors that match the way that your character looks there's nothing about that that works man i think this is just a set it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to use that mount i'm gonna be honest with you it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense i don't think that it was good man i think the res is totally [ __ ] off this is a super high res set the amount looks just just like [ __ ] and i can't get into it man i can't [ __ ] get into it it wasn't meant to match that's why i said i mean something like that the set wasn't original that much in the beginning i said that he had to get on a big dick mount he did not get on a big dick mount okay come on it was not a big dick mount it was an okay mount all right it was an all right mouse all right mount but like it wasn't that it wasn't enough it wasn't enough it's a thematic mount okay let's look at it again here we go it's okay all right it's it's okay it's not amazing it's not crazy it's just okay and also on top of that it doesn't even match this isn't even a [ __ ] this is a dragon skull like it's obviously a [ __ ] dragon skull it's not even the same mouth that he's riding it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all okay the only thing that makes sense is obviously with this thing here because it's got the same type of uh of face on it you're nitpicking no i'm not nitpicking okay it's not visually appealing let's go to the next one huh um you know i kind of like this i i kind of do it's like basically this guy is just showing up for his first day at raiding school he's got his backpack he's ready to study how to uh you know how to how to pillage different villages and stuff like that it works now here's one thing that i think doesn't work okay you've got that dumb [ __ ] dora the explorer belt on like that is the dumbest [ __ ] thing i've ever seen in a transmog all day like who the [ __ ] where's that stupid-ass little belt what is that like a furry it's a furry badge are you kidding me it looks stupid as hell i really like the rest of the set i think that it's really cool i know obviously some people don't like it i get that i can see why but to me i'm a big fan of pretty much everything in a set minus the [ __ ] belt man what server are you on he's on throw you're on my old server oh my god no wonder i left all right babboomer get on your mount jesus disgusting both of these guys are in the same guild [Music] okay no i was going nice on you right i was trying to be a good guy but let's just be honest here okay this is some horse [ __ ] you're wearing you're wearing the laughing skull helmet with the [ __ ] is it the blood on it while you're riding around on a backpack with a [ __ ] camel like you're going on an expedition like indiana [ __ ] jones is that really what you're trying to do here that's the biggest mismatch of [ __ ] themes that i've ever thought of it's like having steak with ice cream it doesn't work but boomer you gotta do a better job it's not good enough you tried your best and sometimes you don't succeed the gmod part really kind of happy 420 chat let's see what's this one here that actually looks really [ __ ] good i wish you would use that at the beginning that was [ __ ] badass oh my god all right next one what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] dude this is [ __ ] awesome oh my god oh my god this guy looks like a [ __ ] comic book super villain holy [ __ ] what are these axes from i know these axes are from mythic brf no no primo gladiators cleaver and that's the red version i know that's just a horde version it's not the elite version oh my god this is incredibly good what the [ __ ] i i dude i really really really like this set what do you guys think about it you guys are saying eu spy i think that just about settles about what i think about it too this is a great looking set this is a good looking set i'm a big fan i like it a lot and i think that it looks great so yeah that's basically the way that i feel about it it is really really good and i'm impressed i think that it looks awesome all the pieces about this dude the helmet the helmet the chest piece and the shoulders really just [ __ ] take this home man they take it completely [ __ ] home the boots look he's a troll man that's not his fault everything else about this is [ __ ] amazing if this guy gets on a good mount if this guy gets on a mount that looks really really good he could absolutely come home with maybe first place i'm gonna be honest this is really nice zurio i'm ready for you go ahead hit it okay i'm gonna be honest this one sucks i'm gonna be honest it doesn't really work like it's uh it's okay right i mean this is the worst song direwolf or whatever the [ __ ] it's from i don't know what it's actually called not worse on tire wolf it's the amount that you're able to get from wod time walking for 5 000 badges i i don't really it's not yeah it's it's wait yes that's not great you are too complicated seriously man you hate every mountain who cares listen i have high standards i have high standards and i think about these things so you don't have to and i can see the people in chat i'm doing them a favor by doing that listen this set is really really really good the mount doesn't match at all it doesn't really look that great now i will say this here i'll say this it looks really good at a distance okay so i'm gonna get i'm gonna get away and now get on the mount again get get on the mount again and if you think that's a compliment or you think that's good go and tell your girlfriend that she looks good at a distance and we'll see what happens okay yeah it looks great from there until you get up closer so that's not necessarily a positive okay guys keep it in mind it's not a you know a little bit of a saving grace it's just underwhelming i think that it's underwhelming as well yeah this mount is a six whenever the transmog's a nine okay that's where i'm at good job zerio i think that it looks really nice though your trans bog looks [ __ ] incredible and it's probably gonna be pretty hard for you to find a mount that matches that very well let's go to the next one kath catherine from the guild professional baddies okay so the weapons right there are the uh that's the furious gladiators great sword with the uh pre-order event expansion or [ __ ] shadow ends pre-order uh skin on it with the shoulders from the same place and all the rest of the pieces most of these come from warwick or draenor so the helmets from wod the boots are from wad the leggings right there i think are from castle nathria the gloves excuse me the gloves there are i don't even oh those gloves are from five man dungeons and shadow ends and then the chess piece there is the warrior test piece from the nighthold set i think that looks pretty decent this looks pretty decent the reason why i like it is i think the colors are good obviously the boots are [ __ ] garbage let's just get that out of the way right now the boots are absolutely completely [ __ ] garbage but everything else about it i think does look good yeah it looks pretty good what do you guys think weapons are bad too the weapon's really that bad i don't know about that i think they're decent i'm glad that i'm able to see the weapons at least because i hardly ever see new weapons like that let me go ahead and look at let's see what this says the shoulder souls going in matches the weapons the animation actually he's right so the animation from the shoulders does match with the weapons that's clever i like it that changes my opinion definitely now catherine catherine are you ready to get on a mount are you ready to get on the mount the best mount that has ever been gotten on before the amount is obvious pre-order mount of course it is what do you guys think it was very it was very predictable i think everybody could have obviously expected this to happen and it to a certain extent that's not a bad thing you can't always have just a random [ __ ] pog moment sometimes you just plan it out and you have something good and everybody knows it's coming i think this is a good set it's got some decent items in it i do feel a little bit dirty giving positive praise to something that was obtained just by paying more real money to pre-order a game that has artificial scarcity and there's no reason to pre-order it at all but also i have the mount too so it is what it is time wars per drake would look good too as well catherine this is a nice looking set i like it a lot the colors are great that's my favorite part about the set is the colors at least it's not a store mount true at least it's not a storm out he wants to get on another set i'm gonna go ahead and let him real quick and then we're gonna go to the next one i've seen somebody use this set before this was your old one you've been in my have you been in my my comps before i don't remember the boots i remember the boots being different though i remember those same boots because somebody used to set that was me yeah i thought so yeah use different boots i believe it does look very nice though i'm a fan let's go ahead and go to the next one last one yeah you guys think i forget people i don't forget the votes were different i was a void elf but now i'm horde yep see guys i remember everybody boys i remember everybody now awful waffle i i am very impressed by this and i'm going to say why that chess piece right there is the chess piece that got removed from the game this is from the wrath of the lich king pre-expansion event this is the blessed battle gear of undead slaying you hardly ever see this and i had a gm restore this armor for me a very very long time ago this is a super rare item and almost nobody has it the weapon of course is the mage tower artifact appearance of the frost weapon that's ebb and chill and then the shoulders and the uh i think the shoulders and the helmet there are just a mage set as well it's nothing that's really too impressive or too special or too different type something in chat read it what did he type hey i figured you'd like that of course i would it's [ __ ] amazing i got this set myself i think that it looks great yeah this is a really really good set because not only does it match visually the shoulders are preset oh really i didn't know that how was my pvp yeah i forgot which one is which and overall though i really like the colors the colors are original and then on top of the colors being original on top of that you also have the fact that he's using something that's super rare i'm impressed by that awful waffle awful waffle activate the mount what do you guys think i'm not really i feel like a lot of these mounts have just made the sets worse i'm gonna be honest like i really don't see any of these mounts like really being super good or anything like they just keep making this that blue flames on both that's true so if we zoom out a little bit you'll see the blue flames that's actually a good that's that's a very good point now that you bring that up okay you know what we'll let this one go because you have the same color of blue flames on the mount and also on the shoulders and on the weapon and it's still the same overall color as the chess piece as well we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna let this one go i think that it's decent off a waffle it's not amazing but it's good but it's good awful waffle this is nice i like it a lot and i think now that you matched it in that way i am impressed good job i'm proud of you good work you're a good boy let's go to the next one slayer arcadias happy birthday asman it's not my birthday happy birthday to your chances they're going on the ground this is garbage this is a generic demon hunter transmog that just has a slight blood elf appeal i'm gonna be honest yeah happy birthday to the ground karkatus i'm not impressed by this i'm sorry to say i know that many people are but for me i don't think so i think that it's average at best and mediocre realistically it's realistically just a mediocre set the belt's completely out of i guess the belt kind of matches with the shoulder gems and the gloves i guess yeah it does kind of work hmm i think what i really don't like is the face mask i feel like the face mask is weird am i wrong there i almost think this is really good like the weapons here are from i think these are from is this from castle nathria i'm not even sure if it's from castle nathria or if it's from the uh uh from benthier i don't remember but it oh it's from ventier because it has the red on the tip yeah so this is the ventier one and um i like it what do you guys think yeah i like it under that now overall this is good oh he's got his mask on of course he's observing kovid no it makes sense yeah it's okay it's okay like now that i look at it because he's got listen no the reason why i like it more now is the fact that he has to send channel on it i think the enchant does look pretty cool on top of that and the way that the enchant works with the weapon looks cool on top of that he's got the green gems on his different armor i like that overall this is good it's not amazing but it's good all right go ahead and get on your mount vicious hawks rider oh the original dragon hawk that's good if you take all the pixels of the dragon hawk and you put them together you can equal one of your pieces of armor that's great so look i think this is okay it's not amazing or anything like that but it's okay the boots yeah i think the boots were a little bit scuffed as well but overall i think he could have picked five or six different mounts that were way better than his choice here so i'm not really that overwhelmed with being impressed here i just think that it's average at best you know it's average at best one of my favorite mounts i think it's a really nice mount too but you want to match it with something that looks about the same whenever you have two things that have a big enough pixel difference it makes one of them look bad even if you could have even if it doesn't look bad objectively because the the juxtaposition makes it look bad if that makes sense let me go ahead and go to the next one shy fresh the fearless from the guild lucrative okay he's using the arden wheeled bow i like that the helmet and the shoulders right there i think that's the tyrannical gladiators helmet and shoulders am i right about that uh it's been quite a while yes malevolent i am wrong about that they do look really really nice what do you guys think thoughts yeah it's okay i feel like the top half is really really good but the bottom half is definitely lacking like you've got really bad boots there i don't think the boots really match a whole lot the leggings are average at best the chess piece is lackluster and the belt doesn't make any sense really either so the thing with this set is like the helmet and shoulders look really cool i mean they're obviously part of a set but the rest of the armor doesn't really fit with that set that you're trying to make so i don't really think it's that great man shy fresh this is a pretty nice looking set but um the bottom half just doesn't really take it home do you have a mount hmm okay finally we have somebody with a mediocre set a mediocre set that really [ __ ] takes it to the next level with their [ __ ] mount this is so [ __ ] good i like it a lot boys i really really like it a lot this is amazing it's very well done and honestly if i see somebody that has a mount that really makes their set look that much better i am impressed by it on a huge level i think that is really really really good so yeah i'm impressed there it is i think that it's [ __ ] amazing and i like it a lot so good [ __ ] job to shy fresh great [ __ ] job to shy fresh big fan i think that it's great purple equals win in this case purple equals a good set absolutely pog champion the chosen from the guild hit it and critic so obviously using the old chain mail bikini obviously from a body painting stream on just chatting swords sequel to our we've seen that in millions there's quesara excuse me and then the crest of water on that comes from was that the calling of stratform from 25 sorry five-man uh heroic malganis that does look really good too i like it and that belt right there is the malevolent gladiator's belt for paladins i think that it looks decent i mean it's almost like a wonder woman transmog or something like that what do you guys think about it i like it yeah it's great like overall i think that it fits really well check out the cloak okay okay okay so we just trying to get trying to get chat to vote for him all right i i see how it is look i think this does actually look really good this objectively looks really nice and overall the colors are great the like little hel the i actually think that the stupid little head mask and the headband looks great i like it a lot it looks awesome so overall let's go ahead and see the uh let's see the rest of it let's see the mount pallet amount the colors match really well shout out to my girlfriend jesus christ oh my god well now we know he's lying because girls don't watch my stream so that's definitely not true look dude i there's nothing wrong there's nothing wrong you can send for your girlfriend and it's totally fine all right the only time that it's a problem whenever you say like if you have a long-term girlfriend if it's a girl that you just met and you just started dating her yeah then simping's still a bad thing but like you consent for your for your mom for your wife for like a long-term girlfriend we've been we've been almost just watching right now all right that's good enough okay yeah i mean if she puts up with him watching my stream she's probably a keeper so congratulations okay okay all right what all right all right um that's i i was really good that was that was that was really good okay fog champion overall i think the set looks great and uh the color theme looks good the mount fits really well everything about this works okay yeah everything about it works i like it a lot good job uh you know you guys need to figure things out between you before i have to watch your episode in paternity court ellia the light of dawn hmm you know this is really clean this is actually yeah it's a dinky [ __ ] shield yeah i i'm not really a big fan of the shield it's very very small but other than that i think this is really good man like those leggings right there in the glove zero come from the shadow moon i think also sorry shadow lands um the shadow on set let me just look at this thing first uh the belt there comes from i think that is the i believe the nylothe belt and then the chest piece and the shoulders there both come from the mythic set from tomb of sargeras for paladins the sword comes from five man dungeons and shadow and same with the gloves boots and legs and the tiara i think this is an amazing set like this is unironically an amazing set the colors on this are [ __ ] flawless the tiara that she's wearing is [ __ ] amazing this is really really really [ __ ] good i love this set like everything about this fits together perfectly there's a clear theme that's used there is nothing that goes against the theme at all so do you have a mount and then you can get on the other set after that i like this a lot that's perfect mike honestly that's perfect like it even matches the same type of color uh like coloration as her character like this is what i'm talking about boys i told you like if you're like oh you just don't like any mail you don't like it well about this one what about this one that's right that's right it looks really [ __ ] good i love it it's an amazing [ __ ] set man and the i wait oh the eyes match look at that holy [ __ ] okay that that this is this and then they planned the mount for using it because you can only use this mount in aqua holy [ __ ] that's amazing all right let's see your other set i think you deserve the second rating yeah yeah go ahead go ahead it's different said just different shield oh yeah yeah go ahead go ahead get a different shield yeah the shield is definitely the weak point of the set but it's not really i i mean you know it is what it is yeah i think you made the right choice by going with the other shield like while this one does look really good it's a completely different theme and i think that it would have taken it down a number of notches even though this shield is a much higher res and it matches the rest of the resolution of the rest of your pieces i think you made the right decision and you use the right shield good job i'm proud of you that's learning that's expertise that's skill good let's go to the next one emergence patron of war from the guild bury me in a gucci bag listen bury me in a couch like really bury me in a gucci bag is that really a [ __ ] get that's this is a pvp i guarantee you it's a [ __ ] pvp 100 no no no i mean let me look at the achievements yep there it is he says i wish well you certainly act like a pvp i'm gonna have to say this is a really really simple transmog and yes it does use the kilt uh the only item that he's using from the death knight starting gear is i believe the oh wait uh in carradine bracers um where are incaridine bracers from and carradine bracers are from warlords of draenor five-man dungeons so hmm [Music] [Applause] he's got two pieces of the same set going on here and all the rest of the stuff is pretty much the same he's using this sword right here which is the boe epic from battle of uh battle for azeroth i used to have one of these whenever it came out i think this does look decent i do and an undead blade master a death knight blademaster we've never seen that before we've never seen somebody go for this look before and i'm impressed by that just by the nature of it being new so emergence do you have a mount i do but it sucks due to color limited so don't count it i won't count it okay good you made a very good decision to tell me that this mount does not really work that well even though it is an undead horse and i think that it's decent overall i think that you're much better yeah that does look kind of cool i think you're much better without a mount that looks great without a mount invincible andy what's wrong with invincible man invincible's [ __ ] great i i'm confused yeah it looks [ __ ] amazing i'm a big fan of invincible all right let's go to the next one saw dude of the black harvest from the guild imagine hmm i i think this is [ __ ] great this is incredible yeah we should have had the krone song playing whenever we had this transmog on this is unbelievably good holy [ __ ] oh wow yeah i really like this a lot you guys don't like it dude i think it's [ __ ] amazing like this is really really good like what do you guys like the colors are good the theme is great there's nothing that's off color at all the cloak matches incredibly well as well but look at that he's even got mind connell okay that's so good okay this is amazing man i [ __ ] love it yeah this is a really really nice looking set it comes together incredibly well and saw dude i want to say do you have a mount that is at the same level as this set because i [ __ ] love this set i think that it's incredibly well done this is the first tide sage set that we've seen that wasn't purple too [Music] we can get over there so i can see uh let me zoom in real quick you know i think that actually really kind of works i i actually think that works like the bringer are pestilence i like it one of the four horsemen riding on a bug i'm down for it i am definitely down for it and it's got the red with like the weird [ __ ] things coming out of his face and then also the red on the chest piece here the colorations are [ __ ] amazing i like it a lot and it just looks incredibly clean i do think that the mount is a neutral i think the transmog itself by itself looks much better than that with the mount i really really like this a lot it's great it actually looks like a tide sage yeah he looks like a tide sage the pieces are unique i'm impressed man this is incredibly well done i like it a lot anybody in chat who disagrees is literally [ __ ] wrong let's go to the next one why you guys are you guys just spread out spread out boys man spread out spread the [ __ ] out man spread the [ __ ] out move back move back mithiro move back just move back so i can just see so we've got obviously these shoulders right here and also the belt both the shoulders and the belt are from the elite set for hunt for druids excuse me back in season one of legion uh the gloves and the boots and i think also the legs there are all from the tomb of sargeras uh rogue set and then i think the weapon there is the edict of argus it's the way it's the red one where do you where the [ __ ] do you get the ready dick of vargas what the [ __ ] there was a red one i didn't even know where the [ __ ] do you get the red one is it from normal mode or heroic it's from l no it's not for an lfr i don't know no it's from tbc no you're thinking of apostle of argus and that drops from archimonde it's blue it's not it i don't know it's from heroic it's from hook okay i didn't know that that looks crazy i really really like the weapon a lot overall this is a really really good color theme i think the color theme here is incredibly impressive everything about it matches well and i also like the helmet as well the wolf head is a helmet it looks great it's not pvp i hope you don't hate my mouth well i'm sure i will go ahead and get on it so i can complain about it and i have one more set to show you okay go ahead okay yeah it sucks all right can we see the other set that sucks let's get on the other side no it's okay uh it's okay he's doing his best he's not you know it's not perfect nobody's perfect okay he's doing his best he's trying what he can and that's really all he can do all right oh oh okay okay you know what i actually like this more than the first set like straight up i really really like this more than the first set that's the balance druid artifact weapon right there scythe of balloon oh my god oh with the cloud song hippogriff is that no lay feather hippogriff from gory of the legion hero the orbs match the flowers on my shoulders oh my god that is really really nice yeah you should have gotten uh you should have done this one first this is really really really [ __ ] good man i like it a lot great work mithra great work let's go to the next one mitco the patient this is probably the most rp set that we've seen i think this is another one of those sets that looks it looks incredibly good and there's nothing wrong with it like even the boots like those are the all deer boots like this is something i think i find very impressive these are the all deer boots from battle for azeroth compared with leggings from classic world of warcraft and they look good together the cloak i think is a little bit odd but i'm okay with it i've used that coke and other things too that looks a little bit odd too and i'm okay with that the chess piece there comes from darkmoon fair and then the helmet shoulders come from legion i believe and then the belt of course is the waste of time this is a really really really good set i like it a lot i'm even okay with the belt i'm okay with it like i understand that like the theme is a little bit odd 1700 american revolution theme yeah dude this guy lives off the land and he's not gonna [ __ ] pay any taxes either i like it mitco do you have a mount yeah do you have a [ __ ] mount does you got a mount no amount that matches maybe something simple if you don't have a mount it's okay honestly i think i think the black bear is the best choice you could possibly made i'm totally okay with the black bear i think that it's a hundred percent fine good job mitco i like it a lot good work i'm proud of you let's go to the next one it works ankara hmm hmm [Music] uh i actually think this is really good i'm gonna be honest i think this is really really good i know some people might not really be a big fan of it or whatever but i think that it's great i i think that the especially the armor is really good i will be honest though i think that the uh the boots and everything like that the boots and everything like that are not boots the weapons are not that great but everything else besides that i think fits really well the armor itself is perfect like this is like a black uh what is an iron horde a [ __ ] iron horde transmog it looks really really good and i like it that's really all there is to it i like it i think that it looks great everything with the boots i think the boots fit perfectly yeah the boots fit [ __ ] amazing i'm a big fan of the boots so anyway ankara do you have a mount see this is the same mount but it matches a lot better this mount actually does work in this context i think the mount looks good i'm not saying it's amazing i'm not saying it's perfect or anything like that but i am saying that it looks pretty [ __ ] good man the boots are terrible i don't know about that the boots are okay but they could be a lot better weapons match the bombs yeah i mean actually wait a second oh do they oh yeah you're right yeah the weapons do match the bombs on the side okay you know what this is really really good i know some people in chat are skeptical of this one but i'm not i think it looks [ __ ] amazing ankara it looks great i like it a lot i'm proud of you the theme is great i also really like the transmog even if the weapons are a little bit odd okay i'll say that the weapons are definitely a little bit odd but i'm okay with it seeping the immortal you've met tiger panda legendary mogger of the alliance but i am vengeance i am the knight i am bat cow this right here is why we don't let tauren play priests this is exactly why we don't let him do it is that tauren half of tauren players humor has to do with the fact that they play a tauren let's be honest it's not that great and i'm gonna be honest man i think this set looks okay but it's it's with shadow form on so obviously almost anything is gonna look good with shadow form i don't know i think this is like it it's not really quite there i don't know what do you guys think you guys like it i really like the shoulders but why are the shoulders there besides the fact that he's a bat it's not that bad but i don't really think it's that good i think it's just okay yeah i mean like this is one of those sets where like it looks good i think that it's interesting so like look i can flap my wings keep going man uh just keep it up you'll you'll learn to fly eventually you're almost there yeah you're almost there you're gonna get it really soon man doesn't fit at all i think it looks okay but it's nothing that's like super amazing to me it's a good-looking transmitter it's an interesting transmog but i don't really think it's a competition winner if that makes sense let's go to the next one can you guess the mount uh wait a second uh can i guess the noun [Music] ah harika the herald there it does yeah that's what i thought all right judwine yeah that's what it had to be yeah i mean it's it's a bat right i mean like come on it's not yeah it's exactly what i would have expected yeah i mean of course looks good it looks good it looks much better with shadow form on pr arrow the purifier from the guild nice ditch all right wow scuffed arbiter the scuffed arbiter okay so using the pre-order shoulders gloves and i think wait what chess piece even is that and the belt too oh my god that looks really good eternal travelers prideful gladiators belt okay that looks really really good and then the chesapeake robes have torn nightmares and then the helmet there this comes from shadowhands obviously with the [ __ ] artifact weapon priest weapon oh my god this is really good this guy is basically the arbiter oh my god yeah i think this is great what do you guys think about this one i like i like this one a lot i think it just fits together really well it's unique it's interesting i've never seen somebody try to make a set like this it's the arbiter with tits yeah yeah it's good pr era of the purifier do you have a mount do you have a mount oh i wasn't expecting that at all the dread raven from warheads of draenor collectors edition holy [ __ ] um wow i thought he was going to get on the [ __ ] pre-order amount i thought i thought a hundred percent he's going to get on the pre-order amount you know what i know what everybody knows it but it turns out he did something completely [ __ ] different that looks really really good it actually works i think it does too i really like this a lot and i think it fits together incredibly well and it's still a format yeah it technically is but it still does look really good i allow people to use store mounts in these competitions pr arrow this looks great man i'm a big fan and i like it a lot good work i'm proud of you we've seen this before i don't think i've seen it before i don't think i have countess fermented from the guild blood okay this is amazing like uh this is [ __ ] incredible wow this is this is absolutely insane i'm sorry this is just absolutely [ __ ] insanely good like i i have literally nothing else to say about it like it's it's literally like a blood queen transmog i i cannot imagine this not being in the top five at least like this is so good oh my god like every literally everything about this is perfect there's nothing wrong with this set whatsoever i i [ __ ] i [ __ ] love it this is a solid yeah this is a 10. like i i i'm amazed do you have a mount to go with it like i i i have literally nothing to add i have i have nothing to add to this set i have nothing to say no clever comments except for the fact that it's [ __ ] amazing yeah this is [ __ ] amazing if you don't have a mount it's completely fine yeah if you don't have a mount it is what it is no amount but i would like your opinion okay yeah this isn't i i am just i'm s it's so good man uh let's see the maddened chaos runner in my opinion since this set like obviously you have the coloration i i can see why you'd use this mount and i think that it does look okay but in my opinion i would go with the 2 million gold now like i would go with the uh the the spider i think the spider would probably be a better choice and it would be a better choice thematically even though it visually wouldn't be now maybe not but that's what i think yeah just go get the two just go get the 2 million gold mount now there's also other options like the fiery war horse it has the same different colorations etc like yeah hmm yeah i think that looks [ __ ] cool that looks like that one boss in dark souls 2 that's [ __ ] annoying like yeah i like this this is badass vampire bat yeah this is really really really good big fan big good there it is dude i love this it is amazing uh pvp spider maybe the pvp spider would look good i am just honestly in shock at how good this set is this is an incred like wow [ __ ] wow this is so good i i jesus oh there there it is dude there it is dude armored quail egg yeah in a way sure it looks great let me go to the next one this is really good too what the [ __ ] two good ones in a row oh my god wow um holy [ __ ] so this is a lot of the war words of draenor items that helmet right there comes from tier 10 and what is going on here with this bow that bow right there comes from i believe that's arrow song or something like that that comes from icc i believe cataclysmic gladiators longbow i was wrong and that's the cataclysmic gladiator weapon i did not know that this looks really really good what i like about this is that this guy looks like he lives on the side of a [ __ ] mountain and he hunts wolves this is badass everything about this is really clean there's nothing that's off there's nothing that's out of place there's nothing that's weird this is really really really good it doesn't it's not as exciting as this one okay i mean obviously we've got a lot of coomers in chat but it doesn't mean that it's not amazing i like this a lot vol jin do you have a mouth do you have a mountain bowl jim the defeat yeah that's not his fault he's just a troll [Music] honestly this is perfect like there is no other amount that you could have gotten on that would probably be better than this i like it it looks great i'm a fan i think yeah i think that it looks really really good and that's all there is to it yeah it's great overall that i'm uh i'm glad yeah i'm definitely glad about this one i think that it looks really really good man the eyes match yeah maybe the eyes do match i think that it looks really really good you don't want to say 5 million gold mount i know that long boy wouldn't match with this at all i think this looks great i'm a big fan i like it a lot mount doesn't steal attention yeah it doesn't i think that it has the same subdued nature to it that the rest of the set does and that's why i like it this is great oh another one like this now obviously the chess piece is really good chess piece is definitely really really good i like that obviously using the blade cloak as well i'm a big fan of that the weapons are really nice the gloves and the boots there i think come from legion or something like that uh i don't even know where the [ __ ] this belt comes from it's like obviously possessed or something like that same with the shoulders i think that must be like the casonathria set for rogues i i like it i think this does look really really good now is this gonna be a top five it's hard for me to say it's gonna be a top five i think that's decent but it's okay it's a decent set future belt yeah maybe um let me go ahead it's not a belt all right cynthia do you have a mount i i do like the set though i think that it looks really nice oh honestly i think that it looks really good yeah i think that it actually looks pretty good uh it's not amazing i don't think this is really a top five but i think it's a decent looking set and honestly if there wasn't really as tough a competition as there are in this set i you might actually get top five in like another competition but we've had some incredibly good sets today like some of these have been completely [ __ ] just bonkers they have been but they're so good i like them a lot so just keep that in mind and don't worry about it too much you've done a very good job let me go to the next one teradin the stormbreaker terradin the stormbreaker hmm hello asmond i like the idea of like a tauren death shaman i come with a sad tail okay let's hear it the helmet and the shoulders right there icc 25 man my tribe was wiped out in the fourth war he's afraid let's scare them a lot i lay home of camp tajaro hmm is it glutton for punishment apparently it's not looking good when i arrived home i found them in ruin sometimes you uh yeah that's why it goes let's just say that sometimes that's the way it goes i prayed to the elements to grant me their power and rage [Music] oh my god he's got a little fountain there shooting out elements and [ __ ] upon such they granted me fury to bring to their lands oh [ __ ] he's in the ascendant mode okay okay that's cool it's great it's an rp change yeah this is good now with oh with the [ __ ] axes okay all right that that's impressive i like it this is really really good fury of lightning okay see that that's what we like to [ __ ] see right there that is exactly what we like to [ __ ] see production value quality attention to detail he's got a little bit of rp with it and everything like that i think that's impressive just by the nature of it being so involved so i do like it a lot i think that it looks great man and i think that it looks awesome i wear their bones as my armor holy [ __ ] for vengeance to the shadow lands god damn that's brutal what the [ __ ] okay tear it in nice [ __ ] job man i like it a lot do you have a mount i don't know what mountain he could even get on i have no idea he does have he does have a mountain all right all right all right let's see it [Music] i'm i piled the ruins from the elements you know what because he has such an involved rp i'm going to allow this they raised our home as our steed i'm actually going to allow this even though it doesn't fit at all in terms of the the set i'm going to completely allow it because it works so well in terms of a uh is that you billy again billy billy what the [ __ ] did i tell you billy get that i kill rock out of there you think i don't see you the [ __ ] out of there it's been 15 minutes since he got attention he's getting anxious okay uh it is what it is terridan great [ __ ] job man i like it a lot thank you love your work yeah my work i appreciate it man i love yours as well it's great hey i'm lfg this guy is in stoops and savix's new guild for pvp so the shoulders right there uh envy says happy birthday too i appreciate that thank you thank you and um even though it's not my birthday again so those leggings right there come from wrath of the lich king the gloves there are from also raptor lich king the boots are from antorus the shoulders are from 25 man ulduar and the chess piece it's hard for me really to tell oh it's raffle gladiators chest piece and then the belt right there comes from lfr hellfire citadel and of course the sword is the vinthir sword i really like this set a lot i think that it's [ __ ] badass what do you guys think it's kind of plain all right it's okay that's everybody guys get on the mounts everybody get on the mounts yeah everybody get on the mounts we're going to go all the way around and we're going to see this is going to be a tough this is going to be a tough way to a tough thing to get into it hmm i don't know i i really don't know there are so many really good sets in here and i'm not sure if i can pick the top ones okay all right my fifth place is probably the most contentious and the one that i have the least competence in my fifth place is the one that i am not as confident in how how it plays into the set but i'm going to do it anyway fifth place is going to go to piero i really like this set a lot i think that it's completely unique it's original it's using a unique mount and i like it i like it a lot this is going to be my fifth place this right here is the hardest decision for me to make is which one gets fifth place i like it a lot i think that it's great and i'm gonna give him fifth place there were like three other they're like three other ones that are about the same level but i figured just since i haven't seen one like this before i'm going to give him fifth place okay does that sound good all right fifth place for piero congratulations now fourth place fourth place fourth place is gonna go to a set that i think a lot of you guys might disagree with but you're wrong fourth place is going to go to elliot the light of dawn this is an incredibly like this is a set that's perfect like i i really think this is a perfect set it's [ __ ] amazing i really like it a lot and i am completely confident in this being my fourth place choice okay this is true 100 now it could be second or third but in my opinion i think that it's fourth and the other ones are a little bit more subjective it doesn't really depend a whole lot but i really really like this a lot it is great it's amazing and i'm a big fan it's a weird choice i think that it's great it's going to be fourth place ellia congratulations on fourth place stupid shield [ __ ] me no no shield was fine shield was fine i think it looks great it's amazing perfect equals fourth place it's not perfect right but like it's a certain amount of like like perfect is subjective let's go to the next one third place third place is going to go to tear it in the stormbreaker a great story an incredibly good transmog a unique transmog that we've never seen anything really like this before and i think that he absolutely deserves to get some acknowledgement for how well how well crafted this set is i like it a lot it's [ __ ] amazing and i think everybody in chat liked it it was just a it was a good set it was great i liked it everybody liked it it is what it is deserved yeah i think this is a deserved this is a definite [ __ ] deserved and that would not have been a deserved i'll say that for sure it's a good thing you would on the other mount instead terradin congratulations on third place it's a skull it's for the people in your village all right second place second place second place in my opinion is an obvious decision it's an obvious choice and everybody knows what it's going to be second place is one hundred percent going to go to saw dude of the black harvest this is an incredibly well put together scent there is literally nothing wrong with it it is very very high res it has depth to it it looks incredibly good and i think they absolutely deserve acknowledgement for how good of a set this is this is amazing i love it good job saw dude it is really really really good it was very close between you in first place but i think that we all know who's going to get first place and it begins with a b that's right begins with a b does my pet get a glance to get a place yeah he gets second place so dude your third now this is a very very good set it starts with a b it has to do with bats [Music] it's the blood queen vampire scent this is obviously first place this is obviously first place there's no question about it in my mind there's no um there's no uh it's first place it's first place that's all there is to it it's [ __ ] first place uh fermented this is [ __ ] amazing i love it and absolutely this is an incredible mount we're gonna give you a star because you are first place we've had some of the best transmogs that i've seen in here in a long [ __ ] time this is incredibly good and i want to go through some of the other sets uh vulgin i really liked your set a lot i thought it was amazing geormo you were really close to getting it too uh n a is greater than you yeah actually this is a really this is probably one of the best n a transmog comps that we've ever had like straight up this is one of the best in a transmog comps ever like you guys are really good i've just seen so many of these transmogs i didn't really want to give it a placing again uh century yours was great ricky bobby yours looked good uh lilo i like yours and uh mjango if you had started with the samurai set you probably would have gotten to placing i'll be honest digiorno um it was okay it was a good set i like the pirate set but it just wasn't really quite there especially with the mount that you use but it is all right just fox was good tellarius was good mine was the best everyone else is wrong all right foco this one looked really good too it's just a little bit too many of them all drax's pieces simply was good smearish it was really hard for me not to give you a placing this is probably one of the hardest decisions is not to go with one of these this set i think looked really really good justice for bat count do you want justice do you want justice i'll give you justice tell me now do you want justice for inciting a riot in my chat you want somebody that incites riots in my chat you want now he's not jumping anymore he's crying we know what it is we know what the truth is let's go to the other ones superman looked good uh let's see boomer yours was okay until you got into gmod uh zerio i liked your trans mug a lot i thought it was really badass it's hard for me not to give you a placing uh awful waffle you were extremely close to winning skiggy oh that's you skate yeah skiggy has won like five transmog competitions this guy's a god at transmog uh pog champion uh yours was uh was pretty good too i liked it the blademaster one was really good but it just felt a little bit too basic for me really to give the placing over the people that put a lot more effort into it mitco i like yours a lot ankara i like yours too it's unfortunate all the chat didn't like it they were just wrong though it's okay but those are the winners those are the champions those are the ones who rose above the others and claimed victory let's have a round of applause for all the contestants good i'm proud of you you did very well this isn't in a transmog competition that i feel more confident about i'll be honest last in a transmog competition i thought to myself maybe i should never go back to na but today we've shown some transmogs and we've shown that people here also don't have jobs and they can stay at home all day and learn how to transmog even better congratulations boys you did amazing thank you guys all so much for being so supportive today it's been great so i'll be back on tomorrow in the morning the same time as we always do thank you guys all so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 553,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, eu transmog competition, asmongold transmog competition 2021, transmog competition 2021, asmongold 2021, asmongold first transmog, asmon, na horde 2021, asmongold horde, asmongold na horde, horde transmog, asmongold na, na transmog, asmongold na transmog competition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 11sec (6191 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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