7 Starter Weapons That Were the Best Weapon in the Game: Commenter Edition PART 2

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usually as you progress through a game you'll be rewarded for your efforts with better and better weapons because we don't do anything without being offered an incentive we say usually because there are exceptions games in which the very first weapon you get is basically the best one in the whole damn game we've covered this topic before twice in fact but you the viewers just kept coming back with more brilliant examples so here we are in the privileged position of once more getting to Showcase these Bonkers powerful starter webs lucky us consider these seven suggestions for starting weapons that were actually the best weapons in the game and I believe I was offered an incentive for delivering this intro thank you [Music] lost the best you can do this model is not worth my time you might think 1995 Fantasy game Stone keep incapable of shocking a hard and 2020s gamer like yourself but how many games today would have an adorable dog called wolf turned into a skeleton in the opening cutscene no no at least I think that's what happened only about four pixels high this thing you begin your dungeon crawling quest in stonekeep with only two things a burning desire to avenge sweet woof and a pair of noodly punching arms that are only good for killing the giant ants that for some reason frequent this Labyrinth [Music] happily if you know where to look this opening Series of rooms also features the best weapon in the game the very sharp dagger as commenter Darren Atchison recalls stonekeep had a dagger you could get right away if you knew how it was hidden that dominated the entire very hand-to-hand combat-oriented game getting this dagger simply required accessing a secret room and a hidden wall cavity therein before going down the steps that begin the game proper this absurdly strong weapon that you get in the first minute will then proceed to make short work of pretty much every enemy in the game and certainly makes your adventure through Stone keep a lot more chill unless you're in a walk [Applause] there is one downside accessing the secret room that contains the DACA also unleashes a gigantic enemy in the first level like everything you can kill it easily with the very sharp dagger but not before it delivers an ominous message be aware the Kevin of bass turns out Kevin bass was one of the programmers on the game still gonna beware Kevin's got my eye on you Kevin's I passed through that all nine when I left to get help there's a workbench inside you can use it to build a weapon the cry New Dawn is an interesting installment in the Far Cry series that answers questions like how could the world change and survive after a cataclysmic event and what happens if you shoot a spinning disc of spiky metal into a human being oh that kind of what I expected to be honest this super powerful weapon is a strong starter item as pointed out by commenter Jester Jules Far Cry New Dawn is a big example of this the soul launcher you get right at the start is viable for most of the game and when it's upgraded it is pretty much the strongest weapon in the game when you stumble across your first workbench in post-apocalyptic Hope County your new friend Carmina encourages you to build a weapon and the very first one you can build is the saw launcher V .0 launcher that's amazing yeah that is amazing although language Carmina it is the post-apocalypse but manners haven't quite died out yet things that will die very quickly from now on are your enemies because new dawn has handed you the best weapon in the game why is it so good well firstly it's stealthy so if you're careful shooting it will not alert your enemies allowing you to pick them off one by one while you keep your location a secret secondly the Teeny sores you shoot out are very powerful so they take big chunks out of armored enemies and if you line up a shot right you can down multiple enemies in one go and thirdly if you happen to miss these things bounce off of everything except the floor up to three times so you can still get multiple kills from one shot or just cause some real chaos especially in tight spaces worrying about how easy it is to find lots of tiny Buzz sauce to shoot out of this thing it seems that everyone is big into DIY in the post-apocalypse as ammo for this weapon is abundant plus as Jester Jewel said it can even be upgraded as you progress so you can easily and most likely will keep this as your default weapon throughout the whole game just don't try to play Frisbee with it it will not end well and your friend's fingers will end more abruptly than they used to eliminate all of the targets with your smart pistol targets neutralized Titanfall 1 is a multiplayer game so the extent to which any weapon counts as a starter weapon is debatable but look we're here to please and a fair few of you clearly wanted some respect keeps on one weapon in particular from this 2014 shooter in which you take control of gigantic mechanized battle robots and yet the most memorable weapon is a pistol that's part of a default Loadout as potassa 270 recalls the smart pistol from Titanfall 1 is a great starter weapon it's perfect if you want to focus on Mobility without losing accuracy indeed accuracy is assuredly not a worry with the smart pistol MK5 because it does this oh in case you missed that that was the bullets aiming themselves yes in a medium that constantly asks you to be good at pointing a gun at things how refreshing to find the smart pistol MK5 a sidearm that says Hey what if aiming was for Champs it's a ridiculously entertaining weapon that you can wield with great success right from your very first match and if you want any more proof of the smart pistol's potency and enduring popularity consider that when it returned in Titanfall 2 it was no longer a default weapon but a boost I.E a powerful Deployable reward earned by surviving or playing well it also features in the single player campaign in a kick-ass sequence in the final level where you're allowed to play with it for a barnstorming five minutes wow aiming really is for chumps [Music] [Music] they're mine being a modern day assassin means having the right tools for the job Agent 47 understood that from day one with his rather iconic Weaponry as noted by commenter wandering Walker 1990. Hitman gave you the silver ball of 45. never really felt the need to use any other small arms in the earlier titles at least yes the dinky handgun given to you from the start of the games was perfect for hitmanning for a multitude of reasons it was concealable came with an optional silencer to help you remain stealthy and you even got the ability to dual wield them I'd like to see you try that with two sniper rifles actually wait I would like to see you try that with two sniper rifles originally a gun found in the training level of the first game by Hitman 2 Silent Assassin the Silver Ballers became agent 47's signature set probably in recognition that everyone only ever played with them because they're the best come on they even became a huge plot point in Hitman Absolution with a whole mission to retrieve them and I understand why these babies are gorgeous so shiny even though they were replaced in the new Hitman Trilogy by the ICA 19 so iconic of these guns that they made an unlockable silver baller variant which is similarly op like the originals and again like The Originals it is still concealable no matter what outfit you're wearing just don't ask us where he's hiding it [Music] you guys afraid of a hammer drop it smart ass Red Faction gorilla is a game about bringing down a corrupt occupying Force specifically through knocking down its buildings see now the corrupt occupying Force has nowhere to keep its corrupt occupying Force equipment at the very start of the game you're given two tools with which to bring about the downfall of this Sinister Mars occupying Force known as the EDF the sledgehammer and remote explosive charges foreign and while this is technically two weapons enough of you left comments claiming justifiably that they're the best weapons in the game though we had to honor them comments like this from ampers who said the hammer from Red Faction gorilla and this one from jevin Johnson who said no remote charges from Red Faction gorilla really why are these weapons so good well because they make it an absolute Breeze to blast apart's entire buildings an activity that never really gets any less satisfying as long as you play and appears excellently with the game's robust destruction physics and well there are guns in Red Faction guerrilla it's almost always more enjoyable to knock Seven Bells out of the EDF using the hammer and remote charges which Nestle into your inventory in the tutorial Mission and are extremely unlikely to ever leave sorry pal you weren't using your pelvis were you all in all there's basically nothing in the game the sledgehammer and remote charges can't ruin except obviously whatever the EDF makes its vending machines out of maybe build everything else out of that just an idea to recover lost stamina you can hunt for local flora and fauna you can use either your tranquilizer gun or your knife to hunt my only weapon is a mark 22 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun that's right it's been fitted with its own suppressor however the suppressor will deteriorate every time you fire once its durability reaches zero the noise suppression effect will be gone so don't get too trigger happy with it if you can sense a trend in my entries for this list is that I like to be silent when I'm being deadly and does commenter Ute scoot have yet another perfect start and weapon for me Metal Gear Solid 3's tranq pistol is op since it bypasses having to stealth a lot of sections guards finding an unconscious guard won't go on full alert like they do if you kill someone indeed if you don't want to have to slowly Shuffle around an area in Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake heater then all you have to do is shoot an enemy unconscious with a trunk Dart from the suppressed mk-22 hush puppy allows you to walk right by them rather than crawl on your belly which ironically is the most snake-like way to get around and as Ute scoot noted there's a real double whammy effect not only did the guards not spot you while they snooze but any other non-tranked guard that finds them asleep won't raise an alarm probably because that one is always napping on the job believe me I know what it's like to have your co-workers always nodding off well I don't fall asleep on the job always nodding up there is some limitation as the suppressor which helps make things easy will degrade but you can find replacement suppressors and slow down the degradation by getting clean head shots in what I assume is a safe direct injection into the brain for a stealth game being given an item like this right at the start feels a little like being given a cheat code it's no wonder so many players play solidly with the mk22 why is no one Brewing my joke oh yeah he's napping I best wake him up for the next one it's safe to say in bloodborne you don't make many friends or at least you probably shouldn't make many friends take this it's all I can offer us thanks do I want to know where this dude got so much pungent blood probably not there is one good friend in bloodborne you can rely on however and you meet them right at the start of the game your starting weapon as commenter Bobby Boo shampoo recourse the saw Cleaver and the hunter ax in bloodborne can carry you through the entire game twice that's putting it mildly although bloodborne is a game that turns out to be full of exotic weird and terrifying Weaponry it's not surprising that so many players choose to stick with the very first piece of gear you grab in the game foreign the saw Cleaver for instance one of three possible choices for starter weapon remains blisteringly useful throughout your gorsoaked adventures it's fast Adept at tearing through individual enemies or groups transforms into an extended Cleaver for more long-range hits and is serrated which means it deals an additional 20 damage to Beast type enemies and there are a lot of Beast type enemies like a lot a lot although there are plenty of top tier weapons in bloodborne and many players will eventually bin off their starting gear the saw Cleaver's great stats make it a Top Choice to stick with especially when you factor in the saw Cleaver's less obvious strengths like the fact you're probably terrifyingly practiced at causing Maximum Carnage with it the weird attachment plays form with first weapons even ones that are horrible mechanical saws and the fact it's on the box art so you know must be good can't catch me yeah nice try went straight into the wall yeah oh no um yeah if you enjoyed that video You're gonna be all right buddy then do give us a thumbs up thank you so much for your suggestions and if you have any more do feel free to share them in the comments below there's loads of these like there's just why do they give us the best ones right at the beginning the fools but oh maybe we shouldn't be telling them this and then they'll give us more anyway uh let us know in the comments if you enjoyed this there's way more videos here on screen if you would like to support us further other than liking and subscribing you can join our patreon where you will have access to our Discord whether lots of lovely people chatting about video games you can ask loads of questions and have a great time but in the meantime take care of yourselves we'll see you next time all right good job Ellen Now where's the antidote um quickly
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 605,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: 6IvvrcZHjLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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