Asmongold First EU Alliance Transmog Competition of 2021

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the asman gold transmog comp the truly in game of shadow ants and this is the first alliance transmile comp that i've done in all of 2021 i don't want to see any full set andy's i don't want to see any fire lands andes i don't want to see any clowns i want to see winners i want to see champions this is eu that i were talking about these people don't have jobs transmog is your job the game is your job i want you guys to play like it i want you guys to look like it tamer huntard x from the guild murloc sympathizers there's no more of a wow name than this right here so that helmet right there comes from siege of orgrimmar that tabard is the tavern of the seventh legion the shoulders are also from siege of orgrimmar that weapon right there comes from mechagon and then the gloves the belt the boots and the legs are all from either the notorious gladiator set or they could also come from the set that you're able to get in ashara's eternal palace this is a very nice set i like it a lot and also that cloak right there you can see from behind that cloak is from the vicious gladiator set that you're able to get back in sorry in cataclysm this is not a full set this is two sets and also the chess piece right there if i remember correctly is actually based off of the armband is one of the world quest rewards that you're able to get from doing quests over in nash guitar and also in uh isn't that guitar yeah no not necessarily nazmir and also in uh in voldun and zandalar this is a nice looking set i like it a lot i think that it looks very good what do you guys think is it big good or is it good i think that it's good i think it's in between big good and good huntard x nice do you have a mouse to get on to show us no i don't that's okay i think this set looks really good i really like the helmet i like the shoulders and the weapon i think that it fits together quite well i think also the bottom pieces fit together very well thematically even though they're from a completely different place i think that it looks good people say the helmet is trash i completely disagree i love the helmet i think it's the exact same perfect blue that the uh the weapon is and also it makes it look more robotic i like it a lot it's good huntard good work angel [ __ ] from the guild washed up glads honestly you could have told me that you were a gladiator just by your transmog the fact is that every single time that i see somebody with a scantily clad female character with thigh high leggings and also using a tcg tabard that only tells you one thing they pvp i understand that the shoulders the tier two shoulders that's that dagger right there is malkazine that comes from prince malcazar and karazhan the helmet there comes from the uh 10th anniversary event there are also a number of other places you can get something very similar to that as well the belt is that one of the mystic pandaria pvp belts marshall's kodo high belt wow that's from vanilla wow holy [ __ ] i didn't even expect that generals boots this is from tier season one this is very good you like to see it now obviously this set is not very original it is not very unique is not very different but obviously i think that a lot of people in chat might enjoy it what a surprise show the cloak cloak's great angel [ __ ] do you have a mount to go along with your transmog oh fiery warhorse now here's my opinion on this i think this is what you like to call a solid six i'm a vanilla assassin how are you or a vanilla assassin if you're riding on a burning crusade horse you only have three items on your entire character from vanilla wild this is a burning crusade assassin if anything obviously i think that it looks decent it's okay it's not amazing it's not incredible i like huntard's step more i thought it was a little bit more original i think you got me it is what it is i've seen so many pvpers the only thing that surprises me with this person is the fact that they're using correct grammar while talking and also being a gladiator at the same time usually that's very uncommon angel [ __ ] thank you for coming it could be much [Music] better oak f jord that helmet right there you're able to get from mist to tear in a site those shoulders there and also yeah just the shoulders right there and the belt uh that belt right there let me go ahead and just double check on that belt because it has the purple around it that means that it's not the doom plate belt that you're able to get from set that calls heroic and those shoulders and the bell they're both from tier three the chest piece there comes from i believe that is the misa pandaria dungeon chess piece you're able to get the tabard is from narrage and reach the leggings and yes just the leggings the boots and the gloves all three of those are all from uh old war and then of course you have shadow mourn and shadows edge oak f jordan your transmog set is as bad as your name why would you use one shadow mourn in one shadow's edge it doesn't even make sense most people are right-handed and you have your better weapon in your left hand it makes no literally no sense this doesn't this is a bad set this is a dick sucking set this is a dog [ __ ] ass set this is not a good set oak f jord do you have a mount now here's what the problem is oak jeff jordan the problem is that you don't have a time machine because if you had a time machine to go back five years ago and to be the first person that i saw with this set i would be impressed but the fact is that we've seen hundreds of people with this set thousands maybe everybody has the same idea and guess what i'm tired of it i'm tired of seeing it i'm tired of looking at it i'm tired of being assaulted by it this is a decent attempt i understand you're trying to do something new but let's be honest having a wreath of flowers around your head doesn't make any [ __ ] sense if all the rest of your gear has skulls on it it's not easter yet put the flowers away let's go to the next one firelord bumbajorn from the guild dragon evolution [Music] bumbajorn i love this this is an incredible hey hey hey this is an incredibly well put together set i like it a lot that helmet right there comes from legion it's the first season of legion those shoulders right there are the off-color shoulders from the shaman tier 6 set the gloves and who's throwing that [ __ ] [ __ ] the gloves the belt okay all right all right the gloves the belt and the boots are all from the uh who's doing this i okay he's got mostly the heritage set on the shoulders in the helmet are completely different and i don't think the heritage set is actually a very very different set it's pretty much about the same stuff that we've seen before and other than that i uh i do like it i think this is a really really unique cool looking set and i think this is probably my favorite one that i've seen so far i really really really like this set what do you guys think about it i really really like this set this is very unique it is very well bit shut get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here firelord bunjorn great work i really like this a lot do you have a mount i can't get over how much i like this okay from now on anybody who does this kind of stuff like i get if it's like once that's fine but like continuing to do it everybody has like their own individual turn and i don't want to have other people get their turn interrupted because everybody gets their time to get the attention and uh you're ruining somebody's turn so if you're gonna keep doing it i'll just kick you out it's not fair to the other people so he has this griffin right here what do you guys think about the griffin i think the griffin works quite well this is the grand griffin we've seen these many times before i like it a lot i do i think that it's a good looking mount is it amazing no it's not but i think the transmog is completely unique and i appreciate that i think that it looks very good the theme and the weapons are decent too i i would say so yes the weapons are definitely decent but it's especially the transmog that looks good it looks [ __ ] amazing nice job i'm proud of you dreambjorn good work titan slayer walls you were the person that i randomly invited at the very end you were the last invite and the last person to get invited so let's see what this guy's got going on those shoulders right there from the throne of thunder uh paladin set and the chesapeake stairs from the nighthold warrior set the normal mode set the belt is a waste of time the boots are also from the nighthold warrior set the weapon is the illustrious daybreak greatsword that comes from the commander of argus achievement and the gloves there are from normal mode siege of orgrimmar paladin set with the tabard being from exalted with army of the light this is relatively good scent the leggings are actually from bfa which is quite interesting cloak why do please why can you please explain to me why you turned around because i wasn't even thinking of your cloak i really wasn't even thinking of it i would have not even thought of the fact that your cloak sucked dick but now i am right now i am thinking of your cloak sucking dick why is that because you turned around walls if you had to rate your own transmog what would you rate it out of one out of ten six maybe eight get on your mouth get on your mouth i don't have one then it's a six waltz i'm sorry i think this set is a couple degrees off of greatness i like the idea i appreciate it and i always like to see people trying to do different things with warrior gear but unfortunately that does not mean that all all attempts are successes some your some of them are failures even walls unfortunately i think this one has failed let's go to the next one nuji from springfield gang nuji is what we like to call a full set andy this guy thinks that he's cool with the full frost uh with frostfire set this is a full set andy this is something that i expect to see from an alliance in a transmog not over an eu you play this game as your job and you still couldn't cobble together a better set than some boring tier three [ __ ] with dragon wrath as if that's impressive at all did you even play in vanilla wow he did he probably did not get the gear in vanilla wow however i'd like to say this is an incredibly boring this isn't this is the most the ring was the hardest wait what [Music] oh this is actually a full set oh my god what the [ __ ] dude that's incredible i'll say guys i'm definitely impressed very rarely do we see something like this good job nuji great job nuji very impressive let's go ahead and let's see your mount can you show us your mount [Music] that actually works pretty well to be honest with you that works pretty well now obviously this is not going to be a contender because it's a full set but the fact that you have full frost fire including the ring in retail wow that's very impressive newjie nice work i didn't expect to see that death lord artem now there's nothing that says death lord more than badly put together wrath of the lich king dk set and also the tabard of the ebb and blade nothing says death lord more than that oh my god shoulders right there are the wrath the witch king's shoulders those are the uh what are these uh shoulders are from raffle gladiator shoulders i believe and then the gloves right there come from my seat so the legs and then the boots there come from oh hellfire citadel and then the belt there also comes from icc the chess piece there is very specific that chess piece is from the warlords of draenor pvp that you're able to get and then also the tablet of course is the temporary of a blade with the sword of course being armageddon that comes from 25 man naxramus if you guys find out who's throwing that [ __ ] i will kick them out of the raid this is now a snitch raid you find out who it is he will be kicked out of the raid this is what i like to call scuffed arthas get out of the way stupid artem get on your mount angel [ __ ] is throwing it are you telling me the pvp are selling it watch angel [ __ ] if i hear one more thing bad about angel [ __ ] you're getting removed so all right we've got this right here i actually really really really like how the shoulders match with the armor of the horse i think this is really good this is a really really nice set what do you guys think about it like the shoulders fit together so well with invincible i like it a lot this is clearly an arthas transmog and i think artem obviously was trying to go for something specific and for the most part i think that he achieved it this is pretty much what you'd expect to see with an invincible transmog and arthas transmog and he did as good of a job as possible to make it happen so guess what man great work i originally was negative about it but after you got invincible and matched up with your shoulders i'm impressed i'm proud of you good showtime the fearless one two of the swords right there from bfa those shoulders i don't even know what the [ __ ] those shoulders are what even are what are those oh oh wow that's the i do that oh that's so cool holy [ __ ] and he's using that with some of the rogue tier gear oh my god this is really good this is big good showtime i love it the weapons are a little bit odd but i'll let that go i will totally let that go this is really really cool i've never seen somebody lose these shoulders before those are the legendary mo shoulders oh my god and then look at the bulbs right there on the weapons and also on the gloves holy [ __ ] this is what we're here for this is what we're waiting to see the weapons will make sense in a moment all right show me why why does invincible why yeah this looks really good i like this this is great but like why how does that how does that make the weapons make sense i i might be missing something build it bringing the red together okay okay yeah that's the same with your gloves yeah all right yeah of course no i get it that does look really good like what do you guys think that that's in my opinion i think that looks good with the eyes yeah i see the eyes too no i like it this is a really really good set showtime this right here i want everybody else to take notes this is what transmogs are supposed to look like this is it i like it a lot good job i'm proud of you next ninja ninja of war from the guild obvious okay hellfire citadel mythic helmet with the belt as well with all the rest of the pieces that come from the mythic siege of orgrimmar set for uh paladins and then also taste select okay listen this looks really really good but how original is it how different is it how crazy is it is this a space marine transmog it almost is i like the way that it looks but is it original enough for us to take it seriously for an actual transmog i don't know if it is i do really like it though the belt let's be honest there used to be something that i used to say many years ago and it used to go something like that's the wrong belt and you know what ninja of war you brought that out in me once again it's been a long time ninja of war get on your mouth get on your mountain do not get on the wrong mail do not even think about getting on the wrong now ah it's about as good as you're gonna get but it's not really that good he's a space ranger it's all right it's nothing crazy though listen i'm gonna be honest with you okay you're only really using two different sets now i will give you points for the fact that they actually fit very well together the helmet is incredibly welding well designed with the the shoulders and the chest piece okay this is absolutely similar technically three yes technically three because you use the wrong belt that's true boots are from the dk set boots are from the dk set wait what malcolm x giant stalkers oh geez okay yeah i see that all right listen you need to work on a better belt i would say but overall i think this is a really really nice set but it's probably not original enough for it to actually get a win [Music] the chosen now you're not supposed to shout me out you're supposed to shout you out what are you you're doing it wrong okay yeah about to say like he did it i love jobs irl barcelona please don't give this job please don't give this man a job in the fashion industry though i want to say that i'm going to be honest with you man i think this sucks i think this sucks look at the pet and also don't give them a job as a stand-up comedian either [Music] listen auntismo this set is probably one of the worst combinations of armor that i've ever seen in my life and you know why it's so bad do you know why i'm literally getting a headache just looking at it i'll tell you it's your helmet between the 17 different pixels on each of your legs can i try and do another fan's mug yeah sure go ahead go ahead autism go ahead see if it's any good this better not be bad [Music] that looks way better you should have gone with that at the beginning that looks way better that's a thousand times better that actually looks really really good like yeah i i don't know why you didn't do that like you should do that next time is it allowed no it's not allowed he he can't no i'm not going to change his rating like he's already got the rating with the uh the 8 to 7.1 helmet like you have to go with the original set that you go in you can't change it after i look at it but i if you wanted to change i guess whatever right my bad it's okay you live and you learn good luck finding a job re mourn from the guild curse crew ramonia carve hair from his head oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off you know what all right so look this all right let's look what we got going on here all right those shoulders right there are the demon under i think it's a class order hall shoulder so some kind of [ __ ] same with the belt too the weapon right here comes from mythic hellfire high council in uh hellfire citadel and then all the rest of the pieces just random assorted items i think most of these pieces actually come from a 10n jungle i could be wrong about that though overall i think this set sucks donkey dick and the shoulders make absolutely no sense in the entire rest of the set they're completely out of place and they look weird they look like they're photoshopped on i don't like it i'm a nature demon hunter u then why do you have christmas colors on your weapons you're a scuffed demonic christmas tree and it's april i had to check the calendar listen if you wanted to go with something like that i understand it i get it but here's what the problem is the weapons and the shoulders the weapons and the shoulders do not fit the theme of a nature demon hunter at all even the belt is a little bit off what kind of a nature demon hunter walks around with fiery [ __ ] swords whenever they're riding a mount that's made out of [ __ ] wood huh does that make any goddamn sense no it doesn't think about it next time can you look away for three seconds sure i'll count to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay great good job very proud of you uh very it's uh really really good i'm super happy that you did the thing great goldis the awaken this is a rare uh this is a rare title very few people use it and you know it's even rarer than this title this set and you know why it's so rare because many people aren't stupid enough to use it the only good part about this set are the helmet and the shoulders combination the sword right there that comes from the legion commander as well i think that's nice even the shield is relatively decent but whenever you look at those leggings and those boots right there it looks like your graphics card is halfway dying because it haven't they haven't fully been rendered like your helmet and your shoulders have this looks like absolute [ __ ] dog and then the fact that you would actually even use the elite the elite warfront armor with the shoulders there for normal warfront set with the tabard of the argent or sorry of the uh trivert of the army of the light with the chess piece from the seventh legion i can tell because of the lay of the arms this is not very good this looks like you gave up halfway through you gave up ninja of war get the [ __ ] out of here go this do you have a mount top half is amazing yeah i really do think the top half is really good it's the bottom half that's the problem he goes on the highland mustang why would you go on the highland mustang does that make any [ __ ] sense does that make any [ __ ] sense no it doesn't i'll i'll answer my own question it does not make any [ __ ] then just a casual horse well this is a casual transmog but unfortunately this is a hardcore competition you're out let's go to the next one yo winky face xd this okay okay we got the revandrath uh sabres i like that that's the belt there i think from bfa helmet also from bfa as well so this is like a demon hunter pirate almost i think it's actually a um what do you call it it's a rogue right it's a monk what the [ __ ] okay never mind yeah i really like this i think this is pretty good what do you guys think i'm impressed dog [ __ ] helm i don't think it's a dog [ __ ] helm i like the helmet i'm okay with the helmet it's boring and unoriginal maybe my standards are just so low after seeing so many other clown mogs that i actually think this one's not that bad but i don't think this one's that bad but what i will say is this it could be a lot more good do you have a mount winky face do you have a mount joint this from mechagon when we bombarded it he has the rust feather mount now let me explain something to you winky face if i was going to put together the worst mount possible i would use this mount this would be the mount if somebody asked me how could you make us a mount that would completely not fit at all i would use this mount does it make sense i'm not a fan i understand some people enjoy it i can respect that i can see why to it to an extent but i don't like it no mounts is better to be honest i think there are many mounts that are better but this is not one of them it's an okay set and the mount i don't think is really that great i can understand some people enjoy it that's fine with me should have no mounted it's okay grievous gladiator gem gym from the guild ice fall what the [ __ ] this is insane so she's from the just chatting section because she body painted her uh her chest piece on i like that the weapons are super old school that's cool the tribalistic armor looks [ __ ] amazing i really like that i mean this is really good well i actually i think this is really really good what do you guys think this is like i've never seen somebody use this before and those leggings right there come from the brawler's guild set what the [ __ ] wow i think this looks really really nice it's very original looks different but it relies on the skin and tattoos that's very true yeah without the tattoos and like the uh what's the word for the contrast it wouldn't really look the same but it does have that and that's part of what the set is is finding something like this to fit together and having those very very basic tribalistic weapons i think really take it home look at that it's plank from ed nettie jim jim let's see the mount it's hard to find good pants as plate big true you know what the swift zebra i don't really think this one fits that well so if the theme is like uh like was it like an african warrior or something like that i mean i don't ride zebras but it's a fantasy game so who gives a [ __ ] this is the first time i've ever seen somebody use a set like this [Music] i think that's really cool because this is something that's completely new and i always really like whenever people do something that's totally [ __ ] new oh yeah okay honestly both of those would have been really good like that looks [ __ ] insane but we're gonna go with the zebra okay get back onto zebra real quick yeah it's very unique and that's one thing that i really like just to show off it's okay i never got that one unfortunately and uh look at that yeah that actually is very interesting we've never seen any sort of like an african warrior transmog like this i think it's [ __ ] cool yeah that's good that's something [ __ ] unique let's go to the next one yeah pants are not ideal but it's okay it's completely fine i mean it's not like they have a lot of gucci stores over there so uh you gotta take what you can get if you're if you're a warrior riding around on a [ __ ] zebra you're not worried about what kind of pants you're wearing cronato from the guild azeroth champion so this right here is um uh it's a little uh a little bit sparse don't you think i mean we've got tboo's blazing long sword you've got skull flame shield the test of manner off to the chest piece and the leggings there from vanilla wow and that helmet there i don't know the the event the molten core event i don't know how i feel about this actually i do know how i feel about this i feel like this set only makes coomers happy like this is a pure coomer set because as soon as you get done and you look at it again you realize it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] this makes absolutely no sense this is one of the saddest excuses for a transmog set that i've seen all day and honestly you've got some stiff competition for that and somehow you still came out ahead what mount do you have this is dog [ __ ] it's trash it's a trash set see the mountain get off get off that [ __ ] mouth i want to see it it's a piece of [ __ ] listen sharknado krog nato oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you dude you really gonna pull that [ __ ] on me okay you know what i could get that whenever i wanted to all right i get bro i get that whenever i want to get it i don't want to hear about it i'll probably get out again like three days dude it's the gladiator mount maybe i should get gladiator next week can you see i should i get gladiator next week that'd be fun i could get on stream go to the next one or slayer samson from the guild immortalis [Music] now this is a very very dangerous choice this person decided to make and i do kind of respect it he took the fury warrior artifact weapon and he's only using one of the two fury warrior artifact weapons that helmet right there is from 25 man heroic icc for warriors the shoulders and also the boots there are the uh and also i think maybe the gloves hard for me to tell no the gloves are from yeah the gloves are just the normal questing ones they're from the renown that costs a lot of gold to get and then oh my god that's [ __ ] perfect holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] perfect oh my god wow wow that's good that's big good oh my god i'm gonna steal that for myself that's my idea now this is really really [ __ ] nice man doink mine now thief hey i i prefer the term uh networker okay i'm not working it's a very very nice set with the court of the harvesters taber hard i like it i do now smeason do you have amounts that you're willing and ready and man enough to get on he's getting on the i don't think it's that good i don't like it i think it's an f as well i think the cloak is probably one of the best quote combinations that i've ever seen that i've never seen before angel [ __ ] if i see you on my screen one more time you're getting kicked out of the raid that looks much better spidey maybe yes [Music] good job sneezing good job i'm not a big fan of the spider though it's almost working but like the color scheme that you have is very hard to find who's this guy tng artismo what the [ __ ] remove him dragon slayer aetheria from the guild panda nether hesilia good afternoon gentlemen i come before you as a dragon slayer i know your audience is huge i require assistance to track down some of the smartest dragons in the world or others okay let's see what we've got going on here that weapon right there is from the uh that's the paladin artifact weapon and that version of the weapon comes from the pvp prestige alex drazza is one of them i dressed up especially for my particular target smithson on my right is a former beauty bounty hunter colleague she gave up because of his size he focuses on orcs now what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i really like this i'm gonna be honest with you guys i really like this a lot i think it fits together really well and it looks good like this is actually really nice so let's look at what the pieces that they have on here so those shoulders right there come from mythic hellfire citadel for paladins the tabard there is from the worm rest accord for getting exalted with them the gloves there i don't use my mouth because we're in combat it's okay as soon as that person's removed it'll be all right also the the belt and also the gloves there both of those are from the class order hall the shield the shield there the gladiator shield wall is really nice as well the boots from mr pandaria five-man dungeons and the helmet there from the red ridge mountains questline i like it sword ruined it i actually think the sword ruined it i think the sword did not ruin i think the sword is great i really like the sword yeah it's got like the whole dragon the dragon essence around it i think the sword is [ __ ] cool let me see what the cloak is uh i don't think they have a coke yeah no cloak at all but i really really really like the way this looks uh it's three colors on the set and i think all the colors fit together quite well i like it a lot what do you guys think my sword is enchanted by dragon's blood yeah yeah it's something cool like that like as a dragon slayer set i really like this a lot because it clearly has a theme yeah i think this is great but yes the sword is actually it is definitely much different than the other ones of course it is let's go to the next one we'll go to your mountain a minute after we get out of combat apologize if people me runs out or does anything weird break hand of a doll from the guild shadow stalkers here's what i feel about this i do like this son i think that it's okay what do you guys think i'm all right with it it's not amazing but that's about it shoulders right there also come from i think that's the first season actually is that the second season it's the first or second season in uh in legion i like that a lot the gloves there and also the belt i think those are from just the bfa or not bfa legion set as well the tabard or sorry chess piece here i really like this chess piece not for that reason but the reason why i like this chess piece is because it's very unique and it comes from throne sorry not thrown a trial of the crusader i like it a lot and also the uh the war glaives there the green ward waves fit very well too now we've seen many transmogs for demon hunters before but what do you guys think about this one i think that it looks decent i like it can somebody go down and uh try to uh try to figure out like why we're in combat yeah one of you guys that have already that have already done it yeah i just go yeah just keep one of you guys go down and do that jeff kitty now this set i think is remotely okay it's not amazing it's all right i think the tabard is interesting and then also the weapons are i've never seen somebody use these weapons before uh yeah i do like this though what do you guys think yeah what do you guys think i mean i think as a uh this is like kind of an explorer transmog right something that you see like unearthing like an archaeology almost transmog the belt's a little bit odd but everything else besides it i think does fit pretty well in terms of an archaeology or explorers league transmog i like it a lot i think it looks really really good can you rate my other mog yeah sure go ahead get on it wow wow the daggers from ulduar those are i think the lfr daggers from old war or heroic i forgot which one and with the dreadflame enchant that looks really good i think this is probably better than the first one to be honest i i like it a lot good [ __ ] job guys yeah great [ __ ] job chef kitty good job salty jesper i can get on a mountain as well uh not if we're all in combat that's the problem oh yeah you can that's right i forgot about that okay kill the pull mobs don't kick okay sounds good go ahead i i just i don't think this mount really works that well i mean this is the way a lay feather hyper grip this comes from gory of the legion hero i think it's all right but overall it's just kind of it's not crazy it's not amazing it's not something you get super excited about i just think that it looks decent that's about all nothing too crazy let's go to the next one salty jesper i don't think i've ever seen a preset like this before that's a tabata theramore with the tier 5 shoulders and that face mask from vanilla wow what the [ __ ] oh and the mace dude the mace looks really good holy [ __ ] i think this is really good what do you guys think and apparently we're out of combat now thank god okay yeah jesper can you get on a mount thank you guys i appreciate it the white cockstrider okay i don't really think that it matches that well i mean to be honest guys i really don't think that it matches that well i think this is an okay looking set it's okay looking mount and a plagued proto drake that's impressive but it's not really that much better of a match is it i think that it's okay your transmog looks really good but the mount i'm not really as much of a fan of now i'm going to turn back around and make sure that we get everybody else on their mouths so get on your mouths guys real quick so we've got blanchy as well is this really i don't know like i thought you were going to get on again on a dragon or something like that if you're going to go for a dragon set and you have an undead horse i don't really know how much sense that makes does it yeah what do you guys think i think it's pretty much the same thing you ruined i don't think it's really that amazing man i'm not that big of a fan personally matches sword it does match the sword but the sword doesn't match anything else either so i would have gone with something different the color of the dragons doesn't fit blanchy goes with the blade true and i'll i'll allow it it's good enough and the next one here is this i don't know about this one it's all right it's not amazing but it's all right i'll i'll let it go seems decent enough let's go to the next one and we've already seen that one all right next dragon slayer leo x oh this is where it went before you rate this transfer mic there's something you need to know about it almost every piece of gear in this set drops from a dragon of some kind quad serpents or chinese dragons google it i swear okay that belt right there doesn't drop from a dragon i'm pretty sure uh let's see what belt is that patroller's girdle of the endless spring oh wait yes it does that drops some soul on there's another belt that drops in the second boston heart of fear that is the exact same model and i thought that was it okay never mind give me one second chef kitty do you want to get on the mound again [Music] sorry we got a little bit confused there guys i kind of like that this looks really good like this is an example of the mount actually making the set better i think this mount 100 makes a set better kitty i like this a lot nice [ __ ] job great [ __ ] job kitty very proud of you this is really really good and also your other set looks good too keep this one in mind i got this the first day of bfa and it only went downhill from there didn't it so let's go ahead and look at what he's got going on here at tavio khande that helmet right there and then also yeah just the helmet right there comes from old water the shoulders there come from the five man dungeons and patch 4.3 the chest piece there comes from next rama's 25 men and then the belt there comes from uh terrace of the end of spring the gloves there all come from i think the gloves are from uh drone of thunder for dks the leggings there come from 25 man icc uh heroic and then the boots there come from malagos they're the melancholy sabatons they're the best in slot items back to the beginning of rather lich king i remember that because i had them dragon slayer leo x now you had uh you had a very decent set you put together here now obviously your name is a dragon slayer and all the mobs that you've killed in order to get these uh bosses you've killed in order to get these pieces are all dragons i think that's very cute however this is a transmog competition not a continuity competition so let's see the mountain i want to see that mount let's go remember i am a dk dragon here's here's what i think about this set i think the idea of this set is really interesting it's cool that you have a dragon and all the pieces come from dragons etc and you've got the dragon slayer tabard and it's a dead dragon that you're riding i get it like there's a lot of continuity there thematically it looks good thematically this is a 10 visually it's a zero so if you average it out you're looking at a five it's not really too good am i wrong i i think that's that's about it yeah it's about it can you rate my other set yes very quickly very quickly almost good but the boots are too small it's just really two sets put together check shirt a little bit too much work that i'm gonna have to do saw bone shirt i actually don't have that one i need to get that one myself that one comes from the original skelemons comes from rattle gore okay low dickus patron of war from a guild house armen now this right here this right here is what i've been waiting to see i [ __ ] love i love the cataclysmic gladiator set for paladins and that's his helmet and his boots right there it is [ __ ] amazing now the shoulders and the gloves right there and then also i believe no the chest pieces from cataclysm i think but the shoulders and the gloves are from emerald nightmare and the weapon there the silver hand the colors are perfect and the tabard tabard is very very well put together too there's leggings there those leggings i believe are from mythic black rock foundry or mythic high mall one or the other i like it what do you guys think i really think this is well put together i really really really like this like this is a very very well put together scent it looks great actually looks like a full set and it's not no but this is not a full set this is not a full set this is great low dickus do you have a mount can you activate the mount [Music] i think it does oddly fit in a way with like the shoulders and like that yeah i think it looks good like it it's actually this is good like it doesn't match thematically you're right it doesn't but overall i think this looks really nice like i i like this set a lot i think that it's great like glo dickus like you did a great job man i'm proud of you i think this is amazing great job low dickus not what i would have expected to see good work let's go to the next one head mistress aragorno okay so you're a shadow panther oh okay all right i like the i like the entrance that was pretty cool now let's talk about this this is a demon hunter transmog how can you tell because it's edgy as [ __ ] so the weapons right there i think those weapons are from the that's the havoc demon hunter prestige artifact appearance and then the gloves and the belt right there are also from one of the demon hunters sets as well the leggings and the boots are from different than uh different legion vanilla demon turner sets or not vanilla but like you know the starting uh demon hunter sets and then a chess piece is the same chess piece we see every single demon hunter wearing all the time this is something we've seen many times this is a set that i would like to call somebody in chat said this i think that it's very accurate zero creativity zero zero creativity i think you spent more time on your entrance on how you were going to go from the uh panther into uh the darkness and like just show your character i think you spent more time planning that out than you did planning out your entire set this is a problem this is an issue this is a it's not that good i'm sorry to say this is true it is true do you have a mount [Music] [Music] it's not the worst and coming from a lot of you guys sometimes that's just good enough [Music] this is a nope though i'm sorry this is a nope aragorno gonna have to try again next time turtle lel what is this arya from game of thrones that's the first thing i think of whenever i see it it's interesting like it is i i think it's kind of cool i mean i've never seen a set like this before and i think that's nice every once in a while people do come in with something crazy and it works i i really do think this works there's nothing wrong with it it just looks really nice the weapons are are actually i think decent and overall i think that it looks good this is some sort of like uh i don't know like like rogue set or something like that the boots look good with it yeah i think the boots are a little bit odd but they're okay i'll allow it turtle do you have a mount oh because because the name i see because the name turtle okay if i was going to say that this is unoriginal i would be repeating myself because i've already said that 50 [ __ ] times already in this competition so i'm just going to say this it's unoriginal that's 51. turtle this is nice you have a really really cool transmog your transmog is very well designed and i like it a lot but i don't like the mount it makes literally no sense unless you read your name which i think is silly let's go to the next one damn that actually looks pretty good shout out to pewab and the boys stepbrothers eu goal mag is recruiting for tbc if you have what it takes to unstuck the iridar twins very [ __ ] clever i like that okay so let's look at what he's got going on here can we turn this kid to my bro people who is that 500 okay okay oh god that's that's that's clever that's clever all right so the shoulders right there are from the uh that's the mythic tumor sargeras set for paladins the sword of horses the grand marshall sword those leggings and i think also uh yeah i think the leggings are from the notorious gladiator set it's one of the different sets and the boots and the belt right there are also from the the dark shore war front the gloves are very interesting these gloves come from a burning crusade five-man heroic dungeon that is an off-scale it's an off color of the original tier zero set for paladins very very interesting there as well as the tabard which is uh the seventh legion and the helmet of course comes from black temple we've seen that one a million times so this is pretty decent i actually really like it because of the way that that looks good [Music] that actually looks good what do you guys think i like it you know i i like it doug zilla good job everything about this fits together quite well and i do think that it looks good is there a cloak no there's not a quote but i do like it regardless xenic of the nightfall this actually looks kind of cool [Music] this looks good yeah like in terms of a uh of an edgy transmog okay let's be honest here this is a very very edgy transmog these shoulders are unique you can only get them from trash and tomb of sargeras really that's crazy i didn't even know that awakening horror spalders i've never seen that before i guess maybe that's why they're very rare yeah that's the tomb of sargeras mythic set i believe and then all the rest of the pieces are just random like legion items as well and then that oh wow look at the weapons what the [ __ ] dude the weapons are [ __ ] bad dude i love the weapons holy [ __ ] what even are these the dread blades and fangs of the devourer so he's using one legendary weapon or artifact weapon and the other one at the same time this is really really nice i like it a lot and then also the helmet there i think comes from hellfire citadel that's the rogue set i believe i got two mounts okay well pick your fir do you only get picked on one of them okay one ground and one fly all right we'll pick the best one you can only get on the first one once you get judged on the first one you get on that's what i thought that looks perfect it looks [ __ ] perfect like that's so good that's so dude that there it is dude there it [ __ ] is dude i like it a lot good [ __ ] job all right let's see the ground amount as well now let's see the ground mount too oh maddened chaos runner okay you don't see that one a whole lot i like that but i do think the uh i think you made the right decision getting on the first one uh the first one first yeah i do like it somehow even better i think this one looks really really good man i'm a big fan of it and i like it a lot you know overall it's not like i mean is it the great i don't know actually it's great i think it's probably one of the best sets we've seen so far i like it a lot good [ __ ] job man let's go to the next one oh a row assassin's creed b slayer the king slayer from the guild lights of life okay i think the set does look pretty decent all the pieces fit together relatively well they're both the same type of dull like drab colors and i like that that looks decent it's not amazing but it looks decent this is like an npc that you'd see in oldham or something like that be slayer i like it i think this looks decent and also oh wow oh that looks really good god damn look at that that's [ __ ] amazing okay you know what this is actually clean beast slayer listen i want you to listen to me i do not want you to get on a [ __ ] ass mount do not even think about getting on a [ __ ] ass mount get on a good mount be slick a good mount not a bad nail this is okay we're song dyer thing actually no i think it's is it trains yeah it's trained snoring where it's a little bit different uh you know what this is actually good like this straight up is [ __ ] good i uh the thing is like a lot of people go in to make like the most extravagant set possible like this is an extravagant more type of set and this one right here is much more of a subdued set and a expert judge such as myself is able to compare and contrast the two and look at the advantages between the two of them so there is no guaranteed best or worst one earth tones yeah this is really really good beatslayer i like this one a lot this is very very nice oh [ __ ] trokey iron man god damn the shoulders from legion i like that he's dual wielding doom hammers holy [ __ ] okay this guy means business i okay okay he's a big boy now i see how it is i like this this is really well done yeah everything about this is a dark iron chest piece there and then he's also got that belt there i think the belt's from like uh bfa or legion i forgot which one but uh i do like that belt a lot this is really really nice man do you have a mount that goes along with this set and also the toy that he's using you're able to get from words or drain or in uh talador [Music] oh wow wow [Music] [Applause] he's a dark iron shaman this actually fits really [ __ ] well man oh my god 10 of 10 this one's sick yeah i would agree jokey this looks [ __ ] amazing man nice job like is this this monster amazing yeah some of these are really good at the beginning i was a little bit nervous but things are actually getting really really good now jokey nice [ __ ] work man great [ __ ] work i'm proud of you you're a good boy let's go to the next one good job drokey great job artemis of the exodar from the guild elirium now let's talk a little bit about this set okay i've seen it before [Music] the helmet there is the crown of faith very few people use that those shoulders right there come from blackrock foundry that's the mage set the staff also comes from warheads or drain our crafting the belt comes from nighthold that's the mythic belt i believe for mages it's interesting but i don't know if it's really original enough i feel like your outer pieces are so extravagant and so uh you know like well adorned with like crystals and [ __ ] on them and then you have your inner pieces which is just a robe i don't know how i feel about that but if you have a real mount a real mount this could be considered oh with the crystal [Music] wow i'll be right back kind of take a piss arta marneros artemarnus i like this set a lot i think the mount fits perfectly garth and door vengeance vincent's incarnate now i have to say guys i have to say hazman thank you for finding my long-lost brother uh earlier so we have seen this set before wash your hands why would i wash my hands i got a clean dick why would i do that i think this is a decent looking set but the problem is that it's slightly different than the first set the first set we use was using the heritage armor gloves and this set uses the offset tier six gloves instead now he's trying to do something a little bit different because what happened is he saw the other guy came in with the exact same set that he did and there can only be one person that gets taken seriously now this is a problem this is a very big problem garth please note how my wool keeps coming back in my set how the wool keeps coming back in my set the wool it's cold out there in the mountains oh there's wool in all the pieces yeah i guess there's that too yeah sure i think that it looks good i mean you have a decent looking set same as the other guy who's using the exact same set i like it and then also of course like the uh the character looks really cool too with like the blue line he's got the red white and blue right on his face dude this guy's ready for war i like it he's got a theme sweet yeah he's got a theme and i think that's something good to see usually you don't see people that have full themes like this but every once in a while you do and you appreciate it whenever it happens i was going for the elite iron forged shaman well you did a good job garth you did a good job i'm proud of you let's go to the next one arthelene the insane i don't know why i didn't i didn't know why i didn't think of your mouth garth go ahead and get on your mouth i'm stupid i totally forgot about your mountain garth i got up i sat back down and i forgot go ahead garth i was gonna go with the griffin but i don't respect my twin brother i will go with something else okay pick this up pick this feather boy up in shadowlands oh okay all right that's the uh that the gilded uh the gilded dick boy yeah the gilded dick boy you like to see it garth this looks pretty decent man i like it good job yeah good job man mount's not amazing the griffin would have been better but that's okay i know i wanted to do something different that's why that's that's why i'm being a little bit more reasonable because you want to do something different good job arthelian this is [ __ ] amazing this is really really good like this is [ __ ] nuts a full set no this is not a full set that helmet right there is the mythic helmet that you're able to get from elreth rinferal or it could be another boss it's the mythic dk set from nighthold the shoulders are the heroic throne of thunder set for paladins and then the helmet there sorry the chest piece and the legs are from the tier 14 set for warriors the belt there comes from the paladin set that you're able to get from i think pvp for that one specifically but the general set is from antorus the gloves and also the boots are both from the throne of thunder uh heroic paladin set as well and then of course the weapon is the shattered ashbringer this is not only not a full set but this is so many different amazing items put together simultaneously that it looks like a full set you've got the helmet which is one set the shoulders which is another set the chest is another set and then the belt you have four different sets coming together and all matching looking like a full [ __ ] set people think it's a full [ __ ] set check the cape i know what cape it's gonna be it's gonna be the celestial cape for uh visions i thought i was gonna use it for my my set like this too that's how i know it it looks really really [ __ ] good it is amazing this is so [ __ ] badass man this is so [ __ ] badass it's like yeah you know it's a good set whenever chat spams full set and it's not arthelene do you have a mount do you got a mount does you has wow well i'll be damned like yeah damn that's a good ass [ __ ] mount look at that oh my god that's a good one man i like it a lot good job arthelia looks amazing proud of you let's go to the next one this is [ __ ] amazing love you man watching you since wod well you've learned a lot you've earned more than i know this is a better set that i probably ever made this is incredible i love it what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] tjrlr tjrlr i'm really bald irl yeah i can relate so the chest piece and what the [ __ ] is going on here the chest piece in the belt right here comes from the high mall set for a heroic that's a heroic set for um for paladins as well as the legs those boots right there are the elite warfront boots the gloves come from what the [ __ ] the gloves are from nylotha and so are the shoulders and then the helmet comes from visions with the sword being the baseline strom car appearance with the recoiler i don't know guys oh i don't know about this one i don't know about this one i don't know about this one i don't know oh i don't know about this one this is one that i don't really know about i think that it's okay you guys like it really you guys like this set all right you know what i'll go ahead i'll i'll let it go into the mount let's go let's see the mount let's see the mount come on okay triple dot [Music] you know what it sucks you know what i know it everybody knows that it sucks tjar you had a interesting set i will have to say that even if i even if i don't like it a lot i know chat's kind of a big fan of it they like it uh i don't really think that it's particularly amazing but at least chat liked it you had chat on your side now you've turned these vicious fiends against you nice job better luck next time this is decent 40k against one yes it's not looking good tjar thanks man inquisitor shimara from the guild helden and pajamas now i actually kind of like this i'll be honest i do so this is a combination of the uh void elf heritage armor you've got the belt right there from the void electrical heritage set and then also the boots and then the shoulders and the gloves there from the mythic nighthold set for warlocks and the helmet there from the uh the antorus warlock set and the chess piece of course is also from the void elf set because that's how you get the wings i think this is kind of cool yeah this is actually a cool set what do you guys think it's an actual full set no it's not it's two sets it's actually three sets if you include the helmet i think it looks decent now it's not amazing i don't think this is an amazing set i don't know if it's really going to get a placement unless this person gets on a ridiculously good mount like this sword right here comes from black temple it's relatively rare you hardly ever see people use it that's kind of cool but what i really want to see right here shimara i want to see you get on a mount that's going to blow our dicks off as bad though it's just for the wings you need to have the chest for the wings it's not no gonna happen you're right it's not get off get off yeah yeah it's definitely not gonna happen shamara unfortunately this is not going to be a dub for you but hopefully it's a learning experience you have to get on a better mount next time this is an interesting transmog but sometimes interesting interesting isn't enough let's go to the next one astrika the flame breaker this helmet is so underused this helmet right here is the firelands shaman helmet and those shoulders and also the belt right there sorry the uh the belt and the leggings here all come from legion i really like the fist weapons because one fist weapon has like the uh the fiery enchant on it and the other one has the icy enchant on it this is really really [ __ ] cool man and this is a unique set we've never seen somebody go with this yeah this is some ice and fire [ __ ] exactly man this is really really good with the tablet of the iron dwarves or sorry the dark iron dwarfs i think this is good man this is really really interesting and it's unique i've never seen somebody go for this notice the fire weapon enchant of course we noticed the fire weapon and chan how could we not a strika is there a mount that you think matches this set because i think the set looks really [ __ ] good this is a big good set no amount dps is this justice kind of agree with you actually i do i think this is a really really nice looking set it's interesting and it's unique whenever i see something that's new and different i like it a lot i'm always impressed i'll see what the cloak is too i don't think they have a cloak oh they do that looks good that's fine with me it just it doesn't really change my opinion on it it's just like good this is really really nice i like it a lot good work and i like also how like the red on like her uh on like her hair is on the side of the one with the fire on it whizzy winter's envoy from the guild moon balls i know you guys are hating on this set but why those are the doom plate shoulders with the doom plate chest piece with the leggings there from 10 man max ramus and the gloves and the boots there from cataclysm dungeons the weapons from mississippi sorry burning for burning for us uh [ __ ] battle for azeroth and then the cloak here is from the uh that's the pre-order event thing that you're able to get from uh for shadowlands i think this looks really good like maybe i'm maybe i'm going maybe i'm maybe i'm not getting it maybe i'm not seeing it but i think this looks really good you all think this is boring mount well no the other one doesn't she doesn't have a mount estrika doesn't have a mount she said she didn't have a mount for it now wizzy i know chat could be a little bit uh you know they're a little bit negative here sometimes they can be negative nancy's here but let me just be honest with you okay this is a great looking set and chat's wrong and go right okay so just keep that in mind don't forget it either let's see the mount yeah it's simple it's very well designed what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the dusk fluffer arden moth was he if you want to go with a night warrior transmog what the [ __ ] are you doing trying to ride around on a goddamn butterfly you need to get on some bad ass tiger you need to be getting on some night elf like one of the bfa tigers or some [ __ ] like that like what the [ __ ] is this it's about it's a mod who gives a [ __ ] what it is it's got wings that means it's a butterfly listen wizzy it could be a lot better i really like your transmog but the mount definitely puts me a little bit more on chat's side sorry to say could be better stylist verheed from the guild csi gnomeregun your break was so long that i grew up did your friend grow up because he's been trying to request invite into my raid for the entire time i recognized your name so because of that i decided not to kick you out based off of your friend wait he's he was a gnome and now he oh my god he was a gnome and now he's a human i just put the two and two together he says close eyes okay okay all right so listen we've seen this guy set many times and unfortunately i think he's already he's already got his mount right there next to him which is kind of unfortunate this guy's had a lot of really weird transmogs in the past and uh here we are again do you actually have a mount this time verheed you're gonna go with the weird [ __ ] again he says i'm out all right let's see it okay close the eyes all right are you kidding me dude are you [ __ ] kidding me dude what the [ __ ] is wrong with you man he's really gonna get up so this guy's gonna get on a male so let's let me get just get this straight okay you coming to my into my transmog contest with this weird [ __ ] thing with like the the kid on there it's weird right and then you have your [ __ ] annoying friend oh no we're on number two now you have your annoying [ __ ] friend spit spam request to invite the whole god damn time and then after that you you sell out on your own got you sell out your own [ __ ] stream and then you go for number [ __ ] four you go for number [ __ ] four yes and you get on the mail muncher jesus christ jesus average asthma gold viewer jesus very funny let's go to the next one holy prick the king slayer from the guild is a white it sure is listen i think this set is almost really good this set is so close to being really really good but it's not i think the belt is a little bit weird i've never liked the boots for this set at all i just don't really think it's that great the gloves are [ __ ] the gloves are from tin man icc that's kind of weird the leggings and the boots there are from throne of sorry tomb of sargeras the chess piece is from castle nathria the helmet is from black temple the shoulders are from mythic and taurus for out for warriors it's not completely bad yeah but it's not completely good either i don't think it's even partially good amount could save this that's actually a very good point amount absolutely could save this set holy prick i want you to get on the best mount that we've ever seen show us what you're capable of [Music] you guys had faith and somehow it was worse than we could have ever imagined holy prick your set is decent but the mount is just not there you've got to work on the mount and then you're going to have the rest of a good set let's go to the rest of it now a fury the awakened greetings asthma gold i'm now a fury and i've come to reclaim my guild's honor with chef kitty after it was tarnished by our guilty blues dog [ __ ] ass mog and a transmog comp near a year ago good all right i actually like this i think this looks pretty good the helmet right there and also the legs there come from the uh i think that's maybe the chess piece two i'm 900 sure but that's both from island expeditions and then the uh the belt there comes from bfa and the gloves and the boots there come from blackrock foundry with the shoulders coming from the primal gladiators warrior set and then of course the tabard is of the uh the tavern of the protector chess piece is offset dk from antorus oh really i didn't even tell okay i can see that now and then dual wielding shadow's edge look at the cloak here the cloak actually looks really good [Music] yeah i i think this looks good dual wheeling shadow's edge what do you guys think i think it looks really really nice but i don't know if it's gonna be amazing enough for me to consider it unless unless the guy gets on a mount that's really good yeah we're gonna we're gonna wait for the mount my trusty steed how can you trust something you can't even see it you can't even see it it's [ __ ] it's see-through it doesn't even make any goddamn sense listen now fury your transmog was really really good i liked it a lot i thought as a warrior transmog i was impressed by it and that very rarely happens however the mount it's just not really there it's not good enough you have to do something better than that mount now i understand that sometimes it's hard to come up with something good sometimes it's hard to be original i understand that better than many people unfortunately that doesn't give you uh you know free reign to just invent whatever you want you gotta do something better than that [Music] it's not good enough sorry to say let me go ahead and look at the other ones brazilian the groundbreaker best wishes from barbarossa on burning legion wait what the [ __ ] have i i haven't unlocked them yet oh [ __ ] okay um i don't know i think this looks pretty good like there's a part of me that just really likes it because of the uh uh because of the the theatrics to it you know what i mean that makes it let's go tyrion yeah i think this looks really really [ __ ] great man that's amazing man yeah i i really this is probably one of the best intros that we've ever seen that chess piece there comes from the island expeditions the helmet i think comes from i think that's hellfire citadel i believe for the shaman set the weapon there comes from uh the weapon is i believe from uh the dark shaman in siege of orgrimmar and i think the version is lfr for the green ones and then the belt there is either the class order hall belt or it could be the actual uh challenge mode mr pandaria challenge mode belt i like this i think this is a really really badass looking set it's cool it's exactly what i would expect to see out of a shaman transmog now yeah presentation was great do you have a mount makes sense with the pet yeah it definitely does make sense with the time all right sure what do you guys think what do you guys think dude i think it's all right i mean the infernal direwolf is so hard to actually get something to legitimately match with it's it's definitely a struggle sure but i think this guy did a decent enough job and it deserves a certain degree of recognition for that it's not amazing but it's hard for me really to hold like to really hold a negative opinion on it based off of how good the intro was you know what i mean all right all right we've gone through everyone and now begins the final moments the moments of truth where i decide the top five transmogs of this competition everybody get on your mounts and get ready i'm about to go around and we're gonna see what we've [Music] gone that actually would have been way better holy [ __ ] that would have been insanely good yeah that would have been a way way better choice there's actually some pretty good ones here now that i'm looking through them all like whenever i went through it the first time i thought like a lot of these were not really that great but like now that i see them again down these are actually pretty good fifth place fifth place is going to go [Music] sometimes you get it sometimes you get [ __ ] in the ass that's right you did but showtime did not because they are getting fifth place in this competition i love this set i think that it looks absolutely amazing the colors on it fit together very well and the amount for this set i think absolutely deserves certain degree of recognition for all the different red and the gold and the fact that they use these shoulders and i have never seen this type of set used before fifth place showtime congratulations what country are you from brexit baby all right dude all right dude that's good enough now fourth place fourth place is a set that a lot of people might not have really understood and appreciated enough but luckily i'm here and i did fourth place is gonna go to be slayer the king slayer this is a set that has nothing wrong with it it's a set that's perfectly well put together with a cloak that fits perfectly into the helmet with a mount that matches better than anything else could have matched i know obviously there are going to be some goofballs in chat that don't like it because it's not flashy and it doesn't have lights on it it doesn't have you know like chuck e cheese ornaments on it i understand that guys i do but sometimes be slayer can you get on the mount sometimes less is more and be slayer i think that you've you've uh you've shown that quite well great work i'm proud of you good job you're getting fourth place good now it's pretty tough for me to decide second and first place here i really didn't know the country i always forget about that be slayer what country are you from be slayer what country finland all right third place third place it's going to go to a set that i actually uh really liked i think i always appreciate people that like to try things that are different people that like to try things that are new people like to go above and beyond and outside of the beaten path and that's why we're going to give third place the grievous gladiator gym gym with the african warrior transmog that has the the riding on the [ __ ] uh what is it that zebra yes the zebra get onto zebra so they can see it i really like this a lot this is a great looking set look at that dude nobody has ever come in here with a set like this before and because of that that's why i'm giving him uh giving him third place i'm absolutely going uh i'm gonna give a certain degree of acknowledgement to people that do something different i like it a lot it's big good jim jim what country are you from france all right [Music] the final two people the last two people second place is going to go to one of the few cases of an edgy demon hunter transmog done right zenik i think you absolutely deserve second place this is an incredibly well done set the mount matches perfectly with the set and even using the different types of weapons i think really just ties it all together this is amazing and it's extremely well done let me see the mount for some of the people that they're in chat now that hadn't seen it before let me see the mount it's just it it's amazing like it it it's amazing it's there there there it is dude i mean like just straight up there it is dude looks [ __ ] good oh no now zenik what country are you from denmark all right now first place first place [Music] he's gonna go he's gonna go to arthelene the insane [Music] this is an incredibly well done set i really like it a lot and it's [ __ ] incredible it was it is so good this set is so good canto thank you very much for the popular news subs i appreciate that very much man thank you thank you thank you the set is so good it is so good that people thought it was a full set and the fact that you were able to use invincible one of the one of the most overused mounts with the tabard look at that tabard look at that tabard what a perfect that's one of the best ones that we've seen it looks so good barthelium it looks [ __ ] amazing i love it and that's why you are getting first place oh that's a cloak that's right yeah it is cool i forgot said to bart so many times i confused myself now arthelene what country are you from and i want to say i'm going to do a few uh i'm going to do a few honorable mentions okay guys so let me just go back around and i'll do the honorable mentions in just a second he says hungary i am too i am i haven't eaten all day let's look at the honorable mentions astrica i think your transmog was amazing wizzy your transmog was amazing but your mouth sucked vera heat [ __ ] idiot holy prick almost really really good now fury same thing bizarre and your set was really good huntard it was really hard for me not to give you a placing i thought it was really well designed i know chat didn't like it but chat's wrong and you're right [Music] broombjorn i really like your set as well i think it's actually very well put together and it's unique and it's different it's something i've never seen before if there was going to be a sixth place i think you probably would have been in you'll get a nice job on the ring good arthas transmog this chat still get to decide for art not until i have somebody else actually sorting it out for me like that the reality is like i'm just not very good at planning things and organizing things i don't want to get people get people's hopes up for something that's like i'm just very bad at by planning and organizing things it's really all it comes down to i i can't really i like i'm just you know yes it's me okay etheria you were also very close to getting a placement as well i really liked your set uh smithson really nice cloak i like that that was good uh kitty the first set that you had was way better than the second set thought my mobs are top five worthy if you were in n a they would have been try leo nice try load wikis i i think this one was really really nice too uh i've seen this transmog before and that's why i didn't give you a placement i think that there have been other people that have used it before but i do really like it a lot and i think it's very well put together everything about this looks really really good everything about these sets looks really really good artemis i like yours a lot too it was really hard for me not to give you a placing based off of the mouth that you had and garth and door sorry your brother's a little bit cooler than you are but you're okay too you guys did a good job this is the first alliance transmog comp that i've done for the entire year and i'd like to thank everybody here for coming out showing up and showing out for this it looks great you guys did a good job so until next time boys so until next time boys thank you all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it and until next time [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 352,616
Rating: 4.9186516 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold eu, eu transmog, eu transmog competition, asmongold alliance, asmongold eu alliance, alliance transmog, asmongold eu contest, asmongold transmog competition 2021, transmog competition 2021, asmongold 2021, eu alliance 2021, asmongold first transmog, asmon
Id: 4Ot0ibJtv4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 33sec (5553 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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