Asmongold LAST Mount Off Before He Leaves WoW for FFXIV

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after over a month away i have returned once again for the asmin gold noun off gentlemen i've taken a month off of this game and as you can tell i haven't farmed a single [ __ ] mount i've been playing burning crusade today we're here to see if anybody can go up against me and who can win overall and the mount off competition the first mount as i said before this is not going to be an easy competition first mount is going to be the wandering ancient everybody get on the wandering ancient let's see it guys come on wait what the [ __ ] dude everybody has it oh my god what the [ __ ] can't believe that everybody has the mouth that's crazy look at all the little shrubs all right elton ron elton john get the [ __ ] in here elton no no no no you're you're so slow come on quit playing around he says sorry i was shaking asthma on hype [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up it's a video game second mount second note as i said we're not gonna pull any punches today we're not going to have any fun today we're going to start off with the red karaji battle tank why are we starting off with this guys why are we starting off with the red one why is it because it's red that's right good i'm proud of you guys good job elton john i like my rage exactly tanark ass tanark ass what are you doing what are you doing to narc ass you trying to get extra attention huh trying to play games with me hey london what are we doing here wandan what's going on you're having a little bit of fun over there without your mouth you're just enjoying yourself without your mouth guess what london you're the first person to get kicked out of the raid london welcome to the garbage can get the [ __ ] out of here just farming out yourself it's gonna take you like like 30 minutes to farm this mountain it's so easy it's so [ __ ] easy just go farm them out man what the hell is he doing the [ __ ] is he uh whatever all right everybody is here only one of you has been removed this is one of the best showings that we've seen in a long time honestly guys i'm very impressed this is very very good 39 out of 40 people still remain only one has been removed from the red karachi battle tank let's go ahead and let's get on a little bit of a harder mount okay again guys these are very very hard mounts only the hardest mounts the amani battle bear get on the imani battle bear very few people have this this is one of the rarest mounts in the game it takes 30 minutes to farm good good frost fell sword of worn your transmog is very interesting and i like it a lot it's too bad that you spend all your time transmogging and not enough time farming mounts goodbye everybody else has their mount everybody else is ready everyone else is prepared pyro are you really telling me that you spent five thousand dollars on a cosmetic item but you weren't able to spend 30 minutes on a cosmetic mount this is what you get [Music] where are you [Music] that's what you get pyro this mount this this change this note will not change until i see you on this mount you understand this guild has something called expectations something you wouldn't know anything about goodbye he has murky wait how much is murky wait wait eight thousand dollars he's got an 8 000 but that shit's more expensive than my car he's got the murloc oh my god we've got an oil prince what is this oh my this is a bra this is insane all right let's go to the next round got a lot of people here mary maker elton john elton john elton john is there a reason why i have to keep reading your name is there a reason why i have to keep looking at you and thinking about you you best start shaking pretty soon because you're about to get kicked out next amount we're going to separate the boys from the men sin runner blanchy as i said this is not a casual mount off this is not uh give me a minute [Music] this is a disgrace this is an absolute disgrace lyra and cheeks pathetic you brought shame to your servers dollar and an old man are you kidding me you have a gladiator mount you have a gladiator corrupted gladiators mount you're a boosted glad at least i have seven days to get a mount let me look at your achievements let me just go ahead and take a look at this look at your pvp achievements pizza strength mounts you got gladiator once in the longest season in bfa and suddenly now you've got a big dick is that right one of the most inflated seasons of all time and you managed to eke out 2400 wins i was 2400 before you started playing this game go get blanchy i want to hear about it goodbye lero let's go back over to the next ones what an absolute clown [Music] who the no are you kidding me scratch or what is bro i thought scratch was gonna win he's got like 15 gladiator mounts are you kidding me oh my god is this a joke the amount you could have had for 1.3 mil yeah i know but i saved it for stream content i know i did that i know i know i know i know i know i'm very [ __ ] funny scratching them are going to let me borrow the money to pay for this mount on another server okay oh bro it's not this it's not the swift oh it's not the swift dude he doesn't even have the tail armor bro he doesn't even have the tail armor all right elton john again goodbye farrell goodbye famed slayer of daenerys [Music] famed slayer of daenerys does not even have that i'm sorry to say i would say rate my mog but you're just going to roast me you've already roasted yourself you're a fire lands andy goodbye jameson goodbye jakira the insane goodbye you guys did well scratch goodbye you did well you guys need to farm these [ __ ] now it's like this is just this is embarrassing like how is this even possible this is a sad group of individuals do you know why this is such a sad group of individuals because these are the people that have actually played shadow lands i'm so sorry to hear that guys but listen the pain doesn't end here it keeps going chat decide the next mount i'm going to let you guys decide what's the next mountain oh my god is it time already i i know that i said it was gonna be a fast one but like is this is it time already for asses velar big dick big dick mount off this is a big dick only mount off if they don't have asses of alar they don't deserve to be here very very true sorry me too this guy's killed mythic danatharius but he can't even kill normal milled kale thoughts i'm sorry to hear that that's the way she goes and we also have sayonara remember sayonara who peacocked in in their void talent of the dark star rp walking in with the [ __ ] giants growth elixir so more people would see their character i'm here to get my prize that's the way it goes sometimes you get it and sometimes you get guy goodbye gladiator why am i alive good question senba all right wow these guys are serious see you in classic goodbye good job so far guys good job very proud of you i want you guys i want to ask you guys a question do we go hard on them or do we take it a little bit easier okay we just gave them a pretty hard amount should we give them another like maybe a little bit more relaxed amount we give them a little bit more of a relax mount let's get that let's give them a little bit more of a relaxed mount okay let's give them a relaxed mount let them let them just enjoy themselves and just kind of just you know like to show off their mount collection and uh just do that let's go ahead and have everybody get on the arma razaji raptor from cg this is a super super this is a super super easy mount wait what wait blocky oh you got on the wrong mount again okay blocky you're out you're done blocky i didn't see him i did not [ __ ] see him all right blocky's wait oh my god is this a joke [Music] oh no this is scripted it's not scripted that's the worst part i wish it was scripted because it was scripted i would know these guys are losing on purpose this is embarrassing guys absolutely [ __ ] embarrassing can i join your guild big food addict draenei goth mommy here yeah actually wait tiranesh you were earlier you were standing next to me uh at nalak and you were attention seeking at nalak what's to tell me that you're not gonna do that again you said oops yeah that's a big [ __ ] oops huge [ __ ] oops all right i will allow it g invite yeah you think i forgot about you yes you can join the guild but you're on a very very special condition if you cause me any trouble at all you are kicked out of the guild okay i want you to understand that all right so let's see what we still got remaining we've lost a lot of people so far we've lost a lot oh tenshi hey tenshi what's going on hey where's your mount where's your mount tenshi what's going on you don't have a mount [Music] oh mr pandaria challenge mode phoenix well guess what challenge failed you're kicked down all right what else do we still need here popeye's is dead okay good everybody else is fine go ahead and let's condense the circle got a hider boy in here wait wait wait what what's this what's this right here huh huh what's this where's he at where'd he go where'd he go oh he's running away get the [ __ ] out of here get out of the goddamn raid come on i want to see him leave get out get out get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] yeah and don't come back you [ __ ] cheater you caused that goddamn trouble [Music] all right next mount [Music] next mount is going to be not gonna get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] you ain't kicked out stopping annoying everybody get on your mounts let's go ahead and start this next one the next mount is going to be the astral cloud serpent the elegant mount everybody get on the elegant mount this is one of the most beautiful mounts out there it's one of the most amazing mounts out there i want to see it [Music] tabetsky okay all right you guys want to show off huh you think you're so [ __ ] special everybody's got the goddamn mount oh wow oh wow everybody's got the mouth there we go holy [ __ ] okay yeah this is impressive actually it looks really cool seeing all those uh all those mounts together okay now let's go to the next one all right next mound is going to be uh i think we're gonna we're gonna step things up in difficulty i think it's time for us to really make things a little bit harder okay guys so let's go ahead and go with something that's quite difficult let's go ahead and go with one of my favorite mounts of all time [Music] invincible everybody get on invincible everybody get on invincible let's see [Music] 500 plus attempts i have failed you and i hate to do this me too lumity herald of the titans with the swift alliance steed a rare amount that was removed from trial of the grand crusader over 10 years ago and you don't even have invincible and this guy even has one of the brand new hand mounts is impressive gentlemen but not enough [Music] yeah yeah we see where the hell they go oh [ __ ] it he's gone now who cares all right wait what he's just trying to slowly run away okay get the [ __ ] out of here nice try yeah nice try dude okay let's go to the next one the next mount gentlemen we are going to turn up the difficulty once again we are going to make things even harder and by whenever i mean hard i mean hard get on the antoran char hound get on the antoran char hound boys this is not big dick territory yet it's not oh warm on two people were moved two people could not even bothered to farm lfr and taurus it only takes hours every week and you didn't even do it tebesti and warmon you did well up to this point but unfortunately you're even behind in the legion mounts this is not acceptable yes this probably will only take you about 50 hours that's it and then you will have it you guys are going goodbye he says [ __ ] taurus well [ __ ] you too [Music] all right let's go to the next mount we've done very well so far but we do have more to look forward to the next big dick mount the next mount that i really want to have people show off with i'm going to go ahead and throw them a curve ball obsidian crocus from glory of the war-torn hero from bfa five-man dungeons phi gascia you're done you're out dude this separates the clowns from the boys let's go come on come on let's see it there it is celia wait loi and celia oh no no [Music] all right you guys did your best you tried your hardest but sometimes it's just not good enough that separates people are friends and people without you can probably solo all of these to be honest with you i don't even know if you need friends for them celia goodbye roy i'll see you soon we need to finish karazhan i got this the day after it came out last time absolutely congrats goodbye lloyd all right five people remain at four people i will allow you guys to vote who the final winner is going to be who you believe the final winner is going to be and again guys this is a big dick mount off not any of that [ __ ] not any of that clown [ __ ] get on rivendare's death charger right now everybody get on rivender's death charger let's see it come on boys this is a rare amount let's see our horseman here good meg you better [ __ ] have it all right for some reason some people don't have this amount now you get on the mythic jane amount get on the mythic jain amount let's go mythic jaina [Music] meg you've got it you know you i know you have it there's no way you don't have it come on let's go all right they all have it that's big everybody has the mythic chain amount now let's go ahead and keep going all right next mount next one that we're going to go with i want to remove one person [Music] only one person what is the perfect mount to snipe out one person spawn of galactres i bet one of them won't have it [Music] okay you want to show off all right let's see how it is fine [ __ ] you let's go ahead we're going to keep going all right that's fine that's fine you guys want to start showing off start flexing on me is that what we're really going to do a blue proto drake you know what yeah let's get on that [Music] blue proto drake guys let's go everybody get on the blue proto-drake this is a pretty easy one but we're gonna go ahead and let it happen does everybody have the blue proto drake meg okay i was about to say i was about to [ __ ] say alrighty next get on minion of grumpus everybody get on minion of grumpus from feast of winter veil [Music] if everybody has this we turn up the difficulty okay fine sounds good all right get on midnight that's fine get on midnight right now get on midnight [Music] okay okay okay sounds good to me time lost proto drake get on the time loss proto drake [Music] goodbye wally you're done [Music] [ __ ] all right just give me a second let me think about what i want to go with here all right we've got to decide what we want to have all right all right it's fine yeah really really [ __ ] funny hilarious okay ah these guys are really they just what they don't want to leave they don't want to [ __ ] leave [Music] mythic mechagon mount i've never done this one before mythic mechagon mount [Music] doom there it is there it is that's somebody two people wait what this one's easy what the [ __ ] thanks jen basman yeah thanks for coming beggars thanks for coming as well all right we have the final three people i'm going to let you guys decide who you think is going to be the winner archmage drakaris from the guild on point pull out game gladiator wally from the guild obsidian knights or you monked up the unstoppable force what do you want wally what do you want what is it what do you want what what are you doing thanks all right okay all right let's go to the next one all right let's go ahead and go through these um light forged spell crusher from the allow head races uh out a light forged draenei get on this one right here i actually thought this was another mouth it's not wally wally no way you don't all right all right okay he does have it i was about to say okay let's go to the next one here i loathe them out it's too hard right now we're not gonna go with that one yet okay i'm trying to scroll down and find just the right mount to get rid of them streams delayed now good all right i'm gonna hit him with it let's go sin touch death walker let's see it come on let's go boys let's go come on mythic 15s are a joke archmage dracara st wait what what i had to play bc what do you mean you had eight months before then yeah right dude yeah [ __ ] right dracaris goodbye i have a few days left wait it's still in the game now i'm one of your mog comp uh multi-champion winners llggs well i know you are takaras i'm fully aware of who you are okay for everybody else let's get on to slime serpent both of you guys wally and you monked up slime serpent let's see it this is next week the what yeah i'm not sure if it is all right all right they both have it okay guys all right you want to play games let's play games snap back scuttler from under cu zerper wally wally wally you're not telling me you don't have the crab wally doesn't have crabs all right wally [Music] we have only a little bit until all craft you monk dup is going to start with one point you have to get on a mount that you monked up does not have and the two of you will duel do this quickly please so we cannot delay all craft too often or too much wally okay wally get on the gladiator mount that's you're just gonna start with the gladiator mount no you munked up already has one point because you just had a mount that you don't have while we get on the gladiator mount okay you monked up either get on that mount get on the gladiator mount or get on that mount there if you don't have it it's one to one it's one to one holy [ __ ] okay you monked up all right they both have oh my god they're shackled urzel wally has the green inferno as well uh you monk up gets on the shackle there's a mount for mythic argus and then oh you m while he doesn't have it and then while he immediately gets on the red infernal of course you monk up has that that's so [ __ ] easy wow you've got to get a mountain you monk up does not have it is two to two right now he gets on the big [ __ ] 5 million gold mount and you monked up doesn't have that either and he gets on oh my god chad always downing i can see that maui with [ __ ] three points sorry two points is it two yeah it's all right it's two or three yeah there we go exactly and then while he ties it up with four points right there holy [ __ ] you guys are going back and forth really fast it is four to four you monked up gets on the infinite time river wally has that as well you monkey up has to go again he has to go again it is four to four right now and oh man [ __ ] off dude okay he's got the mechagon peacekeeper very very nice all right wally you have to get on a mouth that doesn't have is this going to be five points for you monk up it is that's five points no tcg no tcg that's five points five points for you monked up four points for wally five points for you monkey up and four points for wally while you've got to get on a better amount um has been doing mount runs every single day he's been messaging me every single day telling me he's been doing mountain runs telling me how much time he's been spending you got me on you get on the awakened mind borer from bfa you think anybody didn't finish 15s in bfa wally come on man you're a gladiator you can do better than that holy [ __ ] he just did wow okay and then you monkey up gets on the red the red moth that comes from the paragon box from the supplies of the wild hunt holy [ __ ] okay you monkey up has six points right now wally's got five all right let's see it come on come on wally come on wally you're not gonna let this happen to you are you bruce oh no oh no wally whoa he gets on bruce he's getting on bruce oh my god wally come on wally is it over he gets on the dark moon darrigible 1 000 cool 1 000 tickets oh man that you can't get on that one that one doesn't count wally no cheating wally no cheating [Music] huawei i want you to be honest with me right now are you getting your ass beat right now wally wally are you getting your ass beat right now tell me the truth wally be honest with me he says probably yep you're not gonna let this happen to you are you oh the great riding camel the camel hoarder okay wally goes with another one wait what are you doing wally wally oh my god wally wally oh no wally jesus wally is it over oh god oh god do i end this this is getting embarrassing wally oh god wally no no wally just let it in put it in wally stop the match stop the match this is abuse oh my god no no wally come on wally stop it man stop no wally stop the count man we gotta throw we're gonna we're about to have to throw in the towel for wally here he's going all out he's getting on every mount he can he doesn't know what to do [Music] wally he says i need that add-on yeah it's a very useful add-on all right [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my god okay oh my god wally it's not looking good for you is it wally wally do you concede [Music] that's six points for wally that's six points he says no that's not fair wally wally do you you're getting on the uh skull of resurrection mounts wally is it over wally tell us the truth is it over honestly i got further than i thought i can see why you think then first and outcome you did quite well wally you're a gladiator you have one unattainable amount i'm proud of you you did a good job don't feel bad about this i know chat might be making fun of you but you did your best and you went into the finals you are a winner don't let anybody tell you otherwise now our our are the winner you monked up the unstoppable force from the guild valor born give me one second hey guys what's up hello hi hi hi on the finals for the mount off and then we're ready to go you guys all good to go waiting on you yep all right sounds good yeah no stress no stress at all i know no stress okay yep we're bringing annie on all right you mopped up let's go come on i'm waiting on you [Music] all right all right fine black proto-drake you want to play this game it's one to one one to one you want to play this let's just [ __ ] all right let's go all right two that's fine i i know he doesn't i'm just gonna go right down the [ __ ] list let's go let's make it happen that's two to two two to two let's go let's see it okay what is this one here uh cow i think i have that one right yeah i have it um okay yep i've got this one i farmed out eggs for [ __ ] days to get this nice try it's two to two [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] all right let's go we're getting under brutus or five million gold let's go all right that's three points wait he has both of them are you kidding me is this a joke all right amani warbear let's go all right all right it's three to three it's it's it's wait he no way he has all three man are you kidding me i played the game well i played the game that's why i have all the old mounts [ __ ] okay all right how about ascended sky main yeah maybe he doesn't have ascended sky main okay how about that [ __ ] okay all right just give me a second all right ash and pandaren phoenix let's go ahead and go with that one right there come on all right maybe he doesn't have this one maybe he doesn't have this one this could be a very very this could be a big dub on me this could be big yes yes okay there it is rampart screecher okay all right there's one point for him i know i know i know it's okay big love rocket let's go it's five to five let's see it big love rocket come on what is this one here colossal [ __ ] i don't have that one okay give me a minute let me go ahead and look at the other ones all right blood wing widow blood bang widow blood fang widow 2 million gold now does he have the 5 million you might not even have two million [ __ ] okay all right how about gory of the old dear raider does he have glory of the old dear raider there's no way there's no [ __ ] he has it okay all right all right let me think again all right challengers wore yeti from uh from miss a pandaria challenge but sorry awards drain or challenge mode silver he doesn't have it yes yes okay that's another one all right blister back blood test do i have that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right let me think let me think let me think let me think all right um okay he he has that he has that i do not have that all right chittering in am i chattering anime let's go ahead and go with that one [ __ ] all right all right all right focusing focusing focusing cloud wing hippogriff from ferrand's chest we're gonna go down the list okay it's completely fine all right cobalt primordial we're gonna go with this one next is yep [ __ ] he's got that one too all right cobalt primordial dire horn let's go come on there it is wait oh he doesn't have yes yes it's eight points what's this mount [ __ ] i don't have this one either all right corrupted gladiator mount all right that's fine getting out of crafting gladiator mount this is eight points eight points eight points [Music] i'm gonna win he's laughing for no [ __ ] reason he thinks it's so [ __ ] funny you're gonna see what's gonna happen eight points come on i'm not gonna lose well i'm not gonna lose it's not gonna happen you crazy if you think i'm gonna lose wait he got on oh no he got on the other mount i couldn't even tell no it's not you it's me it's me it's me okay that's fine all right no it's okay it's okay i can keep going i can keep going i'd do this all day that's a pretty good laugh rich all right bound shade hound okay i don't [ __ ] have that one all right uh dark warren hart oh no nobody heard no no it's okay it's okay it's okay all right wait he has all right um let me think right now okay dominic glad you're storm dragon there's another gladiator around all right let's go with that come on please him got him [Music] okay this is one of my last gladiator rounds that i have this is one of the last ones give me a second let me go ahead and get on and i [ __ ] that up all right that's my last one man that's my last [ __ ] one what what the hell was that silver tip dread wing i don't know have that what the [ __ ] is a silver trip all right all right let's go elusive quick hoof maybe he doesn't have that one okay elusive quick hook come on please no there's no panic mounts there's no panic mounts okay all right emerald pander in phoenix what the hell dauntless dust runner wait [Music] uh okay okay okay let me think right now let me think all right fell boys all right he has that i know he has that he has these he has that one too and there's no way he doesn't have that one okay guarantee him there's no way he doesn't have garden steel mod maybe he does i don't know if he does or not okay um we think right here graves don't know not that one um what do i go with what do i go with i'm so worried i'm so worried right now okay um gruesome blade wing okay yeah we go with this one here gruesome blade wing we got him right there okay uh heavenly honest cloud serpent we're good right there got him miss pandaria world boss mount mr pandaria world boss mount okay harika the horde can you get this mount i don't know if can you get that or not as non-vinthir i'm not sure if you can or not [Music] is that is that is that just ventier venter only okay never mind all right hulking death rock that's fine violent mistake that's okay uh oh my god uh there's no way it doesn't have that one all right loyal gorger maybe loyal gorger any gorger owner [ __ ] nylothalsir nailothalsir [Music] got it got it okay there it is what is this here predatory plague rock uh i don't have that one [ __ ] okay that's another point for him he's still winning he's still [ __ ] beating me all right notorious squad eaters drake this is my actual last gladiator mount this is my last one this could be over i think i'm winning i think i'm going to win i'm like 99 sure i win i tried you tried i beat him i have like five other amounts that he doesn't have you monked up you did incredibly well you've done amazing i'm very proud of you you fought hard and you fought long i'm going to get a screenshot with you there it is dude there it is doubters and shambles thank you all very much all right boys and we're going to be back online on saturday the next stream i want you guys to understand this the next stream we're going to talk about this too the next stream that i do on saturday is going to be final fantasy 14. saturday is the day [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 748,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, asmongold mounts, mounts wow, asmongold youtube, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow vs ffxiv, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, ffxiv vs wow, asmongold quits wow
Id: Y2VfLfmuics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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