7 Times Stealth Made You Rage: Commenter Edition

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just the other day we went off on one about these cell sections in games that made us tear our hair out and post the hair to the developers the confirm hoping to do with all this loose hair judging from the YouTube comments several of you share our definitely frustration over a number of sections of dodgy scalp in other well-meaning video games because we love getting comments and because sharing is caring here are the four still sections that trophy's you guys bananas beware of - spoilers for the following games there's movement up ahead with it soldier I am something of a hurry I propose we follow I'll say spring something we ain't ready for the game recommended more than any other for the stealth wall of shame was Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag which is a very fine game we think you'll agree but one whose ship stealth sections can absolutely do one these were the bits where you had to somehow evade detection while commanding a huge pirate ship full of pirate to under more ideal circumstances would be singing a sea shanty as loudly as possible [Applause] now mateys as commenter mark hashman puts it miss thinks you've forgotten a c4 already after all what's worse than trying to go unnoticed how about trying to go unnoticed while steering a bloody pirate ship through a swamp you're a full truck with crystals for watchtower ah yes this would be the mission in which you have to tail a small slow gunboat with ten ways big fat pirate ship which is as exciting and unalloyed as that sounds you put half fear of capture was reproduced this must be from the period of history when fog was much much denser and eyesight was much much poorer because otherwise you'd expect anyone on the gunboat who looks in your general direction would spot the 60 meter vessel casually drifting along behind them even with that history facts on your side you'll still probably get made by the watchtowers lining the shallow river your improbably sailing up at which point your insta sail faster than the time I try to ram an ice cream truck off the road during a driving test what what did ice cream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] or legend of zelda ocarina of time is one of the greatest games ever but only because we've successfully repressed all memory of something called the Gerudo Fortress oh god oh it's all flooding back to us now thanks to this suggestion from commenter Timothy Wittman who sums it up beautifully saying I feel the need to add the Gerudo Fortress from Ocarina of Time for self within stir fail check little to no camera control check no idea where enemies fight lines on check blind corners you can't look around making it impossible to see enemy patrol patterns check wanted to throw my controller wanted to but didn't what are you Gandhi yes the Gerudo Fortress began with you being tossed in a prison cell by the all-female desert dwelling warrior tribes the Garuda but those suckers forgot to confiscate your equipment including your longshot meaning you can quickly escape [Music] it's not much better when you get out though you have to navigate the hallways of the hideout rescuing for imprisoned carpenters and most importantly avoiding the Gerudo guard get it wrong because of those wonky camera controls and flying corners and you're tossed right back in prison with only your entire inventory of items including your long shot for company [Music] after like the eighth time I escaped from their jail cell you just thought they just give up successfully complete the mission and the Gerudo will invite you to join their clan and grant you a token that allows you to roam the halls of the fortress without getting jumped by a bunch of pissed-off desert thieves and tossed in a jail cell to rot last time they lock me up they didn't even check if I had a Gerudo toga maybe I had one all along maybe I just left it in my other dress whatever problem the done on boys are arriving today on a container ship little Lions gone to check it out I really got to go to a man look join me trip i'ma handle this for you all right thanks my friend when it comes to GTA san andreas comment to Jakob Baron has his own personal on the face stealthy bit and it's the Triad mission known as the denying gang hey CJ what are you doing on this way yeah I mean the missions felt promising me in that you're in a helicopter on a mounted gun strafing an enemy cargo ship to the tune of ride of the valkyries which you're playing in your head man my tamam night but as the old saying goes what goes up must come down in a fireball of death we're hit we're going down free for impact therefore your chopper gets blasted out of the sky and into the ocean and it becomes one of those aggravating missions that suddenly takes away all your weapons except the worst one tank lost everything but my blue with CJ's personal firearm collection at the bottom of the san fierro bay your best hope is to quietly infiltrate the freighter by noticing all the guards discreetly in the neck as noted previously GTA san andreas is by no means a dedicated stealth game which explains how sneaking around with a knife is by no means fond times it's also by no means a platforming game which explains how clambering over 10,000 shipping containers is a pain in the butt oh I hate gravity Jacob himself puts it on GTA SA that one mission where your helicopter crashes and you have to go on the boat with nothing but a knife makes me want to eat my hand fingers and feet in that order which is actually how you know he's serious because that is the most difficult order to eat your extremities in you can't even use a knife and fork when you get to the feet because no hands just just let that none of us said a word about not they just showed up and then poor carrot when you're on the road as much as Prince Noctis and his fashion-forward entourage you can't be around for every time one of your royal subjects gets murdered so when baddie caligo old or kills dapper granddad Butler Jerrod Hester it's time to do some royal revengeance whatever new cheer is nothing we can feel which is how caligo winds up top of noctis's list for a roaring rampage of revenge and how knocked in his associates wind up infiltrating the Imperial $40 a to get hold of the Grandpa murderer taking matters into home delivering justice for Jerrod the problem with this infiltration is it's less a case of SWAT style flashbangs and rappelling through windows and more like comments a green lion girl oh seven person trying to capture that guy who killed Jared because igneous won't let you kill him and if you even get startled you have started over so what's your plan find the base commander and take him into custody that's more of an objective than a plan Ignace we'll split into two groups of two Bronto and Gladio will generate a diversion oh yeah I think it seems what I do best man making a scene is what I do best while I not creating the diversion Ignace now he's already gone the insolence of that upjumped mercenary and there is still no word this cannot be borne such behavior besmirch his radiance as good name that sound target let's follow him with ignasi's plan for self based revenge underway we find another textbook example of a non stealth game thinking hey stealth mechanics aren't that hard it's just walking slowly and hiding behind things isn't it but hey at least I've still got my stealth warp kill nothing is handy so presumably once I tailed general caligo to a quiet spot all I have to do is nip in and stealth walk into debt Bosch and remember we need to alive oh no Bosch not Bosch at all in fact we can I the Crown Prince listen to non-royal non mastermind igneous whose plan it was to do a non-lethal revenge with the upshot that at the end of this innovating infiltration mission igneous catches up with us to let us know he's gone and lost a prisoner glad to see you lad who are successful does that mean you weren't I placed our captive into the hunters custody but I've just been informed he's fled that's it Ignace you made my list come on rich pays kicking the pieces of the mirror your son is so very at last this has proven to be of some use after all greens we all know the rules about vampires yet they can't eat garlic or look at crosses or go in the daylight or step on leave what other thing is that done nothing nothing try telling that to castlevania lords of Shadow - who's aggravating spell sections include one in which you elude boss monster our greatest by not stepping on any rusty piles of dead leaves that's right I'm the fearsome vampire Gabriel Belmont and I have to tiptoe around piles of tree garbage instead of kicking shirtless ly through them like a sexy bad boy hero and instant you do crunch a deadly cold skull face Agrius is there to wreck you up you can't run forever as cometa ultra-hd let's play I wonder what they do says castlevania lords of shadow tune completely absent from this list should be number one it has multiple mandatory stealth sections and they're all rage quit inducing I could smell your fear mr. Elmer's Ultra HD let's play is not even kidding and among the most rage inducing properties of this Dell segment is our ends with Gabe Belmont finding the shard of mirror he wanted off a grace and then just having a proper manner a man a fight with the guy he's been hiding from alright Gandalf can we not just have done that in the beginning [Music] in mice invasions on the Nintendo DS you play a cool secret agent so stealth you assume will not be a problem my friend how wrong you were my friend because in this stealthy mission to tell a mysterious thief to his evil lair you have a hellish time remaining the exact right distance required from the thief despite being so incognito and suave so you're wearing sunglasses at night as commenter avis explained perhaps the worst elf I have ever seen my sims agents for the ds1 stealth section which you can't skip which involves being some perfect distance away that you aren't spotted and don't lose the guy on a straight path even more annoying you can immediately work out where his bases without following him but the game is adamant about making you retry it till you give up or die from old age that's right you're going to have to trudge along behind this shady dude at the precise painting distance through town across bridges and through the woods just to learn that his secret hideout is in the massively obvious cave behind the massively obvious waterfall you want me to investigate anything else massively obvious that the agency's expense er I've got a hot tip from an informant that the sky is blue I could do a report that said having our sources placed him with the secret rocket base and kanima run D well that's correct in fact as luck would have it our man blaskowitz is headed there now 2001 saw the release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein sequel to the seminal Nazi mini gunning Hitler murdering dog food eating simulator Wolfenstein 3d the game might be called Return to Castle Wolfenstein but you don't stick around there for long bye mission 3 you're out on the baltic coast in poland chasing down Wilhelm death Ed's daughter who you might know from Wolfenstein the new order I like you judge Harry Fillion special video I could do great things you know as Nazis go he's awful the first phase of mission 3 though the forest compound is a fourth stealth section and it was about as much fun as algebra homework as common term at v2 remembers the stealth section of Return to Castle Wolfenstein when you're in the forest is pretty damn annoying I remember playing it as a kid and having my father play through it for me but unless your father is actually James Bond he'll probably have struggle with it too and if your father is James Bond you're probably too busy trying to get those child support payments has been to worry about completing a Wolfenstein game this forest compound level is particularly annoying because if you get spotted by a Nazi they'll trigger an alarm that is an instant mission fail and if you cause a Nazi to open fire on you even if you kill him one of the other Nazis will trigger an alarm that's an instant mission fail fine you think I'll just silently kill all 21 of the Nazis in the mission with my silent Sten problem solves wrong one of the Nazis has to survive to complete the mission make your mind up wolfenstein do you want me to shoot Nazis or do you want me to not shoot Nazis the entire mission is a real chore given that this is not a game that have any stealth systems built in the forest only has about three trees to hide behind and the Nazis have better vision than or Hawkins had laser eye surgery you know all this would have been much less infuriating if the Allied war effort had scheduled this III covert extremely risky mission to take place at night rather than sending me out there in broad daylight honestly do I have to do the thinking as well as the shooting certainly let's get around bad knees well enormous corporate right I handle something important [Music] Wow I think we're going to run out of dodgy stealth segments as long as they keep making them and putting them in games and you keep commenting about this one will keep on going so leave leave them in the comments if we've missed any I'm sure we have and still there's plenty more to go on and in the meantime before the next time we rag on stealth there's more videos from outside exports up here and more videos from outside extra who are our charming sisters channel cobalt here okay well that's not that's not right word is it companion channel cohort is like a different thing compatriots yeah yeah probably run out of time now James you need to cut me off before yeah just just stop whenever
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,047,765
Rating: 4.9583087 out of 5
Keywords: worst stealth, funny moments, assassin's creed 4 black flag stealth, assassin's creed 4 black flag, final fantasy 15 stealth, final fantasy 15 imperial infiltration, gta san andreas da nang thang, gta san andreas stealth, castlevania lords of shadow 2 stealth, castlevania lords of shadow 2 agreus, mysims agents, return to castle wolfenstein stealth, ocarina of time stealth, ocarina of time gerudo fortress, top 7, 7 things, list, countdown, outsidexbox, top 10
Id: pQp1G3ls4Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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