8 Bad Guys With a Good Point: Commenter Edition

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we recently realized that sometimes the bad guy has a good point but from the YouTube comments it looks like we're not the only ones who recognize villains can do all the wrong things but some of the right reasons it turns out you folks have plenty of candidates for the list of maybe not quite so bad guys so here they are a bunch more bad guys that you reckon had a point when you think about it oh and whatever spoilers from the following games I can't just have some psychopathic murderers getting to the ball before I do I mean don't get me wrong it's cute that y'all think you're the heroes of this little adventure but you're not according to several YouTube commenters handsome jack from Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the pre-sequel is yet another villain who is judged unfairly yes he's a self-appointed dictator and yes he wants you dead but then again he's got great hair and a sound plan for making the planet of Pandora a better bandit free place according to commenter Irish Fenix who says handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 should have totally been on this list Pandora really is littered with bandits and using a giant badass warrior to cleanse the planet sounds pretty awesome sure he wants to seize control of a dragon lava monster who doesn't but it's for all the right reasons like ending Pandora's plague of greedy loot seeking bandits and avenging his dead daughter who he enslaved today you're right on time Kees nearly ready but before I cleanse this planet for good I'm gonna avenge my daughter he's a complicated man I guess I'm going up to check on July's why are you doing this ah the end of righteousness is everlasting life but the wages of sin are death those whose minds are not suited through a purest state of existence should perish and visioned mg mix again with the original grave so the adventure game hydrophobia takes place in a near-future dystopia in which the world collapses under the burden of overpopulation while all powerful corporate giants build themselves luxury cruise liners for radical terrorist group the Malthusian the obvious solution to overpopulation is depopulation that is to say killing nearly everybody the real world is dying officer Bailey slowly you buying fully we have the power to end the agony of billions of people forever shouldn't we act as commenter Matthew Winfield comments no hydrophobia murdering people to help with Earth's overpopulation seems like a fair yet depressing cause but fair is a bit of a stretch for a plan that involves inviting nearly everyone on earth to either kill themselves or be murdered by you the managers there so kind of sick message as far as plans for saving the world go it's not a real people pleaser killing everybody with how much juice breed the cities have been called degrees of mankind if he's gonna do it with a shotgun that's going to take forever the ostensibly villainous Team Plasma of pokemon black and white is led by green haired Pokemon lover n who just wants to liberate all pokemons from their pokéballs that's sort of persuasive right as commented eyebrow puts it Team Plasma also have a point they are like the vegans of Pokemon wanting to free the Pokemon I guess makes sense what wait there the vegans of Pokemon are the other trainers eating their Pokemon sign me up Team Plasma you've lost you know that don't you in a few minutes sovereign level control all the Citadel systems the relay will open the Reapers will return in Mass Effect one Curie inspector Saren art arias has a long ruthless but honorable career behind him spanning many years spent serving the Citadel Council and keeping Galactic Civilizations safe the Geth attack is a matter of some concern but there is nothing to indicate Saren was involved in any way and Saren is a pragmatic end justify the means kind of guy so when he learns the ancient all-powerful Reapers are definitely going to return and pone all sentient life he figures it's better we all live in subjugation then get minced into an organic paste or whatever it is that Reapers do with us organics I am of the future Shepard the evolution of all organic life this is our destiny joined sovereign and experience a true rebirth and that's why he turns traitor and sells us out to Reaper spokes monster sovereign that and the mind control it's always with the mind control sovereign has upgraded that suggestion comes courtesy of commented scarred child who simply says Mass Effect's errand which we assume means they think Saren had a fair point and isn't the name of a mass effect spinoff starring captain betrays all organic life hello oh never mind you will learn how a real soldier fights you will forget everything Hollywood tuck as a famously complex videogame series the Metal Gear games have a nice line in morally ambiguous characters such as tragically lucky dead cell member fortune from mgs2 or the only sometimes a villain revolver ocelot from though lots of games that major are salaah to you don't you forget it and as commenter Connor Randall's points out in our previous video about bad guys who had a point we left out every single Metal Gear antagonist I don't know about every single Metal Gear antagonist but look here commenter alex hammer 'but rugged as silver has a suggestion why did they not put senator armstrong from Metal Gear Rising here he is the only politician who I would really trust in really this is the super-ripped presidential hopeful who stands on the political platform of purging the week and being full of nanomachines in my new America people will die and kill for what they believe not for money not for oil not for what they're told is right every man will be free to fight this Wars yay still nanomachines right on strong no no damn straight I am creo and I am your rescuer as you are mine tell me do you recall what happened as suggested by commented Jared curry crea from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - seems like a nice old lady sure like a man but with mind-reading powers forget the Jedi keep your eyes on her except actually she's more likely to hit you with force lightning then give you a nice cup of tea in a fondant fancy betrayal machines because Kriya is secretly a daffy by the name of Darth TRAI but here out folks she's got a whole new angle on being a daph but in you I see the potential to see the force die to turn away from its will and that is what pleases right so creo wants to put an end to the force itself because it insidiously manipulates people on both the light and dark side of the force bringing about everlasting Galactic conflict or star wars like this but then she's not above a little manipulation herself so mixed messages if I'm honest and I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves so they could be killed by the Republic this slaughter pleases me no act is more sacred than consecrating a sight in the blood of one's enemies if your go to faction in Fallout New Vegas was kaisers Legion then you might get along with comment aman Sukho who says yeah they're brutal as hell but they're the only faction that can keep the Raiders from slaughtering caravans the NCR is bureaucratic and corrupt mr. house is a megalomaniac and independence would inevitably breed anarchy and considering Vegas wasn't self-sufficient it would probably just collapse the whole thing in the long run the Legion is clearly the worst option but they're also the only faction that can bring stability to the wastes which wow I guess makes sense although you'll have to reconcile yourself with how much they enjoy crucifying people which is a lot our roads into NCR Ajo with the bodies of those who attempted to negotiate with us there Kaiser has a vision for a new society based on the ancient roman model it means a nationalist imperialist totalitarian homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group at conkers sounds great and it's not as though kaiser's philosophy of emulating a long-dead civilization runs counter to fallouts overarching theme of how clinging to the past is foolish and dangerous no wait the opposite of that I don't have much time left I know I spent 17 years working it out planning it building monarch because I knew what was coming and I knew it couldn't be stopped in addition to having a lovely calming name Paul serene of quantum break also has a compelling argument to back up his whole villainous deal according to Jack Nolan who says you should include Paul serene from quantum break sure his methods may have been cruel and unorthodox but really all the guy wanted to do was create a safe haven where scientists could work on a solution to the fracture I think we can all agree that yes Paul serene had honorable motivations when he set out to build a time lifeboat so that scientists could fix the time pocalypse if only it hadn't been for that nasty case of cronin syndrome or time flew that turned him into a paranoid angry dodecahedron caressing monster what is the point in saving them if I can't trust them I'm slipping away debate and rage poor old Paul it's not very serene is it you sir I said it's not Reese oh he seems busy I'll try them later there we go thanks your comments on the original video that allowed this video to happen like and subscribe for more videos from outside Xbox and while I've got you here before you go why not try this video here which YouTube recommends is the best video for you at this point in time all this video here which is actually a playlist and number of videos that were kind of similar to this one
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,312,960
Rating: 4.9238391 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, outsidexbox list, outside xbox list, countdown, top 7, top 8, top 10, 7 things, 8 things, bad guys, bosses, worst, best, handsome jack, borderlands 2, team plasma, pokemon, kreia, kotor 2, senator armstrong, metal gear rising, revolver ocelot, hydrophobia, mass effect saren, mass effect, legate lanius, fallout new vegas, commenter, commenter edition, comment, gaming, video game, list, funny, paul serene, quantum break
Id: sqAFUr3diwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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