VSKA 6,000 Round Test (W/MrGunsNGear)

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Some more weirdness from century. So it looks like century CAN make an AK that isn't straight up dangerous.

So I wonder what their problem is? Inconsistent parts quality? General QC errors?

As stated in the video this very will could be a cherry picked rifle, but I just think it brings questions. Why can't they do this everytime?

BTW still not an endorsment to buy their US made AKs as it's too much of a gamble and potentially dangerous. Maybe they can get it right/consistent in 2-3 years...

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Praetorian757 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wouldn’t trust it to much, he said himself century sent him the rifle, so they could’ve gave him a “special” one of the batch.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/urboikal 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
is it a visca or vishka all right well we're here today with mr. guns and gear doing a video that I said I was never going to do frankly but we're actually verifying the results really of a 5,000 round test you had just done your 5,000 road test right correct yep I put 5,000 rounds through the rifle I'd had bleep about four malfunctions and at the end was still in headspace that caused some some uproar on the Internet full disclosure like I said in my video century did send this rifle out for the test but today we're gonna throw another thousand rounds through it and just kind of see how it looks at the end but you've checked it out so far yeah honestly I'm really shocked with the lack of wear I mean for a gun that's been through 5,000 rounds that's I mean it doesn't it's holding up fairly well I'll admit so we'll see we'll put another thousand rounds through it we'll see what happens and honestly I was just telling him a second ago that you know I 6,000 rounds should be just warming up you're a K a good a K should be able to last 10 times that a couple barrel changes you should have to change out the fire control group a couple times just let that thing go but really we're just verifying the results not trying to make the gun fail we just wanted like report results we got the no go gauges and everything just making sure that I he's not full of [ __ ] he actually did put all these rounds through the gun and that were we're showing we're showing you guys what happened basically these are still cast parts you can definitely tell because you can see marks here on the bottom of the carrier where it's cast just like the rass 47 and a little aside one of the things I can never figure out about why Century chose to do it this way is the Lightning grooves on the bolt carrier never really understood that because if you see pictures of the Rast 47 where these have cracked and break it cracked and broke they're always right here on these lightning cuts you take the most geometrically sound shape possible and you put cuts right down the side I just I never got it but this is holding up remarkably well in my opinion for something that's already been through 5,000 rounds where pattern on the back of the bolt like said it's it's holding up remarkably well there's nothing that's obviously deformed or anything like that so tell you what we're going to go ahead and put this back in the gun put it back together run another thousand rounds through it and we're gonna compare afterward but just to verify real quick this does pass the no go gauge test got our gauge in there the rifle and it does not close on the no go it doesn't even start to close so 5,000 rounds doing remarkably well frankly as much as you know I may have incentive to say otherwise so let's put another thousand rounds through it and see we're at alright these are actually the first rounds I've ever personally put through a biscuit is it a visca or vishka no nobody's been able to tell me yet and the century' reps have said it both ways alright let's say vishka already getting her smoking a little bit I can already tell this is gonna be a long day like a damn hair band oh I've been avoiding that for a long time the internet would never forgive me that is gonna get very old very quick all right guys another hundred and fifty rounds we're gonna throw through it here we are cool down in between mags just to not double feed you guys can see there two rounds are trying to go in the chamber at the same time when in fact there's actually only room for one indeed and last mag for this string did you count to 30 every single time every time every time cool gotta have a new respect for Rob's key now cuz this is gonna get really tiring that's how you build up that index finger strength ladies so we're at about 450 rounds right now at the end of this five magazines we'll be at around 600 all right give that another try we're probably technically gonna be like five rounds light on a thousand just because of the malfunctions the round dropping out who's counting this video is really making you want to have like an 80s action hero like head band or some [ __ ] I know why Rambo did it now let's mix it up a little bit for variety so these are five magazines so 150 each so that's okay cool 3/4 of the way they're losing daylight in a little bit before I started that but I had already committed next time I shake Rob's keys hand I'm gonna specifically look for that index finger cuz he's probably gonna have like this fingers like atrophied and this one it looks like Schwarzenegger [Applause] malfunction so this one is a failure to feed do you see there the nose of the cartridge just hit the side of the barrel instead of going into the chamber there got a double feed there that's two malfunctions in one mag see if you slow down a little bit that was that 150 hi guys got a hundred fifty more to go through it last hundred rounds home stretch all right I think that concludes it 6,000 rounds and I still have a face I have not been quiet about my dislike a century in the past as far as how they've run there us made stuff but I'm not out here to report anything that didn't happen and honestly I've been pleasantly surprised by the lack of deformation on like the back of the bolt and things like that I'll include some photos in here as I'm talking about it but you can see the the wear pattern on the back of the bolt were the two locks are the two lugs engage it's pretty uniform there's no crazy deposits of metal where it's mushrooming or anything like that where it's you know too soft or anything everything looks pretty decent the cam lug looks pretty decent there's a little bit of metal Ridge here I can feel it's it's kind of visible I'll show that where that's starting to pain a little bit but that's you know pretty typical we have actually the same issue on the v1 8k 50 so I'm pretty partial to that I've kind of understand that issue the bolt carrier cam groove everything looks pretty good there's no real deformation there that's not you know again standard a case tough after 6,000 rounds doesn't look like anything crazy the tail is not mushroomed any sort of crazy like said this is all like really really normal stuff it's I've seen some really really bad ones in the past where you know after two or three thousand rounds the tail is really mushroomed into formed nothing crazy on this just typical a que pattern stuff where you see you get the line in the middle where it rides over the hammer nothing crazy the only thing that we need to check on now is the the actual headspace and if it passes the go gage or the no go gage test so on the RAF's 47s every time you saw one of those blow up if you let go to like Google Images and find where they had you know out-of-battery detonation zora scuse me out of headspace detonations from where they the trunnions would give out that's why people rail against cast Runyon's and I'm no quiet critic of that but this lower right lug is always what fails you see it blow out the side where you know the receivers warped and everything this this part of the trying it crack so this part here you can definitely see there's a little bit more where there in the front of the lug than anywhere else that strikes me is kind of odd what I would hazard to guess and this is an educated guess I just now saw this is that it's starting to mushroom up a little bit but because of the tolerances and the way the lug comes back over it immediately writing it back over and writing it flush because there's not really an edge there that you can feel so that's an educated guess as to why it is but you can definitely clearly tell there's a lot more where there at the very corner of the lug than there is anywhere else so it's not the bolt contacting it uniformly not guys I mean there's really the the trunnion looks pretty decent for for six thousand rounds and like I said six thousand rounds on a naked be a given any good a case should last you sixty thousand plus but it is still interesting that you know I don't think our house forty seven would make it this far with this minimal wear I'll put it that way so you can see and I think the head space actually has moved I think it has changed but it's it's still not failing on the no go gauge test you can see it definitely wants to rotate there a little bit more than before but by all accounts it does actually pass the no go gauge test right so something I made a mental notice of mental note of is how loose the bolt face is on the vishka compared to like a standard a case so please forgive how frickin dirty the AKG forty seven bolt is this is from a post dealer sample full auto probably get six seven thousand rounds through it but we just filmed the will at a ke part two so it's all still nasty from that so I try to clean it up a little bit but it still you don't get surface rust and everything on it from that video but here's our no-go gauge so when you clip that in the extractor there you can swing it around a little bit it's not really going anywhere because it's you know nice and tight but if you go to the vishka bolt face kind of clip that in it'll fall right out so it's it's very very loose and you can visibly see when you compare the two that the bolt face on this is actually larger so I'm not sure that's necessarily a bad thing it's just unique it was something that I was able to take note of it without being told so just I'm not really sure why they did that but it's interesting to take note of alright so this is probably the part that century is not gonna like so much one of the problems that are perceived problems with the vishka that was brought up in the military arms test with James Yeager that they were able to drive out the barrel pin with just a punch and like hammer it's supposed to be a tight pressed fit that is relatively tough on a 12-ton press like this stuff is supposed to be like skipping it is so tough so being able to punch it out with a hammer and a punch is not the way it's supposed to be done it's not the biggest deal in the world frankly because if it's not coming out under normal wear and tear I really don't see it as that big of an issue but it is an issue with stacking tolerances stuff like that so I figured it wouldn't be complete without at least checking that so I haven't done anything to this one yet so we're we're gonna check it out and this is after we're done with the whole six thousand rounds so we're gonna start light okay so I don't believe that's actually moving so that's pretty that's pretty light I was literally just tapping it very lightly okay I was actually I was kind of going a little harder on that one we'll we'll see what happens let's just tap it a little bit more I really don't think we're getting a hell of a lot of movement on that if at all I can stick it on the hydraulic press and try to press it out but honestly guys that's I don't see an issue with that barrel pin at all that's seems fairly tight to me it's at least if if nothing else that's exaggerated the problem with being able to push it out with a punch because it's not coming out under normal use and if I'm sitting here with a barrel pin sized punch happen on it with a hammer and it's not moving I don't see that as a buyer beware type of the issue at all alright so for the sake of YouTube now we're really gonna move things well no that was the 6000 round test I really think I was just here to you know tell the internet and a.k files that you're not full of [ __ ] and that we actually did run some rounds in the gun oh they watch the video I did run all the rounds through the gun for sure they're all documented in there so but yeah through another thousand through it it's still you know passing Heights bass was what folks always Lona now obviously we're shooting at relatively short distances so I can't gauge the accuracy however I will take this out and some group so that see how it's doing with the rifling had a little bit more aware from what I looked at but again like you I don't think there's anything weird about it barrel of course still discolored because that's what happens when you shoot stuff and get it really hot with a phosphate finish but otherwise it was okay I think we had four malfunctions we had a little bit did we have four or five something like that and we put just so you guys know round count nazis out there we put five of those rounds we put it back in the last mag that he shot so yeah so get it there I think we fired 999 rounds so one short so faking gay not real 6000 exactly yeah I agree with a lot of what he said I was pleasantly surprised in my video as well with us well as it did I didn't think was gonna do that well on its it's been okay again it's those four sentries sent the gun but still if they can here's another theory on that too right so people were like it's terrific well if they can cherry-pick a gun and make it right they could probably make other guns right at least I think yeah if the theory that they cherry pick the gun means that they know that most of their guns are shitty and then they do had a custom make one properly so that's kind of an interesting it is not that not not to put it above and beyond it they didn't find one that was no the best headspace or something like that but it's not like to change the parts these are the same parts that are gonna be on any other vishka that was the most interesting part to me is the actual part where itself and not necessarily to headspace cuz headspace we do fix two parts if you got a shitty trunnion if you're bombed yep no I agree no actually I as I said in my video the parts where it looks better than a lot of fake a's i've seen over the years not just us made ones yeah so i'm pleasant surprise anyways i appreciate you guys watching I appreciate you coming out here and doing the video with me man it's absolutely pretty pretty cool getting to shoot one of these for the first time I am you know like like we said before pleasantly surprised so thank you guys for watching and as always I guess we'll see you guys on Monday thanks yeah it's not gonna function like that yeah no I think we ran into a malfunction here rounds don't seem to wanna feed
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 837,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, vska, century arms, ras 47, mrgunsngear, ak guy, ak47, torture test, meltdown, full auto, 7.62x39, james yeager, military arms channel, mac, review, vska review
Id: O3awAU9hPOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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