7 Greatest Weapons You Only Got to Use Once

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Always hated when they do this to you

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Angelganon2 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
is there any crueler move than hiding a video game superweapon in the final moments of a game or handing over a mighty boom stick only to rip it out of our hands minutes later these are the teasing moments that make you say wait samus's arm cannon had a powerful death beam all along or you mean there was a spare metal gear just sitting on an island why didn't you tell me that before the terrible prague level and where was modern warfare 3's juggernaut armor when i was dying a billion times on mile high club on veteran i'm not cross just very disappointed and perforated so today we salute the weapons that burned twice as bright and twice as fast though weirdly that doesn't include the flamethrower from zombies ate my neighbors which did both of those things thanks to only having 400 fuel for the entire game consider it a bonus eighth entry one we promise not to snatch away from you as we look at the seven greatest weapons you only got to use once beware of spoilers for the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] following [Music] i with its overblown combos rail grinding and absurd weaponry sunset overdrive is what you'd get if tony hawk and ratchet and clank had a baby which is a mental image that is less insomniac games and more insomnia inducing it is not a game where you feel shortchanged by the gun rack offering up a selection of firework pistols acid sprinklers and hairspray bombs short of having a cannon that fires haribo it's like they took the inside of a ten-year-old's head and plastered it onto the screen but even this world has the one weapon that gets away enter excalamune the answer to the question what do you get the ninja cheerleader who has everything now if i were a cheerleader what would i want hmm no remember these are bad ass assassins yes a sword sunset city won't hand over the treasure forcing you to steal the sword from a slimy executive hiding behind robots and a hefty climb to his penthouse dicks now where's that sword i honestly resent the exercise more than the death robots i must pay for my crimes with business seppuku so i am retiring upstate taking nothing with me but my priceless antique japanese or possibly chinese sword oh what the hell with the sword gone you have to smelt a new blade from the xx marketing awards which in the universe of sunset overdrive means pushing a power plant to overheat and hammering the metal from a thousand feet up in the air holy sh i think it worked how many disappointed teenagers signed up for blacksmithing class after this douse the smoldering blade and excalimune is born and she is a beaut spitting lightning and flames not to mention regaining health for every kill excalimune makes the rest of the weapon wheel pale in comparison yes next to this apocalyptic blade every other gun puts the arse in arsenal or for our american viewers the ass in assorted weapons you own but enjoy that rampage while it lasts as a clumsy accident sees its powers nuked for good wait look how powerful this thing is [Music] oh that was an accident honestly you nearly vaporize one lousy kid they neutered my nuclear sword [Music] for a small subset of players the weapon you only get to use once in demon souls is the first weapon of the game as you meet your first dregling die in embarrassing fashion and swear off ever playing the thing again persevere however and the game is reasonably even-handed with its weapons in that you'll likely get your head bashed in no matter what you're carrying it's a bully but it's a very egalitarian bully and yes i hope by saying these nice things it won't take my lunch money but for one glorious moment there's a sword that turns you into the god of thunder a ray of hope that appears just after these rays of despair waiting for you at the end of the shrine of storms is the storm king and his squad of diddy storm princes they are not your average stingrays bang on their tank at the local aquarium and they will bang right back for a non-ranged combat character this would be a real sticking point as they stay in the air raining down giant shards which is why developer from software mercifully includes the nearby storm ruler a sword capable of channeling a fork of deadly thunderous force on any enemy in your path or as it's called in some circles pikachu and smash bros down special it was cheesy and amazing in smash and it is cheesy and amazing here that even the mighty storm king himself can be comfortably zapped by a gnat on the ground makes this unlike any other boss fight in from software history pure visual spectacle and zero frustration alas the altar of storms is the only location where storm ruler commands this mighty power in any other area it's a woefully underpowered hunk of junk with poor durability truly demon souls giveth and demon souls taketh away and then taketh and taketh and taketh some more giveth us a break yeah they we've had excalimune and now excalibur lara croft enjoys a short and sordid affair with king arthur's legendary blade in tomb raider legend look the joke works better written down okay this is brilliant king arthur was real the knights of the round table were real and now we have excalibur right here in front of us those stodgy bastards at oxford will have kittens when they hear of this yes a discovery so exciting that lara's pal zip forgets all manners and puts his trainers on a white sofa who brought the super glue i'm amazed croft manor doesn't have a shoes off policy arthur's mythical murder stick was broken into several parts presumably to get it past airport security when it was being scattered across the globe really it's just an excuse to visit locations as exotic as japan peru and um cornwall which is quite a quaint bit of england better known for its great cream teas rather than its giant sea serpents the only thing i've ever fought in cornwall was heartburn from all the pasties also good lara spends most of the game searching for sword pieces only really pausing to throw grenades at snow leopards because lest we forget she can't go five minutes without killing some endangered wildlife eventually in nepal she constructs the blade and excalibur lives up to the legends and then some excalibur [Music] i don't recall our theory entails mentioning an ability to cleave stone doors into or firing bursts of green death but there you go now we know how young arthur became king after an entire game spent pecking away at enemy health with weedy handguns lara transforms into a gymnastic grim reaper and it is glorious they even have to conjure up horrible smoke monster the unknown entity just to make her break a sweat so much of tomb raider's magic lies in the platforming and puzzling so the ability to slice through endangered species like a hot knife through nearly extinct butter would have made the proceeding levels so much more fun but no excalibur only gets the briefest moment to shine but hey think of all the snow leopards that'll rest easy few series boast as many one-fight wonder weapons as the legend of zelda who could forget donning the fierce deity mask to wipe the grin from majora's moon or unspooling a fishing rod in twilight princess to confuse ganondorf that's some pretty fly fishing some of link's weapons have such restricted use it took decades to even discover their combat potential did you know that rather than prune the plant boss in wind wakers woods you can purify it with sacred forest water get good shrub in some ways breath of the wild takes these ideas to their logical conclusion due to the game's weapon degradation system it's arguable that every sword shield and bow can only be used once as allegedly legendary weapons shatter against flimsy bokoblins it can begin to feel that they're more plasterboard than master sword but no such embarrassment for the bow of light which arrives in your final moment of need when dark beast ganon emerges on hyrule his field enraged form that's exactly what they say about me when i step on lego luckily this is zelda's cue to finally crack out the good stuff i entrust you with the bow of light a powerful weapon in the face of evil a more cynical observer might point out that with a dark beast that big it would be hard for any bow to miss but that ignores the satisfaction of lighting up the mega pig with triforce bull's eyes and sniping him dramatically from horseback and an even more cynical observer might also point out that the bow doesn't appear long enough to degrade but it actually can't it has infinite durability which combined with an attack power of 100 and infinite arrows makes this the most desirable bow in the game so when link finally glides into the air to deliver that final death blow remember that you're not just vanquishing the ultimate evil but also that lovely bow was it worth it [Music] probably yeah originally released on the nintendo 64 chirok dinosaur hunter was famous for two things a draw distance so drowned in fog that it doubled as a victorian london p super simulator and an unstoppable weapon that made you jump through a ludicrous number of hoops for mere seconds of use which is odd as there is nothing else ludicrous about this story of a native american hunter fighting velociraptors armed with laser cannons the gun in question is the chrono scepter which is split into pieces hidden across the game's eight levels the only way you could possibly find them as if you had the nose of a bloodhound or a tips book from a nintendo magazine if you're not allowed pets in the house some pieces required perilous first person jumping and remember this was years before first person platforming became good that's currently scheduled for 2035. level 7 really took the biscuit and then dunked that biscuit into hot magma for this one you were expected to swim through water disguised as lava ensuring that most sensible dinosaur hunters an oxymoron if we ever heard one would never go near it and your reward for sniffing out every cretaceous cranny a sort of weird stick with a blender on the end and a whole three bullets count em to use with it and only one enemy left to use it on the game's final boss the campaigner after all that work seeing this weird kitchen implement burp out blue mushroom clouds is a tad anticlimactic but it does chew through his health bar faster than a velociraptor gnawing off samuel l jackson's arm having this gun anywhere else in the game would have constituted an extinction level event the irony is it was the chrono scepter the campaigner was searching for the whole game if only he had the tips book eh so we finally meet again she's huge be careful listen well all you demons of the underworld in the name of the goddess palutena the defender of all that is good those who hide in the darkness will be made to face the light kid icarus uprising has the dubious honor of having not one but two god tier weapons that vanish almost as soon as they appear it's all part of the 2012 reboots everything but the kitchen sink approach to design after all this is the game that included no less than 90 difficulty tiers an entire peripheral just to hold the 3ds while playing and a stage where you played as both a toddler and a dog oh no no no shoulda called it kid icarus uprising but even in this stew of ideas pit's divine weaponry stands out first up are the three sacred treasures the arrow of light the mirror shield and the wings of pegasus gathering them in the game's opening stretch readies you form a deucer arming you with piercing bolts and cutting insults wow thank you body must be a real pain who thanks to the three sacred weapons the gorgon is soon gone only to unmask an even bigger threat during the end credits now wait just a second huh did you hear something i said wait just a second i've got to be hearing things hades who's hades the true master of the underworld sorry to keep you awake and it's this loquacious lucifer channeling the spirit of every english baddie in cinema history who robs pits of his wonderful toys not the three sacred treasures but there's no time to mourn for as the old saying goes when the going gets tough the tough seek out a strange old man in space and ask him for a mech this is the giant sacred treasure and because nothing in kid icarus uprising is free you have to fight for the right to ride it after enduring several hours of peacocking from hades it's hugely cathartic to have a weapon capable of matching him whether it's peppering his dumb mug with lasers no i'm fine but i could spray my ankle transforming into a sort of gundam swan to chase him at lightspeed or peeling away his armor if the great sacred treasure could be used in other levels it would be a bloodbath which is probably why uprising sees it trashed with a drill and a sucker punch foolish hades leaves you with just enough of a cannon arm to send in packing but our dreams of an easy ride die with him but hey who needs a great weapon when you've got a good boy [Music] ah resident evil one of the few game series where using amazing weapons once is often your own fault if you're anything like us you hoard magnum and grenade rounds until you accidentally reach the final boss with enough stopping power to make the t-virus look like a case of the sniffles classic resident evil where the only thing cheesier than these tactics is the dialogue your wife yeah my wife and kids they always wait up for me [Music] even today my eldest daughter it's okay he's alive i just know but resident evil 3 preempted our terrible tendencies with the introduction of nemesis an unstoppable bullet sponge slash world's angriest bin bag we're talking michael myers from halloween levels of unkillable here as the game begins to sound like a violent remake of boppit electrocute it ram it rpg it of course if you're struggling with a stubborn hard-to-remove monster only one product will get the job done in the climactic boss fight against nemesis's final form jill valentine finally decides to give it the finger [Music] finger of course as you'll know if you watched our video on tortured acronyms stands for ferromagnetic infantry use next generation railgun which is quite like the ferromagnetic infantry used last generation railgun only it costs 200 pounds more and has faster loading times well i say faster with a cumbersome reloading process that involves slowly pushing the gun's giant batteries into the wall we can understand why capcom didn't let us point the finger elsewhere in the game instead you only get to fire the finger three times in resident evil 3 so it's lucky that capcom gives each of those cracking shots the power of the mighty thor which is going to make nemesis feel mighty thor and with nemesis on the ropes you can finally give him his just desserts and what follows dessert the cheese all this death wasn't caused by a monster-making virus it was great i can't bear it so those were the seven greatest weapons you only got to use once due to how fast these creations flash in and out of existence you'll forgive us if we've linked and missed any other classic examples but you could add them to the comments below to help immortalize them for future generations and if you like this then why not check out some of the other videos on screen now they're all from us and if you enjoyed this we're pretty sure you will enjoy them as well and why not like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video see you next time
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 404,964
Rating: 4.941906 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: GH3TCW5zJzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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