Asmongold Unbelievable DUO Transmog Competition: EU Alliance Sets A New Standard

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today i am giving you guys the opportunity to come into this transmog competition with one friend and compete as a team of two in the first ever asthma gold eu alliance duo transmog competition last week we did it on horde and it went very very well so today i have very high hopes that the same thing will happen again jesus man that that's so good oh my god oh my god dude this is [ __ ] impressive man let's begin right here let's start with these two guys right here justice inquisitor palanon and hauser bane of the fallen king from european health squad and companions of the storm so these guys are just guardians of the light is this pretty much what's going on here so he's got the tiers tier nine shoulders there the tyrannical gladiators helmet the chess piece from mythic 2 sorry it's our trial of our the belt there from lfr siege of orgrimmar the leggings also from mythic trial of our the boots and the gloves there from pvp for the last season of of legion and then a sword from the seventh legion i'm a captured death knight forced to convert to the white wait what a capture death knight forced to convert to the light oh okay and he has the sword all right what do you guys think of this that's a pretty interesting way to look at it yeah all right all right let's see what this guy's gear is so he's got the shoulders and the gloves right there from the shadowhands uh pre-order uh thing the helmet there from black temple the belt there from siege of orgrimmar the leggings from uh throne of thunder for dks that's the heroic version the gloves there sorry boots there from uh nywotha and the sword from starting as a dk so i think this is decent oh oh dude oh the cloak dude the cloak dude dude the cloak that's good [ __ ] man that is some good [ __ ] regardless this is a really really really nice grouping here guys obviously i like the uh the story you tell i think that obviously the other guy being the captor etc i think that this is actually pretty damn good nice [ __ ] job man nice [ __ ] job and uh what's oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah this is good boys all right you know what they're both on their mounts i'm impressed by this why didn't he capture a furry well yeah i think this is okay man yeah is it captured death knight forced to serve the light i think this looks really really good man good thought yeah this is a very very good good combination here and uh i like the story it tells it just set the tone yeah it sets the [ __ ] tone exactly all right let's go with the next one because like i think the mounts really set the tone much more than the uh than the armor does esteem halibell and justify we were the ones in the remaking heroes that defeated augustine maker and stayed behind with illidan to watch over sargeras we have now returned to azeroth to check on c'thun after sargeras has stabbed the planet with his sword well how's c'thun doing wargade how's c'thun doing don't know we didn't answer my calls okay dude okay also i'm not a i'm not a copy i'm craig from last week chat okay yeah i see that yeah you were standing um you were right over you were standing right there last week so he has come back all right so let's see what he's got here so this is obviously the uh the same set that he had on last week and um let's see what else is this this is also i kind of like this one right here what do you guys think about this [ __ ] word yeah um let's see yeah this is basically the same [ __ ] thing i'm trying to remember like what what the other guy was i don't remember it really all that well i remember those guys almost won but i forgot like what his set was i really like the cloak a lot the cloak looks really [ __ ] good so like the argus scythe does look really really badass and having these guys be kind of like celestial keepers i think is pretty interesting man yeah i like it a lot it's not dancing spirit they don't match i feel like they do match in terms of theme but like the armor doesn't match like incredibly well in the same way that it did the last time i don't know if this is really going to be a winner or not but i do think that the idea is pretty cool and i always like it whenever people come in with these sets that do tell a certain degree of a story and i think that's interesting man yeah they lack synergy i don't think the synergy is that great but at least they're doing pretty well and i'll commend them for that okay it's it's not absolutely [ __ ] terrible i'll say that for sure uh do warfare dumpsters do not dumpsters all right guys nice try good job we'll go on to the next one okay good job guys damn look at this are these like the guardians of theramore wait oh they're crusaders look at this guy's gear so that sword right there is one of the uh uh what store is that from oh [ __ ] dude i'm trying to remember which one that's from it's from somewhere and i think like burning crusade or something those shoulders there are burning crusade crafting that helmet right there oh that helmet with the dude the helmet with the shoulders is so good dude that helmet is from emerald nightmare that's the class overhaul gloves and legs there and also boots the belt right there from tier 14 set the tavern to theramore the crest of wardrone that comes from malganis and the calling of strathum and then also which cloak is this this is the vicious gladiators quote from season nine in cataclysm this is a really really nice set now let's go ahead and look at the next one uh crest of order on and uh on shield and banner yeah this is [ __ ] good so what about this one right here okay yeah i always say it weird okay uh so you gotta obviously same tabard there that chess piece there underneath is the seventh legion chess piece uh the shoulders there are from the mythical tourist set and then the helmet there is of course from island expeditions the weapon is from the uh seventh legion set the leggings are from mythic and taurus as well and those boots right there are the eternal travelers boots that drop from the shadowhands pre-order so um i like this a lot i really do this looks good this looks really really good what do you guys think i'm impressed like i'm straight up [ __ ] impressed i think this looks really good how do you know all that i just know it man well regardless um this set does look really really oh dude bro that looks [ __ ] amazing holy [ __ ] dude the glow on the shoulders with the mount jesus man that that's so good oh my god oh my god dude this is [ __ ] impressive man the other guy too yeah this is [ __ ] amazing i love this this is really really impressive here okay uh luxurious um what's this here uh what was in pathways gail knows yeah well regardless this is really really [ __ ] good and so uh let's see here i think this also looks very good as well and let's see they both nailed it yeah i would say so absolutely these are [ __ ] amazing this isn't exactly what i would like to see man while insane mounts yeah these mounts like this mount this is probably one of the coolest mount combinations i've ever seen this is [ __ ] amazing gail great job let's go to the next one stay annexed the darkener and uh mirrors off the level i really really like this set this is probably one of my favorite dwarf hunter sets that i've ever seen like no joke like this is [ __ ] incredible like this is i mean like yeah we've got almost full set andy over here right this is really really cool actually this isn't even really a full set is it it's just the chess piece the gloves and sorry the legs and the the chest i'm starting shoulders i don't know like this is like i've gotta say like the dwarf is better right this is [ __ ] amazing dude dude these guys take transmog seriously dude they're so serious about it oh my god i'm actually really impressed by how well they've done here this is really really well done okay let's go up to the next one here so we've got this one and what about this one here say x darkener which one do you guys like the most or sorry not which one have these two but do you guys like this a lot i i think it looks really really good like this is the dwarf yeah yeah well i like the dwarf more too but as a combo i don't really know like how much oh [Music] damn dude those mounts complement each other so [ __ ] well they complement each other so [ __ ] well man like i don't even know what to say it's so cool it's so [ __ ] good man i absolutely love it yeah great [ __ ] job man cool as [ __ ] renegades yeah this is really really well done like i'm already seeing a number of groups that i think are gonna probably hit the top five like i'm really impressed by this this makes me worry like if i go back to n a dude oh man like n a had better get this right like in a like i swear to god dude if they don't if they don't get it right i will be pissed yeah you guys really really need to get your [ __ ] together okay let me say that for sure yeah this is really really well done great [ __ ] job guys great [ __ ] job i absolutely love this guy's armor man everything about this set is [ __ ] amazing i love it where's the next one what is this this is a 10 second setup we're supposed to be light and darkness combined to save azeroth well can you save the pixel count on his armor how about that so we've got obviously so this is like if they took malfurion and illidan and they made them the same character this is pretty much what it is like you take malfurion and dylan and it's like some kid it's like you know they do a [ __ ] fusion together and this is what you get out of it right here and uh obviously he has these completely you know oversized [ __ ] swords this right here i don't think this is light and darkness combined to save asrock this is um this is dog and [ __ ] combined to lose the tournament okay that's basically what it is i'm sorry to say uh it's just not very good i think that we failed you well i will say i think this transmog is very good but i think the weapons don't really match at all even though they match the color theme because you have such a druidic set there's no way that these gigantic swords make any sense inside of your set but your set does look really good and i like it a lot that's so harsh well sometimes you have to let them know this set is just not good at all there's nothing good about it at all it just sucks um yeah better luck next time man better luck next time they don't even have a guild let's run and they don't even have a transmog either better luck next time i'm i'm sorry what is this jesu the light of dawn and exo deer the darkness what the [ __ ] what is this supposed to be i don't know if i like this yeah i don't i really don't know if i like this at all i think this is [ __ ] too i don't think it's that great i mean dark and ice dark and ice i mean like how is it dark if you're wearing the tabard of the [ __ ] lightbringer i mean does that make a whole lot of sense to you man how's it dark if you're wearing the tavern of the lightbringer and obviously i think that like using the season one warrior gear the the at the beginning of bc like the gloves the legs and the boots there that's really cool i like that but overall this isn't dark and light this is just [ __ ] it just sucks like both of these just suck like obviously random no it's not a randomized button it's a randomized button with one color theme okay so we had five minutes well you should have taken ten yeah i mean it should have taken 10. i mean there's nothing else worthy to say about that man should have done both yeah dog and [ __ ] okay dude we've already done that one we can't call it dog and [ __ ] every single time okay i've got to spread out the insults and make sure that we go from one thing to another you know that's the way it has to work all right let's go on to the next one okay yeah trash and can okay dude what the [ __ ] hi hi osman gold ben and daniel holy crusaders from ghostlands we are here to bring awareness a state of rep paladins and shadow how are they doing how are rep paladins doing in shadow ends guys i'm actually curious i i i haven't heard anything about that so i figured maybe you could cue me in and you know give me an idea of what to expect so we've got both of these guys they're both using quarium champion which is a blacksmithing sword that you get from a burning crusade uh the shoulders right there the uh the pvp shoulders from vanilla wow chest piece there's tier one for paladins and also sword the legs the boots there and also the boots for both of them and also the legs are from the i think the blood scale set and uh then the tabard i don't know what tabard that is i think that's a guild tavern i'm not even sure what do you guys think about this one yeah what are your thoughts on this one gentlemen i'm a little bit confused ambiguously gay duo i don't think that they're gay there's nothing about them that says gay but i think it's pretty decent too similar ying and yang ying and dang i feel like okay so the death knight one is a little bit awkward it's a little bit oh ah [Music] i don't know guys i don't know it's just like it's not yeah one of them's not a paladin it's a dk right but i think it's okay i think ben said is okay daniel's set is decent too i like the tavern i think tavern looks really good but overall i don't think the sets are really that decent i i really the main thing that i like about this is the color theme okay i really think the color theme for this is incredibly well done but outside of the color theme i don't think there's a whole lot going on should have broken took it out the mount yeah the wine isn't that great i don't think the lion makes any sense either i've always thought the lion was a dog [ __ ] mount personally okay there it is okay guys we get it so uh this is a decent looking set i think it's fine but it's nothing that i would get super excited over or anything like that i think whenever you want to go with sets like this where you're trying to look exactly the same it's a little bit awkward whenever you know that like there's certain items that you can't use for both of you but you're trying to use like with the uh the crown or something like that so daniel just looks like a scuffed bin basically because like ben has like the really cool crown daniel has the little like you know brownish piece of [ __ ] on his head and uh it doesn't really look as good so yeah it looks like a scuffed bend that's pretty much what it is so uh i think we'll have to see something else and something a little bit better than that okay man what do you guys think yeah it's the heroic set versus the mythic set i like that what do you guys think six out of six or five out of ten all right oh wow seis the king slayer and associate professor javon this is queen this is so [ __ ] clean this is so [ __ ] clean oh my god yeah i like this a lot what do you guys think yeah i'm really impressed by this it's so good yeah from borderlands i don't really know like especially like i mean look at this guy's armor like everything about it just fits together so well like the chess piece is so good that it would oh they're both using illidan daggers oh dude look at that cloak holy [ __ ] look at that cloak guys look at that quote guys right there that's a nice looking cloak holy [ __ ] man i'm really impressed by this and even this one here like this [ __ ] dude this is just nothing that the thing with this set dude is there's nothing wrong with it like there's nothing i can say about the set that it's like oh well you should have used this or you should use that like these are just so [ __ ] cleanly well put together it's like these guys or the these guys are the guys that show up in your camp 20 years after the [ __ ] nuclear holocaust and they show up and they're looking for food and they're like travelers and they're just riding around like that's basically what's going on here they're like post-apocalyptic travelers this is really really well done i like it a lot great [ __ ] job yeah some mad max [ __ ] going on not really mad max but almost okay uh the belt i think the belt's completely fine i like the belt because the belt's very subtle in the same way that all the rest of his pieces are subtle what the [ __ ] [Music] what the f i don't even know what to think the raptor is completely out of the raptor is completely out of place okay like let's be honest the raptor is 150 155 by 200 percent out of [ __ ] place there is no reason for him to have the raptor on okay uh that does yeah why didn't you just get on that that's a thousand times better holy that miss quick okay well regardless how do you miss click and not change it for 20 seconds though i i don't know like it's hard to say if that's a miss quick because like it doesn't make sense that he would have all the rest of this like so well put together and then just get on the raptor i don't know like or in a radiated lizard i don't know what what do you guys think yeah you guys think no placing uh all right oh he said it was a miss quick and because it matches his the rest of his set so well i kind of want to give it to him because everything else matched so [ __ ] well i don't know like making an exception for this is kind of hard for me to do but it does seem like it was a misclick based off of how well everything else was coordinated and so there's some plausible deniability there give it to him i think we should probably give it to him i think this combination is [ __ ] amazing what do you guys think you guys like it yeah allow it i think yeah we'll allow this one for now okay guys i i really really like this a lot this is [ __ ] amazing like really really good job man really really good job okay it says the king slayer and javara nice [ __ ] job boys very proud of you let's go to the next one [Music] agrox and commander galithia hi asman i came here with my pet during the night i'm with them during the day i'm a commander of the argent cruise what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what's this this what is he doing what are you doing oh my god agrox and golithia what the [ __ ] this it's like what's going on what is go what is this all right let's go ahead we're going to relax here now let's be honest this tells a story that we've never heard before i don't know if that's a good or a bad thing but it tells the story that we haven't heard before and uh spanking message yo chill out get out of the [ __ ] screen what do you got to get your [ __ ] two cents in here stop um yeah get out of the [ __ ] way um look at this do you guys like it i kind of do like it's a certainly uh it's a very unique let's just say we've never seen this before okay like i'm just gonna stop it right there and i will say we have never [ __ ] seen this one before yeah beauty and the beast uh actually that does kind of work because he has antlers on him yeah that does make sense i actually kind of like this yeah it's decent enough man definitely unique yeah i would say so i feel like it is gonna i mean like if we have a sim set winning i i don't know if people are gonna be okay with that but i'll have to say like cool concept yeah this is a really cool concept it's very original and we've never seen somebody take this approach before so overall i would say that i'm impressed you know i would say it's uh yeah it's this is really good nice [ __ ] job guys great [ __ ] job some people are a little bit unhappy about the uh about the subject matter here but i think overall duty calls that's good that's really good dude that's really really good this is the wait some guy says this is the most alliance transmog comp i've ever heard i've never i've ever seen wait holy sh they're yo what the [ __ ] yo why didn't you guys come in like this yo why the [ __ ] didn't you guys come in like this this is [ __ ] badass holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] awesome god damn yeah a [ __ ] spark yeah spartacus jesus didn't want to beat everyone all right why yeah i really appreciate that gee that is so [ __ ] good man that is really [ __ ] good all right let's go on to the next one this is our individual transmog here how rich they kicked me out of castle nathria he was too metal for castlemetry this set actually looks very nice that chess piece right there is the gladiators version of the season one pvp gear that's available for only dks that shoulder's right there and also the belt is from throne of thunder normal mode for dks the helmet is from garrowan and heart of fear on heroic the weapon of course is the artifact weapon uh the gloves there are from naxxramas 25 man uh the leggings here are from i don't even know where the leggings are from and the boots are from a dungeon in warlords of sorry wrath of the lich king and i think specifically those boots are from director on keep but i could be wrong about that regardless this set does actually look really good the spartans misclick their set well they should have dude this looks way [ __ ] better yeah look at that now they've got both that's so cool dude like what do you guys do they they opened up with the worst set possible i don't understand oh my god dude i feel so bad for these guys they came in here with an amazing [ __ ] set they had an amazing [ __ ] set and they had to start it off with something terrible regardless how rich this is a decent who said okay this is good and of course you're gonna get on midnight what a surprise i don't think the color theme really matches perfectly and so i'm not a big fan of it but it looks okay good job hell rich oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hi asmon we're the burly brothers we raid tombs and enjoy bread lots of bread he takes the gold i fight the threats in the tombs and i take their loot wall damn that's actually really badass that's cool so all right all right just for everybody that doesn't know right those shoulders right there i think came from legion i'm not a hundred percent actually no those those shoulders are the male version of the shoulders that drop in uh zuldazar and then the helmet there comes from legion the chesapeake sarah comes from the isle of qualities for getting installed over the shattered sun the belt there comes from uh that's blackrock foundry uh i think heroic or normal mode belt for hunters the leggings here and also the gloves and the boots here are all from the trial of our set and then over here you've got this warrior actually wait this chess piece this is the chess piece from this is the chess piece from the rare spawn world boss it only is up during the nether it's it's a cybash's chess piece that i've been going after for [ __ ] months and this guy has it this halfway makes me mad and halfway impresses me yeah it took me ages to get yeah it's a really nice chess piece man yeah yeah dude he's [ __ ] got the he's got the chess piece that i don't [ __ ] have man and then obviously warden's tablet those shoulders right there test the manor off the gloves in the belt right there sorry the gloves in the legs there are the uh the battle of zara war set belt there comes from mythic gilganov the emerald nightmare and also the boots there come from i think that is uh is that wide i forgot exactly where those boots are from but um and then of course the uh helmet is the cataclysmic gladiator's helmet and the shield is the yeah brf boots oh yes these are the brf boots these are the [ __ ] paladin offset boots and those boots yeah okay i got it now what do you guys think what do you guys think about this scent i think it's really good i'm gonna be honest i i think this is really really good and now of course our beat oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh dude stampeding the [ __ ] out of everyone all right guys all right that is actually like really really really [ __ ] good i i really like the way these look i think this is incredibly well done the mogs are dog [ __ ] well it's not just so basically they're like you're rating them in a different way than you would rate normal transmog so like so basically for i don't know like do i want to explain like the whole [ __ ] my whole like philosophy around this okay like so basically it's so the transmog has like a one to ten scale and then you have yeah it's just like i i think i think this out okay like there is a very very complicated grading scale that i put into play in order to make the right and most equivalent and fair decisions possible this is a great set we like it a lot and i also really like the weapons here these weapons i didn't even see them before this is [ __ ] amazing like this is actually [ __ ] amazing look at the weapons here so this weapon is a normal modal deer fist weapon and it goes right into this glove right here yeah this is the normal mode fist weapon for all deer and then this weapon that has a different color of of hand here also is a different colored axe that drops from the zul's are world quests this is really really good like i i've never seen somebody do this before ever in a competition this is the first ever time that i see somebody do this this is [ __ ] great this is so [ __ ] good man i like it a lot man this be off i say a good story good enough transmog yeah i like this a lot great [ __ ] job boys amazing [ __ ] job i am very impressed very proud of you good work what the hell is this valeria the king slayer and juris delightbringer juarez was once a king of human kingdom and tirson as a testament of my vampires nation's total victory over humans he is now my thrall he serves me using the power of the light against his own people representing the supremacy of darkness over light he's not a simp he's no it's like if she's like a vampire she took control of him like she like mind control a man get up boris introduce you wait what the god bless the united states of oh i mean my wife for korean thorium this is pretty good yeah i like it i mean in terms of like a vampire transmog you don't really have a lot of options here okay uh the swords are the only real items that have like weird like [ __ ] vampiric things on them hardly so it's very hard to do this and i think the crown does very well that's the crown that comes from opulence and uh battle of zara laura's shoulders there of tier 14 heroic dk shoulders chess piece to your 14 heroic warrior the belt right there just the uh offset belt for warrior tier four gear leggings there come from the valor vendor and misa pandaria boots there come from the tier 14 warrior sorry dk set and then those bracers they are actually the uh those are the starting level green bracers that you're able to get from the cataclysm uh uh trash mobs in hyjal so uh or actually anywhere any level 80 mob uh that's from hydro yeah these are really really good and uh this warriors gear so obviously i think that the um that's good look at him right there dude look at him right there the chonky boys are just going at it well anyway um i do really think the uh uh the female set looks really really good now for laura's set the uh the fallen human king what do you guys think about this oh i just noticed look at this he has the corrupted effect on him oh that's really good that is really good holy [ __ ] man loris nice [ __ ] job like this is really really well done oh my god yeah it was what's this here uh he was forced to wear a cowl yeah i i like that a lot um i'm not saying that it's amazing like obviously the set sucks this is an objectively terrible set okay like this mace right here this is the mace that drops from uh is this the last boss of a prince malcazar i don't really remember exactly but i think that it is and uh the shield obviously this is the blackrock bulwark that comes from uh warlords of draenor and uh chess piece here is the uh that's the elite or not elite that's like the uh yeah it is the elite uh seventh legion chess piece now many of the other pieces we've seen before too i think this is a great combination guys this is a great [ __ ] combination i like it a lot she forced him to use a [ __ ] mog okay dude now we're getting into the meta here oh no we're just never gonna be able to get away from this are we doesn't matter how many [ __ ] months or anything dude it's just it's a dead meme well she's a vampire so she's like halfway dead already so it makes sense and uh now the meme is that it is a dead meme okay like it just it never dies i i don't understand yeah it just makes no [ __ ] sense it still fits it relatively it fits relatively well yeah good job guys it could be a little bit more uh you know a little bit better on the on the warriors gear but overall i like the story i think it's good let's go wait another one what is this simp central holy [ __ ] guys finally wait what are you doing finally what my great project is complete wait soon the horde will kneel before the might of my robotic army okay that's [ __ ] amazing that's okay that okay all right okay that's that's okay that's really [ __ ] good man that is really really really [ __ ] good okay so this is obviously like a um like an engineer and uh that dude the [ __ ] face mask and like how dude this is so good there's literally no skin showing at all on this character i guess i get with the neck but you can't really do anything about that but overall there's like no skin showing at all this is [ __ ] perfect man like and this actually does look like a robot warrior and i i think my favorite part about this is the fact that they combine the old deer lfr helmet there with the shoulders from is that the furious gladiator shoulders for dks uh is that yeah furious gladiator shoulders for dks extremely rare item very like we've never probably seen these shoulders in like 10 years man uh yeah this is extremely fun is it all deer heroic oh it is something wrong is it i don't know i thought it was wrong i thought it was but regardless um this is really really [ __ ] good this is amazing and then you've got this one right here as the engineer holy [ __ ] aratua and marwa what do you guys think about this this is a great [ __ ] combination man like whenever i see this i'm [ __ ] impressed like i really think they did a good job at this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and they've got theirselves the mechagon mounts too yeah that is really [ __ ] good man nice job guys really really nice job this is heavy [ __ ] this is big [ __ ] guys i really like it a lot this comp will be hard to decide yeah i don't dude i i i don't know what i'm gonna do like i actually don't even know what i'm gonna be able to do i can't even [ __ ] think of like what are we gonna even pick up like these guys are so [ __ ] good everybody wins and not everybody but um almost everybody has a really really great set i'm super impressed by this like the story and like having the anvil from behind and like looking at the perspective from the anvil dude that is so clean man that is so [ __ ] clean like i i'm very impressed by this great [ __ ] job i swear like in a dude n a i swear guys if you guys don't have sets that are this good i am going to mauled out all right i'm going to mauled out if you guys don't have it all right let's go to the next one here we'll see what they have for us oh is this a circus act leva the curse and korostov both from the curse okay so it's a dark moon set we have never seen a dark moon set before this is not not once have we ever seen a dark moon set this is an actual circus okay usually we talk about circuses and we mean people like uh you know some of the guys over there you know but this is actually a circus and it's really good so they even have like the little uh the little pet monkey what do you guys think yeah legit clowns well not legit clowns but um you know you guys know what i'm saying um what is this here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wow this is really really good man holy [ __ ] is an actual [ __ ] dark moon set have we ever seen a darkmoon set before in the entire competition so i also really love the fact that the mage is using the staff from the hidden artifact appearance for the arcane weapon i love that [ __ ] staff i think it's one of my favorite ones ever yeah this is the first time we've ever seen this and i think the colors fit really well together and what really impresses me about this the most is that they have these colors in these sets that fit and they look exactly like they would look if they were npcs in the darkmoon fair but there isn't a set that really is in the game that tells you oh this is the darkmoon fare set so they just match this to make it perfect i i i think this is really good like i'm going to be 100 real with you guys i think this is really really really [ __ ] good i am super impressed by this i think this is one of the uh the best sets that we've seen so far check the pet oh it's just a monkey here it's not really too uh too exciting yeah it's just a [ __ ] monkey purple equals win but in this case it might be i really like the salon what do you guys think opinions from the chat yeah i really really think this is good you guys did an incredible job i am genuinely oh oh and for my next trick look at that damn dude that's really [ __ ] badass yeah this is i'm i'm very impressed by this great [ __ ] job boys like actually great [ __ ] job let's go to the next one eu transmog police reporting for duty i've caught an n a spy trying to disrupt the transmog he's not only using a full step but he also wants to miss [Music] oh [ __ ] man that is so good i i don't dude how am i ever gonna pick these this is so [ __ ] perfect man this is one of the best ones you've ever had oh my god i'm actually so [ __ ] impressed right now man holy [ __ ] this is so creative and so well done i'm i'm just [ __ ] amazed what the [ __ ] best comp ever yeah this is so meta and so this is a [ __ ] dude because i saw this and the first thing i thought of i was like ah [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] firelands andy you know a [ __ ] fireland andy here and then big fan since following you on youtube since you were able to solo the lich king following on youtube twitch that was like [ __ ] 10 years ago it was a long time ago the creativity what's creative and meta is this the first time in history they have a top ten instead of top five i'll pick a top five because if we have a top ten that's like literally like half of the group okay yeah it's half of the [ __ ] group this is yeah a full set was used in his favor i don't i don't even know what to say man like i i i'm honestly [ __ ] like ditched the n a comps well we have to give them a chance okay guys we have to give them a chance at least see i thought he was in a well see he said he was eu police but then i thought to myself i was like wait how is the eu police whenever he has one of these how does this work you know like it's usually you know don't they just like they're just like they're like stop and then like the criminal is like oh i'm sorry sir do i have to go to jail now and then they just go to jail and so like i i was thinking i was like wait wait a minute like how does this work that's how it is right okay yeah i thought so and so yeah this is clearly not what it is no we don't that's in the uk yeah whatever that's in the uk yeah well uh yeah there's no crime over in europe okay guys uh no crime at all uh regardless i think this is uh this is [ __ ] amazing like it's actually [ __ ] really really really [ __ ] good dude i don't know what else to say about it besides that really [ __ ] good what is this fire lord sally men of herald of the titans both from adult nerf rogues i'm the apprentice of vargas the unmaker and i wiped on aggramar for too long well i can see that because you don't even have tasha wack so we've got scuffed aggramar wait this is so good these are low-budget halloween costumes for agamore and augustine maker it's like you know whenever you have like the guys that show up to the different halloween events and they like you know they can't afford an actual costume so they just put on a bunch of different clothes randomly this is basically yeah this is like this is scuffed cosplay wait oh they have mounts oh no oh no what is this gonna this is so stupid oh wait wait a second wait who has mounts yeah no the police set mounts no they'll get on the mounts if they if they have mounts like not everybody has mounts okay guys um yeah not everybody has mounts oh jesus christ okay yeah these are 100 scuffed aggramar and scuffed argus what do you guys think about this one i i think this is good like this is really really well done uh it's [ __ ] fun like these are like meta transmogs that's what i like about them so much is that these are like [ __ ] like like third like four dimensional meta transmog ideas these guys are literally [ __ ] scuffed aggramar and scuffed argus showing up to a halloween party late drunk as [ __ ] and they don't even have a costume they just put on some clothes that they had in the closet that just vaguely matched the character that they're trying to look like this is so so well done yeah we've got here molten corgi yeah we've got the little pets too i see that this is really really good man little asthma dancing i don't look like this what do you mean yeah why the [ __ ] would i look like that well anyway this is really really great i bet they don't think they're scuffed okay well they're scuffed all right they're definitely scuffed oh the other one okay all right so uh yeah anyway these guys did really well i like it a lot okay great [ __ ] job man and sally i really really like this very proud of you you're good boys you're eternal champions let's go tonight dude i don't know how how are we gonna pick a top 10 or top five how are we gonna do it i don't even do i'm gonna have to channel my [ __ ] dude man this would be so hard top seven no we can't stop so we're gonna stop we'll do top five okay and if there's a group that i feel like is just so good they can't not be in the top five i'll give them a tie for five put or for fifth place okay guys top seven that's like 14 people that's like a third of the uh people in here get get picked i think that's too many man it's a special edition day yeah this is [ __ ] impressive man honorable mentions oh there will be honorable mentions absolutely anyway i think this is very clever let's go on to the next one [Music] praising the zone professor pure and good and assistant professor zanta [Music] so zonto what are you supposed to be let's see how this set is um pack the mule slave what the [ __ ] that's not even a mule it's not even a mule that's the [ __ ] bfa pre-order mount that's not even a mule okay so i'm gonna be honest guys we've had a lot of really really really good contestants here now if this was an n a transmog comp you guys would be vying for first place but it's not these sets are not that great sir i have to remind you again i'm your assistant okay dude listen these are decent all right i'm not saying this is a bad set i'm not saying this is you know badly designed or anything like that but i do think that it's not really that great okay like i think it's just an average you know just you know run-of-the-mill set that we've seen a bunch of times before and i'm just not really that impressed by it okay uh you're changing my oh that was going to tell us what you're be i'm being nice well no what i'm saying is like yeah this is okay right it's okay it's not terrible i mean like the assistant skier sucks this one is cool though uh the the dwarf skier is cool but yeah i mean sure like to a certain degree it's not terrible but it's not that good yeah it's okay not great yeah i think this is completely fair all right let's go on to the next one oh oh artemis vengeance incarnate and sailors find [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] these are good bc best expansion then why do you only have one piece of gear from bc or actually sorry two pieces of gear from bc actually i don't know what's this chess piece here what is this chess piece uh cinder quad fest i don't even know where the [ __ ] that's from regardless um these are really really good sets like that dude the coloration on this is so [ __ ] well done man this is so [ __ ] well done now i know i know i know chat likes this a lot but they like it for all the wrong reasons okay guys it's tailoring yeah i think it's the um the cinderquath is like that's a fire damage set right i don't know was that was that like bc i don't remember it was a long time ago uh check the cloak okay all right let's look cloaks uh let's see what we got here yeah this is just like actually that coke does look really [ __ ] nice i don't know what do you guys think uh yeah i like it a lot uh what do you guys think what's the next one here oh yeah both of these are the same cloaks i feel like this is really really clean like so this set doesn't really there's no like really story to this or anything like that but i'm very impressed with this demon hunter transmog here like this set looks [ __ ] awesome i love it man i absolutely [ __ ] love it and um i i think this could be uh this could actually be a top top five what do you guys think is this a top five i don't know no i don't know like so okay so the sets are the sets complement each other very very well okay so this is like the uh it's like no but thick yeah of course of course that but overall i think this is just really really good honorable mention no winner well we've got a lot of tough competition you're right about that so we'll see if we have anything else but overall i think these are really really well done chat wants creative yeah i think so but this is clean okay and i think you can respect something that's just put together very very well and is completely [ __ ] clean which i think this is very very [ __ ] clean at okay uh this song is weird i'm gonna change it give me a second let me go into the next one okay it's a bit much all right yeah the the weird-ass [ __ ] sounds was too much dude okay yeah i i like this a lot good job boys for girls probably guys tom peer the eternal and rudy the uncorrupted from the guild's profession thieves so this actually does this actually does a much better job at being an exhaust set than the other one oh [ __ ] dreadflame on the weapons okay okay dude all right let's see so what do you guys think do you like it i think this is really good shout out to the blasters from progression themes well i think this is great man what do you guys think yeah this is really really good count the eyes okay all right we'll count the eyes here um 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. so this set has 22 eyes check the pets pulsa i don't know what the [ __ ] polska goram is i have no idea what the [ __ ] that is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay all right this guy does mythic nazar that's impressive yeah i like this a lot great [ __ ] job guys what do you guys think what do you like i don't know what what does that mean i don't understand okay whatever um yeah i think this is really really good uh this set is [ __ ] clean look get this warlock skier right here i mean this is really really well put together it's a polish meme oh okay i get it all right that makes sense yeah this is really really good and let's go ahead and look at the next one yeah this is really really nice now obviously like a lot of the nazar transmogs i think to some degree are a bit played out we've seen so many of them recently it's not really as uh uh it's not really that that unique to me i've just seen too many of them but regardless i think this is [ __ ] awesome okay well overall uh yeah the set just subjectively is awesome even though it has been repeated a bit too many times this raid group is op yeah i feel the same way man i think that these guys have really put in a lot of work into these sets all right let's go ahead and take a look at the next one are you kidding me how do you keep getting in here how do you keep getting into my competition every every week every it's the same guy and he has a new [ __ ] sex slave every week oh my god who is this guy oh my [ __ ] god he has a blindfolded male panda in a dress with a broken beer bottle holy [ __ ] the gnome is power tripping dude this guy oh my oh my god that's almost scary dude oh my god look at this all right so this guy's got the same set that he's always got on there's nothing really too unique or special about this i also have a mount [Music] let's see the mount [Music] this [Music] i [Music] ah okay okay okay all right this is this is it is a lot okay let's just say that that's a lot very very creative um i i i'm i i'm i'm we have not seen this okay there's one thing that you can definitely say about this competition is that they are creative they are very very very creative now whether that's a good thing or not is up to you but this is definitely very creative i would say all right let's see here pulls this out all right yeah i got it okay now gentlemen we've seen this idiot too many times i feel like this guy always comes in here with something that's pretty [ __ ] unique though regardless of how many times we've seen them all right let's go ahead we'll look around gentlemen prepare yourselves we're gonna look and find our top five gentlemen let's go forgot the mount all right what's the mount yeah yeah need friends you need to find this better mount okay yeah i need it from the better mount all right boys let's go ahead and take a look let's see the mounts boys dude this is so hard to decide what the [ __ ] dude he's trying to steal that other guy's idea oh no did his partner leave him oh [ __ ] dude bro that's sad oh wait yeah it's you that's you okay there we go i thought so yeah you were the malfurion one okay that's not the set they're actually using okay so don't worry too much about oh my god okay this is a hard [ __ ] decision guys this is a really hard [ __ ] decision oh my god okay let me let me go ahead check pat minnie mc minnie mcconnell okay dude that's good all right let me go ahead i'm gonna look around dude i i don't even know what i i i'm honestly so [ __ ] oh this is so hard to decide this is so [ __ ] hard to decide guys give me a second i've got to write some of these down okay it's gonna be top five okay it will be top five dude i don't even [ __ ] know man like this is so hard to decide like it's just oh my god like okay all right so dude oh it's so i'm struggling so much man [ __ ] okay uh all right i'm trying to write everything down i'm trying to decide okay give me a minute there's like seven sets that i think are really really good [ __ ] i don't know how to cut the two out i really don't know how to cut the two of them out i've got to go around in this side yeah let me go around to the side again all right [ __ ] man this is so hard do top seven that's too many that's that's too many guys that's too [ __ ] mini top seven okay all right let's see what else we've got next we will do two honorable mentions how about that does two honorable mentions work gentlemen what do you guys think two honorable mentions that's fine okay good ah so it's just so hard to decide man like i'm struggling so much with this because there's like there's so many good sets and i just don't know i i just don't know what to look for man like the three-year-olds get in no they're not winning because uh they already went in with another competition uh another set uh it's not gonna happen i mean i'll just be honest right there okay just do top five don't be weak yeah i know i know i know i'll do top five wargade chill out okay one guy tried way harder than the other one okay all right so we are going to the side here righty gentlemen the top five for this competition will be as follows fifth place fifth place this is a set that i've seen many times i've been a little bit a little bit nervous about it a little bit unsure about what the decision is to make but this is my hardest decision fifth place is genuinely my hardest decision everything else i think has been pretty simple and pretty easy but we are going to get fifth place gentlemen fifth place is going to go to saint x and mars this set is amazing like these complement each other so well and like the undertones of the uh of the mount there fit perfectly well with the actual character models as well i i think this is absolutely one of the best sets in here okay and i will give my two or three other honorable mentions afterwards if you guys remind me now what country are you guys from yeah this is [ __ ] amazing man i i really really like it a lot what do you guys think they make it first well no i think it's really good spectro bounty hunters lithuanian from germany all right yeah these are really really good now we'll go to the fifth fourth place fourth place set this competition is extremely hard to do some of these people came in here with some incredibly well done sets some people came in here with sets that made me question humanity and some other people came in with sets that made me decide and make the hardest calls that i probably ever had to do in my professional career as a transmog raider but i do really believe that i'm making the right call whenever i say that fourth place should go to leva and chorus dave the cursed with their darkmoon transmog sets i think this is incredibly well done i like it a lot everything about it fits together they have the toys the mounts and everything fits together with this set uh both of them matched together there's a clear established theme we have never had somebody use a transmog set like this before at least not in my memory and i'm very impressed by this a lot this is a really really good looking set and i think that they absolutely deserve a fourth place for it 11 quarterstop what country are you guys from let's see what they say finland all right what about this guy kopio kopiov is this uh russian i'm assuming maybe i don't know i have no idea same okay finland there you go guys all right well uh you know what congratulations on fourth place now third place third place third place is a set that whenever i saw it i thought to myself ah [ __ ] but the fact is that whenever i see this right here this is one of the funniest most meta transmog sets that i have ever [ __ ] seen and i think that they absolutely deserve third place for it this is clever it's funny it's interesting it's great i love this set i'm not i'm not gonna give a meme set first place but i will very happily give it third place and i think that it could have even deserved second second and third place is very very hard for me to decide but i think they're both really good so i want to make sure that uh that they did get some credit they deserve first what the [ __ ] well regardless i think you guys get to decide who is actually going to be first place so don't worry about it too much green ward and uh toward mere what country are you guys from this is [ __ ] amazing guys like i i'm actually really impressed by this what's the meme this is the eu police arresting a spy from uh from an n a transmog comp brother wait oh their brother is from poland damn damn that's actually pretty [ __ ] badass that is really [ __ ] badass awesome man all right now we have second place second place is gonna go second place is gonna go to burly boy one and barely boy two this set is uh it's aggressive it's dangerous it's powerful it's imposing berlulu thank you don't mind our laughter yeah this is [ __ ] amazing like i this is that this is exactly what you like to see in a duo transmog competition like a group of uh of two guys that just fit together so well it tells the story it looks good the transmogs independently are very well done everything about this is perfect i love it man great [ __ ] job i once wrote seven in your eu long boy run uh yeah that sucks dude i'm sorry to hear that all right what country are you guys from yeah what country are you guys from what the [ __ ] second really yeah i think this is really good from the netherlands we're bffs live about 15 minutes apart from each other damn dude damn dude dude that's badass all right congratulations gentlemen and now for first place the greatest and best set [Music] this is one of the best sets that i've ever seen and the best duo transmog sets uh ever like this is [ __ ] amazing i absolutely love this it's incredibly well done everything about it fits together the story that it tells is phenomenal we've never had somebody do this before with hammering on the anvil at the beginning people thought that it was dog [ __ ] and then the story manifested itself and people [ __ ] loved it this is an incredibly well done set this it's just it's pretty this is exactly what we were looking forward to seeing right this is the creativity that you don't always get whenever you look at these different competitions and you've seen so many people with these incredibly creative sets like these are [ __ ] amazing you even got discount aggramar and [ __ ] argus over there these are really really good guys great [ __ ] work now i want to talk about my honorable mentions and winners can go up to the top and get ready i'm going to go ahead and have the voting and i'll let the chat decide what the uh what the true winner is i'll ask their country whenever we get to the top this is an honorable mention right here i like this set a lot i thought it was very clever and very funny this set also was a very very hard decision for me to make a decision against um i i like it a lot honestly i feel like this is very very clean uh there's not really a lot of synergy in terms of this set in terms besides just the fact that there's just like similar color combos but i do like it a lot let's see over here these guys were probably gonna be these guys would have been fifth place if i didn't pick the other ones this was probably the hardest decision i had to make was do these guys deserve fifth place or not and i'm still not even sure that i made the right decision but regardless i think i made a decision and these guys did a great job in the set in the competition i mean let's see these were okay i don't really think this was that great though and this was just disgusting and i think these were like this set right here this would win in a normal competition because of how clean and well put together it is but because there is such high competition in this one it ended up not winning and these were really funny too all right gentlemen are you ready to pick the winners are you ready let's go on up there and uh we'll see what we've got all right chat you guys are going to have the chance to decide who the winner of the transmog competition truly is so let me go ahead i'm going to get a straw poll up if you guys want to just get over here and uh yeah there we go oh um what country are you guys from yeah before i forget what country are you guys from poland yo what is dude everybody here is from poland holy [ __ ] god damn all right boys uh let's go ahead and make it a little bit let's go let's get a little bit closer together so i can get everybody on the screen so it's not zoomed out as much and uh then you guys will be able to uh i'll be able to start doing this draw poll and uh get this together so let's do straw poll right here and where the hell is it there it is all right here we go uh yeah and guys don't be in front of me or anything like that so that way chat has the option to really be able to make the best and most informed and educated uh decision possible here okay very important to do all right chat who won you guys right now will have the option to vote and decide who the true winner of this competition is now before i let you vote i'm going to go ahead and take one little little peek around and then after that i'll open up the poll and then i'll just go back and forth so you guys can make the decision this is the sets guys remember make your decision wisely and intelligently vote for the correct set delaria uh if you want to move away that way they get an idea of pretty much what's going on okay yeah i just i want to make sure that they get like the fairest shake possible you know okay boys i'm about to take a piss and then i'll be right back and we'll decide uh if you guys can keep linking to paul and then we'll go what the hell is going on what the [ __ ] is this what the hell you guys doing get the hell yeah get that get that get out of here get out of the way okay all right give me a minute let's see get out get the bean it get to quit it quit it all right guys listen up we're gonna go ahead and i'm gonna take a look at the poll all right boys and the winner is by the chat's decision of the first ever eu alliance duo transmog competition the winner is the engineer said i like it so wait a minute so that means that everybody voted basically exactly the way that i made the decision minus the spectral riders and the darkmoon set so they actually agreed with my top three damn yo boys you guys are smart look at that yeah good job guys great job boys you've done very well you've done absolutely well i'm proud of you i'm proud of everybody in here except for the people that are trying to get on the screen and on the frame if you guys want to message me i will try to get the fan art done for your characters semi soon i understand that i have been very late on this for a number of weeks i apologize for that it is coming it will happen i've just been very busy with other things and preoccupied months it's been a long [ __ ] time well it's still going to happen guys don't don't worry all right it's still going to happen boys great [ __ ] job today amazing [ __ ] job today this is one of the toughest transmog competitions that i've ever had to rate did you wash your hands why would i wash my hands i got a clean dick what is this here oh [ __ ] look at that i want a girl to look at me the same way as one looks like good transmogs damn boys that's really that's every cloud serpent in the game minus the gladiator ones holy [ __ ] gentlemen thank you all so much for watching today i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys so until next time boys so until next time boys thank you all so much [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 423,592
Rating: 4.9114389 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, asmongold eu contest, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold eu, asmon transmog competition, asmongold competition, asmongold duo transmog, duo transmog competition, asmongold transmount, asmongold duo, duo transmog, asmongold alliance, duo transmog alliance, transmog competition best
Id: FiP42E85pZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 17sec (4577 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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