7 Bad Endings That Were Undeniably Cooler: Commenter Edition

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recently we called out the ostensibly bad endings that were supposed to inspire shame and regret but instead were actually cooler than whatever it was the game considered to be the good ending i want the treasure [Applause] [Music] this is the bad ending how turns out this is something that you the secretly evil outside xbox viewer have also experienced as we received plenty of comments on the original video about other endings that the game calls bad and we call badass to that end here are your top suggestions for the bad endings that were undeniably cooler please enjoy and wear spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] not likely bootlickers initiate skip jump [Music] spacey rpg the outer worlds is a game in which your choices matter it's not the best choice in spaces twice your decisions shape the world your actions have consequences and people remember the things you do particularly if those things are hitting them with a stick that makes their head change size nowhere do your choices matter more though than right at the end of the game when you have to decide which of the game's two main factions you're going to side with captain you have an uncanny talent for complicating my life do you go corporate and side with the morally murky halcyon holdings corporation or do you trust the anarchist fugitive scientist phineas wells who got you out of cryostasis at the start of the game you've left the board in tatters but halcyon is still on the verge of starvation i just hope we're not too late whichever one you choose you're going to have to use your ship the hopes faster than light drive known as the skip drive to travel to a specific planet tartarus for the board terra 2 for phineas are you sure that is extremely dangerous skipping the hope will void the warranty on the skip drive the hope being a highly advanced ship with a state-of-the-art onboard ai will of course handle the calculations for this daring maneuver for you jump starting the skip drive destination set to tartarus or if you prefer you can attempt to eyeball the skip jump yourself and in the bad ending beloved have commented db where your idiocy manages to get you and everyone else on board your ship killed as they say what about the bad ending in outer worlds where you skip the hope straight into the sun if your intelligence stat is too low absolutely amazing i wouldn't advise that captain now it is possible to make this jump yourself with a high enough intelligence stat with a low enough intelligence stat however you can unlock another conversation option marked as dumb in which you confidently assert to your ship that you can figure this thing out for yourself and will be making the skip manually you should not be doing this the humans will die these calculations don't look right why is this number negative despite the protestations of literally everyone else in the game you make the skip jump and there is both good news and bad news the good news is you did actually manage to make your ship travel somewhere the bad news is that somewhere is directly into the heart of the sun [Music] i'm sure the outer world's other endings are very nice and all but i don't know considering the way i played this game this just feels right you have it don't you you know what that does to you you know how it can change you the recent spider-man games for the playstation may have given us the best received and most authentic version of the character ever seen in a video game but did they have a bit where wolverine shows up and starts quizzing spidey on comics trivia exactly where did you first wear the black suit not your business don't push me this is spider-man web of shadows from the ps3 which not only gave us the spectacle of spider-man in a comics themed pop quiz but also included our other favorite thing about old console spider-man games hilarious quick time event fails [Music] gotcha if you do manage to make it to the end of the game without hilariously killing off spidey though you were in a position to earn the bad ending suggested by commenter i am a person spider-man web of shadows evil ending you get to rule new york with an army and black cat to get this ending you have to be a total jerk for your entire playthrough accumulating black suit points for evil deeds as you go the streets are going to be safe generally what are you doing this solves nothing actually luke this solves everything these losers have been played then you need to choose the correct bad option during the crucial decision you're asked to make at the end of the game take my hand if you make what the game considers to be the right choice you get the good ending where eddie brock former host to the venom symbiote sacrifices himself to stop venom from destroying the city time to die like a man which spider-man claims as a victory for himself before swinging off into the sunset with mary jane we gonna do this thing or not if it gets you to forget that you caught me narrating yeah you bet [Music] what oh sorry i nodded off there for a second no no great ending though love it just for completeness sake though let's take a look at the bad ending and see if it's say for example way better got you so long ah yeah as you can see in this ending black suited spider-man with a symbioted up black cat at his side takes over new york with an army of badass symbiote monsters which is obviously very cool but what would uncle ben say i always believed that with great power came great responsibility and now i never knew what power was okay uncle ben then i guess this is undeniably a cool ending setting the newly evil spidey up as one of the most dangerous and powerful super villains in the entire marvel universe so dangerous in fact that even the other super villains are teaming up to stop you with a symbiote-enhanced wolverine bring me spider-man dead or alive i'm going with dead i think the only trivia question this guy is going to be asking is what happens to spider-man when he gets an adamantium claw jammed through his eye socket this old bird has but one desire to protect the divine air from those that might take his esteemed blood so the dragon's heritage has seduced you too then there is nothing to discuss take your leave sakiro shadows die twice is ironically a game in which you will die hundreds of times however you will die considerably less if you choose to go down the path of the game's bad ending known as the shura ending as commenter howard wilson says what about shaqiro it's shura ending which definitely is the bad ending was by far the most entertaining all the decisions you make in sikiro revolve around kuro the kid whose blood can grant the resurrection ability that everyone is after if you choose not to protect kuro and instead side with the character owl you end the game early and lock off a whole portion of the game so as we said you'll be dying less you do however get access to two new boss fights against the two characters who tried to enlist you to save kuro in the first place emma and ishin it seems i must cut you down before you fall to shura beating both of them unlocks the so-called shura ending in which you turn against owl and succumb to your bloodlust transforming into a sure a being that lives only for killing oh which as commenter howitzers is undeniably badass less so is the next bit where you go on a rampage through the countryside and kill thousands of innocent people so maybe let's focus on the bit before that where you just have a big sword and a cool flaming arm no you're you can't be sure ah yeah that's the stuff and so i've decided i want to live with you [Music] live with me wait what are you saying living with me means i can quit being human if that's what it takes catherine is a puzzle game in which you play as vincent a man who suffers from vivid nightmares while being stuck in a love triangle with his long-term girlfriend catherine with a k and a mysterious attractive stranger named catherine with a c who's that what are you doing here oh god this can't be happening it touches on themes of infidelity fear of commitment and childbirth with all the subtlety you'd expect from a video game made in 2011 which is to say that you either commit to your girlfriend or go to hell with a sex demon and also there's a bit where you fight a baby who's armed with a chainsaw catherine has several different endings due to the aforementioned subtlety the good endings involve you settling down to a quiet life with catherine with a k which is quite the contrast to the top tier bad ending as suggested by commenter shiny scrafty in which vincent chooses catherine with a c and all hell breaks loose literally as shiny says the bad ending in the game sees you as the ruler of hell using the devil as a footstool and married to his daughter talk about badass i'm sure we'll manage somehow [Music] turns out catherine with a sea's dad is actually satan she's a succubus demon and by choosing this ending vincent ends up moving to and getting an apartment in hell at least the rent's probably cheap good morning you after a few short weeks however vincent has completely taken over growing horns ruling over the succuby and apparently using satan himself as a footstool everyone acknowledges your power now right daddy oh hey there dad didn't uh didn't see there which seems like a pretty extreme alternative to having a nice wedding in a bar with your long-term girlfriend catherine developers did you happen to notice the central conflict that this game's masterful creators placed at its core yeah i think i picked up on it thanks game dr robotnik is sonic the hedgehog's eternal nemesis a crazed scientist with a predilection for kidnapping animals who looks like a steampunk teddy roosevelt robotnik aka dr eggman has been a constant thorn in sonic's side which is saying something considering that sonic being a hedgehog is basically 90 percent covered in thorns eggman has shown up in almost all of sonic's many video game outings even subjecting us to the site of him shirtless in mario and sonic at the olympic games which is he gonna wear the goggles over the glasses you know what it doesn't matter [Music] anyway you may be wondering to yourself why doesn't sonic simply kill dr eggman instead of you know gently bonking into whatever robot he's currently in until he runs away to which the answer is sonic did kill eggman in the bad ending of sonic cd for the sega mega cd the plot of sonic cd involves the eponymous hedgehog trying to gather seven time stones to defeat robotnik and stop him from turning a sentient planet into his own personal fortress in the good ending sonic does that and the planet heads off back into space thanking sonic with a shower of stars if you don't collect all the time stones however you get a different ending in which robotnik uses these stones to reverse time something sonic doesn't take kindly to as commenter natalia chao points out their sonic cd's bad ending where sonic destroys eggman's ship by throwing a rock while doing a spin attack he doesn't do that in the good ending hence the bad ending being way cooler the bad ending starts the same way as the good ending before taking a sudden and unexpected swerve as robotnik uses a time stone and then tries to fly away on one of his little robot hoverbikes seeing this sonic picks up a rock spins up to top speed and then launches the rock with unnerving accuracy directly at robotnik's transportation where it presumably smashes into something important because the whole thing goes up like july 4th on tnt island [Music] sonic then turns to the camera and looks straight down the barrel which i don't know anyone else getting your next vibes from this remind me not to steal any time stones in future thus began the age of fire but soon the flames will fade and only dark will remain now i could have sworn that the ending of dark souls is you frisbeeing the disc into a quarry after your 400th defeat to ornstein and smau but apparently there is more game after that and two whole distinct endings coming to craft friday knows what's up however with their comment on the original video saying not including dark souls is a crime against humanity having all these weird worms bow to you in a cutscene knowing that you are a god rules now as i clearly know and haven't had to just look up because i never got out of anor londo the final boss of dark souls is gwyn lord of cinder after you defeat gwyn you have a choice you can either kindle the final bonfire and sacrifice yourself to take gwyn's place or you can just take a good old look at that bonfire and then bugger off lighting the bonfire is by most accounts the good ending and you can see why you would want to get it you get to see a cut scene that features almost 10 seconds of your character on fire i mean it is dark souls i wasn't expecting a dance party or anything but come on undeniably cooler than that is the ending known as the dark lord ending where you wander off and let the bonfire die out at which point the age of darkness begins which sounds bad but the good news is that thanks to you setting everything in motion you are now at the top of the heap and will be in charge of things from now on my lord bless thy safe return i mean yes you're mostly in charge of a bunch of gross primordial serpents but i'll take that over being on fire thanks whoa this looks like a way out crane we're running out of antecedent we have to explore every possibility zombie parkour map dying lights following dlc totally flipped the script on the original game by moving the action from a dense city to open countryside and giving you a car to get around it instead of making you use your legs also the car could shoot fire and electricity pretty sure your legs don't do that in this dlc your character free running enthusiast karl crane seeks help in curing the zombie infection from a bunch of cultist weirdos called the children of the sun despite that whole scenario having more red flags than free red flag day at a red flag factory i'm looking for anything that could save my friends if you have anything we've shown you a path in a sign mr crane the rest is up to you and your faith anyway as you're probably expecting with that setup dying like the following has two endings and neither of them are exactly what you'd call good by way of example the best ending for this dlc is the one you get for siding with the mother the leader of the aforementioned children of the sun who speaks in ominous telepathy and wears a super creepy mask breathing the fuse is one thing but drinking the liquids something else entirely you know what i think i'm good with the mask at any rate side with the mother and you wind up setting off a nuke that kills everyone and destroys the entire city thus ending the infection and saving the planet four three two one hooray defy the mother however and you can earn the bad ending as suggested by commenter shaquille o'deal who says dying likes the following bad ending most likely the canon ending in which the final boss fight has crane slowly transform into a volatile slash knight hunter as the fight progresses that ending was awesome compared to the boring nuclear good ending yes as shaquille points out you can instead defy the mother at which point she forces an entire vial of her weird elixir down your throat and you get a bonus boss fight against her over the course of this boss fight you gradually transform into a super zombie yourself on account of said elixir you'll see for yourself by the time you defeat the mother you're fighting her with your bare rapidly zombifying hands as the volatile infection takes hold in your new zombified state you at last go on to escape the quarantine zone that is less of a win for this family you meet but honestly who's taking their kids to the playground during a zombie outbreak kind of only got yourself to blame here lady [Music] i think we can all agree this is objectively way cooler than the alleged good ending which basically ends with a fade to white and is that a satisfying way to end anything you tell me well hey you made it congratulations well done you've made it to the end of another patented outside xbox seven things list video of course these videos come out every single week famously on a thursday which is of course why i'm wearing a t-shirt that says friday well done jane good job me but don't be like me don't get it twisted you can remember every thursday it's a thursday there's an outside xbox seven things this video if only you subscribe to the channel and then press the bell notification button and then you'll get a notification every time it's a thursday and there's a new video from us if you'd like to watch more videos like this in the meantime there are literally hundreds of them ready to be watched like it's netflix and you're having a binge uh if you would just watch the playlist click on our playlist it's linked somewhere on screen uh you do that i'm gonna get on with things and i'll see you back here in about a week yeah
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 631,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, bad endings, bad ending, ending, game ending, funny, funny moments, the outer worlds, dumb, stupid, sun, spider-man web of shadows, web of shadows bad ending, sekiro bad ending, sekiro shura ending, sekiro, shadows die twice, shura, catherine, evil, catherine bad ending, sonic cd, sonic cd bad ending, dark souls bad ending, dark lord, dark souls, dying light the following, dying light bad ending, volatile
Id: y3aMvV44ACM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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