Asmongold & Mcconnell VS Classic TBC Hardest Dungeons

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all right boys the door is open i'm the key master yeah yeah i i can do it man all right so this dungeon is this dungeon used to be the bane of my existence and that was a long time ago and we're gonna see if it's still this hard i don't know really what to expect here architraz was always like that was the dungeon i was like most afraid of let me actually use another mongooser let's go down here and pick these guys up okay oh oh that's not good that is not good yes so i hate this dungeon as i said uh this dungeon sucks and um yeah uh okay doing one heroic no why would we do heroic man we're going straight in the cara like after we finish this like we're doing this [ __ ] for cara this is our cara attunement right now okay where's the rest of these mobs there he is there's the big boy right there there's the big boy actually do we need to pull him come on don't do it thank you all right yeah i'm not even going to try to hold aggro i i'm literally not even going to try not even trying like just just do whatever you guys want to do kite that [ __ ] out yeah cara is easier than heroics dude for me cara will be so easy because like i know all the mechanics and [ __ ] so like kara shouldn't be a struggle at all but i think that for other groups especially people that like don't really know what they're doing cara is going to be really really hard y'all can meme on this all you want but it's true like i i'm not going to struggle on karazhan at all like i would be amazed if i struggled in karazhan let me just say that like i think we're going to go in there and just dumpster the raid you see the amount dropped for sodas right yeah like 50 people told me that today i'm not even kidding probably more uh 1 hour 40 minutes first try easy mode it's gonna be no problem man all right let's go guys yeah i killed these two little mobs this dungeon man this dungeon just gives me ptsd everybody just wait back here and i'll pull all them to us oh yeah i think that's a good idea how the [ __ ] did you pull aggro 1.4 k are you kidding me the [ __ ] does that even happen i'm full twisting dude oh my god don't you know you can't play a rep pound without shield twisting i'm the best on my server my the service i'm on called pagel i feel twist [ __ ] you yeah it's what he's saying is it's for losers okay oh i gotta reflect what the [ __ ] did i reflect i don't even know um it was a 1.6 k apparently that was good okay i'll just put that up again and didn't do anything all right perfect new rp character unlocked let's do it ah this guy does a knockback okay um all right okay that's not good beware that's a shadow nova okay bust we don't have it we used it on trash as long i'm fine i'm fine don't worry about beware uh the shield wall everything be fine just kill boss beware got it [Music] what that's not even good we don't need that yeah there we go it's fine gear moments yeah yeah interrupt it a lot of abilities are not interruptable like i'm 90 sure you can't interrupt that shadow nova i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure you can't i had to use a lot of cds on that boss let's do it and i'll pull these first i think and that way i'll pull the uh okay never mind all right apparently i have to pull this guy too can i stun it yeah i can stun it okay that makes it easier preparing to explode kill him kill him kill him kill him good dude these mobs are hard these mobs actually do more damage than they do more damage than the bosses in the other dungeons this is nuts okay and you didn't even get you didn't even drop anything good okay i guess we'll just go yeah let's go with the item right now let's get out of the way actually wait wait don't don't don't don't yeah kill these first kill these first let's keep it clean yeah uh what's this your trash sorry hard always hard in bosses i feel like just this whole thing is uh this whole thing is hard pull these guys way back these guys are real [ __ ] these guys are real [ __ ] watch out can you disarm this guy oh [ __ ] you can disarm him oh holy [ __ ] all right nice yeah they have like some aura you can't really kill all these at the same time damage takens increase that's badass i like being able to disarm [ __ ] and other things that are cool like that uh which one do i pull first dude wings is like a 400 400 dps increase whenever yeah music yeah yeah the music is uh it's a little bit upsetting but uh it's good too okay and what does this do like let me see can i can i reflect this on to him see if it works i always try to see like what's reflectable and what's not i feel like most things probably are not reflectable though unfortunately all right that was easy yeah it's just that one guy that does like that damage like that's what's really crazy kill all these little mobs hope you're rocking like a free yeah i'm rocking in the free world man i'm doing just fine you're gonna get the ravenward everybody asked me out the [ __ ] ravenward uh the answer is like yeah i'm gonna get the ravenward but i'm not gonna i'm not worried about getting the raven award if that makes sense like if i get it that's great if not that's fine like it's not the end of the world it's not the big it's not the biggest deal like i got the raven ward back in original bc like i don't need to get the raven ward again because i already had it dude we're going to get the bears that's true we are going to get the bears oh my god i i don't have a bear yeah that's right well then i have the new bear yeah the scuffed bear yeah i never got the bear the bear is uh it's really not that hard to get like you'll you'll see like it's it's really not that bad and um i think that probably the first like couple of weeks it might be a bit of a struggle but like but like really in uh like did it come out like after black temple or some [ __ ] like bears yeah yeah the fake bear yeah pretty much okay let's kill these guys and yeah all the little protean spawns i hate these oh wow holy [ __ ] that's really good wait what the [ __ ] that's insanely good oh my god i'm needing that i'm just gonna pass yeah who's gonna win that come on please please i'd love to sell this to the casters [ __ ] you beating you beating you oh man don't you give that to lloyd that is a good dude there were two 97s and a 91 beating you and loy tied okay now we've got these are the hard mobs to kill these are the ones i'm genuinely afraid of okay because they do like a big knock back or some [ __ ] okay well i'm not even taking enough damage to get rage disarming him damn yeah yeah it's this thing right here dude these mobs do a lot holy [ __ ] man hey just like this deafening roar that's so annoying holy [ __ ] dude you can't cast spells and you're disarmed it's so bad man you get detective visibility you might wipe why would we wipe because of the invisible uh succubus no it's not a big deal to do your heavy lifting most likely yeah no there's no reason like trust me i'll be fine i'll call on you then i'll come these right oh no you can only send the other ones you're the one who should be [ __ ] what is demons boobs those were the good days dude back back in the back in the good old days man jesus god damn okay so for this boss he does a charge this is a very very uh annoying boss to deal with so he does a charge and um just make sure you're not in the fire after the charge have you tried the new ptr mythic plus effects nope uh i'm actually dale yeah dude i just don't really care about uh mythic plus a whole lot like i'll do it for the keystone thing and then i'm done no no no all right yeah we should why should we lost right now there's no reason to okay where's the charge there's a knockback taunting okay good can i disarm the boss no you can't fighting them all myself charging tawny again he's resisting no it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay that's a nice bow that looks cool quit by 18 attack power by 14. uh that's a little bit better than mine for dps but i don't want to deal with it i feel like my my weapon's just fine uh interrupt the spells here there's two spells that we need to interrupt yeah i'll interrupt the first one it's like a heel i will interrupt the next one in two years okay reap the whirlwind about that i got that one and okay good all righty so we should be fine now because the gift of the doomsdayer also heals her and that's a reflect oh it didn't work what the [ __ ] [Music] he'll interrupted good easy easy easy easy no items yeah yeah it's a it's a dog [ __ ] game man this is actually a dog [ __ ] game we're saving all the good loot for kara that's why yeah all the good loot is going to be in kara uber at siri oh wow i hate that fight uh i think azeri is like the [ __ ] dog [ __ ] fight i hate it so much why it's not that bad it's just a [ __ ] like whenever she goes into like those phases like that [ __ ] you sit there and it's like a it's like you have to fight her like it's like that the fight has to take a certain amount of time i don't like that she's like stuck on certain health percentages dude these protein horrors even do damage like yeah dude this dungeon's over tuned man they didn't nerf this uh let's see i don't know how bad these packs are gonna be i have no idea 600 on each mob it's not that bad okay interrupt that i couldn't pull that guy [ __ ] he got healed dude these mobs have so much [ __ ] health man are you kidding me [Music] alrighty the final room we have arrived like i could probably play a little bit better for sure but like warrior threat on single target is fine it's warrior's threat on more than like two targets that's really what the problem is because like as soon as you start losing aggro it's also like this okay everybody's stacked everybody's stacked everybody's stack everybody's stack everybody's stack every sec everybody's stacked kill that archer kill that archer meteor all right last stand come on guys just get him down get him down get him down get him down we can do this we can do this i can't bro i'm out of mana oh this is gonna kill everybody holy [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did the aggro all right let's go you don't have to stack right now you only stack for meteor so unstack after meteor like just watch his health and whenever it is meteor just move in it's literally that easy so meteor move in and now we can group back out spread back out yeah it's actually this easy it's a it's a one but it's a one one mechanic guy a two actually yeah it's like these guys have way more these guys are harder to kill than bosses in the other dungeons and there's the guy down perfect yeah these guys are really really hard to do okay everybody's pretty much ready we'll give it a second more and then we'll go alrighty here we go to let them out the child speaks to me you see wait outsiders kalethost did not send you please please please don't please please don't let us swipe here i am so worried about us wiping the naru kept some of the most dangerous beings in existence here in these cells let me introduce you to another here we go let's do it boss does a fear uh if it's the uh the void guy it does a fear uh i forgot if it's like random bosses or what i don't remember i thought it's like a a warp stalker or some [ __ ] oh no i don't think this guy doesn't fear this just some stupid-ass thing who cares about this yeah this is just a little joke mob okay there's reflect and let's see if i can i interrupt them let me see no you can't okay yes another your will is mine easy game next one behold there's no reason to change [ __ ] that's working pleased to meet you what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] who's this dumbass little [ __ ] what is this we got an home yeah i will do your favorite oh jesus does anybody even know why milhouse mana storm was in here i don't even know did they even explain why he was in the architraz i'm kind of wondering i just need to get some okay let's move out of fire there's a pretty good amount of damage he's a demon oh yeah i guess that does make sense if he's a demon okay so that doesn't do anything so he can't be interrupted either that's annoying i could see that yeah milhouse actually being a dreadlord that makes a lot of sense to be honest this should be a pretty easy uh i forgot what even i forgot what all these guys do honestly straight up okay so i'm assuming it's like some black wing layer mechanic uh what's he gonna do he did fire damage okay i would never expecting fire damage from a blackwing layer mechanic i'll just start reflecting i guess okay wait what no i just see it milhouse said all right yeah he actually did he did say all right holy [ __ ] i just saw that there you go all right final celery here we go yes so great one someone tell ziggy here we go big matter boss control oh man he's big that's a big boy for i bear allegiance to powers untouched by time unmoved get your roach snippers yeah that's a big one come on welcome oh great i am your humble servant bear witness to the agent of your demise jesus that guy just killed him immediately [ __ ] savage okay mine wren that does so much damage man there's so much [ __ ] damage oh you're stunned it's fine okay picking these up i don't even know which one is which one's which i have no idea we'll just kill whichever one we can okay so you can't interrupt the mine rend either okay good everything's fine pick this one up too good this isn't too bad actually your will okay i can't i can't stop mcconnell mccall's gonna kill somebody okay we should be fine here just kill the boss just kill him just kill him holy [ __ ] give me the chest piece give me the chest piece let's go come on please please please please please [ __ ] the ring the ring i'm actually so happy i need that ring for uh for cara thank [ __ ] god thank [ __ ] god we got this ring this is actually so huge for me this is massive okay let's go down over here did you do girls later first today then split into two man keras we had two trash drops today that's huge man so you guys are about to watch the uh the literal uh the literal god tank this is the uh the greatest tank of all time let's go i just pick up everything we got a bonus mob good i wanted a bonus mob i honestly would be lazy if i didn't have a bonus mob look at that why is lloyd dead okay there we go no it's fine it's fine it's fine let me just do this uh this pack before we do the mini boss do we even need to do the mini bosses actually do we even need to do them at all like i don't even know for the key okay yeah i wasn't sure okay let's go over here burning rob just at 70. holy [ __ ] like we're getting everybody 70 now this is good pick this guy up yeah this is really really good everybody in the guild's hitting 70 people are popping off doing what needs to be done no problem how's the shaman healing uh probably with his healing abilities yeah in my opinion i actually think shaman healing is pretty weak i know that might sound crazy but i genuinely believe that like it's they're just not like they're not crazy good the same way that like some of the other classes are contingency your opinion is wrong well the thing is like if i am proven wrong by that i i am fully willing to be proven wrong all i'm saying is like based off of like my experience from like what i've done so far shamans have been they have been relatively weak yeah shamans have just been they've just been relatively weak man i don't know what else to say they just have been because they don't have max gear like other classes uh maybe like and that's actually a good point yeah maybe it's because they don't have all the uh all the optimized gear that that's definitely that definitely could be it but it's just hard really for me to say because i haven't really played with the shaman that has the gear so maybe like once we do karazhan and [ __ ] we'll have like a better idea of like what really shamans are capable of okay uh where's the where's the guy oh he's padding back all right let's just kill this boss then okay guys so for this boss uh just basically you have to attack him and then whenever he says don't do it stop doing it uh he does a reflect shield for uh melee and reflects shield for casters so um just don't hit into his reflex shield it's pretty [ __ ] easy okay here we go so this is where warriors really come out ahead this is where warriors really start big [ __ ] look how much damage i'm taking i take literally no damage and right now i'm just going to block here it doesn't really matter what's happening that way i don't take any extra damage mcconnell can probably just actually just keep attacking into that obviously lloyd pulled aggro since he just kept attacking doesn't why matter though totally okay reflect the magic shield this is where i get to apply thunder fury to myself and then he does a stamina crack that reduces my uh my stamina by 200. does that matter no it does not matter it doesn't matter at all we just kill the boss anyway who gives a [ __ ] all right i'll be taking the rocket boots um that's crazy uh so what were you thinking about the rock so what were you gonna use the rocket boots for pvp i thought i was gonna use them too aren't they disabled in arena yeah they are i'm gonna give them the mcconnell i'm gonna run this like probably 50 times anyway for the items it doesn't matter all right i'm going to go over here pull these mops grime yeah this is going super easy gossip dvc retail wow it's actually so complicated isn't it like it's it's so [ __ ] complicated now with like all these other things like they have in a game and it's like okay you've got classic wow you've got retail wow you've got [ __ ] like how many other wows do they have like imagine remember they have rather witch king you can have three different servers that everybody needs to pay attention to and like know what's going on on that's gonna be like i feel like that's a lot man that's definitely a [ __ ] lot whoever has the [ __ ] items just put that [ __ ] together and uh and open it up there's three now yeah there's three different versions of wow and the fact is most people can't even figure out how to use one all right let me just go get that guy right there did you pick up quest item uh words i thought it's from the last boss is it from pantheon yeah yeah it's from pantheon the calculator it's okay all right we'll get this one done too pally's the same but people don't hit things right before our first consecration tick yeah but like consecration's like way easier oh i wasn't paying attention oh so like if he does if you ever cast that you can always just stun it it's not that big of a deal dude it's gonna be so good if i do karazhan today and i get all the loot no that would not be good really you sure not for me i don't know man like wouldn't that be good because like if i got all the loot then we could do the dungeons faster and then you could get the loot really fast like next week or something you know what i mean oh that'd be lit dude yeah then you're able to get the gear you know like okay all right let's see how it is all right all right yeah all right dude there's no way i can hold aggro on this [ __ ] i'm gonna be honest there's like no way i'm literally spamming my [ __ ] abilities this is crazy okay [Music] let's get ready pull this back okay and make sure to dispel me too whenever she does this dragon breath [ __ ] yeah this boss is really [ __ ] annoying you all got to kite it around yeah this is actually going pretty well yeah it's actually going really well damn what the [ __ ] uh-oh what the [ __ ] was that i got i got him i got [ __ ] disoriented man i got disoriented got her got her there it is okay good what we get dolores wow wow wow that's a good one should i take that i feel like this is a beating you uh this is a beating you item this is like a a [ __ ] that's like a weapon that he can use holy [ __ ] that looks cool dude the weapons and [ __ ] in burning crusade looked so [ __ ] badass like look at this weapon right here let me show you guys look at these that's so cool look at that like whatever happened weapons like this bro like this shit's like lighting up it's like you know like that's cool man and then they just got rid of they got rid of all these cool items and now we just got a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] man i don't know what the hell happened it's sad all right we got everybody here um i'll tell you what [ __ ] happened what happened [ __ ] sjws man you think they ruined the gear yeah because nobody can be special yep [ __ ] man i think i think you're right man i really do i like it's like the real question is how can mcconnell not how can he not be right you know what i mean how can he not be right there bfa items look like trash well it's just they don't they're not like [ __ ] they're not flashy it's like you wear something like that and you don't feel like a [ __ ] winner you feel like look at me i'm this guy you know what i mean like you have like some really cool items like some of the old deer items i didn't get like any threat wrath of witch kings items were overall yeah it's like the wrath items are cool but like the thing with burning crusade is they had so many just like really really like flashy special items and i think that was cool like i always want to redo some of those items i wish they would remake some burning crusade items honestly listen think about this so they have the cool gear right but they they stopped making the cool gear and what did that what gear did they put in it's called that's not cool no it's called communal gear communal communal community community community communism yep yep yeah i i knew it man and this is what they do and they try to they try to just snake it in there like people like the worst thing is they think we won't notice that they're trying to make us communist they they think that they think we won't notice but we see it we [ __ ] see it dude we know it i'll step back here for a second let people have some time get their mana oh god now roy oh no roy's doing the thing oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't i can't literally i literally can't okay i got it [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what what i swear i swear you just went live 20 minutes ago but it's been an hour and a half yeah i know it's weird because like well it's because i was goofing around at the beginning that's why i i was big goofing all right there's not another pack is there thank god okay perfect yeah it is is weird yeah it's asmingle time dilation you're having fun i'm going to be having fun if this guy drops this ring but if he doesn't drop this ring i'm not having fun he has to drop the abagas and uh death remnants one of the other i would take the tunic uh that's a good one 54 attack power that's a lot we are on the street all right let's do it you will not interfere huge dicks long damage let's go i'm looking for a team massive damage dude i can't tab it literally doesn't let me tap i cannot even tab to the person god damn it okay cleaving these down [Music] that's a buff i'm gonna get rid of that buff dispelling that bump dude look at my damage look at how much damage i'm not taking look at this he's in rage i'm not even my my health goes up the abacus oh my god the abacus [ __ ] dropped for me okay no shut up okay so shut up idiot here here's what i was thinking no i was thinking you agreed on this and i need on it i already needed that's the abacus it never drops dude it never drops dude okay all right please [ __ ] please let me win this wait you're rolling need yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you [ __ ] me just real i'm just i'm rolling just real quick man you're [ __ ] me no it's just real quick i'm just rolling real quick yeah all right all right hell yeah i got it congrats thank you that's good um i'm happy for you let's go do botanica uh that trinket i just got is insane with the hourglass wow it's crazy wow oh yeah actually we do yeah it's true we are going to do that that was different is it more ass or morris it's more ass are you sure that's why how i've been saying it i think it's morris like black morris black morris maybe it is i would have like uh let me see i'll look it up on the google morass it's morass so yeah we were both wrong wait how is it morass it's more ass man it sounds better it's black more ass man i've been saying it like that for years there's no reason to change like yeah it's fine i man no changes matt is we're playing classic loud no changes there already changes i've got seal of the martyr nah man that that's not even what that not you mean seal blood no mine is called seal the martyr oh they changed it they changed it changes wait what the [ __ ] yeah look at it look at it look oh my god seal of the martyr damn man i can't believe they would kill tbc like that that's [ __ ] up how could they do that now they [ __ ] up now they [ __ ] up now the [ __ ] up they [ __ ] up now they have [ __ ] up now as opposed to what that's about i don't know like the thing is that i wonder for classic andes do you think that like it would have been people would have like they would have been okay if blizzard capped fps in classic wow at 30 like trying to convince him like cap fps at 30 blizzard [ __ ] like it's not fair to be able to do the raids and be able to just see what you're doing the whole time like it'll be so easy it wouldn't even be fair for anybody on a good day i had 30 back then bro i had 30 in like uh in debt ah [ __ ] uh i had 30 in like uh the stockades man like in an actual dungeon i never had 30. dude i like how spell reflection makes me do damage because it actually like that's one thing that they need to do in retail wow like they have it where like spell reflect doesn't show like what damage you do and like it should because like warriors we don't get a whole lot right i mean it's not it's hard out here for a warrior it is and so like we need to get all the help that we can get look at that top damage right there because i got one of those those reflex off it's actually nice like i should just save up my my uh rage to just reflect that's so good it literally does yeah but you have to get like an add-on for it like it doesn't show it on like the uh unlike details and [ __ ] that's what i don't like dude this group is stacked like this is actually a crazy good group oh holy [ __ ] uh it's fine let me just get that bust i'm figuring i'm figuring okay uh i'm gonna go ahead go uh i'm going into there uh my enter okay i'm i'm slept i'm slept i'm slept trying to get as much trying to get as many aggros as i can stunning that cast there we go nice easy [ __ ] game the easiest game i ever played shield the void there's actually a huge shield from this boss uh this one right here uh aegis of the sunbird this would be so nice for me to have look what we'll call what you call it what is it uh aguius aguius of the sun bird all right it's pronounced aegis no that's what that's whenever you fire somebody for being old no that's a just you're the shield you're talking about is aegis aegis of the of the sun bird it's not even it's not even a bird anyway hello healer i'm dead it's my fault i should have saved the sun yeah i should have saved the sun i was my fault this healer sucks dick no no don't say that he gave me like a thousand gold trash no no he's he's actually really good like this guy even if he's bad he's good yeah even if he's bad he's good i don't want to hear about he's he's a great person and a good he's just a what he's a great individual and everybody likes him okay um let's just kill her anyway maybe somebody else needs something also she gives rap i guess yeah we kill her for rep that makes sense it's like i just take no damage man you are no longer hey this is so nice i feel so good whenever i'm tanking a boss and i just don't even i don't even take damage okay i can't really pick these up i'll just pick up the mender okay that's a reflect okay interrupting that yeah i just do like my my avoidance weight 3000 how the [ __ ] did that happen hey mcconnell that's good for whenever you have to uh you have to heal all right that's good for you wow there's still people playing normal classic yeah there's dozens of them i think tbc will be popular for a while like people will really like tbc and then as time goes on like there'll be some people that want to go back and maybe like play a little bit of classic too and i think that's kind of what i would expect to happen is that you're going to see a lot of people like ever to move over to the tvc at the beginning and then as time goes on you'll see some people migrate over and like you know still hang out in classic wow and do stuff like that and this isn't like a copium thing or anything like that like i'm just i think that's probably just what's going to happen all right let me see wait let me just get my let me get my uh ages of the sun bird here let's get it done uh imagine eamon thank you much for the five good subs i appreciate that thank you very much oh i didn't even see this one let's kill this guy big damage long dicks big damage long dicks these specimens are very delicious yeah i'm spamming i'm literally that's all i'm doing okay stunned okay huge damage i want to see it freezing touch i'm [ __ ] frozen hopefully we're going to kill him before he does that thing look at those explosions man come on kill him before he does the thing piece of [ __ ] you have to kill these mobs [Music] okay give me the shield i need this shield for karazhan i need this shield for karazhan please give me the shield please give me the [ __ ] shield the specimen oh what the [ __ ] man that's like straight up for beating you what the [ __ ] because okay i'll just go with olympus you're gonna go with olympus yeah i don't know man like if we can do macteridon today that'd be [ __ ] amazing but like i just don't know if it'll be possible that shit's hard what color should have made a shaman no it's it's fine like shaman is shaman's good like rep paladin is honestly it's it's a good class in uh in tbc like i mean rep paladin doesn't really pop off until rap like wrath rep paladin is disgusting but even before then red is completely [ __ ] viable man uh let's just pull that guy right there okay i'll pull these guys right afterwards and yeah i got to make sure like you don't want to pull them whenever they got the red [ __ ] on them because you pull them whenever they got the red [ __ ] on them they do a lot of damage and you don't want to do that okay dude like i feel like i'm not even doing anything it's like just the [ __ ] casters like i just i sit here and they just do whatever they want this is crazy like i do one taunt i feel like i check i change the world you know what i mean yeah can you decurse me with that okay thank you you will die okay let's do it [Music] long dicks i probably should just move out for that mccall's dead oh yeah yeah yeah it does a lot of damage huh that does a lot of damage yeah i didn't expect it to do that much what the [ __ ] it does 1500 damage it take yeah it's crazy so probably you have to do that mechanic which really sucks like i i didn't think we'd actually have to do mechanics a druid staff how about that holy [ __ ] that's pretty good interrupt no you can't interrupt it yeah it's decent i would say so nice free goal i need that we have we have this dick boy double dick voice double dick boys i can just tank them until y'all are ready totally okay and i can also demo shot if i want to to reduce or their attack power and that way they do even less damage to me it's actually crazy like how good i am at uh at surviving i feel like i could probably tank rule yeah i think i could tank rule especially like if i get the karazhan gear it's going to be no problem man it will be genuinely no problem we pulled these packs back to me these are actually pretty rough i i actually wiped the groups with this before oh my god dude this root thing is so [ __ ] bad it's so bad man i still think the funniest time for warriors was uh the five stack taste for blood where they were just like one shot somebody randomly yep that was [ __ ] funny it was funny you're right like there would be so many people mad about that that was the only time here's how broken that was is that um what do you call it you had blizzard actually reset the ladder they took every hunter and every warrior and they reduced their rating because it was so broken that they didn't want it to like ruin the uh they didn't want to ruin the game that's genuinely what it [ __ ] was man let's pull it again show the reckful video yeah well like the thing is like i want to watch reckful do it and he would stack up five stacks and then he would just like randomly one shot somebody it was so [ __ ] funny man like i never really liked i didn't like the ability personally but it was just like cool to see it happen they pulled the rift cord what do you mean they pulled the rip cord i i feel like they probably didn't if you're talking about like shadow lands yeah that's probably not gonna happen the thing is with uh with blizzard they're probably not going to uh what do you call it they're probably not going to do that i don't even think covenant abilities are like the biggest problem in shadow ants like the problem is that like there's just not a lot of content to do you know i mean all they need to do is bring out more content more raids and people be happy like it's not like playing your class sucks in shadow lands like give us flying like that i mean i don't know i feel like shadowing 9.1 will be fine it'll be a whole lot better than what we have now i'll certainly say that okay now we have these boys these are really easy to deal with let me actually see what bob what what items this guy drops mithril bark cloak what the [ __ ] and then spaulders of the oh that's really good for tanking all right there's like nothing really special i want out of this if mcconnell gets the tank shoulders that'll be cool games definitely take a step in the right direction people just want to complain about wow because it's the only game they play yeah it's like the government people complain about wow the same way they complain about the government that that's genuinely what it is they're pissed off about [ __ ] about wow being bad and they blame they blame blizzard like they blame the government i'm not even kidding like i i feel the same way honestly sometimes it just sucks whenever you have like certain things in the game that suck or they're bad or whatever but i try not to think about it all that much try just focus on playing the game and uh just enjoying myself especially like right now with tbc i just want to do that as much as i can where he'd be here okay i don't even know what these thorn lashers do i have no idea yeah i i genuinely i don't know what any of these mobs do at all i guess it doesn't really even matter you just kill them anyway who gives a [ __ ] okay perfect oh [ __ ] off that sucks man devil's man [ __ ] that's garbage all right sucky busty i want you to show us how good seed of corruption is i'm gonna pull both packs don't nobody attack except sucky busty [Music] here we go he's gonna put stam gems in it oh for tanking yo that's actually really smart [Music] okay spamming demo shout spamming demo shot a challenging shot challenging go pull him up blow him up blow him up blow him up blow him up warm up [ __ ] dude these aren't blowing up man [ __ ] we didn't get them off the right way that's too bad oh there it is yeah it was the last ones that we killed all right guys here we go what do we need from this boss we need this cloak we need oh my god i need this so much [Music] of the bold i need the bold [Music] what the this guy's loot sucks dead actually this dungeon sucks all right i gotta see if this is ever worth doing on heroic sanctuary okay big damage boys huge damage i'm stunned huge damage [Music] okay everything's going really well i could probably just kill the boss and ignore those [Music] no it's not for what i'm needing no no no no man no no no no no no no no this i need i need it look at those stats dude look i know that that is a metaphor dude i'm the tank i have to be i'm the tank oh my god that would be so good for me he's supposed to be the tank defense dude defense no no no man look oh yeah oh man no no all right don't [ __ ] around don't [ __ ] around dude don't [ __ ] around oh you don't like when people [ __ ] with your gear no no no no no okay well then don't [ __ ] with mine you [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you why i'm i mean dps though i'm tanking for you i'm main dps though you're tanking because we can't get anybody else you're tanking so get tank gear i need both not when i'm in the group wait oh my god i didn't get the loot give me money come on come on remember we need a port to shady uh wait a second yeah is that the okay yeah yeah yeah we do okay war helm of the bold we got it there's our there's our helmet right there boys [ __ ] yes dude let me zone in here all righty guys it's time alrighty willowbear is here i'm ready let's go man let's go [Music] okay um so yeah the class caller override oh i don't know what the [ __ ] that is oh will you spit on sylvanas's corpse after you kill her uh i probably should yeah i i probably should [Music] 60 speed andy wait what oh jesus oh my a 60 andy and my guild are you kidding me man wow this is not looking good guys this is not looking good wow wow will be released wow unsuspecting all right let's kill these guys pick these mobs up okay um i'm just not gonna pick these up i'm going to kill the smaller mops okay oh i guess i should stack sunders too here damn yo what what are these crocodiles come on holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] aoe down their crocs man also you always want to tank these mobs on top of the on top of the thing because yeah they spawn like these like little mobs and we can just aoe them down immediately it just makes it way easier bro i got you i got you it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay good he's dead he's dead okay and he's dead good come on got him got him [ __ ] yeah interrupting chronomancer perfect gameplay got him boys all right now we play the game see it's easy it's so easy and we have to probably kill these quick before it spawns the next set i'm pretty sure that can happen yo will bear i think you're making some enemies dude you might want to chill out wait why i don't know i'm getting some whispers here dude wait what what what's going on here i'm not gonna say [ __ ] i'm just saying wilbur you better you bird is this mine up is this fine upstanding gentleman in our guild is he is he being a bad boy what is this i don't know yeah i don't know what's going on here yeah and also tank it on top of the uh on top of the yellow portal okay [Music] yeah yeah make sure to take it on top of the yellow portal and that way we can just cleave directly down on the ads okay perfect yeah this is good and i'll just kill these myself too okay got him and war one time [ __ ] yeah dude these mobs have a lot of health i remember this being easier dude i don't know what the [ __ ] this is this is actually hard stop complaining all you ever do is complaining dude man i'm just i'm just talking i'm not complaining i'm just talking all right bottom three down three down we're fine everything's okay just wait till you see heroic nah man by the time we get heroic we're gonna have way better gear it won't matter her looks to be easy is it he hurts to be easier than normal mode because we'll have so much good gear yeah that's what it is okay hitting him yeah like whenever whenever we do this on heroic it's gonna be a joke like i know other people struggle with it but that's other people not me like whenever i do it it's gonna be easy whirlwind all these guys watch this huge damage right there absolutely insane damage got him dude black more ass is like it's like it's a really good dungeon for warriors pop your trinket i'm always crying uh i'm just like kind of waiting to hold off on like i don't know when to use it i probably should use it like if it's a melee one i'll use to shrink it on him i'll just use it anyway he gives a [ __ ] yeah i might as well yeah like usually i i do a bad job at keeping up with like trunk it up time and stuff like that i don't know why it's just like something that i i don't do very well i think it's because uh i'm always like holding off because i'm i'm thinking like oh well what if i could use it at this other time that would be like slightly better you know like that's always like my mindset all right next next one oh it's over here it's right next to us again every third portal was enough for a three-night cd for me yeah yeah i'll be fine like it's just me it's maybe not not planning properly and like every three is a uh is a boss so like if we ever having like a bad time i can always just go ahead and pop that uh the little special item we'll probably just use them for the last sets that's usually what what what we do it's like that was young now i macro trinkets demand ability cooldown skills oh yeah yeah i mean i do that usually too it's just um with this like i don't really have a lot of cooldowns which is like it's kind of nice to not have a lot of cooldowns because whenever you don't have a lot of cooldowns that means like your actual abilities like you just feel better about playing your rotation in general okay first boss first boss here we go oh probably shouldn't have been that close he's almost seven no no they despawn them there's no reason to use those yeah they do spawn them [ __ ] got it okay i'll pull him back over to us nice he's already at [ __ ] 60 health [ __ ] yeah okay i'll just kill ads i'll kill ads i wouldn't mind the the leather shoulders on this part yeah yeah the shoulders are actually pretty good i could maybe use those two kill this guy let's bring him over on top of us got him ah it's the wrong shoulders [ __ ] what a piece of [ __ ] those are good though spell hit rating yeah those are pretty good i mean but boy you don't want to dude bro you have tier three you don't want a [ __ ] dude spell hit right that's that dude you don't want to replace tier three you're not gonna replace an epic with a blue are you come on we'll we got we got ads coming up uh world first 70 warrior yep that's right world first it's coming up let me just kill this thing right now help boy got him okay i think i'll get it with the quest at the end i'm pretty sure i'm not 100 but i'm guessing it's gonna be a quest at the end got it boys let's do it literally the last streamer to hit 70. there's no way i'm the last streamer to hit 70. like who else isn't 70. there's got to be somebody else who isn't 70. exactly man and peyo is like a classic only guy like i don't want to hear about this [ __ ] yeah a mischief is miss camp even 60 i don't think so [Music] okay here we go let me kill this guy real quick and pop this up there we go oh [ __ ] he got away shadowbolt volley doesn't even really do that much damage i think the melee ones are really hard to deal with these caster ones are not that bad i guess like whenever we farm this for the uh the trinket if we need to do you think we even should farm it for the trinket or should we just expect to get uh the girls layer trinket uh i'm gonna farm for it i don't know what the [ __ ] you're gonna do but i'm definitely i think that what i should do is i should just uh i should just get the girl's layer trinket i think that would be a good idea all right bad until you do heroics yeah yeah i would say so yeah this isn't really too bad girl's layer training no it's gonna be easy man uh i just don't know what my other trinket is going to be besides dragon spine trophy that's the thing it's like i'll get dragons by a trophy but like what's gonna be the second trinket besides that i don't know uh that's really what uh that's what we gotta figure out okay hit ranger from cara oh the romula's vial yeah that one is pretty good i agree with that the uh emblems one oh yeah bloodless brooch yeah yeah that's the other good one i forgot all about that yeah we'll go with bloodlust bridge as well boy can i have some more uh water okay wait just said a bird bird biscuit the thing is uh i said this at the beginning of my stream i'll say it again you know like the little birds that were like they had like their little nest outside my outside my house i kept like posting videos of and [ __ ] i went out there today the birds were gone the the birdie boys are now full-fledged birds and there's no like feathers on the ground or anything like that so it's uh got eaten nope uh they're completely they're the the nest was not tamper with the birds flew away they uh they have now begun their lives of actually birds as actually being birds i'm happy it's a good thing it's a very good thing that's what birds are meant to do they're meant to leave the nest fly away and begin their bird lives they reached the end game yeah the birds got flying before i did that's basically what happened i'm proud yeah i'm very happy about it epic flying oh yeah i do need to get epic flying you're right i forgot all about that yeah i'm singing like 70 i'm like yeah you're right epic flying is gonna be [ __ ] huge okay we are so [ __ ] close dude we are so [ __ ] close oh my god level 69 less than a bar left alrighty guys 25 000 experience left so even if i don't hit oh here's the boss okay this is the boss that we need to use uh do we need to get the trinket off of yo let me get the trinket first ah okay let's do it it's not too late don't pull don't don't pull aggro man we gotta take it seriously dude where's my damage i haven't done any damage at all this is terrible okay and wilbur's getting his ass beat wilbur's getting destroyed good that's one ad down and interrupting cast i'm just gonna try to kill ads man like [ __ ] this got him let me get to him he's immune he's the man gives me the time it's actually a wipe holy [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what even was that oh they didn't dispel us all right yeah we got time running back yep run it back run it back run it back run it back run it back run it back run it back let's go you want it back no don't gift any subs yet run away you're [ __ ] idiot 20 subs i appreciate that man don't say thank you we just [ __ ] it up yep why are you gifting subs already no i i can't wait half a [ __ ] bar no it's okay okay it's okay [ __ ] so long longest half a bar i've ever had my whole life we'll just run back and do the boss again no it's okay it's okay yeah we've got to dispel that boss because like what look what happened to him like deaths will bear like dude he's just going [ __ ] like three melees in one second that's nuts three [ __ ] melees and also the mortal wounds too holy [ __ ] man that's crazy okay here we go let's try this again there it goes oh god boom we failed damn this mortal coil so now what now we go to shadow moon valley there's no way yeah we fit the thing there's no way it failed no there's no way like we no way dracula gifted 10 more sub stop stop man stop so it's just over yeah you got to reset and do it again [ __ ] that we're doing shadow moon dally [ __ ] all right yeah i'm not doing this [ __ ] again that's [ __ ] yeah we're doing shadow moon valley let's go okay we've got oh this is the boss [ __ ] this is the boss that we wiped on last time focus focusing focusing focusing all right here we go lusting on boss don't bother don't bother there's no reason to lust i'm not gonna die i i cannot die it is impossible for me to die just watch watch watch whenever i watch whenever i'm doing it see he does that fast attack [ __ ] and i just dispel it it literally doesn't matter to me oh kill that ad go kill that ad guys someone go pick up that ad yeah that's how easy it is see watch he does that thing he does that thing i just immediately dispel it even if i don't dispel it this is what happens this is my damage like i am that i am that durable man like compare that to how much damage the uh the druid was tanking oh no man gotta do it again what the [ __ ] dude how are they gonna not give it to us uh us yeah that was a [ __ ] man to me what do you mean what do you mean you roll on that i'm [ __ ] i'm not happy wait a minute it's just like it's a good item for me too man it's good i am for me what what do you mean what are you doing you want me you don't want me to have good items no i do okay i'm gonna go ahead and use my chrono beacon here yeah let me use mine here where's the boss there is okay and then like this ad dude just does whatever it wants it just it just destroys it destroys man look at that damage look at that look at that kill the stable jaguar good job all right yeah we'll just use one of these on each of the bosses are there any asthma gold nfts maybe one day maybe one day we'll do an asthma golden ft that'd be a good idea i like that i can do an nft of uh i don't know yeah i'll have to think about it that'd be good bald coin yeah bald coin exactly otk ftx true dude true that's gonna be great i'm excited that's crazy dude 210 million dollars that's nuts you're concerned uh what's sister um slow effect thunder fury causing you to be rage farts so you're thinking like that that i'm slowing their attacks which causes me to get rage starved yeah that's definitely true but it's worth it for me to get rage starved and not take damage that's the difference like that's worth it for me because i take less damage and they always have the thunderclap buff up on them it's actually insanely good dude thunder fury is like the most godly weapon in the entire game it's so good like i'm not i'm not going to replace thunder fury until probably cataclysm like it's like that's like the weapon man i'm not replacing yeah it may be cataclysm even maybe in not available okay let's go over here start balding because wow did you have normal hair before uh i think my hair kind of always sucked to be honest like i looked back at like old pictures and like yeah my hair was always pretty bad okay yeah this is dude having these dragons helps so much holy [ __ ] like these dragons just solo the mobs it's great look at him dude he's [ __ ] aggro man this is awesome okay why am i still a sheep i'm still stuck as a sheep okay whatever [ __ ] it why no black war alec uh that's for losers uh i don't want the black war elec i already have the good i already have the good mouth the black war tiger is the mount the war ellick is stupid yeah uh you always want the tiger that's the coolest looking mount and it's not even close probably should have had somebody use their their ability on the last one to make it uh easier but oh well okay guys all right kill that van pusher last boss last boss here we go the time has come to shatter this clockwork let's do it good job so far guys keep it up nice he's enraged this is no problem this is no problem my health doesn't even go down my health is actually not even going down at all time stop that's why i'm just stunned this is no problem for me too those uh that helmet's good that helmet's actually really really really good i am grateful for your age okay now i need to turn descent okay let's try and do this like a locust how the [ __ ] do i turn this on and all my designs all my carefully made plans will at last fall what a dumb ass [ __ ] there it is who are you and what do you want ah the key i recognize it that's khadgar's key of course i haven't given it to him yet oh there's the oh man dude that's the horde where they ruin everything i seem to have memories about future events surrounding you in this key medivh looks like you like he's just seen a ghost let's try let's have you have trying times ahead of you asthma let us hope your strength does not fail you regarding the key i am to hand it to khadgar when he sent to me i couldn't hope for a better apprentice true uh i suppose you will need the key of your own medivh reaches into his robe and hands you his own key return to khadgar in shattrath city and show him the master's key all righty boys yep can we get a portal over to shattrath oh wait can i go into old outland yeah i could just go into old outland man wow dude it looks totally different what the [ __ ] dude it looks totally [ __ ] this is warwick's draenor okay um return to khadgar his own key that's incredible i do not any i do not sense any disturbances in our timeline so i suppose it was meant to occur all of long there's no turning back now asthma the key is yours and only yours speak to archmage altruist outside of karazhan a great responsibility has been bestowed upon you as one if the signs that the violet eye have observed are to be trusted then you must help them for all my disagreements with cedric the work like men like altruists do is still important beware that they do not use you however remember it is you who the key is bound to not them but if the danger in kara's hand is real then it is they who are best prepared to guide you in dealing with it go back to altruists and help him in any way that you can go with honor all right let's support the karazhan there we go what can i do for you i sent you to deliver a report and you come back with a key to this place there must be more to you than meets the eye bilbo baggins now that we found a way back into medivh's tower oh okay now we go inside we go inside of karazhan this is it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 344,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold classic, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, asmongold classic tbc, mcconnell, asmongold mcconnell, tbc classic, tbc, dungeon, tbc dungeon, classic tbc dungeon, classic dungoens, asmongold tbc dungeons, asmongold classic dungeons, hard dungeons, hardest dungeons, wow hardest, asmongold hardest
Id: S8q2qDIJgFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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