25 Redstone Build Hacks in Minecraft

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it's time to do some hacking and by that I don't mean the cheesy kind ones where you can see through walls and gather millions of diamonds without having to do anything no we're going to taking a look at the more useful type of hacks which are redstone build hacks now I know what you're thinking that was a bold statement saying that these little build hacks are gonna be more useful than seeing through walls and you're right that was a bold statement you know I might I might take it back to be quite frankly honest with you but they are incredibly useful so let's start four-way item elevator I have plenty of these water streams in my base and I always wondered if there was a way to run four of them into one item elevator and it turns out it's actually really quite simple all we need is soul sand down at the bottom and then slams running around like this and no matter where the items come from they're all going to be traveling outward so if we just throw these in here that's all working perfectly and even if one comes in super fast it's going to travel across actually overshoot a little bit but then still end up inside the water stream so no items are being lost goodness me I don't know if you can tell but I'm gradually losing my voice here zero ticks smart Pistons on the Left we've got a regular smart piston I've used these hundreds of times in various different farms and I've never really been disappointed with the speed I always thought they were decent if I hold down the right-click button this is the maximum velocity but the guys from the side craft server weren't satisfied and they developed this system right here the zero smart biston which is just it's utterly ridiculous and it's also really quite simple instead of running the redstone power direct into the piston you run it up into this piston up here which actually updates the sticky piston and creates this super fast effect signal strength is your friend if you're smart with your signal strength you can actually use it to create redstone lines that run directly next to one another for example here I have a bunch of composters and inside them I have got four pumpkin pies each one of them has got four pumpkin pies and as you can see these redstone lines have four pieces of redstone long so if I hit this button right here when the composter is extended upwards it will power to a signal strength of four meaning that only the redstone lamp connected to the composter that's extended well actually be powered so we essentially have redstone lines running next one another and even though they're all connected we still get single outputs weird slabs ever since we were given the ability to place redstone on top of upside-down half slabs there's been a very strange behavior now I actually thought this had been removed but it hasn't this piece of redstone dust right here which looks like it is heading across in this direction actually also powers the blocks on either side of it it's behaving like a redstone dots even though it looks like this it's it's very strange but it is useful transparent goes up but it doesn't go down if you want to send a redstone signal that can only travel in one direction be done once use repeaters comparators or anything like that that's going to add delay what you can do is make use of a transparent block so if I send this redstone signal you can see that it travels up and goes across like this but if I tried to send it in the opposite direction it's not going to go down and that is because redstone signals cannot travel down a transparent blocks this is super handy redstone redirection sometimes Yuri don't want your redstone dust powering the things that are next to it and one handy thing to do is play something like a lever there to retie rec to the redstone dust so that it then doesn't interact anything that is next to it now one thing that I've found is one of the best blocks for this is a trap chest because unlike the lever a trap chest doesn't need to be placed on anything it's a one by one redstone redirecting system perfect redirecting the redirector further for the redstone that's a long title and it's also a bit of an old one now this is a technique that I absolutely love playing around with but it's also it's very very odd - so here we have a detector rail is one of the only moveable redstone redirector x' in the game and if you push it across you can see that it does it does redirect the redstone but this redstone lamp hasn't realized that yet so it's remaining powered even though it isn't being powered and if we give it an update it will then realize that it's not being powered and then if we remove this you can see the redstone is now running directly into the redstone lamp but the redstone lamp hasn't realized until we give it an update this is a fun game mechanic perfectly balanced as all things should be as we all know in Minecraft things arrive in stacks of 64 and that means that I have magus 32 McWhorter stank is 16 and 1/8 of a stack is 8 now if we're doing item dispensers one handy tip to know is that if you use a wooden button with a fast redstone clock it will give you exactly eight items out of each dropper that you use so if we do a bit of this you can see that we end up with 16 sticky pistons so if you want to create item dispensers where you're dispensing say a full stack of items or multiple stacks of items then you just need to multiply or divide then you need to do some maths moveable water sources this is another one that I genuinely thought had been removed but it turns out it hasn't you can move waterlogged blocks and keep them as waterlogged as long as it's a fast enough pulse that pulse length has to be of one tick so if we just flick this leave right here our observer will output a one tick poles into that sticky piston and you can see that our water source has actually moved forward the only problem is is that when you retract it you're gonna lose the water there's still plenty of cool things that you can do with this though h2o my goodness you can send a redstone signal through this stuff that was terrible bad puns aside you actually can send redstone signals through water it has to be vertical but the good news is this is really really quick and also it doesn't matter how tall your water column is it will take the same amount of time regardless so if we hit this button right here that will dispense some water on top of this soul sound creating a bubble column and as you can see about a second later we'll get an output from our observer but when the bubble column is removed is actually instant and as I say it doesn't matter how tall this is this could go from bedrock all the way up to the build limit and we'll take the same at a time Wireless redstone for those of you who are fans of the homing craft series or of the YouTube channel raised works you'll recognize this circuit right here because I recently used an hammock raft episode and it was originally designed by raise works and it is genius ok I love this thing it allows us to send redstone signals vertically downwards making use of daylight sensors I would highly suggest checking out Ray's video on this one because it's super interesting redstone updaters for anyone who's familiar with the weirdness of pistons in the Java edition of Minecraft this block right here is now powering this sticky piston but this sticky piston doesn't quite realize it yet we need to give it an update now there are many ways in which we can give it an updates one good one is making use of other Pistons but one that people often forget about is the fact that redstone dust can update pistons and it can actually do it from one block away which makes it unique take update orders oh gosh that sounds really geeky is it little-known fact that although repeaters and comparators have exactly the same delay repeaters are handled in game before comparators so repeaters output their redstone signals slightly very very slightly before comparators do and that can lead to situations like this happening which this was the original zero tape pulse generator and one entity to quickly explain what's happening here the repeater is powering this Blanc before the comparator actually gets a chance to howl the piston and move the block out the way which means the piston is powered very very very briefly technical minecraft things easy piston powering if you're in a very compact redstone contraption you're struggling for space and he needs a power a row of Pistons which I know sounds very specific but I've been in that situation many times before a good way to do it is using a row of observers as you can see if we give this front observer an update it will power all of the Pistons in a line just like that and the cool thing is is you kind of get this nice animation going on - I like it semi Wireless redstone say for example you want to send a redstone signal between two buildings where you don't want an ugly redstone line one way to do it is to make use of trip wires a trip wire can go up to 40 blocks and a good way to power it is making use of a piston and an armor stand that will activate the tripwire allowing you to take an output magic Pistons I worked my voice I think by the end of this video I might be speaking in a series of croaks to be honest with you anyway vocal problems aside you can use a redstone clock to consistently provide updates to a piston allowing it to detect when it's powered from locations such as this one so you can see this block looks like it's flying in the sky but if we hit this button the Vista actually detects it extending giving us a redstone output now the reason that it's doing this is because this powered rail right here is constantly updating it causing it to check for strange powering locations such as this one instant wire if you need to send a redstone signal over a very long distance and you want it to be instant no delay whatsoever you need to make use of pistons for attracting you see pistons retract instantly and when something happens instantly that means even if you chain them together because they all do it instantly everything happens at the same time so you can see if I flick this lever right here all those Pistons retracted in exactly the same game tick and if I had a redstone line running from all the way over there to all the way over there it would be the same story water logging blocks using water inside redstone contraptions is fairly commonplace I do it all the time and dispensers are frustrating to be honest with you I find them really annoying so a good way to get around using dispenses is making use of waterlogged blocks they provide you plenty of options to create compact ways to store water inside your redstone systems just make sure that you've you know patched up any leaks you don't want this to run out onto your circuit tree alternative power blocks when it comes to movable power sources I'll actually say that I use redstone blocks the least simply because they tend to power everything around them and you can't push them vertically which doesn't make them very versatile instead I tend to use cold ruins and composters as of minecraft 1.14 you can take comparator outputs from those or you can also take comparator outputs through blocks which is pretty handy obviously the observer is just the world's greatest thing giving a one tick pulse every single time that is moved and also we can make use of gravity blocks in the same fashion stacked RS nor latch --is sound like the most complicated thing ever don't they but you'll be happy to hear they really aren't but they are incredibly useful if we hit one of these buttons you can see that the comparators out the back actually reflect the button that I've just pressed if you hit this one here you can see that comparator turns on if we hit this one that comparator turns on and it works in a really simple fashion when we hit one of these buttons this redstone line up at the top will reset all of the RS nor latch --is and then this redstone torch will then turn on once that button pops back out and that will power the bottom half of the RS nor latch giving us an output really nice and easy to construct I use them all the time extreme pulse extender this is a small variation on an ether hopper timer instead of having to Steve hissing it has one regular piston and instead of creating a redstone clock it now creates a poll extender so in here we have got sixteen items when we hit this button those sixteen items will leave this hopper and start going into this one we can output through the comparator eventually all of the items will go into that one the redstone block will move back across and all of the items will follow back into this hopper and then this comparator will turn off now that is just sixteen items and you saw the length of the pulse that we got imagine if we had five stacks in here this thing's tiny for how powerful it is like free redstone according to people who are far smarter than me redstone is actually quite a laggy thing in minecraft turning redstone on and off again causes a lot of checks and and operations to be run by Minecrafts code which are fairly resource intensive whereas powered rails don't do that so if you can use them as an alternative then I would highly suggest it if you're playing on a server all of the server members will thank you vegan redstone this one's a bit of a weird one and I'll be honest I haven't really found a use for it but it's very interesting nonetheless you can actually send redstone signals through leaf blocks by pushing a log into them the observer the observer will detect that tell the distance that it travels isn't very far I think is limited by about five leaf blocks and there's a little bit of delay involved but it just looks hilarious so it has to be in the video choker box breaking one problem that I often have with shocker box braking systems is that there tends to be a chance that the choker box is actually going to end up somewhere that you don't want it to be the only reliable way to actually break a choker box and have it picked up by a hopper is to push downwards onto a slab with a hopper underneath it as you can see right here if we hit this button the shocker box is essentially picked up before it has a chance to even go anywhere so there's no opportunity for it to get lost because that would be frustrating not only because sugar boxes are expensive but also you tend to store expensive things in choco boxes too and for the final tip of today's video it will help you out the most is subscribe to my channel really is that really I'm gonna rent this video oh yeah yeah why not I mean that's it that is it I have just come back from Nashville I am I am super super jet-lagged my throat is destroyed but the hermit craft panel went well I hope you enjoyed it mine con was awesome bring on the honey block
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,539,369
Rating: 4.9559755 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: R9IJA68yRwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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