How I Beat Hitman 2 Without ANYONE Seeing Me(even for 1 frame)

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The Hitman series is well known for having some of the most in-depth stealth mechanics in gaming history but something less known about the series is that it also has one of the toughest stealth challenges the Silent Assassin suit only run where the player can never change disguises and nobody can realize an assassin was ever there but that's too easy so let's make it a lot more interesting I'm going to complete hitman's Silent Assassin suit only run without letting a single person see me ever and I don't just me not getting noticed I won't ever enter the line of sight of anyone oh and for extra flavor I can't knock out anyone either with these ridiculous restrictions in place let me show you exactly how tough this can be and how it's even possible with the first mission in Hawks Bay in this tutorial Mission I spawn on a beach and infiltrate an empty home after breaking in and looking around I hack a computer causing my target Alma rard to spawn in along with a cohort of guards this automatically tele torts us to a nearby cover spot overlooking the Target and you can quickly realize just how hard this is going to be see that tiny yellow line that showed up that means I was in someone's sight for a moment and it's time to reset this time however I'm going to plan ahead a bit better I'm going to bring a jar of lethal poison with me and set a trap after hanging around the level my target will have her guard make some tea with either sugar or honey the choice is random but before she ever gets here I'm going to destroy the sugar and poison the honey forcing her to choose the honey now without me ever having to move she will drink the poison tea and die allowing me to keep my Silent Assassin rating since the game considers poison an accident you can tell I have the Silent Assassin rating by the little green guns in the bottom left if those turn red I lose since this is just the tutorial getting this kill is really simple but this level still has one last trick up its sleeve and that's how I get out in most playthroughs escaping even with the Silent Assassin rating isn't all that hard but I now have have to cross through that beach that I entered from and it's filled with patrolling guards I have to carefully time my movements and use my gun to shoot behind the guards causing them to turn around and give me a brief period to skirt by undetected when I finally reach my boat it's surrounded by three guards so I can shoot some fireworks to ignite them and every guard in the area goes to check it out giving me an opportunity to enter the boat and finish the level that level did a pretty good job of just showing the basics of the challenge but it didn't show just how hard navigating crowded Maps can be so let's move on to the level with the most characters in all of Hitman Miami this map takes place in a crowded Raceway where my target Sierra Knox is racing while her father and my second Target Robert Knox overlooks it in his Tech Lab this map seriously UPS the ante of the difficulty and is covered from top to bottom by random people just going about their business there are many different spawns I could choose from but I wasn't sure if any of them wouldn't have someone immediately staring at me shockingly it it turns out the fountain spawn which spawns me right next to a tour group has Nobody seeing me I know this because I take out my gun which means every single person on the map will be suspicious of me and no yellow arrow appears I will always hold an illegal item when I'm in Friendly territory to make sure I adhere to the Nobody seeing me rule however because of this rule most of the map is completely inaccessible to me this is an overview of the whole map and this is roughly the area I can enter unseen and this trend is not changing between missions so I have to get creative in killing my targets somehow I can make it all the way to this chain link fence without anyone seeing me before using a nearby crowbar to break it open this gives me easy access to an isolated spot overlooking my first Target Sierra she is participating in the race so I can easily shoot her car with my pistol causing it to crash and play a fun slide whistle sound effect that was the easy one down the next Target required a bit more Ingenuity I sneak into Robert's building through a door right next to my snipers Nest but unfortunately this is the end of the line if I just use traditional distractions I can't get out of this room without being spotted by this particular guard however if I shoot the ceiling right above him he will think the noise came from upstairs and leave the area to check it out allowing me to keep going and get closer to my target I hop out of a nearby window and climb up a gutter to get to a very particular spot isolating my targets is the most important thing for me to do in this challenge so I shoot this computer to break it which my target will now head over to check out I also Dodge the guard from earlier since this happens to be where he thinks he heard something after I wait a while my target takes the bait and I have to deal with the second major problem for this challenge personal bodyguards the majority of targets have designated bodyguards that will follow them wherever they go making killing them while remaining unseen way more difficult I can't just knock them out either thanks to that pesky rule number two luckily this particular guard isn't too hard to deal with by leaving an illegal item on the ground where my target is going his guard will take the item and leave to put it in safe storage while he's doing that I use the lethal syringe I brought to poison my target while his back is to me and when his body is found it counts as an accident kill unfortunately the hard part isn't over yet because escaping is still a real problem the only way out is through a helicopter on top of the lab but it's watched by a guard while he's on his smoke break with carefully timed movements I can manage to sneak through his office and into the bathroom and while he goes back inside to do work I sneak past and break open the chain fence with the Crowbar from earlier allowing me to steal the helicopter and make my Escape having completed the easiest mission that's right that mission was in my opinion the easiest mission in the entire game besides the tutorial so let's move on to a mission that was a lot harder and forced me to get a lot more creative in Santa Fortuna this map focuses on taking out a Colombian cartel with three different targets Rico Delgado Jorge Franco and Andrea Martinez what makes this so challenging is that these three targets are spread out across the entire map which is one of the largest in all of Hitman miraculously the default spawn has no one seeing me not even this guy who seems to be staring right at me I'm pretty close to Andrea who I choose to focus on first the hardest part of this mission was definitely how much traversal there was as even getting to Andrea's house which is like 40 ft away was a huge pain I have to sneak down these stairs and shoot a distraction shot to get these characters to turn to the left otherwise I'll get spotted I can continue down the path and make it to another couple of characters this time I can just wait for them to start walking on their own only then can I sneak into Andrea's house while her Gardener isn't looking and shoot her with an emetic Dart through her upstairs window causing her to get sick and go downstairs to puke completely alone I drown her in her toilet and hide her body having taken out the simplest Target while taking her down was simple escaping was a pain the only way I could get out was the way I got in and this time I had to shoot at the couple from earlier to scare them to clear the path allowing me to get past unseen before guards start swarming I then had to NAB a nearby coin to distract the only person watching the street allowing me to cross the bridge and head towards my next Target without any of the nearby mechanics noticing I chose to head this way because this is where a jungle path has my hidden smuggled item and I can keep traveling along it until I reach a hidden gate I break it open and continue down the path until I reach my second targets production facility which has every single entrance guarded by multiple armed guards not being seen here as tough since Throne distractions aren't very effective against two people simultaneously instead I had to come up with a new strategy I snuck behind a tree and shot one of the guards in the shoulder both guards start to panic and Sprint to where the shots were fired I wrap around the tree and slip across the bridge while no yellow line will appear for panicked characters these guards will just start shooting at me if they see me with a gun out so I know I'm in the clear now that I've reached the compound navigating it is child's play with bushes covering the entire property I get close to my Target and use my final emedic Dart once he's in a specific spot if I time this wrong he will go to the toilet and be followed by guards for some reason though when he's standing in this spot when I shoot him he goes to a toilet where his guards won't follow him allowing me to pop him in the back of the head and hide the body this area is one of the few spots that's easy to escape thanks to the tall grass and I use another side entrance to get into the dock belonging to my final Target Rico Delgado was by far the toughest Target to deal with since he resides in a mansion covered in staff and armed guards the only spot that was accessible to me was a small portion of the docks and after being spotted dozens of times I finally came up with a plan that worked for a brief period of time Rico will walk downstairs right next to the docks and since he's on his own property he doesn't have a guard with him I can use a screwdriver I found earlier to attract his attention and get him to come closer to me I then shoot precisely timed distraction shots at the guards down the docks who will see me if I move any closer the timing is tight but I use that window while they're turned away to sneak behind Rico and prick him with lethal poison before getting back into hiding with him down I have to quickly sneak past the only guard on the dock before his bodies found making sure to use careful movement to avoid anyone partying nearby from noticing me it's very easy to mess this movement up and it cost me multiple attempts I go back the way I came and sneak across the property to get near the helicopter pad where the only person looking is this Gardener who I can easily distract I hop on the helicopter and Escape having completed one of the more challenging levels but let's move from one of the more challenging levels to the second hardest in this run Mumbai while this map is similar to Santa Fortuna in that I have to take down three targets spread out across a large map for those of you familiar with Mumbai both in game and in real life you can imagine that there's probably a couple more people here than in a Colombian jungle this map has streets filled top to bottom with with people Milling about their business while in Miami there was easy access to both targets without too much trouble this time I'm going to have to find ways to navigate thick crowds unseen the only spawn I could find that doesn't get me instantly spotted is out in a train yard where I'm near my first Target Vana Shaw however I'm on a time limit for this Mission so I need to head to my target across the map famous Bollywood star dwood rangan I can shoot down a ladder to climb up a building as it's the only way to avoid being spotted by people on the street on the way I passed the area where my third target was zir roams around except here's the thing I don't know where or even who he is and he operates in the crowded slums and is a different person every playthrough killing him without being spotted should be impossible but I'll explain that when he actually dies in the meantime I sneak past everyone on the streets by sticking to the outskirts and bushes as often as I can and eventually get into the construction yard of Ran's Tower I got seen a lot and I mean a lot in this Tower if you want to see me raging about that along with the smaller details of the run you can check it out over on Twitch where I streamed this run live I decided to make it a bit harder after the stream ended but most of the routes were pretty much the same eventually I snuck into the tower and very conveniently there's an Elevator Shaft that I can climb to get to the very top and this is where the time limit comes into play my target rangan will threaten this man at the top of the tower and eventually kill him this is the only spot where my target go that I could find where I can get an accident kill completely unseen so I have to be there when rangan kills this guy I grab a nearby propane tank and throw it onto the ledge when rangan throws the M's threatening off the building I shoot the propane tank killing him and sending him flying off the tower since propane Tank's exploding counts as an accident kill and rangan killed the other guy not me I keep my Silent Assassin rating and I can escape the way I came and call it a day I use the same route I took to get to the Tower to go back to the rail yard and on on my way I get ready to take out the mysterious wiir okay I did it he's dead turns out he's actually the easiest Target to eliminate in the entire game even though he's a random person in one of the most crowded areas in the entire game eventually he will always come to drink with this woman and it will always be out of the same cup since the game decided to be as convenient as possible for me I didn't even have to make a detour for it I was able to just pop some poison in his cup and call it a day without skipping a beat I'm back at the rail yard and I was able to find a pretty weird way to kill my final Target the main issue for this mission was really just the traversal as the Nobody seeing me rule restricts my movement so much that nearly 90% of the map is inaccessible but anyways I sneak up the railing and get on top of V's compound I can't get too far as there are guards patrolling the roof but I can get just far enough I swap my camera's angle to get a better View and snipe a chandelier right as she walks underneath it this this counts as an accident kill and I can slip away undetected I catch the train right outside to leave the mission and that train takes me all the way to whittleton Creek and this is the final mission before the one that I thought might actually be impossible that's not to say this mission was easy because it definitely wasn't this time I'm in a Suburban neighborhood and I have to kill an old man named Janus and his guard Nolan Nolan was by far the most challenging for me to figure out he always has a personal bodyguard with him and from what I could tell there's always at least one person besides his guard with him this made isolating him next to Impossible not only that but since all of these homes have people inside of them making him sick wouldn't work since I couldn't get to the toilet he would go to throw up in eventually I decided to use a somewhat Niche item I learned about from Wild gold called the EMP device this device essentially acts as a lure so people will come pick it up however it can also be remotely activated to Electrify water killing anyone in the puddle for an accident kill my target walks past a fire hydrant on his rout so by placing the EMP in a SP where he will notice it and pick it up I can then shoot the fire hydrant right before he gets near and detonate the EMP device killing him the main trouble I had with this is that I had to shoot the hydrant when he was getting close otherwise the water would dry up the issue with this is that sometimes a nearby neighbor would hear it and they would either Panic or go check it out if they check it out they get electrocuted with Nolan so I fail and if they Panic they scare him away so I fail too eventually I found a specific shot that worked people still panic but they run away from Nolan most of the time and only once he's alone in the puddle do they head towards him allowing me to kill him undetected before scurrying away to avoid being seen in the panic I honestly assumed that traveling around this neighborhood unseen would be a lot harder but the only difficulty came from the groups that wander around the entire map these are the jogger the mailman and the politician as long as I time my movement so I don't come across any of these three the regular characters and guards were pretty simple to avoid by just running through the middle of the street but in the context of this challenge that means I only had to reset about 10 times after traversing the map I had to come up with a way to kill my next Target Janis he's actually pretty simple he's a dying old man so I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that he's not the toughest Target I simply lace his breathing mask with poison and weight netting me a fairly easy kill but sadly the mission isn't over yet and not just because I have to escape I have to find three different Clues before I leave to solve the my of what Janus is up to but this part is more of an annoyance than a cool part so let's speedrun this I messed with the gramophone earlier to make Janus talk giving me the first clue I stole a photo in Janice's basement while avoiding the guard down there for the second clue and I stole a shovel and dug up a cigar box for the third clue by having the cigar clue be the final thing I do I can easily Escape by shooting one distraction shot to get a couple people to look away before exiting on the bridge and that's the end of whittleton Creek and that's the start of the mission I struggled with by far the most the Isle of seale this map takes place on a secluded Island covered with a castle where a bunch of rich people are holding a secret party my targets are twins named Zoey and Sophia Washington and at the start of this I was lost as to how I could take them down before I started this whole thing I had at least a vague idea of how I would handle every Mission prior to this but I definitely couldn't say the same for this one despite it being the map I'm probably the most familiar with I had to spend a while just scoping out the map to see where I could and couldn't get without being seen while Miami has the most total characters out of any map this map has the most real characters meaning it has the most characters who can actually see me since some characters can't actually see it's a whole thing but I've been avoiding them so you don't need to worry about it all you need to know is that it's very hard to move around a party without anyone seeing you after a lot of thinking this is the strategy that I eventually came up with I spawn at the keep which puts me looking right down at Sophia Washington but but if I shoot her I instantly lose Silent Assassin instead I head down the stairs using a fun little glitch to go faster and climb on the building to avoid being seen by guards I sneak downstairs and break open a door to access the storage closet I need this room because it has a propane tank which as we learned earlier are good for accident kills I failed to get downstairs a few times until I eventually got the distraction shots right I set the propane tank down where I knew Sophia would walk before blowing it up right as she got in range this was the simple kill and I waited for the guards to calm down before enacting my plan for the much harder kill my much harder kill for Zoe is likely needlessly complicated but it is genuinely all I could come up with I could barely even get close to her with the only time I could find being when she walks up some stairs to go to a party but of course she has a guard with her and if I make noise someone will come check it out what I chose to do instead was smuggle in a medic Dart into the room next to the stairs I needed a regular gun to ignite the prop pain tank so I couldn't take both I then navigate very precisely to place the suitcase used to smuggle the edic gun on the stairs Zoe will walk up before waiting for some people to move before getting back into my Hiding area when Zoe comes up the stairs with her personal bodyguard she sees the briefcase and tells her guard to go stash it when she starts heading up the stairs I shoot her with a dart that makes her sick from out of sight these shots curve down after being shot and for once this is a huge Advantage I can shoot her straight on with no risk of being seen for some reason this causes her to turn around a couple times which is actually super helpful cuz it gives her guard time to walk away I can now shoot her Square in the face and leave her dead on the stairwell the only person who will find her is her guard once he's done with the suitcase but to ensure that doesn't happen I shoot him in the back with a sick dart on my way out the game won't register that he needs to throw up until after he stashes the case buying me just enough time to get out luckily there's one exit that's still accessible from this starting location that's pretty close by I run through some Tall Grass before sliding down a ladder after waiting out some guards I Dash to my final destination and Escape finally completing the hardest Hitman Challenge I have ever done thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed subscribe for more stuff like this in the future
Channel: OnionButter
Views: 5,829,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rjj6vVx3o-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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