7 Embarrassing Pieces of Gear We Had to Wear for the Stats

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even in the real world clothes confer a stat boost for example this t-shirt I'm wearing now offers plus one to comfort and plus five to Charisma get yours at store. outsidexbox docomo where you abandon all taste and sometimes decency to wear some of the most embarrassing outfits in the game just for a slightly stronger build or a Competitive Edge just of these seven embarrassing pieces of gear we had to equip just for those sweet sweet stats enjoy and beware spoilers for The Following games oh wow plus two to movement as well is there anything this t-shirt can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do this party is fit for adventure our strength complement each other well no challenge is beyond our combined might true enough they say dress for the job you want not the job you have but what if you're an archer in Dragon's Dogma 2 trying to break into the world of burlesque Dragon's Dogma 2 is a game in which you the heroic Arison set out to meet your destiny accompanied by an Entourage of handpicked companions known as porns who fight by your side heal you in battle and boost you when you're out of breath from jogging 100 yard mods hang in there master I am coming to assist am I carrying too much stuff yes will I get rid of any of it no I will not these pawns are faithful allies who deserve your respect and gratitude which is why you'll be preparing Sumptuous campfire dinners for them in liveaction meat cooking cutcenes weird and on the battlefield trading hand slaps with them after a glorious victory can't leave my lion guy hanging I did my best to match your skills master and so with all this said we can only hope and pray your pawns don't think any less of you when you discover a chest containing an item called the Rangers tights the Rangers tights are a piece of leg armor with good stats for the early game purportedly made of quote Supple fabric that stretches to accommodate the wearer and also very much a pair of knickers ah now here's a surprise a splendid discovery as briefs go they are the briefest you called forgive me but you do not appear to be in need of Aid these battle panties come with lace up thigh high stockings surprisingly High defense and for the party of Pawns following behind you an unbeatable view of your muscular buns as you clamber around and loose arrows like Hawkeye in a posing [Music] pouch with a name like the Rangers tights we have to assume this is the preferred leg armor of vermin's hardworking Rangers who hate to be restricted in their leg movements as much as they love a fresh breeze on their behinds will it change your working relationship with your porns now they have to look at your butt cheeks all day let's hope not because I for one would miss the victory hand slaps oh cool actually looks like we're all good I knew my lion guy would get it suffering for years katos the once great General now known as The Ghost of Sparta at Ed himself as a champion to the gods of Olympus in return he hoped only to rid himself of the nightmares that haunted him for far too long it's easy to forget there were a bunch of God of War Games before the 2018 one where Kratos spends much of his time demonstrating harsh parenting techniques I'm sorry do not be sorry be better someone's not getting that world's best dad mug this Father's Day still this family unit is fairing better than that of the previous games where katos was tricked into killing his wife and daughter by Og God of War Aries in order to toughen him up in that instant the glory he had reveled in turned to horror the image of his two final victims would stay with him for all his days that sets katos on a multi-game quest for vengeance and even the handheld PlayStation Portable wasn't safe as God of War chains of Olympus arrived in miniature mobile form in 2008 the game featured the same same action from the PS2 versions and was just as demanding kattos never really was one for picking on someone his own size if you fancied a second run at the game perhaps for another chance to experience that QuickTime event where you push a 10-year-old girl over in a field you'll almost certainly want to run through the game again with the special outfit you unlocked on completing the game the first time an outfit which confers infinite magic and four times the resistance to damage for an easy breezy second place for the only slight problem with this plan is that special outfit is the so-called Spud of War yes that is the mighty Ghost of Sparta dressed in a fantastically unflattering baked potato costume of course it looks utterly ridiculous but you have to admire the attention to detail the blades of chaos have been swapped for a pair of potato Cutters the potato has been peeled in the shape of kratos's distinctive tattoos and he's even wearing a sort of tin foil nappy in spite of these flourishes I can't imagine being dressed as a Comm tuba will improve his legendary bad mood still it is sort of appropriate in that katos doesn't just have a chip on his shoulder he has the whole dang potato is everything all right between us what can I say I like your style it is often said that clothes maketh the person and nowhere is this more true than in the Fallout Series in which wearing the right hat jacket or confusingly 1950s detective outfit can make a huge difference to your stats what are you your thoughts on our relationship things are going great and they keep getting better I hope it lasts as such when you're wondering the Wasteland in Fallout 4 you might find yourself wearing an outfit cobbled together out of random pieces of apparel you found lying around the place on the basis of the stats they confer yes this Sea Captain's hat may look strange but it gives me plus two to endurance you know like a sea captain but while all this stuff piled on top of each other might look weird it's nothing compared to an outfit you can find in the fall for Nuka World DLC a theme part mascot costume known as the NAA girl rocket suit this stylish bit of gear boosts your charisma and lets you breathe underwater and has decent energy weapon and radiation resistance stats which are all good upsides the downside is you look really stupid and it does kind of detract from serious conversations in the game when you show up dressed like Flash Gordon with an exposed midriff and thigh high PVC boots once you get we have an issue with the disciples the other downside you can't wear any other clothes with it so no stacking items for better stats at least let me balance a sea captain's hat on top Fallout I'll tie it on with string if I have to [Music] everyone knows you can tell how fast a car is just by looking at it if it has stripes it's fast if it's red it's fast and the more exhaust pipes it has the faster it goes hey I don't make the rules in spite of its cast of cartoony characters and colorful aesthetic Mario Kart 8 has some pretty cool looking cars there's the 60s F1 inspired B Dasher the futuristic looking pewing and a Mercedes GL luxury SUV clearly this Plumbing business is working out all right for Mario the thing is if like we do you're picking your Mario Kart vehicle based on Aesthetics alone it turns out you're a mug each of these cart chassis and the components you bolt onto it has a host of individual stats and where there's stats there's a meta one of the most powerful metas is optimizing for mini turbo which you can't see here that's because it's an entirely hidden stat that was uncovered by data miners in spite of it being mini turbo is a far more important stat than the standard speed and acceleration stats because it affects three aspects of the turbo boost you get when you drift it affects the speed with which you earn your mini turbo the percentage speed increase and the duration of the [Music] Boost however I've got bad news if you don't want to drive a cart that looks like a plastic child's toy the mini turbo stat appears to be an attempt to help balance the less fast carts in the game so as a a result it tends to be applied to the less exciting less cool looking Vehicles the problem is over a given lap as long as you were drifting and boosting the mini turbo carts were overall faster so if you want to dominate online races you're going to need to pick a cart like the bidy buggy or the Mr scooty should I die of Shame now or wait until I cross the finish line it only gets worse from there if you want to truly maximize your stats you'll need to pick one of the heavyweight drivers who will look extra ridiculous in this tiny Fisher Price my first go-kart and then you'll need to bolt on the roller Wheels which are so tiny they make any vehicle they're fitted to look like a novelty shopping cart behold the best possible racer in Mario Kart 8 no I can't do it I'd honestly rather lose Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is a complicated game on the one hand it's a taught political Espionage Thriller with brutal survival mechanics and deep emotional boss fights you're a wonderful man kill me kill me now and on the other hand it has a mini game in which you run around catching monkeys CCH catch him this is snake versus monkey a mode featuring characters from the PlayStation series AP Escape in which snake stops interfering in 1960s geopolitics for a second to round up some escaped chimps got it's a fun diversion and the two modes are pretty separate so it doesn't actually impact on the main game too much unless you finish it complete snake versus monkey and set the high score on every level and you'll unlock two new pieces of gear for naked snake to use in the main game these are banana camouflage for your fatigues and a plastic monkey mask which if I'm honest does change the tone of the game a little bit it won't be truly finished until we complete phase two phase two the weapon's True Form if it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it it will mean the end of the Cold War the end of the Cold War as ridiculous as these two pieces of gear are they do serve a useful function the banana camo makes every piece of food you eat taste good a bonus in a game called Snake Eater where yes you sometimes have to eat actual [Music] snakes tasty whereas the monkey mask prevents dogs from attacking you which is useful if you're one of those people who don't like being attacked by dogs so yes we will unfortunately be dressed for much of the game like we're wearing a Halloween costume we hurridly bought from a gas station luckily due to the top secret nature of these missions the CIA will redact all of this so no one will ever [Music] know to say that bloodstained ritual of the night is inspired by Castlevania Symphony of the Night is like saying that the movie transmorphers is only inspired by the movie Transformers that is to say it's clearly bull the difference here is that bloodstained ritual of the night was made by Koji igarashi the developer behind Symphony of the Night so it's sort of fair enough that he's made a spiritual sequel to his most successful and beloved game whether or not konami's lawyers would agree is none of our business given that both games are sidescrolling platformer RPGs that take place in an enormous sprawling Castle actually the biggest difference between the two is that Blood Stained has 3D Graphics instead of 2D pixel [Music] art and while back in 2D castlevania's day it wasn't tenable to animate all the various bits of gear on a 2d Sprite in 3D Blood Stained clothing or armor you find on the floor or in a chest appears on lead character Miriam when you equip it now that I think about it it is weird that every item of clothing in this Castle fits her so well early in the game you'll want to optimize your build for luck because it increases the amount of Loot and shards you pick up and increases your chances of getting a critical hit allowing you to level up more quickly the problem is the really cool looking stuff tends to contribute to more serious combat focused stats like defense or Constitution by contrast that leaves Deluxe stat mainly applied to the most ludicrous and embarrassing ing gear in the game such as this weird looking Stone mask this adorable bunny scarf or this novelty Santa hat if anything it should be bad luck to wear that anytime other than December as a result a build optimized specifically for luck in order to speed up your character progression in the early game tends to leave you looking like you've been dragged backwards through a thrift store they still fit great though what a stroke of luck [Music] if you played N64 game The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask the main thing you remember is probably how the game takes place on a 3-day cycle at the end of which a giant moon with a terrifying face crashes into the planet you're on killing everyone it's the sort of thing that's hard to forget almost as important to the game however were the masks that you could find throughout once equipped some masks transform link into different forms like a deu or a Goron with corresponding Powers while other masks have special effects like causing fairies to move towards [Music] you all of these masks have their different uses at different times but the most consistently useful mask in Majora's Mask is the bunny Hood which you get as a reward for helping a man with his chickens when equipped this bunny Hood lets you run one and a half times faster than usual and jump farther distances and in an open world game like Majora's Mask which requires you to regularly Traverse long distances on foot it's an absolute godsend that moon will be here any minute so any speed Advantage is welcome the problem is it looks deeply deeply silly the ears extend a good foot above Link's head can be seen from every angle and are available almost from the very start of the game as such there's a good chance if you played Majora's Mask your link spent the majority of your playthrough dressed like he was on his way to take part in an Easter [Music] Parade still worth it for the speed boost you know I think we've managed to buy ourselves enough time to nope my mistake ah yeah just enjoying the plus one warmth from my outside Xbox t-shirt get yours at store. outside xbox.com and if you enjoyed this video why not like And subscribe got some other videos up here as well one from us one from our sister Channel outside extra and if you'd really like to support what we do head over to patreon.com Club to join our fan Discord see you there
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 169,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, dragon's dogma 2, ranger's tights, fallout 4, nuka girl, rocket, suit, outfit, clothes, spud of war, god of war, chains of olympus, kratos, potato, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, biddybuggy, stats, gear, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, monkey mask, banana camo, snake, vs, monkey, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, bunny hood, rabbit, ears, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, gaming, videogames
Id: 77Q0GYl6Zp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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