7 Terrible Cheat Codes That Made Everything Worse

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Is this the first uncensored real swear word in a list video? Took me so much by surprise I just lost it!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/12AngryHighlanders 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
cheat codes are generally there to make life easier for us players why spend hours working away in the sims when you can just type mother lode to get loads of money yes now my sim is going to have two chairs extravagance but other cheats aren't quite as useful in fact they're worse than useless in that they actively harm your experience of the game oh man get ready to be disappointed by these seven terrible cheat codes that made everything worse grand theft auto games often involve v-mob but what if they involved a mob this is a question that can be answered in the cheats of grand theft auto 3. alongside the vast majority of codes that of course make the game easier there's also one cheat in particular that renders the game nigh on unplayable if you type in nobody likes me or one word on pc or a particular button sequence on consoles random pedestrians start to pick fights with you this not only gets in the way in missions but makes the one simple task of traveling around the city way more difficult as angry sidewalk users constantly get all up in your face you're not even safe in a car as they run after you like you're an uber they've left their iphone in and rent you out of it should you make the grave mistake of not immediately driving away from them at 100 miles per hour wait hang on we're supposed to pull them out of cars not the other way round it's a great way to get the police on your back too giving you star after star as you try to push all these angry residents away from you okay a push with a bat but it's still a push of a kind also they're all trying to murder me the most dangerous thing about this cheat however is that you cannot undo it especially if you don't have a backup save and then did something to overwrite your autosave such as getting arrested or dying two things extremely likely to happen after you activate this cheat oh and if you die upon getting discharged from hospital you'll have to make a break for it otherwise you're quickly greeted by a bunch of awaiting paramedics who are only too happy to undo all of their colleagues hard work [Music] well have fun playing gta 3 you live here now [Music] for some reason in the old days it was considered the height of comedy to have cheat codes that messed with the physical properties of heads i guess you had to be there classic time hopping shooter time splitters 2 was no exception to this rule and amid a raft of unlockable cheat codes there was one called rotating heads which you could activate by getting a silver medal on this challenge to use grenades to destroy 22 panes of glass which shouldn't be too hard because there aren't even any enemies in this challenge well that was a practice go rotating heads mode does exactly what the name suggests making every character's head spin rapidly on its axis like somebody's fast fast-forwarding through the exorcist pretty funny and indeed this cheat could have slotted neatly into the pantheon of harmlessly amusing head-altering cheat codes if not for one thing when an enemy's head spins so does their cone of vision [Music] that's right folks with this cheat enabled it doesn't matter one iota how stealthy you are because every enemy's head and therefore field of view is constantly spinning in violent circles like a paranoid owl meaning you will definitely be spotted all the time immediately [Music] this makes the game more or less impossible to play at least in the way it was intended with sneaking up on enemies now unfeasible expect to hear a lot of alarms have your cover blown non-stop and be extremely unsettled by the way the head somehow keeps spinning even after death [Music] this cheat code makes the whole game considerably worse but at least the increased difficulty means you won't be playing it for long time to stop planning your time-leaping adventures and start planning your character's funeral [Music] well it'll have to be closed casket that's for sure and you better reinforce those coffin walls don't want them drilling out they're killing everybody run oh the mokai but they wanted peace hurry the bridge is collapsing imagine a fighter jet game now imagine instead of flying jets you're flying dragons congratulations you've just imagined a way better version of top gun maverick or 2007 ps3 game lair playing the perplexingly named knight ron partridge you flew about on great winged beasts able to grapple to other dragons in the sky to kill them and their riders and even pick up enemies from battle only to drop them from on high whoa intense so you'd imagine that any cheats for the game would be just as wild in fact in the extras sub menu there's a special place just to input cheats for the game so what amazing cheats can you unlock here well let's have a look turns out that one of them unlocks a video where someone is making a cup of coffee yup type in a 20 character long alphanumeric code and you'll unlock a very boring close-up video of the game development studios office coffee machine making a coffee and yes we're going to play the whole thing just in case something interesting happens at the end guess not okay let's see what other ones they've got oh chicken wonder if that turns your dragon into a chicken or oh what would be cool is if it turns all your enemies into chickens and then you can barbecue them with your dragon that'd be funny well no sorry it doesn't do either of those things instead for reasons known only to develop a factor five this cheat in their game plays a video of someone dishing out indian food with all the grace of a tap dancing rhino pea speckled rice is half poured onto a plate and half poured onto the table and it's soon joined by chicken tikka masala so runny and unappetizing that it looks like it's already been through someone's digestive system and made a quick exit this chicken tikka masala pot that gets served seems to be labeled for brian k who we have to assume is producer brian d kruger a because of the name and b because you'd have to be pretty senior to get away with this [Music] come on there's got to be at least one good cheat ah-ha this one turns your dragon into a car so they know what a good cheat is and yet heather it's you [Music] what just happened the konami code is probably the most famous of all the cheat codes and much beloved because it gives you something good usually like 30 extra lives so the betrayal is all the more severe when in konami ps2 horror game silent hill 3 this most famous of codes abandons you when you most need the leg up of a helpful cheat or two after all protagonist heather has a lot on her plate whether it be horrifying monsters lurking around every dingy corner or baffling puzzles or some seriously clunky controls now to simply descend this ladder in other words silent hill 3 owes you a favor especially if you've made it all the way through the bloody game so try inputting the konami code up up down down left right left right circle x when you start new game plus you'll know you've done it right if you hear this um distinctive noise so what does this most historic of gaming codes do infinite ammo may be regenerating health no friend all the konami code does here is launch the game the exact same way as usual except key character douglas cartland p.i is now in his underpants hold on there's someone that wants to meet you just let me have an hour now half an hour of your time hard pass douglas this is very important it's about your birth extra hard pass douglas all this code really does is ruthlessly kill the vibe of the whole game taking it from brooding psychological horror to well body horror frankly douglas buddy those pants don't even look clean sorry [Music] i'll wait here douglas remains in his underwear for the entirety of the game which is now ruined by the sight of his baffling undercrackers and tie combo hoving regularly interview while everyone else tries their best not to mention it in what is probably the weirdest thing to happen to silent hill since that dog ending in silent hill 2. [Music] i knew i recognized that noise good luck making it through silent hill 3 now that the game is ruined thanks for nothing konami code what should i do you should put on some damn trousers [Music] while everyone might know the game doom not everyone might know its fantasy clone heretic heretic was another game published by id software the creators of doom built in the same engine this first-person shooter swapped guns for magic staffs for those of us who prefer to eviscerate our enemies in ye oldie times and like doom it wasn't for the faint of heart with imps and all sorts trying to beat you into the ground like the little wizard nerd you are which meant some players were tempted to cheat now heretic being a doom clone in the doom engine some players tried out the by this point tried and tested doom cheats but if you try to be one of those smart asses and type the doom cheat code for god mode which was iddqd into heretic this would happen what no i wasn't trying to cheat what gave you that idea so getting warm in here yup heretic developers knew doom players were going to try this old cheat so they made dooms god mode cheat and insta death one in heretic replacing your fun time playing video games with the camera panning to a grim vision of your eviscerated pixely corpse all right what other cheats are there ah cock-a-doodle-doo turns you into a chicken with 70 less health points and only a light peck attack to defend yourself [Music] yeah okay that one's worse you'll fill your destiny you only have to think about the terrible life that anakin skywalker had the brutality and the heartbreaks to realize that he was always always going to have that awful haircut your heart breaks for the lad it really does and the 2005 action game based on divisive star wars prequel revenge of the sith is another chance to see anakin suffer as he slogs through wave after wave of pitiless droids i was wondering when they'd show up and as he turns to the dark side is forced to battle the very jedi he once called friends well colleagues acquaintances okay we've never heard of some of these sarah syndrolic's greatest pupil has come to greet me syndralig not ringing a bell so if you're tired of seeing anakin having his butt whooped by characters who barely register as canon perhaps you might think it's time to even the odds you're the worst jedi i've ever seen that's right it's time to look up some cheat codes oh here's one called super savers that one please having entered the super savers code and had it accepted you'd be forgiven for thinking something had gone wrong because here we are playing the game with the cheat enabled and i don't know that there's much super about anakin sabre except for how super expensive it is to buy a replica 1 irl for your rumpus room that is until you encounter one of several lightsaber-wielding enemies and realize oh my god surely not you call that a saber strike that's right the cheat gave your enemies super savers and how now you have to fight against rivals who effortlessly wield laser swords that are the length of an f-16 with roughly the same destructive power let's see if you live up to the legend not only does this cheat code make many battles in the game absolutely terrifying it makes it very hard to remember how the story is supposed to go after all something tells me the plot of revenge of the sith would have gone very differently if old count dooku had been able to whip out one of these chunky boys when threatened on the plus side at least we don't have to endure seeing anakin fall helplessly to the dark side if he can't make it past the first boss fight explain that disney oh sorry i just got a press release streaming exclusively on disney plus a 10-part series exploring the origins of the super sabers cheat code new episodes weekly chris pratt to play the role of sin dralig well what am i going to do not watch it the simcity series is a classic one you build a town raise your population to city level and then give up when all the traffic comes to a standstill for those that want a boost to help them build their dream city there are plenty of cheats to help you get there including get rich quick schemes but they often come with a price such as the risky money cheat found in simcity 4. this gives players 10 000 whole dollars to spend but as the cheat code implies risky money comes with a well risk but what kind of risk you ask no not an investment in nfts but something more tangible and somehow even more dangerous see every time you use this cheat you have a one in four chance of an earthquake striking your city not the worst if you've only just started out however a huge money-sinking disaster if you have a real metropolis going [Music] get an earthquake and the extra 10k in your pocket is immediately lost to fixing all the damage you caused from that cheat setting you back ages or even ruining your city for good [Music] at least they're not complaining about the traffic anymore thanks for watching this video about seven terrible cheat codes that made your life much worse if you'd like to make your life much better why not watch this video from outside extra which is by luke who couldn't be here today and i am standing in for but i would like to recommend you this video by luke if you're missing your weekly dose of luke in which he explains the um the mystery of the mu code and how pokemon knows everything to it and if you'd like to watch something from outside xbox which is my channel then there's this video which is about the funniest mini games where hurting yourself was the whole point uh so thanks for watching either or both and we'll see you next time on outside extra
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 343,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: sNjsRNkwZRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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