5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [North Carolina, Michigan, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Vermont] Vol.9

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[Music] [Music] this is part 9 of my American roadtrip series in which I'm narrating one scary story from every US state make sure to check the other episodes out after this one it's hard to believe we're almost at the finish line still and there's plenty more horror just over the horizon so make sure to buckle up as we continue on our journey down route 6x6 the speed painting visuals used in this episode were created by victorious Keller links to her YouTube channel and Instagram can be found in the description I'm from Asheville North Carolina born and raised and I have my own story to share here one that's equal parts bizarre and disturbing around four years ago I was walking through one of the local parks early in the morning well before anyone else was up and awake I just broken up with my longtime girlfriend and was having difficulty sleeping as I strolled through the empty park I heard something that caught my attention a soft whimpering sheltered under a tree on my left was a dog a black Labrador to be precise and the poor thing must have gotten lost I thought I leant down to pet the little guy in his tail immediately started wagging like crazy he licked my hand and made it clear that unlike me he was in need of a friend no collar nor anything else to suggest he had an owner what was he doing out here all by himself had somebody kicked him out was he astray I stood up and walked a few steps to look around for his owner but the dog wouldn't leave me alone he was like my shadow wherever I ward he followed together we walked the length and breadth of that bark occasionally I called out hello hello I have your dog here and but there was nobody around at all no one was looking for the poor fella I looked down at him and stared into his big brown eyes a pair that said please take me with you it seemed like the universe had during the two of us together this dog was the answer to my newfound loneliness and I was the answer days I took him home with me for a long time I did my best to track down his owner I reported the dog is missing and put up flyers around town but nobody ever got in contact with me it looked like I'd found myself a new canine housemaid I named him Scooby creative I know every morning I'd take Scooby for a long walk the first week I had him we walked the exact same route around town thing is every time we came to pass this one particular house Scooby would stop and start crying I try and pull him away try to get him to keep going but he'd just stare at the house and whine like crazy each time we came to pass the house it had take me a good 10 minutes to get him to continue on with me tugging on his leash the entire time after the 6th or 7th time we passed the house it became clear to me that he was going to do this every time so in the end I just decided to switch up our walking route I had no idea what got into him or why that house seemed to bother him so much it wasn't like he was crying to go inside he never tugged on his leash to get closer it was more like he was afraid of something in there but couldn't bring himself to leave like a human who can't look away from a deadly accident he had some sort of strange doggy fascination with the place anyway for the next six months I own Scooby I had took him on several different walking routes making sure that we never past that damn house that freaked him out so much one day though I had an early morning errand to run which took me past that house I decided to take Scooby along with me get his daily walk out of the way completely forgetting about how he acted six months earlier well Scooby hadn't forgotten about the house and not by a long shot as we came to pass it he once again froze in place and refused to move he whimpered loudly refusing to take his eyes off the place come on Scoob there's a good boy I said to him trying to calm him down and coax him along a bit it didn't work he seemed more unsettled by that house than he ever had been before hey what's gotten into you boy I asked him rhetorically he must have stayed like that for a good 15 minutes this time and just staring and crying refusing to budge then without warning he bolted towards the house pulling his leash right out of my hands Scooby I shouted get back here here was no use whatever Pierre had consumed him before he had conquered it he rushed to that house ran around the corner and into the backyard god damn it Scooby I thought the owners must have a cat or something and that's why you always acts crazy around here and I chased Scooby into the houses backyard completely embarrassed praying that I could get him out of there before the owners woke up and started cussing me out I got back there and found Scooby frantically digging a hole in the cross had never seen him acting like this before he never dug holes in my backyard and I tried to pull him away but he just shook me off and kept digging his little paws throwing up earth left right and center I was furious with him you see Scooby knew something I didn't knew a secret that nobody else knew he knew what was buried in that yard his former owner Scooby's digging unearthed the largely decomposed corpse of a 32 year old man shallowly buried in the garden of your average suburban house in North Carolina the man had been down there for as long as I had Scooby the authorities were alerted and an investigation began turns out that house was a rental the dead man have been living there with his girlfriend and their dog all their neighbors and their friends in the area knew them as Jim and Charlotte these turned out to be fake identities everything people thought they knew about their lives and their pasts were a lie the inside of their house remained untouched nothing appeared to have been taken as of right now the police still haven't been able to track down the so-called Charlotte she remains the prime suspect for his killing though nobody's really sure she was behind it all and went on the run or if she herself was a victim too buried somewhere else by somebody else if she was responsible and she left in a damn hurry it was pretty much all her personal possessions were still inside the house her wallet her fake ID everything but her cell phone and whatever the case no one has ever come forward to reveal either Jim or Charlotte surreal identities no friends and no family no one yes such Jim was reburied here in Nashville and given an unnamed headstone the strangest part in my eyes is that the houses rent was still being paid when the body was found despite the fact it had been empty for six months the landlord had always been paid in cash which arrived in an envelope through the mail it was always addressed from Jim even after his demise so the question is who was still paying the rent Charlotte the girlfriend someone else who didn't want the new tenants to be digging around in the garden and that all remains unclear I'm sure there are details the cops haven't revealed to the public but still it's a little weird scooby is still around to this day he's still Christ whenever we go past that house but he doesn't stop and stare anymore in his own way I like to think he found a little closure I had to know how his last owner treated him or what he was like but Scooby didn't want to leave him down there in the ground he's a good boy I'll update you all if they ever find the woman I've been listening to your YouTube channel and stories for a long time now and I have one I'd like to share that happened to my parents a little before I was born many people in America aren't too familiar with my little state of Vermont up in the northeastern corner tucked between New York and New Hampshire even fewer are familiar with the portion of land in the southern part known as the Bennington triangle this stretch of land has been home to one or two settlements that is more famous for its unexplained mysteries and mass disappearances and unknown creatures and evil spirits even the local Native American tribe say they'd never set foot there as they believed the land is cursed my grandparents owned a house right on the edge of Glastonbury mountain which is one of the supposed points of the Bennington Triangle my grandfather had talked about unusual happenings in his many years of living there but nothing is as chilling or bold as what happened to my father one summer day in 1980 it started out as any other hot summer day in August my older sister was just turning one at the time and my parents decided to have a birthday party for her at my grandparents house since my parents lived in a small apartment at the time and my grandparents had a very large backyard to host the party when it came time to serve the cake my mother rushed about in the kitchen looking for a cutting board or some other flat utensil to serve the large cake on alas all of the board she found were far too small she hurried down to the basement where my grandmother kept a lot of old kitchen gadgets and supplies perhaps there was a large cutting board of some sort down there as my mother searched the dimly lit basement she came across a corner where my grandparents stacked all of their board games for game nights one of the game boxes stuck out more than the others he had looked brand-new when my mum read the title she kind of frozen bewilderment for a second it was a brand new never before use copy of the game vici why would the old folks have a Ouija board maybe they were using the box to store something else letting our curiosity take over my mother grabbed the game from the shelf and pulled off the top a brand new Ouija board stared back at her at this point her bewilderment of finding such an item diminished and was replaced with a thought hmmm this board is the right shape and size stalled the cake she was right there were no creases in the middle like most game boards and this particular model of the game used a very strong board not flimsy cardboard she started up the stairs Ouija board in tow once in the kitchen my mum looked around for some tin foil she wasn't about a server caked a guest with a Ouija board fully staring back at them finding the foil she wrapped the board up well taking great effort to make sure all of the numbers and letters were covered slowly and skillfully she slid the birthday cake on top of it stuck in the birthday candles and went outside and joined everyone my father was standing with an old Polaroid camera in front of my grandmother who was holding my sister waiting for the cake as my mum took out a lighter and lit the candles a red light on the Polaroid began flashing my father fiddled with the camera that's odd he exclaimed I could have sworn I put fresh batteries in this thing I have a brand new package on my dresser upstairs my grandfather said no ok I'll go get him be right back with that my father ran into the house just then a breeze began to whisper and the bright Sun ducked behind some very very dark clouds looking up my grandparents and my mom started to pout grade looks like rain my mother who was born in New York City was at a puzzled by the sudden shift in weather but my grandparents being native Vermonters weren't based at all after all the saying goes if you don't like the weather in Vermont just wait a minute regardless everybody thought it was best and with the celebration indoors once everybody was situated around the large trench table in my grandfather's dining room my mother was beginning to wonder where my father was with the camera all of a sudden just as the fort was still in our mind my mother along with everybody else at the party heard a very loud very scary it had come from the upstairs bedroom it was my father Steve my mother shouted without hesitation she handed the birthday candles to my grandmother ran into the hallway and up the stairs my father was laying on his stomach a mere foot from the edge of the landing his face down he looked semi-conscious oh my god Steve what happened my mother stooped to his side to help him to his bottom ah I must have tripped on something damn it my father sat with his eyes slowly opening his a legs bent with his feet on the top stair my Martin looked behind him there was nothing anywhere to trip on the floor was completely immaculate just the way my grandmother always had it you all right my mum began to help him to his feet yeah yeah I'm fine my father was a six foot two inch former marine five years fresh out of Vietnam he fought and survived the siege of Khe Sanh and was a machine gunner on the frontlines he wasn't a battle at a stumble dethrone his dignity he finished standing on his own shine from all my mother's aid when suddenly he began contorting twisting his shoulder blades back in an almost inhuman posture oh god it burns it burns my father started clawing at his t-shirt his fingers nulled and contorted in agony thinking he may have tweaked something in his fall my mother how horrified helped him remove his shirt what she saw terrified her to the bone between my father's painful convulsions right in the middle of his shoulder blades was a large red boot print her rational mind tried to tell her that this was a reaction to a spider bite but her eyes were showing her a more chilling picture it looked like a man size twelve or fourteen and there were tread marks like a jeweled tread marks what kind of spider bite least tread marks someone or something tried to kick her husband down the stairs narrowly missing the top of the landing by about six inches now fully on his feet the burning subsided and as quickly as it came the mark on his back disappeared both my parents took a minute to gather their thoughts before descending down to the party below they kept their cool and played it off like nothing had happened immediately upon taking the picture of my one-year-old sister with a cake my mother slid the cake onto the table cut it served it and then chucked the Ouija board still wrapped in icing foil out of the back door and deep into the woods after that no other strange happenings ever occurred in that bedroom and nobody said anything to my grandparents right up until the day that they both passed away it wasn't until years later when my sister was 10 and I was eight that we were looking through the photo albums with my mother and we came up on the Polaroid she snapped at the table that day behind my grandmother and one-year-old sister was the faded silhouette of what appeared to be a tall man standing over the two of them with his hands outstretched as if about to grab them both my mother removed the photo from this place in the book how had she never seen that before after we went to bed that night she burned that extra outside in the trash barrel this all took place in 1997 at the time my girlfriend and I both live near the Manistee River we didn't live together though we'd only been dating for a couple of months met each other at a local bar one evening I got a call from her at around 11:00 p.m. she sounded concerned on the phone hey Rick could you come over to my place tonight I figured she was just in the mood for a little late-night action if you know what I mean sure babe hearing a little frisky huh no no it's not bad it's just that this is gonna sound ridiculous but I think I saw some kind of wolf walking by my window I mean like really walking like a werewolf or something well I didn't want a lover of what she had just said but she was right the whole thing did sound ridiculous still I kept my judgment to myself thinking she must have just watched a scary movie on TV or something freaked herself out a little bit being the reassuring boyfriend I was I told her I'd be right over I hopped in my truck outside and set off in the direction of her house the drive took me about 15 minutes my girlfriend lived out in the sticks a bit in a house surrounded by woodland a little too secluded for my taste but hey oh I pulled off onto her Road and which was flanked on both sides by tall trees that blocked out the moonlight luckily for me my headlights were in great condition and really lit up the whole road ahead of me my track comes creeping up on a house and I turned the final corner to pull into her driveway on full blast my headlights light up the entirety of her house immediately I see it there crouched in a bush by my girlfriend's front door is what looks like a huge dog's head that's all I can see protruding from the bush only the dog's head and what the thing was big I hit the brakes as the light from my vehicle hit set the head instantly spins around and looks dead at me with a pair of crazed orange eyes without hesitating the doglike thing stands up on two legs and I swear to Christ its body is human no doubt about it and it's covered in scratch marks and sporadic patches of thick hair the worst part was its size the thing was huge standing much taller than any man I'd ever met had charged out of the bushes running straight at my truck like it was coming to get me it all happened so fast that I had no time to think and I just blasted the car horn and put my foot on the accelerator aiming my vehicle right at the damn thing the creature wasn't interested in playing chicken though when it's all my tires begin to spin again it bolted left and in a flash disappeared into the treeline I didn't wait around to check if the coast was clear instead instinct took over I jumped out of my truck and ran to my girlfriend's door I knocked hard but there was no answer my heart began to race thinking what this thing might have done twere I desperately called out her name and that did the job the door opened and my girlfriend greeted me with a smile as if nothing had happened I asked if she was all right she told me of course she was and that she was just a little spooked by what she saw earlier the Wolfman walking past her window but that she was sure it was just her mind playing tricks on her she obviously had no idea this creature was hiding outside her house I wasn't gonna call you over here she told me it's late and I know you have work in the morning and I know you probably think I'm just being stupid but I swear after I saw the shape of the thing move past my window I heard what sounded like a whimpers outside my front door I like a dog crying to be let back inside that's why she didn't immediately open the door for me not until she heard my voice and I told her I didn't think she was being stupid and I told her about what I saw about the doglike thing hiding outside her house waiting by her front door like some kind of damn punished pooch her face changed as I told her became morbid and pale I had to come for her for a good few hours before she felt safe enough to fall asleep in those hours she asked me what I thought it was but we both knew the answer to that already see there's a famous story in this part of the country about the Michigan Dogman a lot of different sightings floating around I've heard more than my fair share from people both young and old male and female since that night I have my own story to tell about it some of you might think this is a loadable but I know what I saw that night and I for one am a believer now [Music] when we were much younger 16 or 17 I believe my best friend James and I went out hiking in DeSoto Forest Mississippi it was 1985 school was on break and the two of us decided it it'd be fun to go on a camping trip out in those woods we'd stocked up on supplies got the best temp we could afford between us and since James had a car drove off one weekday afternoon he parked up on the outskirts we ventured deep into the forest wanting to get as immersed into nature as possible the two of us weren't exactly the most outdoorsy people in the world so he wanted to make the most of the experience and really embraced the great outdoors learn from it you know as we were making our way along one of the trails we heard people coming up around the corner ahead of us we were real far into the woods now and hadn't crossed paths with anyone for a good long while it was still daylight out there so we weren't too bothered when the people up ahead finally came into view and got close to us however that all changed it was like something out of the movie wrong turn for real hillbilly looking boys far bigger than us you could tell from the noise they were making it the way they were dressed and the way they carried themselves and that they were trouble mallets wife beaters sold a size a real bunch of lowlife and mouth-breathers must have only had ten teeth between all four of them and they stopped as they came to pass us obviously looking for trouble and they started insulting us calling us all kinds of derogatory terms and we kept on walking without saying a word scared there do something one of them snorted up a loogie and spat at James they all laughed as we speed walked out of their sights and around the corner James said under his breath he didn't dare say it loudly enough so that they could hear him and that was a terrible experience that really put a dampener on the whole day but we figured that was the last we'd see of those scumbags they'd had their fun with us and we're heading off somewhere to cause more trouble after a couple more hours of hiking we found the spot where we planned to set up camp after putting up our tent we ate a little dinner and we chatted about life and the encounter with those lowlifes eventually it got dark and we decided to turn him for the night we got into our sleeping bags inside the tent and for about an hour we both drifted off to sleep I was awoken in the middle of the night by some unusual sounds coming from outside as the grogginess of sleep faded I honed my ears on the noises it wasn't any kind of nature sound or animal at all it was quiet laughter and whispering coming from somewhere outside of our tent the voices were muffled and far off but I was sure they were human still I needed a second opinion I shook James awake and told him to listen he too could hear the distinctly human noises oh crap he whispered and there's people out there for sure we didn't say it right away but I knew he was thinking the same thing as me and then it was those four guys from earlier what are we gonna do I whispered to James we had some wood carving knives with us but that was about all we had for self-defense James subtly unzipped the top of the tent entrance and peeked out into the blackness definitely people he said I can make out their silhouettes it's them all four of him there in the bushes about a hundred feet away I'd say he said it all in such a matter-of-fact way that it didn't sound like he was scared at all but then he looked at me with an expression of total concern what are we gonna do just hope that they leave us alone I didn't know how to answer and they were obviously planning something about how bad that thing was or was unknown we were outnumbered outsized and in unfamiliar territory in the dark my heart was beating double-time let's go let's just get out of here and go I said we sat looking at each other debating what the best course of action was then whoosh something flew in through our tent it pierced right through it and stuck in the ground no more than three inches from me it was a god damn arrow sticking up in the ground this was no joke these guys were psychos we heard them screaming and laughing like a pack of animals outside hit him again hit him again that was it we tore open the tent entrance and flew out into the forest leaving all of our stuff behind we heard the men howling like wolves on the hunt pursuing us God knows how close behind us they were the two of us didn't look back when we sprinted deep into those woods completely disoriented and filled with fear at one point James grabbed me and threw me down into a small ditch alongside him he held me down he whispered I obeyed his command he always knew how to take control much more of a leader than I ever was we stayed hidden down in that ditch for hours I don't know how many exactly neither of us had a watch and time lost all its structure all I know is we laid low until daybreak then with the light on our side once again we slowly and cautiously made our way back out of the forest it took what felt like forever but eventually we made it back to James's car the vehicle had been completely trashed the tires have been slashed and the doors pried open the insides gutted looted and soiled the outside was scratched - all hell with a few holes but in it for good measure this is one of those rare cases where hitchhiking actually saved the day and we were able to hitch a ride with a stranger back to civilization of course we told our families about the experience and ended up contacting the authorities - they were concerned but not surprised other people had contacted them about a violent and abusive group in those woods before but they had never taken things this far well let me rephrase that nobody had ever reported something this extreme that doesn't mean there's a mouth-breathing sons-of-bitches didn't end up hitting one of their targets bit hard to report something with an arrow through your heart you know nikhat searched the area where we'd set up our camp our stuff had all been taken obviously they didn't find the arrows stuck in the ground in our tent I guess the hillbillies took it back when they searched did what the cops did find her was another arrow stuck in a tree right by where we ran into the forest they'd fired off another shot at us as we ran from them luckily it didn't hit us James and I never went back to DeSoto again never went camping again for that matter if the cops ever caught those four guys we never heard anything about it this one isn't for the weak of stomach amongst you I'll describe the incident and all its details but be warned this wasn't a pretty sight a few years back I worked as a first responder out in Oklahoma a call came through one night about a traffic incident a hit and run apparently a cyclist had been struck by a vehicle and things look pretty bad somebody had seen the whole thing and called it in but said it was probably too late already for the guy if it wasn't and then it would be real soon they were doing what they could at the scene we rushed to their location knowing that time was of the essence we came down a quiet country road trees lining both sides and sure enough up ahead in our headlights we could see two distressed people and a third person lying in the road by a mangled bicycle and I rushed out to help but instantly I knew the guy in the road was gone he wasn't wearing a helmet and blood and brain juices had leaked out all over the road his limbs were broken and contorted at unnatural angles there was a long smear of dark red where his torso had slid along the ground turning the front of his shirt into a bloody rack and completely tearing off all the skin on his body and face he must have been hit at some speed I knelt down to see what I could do though it was obvious to both me and my partner that this was not a survivable accident and I checked for a pulse just to be sure but really this was all just procedure just as everyone expected and I couldn't find a pulse I got up to face my partner who was doing his best to calm the two people who had stopped to help my back was to the man lying lifeless in the road I told my partner that there was nothing we could do for the guy even though I'm sure he already knew that he says something back to me but mid-sentence he abruptly stopped talking his eyes got real large as if he had just had the shock of his life he was looking at something behind me I turned to look to standing there was the injured man no I have no idea how he was still breathing were able to stand his head was split open his face was gone it was all just red the only thing distinguishing him as human or the two wide white eyes they were filled with confusion and there before anyone had a chance to help him or even speak to him the injured man ran off the road into the woods at full speed we couldn't catch up with him we called the incident in and a search for the injured man got underway immediately they never found him his body was never discovered in the woods and never has been he was never reported by any of the hospitals nobody in the local community said that they'd seen a severely injured man running around town for all intents and purposes he simply vanished somewhere in those woods judging by his injuries there was no way he could have gotten far still he was never seen again never reported missing by his family wherever they were I know this must all have a logical explanation and the man just ran off because he was dazed and confused from his injuries still to this day I have no idea where he went where his body disappeared off to or why he was never found the fact that you was able to regain consciousness and run after the damage he sustained defies belief and then again Adrenaline's a hell of a thing gave me the shock of my life [Music] hey guys a lazy here and thank you very much for listening well I'm finally back from Japan now and should be back to making videos way more regularly than before yeah it's a lot easier when I'm here in England believe me but yeah my last video that I put out while I was out there I actually got a really good reception the one about Japanese urban legends so I was thinking about turning that into a series as well one where I talk about folklore and urban legends and stories like that from different parts of the world you know Scandinavia the Philippines anywhere else that you guys might be interested in I don't know could be fun once this series is over which looks like it's gonna be very soon wow so done out of ten the journey is almost over sad times once again a huge shout out to Victoria skeller for the awesome digital painting she created I think it turned out really great so make sure to check out her Instagram and YouTube channel via the links down below in the description such an amazing artist make sure to tell unless he sent you a huge thank you to all of my supporters on patreon especially my biggest supporters Sloane Crawford sara ramirez victor javier fonseca us Maricruz katana anime one crazy mask parade james labor pro cupid i Netta gina Valera philip Westra alex greens all monica mendoza Crawford game McDonald Marley right Ray Price Burton Mitchell Herrera Nadine Darius Sophie Joshua Lindsey Daniel Kelly Rocco Madison Reinhardt and circus Leo Leo siddhis house all I wanna say but yeah thanks for supporting me man I appreciate it if you too would like to support me on patreon you can find a link to mine down below in the description anyway guys that about does it from me thanks for tuning in and I'll see you again in the next one until then you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 750,942
Rating: 4.8962231 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, usa horror road trip, reddit stories, scariest video ever, creepy, creepypasta, deeply disturbing, lets not meet, audiobook, new video, best, most, scary 2019 movies, horror, terrifying, urban legends, michigan dog man, north carolina, ghosts, caught on camera, lazy masquerade, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysterious, cryptids, skinwalkers, mr nightmare, top 10, british accent, 2019 horror movies, creepiest, road trip stories
Id: cZoKpruiW6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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