7 Great Games You Can’t Buy Anymore, Because Lawyers

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the games industry moves so fast that sometimes you can't play old games and not just because apparently you can't fit n64 cartridges into a Nintendo switch without breaking it however it's not just changing technologies that mean it's difficult to access old games sometimes licensing deals or studio scuffles mean that games can be pulled from stalls both physical and digital didn't get a chance to play PT well sorry you missed it and we'll never know what's at the end of this spooky corridor there probably for the best here then are the great games you can't buy anymore because lawyers no spoilers but do boo air powerful feelings of loss throughout the video watch out but yeah from the door its separate reality the name Hideo Kojima plus the name Guillermo del Toro equals please take all my money but flash back to August 2014 when a mystery demo called PT from Konami suddenly appeared on the PlayStation Store for the bargain price of free cuny excited terrified screams of horror fans everywhere who walked around and around this seemingly endless looping corridor trying to solve its puzzles and work out what game it was actually a demo for it was a total mystery but then streamer soapy war pig cracked it and all was revealed I feel good have a pump turns out PT stood for playable teaser and it was for the then upcoming games silent hill's made by Gilmer de Toro and Hideo Kojima and featuring Norman Reedus just like money however behind the scenes the business relationship between Konami and Petey's developer Kojima Productions became unbearably strained leading to disagreements and even the removal of Kojima's name from any Metal Gear branding in March 2015 in April 2015 only a few months after PT was released amongst rumors that Kojima led silent Hills was now cancelled Konami announced that it would be removed from the PSN store plus double-whammy if you already had it but deleted it you couldn't redownload it meaning that you'd lost it forever leading to PS fours with the demo still downloaded appearing on auction sites at ridiculous prices wow that's a lot of money now I'm wishing I hadn't put all of mine in this games console come on it was a sad end but with the cancellation of silent Hills the demo which was essentially an advert for the game had to be taken down people have tried to get the game back in other ways in 2018 a 17-year old developer called Kim sorry made the entire PT demo in Unreal Engine and although Konami got it taken down it offered him an internship in the process then in January 2019 another Unreal Engine PT this one with VR support appeared on the PC thanks to game developer radius Cordell Oh someone even remade the PC corridor in the beta of ps4 title dreams as of recording who knows if Konami will have these removed - oh well at least we've got another Metal Gear game out of all of this drama it's bearded elephant up from high Moon Studios you know the guy you kept calling when you corner me in the parking lot the other night anyway looked over your proposal not gonna pretend I understand any of it but the answer is no we're gonna pass on your big game idea what he said no that was our chance to be our own video game Deadpool is a fellow who doesn't do things by halves except for the bad guys that he cuts in half how one end the two okay we'll say in thirds in that case as such the fun if flawed Deadpool video game was withdrawn from digital shops not once but twice the first time around the game was delisted from Xbox Live PlayStation Network and Steam on 31st December 2013 mere months after its release in June that year hey player you comin or what initially some thought the not exactly stellar reviews might have been the reason for its disappearance or that it was some kind of weird prank haha classic Deadpool make your game unavailable for purchase what won't he do it disappeared alongside a whole host of other Marvel titles mainly spider-man and x-men games and it transpired that publisher Activision's license with Marvel had run out and the normally unkillable Deadpool was one of the casualties but if there's one thing we know about Deadpool it's that there's like 500 of him at every games convention along with 500 Harlequins and also that Deadpool doesn't stay dead in 2016 along came the Deadpool movie and presumably with cartoon dollar signs in their eyes Activision decided to renew the license from Marvel Realist the original version of the Deadpool game and release it for the Xbox one and ps4 this time the game was downloadable for a whole two years and then the license ran out again this meant the game was delisted a second time in November 2017 and poor Deadpool is yet to get another revive still a two-year availability is four times better than the first time well done Activision [Music] ask a driving game van about the best racing series of all times and they'll doubtless eventually mentioned the outrun series or at least they might after they stopped humming the soundtrack the outrun series is rightfully beloved for its sun-drenched top-down drift happy aesthetic a viper that dates right back to the first game released for arcades in 1986 in which your job was to drive stylish Lee for as far as possible in what car enthusiasts will tell you looks like a Ferrari Testarossa right down to the cars bash [Music] car enthusiasts will tell you that but Ferrari will not because it appears Sagan never actually got the license to use the car in the game possibly just because it was the 80s and car licensing in games wasn't really a thing yet what with everyone too busy power dressing watching Top Gun and listening to the song Manic Monday it's what attorneys today call the bangles defense probably after that rocky starts however Sega and Ferrari did team up on several games such as f355 challenge outrun to and indeed 2009 outrun online arcade which despite the name was actually released for consoles for Xbox 360 and in Europe for the ps3 [Applause] the game was well received by critics and enjoyed by outrun fans not for long though as the very next year outrun online arcade was yanked from the PlayStation Store then pulled down from Xbox in December 2011 why you ask the Ferrari license expired I guess this is what happens when the bangles stop regularly releasing new music as of making this video the ten-year-old outrun online arcade is still the most recent outrun game even if you can't buy it anymore but fans who are missing their dose of sunny racing bliss can always opt for the original outrun on switch where the eagle-eyed will notice the car you're driving this time has different rear lights no side strikes and yes a new logo [Music] it's a legal play that attorneys call very wise the history of the rights of tetris are intricate and complicated much like my idea for 5d tetris the fifth dimension it circles although the game was first released in 1984 the creator of the game Alexey Pajitnov did not hold the rights to it until 1996 until then they had been owned by the Russian state due to pageant no of handing the rights over as he wasn't sure how to publish the game or if he could legally do so the Russian state in its effort to market the game caught the eye of publisher and future Tetris company managing director head garages fast forward to 1989 and the game was bundled with every Nintendo Game Boy selling over 33 million units and exploding Tetris ease popularity in producing Game Boy it's portable it's in stereo and it's games are interchangeable plus Gaytan boy comes with the our brewery just new game Tetris no longer did you need a massive PC to play this puzzle game now you could play it on the go on this something past generations insist it was portable still should your cartridge or Gameboy all four arms have given up in over twenty years of ownership this much-loved classic game came back to Nintendo consoles and handhelds in its gameboy form years later via the Nintendo eShop in 2011 however after only three years up on the online store Gameboy Tetris was removed on the 31st of December 2014 without any explanation why well the best guess was that Nintendo's exclusive rights had expired with a newer version of Tetris already out on the PSP and ps3 bizarrely though these games were also taken down from Sony's online stores throughout 2013 and 2014 only the lawyers know for sure if it's connected but around the same time you were soft partnered with the tetris company to create tetris ultimate released in november 2014 for the game's 30th anniversary in fact for a time no versions of Tetris could be found on Nintendo's stores with digital versions listed as no longer available in Nintendo eShop and all physical copies out of stock which is just as well because I mean if the tetris came out now it would probably be some battle royale Kahless Scott Pilgrim is a comic series in which one man must defeat the seven evil exes of the girl he really likes in order for them to be together how God why is millennial dating so complicated the fist-fighting story provided the perfect premise for a side-scrolling brawler which was released in 2010 the same year as the film it gained a cult following but encountered problems behind the scenes the DLC kept being delayed meaning that online multiplayer didn't surface until March 2013 nearly three years after the initial release of the game and about three years after everyone stopped playing it probably and then less than two years later the game and all of its much awaited DLC was inexplicably dropped from online stores the likeliest causes those pesky licensing deals yet again being made even more complicated by the fact that the game contained copyrighted work by in no particular order comic creator Bryan Lee O'Malley the comics print publisher Ani press the movie adaptations producer Universal Studios the games soundtrack composer Anamanaguchi and of course developer and publisher Ubisoft Scott Pilgrim may have defeated the seven evil exes but it seems the game was defeated by the five copyright holders let us now bow our heads as a mark of respect and listen to this chip tune this is copyright free by the way welcome pinball is a kind of hyper advanced video game that has like physical extension in real space no it's true and the physics engine best I've ever seen and fans of this flipper hammering hobby will know there's a table out there with legendary status technically innovative and thought to be the best-selling pinball game ever The Addams Family pinball table released in 1992 and based on the film that came out a year earlier so imagine the delight among pinball enthusiasts when Farsight Studios the creators of the pinball arcade pinball sim launched a Kickstarter to raise the money it would take to get the rights to put the famous Addams Family table onto their virtual pinball platform a fee that Farsight Studios placed at a hefty 100 seemed like very much oh wait all the zeros are on the next page impressively it worked the Kickstarter was a success and the table was released in 2015 backers had raised the one hundred and one thousand dollars to cover actor likeness rights use of actors voice-over and to license the table from owner Williams even if based on festers appearance it seems they couldn't get or couldn't afford the rights to Christopher Lloyd's face [Music] and for several happy years players were able to enjoy the heavily digitized voice of RAL Giulia cheering on their high school success until that is the first half of 2018 when the owner of the Williams trademark confirmed it would not be renewing its license with Farsight Studios so the Adams family table was pulled from sale on the 30th of June along with dozens of other classic pinball tables Williams has since signed a deal that lets rival game pinball fx3 simulators tables but the Adams family is nowhere to be found at least at the time of making this video all of which makes us wonder if the rights to recreate this beloved slice of pinball history are just so complicated at this point that nobody will ever bother trying again but if anyone wants to try I'm willing to negotiate the use of my hand to portray thing even if I can't crack the knuckles like thing does it mmm hey the price just went up a fellowship of nine heroes will rise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I'm pretty sure it was 9 where's number 9 these days it seems like nerd franchises haven't truly made it until they've been turned into a Lego game the Lord of the Rings trilogy finally achieved this accolade a mere 50 years after it was published yeesh sorry Tolkien really clawing at the door for that while weren't they nearly a decade after the cinematic release of The Return of the King just as the first Hobbit movie reached cinemas Lego the Lord of the Rings hit consoles and PCs much to the delight of Frodo fans everywhere and there are plenty of those you might even say that there are Silmarillion it's a good joke do you like it the vast interlocking story made with a vast amount of interlocking bricks went down well and two years later with the release of the second Hobbit film the desolation of smaug came another lego title for Bilbo buffs Lego The Hobbit covered the first two films already released with DLC for the third Hobbit film set to come out later on around the same time as the third movie however it turned out much like Gandalf Balrog this did not pass and that DLC never appeared and it never will in January 2019 both the lego Hobbit and Lego Lord of the Rings games ceased to be available on any digital platforms it's never been fully explained while the games vanished some speculated of the use of actual voice lines from the film's in both games and may have been why they had been affected and Sir Ian McKellen declined our request for a comment along with our request for an autograph day by 10f Gandalf address is still the same in change of mind for now all we have to go on is this from publisher Warner Brothers Lego the Lord of the Rings and Lego The Hobbit will no longer be available for sale in digital stores the games will remain in player's libraries if they already own them and overnight previously owned physical copies of the game became the only way to acquire them just like the ones that I own [Music] so those are some of the games that you cannot buy anymore because lawyers I guess various legal licensing entrapment squash it's complicated it's so confusing just want to buy their game but hey there you go can you think of any more examples if you can then why not drop them in the comments and if you enjoyed this video then good news we've got some more for you to watch this one up here is from our sister channel outside Xbox it's all about times in games you go anywhere but you probably shouldn't and then down here this one is from us and it's all about the times with video game music blew our minds and if you enjoyed this then you should definitely subscribe and ring bell and see you later
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 3,573,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, games you can't buy, games you cant download, unlisted games, p.t., pt, playable teaser, silent hills, soapywarpig, Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game, Scott pilgrim game, OutRun Online Arcade, Game Boy Tetris, Tetris, Deadpool, The Addams Family Pinball, Addams family pinball, LEGO Lord of the Rings, LEGO Hobbit, LEGO, Warner Brothers, Ubisoft, Tetris Company
Id: nsZYaK343cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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