7 Times You Made the Game Unwinnable Through Stupidity

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normally when you do something catastrophically stupid in a video game you're offered immediate instructive feedback via a game over screen or a variant thereof oh I died did I I hadn't noticed occasionally though the true consequences of your stupidity aren't quite as immediately obvious either leaving you trapped in the game world forever with no Hope of Victory or simply merrily going on your way only to suffer an unavoidable game-ending failure hours later either way you've managed to Doom yourself to a no-win situation by doing something foolish consider these times you made the game completely unwinnable by doing something very silly enjoy and beware spoilers for The Following games thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the early days thousands were spared the horrors of the Holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters known as vaults one of Fallout 3's most infamous vaults Vault 106 is also one of the places on the planet you'd least like to be trapped for all eternity ranked right behind a cryptocurrency convention at an airport hotel you discover Vault 106 in much the same way as most of the non-mission critical vaults in the game namely by accidentally stumbling across it in the Wasteland usually while running away from a rad scorpion once you've rolled back the big vault door and headed inside it's clear that something's not quite right inside Vault 106. occasionally the entire screen goes a vivid purple color and You Begin hallucinating I had something similar when I drank six bottles of grape soda in a single sitting it transpires that the inhabitants of Vault 106 are all under the influence of psychoactive drugs pumped in through the air filtration system and in the intervening years they've all gone completely insane though that's no excuse for some of the hairstyle and facial hair combos we see going on in here hallucinate a mirror why don't you that's coming from me with this mustache Ford 106 doesn't have a quest attached to it it's just a location to explore and perhaps as a result there's only one way in and out through that big vault door which is a bit of a problem if you do something silly like activate the switch on the outside a second time to close it and then step back through before it shuts behind you [Music] then there's no way to reactivate the door from the inside and you find yourself stuck forever In The Bleak ruined confines of Vault 106. oh well since we're stuck in here can I interest you in my opinion on the recent volatility in the crypto Market no okay that's that's fair I realized the moment I fell into the features that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned it intended falling into that story expanse of which I had only a feeding Clips back in 1993 the developers of mist decided to leverage the awesome storage capacity of the brand new CD-ROM format to create an entirely new genre of video game the barely interactive slideshow to be fair while missed ran at a frame rate of one frame per time you clicked the mouse it looked gorgeous and was wildly popular the pre-rendered 3D images of a mysterious island were hugely atmospheric and was supplemented by occasional live-action video clips of Brothers Sirius and akonar begging you to collect Pages strewn across the island so they could be released from their book prisons foreign guy it later transpires that to literally no one's surprise the two characters are bad and were purposefully imprisoned in their respective books by their father atris who in turn is locked behind a green book in a realm called dunny who the devil you don't come here to Daddy now I don't speak it fluently but I'm pretty sure that dunny is Australian for toilet if you're shooting for a bad ending you can either return the final red or blue pages to the books containing Sirius or acanar and watch as they trap you in the book and begin tearing out the pages oh yeah lie yourself over in order to complete the game atres asks you to bring a final white page to him in dunny so he can return to the island of mist and bring his sons to Justice please hurry hurry bring the page but if you're clicking around the screen or not really concentrating you can teleport yourself there without the crucial final page at which point you get a severe dressing down for trapping both yourself and atres in dunny for all eternity who are you not make my warning seriously welcome to Danny you and I are living forever nothing worse than being trapped in the Donny hey Aussies [Music] in the original secret of Monkey Island Game guybrush 3 put sets out to become a pirate and seek his fortune but within the first 20 minutes or so a fortune finds you head over to a clearing on melee Island where the game begins and you'll find a couple of bickering circus acrobats called the fettuccine brothers who are arguing over the testing of a new human Cannonball trick foreign [Music] it turns out that if you agree to painfully fire yourself out of a cannon directly into a wooden tent pole you can earn a tasty 478 Pieces Of Eight [Music] and if you tried it nowadays probably a couple of million followers on Tick Tock don't try it nowadays obviously what you're then supposed to do is invest that money into buying a sword a shovel and a treasure map absolutely vital items that you need to complete the three pirate trials and officially become a pirate foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alternatively if you're less smart you can take your modest booty along with your modest booty over two stands previously used vessels and in the original unpatched version of the game Feed every last one of your mission critical Pieces Of Eight into a root beer vending machine that resolutely and obviously refuses to actually vend you a drink are you perhaps still suffering the effects of fat head injury [Music] with all your cash now gone you have no way of purchasing the items you need to progress the story and have rendered the entire game completely unfinishable you'll never learn to become a great swordsman never make it to Monkey Island and never fall in love with Governor Elaine Marley Phil on the right side you don't have to drink any root beer that stuff is gross [Music] thank you hey chief you okay you playing corpse you're putting the blinds on the dusties I thought you were a debtor for sure Plus d d based RPG planescape torment isn't short of horrifying enemies on your travels through the Forgotten Realms you'll encounter human-sized wear rats shambling zombies and our own personal least favorite the huge gelatinous blob like lemur they look how I feel after eating an entire takeout pizza all to myself the one enemy you really don't want to piss off though is the immortal deity who stands guard over the city known as sigil a giant hovering woman wearing a crown made of blades and called the lady of pain though I will admit that makes her sound less like an immortal deity and more like something you might find advertised on a card in a phone booth make no mistake though if you make the lady of pain angry you stand a good chance of rendering your 30-hour RPG unwinnable the quickest way to wind her up is to kill Davis who are strange humanoids with goat-like horns who are described as the personal Entourage of the lady of pain so I assume we're talking publicists managers and at least one stylist those head knives aren't going to polish themselves kill enough of these folks in the area known as The Hive and the lady of pain will Glide in ominously and teleport you to an otherworldly personal Labyrinth what am I doing here it takes a bit of exploring to escape and requires you to read a book bound in human skin which is quite unpleasant but given the amount of adventuring through hostile lands you've been doing so far it's actually no big deal Lady of pain more like Lady of mild inconvenience underestimate her at your peril though if you fail to heed this first official warning and foolishly anger her a second time it's seriously bad news you'll be trapped in whatever area of the game you're in for the rest of Eternity because if you try to leave that area she'll come cruising back in and this time insta kill you during a cut scene the moral of the story don't call numbers you find in phone booths now that's not it [Music] believe it or not that grainy collection of pixels you just saw was an officially licensed Garfield game from way back in 1987. you know before Graphics were invented Garfield big fat hairy deal on the ancient Commodore 64 computer tasks the iconic orange cat with rescuing his girlfriend Arlene the goal of the game is to complete a series of tasks without succumbing to the two primary obstacles that threatened to sabotage Garfield's productivity being hungry and being sleepy same Garfield same throughout the game you have to manage two gauges visible here at the bottom of the screen the sleepiness meter signified by a zed is more straightforward it drains As you move around or collide with enemies but it can be replenished simply by standing still and having a rest the hunger gauge signified by a pie is trickier to handle this depends eats constantly and can only be topped up by consuming items if it reaches zero Garfield would automatically eat whatever's on hand to fill the meter [Music] the problem is Garfield isn't a choosy eater and he will scarf down literally whatever's in his inventory regardless of whether it's edible or not so let his hunger gauge drop to zero when he's holding for example the lamp you need to find your way in a pitch black sewer and he'll swallow the thing whole now that's what I call a late snack oh come on that one's good without the lamp or any of the other key Quest items it's possible for Garfield to eat you've got no way of progressing through the game and rescuing Arlene instead you'll end up wandering around the neighborhood with the game in a completely unwinnable State eating whatever you can lay your paws on until there is nothing left to eat and Garfield eventually dies of starvation [Music] something that occurs roughly 15 minutes later like damn cats have a fast metabolism [Music] for a genre typically associated with sedate puzzling point-and-click Adventure space Quest 5 seems awfully Keen to subject you to an instant and violent death [Music] yeah just seems weird without the word fatality immediately afterwards just because space Quest 5 is happy to bump off its hero Roger Wilco with naria moments notice doesn't mean it isn't also happy to draw the process out allowing you to get yourself into an unwinnable situation and carry on playing unaware that you've royally screwed up at one point in The Story You're attempting to find a way to stop the horribly mutated pukoids by investigating genetics the floating bio lab where the mutagen was originally created unfortunately when you get in the transporter to teleport to the lab a rogue housefly appears to have gotten in the teleporter with you foreign we're not sure what's worse that or what happened to Jeff Goldblum naturally all thoughts of defeating the dust of the pukoids are moved down the list of priorities behind your number one objective of no longer being a housefly with a tiny human head attached and then presumably your number two objective of taking the world's longest and most thorough shower by the time you've investigated the lab as a fly worked out how to communicate with your crew and recombine your head with your body you might reasonably have forgotten the actual purpose of your visit to genetics it's a good job then that Roger and his engineer Cliffy have a long and pointed conversation to remind you [Music] [Laughter] what you're supposed to do is head to the lab and grab some liquid nitrogen so that when you're captured by pukoids later on the nitrogen can be used by your Android companion WD-40 in a modification that we're pretty confident would invalidate her warranty video games in the 90s folks fail to grab the liquid nitrogen and no rescue arrives with the game chastising you for failing to pick up the item back on genetics which would be bad enough were it not for the fact that the game allowed us to spend ages crawling around a maze of identical vents beforehand while the game knew full well we'd already rendered it unwinnable and our fate of becoming a mutant was sealed thank you I've started to feel nostalgic for that time I was a gross trash pile dwelling insect University is what I'm talking about Avatar know that Britannia has entered into a new age of enlightenment know that the time is finally come for the one cruel Lord of Britannia to take his raise at their head off his people under my guidance and all of the people shall rejoice and pay homage to their new Guardian we're all familiar with the concept of Armageddon right the one that's not a movie with an Aerosmith soundtrack in common parlance the word Armageddon tends to be shorthand for the end of the world and in most games that's what you're trying to prevent with a few notable exceptions such as the Evil Genius Series where you're essentially a bond villain and your objective is global domination or Animal Crossing where your objective is well I'm not sure but I think it has something to do with turnips in 1992 top-down RPG Ultima 7 Armageddon is also the name of a magical spell based on context clues you probably won't be surprised to hear that uttering those words essentially instantly wipes out every living creature in the video games world of Britannia you're better hope I don't talk in my sleep is what I'm saying the Armageddon spell might initially seem like a brilliant solution to the immediate problem of the game's antagonist known as the guardian and the various Minions that might stand in your way on your mission to defeat him that is until a split second later when you realize that it's also wiped out all the quest givers and you're totally stuck in a completely unwinnable situation cursed to wander an empty World devoid of life but also no more traffic wardens so it's impossible to say whether it's a bad thing or not there are a couple of exceptions to The planet-wide Purge you the spellcaster of course are immune a druid called battling for some reason survives but there's also Lord British the in-game personification of the Ultima series Legendary game designer Richard Garriott managed to track him down after your apocalyptic magical whoopsie and he promptly chews you out for casting the spell yeah but you're the game designer so you designed the spell so who's the idiot now thanks for watching this video on outside Xbox about the seven times you made the game unwinnable with your foolishness but if you've made it to the end of the video if you've completed this video you are in fact a winner and why not now compound that winner status by watching one of these two winning videos this one from outside Xbox about the times you failed by being too good you winner and this one from outside extra about the soulsborne enemies you farmed relentlessly in your pursuit of I don't know Souls 1 success so that would make them the losers in this scenario so check one of those two out and we'll see you back for another list every week on outside Xbox [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 859,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, unwinnable, stupidity, softlock, game over, worst, best, funny, wtf, fallout 3, vault 106, door, myst, book, pages, d'ni, secret, monkey island, grog, machine, pieces of eight, money, planescape torment, lady of pain, Garfield Big Fat Hairy Deal, hunger, Space Quest V, liquid nitrogen, genetix, roger wilco, ultima vii, ultima 7, armageddon, spell, lord british
Id: OwIxXdZ1pi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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