7 Times You Died Right at the Start, RIP You: The Return

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usually in games the goal is to not immediately die so that you can you know play the rest of the game but as we covered previously on this channel many moons ago there are plenty of games that will readily murder you right near the start whether you're playing some poor sap who gets killed off before the protagonist arrives or you're brutally killed only to be brought back to life through some weird in-game lore and we've found loads more so watch out for even more games that will kill you right at the start ripu but we're spoilers for the beginning of the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] come on we're here at the crab Coast how long was I asleep far too long now come on get your ass out of the cabin I'll go and wait for you on the shore Risen 3 pirate Lords is the third in the Risen series of Supernatural pirate action RPGs and sees you playing as the son of Captain Gregorius steel beard a pirate Legend from risen 2. sidebar where are they getting these pirate names and can I have one the game kicks off with a bang with your ship under attack from the ghost of a pirate called Crow and things are looking Grim for a while particularly as I'm talking about this in the context of a video about times you die right at the start of the game fortunately though this all turns out to be a dream and before you know it you're awake hanging out with your sister who appears to be wearing a sexy pirate Halloween costume and running around on a Sandy white Beach killing massive crabs you know pirate stuff [Music] before long however you're distracted by a skull cave and some ruins and further distracted by something called a shadow Lord who emerges from a portal in the cave and even more distractingly consumes your soul before wandering off that doesn't mean you're dead right people can live without a soul surely I mean look at Fox News [Music] [Applause] ah short game or it would be if that's where it ended luckily for you you get resurrected by a passing witch doctor called Bones who informs you that while your body is technically alive your soul is still trapped in the Underworld and you'll have to venture there to retrieve it if you want to be whole again and so starts the rest of the game with you minus one soul but plus a new sense of purpose getting your soul back before you become a Mindless minion of the Shadows AKA Fox News panelist pretty sure that's how they get started so there's something that we want to haul up there were some current shifts it showed up in an Uncharted area but it's a long way down nice I like a good challenge for folks who haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the game centers on Fighters called drivers who fuse with powerful beings known as blades and loads of them have extremely strong British Regional accents you don't close your mouth soon you're going to swallow a fly petition to have more Welsh Accents in games immediately please you play as Rex a salvager who gets hired by a bunch of drivers who need him to dredge something up from the watery depths this excursion uncovers a long forgotten vessel with a bunch of mysterious locked doors that these folks are I guess too stupid or lazy to open themselves you open this door me this door will only open to one of you people one of me what are you talking about hurry up and do it we're not paying you to ask dumb questions uh rude at the end of this series of doors Rex and his pushy clients discover a redhead woman encased in a glass cabinet like some kind of anime Snow White and a sword that Rex can't help but reach out for because I mean come on look how shiny it is hey Brett don't even think about touching that huh ah seems something happened there still I'm sure that nothing bad will come of this like one of the party rushing in and literally stabbing Rex in the back oh ah yes though it's usually people with British accents who the baddies in things on this one occasion it turns out that it's the dude with the horned mask who actually isn't very nice despite how hard he's trying to spin this don't slashing the sword before wandering off this jerk gin leaves Rex for dead but like the Tamagotchi craze Rex doesn't stay dead for long in the afterlife Rex meets the anime Snow White who turns out to be a blade called pyra she breaks the news to him that he's dead which he takes about as well as can be expected oh man this is bad everyone in the guild is in danger no wait I can't do anything if I'm dead the Titans [ __ ] if I wasn't dead I'd kick that guy's ass you okay hon pyra then offers up half of her life force to bring Rex back from the dead and help her on her Quest so when you're back on the controls you're not only breathing but also a fully fledged driver [Music] sounds about as difficult and unpleasant as a real life driving test actually thank you all right in the House of Commons whoever these men in black are they've got brass bollocks to set up in the center of government watchdog's Legion is set in a chilling vision of London in the not too distant future where tyrannical technocracy is the order of the day and beatboxers roam the streets unchecked against this backdrop of high-tech surveillance Society you recruit and play as a band of eclectic Rebels with these skills required to stand up to the man these various playable characters include hackers drone Pilots beekeepers and even violent elderly people [Music] if you are unaware of this particular gimmick of watchdog's Legion however you might have been taken aback by The Game's very first mission in which you're playing as a James Bond style dead SEC operative called Dalton wolf Dalton no time to waste yes ma'am in the mission you're supposed to stop a rogue hacker group called zero day from detonating a bunch of bombs in the houses of Parliament which you do manage to do before it's revealed that this was all part of a larger false flag operation and also drones have machine guns on them now sorry about it oh my God [Music] Milton wolf is shot to death but then of course you get into watchdog's Legion proper and realize that you can burn through as many characters as you want without any repercussions but still it's shocking the first time it happens much like being battered unconscious by an elderly woman with a stun bat on I expect we used to make Beach munchies until the meters were through we still made bear my eyes um and we made some good scram cakes too if there's one world you don't want to visit it's odd world at one point a civilization with Rich cultural heritage created by the madokans Oddworld was taken over industrialized and ground through the capitalist Machine by the gluckens glad that's not happening on this planet wait why is everyone looking at me like that get back to work still when you start up the first game Oddworld Abe's Odyssey titular hero Abe is one of the many mother cons working at the glocken-owned rupture Farms meat processing plant while working late Abe overhears a meeting of his bosses and it's not good news turns out having depleted the populations of other species on the planet even driving one into Extinction in search of new Prophets The gluckens are going to turn Abe and his sweet subservient Pals into munchable snacks to God Elon Musk isn't taking notes Abe recognizes the danger he and his meat processing colleagues are in so you spend the opening of the game escaping rupture farms and trying to help as many of your pals as possible this immediately happens then I fell down a cliff and smashed my head although dead Abe is luckily destined for greater things than just caving his head in on the floor and a mystical madokan brings him back to life revealing to him that he must save the creatures on this planet and bring balance back to Oddworld which I guess would make it even worse that's a nice proceeding serve as a reminder to our community that we must adhere to the code that binds our society lest we endanger all of our blood forgive me let the penalty commence 2004 cult classic role-playing game vampire the Masquerade bloodlines definitively captures the experience of being initiated into the world of Darkness as a fledgling Lackey vamping it up among these scheming bloodsuckers of Los Angeles working away from a Stevie Flats with a filthy mattress to a bougie downtown apartment with a personal servant your place is um nice and while it is all very well and good being a supernaturally powerful creature of the night armed with powerful vampire Magics and overwhelmingly sexy vampire sex appeal being dead it's kind of a condition of membership in what is known as the Kindred as such vampire the Masquerade bloodlines gets all that out of the way early Doors by having your character a normal human hook up with one of these sexy vampires we're hearing so much about these days who it seems has more on their mind than standard Netflix and chill I'll show you something I have a feeling it's not the Lord of the Rings extended cut in fact what they want to show you is the killing of You by them and your transformation into a fledgling vampire a process known as siren which is as quick and effective as it is fabulously illegal in Vampire Society as such your sire is swiftly executed and you only survive thanks to the intervention of the improbably named nines Rodriguez this is still you're now free to sexily Vamp your way around La without having to worry about pesky things like being unsexy or aging or disease it is however going to do a real number on your dance skills Eagan to make it home quit babbling let's just do this and get out of here we've previously noted the very early death in the opening to Dead Space 3. you know the one where Trooper Tim here gets early retirement oh sorry I was being euphemistic I meant shot to death at point-blank range by his own General man for an opening set on an ice Planet it has no chill but turns out Dead Space 3 was merely copying the homework of Wii and PS3 on-rail shooter Dead Space extraction you kick off the game as engineer Sam Caldwell working with his team to extract and transport a mysterious twisty artifact called a marker this seems fine before he sets off Sam chats to his fiance lexine who he's planning on seeing later for a romantic evening gotta go honey I love you I love you too no that seems like a sweet relationship why do I get the feeling this isn't going to end well things naturally start to go awry as soon as the team tries to move the marker you quickly discover that what just happened is that you got trapped with a bunch of people who seem to have lost their minds people who proceed to try and kill you like Necromorphs but without all the extra spiky limbs still just as horrible though so as well as people mindlessly trying to murder you and or themselves you start to notice other unnerving things such as Whispers when you open doors your teammates trying to murder you stop what are you doing and even your fiance's voice in your head hold it together eventually you figure out that the marker is messing with your mind having tricked you and your teammates into a bunch of murder oh God I thought you were I gotta get out of here back to like scene we have to stop it you end up fighting off waves of possessed people not entirely sure that they're even real but determined to get back to your fiance who needs your help I have to get to look see do you hear me she needs my help yeah called it tragically poor Sam then gets shot by the next guy you'll be playing as in the game and as far as this new guy is concerned you've just been murdering innocent people why'd you do it son all these people never did anything there in my defense I'm playing an on-rail shooter and on-rail shooting is pretty much the only thing I can do so [Music] in Ghost Trick Phantom detective you play a Sissel a spectral superhero who averts crime with his spooky ability to stop time and interfere with physical objects from his unlife in the Ghost World Cecil can save lives by going back in time to the exact point of a person's death and then using the help of the ghost of a Pomeranian dog swap items with similar shapes to help avert that death [Music] it makes sense when you play it honestly the only issue with being a ghost detective is that you have to become a ghost in the first place and so dying is kind of a prerequisite for the job luckily for you Ghost Trick takes care of all of that for you and you start the game both dead as a doornail and in the least dignified position possible [Music] if you find me dead like that you have to move me okay deal this serves as a handy tutorial because being a ghost is just as new to sicil as it is to you because in what might be the earliest death on this list he died literally seconds before the game even began sadly while you can possess objects it doesn't work on your own corpse because we're told it only works on non-living objects [Music] I am a non-living object Ghost Trick that's the whole problem so those were the times you died right at the start of the game and to be honest it wasn't your fault they kind of did it to you so don't don't feel too bad don't worry we're all we're all in this together but you made it to the end of this video and nothing terrible happened I hope I hope if I just jinxed it now everything's fine right um let's keep things fine let's keep the good things going with a thumbs up let us know in the comments if there's any of these uh examples that you can think of and that we've not covered yet and if you enjoyed this video there's way more videos like it here to the side and if you want to go one step further in supporting us you can join our patreon the RX supporters club and join our Discord and chat about cool things in games on there but in the meantime take care of ourselves and we will see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 257,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, watch dogs, Dalton Wolfe, risen 3, ghost truck, funny, funny moments, Andy farrant
Id: 7z3OwqU96Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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