I review the AK-50

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all right guys i'm gonna be going hot you ready all right here we go oh brandon brandon i think i'm dying ugh brandon sorry mike you weren't supposed to survive that who's getting to two million first now if you've ever wondered how far the ak platform can be pushed go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control we will get kicked off youtube eventually not yet get in there make it pierce ladies and gentlemen this channel is sponsored by brownells a huge supporter go down in the link right below go check them out we can't thank them enough also sponsoring this video we've got leatherback gear drink hero coffee discount code grand at checkout of course alias defense tactical belts go check them out guys and a big thank you to them for sponsoring this particular video ladies and gentlemen my often forgotten most certainly not by me cranks welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very interesting do we call a fire and firearm we have the ak-50 and you talk a little bit about it we have the creator of the ak-50 brandon herrera himself come on to the channel man welcome thanks for coming and letting me of course get my hands on the gen 1 about to be released to the public ak-50 i am so pumped that this is coming to the public that they can purchase this might look a little bit better than this this is kind of a crude throwing together listen this is what i got for review you can't just change the rules we're going to be reviewing it precisely as we got it from the factory because we have to go into our full disclosure so full disclosure what is my relationship with the ak guy and with this company he tried to pay me off i took a little bit of money but not too much you're in lwrc territory all right so oh god too soon so uh we're gonna do what our marines love and go tip to butt i'm excited i'm so excited so start start if you want to you want to explain what the hell this is in the first place so this is the second firing prototype of the aka gen one uh well prototype gen one being released to the public that's gonna hit right this is uh the second uh firing prototype we've done this is the one that was uh we we were able to build up uh just to see if we could actually do with the stamped receiver because the first one had a milled receiver and we thought you know i think we can actually do this stamp so this is that receiver cost about 60 dollars of over-the-shelf tubing hell yeah with all of our custom parts riveted on uh very very crudely this is gorgeous i love this did you do you have do you find that you have to pay blood sacrifices to mikhail kalashnikov every night because you have this in your shop at least daily okay at least daily fair enough and so basically we have the a key operating principle it is an actual ak operating system in 50 caliber for sure it's a uh it's a long stroke rotating bolt gasop 50 bmg it even has basically an ak style actually this is straight up just an ak recoil spring that we've added is it really just an ak recoil spring you tell me yeah that is a little bit of meat to the front end there a little different but uh that's psychotic yup it absolutely is we also have your trigger is a standard ak fire control group um actually unmodified entirely standard ak pistol grip uh all in all once you tear it apart you look at it it's it's it's very crude um there are probably pakistani made aks that look a little bit better we're getting 50. we're getting into kyber past territory right now oh yeah this is the about as garage prototype kyber pass as you can get love it okay so i want to start at the very end right here and the question is who the hell made this that's actually just a grown-up j-mac customs muzzle break they actually made us he just scaled it up yeah that is the only existing rrd50 that is ridiculous have you thought what is it what is the threading for for that muzzle device i remember it was kind of funny because it was uh because you know standard ak is uh like uh 14 by one left hand yeah i think it's one by 14 right hand it's almost the exact just opposite i don't like that at all it makes me extremely uncomfortable so funny enough that's actually so when we fired this on the sled it was actually very stable so the brake i mean j-mac makes good brakes so they're absolutely fine there and um this is a really big barrel yes like not not big but i'm talking like chonky girthy is i think the thick the girthy what is this barrel from this was actually uh turned down from an old uh this is such a cursed gun i know yeah tell me about it we know we know a thing or two about that around here but this is an m2 barrel that was turned down specifically for this how did that work out it still hasn't exploded yet okay that's good i mean i guess my big question is it looks a little short so you know what the what we want to make sure is that we're getting good ballistics out of the rounds that we're using so the 50 cal how long is the barrel length that is needed to fully allow for that expansion of all the propellant for it to all burn you know what barrel length do you need i think the practical length on it i think the barrier goes like 27 inch 28 in something like that this is like 22 so you're purposely trying to ensure that the people who buy this don't have good ballistics with their 50. we're trying to make sure we keep the most important thing in mind which is that it just [ __ ] looks cool yeah that's fair hello i'll accept that answer right there so for this gas block right here um it's monstrosity first off did you just custom machine that yes pretty much everything you see on this that is a functional part like the gas block uh front trunnion rear train all that is just completely custom cnc that looks like it's from home depot this one was turned manually on a lathe uh i think i actually did you do that one forget if i made that part or not i forget we we took a bunch of old [ __ ] off the last prototype okay throw on this one yeah my favorite part is electrical tape and what's what's the purpose of the electrical tape because you look at it and that looks super janky but there's probably a good purpose to it well it is pretty pretty [ __ ] chunky but yeah it reminds me of elysium which i love that vibe to be honest yeah yeah this is uh this is we actually used zip ties at first we used a tactical hose clamp just to keep the gas tube on because it has no retainer yet those broke off because they're too stiff but the electrical tape flexes just enough that it doesn't break it's incredible so i guess the question is is where are these sites supposed to be brandon how are you supposed to aim this weapon do you sight down the barrel well you could you definitely yeah we have uh you use the force you pull down the blind ball in the binder and you just go for it we're looking at optic mounting stuff right now uh this one right now we're just kind of focused on function and trying to learn as much as we can i see i'm trying to be mean to you but i just can't be mean to you because you're just too nice don't worry the internet will do that for you they'll be used to it so i guess the question is are you gonna do something like a zeneco kind of mounting platform as far as like a picatinny rail back there for mounting optics or what do you think we're really not sure we've looked at like ak-12 style stuff we've looked at a solid monolithic upper we've looked at a few different ways of doing it and i think we're going to try to do multiples i love it just to see what works the best that's easy enough now the easiest the most interesting thing to me is is this guy right here what is what is that for that is the uh basically save our life nub okay down there so we welded this stuff on so we could shoot it from a brand tripod perfect and pull a string literally an artillery mechanism i wanted to [ __ ] shoot it myself but have you ever shoulder fired this one no i shoulder fired the last one the mills far too early how'd that feel it was good a sharp recoil yeah because that was back before we had it fully cycling properly okay but good it fired you didn't die i'm still here at least last time i checked you are now it does use barrett mags correct yes 10 round barrett mags it's pretty awesome so pretty simple uh backwards compatibility as far as that goes if you think designing a gun is hard designing a gun and a magazine at the same time terrible not a not a great plan that's fair now when it comes to this magazine catch right here the magazine latch when mikhail klashkov designed the clash of cough did he in any way think that it would be taking the recoil from a 50 i would like to think so at some point no not this latch uh down here this is just a typical akm mag latch and that's why you saw the inertia was uh making this magazine not want to stay yeah so i guess i guess at some point i have to have a stronger spring or something or a different angle okay yeah we're looking at a couple different potential fixes for that so we don't have to include the tourniquets yeah well the tourniquet comes standard with the ak-50 of course you'll see that later on the magazine though fair potentially for the operator fair now when it comes to this can you just pull this out this thing is ridiculous looking the entire bolt carrier like it's it's insane let me take this out you want to explain that actually this is really interesting to me this is uh it's a little it's ghetto rigged because we we deleted we were doing originally two recoil springs uh for this part we deleted that down to one because we thought we could actually get away with one it worked yeah turn out it did you'll see soon but this uh block here is actually a recoil buffer so that if instead of just ending the rear trunnion here we've got a little bit of extra travel which this spring isn't quite as sturdy as it needs to be we're beefing that up and giving it a little more travel is that for like if you bounce a suppressor or hot around yeah okay yeah if you're running something that's super hot or you're adding a suppressor to it it's going to make sure that you don't beat the rear trunnion out of the back of the gun now with the typical with your typical loaded 50 cal round are you how how how hard back is this coming is it barely kissing it what's it doing when it's properly gassed yeah something like 660 grain uh fmj it should be barely kissing that one just there so not enough to engage this at all but if you run something hotter that's when that comes you got that little oh [ __ ] right there let's take that out yeah i love it all right now we get to take the ball it's like you versus the guy she told you not to worry about is you pull out that group all right this is my favorite part about this and you can't really see it from my side is that brandon got grantham earlier today because we were [ __ ] the grand and he's bleeding all over this so he's just christening him daily blood sacrifice daily blood sacrifice i actually forgot mine last night this is ridiculous looking this is definitely chopped up we've we've tried a lot of different [ __ ] on this yeah this is our prototype test bed so this is just we're trying to learn more [ __ ] shut up mike we uh this is our bolt here and aside from the tri lug this is very clearly just an ak bolt so even kind of an ak styled yeah cam lug is here very much an ak bolt carrier yeah it 100 is that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in my life and what's funny is that the original lock nut we were using for uh this uh bolt carrier piston is actually a muzzle nut for an ak so this is this piston is threaded uh 14 by one left hand i love this this is there's so many wrong things going on with this gun and i absolutely love it so we're coming down to the end here and then this is for of course the bren tripod yes and so with the length that you need for the recoil spring what are your thoughts as far as like putting a stock on this is it going to be an abbreviated sock i'm guessing because yeah you have so much length on this already yeah what a lot of people are like oh put put furniture on it like oh put a stock can it take you know standard ak stocks like well the gun is bigger but you stay the same size so length of pull is kind of a problem so we're going to put like a recoil pad or something here it's almost a bullpup but not because the wrist is still behind yeah this trigger's still behind the mag it's just a very long recoil impulse i mean using the ak system so yeah it's like if the barrett's not a bullpup then this is not a bullpup exactly exactly now i guess so we've talked all the way through it but i guess two questions i have is the first is what kind of furniture are you thinking to put on this you know we really don't know yet that's one of those things that i think we're we're trying to not put cart before the horse yeah i get it get the the core of the gun working 100 the way we like but this next prototype i'll show you some of the cad drawings later but i can't wait this next prototype's actually going to be that's the frendier a friendlier of course we're friends yeah you know we've talked about it enough do you think we're at the point where we could go ahead and take this out to the range um i know it's kind of in a semi good state right now it's had a lot of rounds it's not you you're kind of at this point gearing up for your your third prototype correct yes but is it cool if you fire a couple rounds on this guy absolutely she's already almost at the three digit round count at this point and everything's holding up for like there's a lot of small [ __ ] that's breaking sure never we never expected it to have to get this far yeah we've pretty much learned everything we need to about gassing with the cam group or whatever to make an accurate third prototype i think so you're saying i can destroy this i would love it if you destroyed this perfect well we're going to go ahead we're going to get out to the range we're going to put some rounds on this and see how it goes we are now out here on the range with the ak-50 again this is the model being released to the public within about a month and we are so excited that this is my video we talked about this i get to do it how i want this is still the prototype so anyhow we're so excited to have this out to the public really soon from the ak builder himself and there are of course a lot of problems with this but you know what i want to give you a fair shot of this brandon and allow you to test this out so as we have done with many many guns the real torture test is going to be firing it how many rounds do you think this thing can take between one and two i'm going optimistic and saying we could at least get through like three or four really possibly okay i'm willing to take that chance what rounds are we gonna be using on the ak-50 today so we're using lake city uh fmj at 50 bmg and uh well just to kind of spice things up a little bit we have what is probably ralphus it was sold to me as ralphus on gun brokers i'm gonna get kentucky ballistic shooting this that's actually kind of why i brought you out for this one that if one of us uh gets frag i was hoping we could stick a thumb in it so excited for that to be honest okay um is where's the dust cover um m.i.a okay i can't wait well i think there's nothing better than just going ahead and pulling the trigger on this so this is basically an artillery piece at this point because we're going to be pulling it with a string correct yes have you shoulder fired this yet not this one i did the last prototype but this one after scott had his incident we decided well okay uh the insurance decided that that was not a good idea that's fair okay let's get this thing loaded up let's shoot it let me see it's got a catch right on that [ __ ] nub though there we go oh you ready yeah yeah yeah you're the one with medical training right well i quit med school so okay that's pretty good that's farther than i got um unfortunately you're gonna be the one pulling the triggers though oh my god with the string right if you want is that kite string um no uh it's actually probably worse but it'll it'll work for a trigger pull i love this very much okay let me attach this and we're gonna step back so we don't actually die so we're gonna go ahead and put that string on there we go nice and gently perfect and we're gonna walk this back and uh we're gonna shut the camera down because i don't want my camera gotta die and uh we're gonna send it yo we didn't die we didn't die uh gunshots hold on this is a crime scene right now please don't speak yet come here micah let's take a look at this i am here to give you unbiased reviews what happened to that 20 i slipped you earlier though we have not been paid off that much so i could see that the magazine kind of came out do you want to explain that brandon yes so we actually knew about this we just forgot this time around it's a feature apparently yeah it is actually on the gen one auto exactly snag so you can just quick change it like lucas botkin basically okay almost that fast okay but uh what actually happened here is that the uh we realized that the inertia of the recoil actually is enough to make the magazine release uh depress itself mikhail kalashnikov didn't foresee this being used oh my god didn't see this being used for 50 cal recoil so it tried to cycle yeah uh the problem being kind of seeded the bullet a little too far okay yeah yeah that's a problem i have an issue you want to see that it's actually what it's doing is it's compacting the gunpowder yes a little bit more to makes up for the shorter barrel it uh makes up for the shorter barrel you get a little bit more power oh that's why you have the shorter barrel he's actually actually a genius teacher than the mikael kalashnikov of our generation we're not clearly yeah this is proof of that okay and so it tried to cycle it kind of caught there but at the same time the bottom lug the bottom lug on that tri lug is what caught the magazine here or the uh the front of the the bullet okay and didn't allow it to come all the way forward is that is that good so we're gonna have to get that out of here nice yeah we just had to solve a little problem here we had a stuck casing because it failed to pull out uh the old casing uh much like me it has problems pulling out yeah me as well for kids yeah well so we got this thing loaded up again we have it tourniquetted from its little booboo it had and it's it's feeling pretty good right yes this is what made it run uh when it was cycling through mags it was that tactical tourniquet you know so i understand that this is a very combat effective weapon in a sense okay yes how are we gonna display that combat effectiveness so we actually have some war criminals over here uh wanted for crimes against the lactose intolerant this [ __ ] shoot oh my god it extracted yup it worked [ __ ] yeah what a piece of [ __ ] dude what it's gone it's a terrible gun so are the tourniquets included with the rifle when you buy them i was thinking more about including a functional mag catch that also works yeah i think it will is uh can we have like an add-on for a tourniquet like the ak guy sure tourniquet i'm in is this thing did this thing load i think it did we can check all right let's uh the hammers reset and everything and it ejected so let's see if it it's still hot yep that's a live round oh my god so it cycled it cycled this is a functioning gun uh almost can we fire it again yeah [ __ ] it all right we're gonna put the string on so we can get this thing firing all right got that you mean you don't want to pull pull the trigger yourself you know you created it would you like to no i'll let you okay so we're gonna stand back we're gonna fire this like an artillery piece all my m triple seven guys are super pumped right now so we'll go ahead and do this firing pretty cool let's go ahead and take a look at this yeah here we're running into the same problem that's this brass too i think this brass is a little weaker than the amex stuff you're testing with well it's understandable uh we can definitely blame it on the ammo for this one [ __ ] you so we're running into so it's now a little bit over gassed yeah uh because we had we drilled up our gas port before we fixed our cam groove so now it cams smoother okay which means it's more violent okay but yeah so we got a skutt casing there uh but it did attempt to cycle maybe walk back on this round no problem let's go ahead and remove this and we'll get that out oh yeah wonderful now for the big boy time to see if this is actually ralphus that i bought on gunbroker three two one look at that that went right through the center of that steel and i think we even might have severely wounded our milk jug all right so we fired the [ __ ] out of this thing we killed milk we fired a ralphus round a little bit psychotic but what is really interesting to me is it's really not bucking that hard in the tripod i think it's going to have pretty light recoil overall and who could have guessed that an ak would be suited for a 50 cal it really kind of isn't we are forcing the [ __ ] out of this to make it work but you know what it's one of those things where it's been a very fun project yeah if it can be done it should be done yeah i guess my last question for you is you've done all this at what point were you like i think i can make an ak and 50 caliber and then you're like yeah let's let's go ahead and do this before i knew anything which is why i tried yeah perfect now i'm just too invested now i'm just sending good money after bad and you know at least it's entertaining for you guys i do hope that this will ultimately be your demise like this is just the thing that drives you mad and you're not able to function in life anymore you met it you hoped it blew up and killed me god that was too [ __ ] soon you're good scott you're good start scott but man i can't thank you enough for taking us out and um you know this is cool and i guess you know our point always is is as cool as these weapons are it's not gonna matter unless you have training so in the case of the ak-50 you need to have the force to be able to shoot it but honestly make sure you get training guys these guns are awesome get training on them be good with your weapons tons of great training places out there from hayley strategic probably my dad maybe yours we have the leaders definitely mine maybe yours as well cousins something like that of course we have bear solutions cog works tons of great guys any good training companies you can think of off top of your head i just build [ __ ] man i'm a nerd all right there's a difference between a sword smith and a sword fighter right yeah which is why i am not much of a sword fighter i'll leave that to guys like you appreciate the swordsmithing you did a great job but guys thank you so much for watching hopefully you appreciated just this ridiculous video and i'm excited to see what comes of the ak-50 the more you work into it man so i can't thank you enough for coming on the channel come down here we'll have the new prototype can i shoulder can i hip fire it you could be my guest if you feel comfortable with it when we get around to it you can do whatever you only if i can fire slap rounds well i know a guy who might be selling a few for two years okay we're done guys we said we're done but what we always have is our debt advice a lot of people look to you as a father so you need to give these poor misguided children your advice as ak father well to you guys out there who are probably not my children and if you are please don't contact me if you're going to embark on a project like this please make sure you know what you're doing or you're going to be five years into it and still not finished we got nothing else for you we're done
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,048,057
Rating: 4.9474216 out of 5
Keywords: 50 caliber ak47, garand, thumb, 50 cal, garand thumb, military, veteran, special forces, AK50, ak-50, 50 caliber ak, 50 cal ak, dual 50 cal ak, ak 47 50 caliber, the ak guy, brandon herrera, gun meme review, 50 bmg, kentucky ballistics
Id: jHPyLu5PWtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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