7 Ways Sequels Explained Why You Suck Now

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by the end of most video games you've unlocked enough powers weapons and skill upgrades to technically qualify as a doomsday device this leaves sequels starring the same character in a bit of a pickle they want to make the game challenging but you're so overpowered that's going to be tricky unless every enemy you encounter is a battleship made entirely out of guns some games tough it out and let you keep your powers and equipment from the previous game others however come up with some flimsy excuse as to why your character who was an unkillable badass at the end of the last game suddenly sucks here are seven times video games did just that enjoy the pain will end soon where have you brought me nowhere messier a man left you here did he say anything only these you are to meet mr machiavelli in front of the mausoleum let me help you get dressed chances are you're familiar with the protagonist of assassin's creed 2. my name is desmond miles and this is my story okay desmond whatever you say anyway the actual protagonist of assassin's creed ii ezio adatore de forense finishes the game a lot stronger and better equipped than he was at the start although that isn't hard considering that at the start he is a literal baby that game sequel assassin's creed brotherhood follows directly on from assassin's creed 2 and naturally assumes that you upgraded ezio to the maximum level starting you off at the start of the game with 25 blocks of health equipped with altair's legendary armor and sword and with over 53 000 florins jingling around in your coin purse presumably those 100 feathers i spent ages collecting are on me somewhere too must remember to turn those in at some point for an old man recognising that perhaps it would make the early part of brotherhood a tad easy if ezio were an unkillable millionaire who could murder anyone as easily as looking at them brotherhood takes matters into its own hands very soon afterwards by a having ezio get extremely naked and then b blowing up his bedroom with a catapult acting fast ezio takes one last lingering look at his sick armor before throwing on a shirt grabbing one of his hidden blade braces and jumping out of the window at this point he spends the next five minutes getting comprehensively wrecked by bone-shattering falls flying debris and gunshot wounds as a result when you're finally back on your feet and ready to get back into the game proper you're broke you've lost almost all your fancy weapons you're in your basic armor and thanks to the lingering effects of your earlier injuries you're back down to just five blocks of health and getting sassed by old-timey plague doctors which is all fine but i'm not collecting those feathers again assassin's creed ezio's mum can go get them herself this time listen alex my systems are acting up a little sick you've got to get checked out if you want to meet or what no no no i'm fine man you just take care of you this girl's built tough give me a call when you're useful again okay all right i will talk to you soon adam jensen from deus ex human revolution is the make your own ice cream sundae of video game protagonists only instead of toppings he has biomechanical augmentations and instead of being a delicious ice cream treat he punches through walls and breaks people's necks the point i'm trying to make while i get distracted by ice cream is that by the end of deus ex human revolution your adam jensen would be very particular to you augmented to suit your playing style whether that be crouching silently an event for hours on end or sprinting into every room and firing bombs out of your spine when the sequel deus ex mankind divided rolled around the developers decided that rather than allowing you to import your save mass effect style they would choose one of the original game's endings as the canonical one with the story continuing from there in keeping with this fresh slate for the sequel they also do a hard reset on your jensen which sounds like a euphemism for kicking someone in the crotch but here means adam getting exploded right in the goddamn face being a double hard robot bastard adam isn't too shaken up by this but it sends his augmentations haywire deactivating a bunch of the most useful stuff you acquired in the first game along apparently with adam's ability to put on a shirt even on important business video calls when the world transforms itself the way ours has people need to adapt or get left behind hey my eyes are up here sarif anyway you need to head to a respected licensed augmentation doctor but since there aren't any around you end up in the basement of this guy and his haircut so let's strap you in get the gas going and then well then i just need to sort of dive in ah feel my way around seems fine the good news is that apparently you have a whole load of new experimental test orgs hidden in your body that you were unaware of the whole time you were playing the original game how convenient experimental test dogs man hidden inside your body you're telling me i got more implants than i thought i did more than your body can handle pretty cool right the bad news is that you've been factory reset and you have forgotten a whole bunch of the cool stuff you knew how to do in the original game took two years for my body to get used to everything right well i had to undo some of that getting used to so it's going to be a while before you're punching through walls and breaking people's necks once more you can still crouch in vents though that one's for free blast them kyle kyle kyle katarn you're the legendary hero who destroyed jerick at the valley of the jedi you look like nothing more than a panther herder the force from star wars can basically do anything the writers need it to do at any given moment from levitating objects to hypnotizing people to healing now apparently you'd think that would have come in useful earlier as such starting a new game with a full suite of unstoppable space magicks is going to take some of the challenge out of things which is why jedi knight 2 jedi outcast chose to kick things off by having its protagonist kyle katan sever his connection to the force like he was cancelling his netflix membership you know i don't like messing with this force business anymore as such when you start jedi knight 2 it plays very much like a first person shooter just like the first game in the series which is fine but for those who played the first game and finished it with a rad lightsaber and the ability to create magic shields and shoot lightning out of their hands it was something of a step backwards especially when trying to fight actual sith lords as a jedi you might have proven a worthy adversary that's what i've been saying anyway this whole situation causes kyle to re-establish his connection to the force which is apparently as straightforward as well as renewing a netflix membership although he does have to go and see customer service's representative luke skywalker in order to get his lightsaber back skywalker you've come for your lightsaber yeah and all that time away means that kyle's skills are rusty meaning you'll have to level up all over again [Music] still at least the jedi are fine with retraining me so that i can use the force while driven by grief and anger into a revenge mission if you should fall to the dark side you could use the valley's power for unspeakably evil purposes uh yeah that's the plan we cool of all the possible futures this one held the most promise that something has changed do not worry kylina no harm will come to you in babylon i promise look we are nearly home [Music] if you play it properly by the end of prince of persia warrior within the titular prince will be wielding the water and light swords magical blades that will make short work of any enemy even terrifying time minotaurs could this be this sword it seems to protect me from the dahaka he also has something called the medallion of time which gives you incredible time powers which you'd think you'd want to hang on to on account of how it makes you unbelievably powerful all but immortal and is the perfect accessory to dress up any adventuring outfit not the prince though who decides at the start of the sequel prince of persia the two thrones that the medallion of time is bad actually and chucks it into the sea like that old lady in titanic but with more upper body strength and doomed us all all right prince whatever you say you just better hope nothing bad happens from here on out [Music] what was that like 10 seconds good job buddy yeah it seems the prince doesn't get the warm welcome he was expecting and his ship is sunk along with all his magic swords busting you back down to scrub status now that you're weaponless in the middle of a violent attack on the city and without any way to reverse time and stop all this from happening in the first place why is it that every time disaster strikes i find myself without a proper blade i think it all started when you threw away your magic time medallion prince please try to pay attention [Music] how handsome you are for a man of your age and how long had you hidden the mark of the outsider i expect it's a wonderful story i'll lock him in the empress chambers and then i'll bring him to coldridge prison until his trial in dishonored you play as corvo attano a royal bodyguard who is given incredible powers by supernatural being and indy heartthrob the outsider there are forces in the world and beyond great forces that men call magic and now these forces will serve your will as you progress through dishonored you collect runes which you can use to upgrade your various outsider powers and by the end of that game you can expect corvo to have full command of a wide array of amazing abilities from teleporting to stopping time to summoning swarms of ravenous rodents [Music] in dishonored 2 you can choose to play as either corvo or his daughter emily who also has access to the outsiders gifts if you thought that choosing corvo would give you a head start on the game thanks to all the brilliant upgrades you spent ages getting for him the last time around however think again dishonored has got some bad news for you in the form of spooky witch delilah copperspoon who sounds like an etsy store but is actually quite terrifying oh here she is now delilah is here to seize power and as a bonus rob you of your mark of the outsider meaning no more supernatural powers for you and you're going to have to rely on your wits this is bad news because i don't know about you but i abandoned those as soon as i got the power to teleport across the room and stab someone in the head delilah took away the mark of the outsider no more sorcery before long however the outsider does show up again to offer you your powers back good to see you again love what you've done with the place the dead whale really stands out does he snap and what happens when he tries to go home unfortunately a new outsider's mark means going back to square one you will have to rebuild your powers the old-fashioned way unless you choose to reject his gifts outright that is the choice is yours haha yeah good one outsider i'll take all your teleportation thanks i felt this so long ago it was still there all along uh hey dana you're a cunning in the way you know hey i just thought maybe i could help you relax yeah well thanks but could you sit still the mega man legends games took the side-scrolling 2d platformer series into the third dimension added much more of a story and introduced new characters one of whom was a baby piloting a mech suit [Music] with the sequel mega man legends 2 continuing the story from where the first game left off you might expect mega man walnut to start the game with everything he had last time the alternative would be that he voluntarily gave up all the awesome firepower he acquired in the first game like splash mines energy swords and lasers which makes less sense than well than a baby piloting a mech suit [Music] yes thank you bonbon well no it turns out that you start mega man legends with none of that cool stuff why you ask well as you start the game you get into a conversation with mega man's friend roll and one of the conversation options is where are my weapons so maybe this will enlighten us i'm really sorry mega man i needed to upgrade the flutter i'm afraid i sold all your equipment please forgive me roll sold them all without asking and apparently mega man is fine with that because that's the end of the conversation but at least she does give her something in return a fire extinguisher to put out the fire started in the ship's kitchen by her monkey man i wish i still had that laser [Music] in middle earth shadow of mordor you play as talion a ranger who is bonded with a grumpy old ghost named calebrimbor who in life forged the rings of power that gave the lord of the rings series its name and 40 of its merchandise revenue i crafted the rings of power not wanting to be a one-hit wonder colebroon boar is out to create a hit sequel to his previous project by forging a new ring of power which he italian can use to put an end to sauron blind those who seek it ah blue nice love that new colorway along the way you unlock new abilities both for italian and more excitingly for clebrimbore including cool supernatural wraith abilities like brand which allows you to convert enemies to fight on your side letting you build your own personal orc army in short branding is an extremely good ability that you have at the end of shadow of mordor and don't have at the start of its sequel shadow of war because as colebroon boar puts it he poured a good chunk of his life force into the new ring when crafting it and can't do it anymore i poured my life force into that ring usually this wouldn't be a problem since you're now wearing an actual ring of actual power which compensates for the loss of wraith powers by being awesome this lasts for about four minutes right up until one of the game's earliest cut scenes where italian hands over the ring to spider lady shelob in return for colebroon boar's freedom and we're back to square one but don't i get a say in this because if the options are keep the ring of unimaginable power or hang around with an old jerk elf ghost i know which one i'm picking the war you came to fight is not here so there you have it seven times video game sequels busted you right back down to scum-sucking noob for reasons that we think are pretty flimsy if you'd like to see more from us we have a video on screen right now from us and also one from our sister channel outside extra who are like us but they also recognize the existence of playstations if you really enjoyed this do like and subscribe and hit that bell icon uh to be notified every time we make a video we make them just for you well you and lots and lots of other people
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 593,157
Rating: 4.9520745 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, dlc, 7 things, top 10, list, top 5, top list, countdown, listicle, best, worst, top, ever, reset, powers, upgrades, level, level up, augmentations, assassins creed, deus ex, mega man, weapons, prince of persia, two thrones, sands of time, warrior within, light sword, water sword, shadow of war, shadow of mordor, brand, ring, celebrimbor, star wars, jedi knight 2, jedi outcast, kyle katarn, force, dishonored 2, corvo, delilah, legends
Id: kmn1-enUjCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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