7.62 vs 5.45 - Testing Which Caliber Is Better

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coke or pepsi chocolate or vanilla 762 or 545. now what do all of these things have in common well they're things that the internet has been debating on which is better for a very long time about as long as there's been an internet there are also things that if you have strong opinions one way or the other there's probably nothing i can say to change your mind so that's not what we're here to do today today we're just going to be talking about some of the differences between the two biggest calibers that the ak is known for and uh do a little bit of ballistic testing and overall i don't know try to fill 12 minutes so first off let's talk about what kind of ammo we're going to be using today in the 762 corner we have the bernal factory reman fmj bt 124 grain and we have the bellum ammo i think it's 123 grain brass case there's not going to be a really a huge difference between stuff like this and just the generic tula that you might have found at walmart before the ammo [Music] problem for 545 we're going to be using tula steel case 60 grain 545 ammo and some good old surplus 7n6 steel core this is that [ __ ] good good i love this stuff now first off for the majority of these tests we're going to be using this for 762. this is an slr uh arsenal 107 fr that i have zenit [ __ ] a little bit kind of making it out to look like a 103 clone it's a fairly recent thing and for 545 we have one of the akg tantals this is the polish variant of the ak-74 we're going to do a basic comparison of both calibers and then we're going to get to some ballistic gel testing because today we're fancy like that first off with 762 762 is a slower fatter round but you are carrying a little bit more energy because of the weight it does have a little bit more recoil than 545 which you can't see as well on this one because i do have a lot of weight on this gun in xenico parts which is kind of cheating but without it you'd see a little bit more of a dramatic muzzle rise the weight does help cut down on the overall recoil you know at the cost of being [ __ ] heavier now what you will see on 762 is a little bit more muzzle rise it's more recoil a little slower target reacquisition than 545. while also not being useless at longer ranges it does have worse ballistics long range than 545. this is all in the trade-off that you're delivering more energy on target per round let's move to 545 now at about half the weight of 762 you're noticing significantly less recoil on 545 but not entirely at the cost of energy you see as it is about half the weight per round of the actual projectile it's moving considerably faster at almost about 3 000 feet per second the ammo is lighter the recoil is lower the target reacquisition is faster it also has better long range ballistics much more on par with the american 556 now of course the caliber is a little bit more esoteric it's not quite as common it delivers less overall energy and struggles with things like brush deflection and whatnot but overall still a very very confident caliber and i like it quite a lot alrighty yes this is an ak-12 magazine in an old polish tantal that's that's how we do here let's go do some ballistic testing but before we do that time to thank our sponsor do you like watching sports ball nah [ __ ] that more importantly do you like making easy money well if that's the case you should head on over to mybookie.ag and bet on the lock of the season basically it's a promotion they're running right now where if any team scores in the upcoming cowboys versus bucks game you win yeah literally you're just betting if a team is going to score in a goddamn football game which i'm pretty sure they said that a football game hasn't ended without either team scoring since like world war ii super easy hell i'm gonna be doing it myself just to see what this is all about but it even gets better than that if you head over to mybookie and use the promo code brandon they will double your first deposit put it on our box now it's 200 bucks they'll double your funds which means you'll double the winnings so go ahead and check out my bookie remember to use the code brandon and i'm going to leave the links down in the description and in the pin comment as always just make sure when this works out for you you buy me a beer later alright bet anything anytime anywhere with my bookie alrighty so here we are playing around with some ballistic gel courtesy of ballistic dummy labs now you may wonder why the surface of this ballistic gel looks a little bit like a wrinkled nut sack uh the reason being is that during shipping especially to a place like texas it gets a little hot and it kind of takes the shape of its plastic container a little bit leaves an impression apparently you can get rid of that with a heat gun hair dryer maybe putting it in the oven a little bit because this stuff does kind of melt and re-congeal but a i just didn't [ __ ] do that and b i wouldn't have gotten to say wrinkled nut sack so we're gonna be using the bernal first and then the bellum second uh gonna be going both rounds on this gel block getting jiggy with it in three two one i just reset it for the bellum try to go a little lower on it this time well i succeeded on going lower on it in fact a little bit too low hit right there at the base and um long story short i owe matt a new table let's try that again there we go that's a little bit more of what i was hoping for uh nice little entrance here exit right over here so the top one is the fmjbt and the bottom is the uh bellum so you could see uh the fm jbt had a much more dramatic looking uh wound channel whereas the vellum was more straight in straight out but what you're seeing there in the middle is what we call temporary cavity and that's what a lot of people don't understand about ballistics maybe if you're kind of new to the premise is that uh it's not just a a hole poker there's so much energy transferred from the velocity of that much mass that it actually opens up if you ever watch those super slo-mo's on ballistic gel there's what is called the temporary cavity which is the permanent cavity is just the hole that is cut by the bullet itself but the rest is just the energy being transferred to the flesh around it that does a lot of the ripping and tearing and that is where a lot of the damage comes from i don't know why that feels vaguely inappropriate all right let's move on five four five got the tula up first and then the seven and six underneath let's see how she performs tula in three two one [Music] now for seven and six three two one so the tula had a pretty straight uh path of entry here and then about six to eight inches in just started tumbling and doing all sorts of crazy [ __ ] and then left uh the seven and six i went a little higher with uh pretty close though and that got a couple inches in and then immediately started doing all this wax [ __ ] you see all the black [ __ ] left behind uh that makes sense for seven and six because seven and six is just a nasty round for up for performance like what it will do to you but also the fact that it is corrosive as hell and is probably made of i don't even want to speculate yep sorry this block is not quite as clear as the other one but hopefully still be able to get a good visualization so now that we've tried it both with 16 inch barrels let's try something a little bit shorter so now we're going to try to reuse those same gel blocks and find out what the difference is between 16 inch barrels and something a little bit shorter now i could have gone uh with my m92 pap which has a 10 inch barrel for a 762 but then i wouldn't be able to bring out olga the trash pistol again so this time without a shovel folder uh but got some bt loaded up in this and we're gonna give it another shot on the gel and yahtzee all right so what's interesting is that it seems to have left a much cleaner trail uh it doesn't have all that black [ __ ] all in it this has a faster expansion it looks like right up front and again still had enough energy clearly to travel all the way through the block and out the other side and keep trucking that is why we use berms ladies and gentlemen so next up we have the aks74u or the krinkov or the crank or the stinky cranky this bad boy has an eight and a quarter inch barrel so hopefully with our seven and six round in here we'll be able to see this thing do some dirty dirty work proving to you insecure guys out there that it is not the size of the wave but the motion in the ocean in three two one now i got something very very special to share with you guys today and i'm really glad that this happened what makes the 7n6 so damn cool is because it has a bit of a hollow pocket in the nose before the steel tip means it's pretty good at armor penetration but it's also really good at hitting a solid object and then tumbling which is exactly what it did here as you can see it kind of ripped through it's the bottom one there tumble tumble tumble and it actually yawed and changed trajectory after about halfway through the block to the point where it fell out the bottom and lodged itself into the table in a way that i don't know if i can get it out i don't know how that happens but that is that is your seven and six bullet right there um i think that bullet just lives there now that's something that i don't think a lot of people think enough about is the fact that just because your bullet has a lot of energy doesn't mean it's going to impart that energy on your target so even if you have a bullet that has you know three times the amount of energy as the other uh if it only imparts a third of that energy you know it's putting two-thirds of that raw force into the tree behind your target whereas this the seven and six especially out of that short barrel just dumped everything it had into this target here uh and then watched itself all right that's enough screwing around the crank time to test something a little bit uh a little bit longer all right so we've done standard 16-inch barrels and we've done shorter sbr or pistol barrels now let's move on to the long boys this right here is an akg rpk kind of neat just a lot a light machine gun configuration of the ak i think they're pretty cool and of course we've got a russian aluminum waffle mag in there because let's face it at this point this entire video is just kind of a flex post but again got some bernal in there let's uh see how the gel handles it i'm gonna try to put this one a little more on top in three two one that definitely seemed to carry a little bit more energy [Applause] come back here [ __ ] okay i kind of [ __ ] up our clean side a little bit so we kind of landed on our clear side so now it's foggy as all hell but as you can see uh this is now very thoroughly taken care of i don't think that this guy is going to be a problem anymore and uh frankly on that last one you can see it actually diverted i think that's crazy that's helped by the uh the energy transfer considering it was able to [ __ ] pick this thing up and eat it off a table uh tells you all you need to know about the extra energy and the 545 counterpart to the rpk the rpk74 this is my russian rpk 74. i did a video on this one the other day but now we're going to shoot some 7n6 through it and see how this longer barrel affects that target showing you what that long bear will do in three two one did you see that smoke how my smoke came out of the end of that target what the [ __ ] all right so that one seems to have entered right about here right about midway through and it's actually left a sizable sizable hole there at the end lets me know that it probably exited pretty damn close to fully sideways i think the the temporary cavity on this one is what caused that smoke to be coming out of the end of the target because basically because of the amount of compression like the expansion and then recompression and the air trapped inside of it we basically turn this ballistic gel into a uh you know a makeshift combustion engine if you know anything about that um physics are cool that was actually so fun that i feel like doing it 29 more times 762 by 39 almost synonymous with the ak itself it was the first caliber that it was ever chambered in and has continued to work great in that gun to modern day it's definitely more common in the united states it's usually cheaper in the us here the weapon that fires it is definitely more common and more affordable here in the states by and large and it delivers a hell of a punch a whole lot of energy around fired this is brilliant but i like this 545 not without its drawbacks it does deliver less energy it's way more kind of esoteric both the caliber itself the ammo and the weapons that fire it usually less affordable and now with imports in question may have a hard time finding it but i'll be damned i just don't love this caliber to death better ballistics better long range trajectory lower recoil faster target react position and just really buttery smooth to shoot and the guns that shoot it are just sexy so yes my heart does belong to the 545 but it's kind of like being a ass man or a tits man it doesn't really matter you can still love both just fine that's why i own plenty guns in both and i intend to own a lot more before i die anyhow that's pretty much all we've got to talk about with 762 and 545 today there's a lot i didn't even get into that i maybe wanted to if you guys want to see a part two to this video please let me know down in the comments and if there's other calibers that you would like me to compare or other just comparison videos in general please let me know down in the comments i'm genuinely interested to see if you guys care about this sort of content because i really don't mind making it maybe next time i'll have a little bit better ballistic gel i'll clear that up ahead of time but other than that this kind of uh you know head-to-head comparison stuff and getting to maybe teach some of you guys who don't know as much about shooting uh kind of why people care uh about one over the other i think it's kind of cool that's all we got for you guys today if you want to head over to bunker brand and get yourself some less sweaty ak guy merch sorry we don't sell the used ones that's pretty [ __ ] weird but we can have the links down in the description and in the pin comment for that and uh yeah no i appreciate you guys watching to the end of the video and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] [Music] coke or pepsi chocolate or vanilla 762 or 545. now what did do you think i don't speak that good and aunt biting the [ __ ] on my foot that entire take ow
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 476,803
Rating: 4.9657159 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, meme review, gun meme review, 7.62, 5.45, 7.62x39, 5.45x39, ak-74, rpk-74, rpk, krink, aks-74u, ballistic gel, test, cursed gun images, garand thumb, demolition ranch, escape from Tarkov
Id: mIAf4KfJdAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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