DETHRONED!? Aѕmongold ROASTS His Viewers PC Setups (ft. Mcconnell) | Episode 2

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holy shit man i don't know if he has more weed weeb little statues or he has more dr pepper cans because they're they're pretty much about even look at that uh completely clean desk everything's totally fucking good super clean super good hello stream bob the only bob jeez wait he has a piss bottle oh my god there's no way that's a piss it's not dude there's no way it's a fist bump it's a hundred percent how do you know no i think it's darker i feel pissed uh so i think that this reminds me of like dudes that like buy a house with like four of their friends and everything about the house is scuffed and the only thing in the refrigerator is beer and like old fast food i i think is it it's pretty bad i mean let's be real it is pretty fucking bad yes uh this is awful and like the best part about it is the stuffed animal dog on the side is that a phone next to the keyboard was that i don't know i think that's a blackberry dude yeah with a 2000 this dude 2010 this is a fucking blackberry man i don't even know what the hell it is oh my god you had the pacer yeah bro paige me dude yeah of course ooh let's not roast him why it's a uh it's a diabetic blood sugar thingy you can't roast that oh i feel like an asshole holy shit dude wow this is holy fuck man i'm a piece of shit now well i'm actually a piece of shit fuck man okay um it was pleasure coming home to high school to start watching to start the stream cars today i will never experience that again uh oh oh you graduated congrats bro now you have to get a job i felt the same way i was so fucking pissed i was like yeah high school was great i i just do oh dude do you see it oh no dude well it's weed it could be i mean it could be tobacco to be fair my mom rolls around nobody smokes tobacco like that that is a hundred percent pure grade a reefer you think that's reefer man you think he's smoking reefer man this kid's just straight out of high school and he's already smoking reefer oh look at you look at him look at your screen look at the monitor next to it what about it i mean that he's obviously on weed why because you'd have to be high to watch my stream wait that is that's a cosmic frowny look at it it has a pothead that's a fucking cosmic brownie man oh my god he's got this is all right okay probably living in his mom's house trying to make do with what's given to him so that's okay all right next one hitman's or bro his mouse pad has an led this is my mousepad guys say what see yeah this is this i mean this is [Music] why this is crazy these are the wow players of today man look at his picture that's a 50 dkp minus he's literally dead in the raid oh he's doing lfr with that setup it doesn't surprise this is a literal lfr setup oh my god okay what do we got here oh yeah man dude i love it i fucking love it man he's sitting there and you know he lives at his mom's house right how do you know that because he's got the fucking graduation pictures in the background like you guys can't quite tell from there but there's graduation pictures in the back let me see can i view image yeah you guys see it right there yeah so he's got graduation pictures in the background sitting at his fucking mom's house his mom is on the way to kick him out because he's got a suitcase full of his shit and he's sitting there and he's taking over half of the sofa with the tv fucking stand and six dr peppers just sitting there right there oh my god man this actually like i feel like this is a super comfy setup okay i spend 70 percent of my life here 70 yeah what do you do the other 30 strong desk right there wait look at his fucking look at the monitors he's got two boxes that hold the other monitor up so it's at about the same uh the same level as the other one oh that's great man okay let's see so that look at that fucking that uh that mouse pad dude huge oh my god you can see how dirty it is from here it's got all those like blemishes and like all that shit i don't know man so again it is a wood desk which means that it can only be uh you know mediocre but i think this one's okay all right let's go over next one work in progress hmm i don't know it's kind of dope i mean this guy's obviously waiting for you know rat yep listen i i like it okay it's all right he's got the little pc too man i don't know if i really like the little pc but everything besides that like just the whole the aesthetic of it i think is good it's just that it's so small it's so funny you've got a little keyboard dude you got a little keyboard like that keyboard is like the size of a fucking i don't know it's just it's so small you gotta do like this for the keyboard to put your hands on it i don't know man uh early setup and construction uh in construction asmond's setup so he's an artist because he has an art book i think uh i'm not sure oh yeah yeah i guess he does because look at the oh how many monitors does he have i guess this is just like an average setup oh wait he has a roomba wait this guy's got a room is that our room down oh my god this guy's rich yes it's red he's got two weights you have two roombas and he's got a little spider there oh wow look at that little spider holy shit that's a big boy oh my god yeah i mean this is pretty clean i'd say so yeah overall this is nice uh it's a piss bucket yeah yeah it must be my office gaming setup okay [Music] that's dope i like that the only thing that i don't like about this is the man cave yeah you know what my man cave is my fucking house like what do you mean your man cave exactly like yeah that that's my hair be the man of your house dude be the man of the house fucking you don't don't listen it's time for men to start rising the fuck up okay yeah don't go hiding in your little fucking cave okay you're the man of the goddamn house not the man of the cave okay throw that fucking sign in the goddamn trash take some responsibility and be a fucking man about it that's right and look at the uh the cock why does he have a calculator oh it's like you might as well just have an abacus which is where's the abacus i mean like obviously you have like your fucking phone you've got uh you've got your laptop there you've got your computer just get a fucking abacus next time and just go all the way to uh all the way uh is he is his dust cooler than yours it's a wooden desk bro and then he has g fuel you know what what on second thought just keep the man cave sign and the g fuel yeah just keep her this is a lot man it certainly is a lot all right let's go with the next one okay i like this one a lot but you can tell this isn't uv light because there's not white everywhere and he's got his keyboard and mouse that are separate from his laptop so i i like that a lot no that that's fine the laptop is fine from that direction okay too bright yeah it is a little bit too too bright i don't not like a big fan of this one but i think that it's okay all right roast me my literal god abuse [Music] oh all right i got my thing you got your thing [Music] oh let me i'll go first i'll go first i'll go for it so my thing was the supreme my thing was the supreme hat you can't take that that was my thing no that was my thing that i was gonna zoom in on that's my no no i said i was gonna roast him for that first but you took the idea out of my head because that's what i was gonna do so the only good part about this about your setup is actually the picture on the back i think the picture that you have right there is really really good because it blends in with your uh with your wall color yeah we'll get this guy's transmog holy shit dude let me get over here what is this emerald nightmare boots the shoulders wait these are the light forward shoulders jesus man okay what is this i thought it would be cheating if i cleaned it what's he got here so what are those dude what are those what are those dude those are those look good bro like what the fuck is that what the fuck let's see what we've got here we've got the uh the old taco bell bag in the back he's got uh three drink cups on the table i like that a lot uh good work on that one uh the two monitors good job he's got his work clothes out there in the back there and uh let's see the keyboard and mouse look pretty good uh the desk is all right i think everything about this is good what do you guys think yeah the door yeah how the fuck you open that door i i don't i don't get how you open the door but besides that i think this looks really fucking good pewdiepie chair i don't even know if it's a pewdiepie chair or not i have no fucking clue man yeah regardless i think this does look pretty nice i like it a lot and i feel like it fits together pretty well uh the colors are good it's real too like because there's garbage everywhere that way you know it's real he's got powerade right there that way he keeps his energy up uh look at that the xbox controller more drinks right there it's got his phone man ready for action at any time look at that and he's even got lotion right there on the side oh wait that might be toothpaste no you could use it for both things but regardless this is pretty good okay rate my setup asthma bro like what the fuck are you trying to do like you from tron [Music] i brought this like yo are you from tron like oh my god oh my god this is crazy way too dank i i don't know i think it's okay yeah rg it's just like it's so much worth man so much work i'm just like you asmond i love wow and i'm balding yeah wait no no no no no oh my no no kidding me dude a legitimate a legitimate brony it's a fucking watch it's a wow playing brony i thought bronies went extinct no what is this purple thing is this like a sex toy like i mean he's gonna be yeah i mean if you know you know how they are yeah that's what i'm thinking man wait he's got one of those little those little toys and it's of fluttershy or whatever the fuck one it is i don't even know it's the only one i know that's not fucking fluttershy that's fucking rainbow dash dumbass um oh he's got wild collectors edition oh oh warroad's a dry he has the warlords of draenor collector's edition this is fucking disturbing man and look at his picture look what he says he's balding just like me come on man no listen this goes out to all and any people that are into funko pops brony stuff anything like that listen get rid of your current hobby okay throw it away it's stupid it's lame all right and it makes you look uncool and dumb you're not allowed to like things that you like you're only allowed to like things that we like instead switch your focus over to warhammer stuff now that's badass yes dude wart hammer makes your setup look a thousand times cooler bronies make your setup book not so cool yeah it's like multiplying your setup rating by zero let's look at the next one here so this guy's literally one of these fucking ammo bunkers or ammo chests oh my god this i actually like this this is a wooden desk that i can get behind look at this view image it's a piece this is terrible this is actually fucking terrible he's just got two big ass fucking chests here that with a piece of wood between the two of them yeah he's got two treasure chests here this fucking keys he's got a screwdriver a baby yoda uh cooler or like what is this a canteen a bottle of orange drank subway eat fresh um oh my god man wait what is this one oh this one's really nice because you see like these cups are a set right so you have this cut this is one of the new ones he has water in this one look at this one look at that one bro that's some fucking chocolate milk from last month man this this guy's a fucking pot head to the mat there's a pothead why what do you mean the sticker look at the sticker on the desk can i cruise yeah can a cruise what is that a fucking dispensary bro oh no and look at the monitor like it's like fall it's like the leaning tower of pisa [Music] just like falling over a little bit i guess the stand is fucked up but uh yeah this is a um and look at the floor dude that's like just straight up flooring like there's no actual carpet or like flooring there it's just i don't know like what is that the foundation of the house holy shit okay my dirty gaming setup lmao the struggle please please don't do anything on a laptop ever if you can if you can help it don't ever do anything on a laptop okay you look like a fucking goober so we've got steel series malice i like that steel series mice these are the ones that i always get to um and at least i'm getting now and i like the tape like just randomly he has tape on the side of his desk on top of his ps4 or ps however many number it is and then heb green tea packet right under the tape magic the gathering box uh some bills behind the laptop and a water bottle and like what game is this let me see what game it is uh call of duty okay you know what called the new call of duty is good so i'll accept that uh first good call of duty in a long time a condom wait that's a condom no this isn't a condom bro no it says gillette gillette no there's no condom here all right guys relax okay let's see love from spain i don't play wow though what is that coke bottle from world war one look at this look at this oh my god with a coke bottle it's like all destroyed it's like this is something that you fish out like if you're going to fucking like rescue it's like if you're going to clean up the ocean you just find like a random coke bottle and you hold it up you're like see this is what's destroying the ocean and killing all the dolphins and you pull out that coke bottle right there lenovo's still around yeah yeah and so he's got a pretty nice looking keyboard a decent uh decent mouse here uh i don't know what that little thing in the middle is nestea lemon tea i mean again he's from eu so he's not drinking a lot of soda what the fuck does sabado mean i don't know saturday saturday okay let's go to the second one [Music] a wooden desk very nice i like it how do you fucking like where do you put your feet dude like just you have to put your feet down there on that bottom yeah on the bottom weird dude i like being able to like move my feet around like you have no leg room in that desk it's so awkward what's that above computer um probably something like for soccer i don't know is that for soccer wait i just randomly guessed i just randomly guess it's a soccer fan oh my god oh my god okay um it's like if i ever see anything in the eu and it's like what is that it's to get another language and my ass isn't something soccer you know they're really into that over there okay there's this one roast me please all right nasty this is from nasty here okay so what's on his escape key why is everybody using this mouse with the holes in it man look at this mouse every single person is using it maybe it's good maybe we should get one i don't know dude it's weird so this guy what this guy did is he found a house that was uh in the middle of construction before coronavirus and they had to halt construction on the house halfway through and they only installed some of the drywall but not all of it so he took all of his stuff from that house from his house and he put it in the half-made house here and he's squatting look at the fucking look at the electrical lines man oh my god yeah this guy's gonna electric himself oh my god xbox on top of the computer is that an xbox i don't even know what the fuck that is uh i guess it must be an xbox because it's completely destroyed and so yeah oh yeah i guess it must be holy fuck man and like the desks like these black desks look how nasty that looks dude that just looks like trash so wait what is this here is this his lunchbox [Music] he has a kid i guess so and um oh he's got a guitar in the uh in the back there okay all right let's go with the next one okay for a second i thought the fucking i thought the mic was a dick okay um so he's got a new character and it's called bald asmon uh yeah this is pretty nice i guess i don't really like all the leds though to be honest uh the mic is okay but um you know we've got this little fucking thing there his cat is a character okay so here's my setup where i work currently due to the situation love your content and keep going yeah it's a girl um i guess this is like she's obviously working from home and i think this is nice this is a nice home setup simping oh come on man it doesn't look that bad like it's a it's a girl's setup okay like you can pretty much expect that oh she's got little post-it notes wait post-it notes would you buy those from circuit city is that a healer uh yeah is it wait it is a healer the heel all right all right all right this is it's a nice looking set and um she's not from the us so i i i like this it looks okay it's cozy you know and i always like the cozy uh cozy sets you know okay let's go to the next one you've never seen a better setup no cap okay so let's see what we've got going on here literally nothing like this is just like nothing is going on here you got this like little tiny keyboard like why do people have these tiny little like baby dick keyboards what big ben yeah it's just it's full like this is oh oh the fucking the yeah big ben the fucking the clock tower bro let me tell you something no cap all right this is dog shit like your ikea desk where the fucking the the legs on the desk are like crisscross like full legged no bro listen man i'm not having it okay next one oh it's dragon what it's dragon setup oh he's got sting he's got sting the sword look at that dude oh my god he's got some weights down there at the bottom holy shit this is yeah this is badass he's got just like the one chair dude and like he comes home from work and he just sits there and goes like cool all right it's time dude it's fucking time and it just goes to work all right my girlfriend and i have our setups fyi my desk is the standing desk with a full desk mount mouse pad okay wait that whole thing is a fucking mouse pad holy shit god damn dude like yo what the fuck is this man it's like a mouse pad for andre the giant why would you have a mouse pad that's like oh oh oh whoa oh i'm going over there now wow all right that's good i'm keeping my dpi but um overall i think this is a decent looking setup okay uh spilling a drink yeah imagine you spill a drink and now it's on your fucking mouse pad it's annoying as hell the cleanup he's got one pepsi right there and i'm assuming is this like his girlfriend set up i have no idea what do you get wait a literal wait this is a communist ugandan knuckles jesus man what did i tell you man do you have no shame do you have no shame man i told you oh my god well son set up no no listen i it's all right okay i guess it's all right let me look at the last picture okay here we go yeah this one's okay i actually don't let's never move oh i like this a lot i like this a lot right there see he's got the little skull with the headphones on it that's fucking badass yeah that is really fucking badass it's a 200 clock wait where wait yeah what the fuck is this 1852 what the hell is this supposed to be military time dump really okay mini fridge was inspired by you all right let's see here [Music] so this is pretty impressive i like it i i actually do like it a lot uh everything about this fits together really well and uh the chair there probably should get a new chair the gatorade bottles i like that a lot it adds a little bit of flavor okay what oh no what do you mean no no what pogers dude poger no fortnite oh come on man uh the belts are on the wall yeah the belts are on the wall i like that so one of them's new it's still got the fucking tag on it all right degenerate richard the degenerate oh my god [Music] oh my fucking god he's got sailor moon dolls right there holy shit man meeps have got to be some of the weirdest people on earth oh my god he ha i don't know if he has more weed weeb little statues or he has more dr pepper cans because they're they're pretty much about even so obviously this uh this desk is probably in a basement or at least i would kind of expect so and it's on the wall oh that one yeah no trust me i already saw that it's a bunch of fucking anime girls okay it's weird as hell let's go with the next one all right so this guy obviously works for nasa yeah that's nice uh yeah he's a smart guy here's an example right on this desk everything looks good except for everything looks good in the desk but everything besides the desk and the setup looks like trash like the walls look awful that weird ass like uh cloth stuff you have on the side looks awful everything about this looks completely fucking awful man it's cr it's leaning to the left wait oh it is yeah i didn't even notice that yeah look at that the left monitor is way higher than the right or left arm is way lower than the right monitor oh my god the lamp oh the lamp has a webcam on it wait that's actually 200 iq all right let's go to the next one oh man [Music] this is cool yo yo this is fucking cool man he collects pokemon and he collects real-life pokemon look at that he's got like little uh little terrariums in there he's got a laptop but i mean you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna let that pass because of how nice this setup is this is a cozy little setup this is exactly what we like to see man [Music] cleanest my setup has been in a while by throws jet [Music] that's a problem this is good this is good i like this i really do this is a nice looking setup he's got his three monitors he's got his mic right there it's a sure sm7b microphone it's a great mic it's the exact same one that i have uh this is really really good okay dude so what the fuck this guy is anger issues why look at his fucking left monitor he literally grabbed it and bent it almost in half holy shit did you see how it's like curved yeah this guy's savage what the fuck dude god damn man look at this look at that like oh my god and look the stand is like it's just halfway off like the little stand that's supposed to hold up the monitor like dude if that monitor leans to the left at all that shit's going off the edge man 100 so he's got some sardines wait no is that copenhagen oh no that's not dip is it oh dude he's a satanist bro i saw that dude on the uh on the record player right yes okay he's got the fucking the the this thing right here twitch prime yep cock [Music] he's watching somebody else's stream so he's watching somebody from method with a battle for azeroth uh screen there with a vape as well i don't know guys like could be skill or genji i i don't know it's too far away for me to tell i'm not really sure um regardless this is not really oh geez look at this man alright what is this a nuclear reactor wow all these all these colored flashing lights it's really trippy when i'm smoking my reefer and my vape at the same time holy shit man if your setup is like all bright and shit all these lights and just flashing you got a remote to control all the lights fuck you fuck you pretentious little bitch i hate you i hate people like that i hate that shit you suck dick all right i'm back sorry about that boys too far i just said i just said i wasn't i wasn't too fond of the the lights yeah it's fucking stupid i mean like it looks really cool okay man like i'm gonna be honest like this this pc looks really really really fucking cool but it does also look like a nuclear reactor and does it make sense for you to use the nuclear reactor to farm mounts from from ice crown citadel wow i don't even know [Music] he's literally got his monitor stand [Music] on a ps4 box i i like how he has all of the bottles and everything that are all kind of like segregated over to like the other side of the desk you know it just puts everything over there and it's kind of like all the same thing that's what ps4 is for yeah i know it's probably ps4 is probably still in the box too [Music] wow fucking wow i am not surprised at all i just oh my god man this is crazy you've got the he's got i like how also one of my favorite things is he's got windex there you know it was like as if he's ever going to clean this he's got the monster energy drink and like what is even on this look at this view image look at this what the fuck is that what is that just a big old bowl of icing no it was probably some sort of sauce that congealed he just eats it just oh give me the mayonnaise give me that mayonnaise oh yeah give it to me i love it jesus man it's nasty and he's also got bars of soap i guess i don't know wait no those might just be tissues i have no fucking idea so tissues windex and a plate full of uh full of mayonnaise oh and a monster energy drink we can't forget that one too oh my fucking god dude wow yeah i i think the colors look really really good um yeah i mean yeah the night l5s i just feel like everything about this is super fucking clean dude it's super fucking clean look at this one take a look at that what the fuck man yeah i actually like this one a lot too it actually reminds me a little bit of my room even look at this holy shit this guy says in the jungle in costa rica gaming studios streaming this is fucking awesome yeah it's almost like he's in a treehouse i like this a lot what do you guys think yeah i feel like this is a really really nice looking setup like everything about it fits together really well and i just like it a lot man okay what do you guys think about this one here this one right here i kind of like this one i guess the reason why i like it is like you can look out the window and it's like kind of you know it's like nice outside but it does have one monitor i can't believe like there are so many people that only have one monitor now like it's insane working from home uh i mean the the darth vader and the kylo ren pictures or or the the statues or whatever they're a little bit big don't you guys think does it look like he's getting much work done well that's why i said working with quotes okay yeah the guy's not getting much work done and that's a good thing [Music] oh my god [Music] it's fucking it's so fucking nasty dude it's so fucking nasty dude i don't understand at all why somebody would go around and have this one oh my god like this is the nat like you know the nastiest thing about this is the fact that he has one monitor but look at that he's got like fucking pennies like let me see view image what the fuck like chapstick uh cigarette dust she's got some drinks right there okay he's got the go army mouse pad oh my god the watch deck headphones oh dude i don't know guys i'm not really a huge fan of this i'm just not really that big of a fan of it it's just it's kind of like whatever to me look at mine yeah yeah yeah i mean like the zelda so the zelda poster in my opinion is the best part of it this picture and like the color theme reminds me for some reason of like the old school fucking ads remember the fucking picture of like the kid with the speed on the desk putting up the thumbs up always playing nintendo or like atari or some shit that's exactly what i feel like whenever i look at this picture it's got the same exact aesthetic or at least like color theme which reminds me exactly of that [Music] his name is pretzel you know what that is a good boy you can just look at him and you know he's a good boy oh it's got a foot massager too this guy lives in luxury man uh isn't it great to be in the first world this is amazing you just sit there on your computer with your little doggo playing video games with your foot massager on drinking dr pepper and g fuel wait what the fuck is this what the fuck is this what is that green shit is this a is it a deal i don't think it's a dildo man it it's it's an alien this guy's from area 52 yeah obviously yeah way to go pretzel good job proud of you buddy okay and then there's the actual setup itself oh that's good he lined up all the three things or four things that he has there so he has uh vitamins um hand sanitizer i don't know is that deodorant or something and then dr pepper that's a really good combo there man uh yeah i like this i've only been playing one month because of your stream super proud of my mouth this is really really good wow [Music] i don't even know what to say he's got the fucking chair man he's got a tv stand as his mouse pad and some but look at this fucking stool dude look at that stool it looks like he's straight up got this out of the dump like and he's got his laptop on the stool the laptop probably is worth more than the house it's like judging off this little setup here like this is a setup right here guys like the good thing about this is this guy can go anywhere he wants and his setup can just go right with them so like i always see setups like this one here and you see like all the purple and you know the the whole i don't know what you want to call it like the whole thing here right and i don't really know how much i it's like i just want a desk with a computer at it bro that makes sense here's another one right here this guy obviously lives in the attic because you can tell because the slanted room and um i like that obviously he has all this stuff in there uh space management is very important in addicts like that and so i'm glad about that and uh two graphics cards uh oh yeah he does have two graphics cards gtx what is that 1060 1060 what year is this wait he's playing wow in windowed mode it's windowed mode who the fuck does that oh my god look at this one this is crazy holy fuck bro like doggy look at this shit like look at your monitor your monitor is like 10 feet long it's an ultra wide yeah that is a super old for wide what the fuck dude and he's got a little clock right there above it or below it he's oh look at that at the top he's got all the collectors editions i like this one because it's just like it's an old-school setup you've got a fucking tv uh sorry a car tv from the uh from 2005. you've got your gamecube there like the original fucking gamecube and you've also got all those books and like figurines and shit yeah i like this this reminds me of my old room actually this reminds me actually a lot of my old room holy shit yeah cause i have a bunch of figurines and stupid shit in my old room too it's great oh my god look at this dude [Music] look at that dude it's like some so my girl there just like super fucking fit like that's honestly the only thing that i'm looking at i'm not even thinking about the setup at all that's all i'm looking at farah yeah almost man uh regardless uh this does look really really i guess kind of nice i guess this is a wood desk isn't really that bad though i i don't completely hate it all right this one's perfect this is the last one we're gonna look at there it is this right here is this is not a this is not a battle station bro this is a fucking throne the only thing that's wrong with it is the fact that he's a sylvanas stem okay not a fan of that but everything else he's got shadow mourn up there and he also has frostmourne that is fucking badass and he's got the chair there it's like imagine how you feel sitting in that chair and he has the 500 illidan statue and he's watching my stream so this guy's obviously really fucking smart yeah and shadow more okay you know what i will show you my setup why not so this is my desk and i will zoom all the way out [Music] there you go so i've got my uh this is my my table right here and i've got my my other monitor this is my computer that's down below there and then before that i've got my computer over here obviously okay so that's pretty much i can't really move it too much it's kind of awkward but like yeah this is pretty much the way my setup is i've got my camera right in between the two monitors and that's the monitor the game's on and that is oh shit uh this is you guys right here that's you guys clean desk yeah my desk is completely bleak look at that uh completely clean desk everything's totally fucking good super clean super good [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 1,296,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold pc setups, asmongold deleted, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold vod, asmongold setups, asmongold deleted vod, asmongold reviews, asmongold viewers, asmongold rates, mcconnell reacts, asmongold pc, mcconnell asmongold, mcconnell setups, asmongold roast, asmongold roasts, asmongold roasted, asmongold 2, asmongold episode 2, episode 2, roasts, roast
Id: Hld2xcLNs3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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