7 Times Your Precious Stealth Skills Meant Nothing

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what could be more satisfying than to play a game the stealthy way to muster the patience and timing required to complete a mission or dare we say it an entire game without ever raising an alarm getting into a firefight or being caught shoving a half-naked dude into a chest freezer there's a good explanation for this and if you let me go i will email it to you later but sometimes a game that is supposed to be encouraging you to play the stealthy way will massively betray your trust by forcing you very suddenly into a situation about as stealthy as godzilla attacking tokyo and all your sneaking practice and all those stealthy skill points are no help to you now these are the times your precious stealth skills meant nothing but wear spoilers for the following games [Music] where is everyone going to see the master was it the templars did they attack again they walk the path what path what are you talking about the first assassin's creed game is all about stealthily eliminating your targets unlike its more combat oriented follow-ups except that would be a lie see while you can go through most of the first game perfectly stealthily getting as close to your target as possible before you strike there are often chase sequences and a few regrettable instances where you actually have to engage with the first game's terrible terrible fighting mechanics this will teach you not to trespass one prime example of this is at the end of the game where you go to face your mentor al-mualim who turns out is bad it was it what's he done to you raise me to the master for he has led us to the light in order of the templars to get to him you have to cut your way through a bunch of the brotherhood you can't hide and you can't even run away from them in fact you hit one of assassin's creed's famous memory walls if you try or hit it several times as your enemies grab you and throw you into it over and over again because you've been stealthily avoiding combat for so long that you forgot the buttons to break free of grab holds then when you finally get through them you can't even sneak up to al-mualem and stab him no instead he uses supernatural mind controlling device the apple of eden to force you into a bunch of tedious fights most of which are just standing around waiting for your enemies to attack so you can kill them with a counter yes this is far more exciting than cleverly puzzling your way towards a target finally you have to fight your mentor one-on-one which i'm sure will be just as simple yep al-mualem is a heavy hitter who uses the apple to make your job harder so if your sword skills are a little rusty you'll end up restarting this fight more than once this is a stealth game so none of you saw this we can still reconfigure track this yahoo down it's too late for that it's time to clean up but what about the dutchman no loose ends buried i'll make the call in deus ex human revolution you play the mechanically augmented adam jensen a man who loves sneaking through vents so much his colleagues bully him about it to his face about time what happened you get stuck in an air duct on the way over telling hr about this francis thanks to those aforementioned augmentations this cleverly built game lets you approach its puzzle box encounters however you choose for instance it's entirely possible to bash your way through every situation all guns blazing but those who prefer to strike from the shadows will want to invest their praxis points in crafting a stealth build instead perhaps because you enjoy the challenge of making it through an entire stage without ever raising the alarm lying patiently and wait for the perfect moment to hit your enemies with a tranquilizer dart from clear across the room or because the simple act of hiding and crouching makes it much easier to fool the enemy ai hey what happened one of our guys is there should i feel bad about this because i do not regardless of your motives sneaky players will be only too keen to invest those precious praxis points in jensen's stealth augmentations all cones of vision displayed on minimap yes please which is all well and good right up until the moment where the game forces your delicate stealth build into a violent confrontation namely a boss fight and nowhere in the game is this more painful for stealth players than when jensen breaks cover in a cut scene to land you in a showdown against laurence barrett a half man half tank whose body is made mostly of guns get rid of him oh that's gonna be a pleasure and what do you think your tranquilizer darts do against lawrence did you guess nothing if so you win a prize the prize is barrett kills you easily in addition to a mini gun arm lawrence the ball barrett also has a seemingly limitless supply of grenades to hurl your way one at a time until he gets bored then three at a time smaller firearms won't hurt barrett much and neither will the stealth players backup strategies of a trying to hide or b attempting to sneak around for the crafty hand-to-hand takedown oh well at least i can see his kona vision hang on a second no i can't this encounter is so notoriously tough that when given the opportunity to tweak it for the director's cut originally planned to be a wii u exclusive developer idos montreal did so adding things like turrets you could hack to make things easier for stealth players and new creative tactics to defeat bosses and if you're the one person who played deus ex on the wii u do get in touch with idos montreal to say thanks i'm sure they'd love to hear from you in the last of us part two there are three universal truths you are outnumbered 99 of the time some of the death animations are a bit much and all drawers must be opened [Music] oh great another superhero card this should help me kill clickers running straight into a fight is not the best idea so you're encouraged to take the stealthy route heck even if things don't stay stealthy in any given combat situation you can flee an encounter and re-establish stealth to regain the advantage in any given combat situation you can flee and encounter and re-establish stealth to regain the advantage yeah i just said that so like a good little apocalypse survivor you plug all your points into stealthy abilities so you don't die whenever you come across more than two enemies however one part of the game is pretty egregious in how it takes all your investments in stealth and goes oh don't mind trying to use that silent crossbow here's a horrible giant zombie blob that will chase you down noisy flooded corridors like a hand reaching for the last pringle in the tube this thing seems to have eyes in the back of its heads and ears well god knows where from looking at it oh you think you're safe hiding behind that wall temporarily shaking off the rat king is possible but you can't use that advantage to get past it or enable a stealth takedown the only use for this respite is to frantically craft more incendiary shotgun shells and pipe bombs which i hope you unlocked abby's ability to mass produce because otherwise who boy is your day going to be bad i mean you could go wild with a flamethrower but all that guarantees is that at some point the rat king will kill you while it's on fire but hey when you finally fill it with enough lead and explosives you can sneak the hell out of there except no you can't because a horrible stalker peeled itself off the monster and now you have to shoot that loads in a similarly unstealthy showdown i think i'm gonna have to hide in some long grass for a while after this ah much better [Music] cyberpunk 2077 offers plenty for the player who wants to experience what it's like to be a deadly computer expert and hacker extraordinaire whether it's upgrades that reboot an enemy's optics letting you blind them before you sneak up silently i'll cut off your arms and your legs or remotes hacking an arcade machine to distract an enemy for just long enough to choke them out or the way the game crashes all the time which you know is also a computer thing hacking and stealth go hand in cybernetic hand in cyberpunk with no shortage of perks to be purchased that improve your odds of bringing down foes the quiet way it seems at first that ex-nomad panam palmer understands the value of planning ahead perfectly well as you've just helped her put together a meticulously orchestrated ambush to trap a gang and get her beloved car back let there be light [Music] so when it turns out that nash her hated enemy wasn't present at the ambush and panam asks for your help getting revenge you a stealth player might assume she had a more sophisticated plan in mind than ramming her car really fast into the middle of nash's hideout if you did assume that then good for you because that means you're an optimist and done it the world needs more of you but also bad for you because pan am just dropped you into the middle of a firefight without ever stopping to check that you hadn't invested all your points in hiding behind things and staying quiet so your new life now is reloading this encounter over and over attempting desperately to overpower nash's thugs and trying not to think about how much more easy and fun this could be if you'd put all your points in shooting people square in the face on the plus side when you reload the auto save you might spawn inside pan ams head so i guess that counts as hacking we'll take it charlie i'm gonna need something to jam the radio in the area we can't risk remote detonation you bet brakes you're with me on the ground we move now hoorah in splint cell blacklist you play as the boringly named hero with the flashy eyewear sam fisher with fisher being a trained stealth operative the game's ghost approach rewarded players who got through levels disturbing the fewest people and being completely unseen however in the transit yards level being completely unseen was entirely impossible at the very end of the level you had to chase some engineer through a moving subway train but hey we all know that sam knows how to make a stealthy entrance ah maybe not okay clearly sam fisher has never hidden in the toilet from the ticket inspector because he has exactly zero idea how to be stealthy on this train every time you open a door along the train you're almost certain to be spotted from the other end of the carriage stay down if you don't want to get hurt especially since the bad guys know you're coming are already looking at that door and you've got your famous green glowy goggles on even when you have to go outside the train you still make a scene when you get into the next carriage thanks to sam deciding that the smart approach is to smash in through this window and in the final carriage two guys grab hostages as you enter making it pretty obvious that they know you're there fortunately the game doesn't expect you to be completely hidden to award you with high ghost points for this level but it's a real rug pull for players who had spent the whole game thus far taking their time avoiding enemies and not rushing into situations god this is like when i signed up for yoga but ended up in a spin class who actually killed him that's the most delicious irony of all he stumbled coming over the compound wall severed his spinal cord on the rocks the world's most nefarious assassin died of clumsiness how'd you confirm his identity his dna includes signature sequences from the five men of the ortmire project it's biologically impossible for anyone but the ortmire clone to have that dna agent 47 of the hitman series is about as discreet and covert as it's possible to be when you also have the world's most distinctive tattoo right in the middle of the back of your head don't you wander jacket sir no just needed something from one of the pockets i'll pick it up later and making it all the way to the end of 2006's hitman blood money requires you the player to muster every stealthy move at agent 47's disposal whether that be waiting until nobody is watching to administer a syringe full of knockout goo or stealing an outfit to pass unnoticed through enemy territory before hiding patiently for your prey inside a wardrobe and when you absolutely do have to make the kill ensuring nobody ever sees the body they might smell the body though agent 47 time to come up with a lie involving barbecue make it all the way to the final mission and your stealth skills will be extremely sharp to say the least so it's more than a little jarring to find out how this critically praised sneaking simulator decides to bow out where is this wheelchair guy right now the mission begins with agent 47's funeral a somber affair that becomes less somber and certainly a lot less of a funeral when 47 who actually was only drugged to appear dead interrupts the mournful strains of ave maria to blast everyone's ribcages out with twin silver ballers in a remarkable departure from sneaking around in the shadows the game now sets you the objective to loudly waste about a dozen dudes at almost point blank range of course that's if you can manage this non-trivial task having spent hours at this point playing the game the way it was intended you may find yourself very much out of practice when it comes to such reckless noisy slaughter oh well guess the funeral's already been paid for would have been rude to not actually die it's weird that a famous stealth game would so hilariously disregard your hard-won sneaking skills in its final moments but for players who absolutely insist on getting the job done without attracting attention there's always the option of well not getting up lie there quietly through the entire credits and when there are no more names to show eventually agent 47 will be lowered into the ground forever which is a game over but you have to admit pretty stealthy rope burns got an office at zebra field international shipping near the riding park subway should be a sign on top of the building it'll help guide you in mirror's edge you play as runner faith whose main job is to well run okay more specifically this is a dystopian future where people can't send a parcel without some corporation trying to nose through it so instead they have to get couriers like you to run everything across rooftops where you risk falling to your death um i specified my safe hiding place was behind the bins not crushed under woman all of this precarious parkour is so that you don't get caught staying literally out of sight and out of reach of the authorities however that all changes when you reach chapter 3 heat when faith needs to use her expert infiltration skills to steal some intel from a shady businessman it opens like previous chapters as you slowly but surely puzzle your way across buildings through events and into the offices of travis burfield that all changes when regardless of how careful you are you find that faith's arrival has tripped an unavoidable alarm conjuring loads of armed guards now faith can easily stealthily disarm guards from behind and even disarm them from the front if she desperately needs to but in these offices there are so many gunmen pouring out of doors that all you can do is leg it out of there asap unless you want a quick and painful death this is a horrible wake-up call for any players who were hoping they could sneakily parkour their way around the man without getting caught instead they have to be competent and speedy as they fling themselves across rooftops and oh hey now you actually have to disarm these guys while they're already shooting at you good luck yeah why didn't we just stay in the vents so those were the times that your precious stealth build meant absolutely nothing can you think of any other examples of times that games throw stealth out the window and force you into things where everything's exploding and violent and this is not what we signed up for we were supposed to be doing cones of vision and hacking cameras and and all that sort of stuff if you can think of any other examples then do let us know in the comments and if you enjoyed this video then why not check out some of the live streams we do over on outside xbox and here on outside extra we play through games we play tabletop games we have a d d series and a blades in the dark tabletop series they're really fun so do check them out and see you next time folks goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 465,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, stealth, cyberpunk, cyberpunk2077, glitches, deus ex, cyberpunk 2077, cp2077, gameplay, ps5, xbox one, crash, boss
Id: CzAyUr5NvDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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