7 Times You Thought You Were Helping But Actually Doomed Everyone

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being a video game hero is usually a pretty straightforward job you destroy the bad guys help the good guys and collect a hundred of something so you can unlock some new clothes what you can't plan for are the unintended consequences of all you're here owing what seems like the right choice at the time can often turn out to be a worse idea than some of those outfits you unlocked here are seven times we thought we were doing the right thing but ended up making things much much worse the wear of spoilers for the following games the soulstone burns with Hellfire as an eerie red glow blurs your vision you have done what you knew must be done the essence of the habla is contained for now in Diablo you spend the whole game fighting the forces of a baddie called Diablo one of the Lords of Hell and as nice a guy as you'd have to be to land that job Diablo had spent centuries trapped in a soul stone before being freed and possessing the king's son Prince Albrecht upon which he filled the dungeons underneath the town of Tristram with twisted creatures based on outbreaks nightmares [Applause] being a hero naturally you're going to put a stop to all that and save Tristram which you do right up until the point where you're standing over a defeated Diablo whose soul is once again trapped in a soul stone now you might think at this point it would be a good idea to lob that soul stone into a river or hide it somewhere no one would ever go like the battleborn servers but what if someone were to find it that's the thinking of you Diablos hero who decides to wedge that soul stone into his own forehead so he can contain the evil spirit within himself and prevent anything like this from happening again I mean he just completed Diablo he can handle it right wrong shock twist Diablo possesses him consumes his soul destroys Tristram and you become the villain of Diablo 2 unleashing a literal hella demons on the world you meant to save that's about as wrong as it's possible for things to go I get that you were trying to help unnamed hero but next time your first instincts should not be to bedazzle your forehead with artifacts that are obviously cursed take me for example I just found this ominous onyx skull in a cursed temple and I'm definitely not going to stick it in my head though wasn't gonna you wouldn't happen to be in the market for a home would you if you are I just happen to be selling a manor located right here in anvil in the elder scrolls for Oblivion if you mooch around the city of anvil for long enough you'll discover a guy called vel wind been near us he's trying to shift a manor house on the cheap you're a helpful hero with an eye for a bargain so you do well win a favor and take the place off his hands and me if five thousand gold gets you a spacious split-level abode that while a bit gloomy and rundown just needs a little bit of TLC oh and an exorcist [Music] that's what you get for buying a house from a guy in the pub deal with the supernatural infestation and you discover there's an ominous sealed room in the basement well it's my ominous sealed room in the basement now I bought it let's get that thing open like in a really dark episode of storage wars you find the room is full of arcane corpsey junk it turns out the original owner vel wings grandfather Lauren had a pawn shop for necromancy and grave robbery still the old bastards looking for a shot at redemption to end his eternal torment and all he needs is for you to reunite his skeletal hand with the rest of his remains being the helpful hero of capatch that you are you do exactly that [Music] surprise Lauren resurrect Cesare hard-as-nails Lich and if you're us he promptly flattens you on his way to revenge against the people of anvil [Music] right screw getting on the prophecy ladder I'm blowing my life savings on a high-performance sports horse [Music] here's a tip for time travelers if you get lost in time look around for the giant statue whoever its of that's who the powerful dictator is in your current timeline if you hit the universe with a giant statue of Guy Fieri you've gone too far so if you're Special Forces captain Nate Renko for instance you travel to the mysterious island of Catawba 12 where old-timey Soviet forces have been doing old timey Soviet science with volatile unstable element 99 from there you get flung back through time by a science explosion where you find yourself in a massive science fire from which you have to save a science man by the name of demikhov you just want the moon on a stick hey so off you Trotsky giving demikhov a fireman's carry out of danger to the safety of this giant Stalin head but what's that old expression about how no good deed goes unpunished all right it's nice going hero now you've really gone and fudged up the timeline because then a wave of science washes over you and you're back in the present and the Stalin head is a giant statue of the dude you've just saved looking all evil and here he is in the flesh check your Geneva Convention handbook I did away with that little inconvenience years ago it transpires that the scientist demikhov whose life you saved went on to become a brutal all-powerful dictator this man stepped in to lead the program after parasol's death he went on to leave Russia in a war for world domination using super-powered weaponry develops Atkins were 12 today we know him as Chancellor nikolai timoshev world government before the brutal dictatorship wasn't bad enough he executes your buddy nolan north in front of your very eyes no North is who voiced that character so from then on you're rushing around trying to correct the timeline and undo the damage so you see the day Merlin has been altered by the end of the game the ostensibly good scientist Barriss off here has cracked a problem he knows how to make things right you must go back in time and stop yourself from saving demichev in the bundling building whatever you say my elderly Soviet science chum if I've learned anything about traveling through time is that actions in the past have predictable positive reactions in the future and I definitely won't regret wait a minute is that an even more giant berestov statue some of them take that use something a little dim-witted toad big Jew one I'm gay brush three blue people don't always recognize me I carried this at the start of Monkey Island - you're in a pretty good place as returning hero pirates guybrush threepwood you got stacks of cash a cool new coat and I think what's supposed to be a beard anyway things are looking up right until the game's third minute in which you're robbed by a local gangster named Largo in the grand maybe I should cut you one out of some man that seems like reason enough to take down Largo but he's also placed an embargo on the island stopping all ships from entering or leaving and if Phantom Menace taught us anything it's that blockade enforced trade embargoes lead to bad things such as episodes two and three as guy brushed you therefore respond the only way a hero can by going on an elaborate quest to make a Largo voodoo doll tracking down items like this gob of spit on the wall [Music] that's disgusting I'm gonna be extra mad if this thing backfires despite being made of old wigs and wool spit this voodoo doll actually works though it works so well guy brush starts bragging about how he's the guy who killed the truck that goes pirate back in the last game you don't mess with the Slayer of the ghost pirate lechuck Largo demands proof guy brush produces lechuck still-living beard that he's been carrying around this whole time because mind your own business and apparently this is the one thing the trucks formal a key largo needed to resurrect his fearsome ghost pirate boss most fearsome pirate of all time will soon sail the seas again whoops whoops indeed guy brush now let's knock his back to get his revenge there was no way of predicting that was gonna happen except for reading the title of the game what's worse lechuck is now a zombie pirate not just a ghost pirate which means he can touch things slop it everywhere and smells terrible guy brush three board is finished good work guy brush and that beard is weak-ass rious said it in Game Boy Advance RPG Mario and Luigi superstar saga the mustachioed plumbers travelled to the neighbouring nations so nice they named it twice bean bean Kingdom they're there to face off against evil witch cat letter which I mean fair enough with the name like that and early in the game bean bean kingdom ambassador lady Lima asked the bros to fix the sewer system in bean bean castle to prove their identity as the world famous super mario plumbers I mean to be fair they do look a bit weird on the cover art s to check the point is moot because after they complete the work for a reasonable fee parts and labor it's revealed that she wasn't lady Lima at all it was CAC letter in a cunning disguise and repairing the sewer has allowed her to steal the valuable wish-granting bean star that she's been after [Music] this kicks off a sequence of events that ultimately results in the destruction of bean bean Castletown the most populated settlement in the kingdom honestly the one time the Mario Brothers actually do some plumbing and this happens maybe do give up the day job guys they say it's a wasteland but it's dangerous that only a fool would search for something of value year then perhaps I am a fool a very wise man once said even the very wise cannot see all ends and who's gonna tell Gandalf he's wrong you don't make me laugh nowhere is this wizard wisdom more wise than in Borderlands 1 and 2 in which you've doomed the people of an entire planet to chaos and oppression because you failed to foresee the unintended outcome of your actions in Borderlands you were a fortune seeking vault hunter scouring the planet of Pandora for a legendary hoard of precious ancient alien technology aka the vault the contents of evolved are rightfully the property of the Atlas College but you you belong to me in the finale though when your efforts lead to the unlocking of the fabled vault you discover the vault isn't a treasure trove full of valuable alien gadgets but actually a prison full of horrible alien monster because shooting stuff is your best and only solution to whatever life throws at you you managed to shoot and kill the horrible alien monster but your space guns are no good against the wider catastrophe caused by the opening of the vault which is the triggering of planet wide growth of a priceless purple mineral called iridium see Gandalf was right even he couldn't see that one coming and he can summon giant evils soon the rare and valuable mineral emerged all across Pandora its appearance attracted many including the Hyperion Corporation so by the beginning of Borderlands 2 Pandora is an even more oppressive wasteland than ever with the beleaguered Pandora pnes living under the rule of the mighty Hyperion corporation led by the borderlands celebra villain handsome jack you want to stop the greatness that is handsome jack well in my defense I thought I was gonna get really really rich my name is Alex Mercer I'm the reason for all of this they call me a killer a monster a terrorist I'm all of these things saving the innocent prisoner of an evil biotech corporation is what we in the hero biz call a no-brainer so how is it our fault if it backfires harder than a Lambo with a potato in the tailpipe at the start of prototype Alex immerses origins are a mystery to him all he knows is that he woke up in a morgue and can now consume people to gain their memories hey we've all had nights like that am i right after escaping the morgue which belonged to bio research firm Jen tech Alex discovers files on his laptop that shows someone else being held at gem tech headquarters to make matters worse she's a young girl that's all the motivation a hero like Alex needs to storm over to Jen Tech and bust some heads to get her out this was green but wouldn't you know it although it seemed like the right thing to do it transpires at this girl Elizabeth green is worse news than the stuff you get in your Facebook feed after beating you up and setting a bunch of new infected she made out of dead soldiers on you Liz starts to unleash her own strain of the blacklight virus on Manhattan infecting countless civilians and a few days after that she sent another one of her hunters to kidnap Alex's sister probably wishing he hadn't bothered now hey Alex well at least you doomed all of Manhattan so that's something where is she thanks for watching this video about these seven times you thought you were doing the right thing and it was kind of the right thing but then it all went horribly wrong and everything was much much worse than it started out speaking of great decisions that will definitely not backfire why not watch some more videos from us outside Xbox that's up here or from our lovely sister channel outside extra which is right down here all right nice one cool you know where this with it really good it was like I could just I'm allowed to do it at me I'm powerful enough to control the curse within
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,213,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: list, outsidexbox, outside xbox, top 10, top 5, 5 things, 7 things, top 7, countdown, 10 things, singularity, diablo, borderlands 2, handsome jack, singularity demichev, singularity time travel, monkey island 2, prototype, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, elder scrolls 4, oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion, Velwyn Benirus, oblivion anvil, anvil haunted house, oblivion anvil haunted house, haunted mansion, diablo 2, soul stone, singularity barisov, funny, lol, funny moments
Id: EUks-1cXWCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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