Worst Spiders In Games, Ranked By An Arachnophobe - The Return

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okay Ellen if I could just get you quickly to read this to camera sign and date okay straight to camera just boilerplate language mostly but squaring things away legally go I Ellen Rose being of sound mind declare that it was my idea to do a third video in which I and arachnophobe and presented with footage of video game spiders and rank Their Fear impact upon my person I hereby absolve Luke Westway thereafter referred to as the scientist of all moral and legal responsibility for the above video uh don't say it like that uh even though he feels weird about deliberately subjecting an arachnophobe to some of the gnarliest spiders he's ever seen sign it please John happy to witness it fine yes let the experiment begin so uh for new viewers this is something that we've done a few times before you are an arachnophobe someone who suffers from Arachnophobia fear of spiders yeah uh and they keep putting them in video games don't they yeah yeah they put them in a lot just to the Forefront of certain games as well like that's the oh big scary thing spider rather than like coming up with something original token's fault uh basically so happened and then a bunch of people went oh yeah imagine ner spiders but like huge we're all living in a post Shob world aren't we so um fact go no keep going when I went to see Return of the King um I actually screamed out loud I've never done that really in a cinema I've always been like it's scary stuff yeah okay are you are you you all right can you I'm all right is yeah okay yes don't worry I've got all of my science equipment ready um but don't worry Ellen I do have a spare pair of goggles for me should these become compromised so I'll pop those there as we've done before yeah these spiders from video games have been chosen by commenters on our previous videos I we'll take this off in a moment it's becoming quite hard to get enough air and again despite how I look I just want to say at the top of the video in all seriousness we take arachnophobia seriously this was Ellen's idea and I personally have learned actually quite a lot about dap phobia from doing these videos and so if you want to hop in the comments right now and just thank Ellen for being unbelievably Brave in confronting her phobia uh for for our interest then please do so okay yeah all good are you going to be have to typ with does it register no no these are good let's kick things off so as before uh I will be asking you to take take me seriously I will be asking you to rank the spiders that you see yeah um on the fomer on a scale of 1 to 10 all right we've in previous years we've been missing a crucial a crucial Dimension a crucial aspect the thing is like are you are you okay spiders are silent yeah they don't really make a noise no until they're in your mouth but like so are you okay popping these on okay yeah like the the noise that they seem to all do is like this noise yeah a kind of crackly skittery sort of thing yeah yeah which is not which is not anything to do with Arachnophobia but because of that noise being used so much I now by association I hear that in a video game and I'm like yeah I apologize for other bad language by the way viewers pop that on Ellen here we go okay o oh no no no is this Metroid not Metroid U Metro yes yeah these are why I can't play this game oh it's the legs oh it's when they're all like on the why do they all spit at you spiders don't spit oh oh I don't like the walls no no no no go oh no off the screen and pause okay okay so okay four legs you can take the headphones off yeah four legs okay so I could but like that was just maybe than anything like no no no I'm fine with like bugs and whatever but like if something's on me I'm just going to be like oh yeah nothing worse than suddenly noticing a bug on you or someone else going you've got a bug on you well don't tell me just me on fire no what you do is if you see a bug on a friend and you feel okay with but no your arms go twist the shoulders say Luke had a little like Beetle or something no oh okay sorry you're making point so those those were spiders from Metro Exodus there are uh many many people in the comments what they've done really well there and I hate to give them any any credit credit for like good it's the way that they kind of like you go through and then suddenly it's like like one on you and you're like no like I that first one yeah my brain didn't go it's just like a little critter rather than a spider my my brain went spider we've spoken before in previous video videos about how rhobes have a sort of instinctive recogniz ability to recognize the yeah the the particular distinctive silhou of spider so crucially Ellen Metro Exodus spiders uh on the fearer where are they registering I'd say they're about like a seven eight they they're not they're not they're quite strong because they're so well done it's they've shoved them in places that they're dark yeah you know like in dark areas so if I saw those out and about like in Fallout on the Wasteland I'd be like whatever but because they've got that you can't see everything so your brain autoc completes a spider yes if you're a rnap phobe especially let's give it a 7.5 7.5 7.5 let's go like first one at the gate put it in a in a middle it's about 75 we've not given ourselves tons of room to grow I wish I'd got a bigger therometer let's move on to number two okay here we go a this is the game I really wanted to play and then so spiders in the advert I said no oh oh no why do they have to do the thing yeah let's pause here they have to do the so so you're oh yeah how about that there we go so you're reacting particularly uh viscerally I would say to to the to the under bits um SP the sort of rearing it's like okay man the mouth mandes or whatever they're called um I think there're something I remember I called them mandibles and then someone in the comments like and actually they're such as I like I don't give a I'm scared of them many people suggested uh these spiders there of course from Jedi Fallen order I'm extra annoyed at these because I've got such a crush on camera monal and I was like he's going to be I'm going to get to like make him run around and do cool lightsaber stuff cool oh there spiders great it kept me from my video game Crush oh dear the big don't like Yeah The Eyes the eyes are there's too many eyes yeah too many eyes don't need that many I just fine with who needs that many eyes they don't need eyes as well spiders because their webs do all the work for them like yeah they don't need eyes the fomer can we get a that was like a nine that's a n n that was was like a nine and it's it's got extra points like cuz it's about an eight but it's bumped up because it was a Star Wars game that I was really excited about so yeah they they ruined a game for me okay so that's a nine mhm all right then well the moral of the story is uh don't play any Souls likes go straight to the source material yeah games like bloodborne for instance oh I know [Music] M I would I would burn this room just me oh look all the eggs on no no why why don't we get Ellen to play bloodb on the channel this is why oh Jee okay let's pause the experiment there because subject has fled um why did it run so fast I don't know I'm sorry Ellen the only clip I'd ever seen of that boss fight was it hanging from the ceiling and I immediately went n no yeah I did not know that it like first went for and that's an 11 that's an 11 the way it moves it's too fast okay like I I simultaneously like hate like the slow moving spiders because oh that means it's too big don't like it when it's that big goes wow I tell you what the commenters are really fireing on all Sil with these suggestions aren't they Jerry McBerry was just one of many many commenters who says they did the wrong spider from bloodborne CU remember last time we did we did ROM ROM ROM's great you didn't find rom too upsetting wasn't too bad because she doesn't look that spider like no no it's just like a big it's not good for people who have that fear of holes oh yeah Trypophobia Trypophobia yeah so that's an 11 that was horrible no no no it's absolutely fine Ellen don't worry fine fine that one was hor can I can I just watch my my cute you know the weird curious fear yes of course I just want to see it like this vibr vibration movement will will bring no way runs up to the door look at it very fast next Ellen oh oh a bit of hollow Knight yeah yeah here we go here we go oh here we go ooh the noise is are not pleasant eyes still open hands outside interesting well Ellen I can see right away that you've not had a particularly massive reaction to noos noos I think doesn't set off my Arachnophobia as bad apart from when it's like okay you can hear it skittering thumbs down that's scary because it's like its skeleton comes out of it it's like a little pretend Hollow night I've got a good way good chunk through the game before and you get to the bit where everyone's like wrapped up and you're like this is a spider bit okay but like the cartoonized bit it's like the fact that it's it's creepier more that it's like the inside skeleton becomes an exoskeleton my Arachnophobia goes like the reaction goes way down when they do something cool and creative and like the thing is with that it's like this noise which is not spidery skittery noises usually found in video games or media of similar typ like films and TV Etc nosk is about probably like a two a two nearly a two like basically I think the sear comes from you walk in that room and you're like boss fight oh no right Ellen mhm let's see how many seconds we get into this next [Laughter] one oh oh is this um hunt this is that horrible boss from hun Showdown yeah I played this with some people once and then I was like I'm not going in that room wise I'm I'm readying I'm readying oh look at oh is that it outside it's like it's supposed to be like a spider mix with like a zombie type thing um that's right so like I could just hear it and you're just like the way that you're walking around like oh no oh it's on the ceiling it's I'm good I'm good mate o it's oh it's on me it was was honestly this one that made me feel like this time we should do headphones just like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's why I'm yeah I don't like this yeah welcome to my world I hated playing this we get oh that's horrible oo oh let's pause there and discuss yeah it's quite you don't see it properly in that footage but I know what it actually looks like Yeah from seeing other folks play the game when it's dead I can show I can show you it dead if that would you like to see it die go on that's yeah that's that's genuinely so horrible yeah it's the little face it's the yeah yeah now I think that is one of the most horrible things I've ever seen in a video game how does it factor into the Arachnophobia is what I'm curious to know it's the movements okay they've done the movements pretty well um that's that's like if I was stuck in a if I was like actually in a room with that I I don't know why I would just I would just be like just no does the face make it worse or less bad um makes it it's just like you can't really see it during the fight but does knowing it's their help cuz it's like cuz it's not realistic yeah but the thing is it's still very much it's still kind of got that kind of like mandibles Vibe yes it does uh and the movement is very yeah the it's the oh the and then it's the way that it's it's sometimes there and then it's above you and then and then it's it you don't know fully where it is the sound is so effective in this I would say that's about a nine a nine okay like cool it it's bloodborne one is just it's just a big off spider but like that one is I I like that they've done something interesting with it and made it like a weird Zombie thing you know I think I think in mildly annoys me that they had like it was a zombie game I thought I was safe in zombie games yeah yeah no that is very interesting to me I was absolutely convinced that this would be that this would rate higher than the bloodborne spider so that because I because I but but again this is why I find these videos so interesting to make I'm I do not have Arachnophobia I found this sequence of this game very frightening if I didn't have Arachnophobia I would yeah I think if I didn't have Arachnophobia I would find this one scarier the experience of actually playing it yeah um whereas like I think the problem with the bloodborne one is you see it all yes okay you see the entire spider coming towards you whereas that it's you're like seeing things in the corner of your eyes interesting because it's in the shadows because it's more concealed because it's more implied it's actually it might be more frightening in a conventional sense phobia response a phobia response like it's setting off all the phobia and I hate it but with the the bloodborne one a just a whole ass spider tearing its way towards you yeah no let let's see the next one mhm oh no ooh already no already I would be burning this cave down oh no I'm waiting for something to happen this is so I'm technically still wearing that I guess that's like if you want even without whatever is about to jump scare the hell out of me I would not walk all big open area and we're done oh that was that was are horrible I wanted to to do this one in particular because it was suggested by commenter lions Robbie 999 who says as a fellow arachnophobe uh the sea spider cave from s not real spiders but sea spiders are an even greater nightmare if legs freak well yeah yeah it's lots of legs I I would not be able to walk down that in real life it's I mean it was interesting watching you watch that yeah clearly you were waiting for ier horrible spider I knew that wasn't coming but S as a video game is like waiting for something and sometimes there something and often there's not because it's like a game you know it's that it's it's got that Amnesia that's very cleverly crafted and they're like look all these spiders what do you think about that maybe think maybe there's a bigger spider coming along when you go into this when you go into this cave go into this big open oh big open at the end I was like oh big open space that's when like the big mama sea spider comes down yeah for a boss fight yeah those were unpleasant I'd say about an eight cuz they do a really good job like it's that thing where walking through a ro like if I was walking through that tunnel in real life even if I would just be like take myself as narrow as possible I don't want to touch the walls I to touch ceiling well how do you feel about trying to catch a tarantula in um Animal Crossing hate it they're like and I'm like that's something I would never do and I'm like okay cool y can we can we y yep y put it away put it away you know give it to BLS take it eat it BLS I know you're eating them BLS well there you know this was a nice little John is also a commenter yeah what little bonus therometer yeah an Crossing Animal Crossing I'd say you're about an eight an eight okay cuz they're little they're little but like they're really like they've tried to like cfy them but I just when when people are like oh but tarantul are all fuzzy no they're not fuzzy they're hairy as I've come to learn mostly through doing these it's you know it's a phobia it's it's complet separ from the Ral part of's brain which is still which is in there saying spiders are fine and friendly and this is a video game it's not real you are one spider away from this being done great are you ready as ready as I'll ever be don't forget I trust you I've signed the way did you trust me because no no no no no because you do the thing where it's like oh no she's she's not okay let's move move the screen away oh yeah no I'll I'll move the screen away yeah in about 1 second's time I think not this one no I know what's coming oh oh no oh no no oh that's oh spicy [Music] no that little baby one I just hit myself in the face going for yeah tapping out tapping out cool yeah well done Ellen very good good job good job so that was of course grounded interesting case um because it is one of the very very few games that when you fire it up says in our game we put spiders lots of them and they're very realistic and they're very big cuz in this game you are little thank you obsidian would you prefer it if the spiders would just little floaty orbs floaty orbs floaty orbs I sort of knew when I looked at this footage that this was going to be a hard watch for Ellen based on what I knew that's like a solid tent that's like a solid tent a solid tent like cuz even though it's not like fully lifelike cuz it's a little cartoonish like yeah it's got that lovely cartoonish um place like art style when I cuz I thought I was like oh it's like you know Honey I Shrunk the Kids and like I just like the idea of like being as small as like a little mouse and exploring the world and seeing just seeing things from a different perspective yeah um for example I really love um Disneyland Paris they have a Remy's restaurant the the Ratatouille themed restaurant and you go in and everything's made to be big like you're sitting on things to make it you know it is lovely it's so cool your table spider shows it can I show you footage of the grounded Arachnophobia mode please do please do there we go yeah and that's what you're looking at that's that's what you're fighting against that's what you're dealing with now yeah that's that's doable it kind of got like a little Dopey little face as well because the eyes kind of look like it this is the reason I want to show you this was because uh I thought this was another really interesting fear versus phobia uh little case study I find the Arachnophobia mode spider yeah to be more frightening I don't find either to be very frightening no but obviously you're thinking a lot about this when you're looking at this stuff in the context of like scarier spiders in video games and when I was thinking about why do I find these two floaty orbs more unnerving it's because for me what is what is frightening about it is the idea that it is a spider really but you just can't you just can't like there is a spider there that you can't see and it's that sort of Pennywise the Clown Steven King sort of like the scariest the one you haven't seen or or can't see yet yeah but again that's coming at this from the point of view of someone who is scared of scary things yeah but is not phobic so for me that's creepy that's still that is still creepy but it isn't setting my Arachnophobia it's a monster in Disguise it's like you don't really know what you're fighting these are uncomfortable feelings for me but the Arachnophobia is completely separate there is it's a it's just a spider you can see a spider you feel bad yeah yeah you see it like in all honesty the worst part of that video is when that you see it just sitting you just see its legs yeah it's the first spotting it like you know I knew what was coming cuz I recognized the game play as grounded gaml um it was when you just could see it like sitting in its little hole just hunched asleep I was not expecting bloodborne to run away with this fear wise I really thought well it ran towards the camera very quickly I didn't like that of all the times we've done this is that the worst one I think possibly we have a possibly okay I I I can't remember what numbers I gave the other ones and like yeah like I remember the like yeah we like it's basically like there's there's a bunch of them that are on aart I think it's really difficult to choose one Ellen you've done so well I want to thank you personally for putting yourself through this again so good so good thanks thanks for all your suggestions in the comments so watching wow you really came through commenters oh boy Ellen uh it wouldn't be a scarest spiders in video games as ranked by an arachnophobe if I didn't now present you with aftercare look at the puppy yeah so let me just let me just give this to you you can just enjoy that while I oh oh look a little kit I want to poop oh there a cookie with little Cal and a cooky it's alliterative Tabby oh look at the little paws oh he's upside down oh hello thanks for watching folks hi bye bye a
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 374,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: CTqLQdycEQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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